Matthew Fox Accuser "I'm Pressing CHARGES!"

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The Cleveland party bus driver who claims Matthew Fox started a fist fight with her ... says the "Lost" star smelled "like a bar" -- and she's definitely pressing charges.

Heather Bormann says she thinks Matthew was drunk when she warned him several times to stop trying to get on the private bus Saturday night -- but she claims "he just stepped in for a right hook to my pelvis area and started wailing on me like I was a man."

Heather says she fought back in self-defense -- landing a left to Matt's jaw -- and today, in downtown Cleveland, she showed off her battle scars ... nasty bruises and an ace bandaged hand. She says she plans to meet with prosecutors tomorrow to press charges.

Heather also explains where she picked up the badass moves she busted out on Fox.

Matthew Fox Accuser I Punched Him In Self-Defense

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The woman who punched Matthew Fox in the face this weekend tells TMZ ... she HAD to let her fists fly because the actor struck first and she needed to defend herself.

TMZ spoke with Heather Bormann ... who tells us she was driving a party bus for a private party Saturday night in Cleveland -- when Fox boarded the vehicle.

Bormann claims she told Fox he wasn't welcome on the bus -- but he was too drunk to understand.

Bormann says, "He just kept staring at me with his mouth wide open and not saying anything. I told him, 'You have to leave buddy. You are trespassing on my bus.'"

That's when Fox "leaned in and started punching my crotch and breast."

Bormann says, "I took one hand to his jaw and he was spitting blood. He stumbled backwards."

"This was my self-defense," Bormann says ... adding, "This was the only way I could protect myself…..from a man beating up on a woman."

Bormann says she's meeting with prosecutors today -- and may press charges.

"Lost" Star Matthew Fox Accused of Assaulting Woman

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Matthew Fox was detained by cops in Cleveland, Ohio Saturday night after allegedly assaulting a woman outside of a bar ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources at the scene tell us ... the "Lost" star allegedly tried to enter a party bus -- even though he wasn't a guest on the vehicle.

We're told the woman who was driving the bus tried to block Fox from getting on board -- at which point, he allegedly punched her in the breast and the "stomach area."

Fox was handcuffed by an off-duty officer -- and was later detained by police.

Fox was released without being formally arrested.

An assault report was taken and the matter remains under investigation.

We have not been able to reach Fox for comment.

UPDATE: According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, the woman PUNCHED BACK -- and struck Fox "in the mouth ... causing a cut on his lip."

The woman told police she may have broken her hand during the altercation.

Fox was later released to a friend ... who put the actor into a taxi and accompanied him back to his hotel.

'Lost' Guy & 16-Yr-Old Wife: Cradle Robbing Champs

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51-year-old "Lost" actor Doug Hutchison just married 16-year-old aspiring country singer Courtney Stodden -- and if that seems seriously WRONG to you ... it is!!

Check out TMZ on TV -- click here to see your local listings!

'Lost' Creator Lotto Winners Are Cursed!!

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Those lucky bastards who played those damned "Lost" numbers in the Mega Millions lottery and walked away with $150 better enjoy it while they can ... because the show's co-creator still claims the numbers are "cursed!"

TMZ spoke with Damon Lindelof -- who tells us, "“I was tempted to buy a lotto ticket when I heard about the huge jackpot, but I never would've played the LOST numbers as the show clearly stated they were cursed and I'm a nervous enough flier as it is.”

As we previously reported -- several of the numbers from the show synced up with the winning numbers from last night's Mega Millions lottery ... and the Lost-aholics who played 4,8,15,16,23 and 42 may have walked away with $150.

Don't buy a chicken franchise.

'Lost' Numbers PAY OFF in Mega Millions Lottery

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Finally, a purpose for those damn "Lost" numbers -- because if you played the same cursed digits that Hurley used on the show ... you could have walked away with $150 in last night's Mega Millions lottery.

Of course, Hurley's numbers were 4,8,15,16,23 and 42.

The Mega Millions numbers were 4,8,15,25 and 47 ... with 42 being the Mega Ball number.

Last night's jackpot was $355 million. Hurley only won $114 million.

Two people reportedly picked the winning numbers. Hopefully, they won't book air travel to Australia in the near future ... they could end up on a TV show with absolutely zero closure.

'Lost' Star -- Everyone's Dead as a Doornail

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Michael Emerson -- who played Ben Linus on "Lost" -- clued us in on what really happened on the last episode of the show.


So Michael ... please to explain the 100 episodes before the finale.

'Lost' Villian Ambushed by Brandy!

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Almost every "Lost" fan would be super excited to meet Michael Emerson ... even a Grammy winner like Brandy.

Emerson was having a friendly chat with our photog at LAX on Saturday, when Brandy politely interrupted just to say she's a huge fan. The whole encounter lasted less than 10 seconds ... and it's unclear if Michael (or our photog) even knew she was famous!

Brandy tweeted after, "OMG! I just met Michael Emerson from the series Lost. I lost my mind! Straight up FAN. I wanted to take a flick but I was too shy to ask."

You're welcome, Brandy.

Hurley from 'LOST' -- My Dog 'Died in My Arms'

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Jorge Garcia -- who played Hurley on "Lost" -- claims the island has taken another life ... and this time it's his precious chihuahua Nunu.

Garcia took to his blog yesterday, saying his dog Nunu had been run over by a car on Sunday -- right before he left for the airport on the island of Oahu ... where they filmed a bunch of stuff for "Lost."

"She died in my arms," Garcia explained ... adding, "We are burying her in the Pet Garden at Valley of the Temples in Kaneohe. Nunu hated the water so we couldn't bring ourselves to having her ashes scattered in the ocean."


Sarah Silverman Explains The 'Lost' Finale

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Days after the "Lost" series finale left everyone wondering, "What the hell was that?" -- bona fide television expert Sarah Silverman is delivering some answers ... and a few curse words.


'Lost' Stars -- Forget the Island, Let's Party!

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TMZ has put together an awesome gallery featuring some of the stars from "Lost" at a fan viewing party in Hollywood last night.

The gallery starts off pretty solid ... but it kinda peters out towards the end.

Actually, it's pretty disappointing. The gallery, that is.

The 'Lost' Diary -- The End

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Welcome to the final edition of The "Lost" Diary.

Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called The Pledge. The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called The Turn. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret ... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call The Prestige." -- Cutter, "The Prestige"

Fair or not, I believe "Lost" will be judged forever based on tonight's finale. "Lost" has been a great show, sure -- it's told some stories, had some great characters, and produced some of the greatest WTF moments in TV history. But, at least for me, it is at its core … a mystery. Mysteries present question and, hopefully, answers.

I don't expect, think or even want "Lost" to answer all my questions in the finale. But sometimes a magic trick is only as good as its reveal. It's time for "Lost" to deliver its prestige.

Let's roll ...

9:00 -- "How long am I going to have to do this job?" -- Jack. Only for about 2.5 more hours. And we're off!

The 'Lost' Diary -- What They Died For

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Welcome back to another edition of The "Lost" Diary.

As we get close to the end, I've been thinking a lot about what I've always said is the difference between "The Wire" and "The Sopranos" -- confidence vs. arrogance. For "Lost" to -- in its second to last episode -- do an entire hour without any of its many characters appearing in the episode … well, to quote Alec Baldwin, takes brass balls. Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are either the most masterful storytellers of our time … or giant a-holes. I'm not sure if there is an in-between.

Either way, this is the last episode before the finale. Time flies. Let's roll …

9:00 -- During the "Previously on Lost" segment -- where they show Jin and Sun dying -- I was hoping ABC would edit in a line from either one of them about their soon-to-be orphaned child. Nope, didn't happen.

'Lost's' Man in Black -- No Alternate Endings!

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"Lost" star Titus Welliver plays the show's mother killing, shapeshifting, "Man in Black" -- but yesterday in L.A., dude told us the finale wouldn't be changing form ... because they didn't shoot any alternate endings!


After explaining how his real mother "wasn't bludgeoned with a rock" -- phew -- Titus (who's the nicest guy ever btw) settled rumors about a potential "Lost" movie ... and promised us that fans wouldn't be "disappointed" with the way the show ends.

The last 60 minute episode airs tonight -- followed by the two-and-a-half hour series finale on Sunday.

Don't worry, our "Lost Diary" guy is already stocking up on the Red Bull.

'Lost' 911 Call: Someone's Breaking Into My Home

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TMZ has obtained the 911 call made by "Lost" star Malcolm David Kelley last week -- in which he calmly tells the operator, "someone's trying to break into my house."

Lost' Call Someone's Breaking Into My Home :: 0514-walt-lost-911-launch

During the call, Malcolm -- who plays Walt on the ABC show -- tells the dispatcher that he can a see man trying to break into his home with a knife.

Malcolm then tells the operator that the perp is trying to break into the main section of the house where he's holed up ... and that's when the call cuts off.

Cops quickly arrived to the home and fired at least one shot at the suspect as the perp tried to escape. The guy was eventually apprehended and taken into custody -- Malcolm was unharmed in the incident.

'Lost' Memorabilia No Longer Under Locke & Key

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A bunch of awesome "Lost" memorabilia just fell from the sky ... and could be yours if Hurley doesn't drop by and outbid you.

The auction -- spearheaded by Profiles in History and set to go down this summer -- features roughly 100 "Lost" items including Hurley's Mega Lotto Jackpot ticket, multiple characters' passports, Eko's badass staff, and a ton of items made by the Dharma Initiative.

Hurry up and check out the gallery ... before someone turns the frozen wheel and moves it to an unknown location.