'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Arrested Again After DV Bust Cops At Their Home At Night

Christine Quinn's husband was arrested for a second time this week -- this after cops say he showed up at their home despite the fact he was ordered to stay away ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us Christian Dumontet was taken into custody again Wednesday night after cops say he arrived at his and Christine's house in the Hollywood Hills ... which spurred a 911 call and landed Christian in handcuffs for the 2nd day in a row.

We're told he was hauled away by officers and taken to jail, where he was booked on a charge of violating an emergency protective order. Photos of cops on the scene last night show at least one police cruiser at Christine's home ... but not shots of Christian himself.

Unclear who called the cops -- but sources with direct knowledge tell us Christine wasn't the one to alert police to Christian's presence, and more importantly ... we're told she wasn't even at the property at all.

Our sources tell us she hasn't been back to the home since heading to the hospital with their kid -- and is currently in a safe location with the child. Regardless ... we're told Christian being at the property is a no-go based on the legal forcefield afforded to Christine.

Remember ... she was granted an emergency protective order that's in place for 7 days after what allegedly happened between her and Christian on Tuesday -- and if she wants additional protection, she'll have to file for a restraining order.

As we reported ... Christian stands accused of trying to get violent with Christine during an argument -- having allegedly thrown a bag full of glass at her, but missing and allegedly striking their 2-year-old son instead. 911 was called, and Christian was led away by police.

We're told Christian was released from jail early Thursday morning on bond. We've reached out to Christine's camp ... so far, no word back.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

CHRISTINE QUINN DETIENEN A SU MARIDO OTRA VEZ La policía llega a casa por la noche

El marido de Christine Quinn fue detenido por segunda vez esta semana, esto después de que la policía dijera que se presentó en su casa a pesar de que le ordenaron mantenerse alejado... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Christian Dumontet fue detenido de nuevo la noche del miércoles después de que la policía informara que llegó a su casa y la de Christine en las colinas de Hollywood, lo que provocó una llamada al 911 y su detención por segunda vez consecutiva.

Nos dicen que fue detenido y llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por un cargo de violación de una orden de protección de emergencia. Fotos de la policía de anoche muestran al menos a un carro patrulla de la policía en la casa de Christine, pero no hay capturas de Christian.

No está claro quién llamó a la policía, pero fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Christine no fue quien lo hizo, y lo más importante, nos dicen que ni siquiera estaba en la propiedad en absoluto.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que no ha vuelto a casa desde que se dirigió al hospital con su hijo, y actualmente se encuentra en un lugar seguro con el niño. A pesar de todo, nos informan que Christian no puede entrar a la propiedad por ley.

Recordemos que Christine tiene una orden de protección vigente por 7 días. Esto luego del supuesto ocurrió entre ella y Christian el martes, y si ella quiere protección adicional, tendrá que solicitar una orden de restricción.

Como informamos, Christian está acusado de tratar de ponerse violento con Christine durante una discusión, luego de supuestamente haberle lanzado una bolsa llena de vidrios, la cual terminó golpeando a su hijo de dos años. Llamaron al 911 y a Christian se lo llevó la policía.

Nos han dicho que Christian fue liberado de la cárcel el jueves por la mañana bajo fianza. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la gente Christine, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Shakira ¡¡¡Estar casada me hundió!!! ... Estar soltera es mejor para la carrera

Shakira está abrazando completamente su vida de soltera, tanto que acaba de confesar que estar casada era algo que le pesaba y le puso un freno a su carrera musical.

La cantante colombiana estuvo 11 años con el futbolista Gerard Piqué, antes de que se separaran en 2022 en medio de rumores de infidelidad, y recientamente le dijo a Zane Lowe de Apple Music 1 que sin Gerard en su vida tiene un impulso compulsivo por trabajar y hacer música como nunca antes.

Ahora, la soltería de Shakira no es perfecta tampoco. También fue realista sobre los desafíos que conlleva ser madre soltera de sus hijos Milán, de 11 años y Sasha, 9 años.

La reina de "Hips Don't Lie", que se mudó de España a los Estados Unidos después de su separación, cuenta que sus dos hijos se apoyan mucho en ella y sin el maridito en el cuadro, dice que está sosteniendo el buque por sí misma.

Esta no es la primera vez que Shakira arremete contra Gerard por el impacto negativo que tuvo en su trabajo como cantente. También le dijo al Sunday Times que tuvo que sacrificar su carrera musical en nombre del amor.

Pero ahora, luego de 7 largos años, Shakira está de vuelta con su muy esperado álbum de estudio, "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran" (Women Don't Cry Anymore), ¡que saldrá este viernes!

Es hora de subir el volumen y volver a mover las caderas.


Shakira's all about that single life ... straight-up saying being married weighed her down, and put a damper on her music career.

The Colombian singer was with soccer player Gerard Piqué for 11 years before they separated in 2022 amid infidelity rumors ... and she told Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1 that with Gerard outta the picture, she's now got a compulsive urge to work and make music like never before.

Shakira's singledom ain't all sunshine and rainbows though ... she's also keeping it real about the challenges of being a single parent to her sons, 11-year-old Milan and 9-year-old Sasha.

The "Hips Don't Lie" queen, who made the move from Spain to the U.S. post-split, dishes that her 2 kiddos are leaning on her big time ... and with no hubby in the picture, she's holding down the fort all by herself.

This ain't the first time Shakira's gently lashed out about how Gerard negatively impacted her career -- she also told the Sunday Times she sacrificed her music-making journey in the name of love.

But, Shakira's back in action ... after 7 long years, she's dropping her much-awaited studio album, "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran" (Women Don't Cry Anymore), this Friday!

Time to crank up the volume and shake those hips again!

Drake Bell Guys, Josh Has Reached Out to Me ... Please Lay Off!!!

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Go Easy On Josh!

Drake Bell is coming to Josh Peck's defense after fans blasted his former costar for staying mum amid his sexual abuse story ... basically telling everyone to stand down.

The former Nick star hopped online Wednesday to clear the air on where he stands with Josh ... and he confirmed that JP has, in fact, reached out to him after his appearance on 'Quiet on the Set' -- even though just about everybody assumed he hadn't.

Drake -- who opened up about being molested as a teen by former Nickelodeon dialogue coach Brian Peck in the docuseries -- says he noticed the hate comments flooding Josh's social media accounts these past several days ... which he says are unwarranted.

As Drake puts it ... Josh has been supportive in the aftermath of the doc. Josh's reach-out hasn't been made public until now because of the delicate nature of the situation -- so things are clearly going on behind the scenes that not everyone can see.

Drake says that he's been going through an emotional time in processing everything that has happened ... which is why certain things have been kept out of the public eye.

His update comes amid accusations that JP was purposefully ignoring the damning doc about their former network. The comment section of Josh's TikTok account even featured countless fans demanding that he say something in support of DB, instead of making silly uploads.

Of course, Drake and Josh have a rocky relationship of late. The two found themselves publicly beefing after Drake griped about not being invited to Josh's wedding.

ignoring the doc

The two actors eventually hugged it out at the 2017 VMAs -- but even after that ... it didn't seem they were particularly close.

Still, we're happy to hear that Josh has rallied around Drake right now ... and here's hoping people heed Drake's request to lay off his old bud.

ADIVINA QUIÉN ¡Es este pequeño travieso!

Antes de que este chico con camiseta a rayas se convirtiera en actor y cantante, posaba como un niño malvado, creciendo en Washington D.C. ¡y soñando con su gran ovación en el escenario de Broadway!

Se puede decir que "Simple Sponge" es muy exitoso en el escenario, canta y es un genio teatral, ¡pero también es un talentoso compositor y toca la guitarra como un profesional!

Si aún no estás seguro de quién podría ser este chico, ¡quizá Ari pueda ayudarte 😜!

¿Adivinas ahora quién es este pequeño gruñón?

Guess Who This Spooky Kid Turned Into!

Before this bubbly boy in his striped tee turned into an actor and singer, he was just posing like a wicked kiddo, growing up in Washington D.C. and dreaming of his big standing ovation on the Broadway stage!

It's safe to say this "Simple Sponge" puts in work on the stage, sings to the rafters, and is a total theatrical genius ....but he's also a talented composer and plays the guitar like a pro!

If you're still unsure who this kid could be, maybe Ari could help you out 😜!

Can you guess who this little growling guy is now?

Dan Schneider sobre "Quiet on Set" Aborda las acusaciones en una nueva entrevista... Se disculpa por los errores

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Me siento horrible

Dan Schneider está abordando las acusaciones del nuevo documental de Nickelodeon que lo pintan como un monstruo y lo acusan de comportamiento extremadamente inapropiado con algunos miembros del elenco, y él está asumiendo su responsabilidad.

El alguna vez mandamás de Nickelodeon se sentó con el ex actor de "iCarly" BooG!e el martes para entregar una respuesta formal a las afirmaciones que lo acusan de fomentar un ambiente tóxico en el trabajo y en los programas que creó, y que se acaban de abordar en su totalidad en este nuevo documental que se está volviendo viral.

Echa un vistazo, Dan Schneider dice que fue muy difícil para él ver la nueva docuserie y reconocer algunos de sus comportamientos como vergonzosos y lamentables.

Añadió: "Definitivamente, le debo a una disculpa bastante fuerte a algunas personas".

El ex ejecutivo de televisión -que era el showrunner de varios programas de Nickelodeon en su momento- se dio cuenta de cómo sus acciones impactaron a los que trabajaban para él. Dijo que ahora no volvería a hacer algunas de las travesuras que hizo en el set en ese entonces, explicando: "Me avergüenzo de haberlo hecho entonces. Pido disculpas a quienquiera que haya puesto en esa situación".

Dan incluso estuvo de acuerdo en que algunos de los cuestionables chistes de sus programas deberían ser cortados ahora mismo e insistió en que escribió las ocurrencias con los niños en mente y que no había mala intención.

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La parte más oscura de mi carrera

A través de sus representantes, Dan ha negado las afirmaciones de que los programas que supervisó sexualizaron a propósito a sus estrellas infantiles, como Ariana Grande, Amanda Bynes y Jennette McCurdy, entre otros.

Su portavoz declaró el lunes: "Todo lo que sucedía en los programas que Dan dirigía era cuidadosamente escudriñado por docenas de adultos involucrados, y aprobado por la cadena. Si hubiera habido escenas o trajes que fueran inapropiados de alguna manera, habrían sido advertidos y bloqueados por este escrutinio de múltiples capas".

Drake Bell, que habló de ser molestado por su entrenador de diálogo en Nickelodeon Brian Peck en "Quiet on Set", acreditó a Dan como un aliado después de que habló del abuso.

En esta nueva entrevista, Dan habló de Drake y Peck, y se emocionó al hacerlo.

Dijo que estaba devastado cuando se enteró de la conducta de Brian, explicando que no fue quien contrató al entrenador de diálogo para la red, pero que tiene remordimientos de haberlo tenido cerca. Incluso reveló que ayudó a la madre de Drake a escribir su declaración para el juicio de Brian.

Echa un vistazo al video de arriba para escuchar la disculpa completa de Dan, es bastante interesante de ver y escuchar.

Dan Schneider on 'Quiet on Set' Addresses Claims in New Interview ... Apologizes for Mistakes

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I Feel Awful

Dan Schneider is addressing the allegations in the new Nickelodeon doc that paints him as a monster and wildly inappropriate with some in the cast ... and he's taking accountability.

The one-time Nickelodeon honcho sat down with former "iCarly" actor BooG!e Tuesday to offer up his formal response to toxic workplace claims made against him and the shows he created ... which was just addressed in full on the new documentary that's going viral.

Check it out ... DS says it was very hard for him to watch the new docuseries ... acknowledging some of his past behavior as embarrassing and regretful.

He added ... "I definitely owe some people a pretty strong apology."

The former TV exec -- who was the showrunner on several Nick shows back in the day -- realized how his actions impacted those who worked for him. He says he'd never do some of the on-set shenanigans he pulled back then today -- explaining ... "I’m embarrassed that I did it then. I apologize to anybody that I ever put in that situation."

Dan even agrees some of the questionable jokes written for his shows should be cut right now ... insisting he wrote the quips with children in mind -- and that there was no ill intent.

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Darkest Part Of My Career

Through his reps, Dan has denied claims that the shows he oversaw purposefully sexualized its child stars -- like Ariana Grande, Amanda Bynes and Jennette McCurdy, among others.

His spokesperson stated Monday ... "Everything that happened on the shows Dan ran was carefully scrutinized by dozens of involved adults, and approved by the network. Had there been any scenes or outfits that were inappropriate in any way, they would have been flagged and blocked by this multilayered scrutiny.”

Drake Bell -- who spoke out about being molested by Nickelodeon dialogue coach Brian Peck in 'Quiet on Set' -- credited Dan as an ally after he spoke out about the abuse.

In the new sit-down, Dan talks about Drake and Peck as well ... getting emotional doing so.

He says he was devastated when he learned of Brian's behavior ... explaining he did not hire the dialogue coach for the network, but has regrets nonetheless on having him around. He even revealed that he helped Drake's mother pen her statement for Brian's sentencing trial.

Check out the video above for Dan's full apology ... it's pretty interesting to see and hear.

TRAVIS KELCE ¿FUTURO PRESENTADOR DE TELEVISIÓN? En conversaciones para el reboot de "Fifth Grader"

Travis Kelce está en conversaciones para convertirse en presentador de un programa de juegos en un futuro muy próximo.

La estrella de los Kansas City Chiefs y los representantes de Prime Video están trabajando para llegar a un acuerdo que convertiría al tres veces campeón del Super Bowl en el rostro de un reinicio de "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?", según Variety.

Sin embargo, el medio de comunicación informó el martes que está lejos de ser una conclusión inevitable, ya que hay cierta preocupación por parte de los jefes que Kelce no sea capaz de hacer el trabajo correctamente si continuara su carrera en la NFL.

Jeff Foxworthy fue el presentador de la primera edición del programa en Fox en 2007. John Cena retomó la conducción años más tarde, cuando una nueva versión del programa llegó a Nickelodeon.

El programa era muy popular, ya que ponía a prueba los conocimientos de los adultos sobre información que generalmente se le enseña a los alumnos de primaria.

Variety informó el martes de que la nueva versión de Prime Video contaría con concursantes famosos.

Por supuesto, si Kelce consigue el papel no sería su primera incursión en el mundo de la televisión. Una vez estuvo en un reality show de citas llamado "Catching Kelce". También fue el famoso presentador de "Saturday Night Live" el año pasado. Y no se olvide que aparece en cámara semanalmente con su hermano -Jason- en su pódcast ultra-popular "New Heights".

Si Kelce está preocupado, no lo se le nota en lo absoluto, porque se rumorea que está en las Bahamas con Taylor Swift, y sí, es un poco difícil centrarse en los negocios allí.

Estamos cubriendo todo lo relacionado a Travis y Taylor en el pódcast TMZ Swift-Tea, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Travis Kelce Game Show Host Future?!? ... Reportedly In Talks For 'Fifth Grader' Reboot

Travis Kelce's apparently got his eyes on taking his tight end to a new seat ... he's now reportedly in talks to become a game show host in the very near future.

The Kansas City Chiefs star and Prime Video reps are working to hammer out a deal that would make the three-time Super Bowl champion the face of a "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" reboot, according to Variety.

The outlet reported Tuesday, however, that it's far from a foregone conclusion ... as there's at least some concern on the suits' end that Kelce wouldn't be able to do the gig properly if he continued his NFL career.

Jeff Foxworthy hosted the first iteration of the show on Fox way back in 2007. John Cena then picked up hosting duties years later when a new version of the program landed on Nickelodeon.

The show was a popular one -- as it, in part, tested adults' knowledge of information generally taught to elementary school students.

Variety reported Tuesday the new Prime Video version would feature celebrity contestants.

Of course, if Kelce does score the role ... it'd hardly be his first foray into the television world. He was once the center of a reality dating show called "Catching Kelce." He also famously hosted "Saturday Night Live" last year. And, don't forget, he's on-camera weekly with his brother, Jason, for their ultra-popular 'New Heights' podcast.

If Kelce's sweating the talks, he's not showing it much ... 'cause he's rumored to be down in the Bahamas with Taylor Swift at the moment -- and, yeah, kinda hard to focus on business there.

We're covering all things Travis and Taylor on The TMZ Swift-Tea podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


Drake Bell está atacando a otras estrellas infantiles de Nickelodeon por sacar a la luz su abuso. Resulta que el equipo de "Ned's Declassified" parece encontrar algo de comedia en todo esto.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw y otros que solían trabajar en su antiguo programa de Nick, estaban grabando un TikTok Live el lunes -esto mientras la segunda mitad de "Quiet on Set" salía al aire en ID- y parecían estar haciendo bromas a expensas de Drake y otros.


Devon y compañía discutieron el documental y personificaron a un tirano, presumiblemente Dan Schneider, diciendo "dame tus agujeros".

Devon reconoce justo después de que no deberían bromear al respecto y Drake ciertamente está de acuerdo. Drake tuiteó el video añadiendo: "Ned's Declassless... esto es salvaje... ríanse chicos... ríanse... Dame tus agujeros" ¡¿En serio?!"

Devon intenta ser serio por un momento en su IG Live, señalando que lo que le pasó a Drake es terrible y agregando que es una locura que lo haya tenido en secreto durante tanto tiempo.

También dice que equipo de '"ND" no era como se describe en el documental de los niños bajo la mirada de Schneider. Aun así, siguió riéndose con sus antiguos compañeros de reparto, lo que no le sentó bien a Drake, y definitivamente a la gente en línea.

Es comprensible que el equipo de "Ned" esté siendo destrozado en este momento, francamente, lo que Drake y compañía revelaron es extremadamente grave, por no decir inquietante.

Además de los abusos de Drake a manos de Brian Peck, varias otras ex estrellas infantiles afirmaron que fueron maltratadas mientras trabajaban en Nick, y otros sugirieron que los showrunners y los escritores a menudo intentaban sexualizar a muchos de los niños de maneras no tan sutiles.

Hay un montón de sketches y disfraces, por no hablar de los gags de baba -lo cuales están volviendo demostrando ser terriblemente inapropiados- a pesar de que Dan Shneider ha negado haber acutado mal.

Nickelodeon comentó: "Aunque no podemos corroborar o negar las acusaciones de comportamientos de producciones de hace décadas, Nickelodeon como una cuestión de política, investiga todas las quejas formales como parte de nuestro compromiso de fomentar un ambiente de trabajo seguro y profesional libre de acoso u otros tipos de conducta inapropiada".

Y añaden: "Nuestras máximas prioridades son el bienestar y los mejores intereses. No solo de nuestros empleados, elencos y equipo, sino de todos los niños, y hemos adoptado diferentes métodos a lo largo de los años para ayudar a garantizar que estamos a la altura de nuestros propios altos estándares y las expectativas de nuestra audiencia".

Devon apareció en un reciente episodio de The TMZ Verified Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Drake Bell Slams 'Ned's Declassified' Crew Over 'Quiet on Set' Jokes

Drake Bell is blasting other Nickelodeon child stars for making light of his abuse -- specifically, going after the 'Ned's Declassified' crew ... who seem to find some humor in it.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw and others who used to work on their old Nick show were recording a TikTok Live Monday -- this as the second half of the 'Quiet on Set' doc aired on ID -- and they appeared to be cracking jokes at Drake and others' expense.

Dan's Declassified

One of the jabs Devon and co. dropped while discussing the 'QOS' doc included him impersonating a tyrant, presumably Dan Schneider, saying "give me your holes."

Devon acknowledges right after that they shouldn't joke about the topic -- and DB himself certainly agreed ... taking to X to call him out. Drake quote-tweeted the vid, adding ... "Ned’s Declassless…this is wild…laugh it up guys…laugh it up…”Give me your h*les?!!” Really?!"

Devon does attempt to be serious at one point in his IG Live ... noting that what happened to Drake is terrible -- acknowledging it's crazy it stayed under wraps for as long as it did.

He also says that their set from 'ND' was not in any way like what was described in the doc from child actors who worked under Schneider's reign. Still, he continued to giggle with his old costars ... which didn't sit well with Drake, and definitely not with others online.

It's understandable that the 'Ned's' camp is getting trashed right now ... frankly, what Drake and co. revealed on the doc is extremely serious -- not to mention downright disturbing.

In addition to Drake's abuse at the hands of Brian Peck -- several other former child stars claimed they were mistreated while working at Nick ... and others suggested the showrunners and writers were often attempting to sexualize a lot of the kids in not-so-subtle ways.

There are a lot of sketches and costumes -- not to mention slime gags -- that are resurfacing now that come across as wildly inappropriate ... even though DS has denied wrongdoing.

Nickelodeon commented, saying ... "Though we cannot corroborate or negate allegations of behaviors from productions decades ago, Nickelodeon as a matter of policy investigates all formal complaints as part of our commitment to fostering a safe and professional workplace environment free of harassment or other kinds of inappropriate conduct."

They add, "Our highest priorities are the well-being and best interests not just of our employees, casts and crew, but of all children, and we have adopted numerous safeguards over the years to help ensure we are living up to our own high standards and the expectations of our audience."

Devon appeared on a recent episode of The TMZ Verified Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Jalen Hurts Pays For Funeral of H.S. FB Player Killed In Shooting

Jalen Hurts is lending a big hand to the family of a high school football player who was shot and killed in Texas earlier this month ... paying for the teen's funeral expenses.

The footballer -- 18-year-old Jarvon Coles -- died on March 9 ... after authorities say at least one shooter fired gunshots in the direction of a Houston house party he had been attending.

Cops say Coles was struck by the gunfire -- and despite life-saving efforts, the North Shore H.S. linebacker was pronounced deceased a short time later at a nearby hospital.

Hurts, who attended a rival high school of North Shore, was so moved by the tragedy after learning of the news ... he decided to pay for Coles' memorial service, according to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport.

The funeral was held over the weekend at The Light of the World Christian Fellowship Church in Humble, Texas.

"He was like a light in the tunnel," Coles' grandfather, Braxton, told KHOU. "Everybody loved him. He had absolutely no enemies and it’s just beyond my comprehension that something like this would happen."

Coles, who wore No. 10, was a team captain in 2023. He helped lead North Shore to a 15-1 record this past season.

He had a 4.1 GPA and received several college offers ... but was planning to go to Lamar University.


Alicia Keys & Roc Nation Donate Big ... Help 12-Yr-Old Save Arts Program

Alicia Keys and Roc Nation came to the rescue of a 7th grader who's raising money for an NYC school's performing arts program ... and she's a lot closer to doing that now.

12-year-old Tennyson Artigliere got a huge boost from Alicia and co. to help out a GoFundMe she started in an attempt to keep the Professional Performing Arts School main program alive and kicking ... this amid budget cuts that threaten to close it for good.

The kid had a high goal of $102,000 -- which would help keep the Performing Arts Program open -- even if only for a little bit longer. Alicia -- who attended the school -- caught wind of the fundraiser, along with the rapper's entertainment company, and decided to intervene ... chipping in a whopping $60,000 toward her goal.

Alicia and Roc Nation's contribution adds to money they'd already raised ... around $50k.

Alicia and Roc Nation aren't stopping there -- as they have also vowed to help raise money for the program every year until the city is able to fund it themselves. Jeremy Allen White -- another alumni -- has also donated to the cause, pushing out the GFM link on his IG.

Tennyson couldn't be more grateful for the celebrity assistance, especially from such a notable alum like Alicia. Apparently, Tennyson's classmates couldn't believe it when she revealed that Alicia would be stepping in to save their performing arts program.

She added ... "We still talk about her legacy every single day."

So far, the GoFundMe has received over 600 donations ... and counting.

Guess Who This Girl With Blunt Bangs Turned Into!

Before this girl growin' up in the 80's, rockin' a trendy hairdo, turned into an actress and reality TV star, she was just growing up in Kentucky and heading off to Murray State University to study theater.

In 2005, she began her career in Hollywood as a soap actress, playing Amanda Dillon on "All My Children" -- fast forward to 2019 where she popped up on a popular Netflix show. On her days off you can catch her in a bikini next to Emma Hernan!

Perhaps this real estate agent will 'sell' you a home on 'Sunset' boulevard ...

Can you guess who she is?