2 Chainz is out of the hospital and recovering just fine ... after he was involved in a 3-car crash in Miami over the weekend.

Sources close to the rapper tell TMZ he was released hours after being rushed to the hospital early Saturday morning ... docs checked him out following the accident.

We're told he was just a bit banged up ... and luckily managed to dodge any major injuries.

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Instagram / @2chainz

2 Chainz was initially in Miami for Art Basel ... but we're told he's happy to be out of the hospital and home now, and is prioritizing rest before the holidays.

TMZ broke the story, confirming a crash involving 3 vehicles and the rapper in Miami. The "Birthday Song' rapper also shared a vid of himself in an ambulance being taken to the hospital to get checked out.

As for who was at fault, 2 Chainz was in the clear ... with cops suspecting one of the other drivers of driving under the influence when they hit the rapper from behind.

2 Chainz posted a few pics of the scene, showing the extensive impact of the crash, with another car heavily mangled on the front left side.

Luckily, there were no fatalities.

Bianca Censori luce un traje transparente en Art Basel

mostrándolo todo


3:16 PM PT -- Parece que Kanye estuvo tocando nueva música durante su salida de Miami, incluyendo ese nuevo sample de una canción de Backstreet Boys con la que ha estado bromeando esta última semana.

Una buena parte de la pista se jugó durante lo que parece ser un evento de escucha improvisada a cabo en Art Basel, y suena muy pegadizo. Sabemos que Ye ha estado trabajando últimamente en un nuevo álbum y por lo que parece, puede estar cerca de terminarlo.

Kanye West y su esposa, Bianca Censori, están de vuelta en Estados Unidos y llegaron a Art Basel juntos este fin de semana. Bianca lo mostró todo en su atuendo transparente.

La pareja fue vista paseando casualmente el domingo en una de las galerías de arte que se exhiben en Miami en este momento, tomando su tiempo para ver las obras y mantener un perfil bajo, al menos eso es lo que se puede ver en este video obtenido por TMZ.

Échale un vistazo... Ye tiene toda la cabeza cubierta como suele hacer en estos días, y Bianca estaba en tan revelador de un traje como la hemos visto en estos últimos meses.

De hecho, parece que sus pechos estaban en plena exhibición, pezones fuera y todo. Por supuesto, ella no tenía ningun problema y nadie a su alrededor parecía pestañear tampoco. Como hemos dicho, es casi como si la mayoría de la gente aquí no los reconociera.

De todos modos, testigos presenciales nos dicen que era solo Ye y Bianca rodando con unos pocos guardias de seguridad, ningún séquito más grande de lo que parece. También nos dicen que no parecía que hablaran con nadie, ni siquiera entre ellos.

Un par de cosas más... por un lado, Ye está de vuelta en los Estados Unidos, lo cual es interesante teniendo en cuenta que ha estado fuera de un largo, largo tiempo paseando por Europa y Oriente Medio. Además, Bianca esta claramente de vuelta a su mundo, esto después de estar fuera de la imagen pública por un momento.

Como en los viejos tiempos, ¿eh, Ye?

Publicado originalmente -- 2:37 PM PT

Kanye West Wife Bianca Goes Sheer for Art Basel Very See-Through Getup!!!



3:16 PM PT -- Looks like Kanye was out there playing new music during his Miami outing ... including that new Backstreet Boys-sampled song he's been teasing this past week.

A fair amount of the track was played during what appears to be an impromptu listening event out at Art Basel ... and it sure sounds pretty catchy. We know Ye's got this new album he's been working on lately, and from the looks of it -- he may be close to done.

Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, are back in America -- and they hit up Art Basel together this weekend, where BC was showing off her assets ... with a see-through getup.

The couple was spotted strolling around casually Sunday at one of the art galleries on display in Miami right now -- taking their time to check out the artwork and maintaining somewhat of a low profile, it seems ... which you can see in this video, obtained by TMZ.

Check it out ... Ye's got his whole head covered up like he usually does these days, and Bianca was in as revealing of an outfit as we've seen her in over these past several months.

Indeed, it looks like her breasts were on full display ... nipples out and everything. Of course, she didn't have a care in the world about it -- and nobody around them appeared to bat an eyelash either. Like we said, it's almost as if most of the folks here didn't recognize them.

Anyway, eyewitnesses tell us it was just Ye and Bianca rolling with a few security guards -- no larger entourage from the looks of it. We're also told it didn't appear that they spoke to anyone ... not even each other as they walked around.

Couple takeaways ... for one, Ye's back in the States, which is interesting considering he's been away from a long, long time now -- be it in Europe or the Middle East. Also, Bianca's also very clearly back in his orbit ... this after being out of the picture for a hot minute.

Just like old times ... eh, Ye?

Originally Published -- 2:37 PM PT

Leo DiCaprio en Art Basel Trabaja duro y lo pasa bien Se relaja tras su discurso ecológico

Leonardo DiCaprio puede ser el abotonado Sr. Medio Ambiente en un momento y al minuto siguiente, el chico fiestero favorito de Hollywood, una hazaña que demostró una vez más este fin de semana en Art Basel en Miami.

El actor anduvo de fiesta una vez más el viernes en la Ciudad Mágica, donde Wayne y Cynthia Boich acogieron a un grupo de estrellas en su mansión privada, incluyendo a Leo y su novia, Vittoria Ceretti, quien disfrutó de un cigarrillo junto a su hombre.

Devolverle a la tierra

Leo estaba en modo de fiesta, luciendo su característica gorra de béisbol negra y echando humo de su cigarrillo, con Vittoria probando una bocanada también. Todo un cambio respecto del look que tenía el jueves por la noche, cuando se sentó en la primera fila para dar un discurso en un evento sobre el medioambiente.

La reunión Re:Wild en donde Leo estuvo en su modo ecológico, tan pulido como se puede estar y con un aspecto realmente elegante. 24 horas más tarde, ¡lo deja todo al descubierto!

De todos modos, la fiesta en la mansión del viernes fue un quién es quién de las estrellas. Tom Brady estuvo allí, pero también Sean Penn, quien se abrazó con Leo en un momento, como se ve en una foto obtenida por TMZ.


Sean estuvo compartiendo con las personas adentro también, listo para una actuación de Snoop Dogg. Hablando de Snoop Dogg... el rapero también estuvo charlando con el público después de tocar el micrófono, lo cual fue increíble.

Snoop tocó algunas de sus canciones, las que hicieron bailar a todo el mundo.

Tocando los clásicos

Esta es solo la última parada de Leo en Art Basel. El actor ha estado en la ciudad desde principios de esta semana y algo nos dice que veremos más de él hasta el domingo.

Y sí, probablemente en su atuendo de ciudad ... Nadie lleva los 49 como Leo DiCaprio. 🫡

Leo DiCaprio at Art Basel Work Hard, Play Hard ... Cuts Loose After Suited Eco Speech

Leonardo DiCaprio can be buttoned-up Mr. Environment one minute, and Hollywood's favorite party boy the next -- a feat he proved yet again this weekend at Art Basel in Miami.

The actor was on hand yet again Friday for a huge bash in the Magic City, where Wayne and Cynthia Boich hosted a gaggle of stars at their private mansion ... including Leo and his girlfriend, Vittoria Ceretti, who enjoyed a smoke next to her man at one point in the evening.


Leo was in party mode, rocking his signature black ball cap and blowing out whatever he was puffin' on -- with Vittoria hitting her vape. Quite the change from how he looked Thursday night, when he was front and center for a speech at an environmental event.

The Re:Wild get-together where Leo talked featured him in eco mode ... where he was as polished as can be and looking real sharp. 24 hours later, he's letting it all hang out!

Anyway, the mansion party on Friday was a who's-who of stars ... Tom Brady was there, but so was Sean Penn -- who actually hugged it out with Leo at one point -- as seen here in a photo obtained by TMZ.


Sean was mingling with folks inside as well ... fresh on the heels of a performance by Snoop Dogg, who'd performed for the rich and famous crowd not long before. Speaking of SD ... he was also chitchatting in the crowd after doing his thing on the mic, which was awesome.

Snoop performed a few of his songs ... and he definitely had everybody dancing along.


It's just the latest Art Basel stop for Leo, who's been in town since earlier this week. Something tells us we're gonna be seeing a lot more of him through Sunday too.

And yes, likely in his out-on-the-town getup ... no one does 49 quite like the LDC. 🫡

Leo, Ivanka and Jared Fancy Meeting You Here!!!


Leonardo DiCaprio, Ivanka Trump and her hubby, Jared Kushner, all showed up at the same shindig in Miami ... the question -- can and/or should polar opposites mingle?

Check it out ... Leo arrived alone to Casadonna Restaurant Wednesday night and a short time later Ivanka and Jared walked in arm and arm ... all celebrating the kickoff of Art Basel.

Leo, sporting his customary baseball cap, is a die-hard environmentalist and liberal. Ivanka and Jared ... not so much.

We don't see real interaction between Leo and the Trump/Kushners, but it's not a huge space so it seems avoiding each other all night would be super difficult.

The country is so divided there's a sentiment anyone who dares to interact socially is a traitor to their cause, but should that be the case? So we ask ...

Should Leo Socialize With Ivanka & Jared?

Nevertheless, a good time seemed to have been had by all.

Meanwhile, Leo was seen out and about Wednesday in the Miami Beach Convention Center during a VIP tour of the Art Basel event, which officially starts today.

Leo, Ivanka y Jared Qué sorpresa encontrarnos aquí

En el mismo lugar

Leonardo DiCaprio, Ivanka Trump y su marido, Jared Kushner, aparecieron en la misma fiesta en Miami. La pregunta es, ¿pueden y/o deberían mezclarse los polos opuestos?

Echa un vistazo... Leo llegó solo al restaurante Casadonna el miércoles por la noche y un poco más tarde aparecieron Ivanka y Jared del brazo. Todos estaban allí para celebrar el inicio de Art Basel.

Leo, quien lucía su habitual gorra de béisbol, es un ecologista acérrimo y liberal. Ivanka y Jared, en cambio, no tanto.

No vemos una interacción real entre Leo y los Trump/Kushners, pero no es un espacio enorme, por lo que parece súper difícil que se hayan evitado toda la noche.

El país está tan dividido que existe el sentimiento de que cualquiera que se atreva a interactuar socialmente es un traidor a su causa, pero ¿debería ser así? Así que les preguntamos...

¿Debería Leo socializar con Ivanka y Jared?

Sin embargo, parece que todos lo pasaron bien.

Mientras tanto, Leo fue visto el miércoles en el Centro de Convenciones de Miami Beach durante una visita VIP al evento Art Basel, que comienza oficialmente hoy.

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez recorren la escena artística de Miami antes de mudarse

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez están explorando la escena social alrededor de Miami, mientras se preparan para echar raíces en el Estado del Sol.

El multimillonario fundador de Amazon y la ex presentadora de televisión llegaron de la mano el jueves en Art Basel Miami Beach, una salida que se produce después del anuncio del mes pasado que se están trasladando a Miami.

La pareja iba combinada, usando pantalones vaqueros de mezclilla. Examinaron las instalaciones de arte y Lauren mostró un poco de piel con un top y gafas de sol con mucho estilo. Sí, a ella le va a ir muy bien en Miami.

El dúo se unió por el hijo de Lauren Nikko González, en dirección al interior para ver las obras de arte de alto precio, mientras se codeaban con la élite de la ciudad el primer día del prestigioso evento de arte.

Semanas antes, Jeff reveló en Insta su plan para trasladarse a Indian Creek Island en Miami Beach, poniéndole fin a su estancia en Seattle, el lugar de nacimiento de su mega empresa de tecnología.

Él ha estado haciendo importantes preparativos desde entonces, como el atraque de su buque de $500 millones de dólares en Ft. Lauderdale a pesar de que aún no ha confirmado cuando en realidad planean mudarse.

Todo está listo para la pareja comprometida, solo no les pregunte acerca de los planes de boda en el corto plazo. Lauren le dijo a Vogue, que aún no han hecho ningún avance con eso.


Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez are scoping out the social scene around Miami ... as they get ready to put down roots in the Sunshine State.

The billionaire Amazon founder and former TV anchor arrived hand in hand Thursday at Art Basel Miami Beach ... an outing that comes after last month's announcement they're relocating to Miami.

The engaged couple were matching in denim jeans as they perused art installations ... and Lauren showed off some skin with a halter neck top and cool shades. Yeah, she's gonna do just fine in Miami.

The duo was joined by Lauren's son Nikko Gonzalez ... heading inside to check out the pricey artwork while rubbing shoulders with the city's elite on day 1 of the prestigious art event.

Weeks earlier, Jeff revealed on IG their plan to relocate to Indian Creek Island in Miami Beach ... ending his time in Seattle, the birthplace of his mega tech company.

He's been making significant preps since then -- like docking his $500-million dollar vessel in Ft. Lauderdale -- though he has yet to confirm when they actually plan to move.

Clearly, it's all systems go for the engaged couple -- just don't ask them about wedding plans any time soon. Lauren told Vogue, they have yet to make any headway with that.

'RHOM' ALEXIA NEPOLA AIRPORT MELTDOWN ON ADRIANA DE MOURA ... Confronts Costar Over Financial Struggle Claims!!!

A screaming match broke out between "The Real Housewives of Miami" stars Alexia Nepola and Adriana de Moura after landing in Miami Monday following their appearance at BravoCon.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the pair exchanged hefty words when Alexia confronted Adriana near baggage claim in an explosive situation that resembled something you'd see on the show ... telling Adriana the claims she made on the new season of the Bravo show that she and her husband Todd were financially struggling was f***ed.

We're told Adriana told Alexia, "You act like you're the star of the show," -- with her barking back, "Yes, I am the star of the show!"

Adriana, dressed in a COVID mask and white gloves, was overheard telling her costar Julia Lemigova Alexia had it out for her because she's the weakest ... adding she was mean to her and telling Julia, "This is your friend ... do you see what she does to me? Do you want to be friends with this person?"

Our sources say the war of words was so volatile ... fellow cast member Kiki Barth was overheard urging the ladies to reign it in before someone in the airport started recording them.

The blowout yelling match ended with the two reality stars going their separate ways to their cars.

The dramatic Miami meltdown was a result of Adriana commenting on Alexia and Todd's alleged financial struggles during the premiere episode of the new season.

In response, Alexia says she's anything but cash-strapped and that she and Todd are "doing just fine" and "laughing all the way to the bank."

Alexia Nepola de 'RHOM' Crisis en el aeropuerto con Adriana de Moura...

Una pelea a gritos estalló entre las estrellas de "The Real Housewives of Miami" Alexia Nepola y Adriana de Moura después de aterrizar en el aeropuerto de Miami el lunes, tras su aparición en BravoCon.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que la pareja intercambió fuertes palabras cuando Alexia se enfrentó a Adriana cerca de la entrega de equipajes, en una situación que más se parece a algo que veríamos en el show. Durante la discusión, Alexia le dijo a Adriana que las afirmaciones que hizo en la nueva temporada del show de Bravo, de que ella y su marido Todd estaban luchando financieramente, estaban jodidas.

Nos dicen que Adriana le dijo a Alexia: "Actúas como si fueras la estrella del programa", a lo que ella le gritó: "¡Sí, soy la estrella del programa!".

Adriana, vestida con una máscara de COVID y guantes blancos, fue escuchada diciéndole a su compañera Julia Lemigova que Alexia tenía que acercarse a ella para arreglar las cosas, añadiendo que la trata muy mal. "Esta es tu amiga, ¿ves lo que me hace? ¿Quieres ser amiga de esta persona?", se supone que le dijo a Julia.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la guerra de palabras fue tan intensa que su compañero de reparto Kiki Barth fue escuchada instando a las damas a que se calmaran antes de que alguien en el aeropuerto comenzara a grabarlas.

La pelea terminó con las dos estrellas del reality yendo por caminos separados a sus carros.

La dramática pelea en Miami fue el resultado de los comentarios de Adriana sobre las supuestas dificultades financieras de Alexia y Todd durante el episodio de estreno de la nueva temporada.

En respuesta, Alexia dice que ella puede ser cualquier cosa, pero no está corta de dinero y que ella y Todd están "muy bien" y "haciendo un montón de dinero".

Wild Knife Attack Ex-MMA Fighter Body Slams Assailant In Miami ... Caught On Video!!!!

Javier Baez
Muscle memory

A former MMA fighter used his combat skills to open a can of whoop-ass on a knife-wielding assailant in self-defense... and the dramatic scene was caught on video.

Javier Baez drove back to his Miami apartment complex after a night out on Halloween ... and spotted Omar Marrero screaming and brandishing a knife in the parking lot, according to WPLG News.

After Baez parked his car, Marrero reportedly walked over and started hitting his window with the knife.

Marrero then opened the driver's side door and tried to slash Baez, who got out to dial down the escalating tension.

But it didn't work ... Marrero kept swinging the knife at Baez and retrieved a second blade from his vehicle nearby.

Baez wasn't intimidated, though, reverting back to his days as a mixed martial arts fighter and making quick work of Marrero.

Check out the video ... Holding one of the knives, Marrero charges at Baez, who lifts him up and body slams him to the ground. Baez then disarms Marrero and puts him in a chokehold.

Baez later told a WPLG reporter, "Once I started putting the choke in, he kind of just let it go because no one is worried about anything else but breathing when you’re losing air."

Baez added, "I was able to hold him down with my knee and call the cops, and he woke up, cops came, and it was good, easy peasy!"

Police arrested Marrero, who was charged with several felonies, including aggravated battery.

Jorge Masvidal Pleads No Contest To Misd. Battery ... In Colby Covington Case


10:00 AM PT -- Jorge Masvidal spoke outside the courthouse ... just minutes after accepting a plea deal in the Colby Covington battery case. Beef squashed?? Not exactly! 😬

Instagram / @gamebredfighter

Jorge Masvidal struck a sweet deal with the district attorney prosecuting the Colby Covington case ... the retired UFC superstar pled no contest to misdemeanor battery, and will not serve a minute behind bars, or on probation, TMZ Sports has learned.

As a result of the plea agreement, the two felonies Jorge faced were dropped, aggravated assault and criminal mischief, according to Masvidal's attorney, Bradford Cohen.

We're also told there is no stay-away order in the plea.

According to the DA's office, the case was "adjudicated guilty," though Masvidal never admitted guilt, according to Cohen.

Masvidal had been facing over a decade behind bars.


Of course, the incident happened in March 2022 outside of Papi Steak in Miami Beach ... where Colby was having dinner with the Nelk Boys. When CC left, Masvidal was outside waiting, and the attack was on.

Covington told police Masvidal punched him twice, breaking his tooth, and even causing an alleged brain injury.

The fight outside the steakhouse came just weeks after Colby beat Jorge by unanimous decision at UFC 272 ... pitting the former best friends-turned-enemies against one another.

Colby hasn't fought since UFC 272 ... meanwhile, Jorge retired in April 2023 after fighting Gilbert Burns. Masvidal then launched his own fight promotion, Gamebred.

Originally Published -- 8:21 AM PT

Jeff Bezos & Lauren Sanchez Leaving Longtime Home in Seattle ... For Big Move to Miami!!!

Jeff Bezos is heading toward greener pastures -- or bluer waters, rather ... 'cause he's packing up his bags and leaving the city of Seattle behind for good ... opting for Florida.

The Amazon founder billionaire announced Thursday that he and his fiancée, Lauren Sanchez, will be moving to Miami soon -- and he did so by posting old footage of himself in the city he's lived in for a long time ... and where he founded the iconic tech company.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Jeff writes, "Seattle has been my home since 1994 when I started Amazon out of my garage. That’s my dad behind the camera in this video, touring Amazon’s first 'office.'"

He continues, "My parents have always been my biggest supporters. They recently moved back to Miami, the place we lived when I was younger (Miami Palmetto High class of ’82 -- GO Panthers!) I want to be close to my parents, and Lauren and I love Miami."

He points out that his rocket company, Blue Origin, has its core operations facility down in Cape Canaveral as well ... so the move makes sense on that front, as he apparently wants to focus on that venture a tad bit more these days.

JB finishes with this ... "I’ve lived in Seattle longer than I’ve lived anywhere else and have so many amazing memories here. As exciting as the move is, it’s an emotional decision for me. Seattle, you will always have a piece of my heart."

Lauren seems to be stoked about the relocation ... she replied, "Miami 💖."

Of course, this move lines up with a recent real estate purchase he made down in the Sunshine State -- in which he scooped up his neighbor's multi-million-dollar compound in Indian Creek, FL ... a plot of land that was already next to his mansion there.

We already know the soon-to-be-married power couple like the open sea, and with them being stationed in Vice City going forward ... they'll have access to one and then some.


Bon voyage!


Gunplay está tras las rejas después de supuestamente violar una orden de alejamiento de su esposa, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, contra él, porque claramente no sabe cómo funcionan los monitores GPS de tobillo.

Funcionarios de la cárcel de Miami, le informan a TMZ Hip Hop que Gunplay fue fichado el miércoles a las 7:10 PM por violar una orden de restricción puesta en marcha para proteger a su ex.

Nos dicen que va a permanecer encerrado hasta su próxima cita en la corte el 7 de noviembre.

Fuentes cercanas a la situación dicen que Gunplay fue arrestado justo fuera de la casa de Vonshae después de que el Departamento de Correccionales de Florida de Control de la Comunidad —que supervisa y monitorea los detenidos en casa— recibió un aviso de que el rapero estaba en la zona.

Nos informan que los agentes del Sheriff del Condado de Miami efectivamente golpearon a Gunplay a la casa mientras conducía allí, y nunca fue capaz de interactuar realmente con Vonshae y su hijo.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

El último arresto marca la octava vez que Gunplay supuestamente violó la orden de restricción que le prohíbe acercarse a menos de 500 pies de Vonshae.

Anteriormente, fue acusado de tratar de detener a Vonshae de testificar en septiembre y parece que su drama ha causado mucho ruido en las calles este año.

Los ex tuvieron una discusión explosiva en agosto en su casa que llevó a la ruptura.

Gunplay Busted Getting Too Close to Ex ... Nailed by GPS Monitor!!!

Gunplay's sitting behind bars after allegedly violating a restraining order his estranged wife, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, got against him ... because he, clearly, doesn't know how GPS ankle monitors work.

Miami-Dade County Jail officials tell TMZ Hip Hop ... Gunplay was booked Wednesday at 7:10 PM for violating a restraining order put in place to protect his ex.

We're told he'll remain locked up until his next court date on November 7.

Sources close to the situation say Gunplay was arrested right outside Vonshae's home after the Florida Department of Corrections Community Control, which oversees and monitors house arrestees, got a ping the rapper was in the area.

We're told Miami-Dade County Sheriff's deputies effectively beat Gunplay to the home as he was driving there, and he was never able to actually interact with Vonshae and her child.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The latest arrest marks the EIGHTH time Gunplay allegedly violated the restraining order, which prohibits him from coming within 500 feet of Vonshae.

He was previously accused of trying to stop Vonshae from testifying in September -- and it seems like their 'Love & Hip Hop' drama has spilled heavily into the streets this year.

The exes had an explosive argument in August at their home that led to the breakup.