Kevin Spacey Massage Therapist Sues ... Allegedly Pushed For Sexual Favors

Kevin Spacey booked a massage therapist and then made sexual advances and offered to pay extra money in exchange for sexual favors during the massage ... according to a new lawsuit.

The actor is being sued by a male massage therapist in New York who claims Spacey booked three 90-minute massages in August and September 2016 in a room at the New York Edition Hotel.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, the message therapist claims Spacey made unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances and repeatedly pressed him for sexual favors, including him insisting on starting the massage with a focus on the buttocks.

The therapist says Spacey also insisted on doing yoga poses during the massage, exposing Spacey's butt and genitals in the process and making the therapist feel uncomfortable.

In the suit, the therapist claims Spacey repeatedly became sexually aroused during the sessions and even offered extra money in exchange for sexual favors. He also says Spacey repeatedly made sexual comments on his looks and physique.

What's more, the masseuse claims Spacey grabbed the therapist's hand and tried to place it on his genitals, despite the therapist repeatedly rejecting Spacey's alleged advances.

The massage therapist says Spacey booked the appointments through an app, using a different name ... meaning he never knew he was going to see Spacey until he got into the room. He also says Spacey "insisted upon wearing a ski mask" during the appointments.

After the third alleged incident, the masseuse claims he stopped taking appointments altogether at the hotel Spacey allegedly frequented.

The massage therapist claims the Spacey sessions resulted in mental and emotional distress ... saying he still suffers from anxiety, depression, PTSD, and fears for his livelihood as a massage therapist, husband and father.

The masseuse is going after Spacey for damages.

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Sky News

The lawsuit comes a couple months after Spacey was found not guilty on sexual assault charges in the United Kingdom.

As we previously reported ... Spacey was accused of forcing a different male massage therapist to touch his genitals during an in-home massage in 2016, an accusation Spacey denied, and the case was dropped when the alleged victim died during the investigation.

We reached out to Spacey's camp about the most recent lawsuit ... so far no word back.

Astros' Hector Neris Allegedly Called Julio Rodriguez Homophobic Slur ... Before Near-Brawl

An all-out brawl nearly erupted during the Astros vs. Mariners tilt on Wednesday night ... and according to one Seattle player, it all started 'cause Houston pitcher Hector Neris called Julio Rodriguez a homophobic slur.

The near-dust-up on the diamond went down in the sixth inning of the Astros' pivotal game with the Mariners at T-Mobile Park ... after Neris struck out Rodriguez with a breaking ball.

The reliever was so pumped to get the Seattle superstar out, he charged at him ... and, according to Seattle Times reporter Adam Jude, Mariners third baseman Eugenio Suarez said Neris screamed an anti-gay term at Rodriguez -- causing the benches to clear.

"He started talking bad words in Spanish," Suarez said, according to Jude. "He started doing something that is not good for people who speak Spanish and understand. I was in the on-deck circle and I heard that. That pissed me off."

Players from both sides ran onto the field to protect their guys ... though, thankfully, no punches were thrown and cooler heads ultimately prevailed.

Neris downplayed it all after the game ... telling reporters, "He's my friend." Rodriguez was not available for comment. The MLB, meanwhile, has yet to address Suarez's allegations.

As for the game, the Astros went on to win it, 8-3 -- keeping them ahead of the Mariners for the third and final American League Wild Card spot.

Caitlyn Jenner Didn't Mean to Shade Kim K ... 'Calculated' Comment Not What It Seems

Caitlyn Jenner wasn't trying to fire shots at Kim Kardashian when she said the mogul "calculated" her way to fame -- in fact, her comments were part of a bigger convo, where she spoke proudly of Kim.

Here's the deal, Caitlyn's featured in the trailer for the upcoming docuseries, "House of Kardashian," which dives deep into the family's rise to fame. In the first look, which came out last week, Caitlyn says, "Kimberly calculated from the beginning, 'How do I become famous?'"

While it seemed like a dig, sources close to Caitlyn tell TMZ ... her use of the word "calculated" wasn't the best choice, but it's already been relayed to Kim she didn't mean it as a diss.

We're told the explanation given to Kim, after the trailer dropped, was that Cait's words were edited to come off more controversial than they actually were... it's a promo, after all.

One source added, Caitlyn's proud of Kim, and thinks what was shown in the 40-second clip isn't reflective of her actual intentions when she sat down to discuss her ex-wife and children.

Caitlyn was only a contributor on the Sky-produced series, so she has no creative control over what makes it into the final edit from her interview ... but we're told she agreed to talk with producers, intending to be a positive voice to defend her family's legacy.

BTW, we're told Cait and Kim are on good terms after the dust settled. If anyone understands the power of editing it's the Kardashians, so ... no harm, no foul.

Caitlyn Jenner No quise criticar a Kim K.... Lo de "calculado" no es lo que parece

Caitlyn Jenner no estaba tratando de disparar contra Kim Kardashian cuando dijo que la magnate "calculó" su camino a la fama. De hecho, sus comentarios fueron parte de una conversación más grande, donde habló con orgullo de Kim.

Caitlyn aparece en el trailer de la próxima docuserie, "House of Kardashian", que se sumerge en el ascenso a la fama de la familia. En el adelanto que salió a la luz la semana pasada, Caitlyn aparece diciendo: "Kimberly calculó desde el principio: "¿Cómo me hago famosa?"".

Aunque parecía una indirecta, fuentes cercanas a Caitlyn dicen a TMZ el uso de la palabra "calculado" no fue la mejor opción, pero ya le transmitió a Kim que no quiso criticarla.

Nos dicen que la explicación que le dio a Kim, después de que el trailer fue liberado, es que sus palabras fueron editados para que sonaran más controvertidas de lo que realmente eran. Se trata de una promoción, después de todo.

Una fuente añadió, que Caitlyn está orgullosa de Kim y piensa que el clip de 40 segundos no refleja realmente lo que quiso decir cuando se sentó a hablar de su ex esposa e hijos.

Caitlyn solo fue una colaboradora en la serie producida por Sky, por lo que no tiene control creativo sobre la edición final de su entrevista, pero nos dicen que accedió a hablar con los productores, con la intención de ser una voz positiva para defender el legado de su familia.

Por cierto, nos han contado que Cait y Kim están en buenos términos después de que las cosas decantaran. Si alguien entiende el poder de la edición son las Kardashian, así que... no hay mal que por bien no venga.

LAUREN BOEBERT Drag Queen del bar de su cita cuenta... ¡Quinn tiene un buen corazón!

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Toqueteos en el teatro

La drag queen que actuó en el bar de propiedad del tipo que acarició las tetas de la representante Lauren Boebert tiene un pequeño secreto sucio sobre ellos.

TMZ habló con Kendra Matic, la única drag performer que subió al escenario en el bar de Aspen de Quinn Gallagher (la cita de Boebert) en enero, y nos dio un montón de información sobre esta saga que nadie parece haber sabido hasta ahora.

Kendra Matic
es un buen tipo

Para empezar, Kendra nos dijo que apoya 100% a Quinn, a quien define como un gran tipo, con el que sin duda volvería a trabajar si la llamara para otro espectáculo. Kendra dice que la actuación de este año salió muy bien e insiste en que QG tiene un buen corazón.

Es por el cariño que le tiene a Quinn que Kendra no puede entender su relación con la congresista republicana, y sí, estamos usando ese término especialmente aquí.

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me siento bien

De cualquier modo, de acuerdo con Kendra, Boebert y Gallagher había estado saliendo por un tiempo, algo de lo que varios en la zona eran conscientes, según ella. Por lo tanto, la idea de que este habría sido el primer encuentro entre ellos parece ser falsa.

Vamos a dejar que Kendra hable por sí misma sobre lo que puede o no revelar de los chismes sobre RLB y Quinn en la ciudad, pero digamos que en una ciudad pequeñas... las personas suelen hablar, y mucho.

Ahora sobre Boebert, Kendra dice que hizo sus tareas y vio algunas de las cosas que ha dicho la Representante sobre temas LGBTQ +, de lo cual es muy opositora, como está bien documentado, y ella dice que la decepciona que Quinn esté con alguien así.

Dicho esto ... Kendra no está dando la espalda a su amigo, solo está condenando a Boebert. Hablando de cosas jugosas... ¡esta historia solo sigue dando que hablar!

Rep. Lauren Boebert Drag Queen at Date's Bar ... Spills the Tea, Defends Quinn!!!

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The drag queen who performed at the bar owned by the guy who was fondling Rep. Lauren Boebert's boobs last week says contrary to Boebert's claim, that date wasn't #1.

TMZ talked to Kendra Matic ... who was the lone drag performer who took the stage at Quinn Gallagher's Aspen bar back in January, and she gave us a LOT of previously unknown insight into this whole saga.

Kendra Matic

For starters, KM tells us she 100% stands behind Quinn -- whom she says is a great guy who she would definitely work with again if he called her for another drag show. Kendra says the gig earlier this year went really well ... and insists QG's got a good heart.

It's because of how fond she is of Quinn that Kendra can't understand his relationship with the Republican congresswoman -- and yes, we're using that term specifically here.

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As it turns out -- according to Kendra, anyway -- Boebert and Gallagher had actually been seeing each other for a while ... something Kendra says quite a few people in the area were aware of. So, the notion this was a first-time hookup, as Boebert hinted, appears to be bogus.

We'll let Kendra talk for herself here on what she can and can't reveal about the gossip around town over RLB and Quinn -- but let's just say ... a small town talks!

Now, on Boebert herself ... Kendra tells us she's done her homework and seen some of the nasty things the representative has said about LGBTQ+ issues -- and she's disappointed that Quinn is into a person like that.

With that said ... Kendra isn't turning her back on her dude. She's just condemning Boebert specifically. Talk about hot tea in the Rockies -- this story just keeps on giving!

Angelica Ross Emma Roberts Called Me Up ... Apologized After Alleged 'AHS' Transphobic Remarks


12:51 PM PT -- Angelica Ross says Emma Roberts contacted her after being called transphobic ... apologizing for what went down.


The actress jumped back on social media Wednesday with a follow-up ... thanking Emma for hitting her up and "recognizing your behavior was not that of an ally." She added, "I will leave the line open to follow up on your desire to do better and support social justice causes with your platform."

Emma Roberts was transphobic to Angelica Ross on the set of 'American Horror Story' ... so claims Angelica herself, who's spilling even more alleged tea about her onetime costar.


The actress -- who's a trans woman -- hopped on social media Tuesday to make the allegation ... detailing what she says happened while they were filming 'AHS: 1984' back in 2018 when she was cast opposite ER ... who was the lead that season.

Angelica says Emma misgendered her during an interaction with yet another costar, John Carroll Lynch, who told the "ladies" (meaning Angelica and Emma) to play nice between takes ... this after Emma playfully complained AR was being mean.


Here's what Angelica claims Emma said right after that ... "Don't you mean 'lady.'" Apparently, she partially cloaked her face and walked away -- leaving Angelica stunned.

After, Angelica says she never spoke another word to Emma when cameras weren't rolling ... but as far as why she didn't report it -- AR explains she felt she'd be retaliated against, claiming someone else on set who'd spoken up had been punished.

Lastly ... Angelica alleges Emma was a major terror in general, pissing off the other actors and throwing her weight around in an insufferable way.

We reached out to Emma's rep ... so far, no word back.

Rep. Lauren Boebert Groping Theater Date's Bar Slammed ... Comments Disabled After 1-Star Reviews

Rep. Lauren Boebert's handsy night at the theater has a Colorado bar getting flooded with a bunch of negative reviews ... all because the guy she was foolin' around with owns it.

Lauren's date that night, Quinn Gallagher, owns Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar in Aspen, and folks online have been taking to Yelp to express their distaste -- but they're more enraged about his night out as opposed to the actual biz.

One Yelper said Quinn is "disruptive & disrespectful in public places," an obvious reference to last week's caught-on-camera moment while he and Boebert were enjoying "Beetlejuice" the musical ... and each other.

Another wrote, "This place sucks unless you admire an owner that dates Boobert [sic] and causes a ruckus at a theater play" -- while someone else added, "The owner is doinking 36 year old Grandma Boebert, who supported an insurrection against America!"

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The chatter on Yelp has gotten so bad, the platform had to temporarily disable reviews -- something the site often does when it sees a rapid uptick in folks review-bombing a business.

It didn't stop there, though -- Hooch's Facebook page was met with the same negative energy ... and its Instagram account has also turned off comments.

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As we reported, we got Lauren in D.C., and she told us Quinn is a great guy, but a second date isn't in their future ... something she openly attributes to their political differences.

Don't forget, Hooch hosted a drag performance in January as part of the city's annual Pride Week, and Lauren's railed on drag performers in the past. Yet another sign they won't be getting wild at "Wicked" anytime soon.

Lauren Boebert El bar de su cita en el teatro es humillado en redes Hasta desactivaron los comentarios...

El toqueteo de Lauren Boebert y su cita en el teatro han inundado de críticas negativas a un bar de Colorado, y todo, porque el hombre con el que estaba jugando es el dueño.

La cita de Lauren esa noche, Quinn Gallagher, es dueño del Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar en Aspen, y la gente han estado acudiendo a Yelp para expresar su disgusto con el lugar, aunque las personas están más enfurecidos por su actuación esa noche que con bar.

Un Yelper comentó que Quinn es "disruptivo e irrespetuoso en lugares públicos", una referencia obvia al momento capturado la semana pasada en un video, en donde se los ve a él y a la diputada Boebert disfrutando del musical de "Beetlejuice"... y de algo más.

Otro escribió: "Este lugar apesta a menos que admires a un propietario que salga con Boobert [sic] y cause un alboroto en una obra de teatro". Mientras que alguien más añadió: "¡El propietario se está tirando a Boebert, la abuela de 36 años que apoyó una insurrección contra América!"

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Cariñositos en el teatro

Los comentarios en Yelp han llegado a tal punto que la plataforma ha tenido que desactivar temporalmente sus reseñas, algo que el sitio a menudo hace cuando ve un rápido aumento de personas bomberando un negocio de críticas.

Pero la avalancha no se detuvo ahí. La página de Facebook de Hooch recibió la misma energía negativa y su cuenta de Instagram también desactivó los comentarios.

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Me siento bien...

Como informamos, Lauren está en DC, y nos dijo que Quinn es un gran tipo, pero no está en el horizonte una segunda cita, algo que atribuye abiertamente a sus diferencias políticas.

No se olviden de que Hooch organizó un espectáculo de drag en enero como parte de la Semana del Orgullo de la ciudad, y Lauren ha criticado a los artistas drag en el pasado. Otra señal de que no se van a poner cachondos en un futuro próximo.


El presunto novio de la diputada Lauren Boebert no sólo es demócrata, sino que presumiblemente apoya a la comunidad LGBTQ, así que la trama no hace más que complicarse.

Quinn Gallagher, el hombre que estaba agarrando el pecho de Bobert como ella estaba agarrando su entrepierna mientras veían un musical, tiene un bar en Aspen (el Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar) que alberga espectáculos de drag.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Como probablemente sepas, la incendiaria republicana ha arremetido contra los espectáculos de travestis, preocupada por que los niños puedan ser influenciados de alguna manera para hacer algo, aunque nunca ha sido específica.

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pareja toquetona

Es la última vuelta de tuerca de una historia de locos. Como ya informamos, Boebert fue expulsada de la obra de "Beetlejuice" en Denver, después de fumar (algo que ella negó pero que está tan claro como el agua en el vídeo de vigilancia), hacer señas, interrumpir y hablar mal a otros miembros del público.

En otro vídeo, se ve a Gallagher manoseando el pecho de Boebert y a Boebert manoseándole la entrepierna.

Y, como ya informamos, a la salida del teatro le dio la vuelta a un acomodador.

Una semana bastante loca para la pareja.

Rep. Lauren Boebert Presumed BF Hosts Drag Shows at Aspen Bar ... She's Definitely Not a Fan

Rep. Lauren Boebert's presumed boyfriend is not only a Democrat but presumably a supporter of the LGBTQ community ... so the plot just keeps thickening.

Quinn Gallagher, the man who was grabbing Bobert's breast as she was grabbing his crotch as they watched a musical, has a bar in Aspen -- the Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar -- which hosts drag shows.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As you probably know, the Republican firebrand has railed on drag shows, worrying that children might somehow be influenced to do something, although she's never been specific.

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It's the latest twist in a nutty tale. As we reported, Boebert was ejected from the "Beetlejuice" performance in Denver, after vaping (something she denied but is as clear as day in the surveillance video), signing, disrupting and talking trash to other audience members.

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In another video, you see Gallagher pawing Boebert's breast and Boebert groping his crotch.

And, as we told you, on their way out of the theatre, she flipped off an usher.

Like we said ... a nutty week.

Blueface Child Services Called Over Video With Strippers, Son

Blueface videos showing his young son hanging around exotic dancers at home are getting a lot of attention ... including from cops and the Department of Children and Family Services.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... sheriff's deputies have been called to the rapper's Los Angeles-area home a whopping NINE times since May, with the most serious call for a DCFS investigation into Blueface bringing strippers around his kids.

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After Blueface posted footage of him asking his son if he was gay while women stripped in a nearby room, we're told DCFS got wind of the video and launched an investigation, which led to sheriff's deputies being called to the home.

We're told Blueface still has his son, and it sounds like the DCFS investigation hasn't moved forward ... in part, because no one answered the door or picked up the phone when deputies were called to the house.

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Law enforcement tells us other calls to the house include noise complaints for loud music and barking dogs.

So, cops frequent Blueface's place a lot ... but the stripper videos with his son are the most concerning.

Over at Blueface's party house in the San Fernando Valley, we're told cops have been there multiple times about parties and fights ... with Blue's neighbors making the complaints.

As for Blueface's alarming videos with his kids, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services won't comment on specific cases, but tells TMZ ... the safety and well-being of the county's 2 million children and youth is its highest priority.

Maren Morris Jabs at Jason Aldean's 'Small Town' ... Major Shade in Teaser

Country singer Maren Morris is firing shots at Jason Aldean, or it sure seems like it ... because she referenced his hit song, "Try That in a Small Town," in a teaser for her new music video.

Maren shared a quick clip Thursday night from what appears to be a video for a new song, which shows a glimpse at a miniature billboard reading, "Welcome to Our Perfect SMALL TOWN From Sunrise to Sundown."

She captioned the post, "I'm done filling a cup with a hole in the bottom." Unclear if those are lyrics to the song or not, but it's obvious she's taking a dig at Aldean.

As we reported, JA came under fire in July for the 'Small Town' music video imagery -- showing riots and Black Lives Matter rallies -- and the song's lyrics, which some feel promotes vigilante violence. He insisted he didn't have racist intent, and denied the song was an attack on BLM.

Macon Music, LLC

He ended up having to remove BLM rally news coverage from the video after not getting permission to use it.

BTW, Maren's shade might not just be at Jason -- she got into it last year with his wife, Brittany, who thanked her parents for "not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase." For all we know, her upcoming vid might be a shot at both Aldeans.

NFL's Carl Nassib I'm Retiring ... 'Luckiest Guy On The Planet'

Carl Nassib -- the first openly gay player to ever log time in a regular season NFL game -- is retiring.

The 30-year-old pass rusher announced the news in a lengthy post on his Instagram page Wednesday morning ... revealing he's hanging up his cleats in order to focus on his business endeavors.

"This is a bittersweet moment for me," he said in his announcement. "Football has given me more than I ever could have imagined. I can truly hang up my helmet for the last time knowing I gave it everything I had."

Nassib entered the NFL back in 2016 ... when the Cleveland Browns took him in the third round. He piled up 5.5 sacks in two seasons, before he signed on with the Buccaneers in 2018.

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@carlnassib / Instagram

Two seasons later, he joined the Raiders ... and after one year with the team, he came out as gay. In his first game following the historic announcement, he made a play that helped Las Vegas log a victory.

Nassib went on to play for the Bucs one more time last season ... before ending his career Wednesday.

"It was always my dream to play in the NFL, even as a walk-on," Nassib said, "and I really feel like the luckiest guy on the planet."

Nassib played in 99 total games, recording 25.5 sacks and 187 combined tackles.

Marcus On 'Sex And The City' 'Memba Him?!

American actor, singer, and dancer Sean Palmer was 29 years old when he first started playing the role of Marcus -- the Broadway hopeful and Stanford Blatch's boyfriend -- in HBO's hit show "Sex And The City" back in 2002.

During his 2 year run on 'SATC,' Palmer was part of an iconic cast including Sarah Jessica Parker as the sex newspaper columnist, Carrie, Cynthia Nixon as the rigid and funny attorney, Miranda, Kim Cattrall as the sex-positive public relations specialist, Samantha, Kristin Davis as the conservative art gallerist and the late Willie Garson as Carrie's bestie and Marcus' love interest.

Guess what he looks like now!

U. of Wyoming Sorority Sisters' Transgender Suit Tossed Judge Won't Define Woman

Sorority sisters who were trying to have a transgender woman booted from their org just got gut-checked in court -- 'cause a judge tossed their lawsuit -- saying the court had no business telling the sorority how to define "woman."

U.S. District Judge Alan Johnson dismissed the complaint filed by 7 members of the University of Wyoming's Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter -- who sued their own sorority earlier this year for allowing 21-year-old Artemis Langford, who's trans, to join their ranks in recent months.

The reason, per court docs obtained by TMZ ... the court says it has no right to intrude on how the chapter defined "woman" for the purposes of admitting prospective members. The judge found Kappa Kappa Gamma clearly felt Langford was qualified to join when it voted her in ... and going back to disqualify that now is out of bounds.

Judge Johnson breaks it down like this ... "The delegate of a private, voluntary organization interpreted ‘woman,’ otherwise undefined in the nonprofit’s bylaws, expansively; this Judge may not invade Kappa Kappa Gamma’s freedom of expressive association and inject the circumscribed definition Plaintiffs urge."

In other words, the judge is saying this is an issue Kappa Kappa Gamma dealt with in-house -- and it was inappropriate for a court to interfere.

As for how Langford feels about this latest development ... her attorney, Rachel Berkness, told AP the claims never should've made it into a legal filing to begin with -- so, it sounds like her client is happy.

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Fox News

The sorority sisters who brought this before hizzoner alleged Langford -- who's described as 6'2" and 260 lbs., and with male genitalia -- would get sexually aroused around the women within the house. The sisters claimed they were living in constant fear with her around.

Caitlyn Jenner chimed on in this case, siding with the sorority sisters suing ... saying Langford wasn't a "true trans" woman.

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