
Billie Eilish no tuvo filtros después de encontrarse con una modelo de Sports Illustrated en los Golden Globes… diciéndole sin rodeos “Eres tan caliente como las pelotas” durante su divertida interacción.

Haley, exesposa del exjugador de la NFL Matt Kalil, estaba creando contenido para redes sociales en la entrega anual de premios el domingo… y en un momento de la noche, se topó con la superestrella del pop.

“Billie, ¿puedo decir que literalmente estoy obsesionada contigo?”, dijo la influencer en un video de su conversación.

Eilish, quien ganó el premio de Mejor Canción Original por “What Was I Made For?”, de Barbie, estaba encantada con los elogios… y respondió con algunos de los suyos.

“Gracias, cariño”, comentó Billie. “Te ves caliente como las pelotas”.

Kalil, quien estuvo casada con Matt entre 2015 y 2022, le devolvió el cumplido… respondiendo: “TÚ te ves caliente como las pelotas”.

Recientemente, Billie expresó su aprecio por las mujeres en una entrevista con Variety … Explicando: “Me siento atraída físicamente por ellas, pero también me intimidan mucho por su belleza y su presencia”.

No parecía que ese fuera el caso con Haley… porque no tuvo problema en expresar sus sentimientos.

Es seguro decir que tanto Billie y Haley se fueron a casa como ganadoras.

Billie Eilish Crushes Over S.I. Model 'You Look Hot As Balls!!!'


Billie Eilish had no filter after running into a Sports Illustrated model at the Golden Globes ... bluntly telling her "You look hot as balls" during their hilarious interaction.

Former NFL lineman Matt Kalil's stunning ex-wife, Haley, was doing social media content for the annual awards show on Sunday ... and at one point in the night, she ran into the superstar singer.

"Billie, can I just say I am literally obsessed with you," the influencer said in a video of their convo.

Eilish -- who won Best Original Song for Barbie's "What Was I Made For?" -- was thrilled with the praise ... and fired back with some of her own.

"Thanks, babe," Billie said. "You look hot as balls."

Kalil -- who was married to Matt from 2015-2022 -- returned the compliment ... replying, "YOU look hot as balls."

Billie recently opened up on her appreciation for women in an interview with Variety ... explaining, "I'm physically attracted to them, but I’m also so intimidated by them and their beauty and their presence."

It didn't seem like that was the case with Haley ... 'cause she had no problem letting her feelings known.

Safe to say Billie and Haley both went home winners.

Taylor Swift Associates PO'd Over Piece Speculating on Her Sexuality

Taylor Swift became the subject of an entire article trying to figure out if she was part of the LGBTQ+ community ... and apparently, people in her world are pretty pissed about it.

The NYT recently published an op-ed by writer Anna Marks -- who identifies as queer -- and it's titled, "Look What We Made Taylor Swift Do." The entire premise of the piece is a deep dive into speculation that TS might, perhaps, be something other than straight.

Marks refers to moments she perceives as Taylor "dropping hairpins" (aka, dropping clues about being LGBTQ+) throughout her career ... writing, "In isolation, a single dropped hairpin is perhaps meaningless or accidental, but considered together, they’re the unfurling of a ballerina bun after a long performance."

She adds, "Those dropped hairpins began to appear in Ms. Swift’s artistry long before queer identity was undeniably marketable to mainstream America. They suggest to queer people that she is one of us." If it sounds like a reach, Taylor's camp seems to feel the same way.

While Taylor has certainly proven herself to be ally to the LGBTQ+ community, she's never explicitly indicated she's into anything but dudes -- in fact, her dating record proves that.

That point was hit home by someone close to Taylor, who told CNN ... "Because of her massive success, in this moment there is a Taylor-shaped hole in people’s ethics. This article wouldn’t have been allowed to be written about Shawn Mendes or any male artist whose sexuality has been questioned by fans."

This person adds, "There seems to be no boundary some journalists won’t cross when writing about Taylor, regardless of how invasive, untrue, and inappropriate it is -- all under the protective veil of an ‘opinion piece.'"

There have, in fact, been think pieces written about male pop stars and their sexuality ... namely, Harry Styles, Bad Bunny, etc. But this point is well taken -- just leave it be, people.

You can obviously be supportive of queer people without necessarily being queer yourself.

'RHOBH' Star Kyle Richards Lunch Date With Morgan Wade ... Twin Cowboy Hats, Italian Food

Kyle Richards was together again with country singer Morgan Wade, going out for a leisurely Friday lunch in L.A. amid constant rumors of them dating.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star was photographed with Morgan standing arm and arm on a sidewalk, looking all caszh and stylish in their sunglasses, jeans and twin cowboy hats.

Kathy Hilton also made a cameo, walking across the street with the two besties to chow down on some Italian delicacies at La Scala Beverly Hills restaurant.


We caught up with Kyle and Morgan after their meal ... and our cam asked Kyle about being open to dating other women. Check out the clip ... at first, Kyle kind of deflects the question, but then she says, "things can change." Interesting language for sure.

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The outing comes at an interesting time for Kyle, who confirmed she would date a woman in a newly released trailer for upcoming "RHOBH" episodes.

In the video clip, Kyle is seated around a table having drinks with castmates Dorit Kemsley and Crystal Kung Minkoff.

Out of the blue, Kyle brings up the prospect of dating a woman, causing Dorit to almost spit her wine back into her glass.

Crystal asks Kyle point blank if she would date someone of the same sex. Kyle thinks about it for a moment before giving a blunt, one-word response, "Yup."

Complicating matters even more, Kyle is still married, yet separated from Mauricio Unmasky, while living under the same roof with their children.

There seems to be no end in sight for this drama, but it's certainly making for some good TV!!!

Invitan a esquiadoras femeninas y no binarias a un evento en toples

En las pistas de Colorado se va a celebrar un evento en el que las mujeres y los esquiadores no binarios podrán deslizarse por la montaña usando solo un par de botas.

Boot Tan Fest está trayendo de vuelta a su retiro anual en marzo en CO Sunlight Mountain Resort, el programa está abierto a aquellos que son no binarios y "de identificación femenina", y se espera que traiga alrededor de 500 personas este año.

solo para chicas
Sunlight Mountain Resort

El evento se inicia después de que el complejo cierra a las 3 PM, pero la gente que asiste puede disfrutar de las instalaciones cuando está abierto al público durante el día, con la ropa puesta, por supuesto.

El evento apareció por primera vez en 2021 con menos de 30 participantes, pero sin duda ha cosechado una gran audiencia a medida que pasa el tiempo, y este año los titulares de entradas tendrán acceso a las marcas propiedad de mujeres, una cabina de tatuajes, camping y entretenimiento en vivo.

Jenny Verrochi, fundador de Boot Tan Fest, dijo que la diversión en la nieve se trata de ofrecer un ambiente acogedor, diciendo: "Ven por ti mismo y ten por seguro que saldrás con amigos".

A propósito, ir completamente desnuda no es obligación... ¡Aunque la mayoría lo estará!

Naked Skiing Ladies & Non-Binaries Invited to CO Slopes ... Just Bring Your Boots!!!

A naked event is set to take place on the Colorado slopes ... one where the ladies and non-binary skiers are allowed to shred the mountain in just a pair of boots!

Boot Tan Fest is bringing back its annual retreat in March at CO's Sunlight Mountain Resort -- the program is open to those who are non-binary and "female-identifying," and is expected to bring in around 500 people this year.

Sunlight Mountain Resort

The event kicks off after the resort closes at 3 PM, but folks attending can enjoy the facilities when it's open to the public during the day ... with their clothes on, of course.

The event first popped up in 2021 with less than 30 participants ... but has certainly garnered a big audience as time went on -- and this year, ticket holders will have access to women-owned brands, a tattoo booth, camping, and live entertainment.

Jenny Verrochi, founder of Boot Tan Fest, said the fun in the snow is all about putting up a welcoming environment ... saying, "Come by yourself and you’re sure to walk away with friends."

BTW, going fully nude isn't a mandate for this thing ... but seeing how popular this ski event is, it looks like you'd be in the minority if ya don't strip it off.


El guitarrista de Rascal Flatts desmiente los rumores de transición

El guitarrista de Rascal Flatts, J.D. Rooney, ha estado fuera del radar durante mucho tiempo, pero ha vuelto para aclarar las cosas sobre su vida personal y hacerle frente a los rumores de que se estaba convirtiendo en una mujer.

El artista country publicó una larga actualización en X el miércoles, donde se abrió sobre dónde ha estado, lo que ha estado pasando y lo que no es cierto acerca de su viaje personal. Aquí es cuando desmiente el rumor de que se estaba sometiendo a cirugía de reasignación de sexo.

Rooney comienza su carta abierta a los fans pidiendo disculpas por haber estado desaparecido en los últimos años, y luego añade ... "En primer lugar, ¡estoy vivo! Ha habido muchos rumores y opiniones sobre mí, pero por fin estoy sano y listo para el mundo. Y NO, no voy a hacerme mujer.  Nunca se me ha pasado por la cabeza. No tengo nada en contra de la comunidad trans, pero necesitaba dejar las cosas claras."

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El famoso guitarrista continúa diciendo que tocó fondo en septiembre de 2021 cuando fue arrestado por conducir ebrio en Tennessee, un incidente salvaje que TMZ cubrió con gran detalle en ese momento.

Rooney dice que después de eso se fue a Utah para desintoxicarse, un proceso que requirió mucho de su parte, pero del que salió sobrio y mejor que nunca. JDR reflexiona sobre lo que él dice es su alcoholismo causado por grandes rupturas en sus relaciones.

Como hemos dicho, J.D. está mucho mejor ahora, añadiendo: "Mi vida ha cambiado para siempre y estoy agradecido por el cambio. Llevo sobrio casi 28 meses desde el 13 de enero. Nunca creí que pudiera vivir mi vida sin beber. Se había convertido en una parte tan importante de mi rutina diaria y nocturna... Dios intervino y me ayudó a recuperar mi vida".

Él le agradece a los fans por las oraciones y los buenos deseos y a cambio espera que todo el mundo tenga un gran 2024.

Hablando de una puesta al día muy necesaria.

Rascal Flatts J.D. Rooney Breaks Silence I'm Alive, Also ... Not Transitioning!!!

Rascal Flatts' J.D. Rooney has been off the radar for a long while -- but he's back to clear the air on his personal life ... and addressing the rumors he was transitioning to a woman.

The country artist posted a lengthy update on X Wednesday, where he opened up about where he's been, what he's been going through and what's NOT true about his personal journey ... namely, he debunks a rumor that he was undergoing sex reassignment surgery.

Rooney starts his open letter to fans by apologizing for being MIA over the past few years or so, and then adds ... "First off, I am alive! There have been so many rumors and opinions thrown around about me - but I’m finally healthy and ready for the world. And NO, I’m not transitioning to be a woman.  That thought has never entered my mind. Nothing against the trans community whatsoever but I needed to set the record straight."

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The famed guitarist goes on to say he hit rock bottom in September 2021 when he got busted for a DUI in Tennessee -- a wild incident TMZ covered in great detail at the time.

Rooney says after that, he went away to Utah to get clean ... a process he says took a lot out of him, but from which he came out the other side sober and better than ever. JDR reflects on what he says his alcoholism caused ... like major rifts in his relationships.

Like we said, J.D.'s doing much better now -- adding, "My life has been changed forever - and I’m grateful for the change. I’ve been sober now for almost 28 months come this Jan 13. I never believed I could actually live my life without drinking. It had become such a huge part of my daily and nightly routine ... God intervened and helped me to get my life back."

He thanks fans/supporters for the prayers and well-wishes -- and dishes those back to 'em in return ... hoping everyone has a great 2024, which he certainly seems to be having himself.

Talk about a much-needed catchup.

Kelly Clarkson Helps Couple Marry At Vegas Show ... Still Believes in Love Despite Ex Drama

Kelly Clarkson's Las Vegas residency won't last forever, but she left her fans with one heck of a memory ... a wedding ceremony mid-show!

The "Stronger" singer stopped by a pair of men in the audience during her New Year's Eve show who asked her to bear witness to their union.

One of the men said he and his partner had been together nearly 15 years and were ready to tie the knot.

During this story, their officiant came down and Kelly handed the mic over to him ... and he didn't miss a beat, launching into a quick ceremony.

The happy couple said their "I do's" and, by the "power of Kelly Clarkson's show" the officiant proclaimed them married.

Kelly didn't stop there. The "Since U Been Gone" songstress shook hands with the couple's parents and congratulated them on the marriage as well.

It's good to know Kelly's opinion on love hasn't soured given her contentious divorce from her ex-husband, Brandon Blackstock.

Though the two settled their divorce in 2022, Blackstock overcharged Kelly when he managed her career, and the judge ruled he owed her about $2.6 million in November.


The only question now ... how's Adele gonna top this?!?

PUMP Restaurant Lisa Vanderpump's Olive Trees Staying ... New Bar Will Keep Iconic Pieces

Lisa Vanderpump's original PUMP restaurant's moved to green pastures, but an iconic part of its decor remains as new owners move into the space ... and we're told her olive trees aren't going anywhere.

Mario Vollera owns Roosterfish, which is taking over PUMP's old location in West Hollywood, and he tells TMZ ... when he and the other owners checked out the space, they all strongly requested that the big trees in the outdoor patio stay put.

We're told the trees ultimately ended up being a big part of the sale agreement, and Mario wanted them untouched because they bring prosperity and good luck ... not to mention, they're beautiful and add a lot to the space's ambiance.

TMZ broke the story back in May that PUMP was closing its doors ... and the "Vanderpump Rules" crew -- along with tons of locals and fans -- all said goodbye during its closing weekend in July.

PUMP didn't totally disappear, it just moved down the street next to TomTom -- Tom Schwartz and Tom Sandoval's eatery -- but if ya want to check out the olive trees, you'll have to stop by Roosterfish when it welcomes folks in after the new year.

La antigua ubicación de PUMP mantiene en su sitio los icónicos olivos de Lisa Vanderpump

El restaurante PUMP, original de Lisa Vanderpump, se ha cambiado de ubicación, pero una parte icónica de su decoración se mantiene mientras los nuevos propietarios se mudan al espacio y nos dicen que sus olivos no van a ninguna parte.

Mario Vollera es dueño de Roosterfish -que se está haciendo cargo de la antigua ubicación de PUMP en West Hollywood- y le dice a TMZ que cuando él y los otros propietarios revisaron el espacio, todos pidieron encarecidamente que los grandes árboles en el patio al aire libre se quedaran.

Nos dicen que los árboles terminaron siendo gran parte del acuerdo de venta y Mario quería que no se toquen, ya que traen prosperidad y buena suerte, por no hablar de lo hermosos que son.

TMZ publicó la historia de que PUMP estaba cerrando sus puertas y junto a un montón de lugareños y aficionados, todos dijeron adiós durante su fin de semana de cierre en julio.

PUMP no desapareció del todo, solo se trasladó a la calle al lado de TomTom -Tom Schwartz y Tom Sandoval- pero si quieres ver los olivos, tendrás que pasar por Roosterfish cuando se le de la bienvenida a la gente después del año nuevo.

Dave Chappelle hace más chistes sobre transexuales en su nuevo especial de Netflix

El nuevo especial de Dave Chappelle en Netflix es más de lo mismo en términos de apuntar a las personas transgénero. Sin embargo, está ampliando su alcance hacia las personas con discapacidad también.

En su nuevo show, "El Soñador", Dave sale a bromear sobre las personas trans de nuevo, esta vez contando una historia elaborada sobre el compromiso de Jim Carrey en el set de "Man on the Moon" y explicando cómo eso le recordó a las personas trans de hoy.

Tendrás que ver el especial para ver cómo conecta los puntos, pero básicamente ve paralelismos en lo comprometido que estaba Jim fingiendo tanto como lo hace la comunidad trans.

Ese fue el primer gran chiste que contó Dave, y aunque prometió dejar de hablar de los transexuales justo después, procedió a hacer aún más chistes sobre ellos durante el resto de "The Dreamer". Bromeó sobre escribir una obra acerca de una mujer trans cuyo pronombre era "n****" y que muere de soledad porque los liberales blancos no saben cómo hablar con ella.

Luego continuó diciendo que si alguna vez lo encarcelaban, esperaba que fuera en California, donde podría identificarse como mujer y ser encarcelado con mujeres, donde luego dijo que haría que otros reclusos le "chuparan esta polla de chica que tengo", sin tener que dar explicaciones.

Esos fueron sus chistes trans... pero también se fue en contra de las personas con discapacidad -incluyendo al ex-congresista Madison Cawthorn- y dijo que iba a empezar a burlarse de ellos porque "no son tan organizados como los gays" y le encanta "golpear hacia abajo".

Hubo mucho más... incluyendo sus pensamientos sobre la bofetada Will Smith/Chris Rock en los Oscar, aunque esa parte se siente bastante suave en comparación con esto.

Dave incluso nombró a Lil Nas X hacia el final de su set de una hora, diciendo que LNX se enfrentó a él por no estar en un video musical suyo, a lo que Dave terminó reflexionando acerca de que todos los niños en la escuela tenían un sueño, y Lil Nas X quería ser el gay más gay del mundo, deslizarse por una barra de stripper en el infierno y chupar el d*** del diablo.

De hecho, suena bastante incendiario, pero parece que Dave estaba yuxtaponiendo el "sueño" de Nas X con el suyo propio... que es un poco el tema principal de este especial, que se puede llegar a lo grande.

Aunque los chistes contra los transexuales suenan mal, no parece que estén provocando la misma tormenta de fuego que provocó su especial de 2021 hace dos años, cuando fueron casi el centro de atención. Será interesante ver cuáles son las consecuencias, si las hay, una vez que la gente lo vea por sí misma.

Una cosa que Chappelle NO aborda en este especial es algo que hizo en la vida real no hace mucho tiempo... la guerra Israel-Hamás. Parece que esto fue filmado mucho antes de todo eso.

Dave Chappelle More Trans Jokes in New Special ... Disabled, LGBTQ+ Ones Too

Dave Chappelle's new Netflix special is more of the same in terms of targeting transgender people -- but he's expanding his reach on marginalized people, roping in disabled folks too.

In his new show, "The Dreamer," DC comes out swinging right out the gate to joke about trans people again ... this time telling an elaborate story about meeting Jim Carrey on the set of "Man on the Moon" and explaining how that reminded him of trans people today.

You'll have to watch the special to see how he connects the dots -- but basically, he sees parallels in the very-committed pretending Jim did in that movie and the trans community.

That was the first big joke Dave told, and while he promised to stop talking about trans folks right after ... he then proceeded to make even more cracks about them throughout the rest of "The Dreamer." He joked about writing a play about a trans woman whose pronoun was "n****" and who dies of loneliness because white liberals don't know how to talk to her.

He then went on to say that if he ever got incarcerated, he'd hope it'd be in California -- where he could identify as a woman and be imprisoned with females ... where he then said he'd make other inmates "suck this girl dick I got," without having to explain himself.

That was the gist of his trans jokes ... but he also jabbed at people with disabilities -- including a crack at ex-Congressman Madison Cawthorn -- and said he'd start making fun of them because "they’re not as organized as the gays" and he loves "punching down."

There was a lot more material, of course ... including his thoughts on the whole Will Smith/Chris Rock Oscars slap -- but all of that felt pretty tame compared to this stuff.

Dave even name-dropped Lil Nas X toward the end of his hour-long set -- saying LNX confronted him for not being in a music video of his ... to which Dave ended up pondering something to the effect of ... out of all the kids in school who had a dream, Lil Nas X wanted to be the gayest gay in the world, slide a stripper pole in hell and suck the devil's d***.

Indeed, it sounds pretty inflammatory -- but it seems Dave was juxtaposing Nas X's "dream" with his own ... which is kinda the running theme of this special, that you can make it big.

While the anti-trans jokes do sound bad, they don't appear to be kicking up the same firestorm his 2021 special did 2 years ago ... when they were almost the entire focus. It'll be interesting to see what the fallout is here, if any, once people watch it for themselves.

One thing Chappelle did NOT address in this special is something he did in real life not that long ago ... namely, the Israel-Hamas war. Sounds like this was filmed well before all that.

'Survivor' Champs Parvati & Erika Come Out As Members of LGBTQ Community

A couple of "Survivor" fan favorites gave show loyalists an update on their personal lives ... and whether it was a coincidence or not, both announcements came on the same day.

Parvati Shallow, considered one of the all-time best to hit the Survivor islands and winner of Survivor: Micronesia back in 2008, posted a set of cute pics of herself with comedian Mae Martin Saturday with the caption, "We’re here. We’re queer. Happy new year," followed by several emojis including a rainbow.

It's seemingly the first time there's been any indication the two were an item ... Parvati was previously married to Survivor contestant, John Fincher, but they separated in 2021. The two have one child together.

A few hours before Pavarti's post went up, Erika Casupanan, winner of Survivor 41 made a special announcement of her own thanks to a funny TikTok video.

In the video, Erika joked she attempted to do a viral challenge of eating grapes under a table in hopes of scoring a boyfriend, but instead chugged a bottle of wine ... leading her to realize she was a lesbian.

Both announcements have been getting a ton of love and support from Survivor fans ... and both contestants seem super happy.

Here's to new beginnings for both in 2024!!!

U.S. Senate Cardin Staffer Ousted ... Sex Tape Filmed in Hearing Room Leaks

A U.S. Senate staffer who was filmed having sex in a high-profile space on Capitol Hill has lost his job after a tape showing the deed leaked -- and now cops are investigating.

The man depicted in the footage -- which was first published by The Daily Caller, and which has been making the rounds online since -- has been identified as 24-year-old Aidan Maese-Czeropski ... an aide to Democratic Maryland Senator Ben Cardin.

Unclear exactly when this sex tape was filmed, but TDC got its hands on it and threw it up on its site. Indeed, it shows Maese-Czeropski having anal sex with another man in a judiciary hearing room within the Hart Senate Office Building ... and reports indicate it's one where confirmations/grillings go down -- including for SCOTUS nominees, etc.

The camera is being held by the man who's doing the penetrating -- he films both Maese-Czeropski in front of him and the empty room that they're in ... capturing lots of angles.

It appears the two men are having sex where Senators themselves often sit ... perched up on the bench and looking down onto the table where witnesses/nominees would normally be.

Once the staffer in question was linked to Cardin ... a spokesman for his office confirmed the guy was no longer working for the lawmaker -- saying, "Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter."

Aidan himself appears to have also addressed the scandal -- a purported message from his since-scrubbed LinkedIn is being circulated ... and it reads in part, "This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda."


He adds, "While some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment, I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace. Any attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated." Just about all of Aidan's social pages have now been wiped.

BTW, the Capitol Police say they're now looking into this to see if any laws were broken here. Aidan worked for Cardin since 2021 and was a Dianne Feinstein intern before that.

Billie Eilish denuncia a Variety por exponerla en la alfombra roja

Billie Eilish aparentemente no tenía intención de mostrarse como LGBTQ + este fin de semana, pero parece que no tuvo opción, todo por culpa de un reportero que dio un gran salto.

La estrella del pop publicó una serie de fotos y videos de sus agitados últimos dos días. Comenzó con una foto en la que se mostraba con sus pantalones y ropa interior cerca de sus rodillas, luego hizo una transición hasta unos clips en los que se le veía compartiendo en el evento de brunch Hitmakers de Variety el sábado.

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Su pie de foto es revelador, se puede leer: "Gracias Variety por mi premio y también por exponerme en una alfombra roja a las 11 am en lugar de hablar de cualquier otra cosa que realmente importe. Me gustan los chicos y chicas, porfavor déjenme en paz al respecto. Literalmente, ¿a quién le importa?".

Por supuesto, ella se refiere a la entrevista que hizo con la colaboradora de Variety Tiana DeNicola a principios de ese día, donde se le preguntó directamente si tenía la intención de salir en la portada de Variety de principios de semana.

Sin duda fue una interacción incómoda, Billie inició las cosas diciendo que todavía tenía miedo de las mujeres y pensaba que eran bonitas, haciéndose eco de su cita de la pieza de Variety y también riéndose de ello en el momento.

DeNicola entonces siguió y aparentemente pensó que Billie había revelado algo sobre su sexualidad. Fue entonces cuando le preguntó si había tenido la intención de compartir su identidad LGBTQ +.

Billie dijo que no necesariamente, añadiendo que se imaginaba que todo el mundo ya lo sabía. En ese momento, varios medios de comunicación corrieron a mostrar su punto de vista al respecto, confirmando el hecho de que había salido del closet, sin embargo, a Billie no parece haberle gustado cómo salieron las cosas.

DeNicola no ha respondido a las quejas de Billie, ni tampoco Variety. Es difícil saber hasta qué punto Billie está enfadada por todo esto - ella no parece darle mucha importancia a "salir del closet", pero el hecho de que ella siente que fue sacada del armario es un gran problema.

Como Billie misma dice, le gustan las chicas y los chicos, pero no quiere ponerle una etiqueta a las cosas y definitivamente no parece que quiera seguir hablando de ello.

¡feliz navidad!

Nota para los medios de comunicación, NO asuman que alguien está fuera o salió a menos que lo digan explícitamente. Lección aprendida, esperemos.

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