'Sister Wives' Star Garrison Brown Last Texts Alarmed Mom Janelle ... Before Tragic Suicide Death

Janelle Brown sent one of her sons to check on his brother before Garrison Brown took his own life this week -- and the reason she did that had to do with his final texts.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, cops say they spoke with the "Sister Wives" star Tuesday upon word that Garrison had shot himself ... and they describe what Janelle says were troubling messages Garrison had been sending to some people the day prior.

The police explain that Janelle told them Garrison had texted a group of people that the Brown family works with -- presumably as part of their show -- and his words were ominous.

According to Janelle, via the police, his text to them read ... "I want to hate you for sharing the good times. But I can't. I miss these days."

It sounds like Janelle caught wind of this message to the group -- which doesn't appear to have included her -- and she told police she then texted Garrison himself ... at which point she says they had a brief conversation for a few minutes before he stopped responding.

Janelle then contacted her other kids to see who could go check on Garrison, and his brother Gabriel volunteered. Sadly, by the time he arrived to Flagstaff ... his brother had died.

Here's the craziest part ... cops interviewed 3 of Garrison's roommates with whom he was living at the time -- and some of them said they heard a pop on Monday night ... but didn't think it was a gunshot, and none of them even checked on Garrison to see what happened.

As it turns out, it wasn't until Gabriel arrived on the scene Tuesday that he discovered his brother was dead -- and that he was holding a handgun. He called 911, and that's when the roommates say they realized Garrison had taken his own life.

The roommates say Garrison was known in the household to struggle with alcohol. Gabriel, meanwhile, said he didn't realize something was amiss with this sibling -- noting he'd recently taken on a new job at a medical facility and seemed to be doing okay on his own.

One last thing ... Janelle told cops Garrison was estranged from his father, Kody. We broke the story ... Garrison died Tuesday from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was 25.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Janelle Brown, de "Sister Wives" Su hijo Garrison muere a los 25... Después de un aparente suicidio


2:34 PM PT -- Janelle Brown acaba de abordar la muerte de su hijo Garrison en redes sociales, donde publicó una foto de su hijo con el mensaje: "Kody y yo estamos profundamente tristes de anunciar la pérdida de nuestro hermoso niño Robert Garrison Brown. Él era una luz en la vida de todos los que lo conocían".

Y añade: "Su pérdida dejará un hueco tan grande en nuestras vidas que nos deja sin aliento. Les pedimos que por favor respeten nuestra privacidad y se unan a nosotros para honrar su memoria".

El hijo de Janelle Brown, Garrison, ha muerto y parece que su muerte se debe a un aparente suicidio, según ha averiguado TMZ.

La estrella de "Sister Wives", que ha aparecido junto a su madre y su padre, Kody Brown, en la exitosa serie de TLC en los últimos años, falleció el martes en Flagstaff, Arizona, donde tenía su propia casa después de haberse alejado de su familia.

La policía de Flagstaff nos dice que los oficiales llegaron a la casa de Garrison el martes por la mañana debido a una muerte y cuando llegaron lo descubrieron sin vida en la escena. Nos dicen que Garrison parece haber sufrido una herida de bala autoinfligida.

Nos dicen que no se sospecha de crimen violento y por ahora la policía está investigando el suceso como un aparente suicidio. La policía de la ciudad dice que el hermano de Garrison, Gabriel, llegó a la casa y lo encontró allí. No se sabe si dejó una nota, una investigación está en marcha.

Garrison ha aparecido en "Sister Wives" desde que se emitió por primera vez en 2010, cuando era solo un niño. La serie narra el estilo de vida polígamo de su padre Kody, quien tiene múltiples esposas. Janelle fue una de ellas hasta que se divorciaron el año pasado.

En cuanto a Garrison, él es uno de los muchos hijos de Kody, y tiene varios hermanos y medios hermanos, muchos de los cuales también aparecen en el programa. En total, es el cuarto hijo de Kody y Janelle. Tiene 5 hermanos directos y otros dos hermanastros de diferentes matrimonios.

Al principio, él y su familia vivieron en Utah, pero con el tiempo se trasladaron a Las Vegas, y cuando llegó a la mayoría de edad mostró interés en alistarse en las fuerzas armadas. Aunque quería alistarse en el Ejército, acabó haciéndolo en la Guardia Nacional.

Garrison se fue de la casa de sus padres hace unos años, durante la pandemia, en medio de una gran disputa familiar sobre el COVID y las estrictas normas que Kody imponía.

Al final, Garrison terminó comprando su propia casa en Arizona y ha vivido allí desde 2021. El tipo era bastante activo en las redes sociales, documentando su vida y sus mascotas.

Su última publicación en Instagram lo mostraba con un nuevo gato al que había dado la bienvenida en su casa, un felino que llamó Sra. Buttons. La describió de esta manera: "La nueva incorporación de mi hogar, la Sra. Buttons. Tiene 9 años y estaba en la fila de la eutanasia, pero mi complejo de salvador no pudo ser suficiente".

Es una tragedia absoluta para sus seres queridos, especialmente para Janelle, que acaba de anunciar que recientemente experimentó un susto de cáncer y tuvo que someterse a la extirpación de dos manchas precancerosas.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

A Garrison le sobreviven muchos familiares y seres queridos. Solo tenía 25 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o texto 988 o chat 988lifeline.org.

Publicado originalmente -- 1:34 PM PT

'Sister Wives' Star Janelle Brown Son Garrison Dead at 25 ... After Apparent Suicide


2:34 PM PT -- Janelle Brown just addressed Garrison's death, taking to social media to post a photo of her boy and writing ... "Kody and I are deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy Robert Garrison Brown. He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him."

She adds, "His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away. We ask that you please respect our privacy and join us in honoring his memory."

Janelle Brown's son, Garrison, has died ... and it appears his death is a suicide, TMZ has learned.

The "Sister Wives" star -- who's appeared alongside his mother and father, Kody Brown, on the hit TLC series over the years -- passed away Tuesday in Flagstaff, AZ ... where he had his own home after having moved away from his family.

Flagstaff PD tells us ... officers responded to Garrison's home Tuesday morning on a report of a death, and when they arrived -- they discovered him dead at the scene. We're told Garrison appears to have suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

We're told no foul play is suspected, and for now ... police are looking into this as an apparent suicide. FPD says Garrison's brother Gabriel arrived at the house and found him there. No word on whether a note was left behind ... we're told an investigation is underway.

Garrison has appeared on "Sister Wives" since it first aired on the network way back in 2010 -- when he was just a kid. The series chronicles his dad's polygamous lifestyle in Utah, where Kody has multiple wives ... Janelle was one of them until they got divorced last year.

As for Garrison ... he's one of Kody's many children, and has several siblings and half-siblings -- many of whom are also featured on the show. All in all, he's Kody and Janelle's fourth child. He has 5 direct siblings, and two other half-siblings from different marriages.

While he and his family lived in Utah at first, they eventually moved to Vegas -- and as he came of age, Garrison showed an interest in enlisting in the armed services. While he wanted to join the Army ... Garrison ended up signing up for the National Guard.

Garrison moved out of his parents' house a few years ago during the pandemic -- this amid a massive feud within the family over COVID and the strict rules Kody was enforcing.

In the end, Garrison ended up buying his own home in Arizona and has lived there since 2021. The guy was pretty active on social media as well ... documenting his life and pets.

His last post on Instagram features him with a new cat he said he'd welcomed into the household ... a feline he called Ms. Buttons. He described the cat this way, "Newest edition to my home, Ms Buttons. She’s 9 years old and was on the line for euthanasia but my savior complex couldn’t suffice."

It's an absolute tragedy for his loved ones -- especially for Janelle, who just announced she recently experienced a cancer scare and had to have two pre-cancerous spots removed.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Garrison is survived by many family members and loved ones. He was only 25.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Originally Published -- 1:34 PM PT


Antes de que esta pequeña adorable se convirtiera en una popular cantante e intérprete, de niña ya cantaba y tocaba el piano en Houston, Texas, junto a su famosa amiga.

Esta chica talentosa ha tenido motivación desde el primer día, y realmente despuntó a finales de los 90 y principios de los 2000 con su grupo femenino. A lo largo de los años ha dejado algunos temazos, y subió al escenario para cantar "Single Ladies" durante el espectáculo del Super Bowl.

¡Es una superviviente!

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Dressy Up Kid Turned Into!

Before this cute kid in her fancy dress turned into a popular singer and performer, she was just putting her vocals on full display as a child and playing the piano while growing up in Houston, Texas alongside her famous bestie.

This talented gal has had motivation since day one, and she really popped off in the late 90s - early 2000s with her all-girl group. She's definitely dropped some bangers through the years and was iconically brought on stage to slay some Single Ladies during the Super Bowl halftime show.

She's a survivor!

Can you guess who she is?


Jenelle Evans quiere separarse de su marido David Eason, TMZ ha confirmado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que la ex estrella de "Teen Mom" recientemente presentó documentos judiciales en Carolina del Norte, señalando su intención de separarse formalmente. Sin embargo, no es como que el divorcio esté sobre la mesa todavía, pero por lo que parece, bien podría ser el siguiente paso.

La presentación judicial -según lo informado por The Sun- hace varias alegaciones contra David en términos de razones para querer separarse, incluyendo las reclamaciones reportadas de comportamiento errático, abuso de sustancias y la negativa a trabajar, entre otros problema incluso más inquietantes.

The Sun señala que Jenelle lo acusa incluso de lllevarse a su perro en 2019 y más recientemente, ella dice que él está actualmente enfrentando cargos criminales por presuntamente maltratar a su hijo adolescente, Jace.

Publicamos la historia, Jenelle y David eran sospechosos de negligencia infantil después de que su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace se escapó varias veces el verano pasado. Después de la tercera vez que lo había hecho, Jace aparentemente le dijo a la policía que David lo agredió.

Nuestras fuentes nos dijeron que Jace tenía marcas visibles en los brazos y el cuello cuando fue recogido, lo que llevó a la policía local a investigar y finalmente arrestar a David. Eason se enfrenta actualmente a dos cargos: delito menor de abuso infantil y delito grave de asalto por estrangulamiento.

La semana pasada, Jenelle estaba detallando un reciente intento de robo en su casa allí en Carolina del Norte, pero el nombre de David estuvo ausente de su descripción del horrible incidente.

Ahora sabemos por qué, The Sun informa que Jenelle está citando su fecha de separación el 16 de febrero y este documento fue presentado al parecer en algún momento hacia el final del mes pasado, el 23 de febrero.

Jenelle supuestamente va a hacer más acusaciones contra David, incluyendo la afirmación de que no ha comprobado en ella desde que se separaron oficialmente y que él está viviendo en su barco. Ella cita el hecho de que tienen hijos juntos y que supuestamente se ha ido fuera del radar.

Si bien estos no son documentos de divorcio, Jenelle aparentemente está pidiendo la custodia física primaria de su hija, así como la manutención de los hijos. David y Jenelle comparten a Ensley, de 7 años. Ella también señala que quiere el control de la casa de la familia y la mayoría de sus bienes conyugales para sí misma. En otras palabras, se perfila un desacoplamiento desordenado.

Hemos tratado de alcanzar a Jenelle para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Files For Separation From David Eason

Jenelle Evans has filed to separate from her husband David Eason ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the former 'Teen Mom' star recently submitted court docs in North Carolina signaling her intent to formally separate -- although, it doesn't like divorce is on the table just yet ... but, from the sounds of it, that's the next natural step here.

The court filing, as reported by The Sun, makes several allegations against David in terms of reasoning for wanting to split -- including reported claims of erratic behavior, substance abuse and refusal to work ... among other problems Jenelle cites, including other disturbing things.

The Sun notes Jenelle points out DE taking out their pet dog in 2019 ... and more recently, she says he's currently facing criminal charges for allegedly abusing her teenage son, Jace.

We broke the story ... Jenelle and David were suspected of child neglect after her 14-year-old son Jace ran away multiple times last summer. After the third time he'd done so, Jace apparently told cops David assaulted him.

Our sources told us Jace had visible markings on his arms and neck when he was picked up, leading local police to investigate and eventually arrest David. Eason's currently facing two charges -- misdemeanor child abuse and felony assault by strangulation.

Just last week ... Jenelle was detailing a recent attempted break-in at her home there in NC -- but David's name was noticeably absent from her description of the horrifying incident.

Now, we know why ... The Sun reports that Jenelle is citing their separation date as Feb. 16 -- and this document was apparently filed sometime toward the end of last month, Feb. 23.

Jenelle reportedly goes on to make more allegations against David -- including the claim that he hasn't checked in on her since they officially separated ... and that he's living on their boat. She cites the fact they have kids together ... and that he's allegedly gone off the radar.

While these aren't divorce docs, per se, Jenelle is apparently already asking for primary physical custody of their daughter, as well as child support. David and Jenelle share 7-year-old Ensley. She also reportedly signals she wants control of the family home, and a majority of their marital assets for herself. In other words, it's shaping up to a messy uncoupling.

We've reached out to Jenelle for comment ... so far no word back.

CONCACAF Women's Gold Cup Baby Sips From Hard Seltzer Can ... Red, White and Booze!!!

A youngster at the USA vs. Colombia CONCACAF Women's Gold Cup matchup apparently needed something stronger than milk ... 'cause the baby was spotted adorably trying to drink a Truly hard seltzer!!

The hilarious moment was caught on the CBS Sports broadcast on Sunday ... showing a dad and his kid soaking in the 3-0 win for the Red, White and Blue in the 73rd minute of the contest.

All eyes were on what was in the little one's hands ... which appeared to be a wild berry Truly (which contains 5% alcohol).

But judging by the fact the kiddo was able to pull the can up to its lips, we're assuming the thing was empty ... so no need to destroy the kid's future with an underage.

Even though the baby was probably teething, some folks thought it was a bad look to let it even hold the can in the first place ... while others felt it was the perfect visual representation of 'Merica.

As for the game, the USWNT won the quarterfinal matchup at BMO Stadium in L.A. with ease ... punching a ticket to the semis against Canada.

Here's hoping if the kid makes it to San Diego for that game, it sticks to the non-alcoholic bevvies.

Move over, Gerber Baby ... it's all about Truly Baby now.

'Vanderpump Rules' Lala Kent I'm Having Baby No. 2 ... Shows Off Belly Bump

Lala Kent just broke some big baby news ... she's pregnant with baby number 2.

The "Vanderpump Rules" star made the announcement Sunday night on Instagram, writing in a post, "I'm expanding my pod." Lala also posted a black-and-white image of her belly, proving she's got another bun in the oven.

Her first child, 2-year-old Ocean, was standing next to her with excitement in her face as she awaits the arrival of her new sibling!

As you know, Lala shares Ocean with her ex-fiancé Randall Emmett, who she broke up with in 2021 after she accused the film producer of cheating. Randall denied the allegations.

This time, Lala has taken a different road on the baby front, using intrauterine insemination -- a treatment that surgically implants sperm in a uterus to fertilize an egg. Lala has publicly discussed conceiving her second child with this method.

In Sunday's IG post, Lala uploaded another photo showing her holding a spoon out to Ocean, who was standing on a chair at a counter with two vitamin bottles on top.

She captioned this image by celebrating her "new addition" to the family, while receiving a flood of well wishes in the comments section. 'Real Housewives of Orange Country' star Heather Dubrow even gave Lala a shout-out.

Congrats Lala!!!

Britt Reid Andy Reid's Son ... Prison Sentence Commuted To House Arrest


4:22 PM PT -- Tom Porto, the attorney for Ariel Young and her family, just released a statement on Britt Reid's commutation to TMZ Sports ... saying simply, "What’s different between this criminal defendant and every other criminal defendant in the state of Missouri?"

Ex-Kansas City Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reid -- Andy's son -- just had his three-year prison sentence commuted to house arrest.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson made the surprising decision on Friday ... a little over a year after Reid was thrown behind bars for his role in a DWI crash that left a 5-year-old girl, Ariel Young, with life-altering brain injuries.

A spokesperson for Parson explained the move in a statement to media outlets ... saying, "Reid had completed his alcohol abuse treatment program and has served more prison time than most individuals convicted of similar offenses."

As part of his commutation, Reid will remain on house arrest until October 31, 2025. He'll have to abide by a lengthy list of conditions in order to avoid being thrown back in prison, however -- including working at least 30 hours a week, submitting to random drug screenings, and completing at least 10 hours a month of community service.

Reid is also forbidden from making contact with Young or her family members.

Reid was first hit with criminal charges in the case after authorities said he got drunk days before the Chiefs vs. Buccaneers Super Bowl in 2021 and slammed his pickup truck into the back of a car Young had been riding in.

Authorities alleged Reid was going 83.9 MPH in a 65 MPH zone just before the wreck, and had a BAC of .113 two hours following the accident.


Dash cam footage captured at the scene showed Reid was wearing a Chiefs COVID mask and a Chiefs sweatshirt in the minutes after the crash.

TMZ Studios

Reid lost his job with Kansas City's NFL franchise a short time later ... and didn't work in the league again before beginning his sentence in November 2022.

We've reached out to an attorney for the Young family for comment, but so far, we haven't heard back yet.

Originally Published -- 3:45 PM PT


The organizers of the disastrous Willy Wonka experience in the UK have issued an official apology -- that's after nearly a week of pure chaos, anger and rib-tickling memes.

Glasgow-based House of Illuminati -- the team behind the now-viral attraction -- laid it out on FB Friday ... owning up to the fiasco and acknowledging the disappointment and frustration they caused to all those parents who just wanted to show their kids a good time.

That being said ... HOI says that while it takes full responsibility for its decisions surrounding the debacle, anyone who was hired externally is categorically not affiliated with them -- meaning that tossing out allegations against those who didn't have anything to do with the mess can do some serious damage.

They're basically reminding everyone ... get the full story before casting judgment.

The person behind the post also lets us in on a deeply personal matter ... saying that they too are paying the price for the failed venture 'cause their wedding is now off.

Land Of Pure Disappointment

Although, they note ... the ticket sales weren't ever gonna fund it in the first place.

They're also working hard to rectify the situation ... and refunding all 850 transactions of 35 pounds a pop is definitely a step in the right direction.

All in all, they're asking for some sympathy and time to process everything that's happened, adding ... "My intention is to learn from this experience. Your support and understanding during this time mean the world to me."


The official apology came after video surfaced of HOI facing off against some seriously angry parents -- who demanded refunds in a heated clip making the rounds online.


Paul Connell, one of the Wonkas caught up in this viral mess, also spilled the tea to TMZ ... saying the situation spiraled to the point cops had to be called. Adding insult to injury, PC also claimed he still hadn't been paid the 500 pounds (roughly $633) for his part in the event.

Nonetheless, the pissed parents have all rallied together and are reportedly working on putting on their own "Wonka" exhibit.

TMZ Studios

So let's hope that'll end up being a sweet success filled with magic, joy, and plenty of chocolate this time round.


Antes de que esta dulzura sonriente se pusiera delante de las cámaras y se convirtiera en una leyenda mundial, era una estudiante con honores y trabajaba en la tienda de comestibles local cuando era adolescente en Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Cuando solo tenía 17 años, ganó un concurso de belleza y consiguió una beca completa para la Universidad Estatal de Tennessee. Sin duda, Chicago fue un orgullo para ella durante más de 25 años, antes de establecerse en Santa Bárbara.

Le encantan las excursiones y la jardinería, ¿necesitas una pista más?

¿Puedes adivinar quién es?

Guess Who This Sweet Kiddo Turned Into!

Before this smiling sweetie posing on the porch was in front of the cameras and turned into a global legend, she was an honors student and worked at the local grocery store as a teen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

When she was just 17 years old, she won a beauty pageant and earned a full ride to Tennessee State University. She definitely made Chicago proud for over 25 years before settling down in Santa Barbara.

And she loves her hikes and she loves her gardening ... Need one more hint ... O, i think you can guess!

Can you guess who she is?



Jenelle Evans está compartiendo detalles del intento de robo en su casa de Carolina del Norte, y la historia que cuenta es absolutamente horrible, dejando claro que tiene suerte de estar viva.

La ex estrella de "Teen Mom" apareció en TikTok el jueves para profundizar en lo que experimentó el pasado fin de semana y dice que todo esto se desarrolló durante la noche mientras estaba en casa con su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice que este tipo -al que ella nunca había visto antes- apareció de repente en su propiedad e intento de entrar a la casa.

Procedieron a esconderse y llamar al 911, todo mientras este hombre no identificado trataba de abrir su puerta corrediza de cristal, lo cual fue impedido por un palo de bloqueo desde el suelo.

Jenelle dice que tenía un arma con ella, pero no quería usarla si no era necesario, no quería poner a su hijo en riesgo. Al final, dice que el tipo se detuvo cuando se dio cuenta de que ella estaba con su hijo adolescente y se disculpó.

Ella dice que él le dijo que estaba en la casa equivocada, pero Jenelle dice que es mentira, diciendo que vive en el campo en una propiedad de 10 acres y sospecha que estaba allí para hacerle daño.

Jenelle también dice que tiene este tipo en la cámara, y está trabajando con la policía, ya que investigar. Ella dice que va a publicar este material pronto con la esperanza de que la gente en línea puede ayudar a localizarlo.

La única cosa que no aclaró, ¿dónde estaba su marido, David Eason? No se sabe nada al respecto.

tmz investiga
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La policía dice que la llamada entró como un intento de robo y el sospechoso fue descrito como un hombre hispano. Por ahora, no hay nuevas actualizaciones en el caso.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Details Attempted Break-In at Home Says She Had Gun with Her


Jenelle Evans is getting into the details of the attempted break-in at her North Carolina home -- and the story she tells is absolutely horrific ... making clear, she's lucky to be alive.

The former "Teen Mom" star hopped on TikTok Thursday to get into what she experienced last weekend -- and she says this all unfolded in the middle of the night while she was at home with her 14-year-old son, Jace.

Jenelle says this random guy -- who she says she's never seen before, and who was not her husband -- was all of a sudden on her property and attempting to get into the house.

She goes on to describe her waking up Jace, huddling together and calling 911 ... all while this unidentified man tried yanking her sliding glass door open, which she says was only prevented by a stick blocking it from the floor.

Jenelle does say she had a gun with her ... but notes, she didn't want to use it if she didn't have to -- not wanting to put her boy through that type of trauma. In the end, she says the guy only stopped once he realized she was with her teenage kid, and he apologized.

She says he told her he was at the wrong house -- but Jenelle calls BS, saying she lives out in the country on a 10-acre property ... and she suspects he was there to do her harm.

Jenelle also says she's got this guy on camera, and is working with cops as they investigate. She says she'll post this footage soon in hopes that people online can help track him down.

The one thing she didn't clarify ... where was her hubby, David Eason? No word on that.

TMZ Studios

Cops have since told TMZ ... the call came in as an attempted break-in, and the suspect was described as a Hispanic male. For now, there are no new updates in the case.

'Wonka' Experience Organizers Confronted by Parents on Video ... You've Scammed Kids!!!


The organizers behind the chaotic Willy Wonka pop-up attraction in the UK were directly confronted by outraged customers ... which we can now see in this heated video.

In the footage above ... House of Illuminati -- the organizers behind the disastrous event -- are shouted at by angry parents, who accuse them of scamming kids after putting on an exhibit with cheap decorations, zero chocolate and a script made from artificial intelligence.

Land Of Pure Disappointment

What's worse ... it's said the group charged $35 a pop for this sad display, and the parents clearly feel like they got ripped off, evidenced in their shouted words and scolding.

While one of the planners is seen assuring the enraged attendees that full refunds would be issued -- the crowd does not appear satisfied with his response ... with one woman threatening to call the police. As we all now know ... they eventually did call cops.

One guest calls out the company for duping attendees -- as they posted little to no information on social media or their website. She screamed ...  "It's a scam. You've scammed children!"

One of the organizers does offer up an apology -- saying he's "very, very sorry" for the whole mess. That wasn't good enough for the fuming mob here, though.


This encounter confirms what Paul Connell -- who played one of the Wonkas at the now-viral experience -- previously told TMZ about the "carnage" that ensued after guests formed an angry mob.

He dished to us that the cops were called after the frustrated group began throwing things and crying. While over 850 refunds are said to have been issued -- PC alleged he still hadn't been paid the 500 pounds (roughly $633) for his part in the event.


Now, we know there is a sweet ending potentially in the works at the moment ... some of the pissed parents who left with disappointed kids are reportedly working on putting on their own exhibit that will be totally free.

TMZ Studios

So ... cheer up, Charlie!

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