Instagram/ @brendanschaub

Brendan Schaub volcó su camión a principios de este mes y el salvaje accidente fue capturado en video.

Ocurrió mientras el ex luchador de la UFC estaba tratando de mostrar su TRX en un episodio de su programa de YouTube "Tune Town".

El ex luchador de la UFC de 40 años se fue a Johnson Valley, California, para pasar un día de diversión después de haberlo equipado todo, y al principio, todo marchaba según lo previsto.

Él y el vehículo iban de lo mejor a través de tierra, arena y rocas y a pesar de quedarse atascado en un punto, la tarde todavía parecía ser un éxito.

Pero cuando se estaba preparando para salir, Schaub trató de girar y perdió el control.

Usted puede ver en el video que Schaub publicó en sus páginas de redes sociales que su airbag explotó cuando él fue lanzado dentro de la cabina.

Afortunadamente, fue capaz de salir del coche relativamente ileso, aunque reveló que sufrió una conmoción cerebral en el accidente.

"Definitivamente, no necesitaba otro", dijo de la lesión en la cabeza. "Pero podría ser mucho peor".

Schaub escribió en su página de YouTube que el camión le costó al rededor de $200.000.

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"Mi vehículo favorito que he tenido es ese TRX", dijo.

Schaub señaló que aprendió del incidente que tiene que ser más paciente, pero fue capaz de bromear sobre todo escribiendo en su página X, "La única pregunta después de voltear su camión es... pero ¿te divertiste?".

Joshua vs. Ngannou Boxing Match Gets Movie Treatment ... Action-Packed Trailer

Forget Tom Cruise -- Anthony Joshua and Francis Ngannou are the newest big action stars on the scene ... 'cause the two boxing superstars just dropped a Hollywood-esque trailer for their upcoming fight!!

DAZN released the high-budget promo for the March 8 bout on Tuesday ... and it could easily pass as a teaser for any major entertainment studio.

The clip is titled "Knockout Chaos" ... and kicks off with Ngannou learning the news of his matchup with AJ being finalized and saying he'll take him on "anytime, anywhere."

As luck would have it, the two fighters bump into each other in the street right after ... and a crowd forms around them in anticipation of an impromptu showdown.

The trailer then channels the classic "Street Fighter" series ... and the two start duking it out, bouncing between real world and video game.

AJ and Ngannou trade vicious blows -- even getting knocked into outer space before crashing back down to earth.

The vid ends with both guys knocking each other out in the ring ... officially putting a stop to the madness after more than a minute of violence.

The real fight is slated to go down at Kingdom Arena in Riyadh ... and if it's anything like the trailer, it'll be super entertaining.

UFC Star Sean Strickland Fights Man On Ski Slope ... Makes Him Tap In Flurry Of Snow!!!

Ski Slope Chokehold
Instagram / @stricklandmma

Sean Strickland is apparently taking on all challengers both inside and outside the Octagon these days ... getting into a scrap on Thursday with a man right on top of a mountain!!!

The impromptu wrestling match happened on a ski slope that appears to be somewhere in North America ... after a dude who Strickland may or may not have known asked him for a wrestling match amid a flurry of snow.

Of course, as one of the baddest men in the UFC -- the former middleweight champ accepted ... and seconds later, the two were locking horns.

Initially, Strickland's opponent seemed to hold his own as a group of snowboarders gathered around and cheered on the action ... but it didn't take long for the MMA star to get control.

And, after a few moments, Strickland made the guy tap. Later, he celebrated the unique win on Instagram.

"Always a good time on the mountain!!!!" the 32-year-old said. "Yall need to stop challenging me lmao!!!!!"

Strickland has made a bit of a habit of beating up non-pros lately ... he took on social media star Sneako in a sparring sesh a few days ago, and after toying with him for a few minutes -- he made the influencer bleed.

At some point in the near future, Strickland is expected to get back in the Octagon and challenge for a UFC strap once more. But, until then, keep your eyes peeled and your hands up, normies!!

MMA Champ Johnny Eblen Prank Nearly Turns Violent ... 'I'll F*** You Up!'

Say Something Disrespectful
ImReddttv Redd

Johnny Eblen's next fight nearly came sooner than expected ... the Bellator champ found himself squarely in the sights of a popular prankster, and things got heated!

32-year-old Eblen was shopping at a local Home Depot in Florida recently when a social media prankster named ImReddttv approached Johnny and his lady friend wearing the Apple Vision Pro, and things almost instantly got off to a bad start.

"I'll tell you right now, I'm pretty sure I can bag her," Redd said, standing in front of the couple.

Credit to Johnny's spidey senses ... he seemed to instantly feel something was off, and even pointed out a guy in the cut who was surreptitiously holding a camera.

Redd brushed off the dude filming, and carried on with the prank, saying ... "What's up little man?" to the MMA champion.

He continued ... "Sweetheart, you need to be with a real big man like me," before asking Eblen if the woman was "his girl."

That's about when Johnny's patience wore out (he lasted a lot longer than most would've), saying, "If you say something disrespectful I'll f*** you up!"

Eblen and the woman started walking away, and Redd followed. Johnny then stopped and began walking toward the prankster ... and you get the feeling it was about to turn bad for the social media star.

That's when Redd revealed he'd been sent by Brian Butler-Au, Johnny's manager, to troll the fighter. Tension was instantly broken, and Johnny had a good laugh.

Some Big Fights On This Card

Not too long after the prank, Johnny hopped aboard a jet and flew across the world to Saudi Arabia ... where the Bellator middleweight champ is fighting PFL light heavyweight champ Impa Kasanganay on February 24 in Riyadh.

We hadn't yet gotten the hardware store prank video when we talked to Eblen, so we didn't ask him about it ... but there's a bunch on his big title fight!

UFC's Sedriques Dumas Arrested In Florida ... After Tense Confrontation With Police

UFC fighter Sedriques Dumas -- who just recently scored an impressive win at UFC 294 -- was arrested on Tuesday in Florida following a tense confrontation with police.

According to Escambia County jail records, the 28-year-old was booked on a charge of battery at around 6:13 AM.

Further details surrounding his arrest were not made immediately available ... although video posted to Dumas' Facebook page late Monday night/early Tuesday morning appears to show him getting into a verbal argument with several law enforcement officers just hours before he was thrown behind bars.


In the footage, it looks like Dumas was clearly upset with at least one member of the Escambia County Sheriff's Office ... who had told him they had been called out over "a disturbance."

Dumas repeatedly asked the officers questions before he told one, "I'm beyond f***ing pissed ... I'm just walking to blow off steam and she want to come at me and tell me I'm disrupting?"

The mixed martial artist and the police then went back and forth for several minutes ... before one of the officers told Dumas they had received a call regarding a woman who had said "her boyfriend was banging on the door and ringing the doorbell."

Ultimately, the video ended after it appears the officers put Dumas in handcuffs.

Dumas most recently fought on Oct. 21, 2023 in Abu Dhabi ... where he beat Abu Azaitar by unanimous decision.

He currently has a 9-1 record as a pro fighter.

Bellator Champ Johnny Eblen Dropping Stacks For OnlyFans Model ... $85k Shopping Spree!!!


Bellator champion Johnny Eblen's bank account took a big hit this weekend ... 'cause he treated an OnlyFans model to a day full of luxury shopping -- and the final price tag is wild!!

TMZ Sports has obtained video of the undefeated middleweight fighter's spending spree with Jessenia Rebecca -- who boasts nearly two million followers on Instagram -- and the two were clearly able to find what they wanted ... as they were both holding several bags.

We're told Eblen dropped $30,000 at Alex The Jeweler's shop, $25,000 at Dior and another $30,000 at Louis Vuitton ... totaling a staggering $85,000!!!

No word what inspired it all -- JR isn't even JE's girlfriend, but we're told he's currently in an open relationship with another lady.

Regardless, it's safe to say Jessenia was thrilled ... smiling from ear to ear as she gushed over the gesture.

If ya wanna feel even worse about yourself, Johnny and Jessenia then hop in an expensive-ass whip before driving off.

As for Johnny's upcoming fight, he's expecting it to be a BAD night for Impa Kasanganay in Saudi Arabia later this month.

Gina Carano demanda a Disney por el despido de "Mandalorian" Y Elon Musk la apopya

Gina Carano ha demandado a Disney por su despido de "The Mandalorian", alegando que fue castigada por no seguir la línea de un partido político... y Elon Musk la apoya.

La actriz -que fue despedida por la Casa del Ratón en 2021- justo en la crisis del COVID- acaba de presentar una demanda contra su ex empleador, alegando que fue despedida injustamente por publicar sus opiniones políticas en redes sociales, algo que ella afirma que no le pasó a sus compañeros de trabajo masculinos que hicieron publicaciones similares.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Carano afirma que fue despedida por no ajustarse a la "ortodoxia progresista" de la empresa y en el público en general, especialmente en lo que respecta a las políticas del COVID en ese momento.

En concreto, Gina dice que lo que enfadó a Disney fue un mensaje que publicó y que hacía referencia a la persecución de los judíos durante el Holocausto, comparando ese escenario con lo que estaba ocurriendo con la gente que hablaba de COVID y otras posturas de tendencia conservadora.

Mientras que la compañía salió en su momento a criticarla por lo que dijeron era "denigrar a las personas en función de sus identidades culturales y religiosas", Carano dice que su publicación en las redes sociales no tenía esa intención en lo absoluto y que se perdió el contexto de lo que quería decir.

Y lo que es más importante, Gina afirma que Disney no la despidió por su rendimiento, sino simplemente por expresar opiniones políticas que se consideraban impopulares y contrarias a las de Disney... y Gina dice que eso era ilegal.

Lo que es más, Gina dice que otros coprotagonistas masculinos suyos también hicieron comentarios políticamente incendiarios en línea en ese momento -como cuando Mark Hamill fue acusado de publicar un tuit transfóbico- pero Disney aceptó sus explicaciones y siguió adelante.

En resumen, Carano afirma que su carrera se vio afectada negativamente y que perdió un montón de dinero, teniendo en cuenta que su trabajo iba viento en popa antes de que las cosas dieran un giro político. Ella está demandando por daños y perjuicios no especificados.

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Por cierto, Elon y X están financiando esta demanda. Un representante de X dice: "Como muestra del compromiso de X Corp con la libertad de expresión, estamos orgullosos de proporcionarle apoyo financiero a la demanda de Gina Carano, permitiéndole buscar la reivindicación de sus derechos de libertad de expresión en X y la capacidad de trabajar sin intimidación, acoso o discriminación".

Gina Carano Sues Disney for 'Mandalorian' Firing ... Elon Musk Funding Suit

Gina Carano is suing Disney over her firing from "The Mandalorian" -- claiming she was punished for not toeing the political party line ... and Elon Musk's backing her.

The actress -- who got canned by the Mouse House in 2021, right in the thick of COVID -- just filed suit against her former employer ... alleging she was wrongfully terminated from her job over posting her political views on social media ... something she claims didn't happen to her male co-workers who made similar posts.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Carano claims she was fired for not conforming to "progressive orthodoxy" that was being espoused at the company and in the general public, especially as pertained to COVID policies at the time.

Specifically, Gina says a message she reposted that referenced persecution of Jews during the Holocaust -- comparing that scenario to what was going on with folks who spoke out about COVID and other conservative-leaning positions -- was what pissed Disney off.

While the company came out at the time to slam her for what they said was "denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities" ... GC says her social media post wasn't meant that way whatsoever, and that the context of what she was getting at got lost.

More importantly, Gina claims Disney didn't fire her over performance -- but simply for expressing political views that were considered unpopular and antithetical to Disney's ... and Gina says that was a legal no-no.

What's more, Gina says other male costars of hers also made politically inflammatory comments online at the time -- including when Mark Hamill was accused of liking a transphobic tweet -- but Disney accepted their explanations and moved on.

Bottom line ... Carano says her career was negatively impacted, and that she lost out on boatloads of cash considering her work was going swimmingly before things took a political turn. She's suing for unspecified damages ... but we're guessing it'll be a lot.

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BTW, Elon and X are funding this lawsuit of hers -- something EM vowed to do a while back. A rep for X says, "As a sign of X Corp’s commitment to free speech, we’re proud to provide financial support for Gina Carano’s lawsuit, empowering her to seek vindication of her free speech rights on X and the ability to work without bullying, harassment, or discrimination."

Kayla Harrison Reflects On UFC Deal, Fight Vs. Holm ... Nunes Down The Road??


Kayla Harrison's opening up on all things UFC ... from her practice runs making 135 lbs. in the lead-up to her huge scrap with Holly Holm to whether she still has an interest in meeting Amanda Nunes in an Octagon!

33-year-old Harrison chopped it up with TMZ Sports ... weeks after she rocked the MMA world, moving from PFL to Dana White's promotion.

The 2x Olympic gold medalist and 2x PFL champion will fight 42-year-old Holm on the stacked UFC 300 card on April 13. We asked Kayla about signing with the UFC, and her thoughts on her legendary opponent.

"It's been amazing. Honestly, my life is so good. I really do feel like everything is happening at the right time and the right place with the right people," Harrison said.

"To be going to the Olympics of MMA on UFC 300 against Holly Holm, a legend in the sport. I'm so excited, I'm so amped. This is the s**t that gets me going, and yeah, I'm ready!"

When UFC 300 rolls around, it won't be happening at 145 or 155 lbs. ... no, Harrison is fighting at bantamweight. We asked her if she fears being able to make the weight.

"Listen there's this giant misconception about my weight, and I think people think I walk around at like 180 lbs. or something. The reality is I was fighting at 155 lbs. and I was walking into the cage at maybe 160 lbs. I don't get much bigger than 160."

Kayla continued ... "I was always the smaller fighter and usually the less experienced fighter. I don't believe in weight cutting, but now I'm going to do what everybody does and I'm gonna be in the cage and I'm gonna be the bigger, faster, stronger and more experienced fighter."

"Is it gonna suck? Yeah. I'm not gonna enjoy dieting, but it's a chosen sacrifice."

Harrison has long said she wants to be the G.O.A.T. ... a title Amanda Nunes currently lays claim to. We asked KH if she still has visions of fighting Nunes in the future.

"Listen, Amanda is the greatest of all time. That's a fact. So, of course, I would love for that to happen," Kayla told us.

"I've always said that, and not out of a place of disrespect. To me thats the highest compliment I could give her. you're the best, I want to find out what I'm made of with you.t a lot to prove. I've got a lot to do. I've got my work boots on. I'm in the gym, I'm hungry, I'm staying humble, but of course!"

"I've always said that, and not out of a place of disrespect. To me thats the highest compliment I could give her. you're the best, I want to find out what I'm made of with you."

The Lioness is still technically retired ... though it sounds like she could be gearing up for a comeback.

Retired or not, first things first ... Holly Holm, and Kayla has her hands full.

Check out the interview!

Mike Tyson and Daniel Puder Gonna Educate The World, Baby!!! Team Up To Open Schools

Educating The World

Mike Tyson's joined forces with another famous fighter to help kids get an education ... opening a first-of-its-kind school.

Mike is working with MMA star Daniel Puder on a new education model ... and the joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to break it down for us.

Iron Mike and Daniel just opened a school in Arizona called Tyson's Transformational Technologies Academy ... it's an extension of Daniel's prep schools, the first emotional and belief intelligence-based school system in the nation.

As the fighters explain ... the school is all about teaching life skills like financial literacy and resume building ... topics that don't fall into traditional curriculum.

Daniel says Mike's star power is what makes this whole thing run ... he says students who attend a Tyson school are going to make a serious impression when it's time for college admissions.

TMZ Studios

Mike and Daniel have four schools so far ... two in Florida and another in West Virginia ... but Mike's already talking expansion, telling us ... "We're gonna educate the world, baby!!!"

Thursday was ribbon cutting day ... and it looks like their students are pumped about school.

Mike Tyson y Daniel Puder se unen para Abrir escuelas

educando al mundo

Mike Tyson ha unido fuerzas con otro famoso luchador para ayudar a los niños a obtener educación, inaugurando la primera escuela de su tipo.

Mike está trabajando con la estrella de MMA, Daniel Puder, en un nuevo modelo de educación, y se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el jueves para explicarnos de que trata todo esto.

Iron Mike y Daniel acaban de abrir una escuela en Arizona llamada Tyson's Transformational Technologies Academy. Es una extensión de las escuelas preparatorias de Daniel, el primer sistema escolar basado en la inteligencia emocional y de creencias en la nación.

Como explican los combatientes, la escuela es acerca de la enseñanza de habilidades para la vida, como la educación financiera y la construcción de un curriculum vitae... temas que no entran en el plan de estudios tradicional.

Daniel dice que el poder de Mike es lo que hace que todo esto funcione, y agrega que los estudiantes que asisten a una de las escuelas de Tyson van a dejar una gran impresión cuando sea el momento de postular a la universidad.

tmz investiga
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Mike y Daniel tienen cuatro escuelas hasta ahora, dos en Florida y otra en Virginia Occidental, pero Mike ya está hablando de expansión, diciéndonos: "Vamos a educar al mundo, baby!!!"

El jueves fue el día del corte de cinta y parece que sus estudiantes están entusiasmados con la escuela.

Paige VanZant un suscriptor de OnlyFans le ofreció 50 dólares por cortarse el pelo y enviarle los mechones por correo

es demasiado
A Kickass Love Story

Paige VanZant acaba de revelar que podría ganar MUCHO dinero cortándose el pelo... pero hay un detalle clave en la propuesta que la tiene indecisa.

La estrella de MMA y modelo de OnlyFans discutió la llamativa petición en el último episodio de su podcast "A Kickass Love Story" con su marido, el luchador de Bellator Austin Vanderford, diciendo que un fan en la plataforma le preguntó si ella cambiaría a un peinado a cambio de $50k.

Mientras Paige reconoció que es un gran día de pago por un poco de trabajo, explicó que la única cosa que la dejó indecisa fue que el seguidor quería que sus restos de cabello le fueran enviados una vez que la acción estuviera hecha.

Paige explicó sus reservas, diciendo que después de ver un documental de Gypsy Rose Blanchard, ella comenzó a preocuparse por lo que podrían hacer con sus trenzas.

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Austin apoyó a su esposa, señalando que si se tratara de un corte de pelo normal, no hay realmente ningún debate, pero enviarle a alguien los mechones de cabello hace que sea una situación bastante turbia.

Paige se ha abierto previamente hacerca de su exitosa carrera fuera de la jaula ... por lo que si bien puede perder a cabo en 50 pilas, ella va a estar bien.

Paige VanZant I Was Offered $50k To Cut My Hair ... But Fan Wanted My Scraps

A Kickass Love Story

Talk about a great conundrum -- Paige VanZant just revealed she could make a TON of money by chopping off her locks ... but there's one key detail to the proposal that has her sitting on the fence.

The MMA star and OnlyFans model discussed the eye-popping request on the latest episode of her "A Kickass Love Story" podcast with her hubby, Bellator fighter Austin Vanderford ... saying one fan on the subscription-based platform slid into her DMs and asked if she would switch to a bob hairstyle in exchange for $50k.

While PVZ acknowledged it's a big payday for a little work, she explained the one thing that left her hesitant was that the follower wanted her hair scraps shipped to him once the deed was done.

Paige explained her reservations ... saying after watching a Gypsy Rose Blanchard doc, she started to worry about what the supporter could do with her tresses -- and she isn't trying to get some evil spell put on her.

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Austin backed his wife ... pointing out if it were just a normal haircut, there's really no debate -- but mailing someone the locks makes it a pretty hairy situation.

Paige has previously opened up on her successful career out of the cage ... so while she may miss out on 50 stacks, she will be just fine.

UFC's Jamahal Hill Offered Plea Deal In Domestic Violence Case

Former UFC champion Jamahal Hill was offered a plea deal in his domestic violence case, TMZ Sports has learned.

Prosecutors extended the deal to Hill earlier this month, according to court documents. As part of the proposed agreement, Hill would plead guilty to one charge of domestic violence ... in exchange for the dismissal of the aggravated domestic violence charge they had initially hit him with following his arrest in November.

Hill is expected to make a decision on the offer by a court hearing in March.

We reached out to Hill's attorney for comment ... though so far, no word back yet.

We broke the story ... Hill was arrested back on Nov. 27 after his brother, James Hill Jr., told police the MMA fighter roughed him up at his Kent, Michigan home following a series of arguments the two had gotten into over Thanksgiving weekend.

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Cops say James told them Jamahal "sucker punched" him with a closed fist -- before hitting him a second time. Police said in court documents James sustained a swollen face during the altercation -- adding that he was also "missing a front tooth that he stated got broke when Jamahal assaulted him."

YouTube / Jamahall Hill

For Jamahal's part, he said in a video days after the arrest, "I just can't wait for the truth to be told in court and I will wait for that day and I look forward to that day."

OG 'Road House' Star Critiques Conor, Gyllenhaal Fights ... Hits Sound Off!


One of the stars of the original "Road House" is giving his review of the first look at the Jake Gyllenhaal and Conor McGregor-led remake ... telling TMZ Sports there's one glaring difference that caught his attention -- the way it sounds when dudes are duking it out.

Marshall Teague -- who played Patrick Swayze's arch nemesis, Jimmy, in the '80s cult classic -- was one of the millions of movie buffs who tuned into the trailer for the Prime Video project this week ... and while he's really pulling for the new take to do well, he found the audio effects in the fight scenes "humorous."

Teague -- who's experienced in martial arts and kickboxing -- said he and Swayze actually hit each other HARD during their on-screen scraps ... so naturally, it sounded like the real deal.

But, considering Conor is one of the greatest fighters on the planet and Gyllenhaal, despite training like a madman for his Elwood Dalton role, is not nearly as experienced in combat ... it's safe to say the two couldn't go toe-to-toe like Swayze and Teague did back in the day -- but Marshall hopes they were still able to build a similar bond on set.

"I love [Patrick] to death and I miss him every day," Teague said. "He's a great guy. I feel very honored to have had the opportunity to do that film with him and I hope the two of them have the same relationship. I really do."

Teague praises both Jake and Conor for being amazing in their respective fields ... and he wants nothing but the best for the upcoming flick.

No matter how great the reimagined version turns out, Teague said it will be tough to top the OG ... but he's truthfully got his fingers crossed that it can live up to the expectations.

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As for whether he's got a cameo in the 2024 edition, Teague revealed he's received thousands of messages from fans asking if he makes an appearance ... but he pointed out it would be kinda hard to do, as his character died in the original.

Sorry for the spoiler ... but come on, it's been out for three decades.

Estrella de "Road House" critica las escenas de pelea De Gyllenhaal y McGregor

no puedo quejarme

Una de las estrellas de la original "Road House" está dando su opinión acerca del remake protagonizado por Jake Gyllenhaal y Conor McGregor, diciéndole a TMZ Sports que hay una diferencia evidente que le llamó la atención... la forma en que suenan los golpes.

Marshall Teague -que interpretó al archienemigo de Patrick Swayze, Jimmy, en el clásico de culto de los 80- fue uno de los millones de aficionados al cine que sintonizaron Prime Video para ver la película y, a pesar de que está deseando realmente que tenga éxito, no puede evitar pensar que los efectos de audio en las escenas de lucha "graciosos".

Teague -que tiene experiencia en artes marciales y kickboxing- dijo que él y Swayze realmente se golpearon DURO durante sus peleas en la pantalla, así que, naturalmente, todo sonaba bastante real.

Teniendo en cuenta que Conor es uno de los mejores luchadores del planeta y que Gyllenhaal, a pesar de haber entrenado como un loco para su papel de Elwood Dalton, no tiene tanta experiencia en el combate... es seguro decir que los dos no pudieron enfrentarse como lo hicieron Swayze y Teague, pero Marshall espera que hayan sido capaces de construir un vínculo similar en el set.

"Lo quiero mucho y lo echo de menos todos los días", dice Teague. "Es un gran tipo. Me siento muy honrado de haber tenido la oportunidad de hacer esa película con él y espero que los dos tengan la misma relación. De verdad que sí".

Teague elogia tanto a Jake como a Conor por ser increíbles en sus respectivos campos y no quiere nada más que lo mejor para la próxima película.

No importa lo grande que sea la nueva versión, Teague dijo que será difícil superar a la original, pero él realmente tiene los dedos cruzados para que pueda estar a la altura de las expectativas.

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En cuanto a si tiene un cameo en la edición de 2024, Teague reveló que ha recibido miles de mensajes de los fans preguntando si hace una aparición, pero señaló que sería un poco difícil de hacer, ya que su personaje murió en el original.

Perdón por el spoiler... pero vamos, hace tres décadas que salió.