Antes de que esta elegante princesa vestida de 9 se convirtiera en actriz, no era más que una chica de Jersey con grandes sueños de convertirse en estrella. Protagonizaba las obras de teatro de su colegio y bailaba y cantaba antes de llegar a dos películas de Disney.
Dominar el francés es otra de las habilidades de esta talentosa estrella, y la gente se sorprendió cuando puso sus dotes de cantante en directo en la gran pantalla en "Los Miserables".
También es famosa por su sentido de la moda, siempre va elegante a los eventos de Hollywood... ¡eso se lo tiene que agradecer a Miranda Priestly 😜!
Guess Who This Stylish Kid Turned Into!
Before this stylish princess dressed to the 9s turned into an actress, she was just a gal from Jersey with big dreams of becoming a star. She starred in her school plays and was dancing and singing before landing two Disney films.
Being fluent in French is just another skill of this talented star, and people may have been surprised when she put her live singing pipes on the big screen in “Les Misérables".
Also known for her fashion sense, she's always looking stylish got Hollywood event ... she has Miranda Priestly to thank for that 😜!
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'Boy Meets World' Maitland Ward Brian Peck Gave Me Weird Vibe ... Before Child Sex Abuse Case

Maitland Ward crossed paths with convicted child molester Brian Peck on the "Boy Meets World" set before she knew he was a bad seed.
We got Maitland in Bev Hills and she told us about her experience with Brian, the 'BMW' guest-star who, in the early 2000s, was convicted on child sexual abuse charges.
Maitland says she was always suspicious of Brian ... saying he always wanted to hang around the cast, including Rider Strong and Will Friedle, despite being much older than them.
The way Maitland remembers it ... Brian made her feel like he was jealous she might get in between him and the cast ... and she's not surprised Brian got in tight with Rider and Will, because she felt that was always his intention.
As we reported ... Rider and Will recently talked about Brian's case on their "Pod Meets World" podcast, expressing shame and regret for ever affiliating themselves with him.

Brian spent a year behind bars as part of a plea deal he copped after being accused of molesting an unidentified Nickelodeon child star ... and now he's set to be featured in an upcoming documentary about Nick's ugly underbelly.

Maitland says she didn't know Brian was a pedophile, just that there was something strange and off-putting about him. She really respects the guys for shining new light on it.
It's an interesting perspective, and Maitland tells us why her adult film experience might keep her off the podcast with Rider, Will, and Danielle Fishel.
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Antes de que esta nativa de Los Ángeles sentada en el regazo de su padre se convirtiera en actriz, solo estaba recorriendo las hermosas playas de la soleada California antes de hacer su gran debut televisivo en "Buffy The Vampire Slayer".
Creció en el seno de una familia del mundo del espectáculo y se hizo un nombre a principios de la década de 2000, interpretando a una estudiante de secundaria del condado de Orange con un novio llamado Seth. Y que además tiene un corazón de oro, Dixie.
Cuando no está cuidando de su hija, suele compartir sus ideas con los oyentes.
¿Necesitas una pista más? ¡Summer!
Guess Who This Baby In Blue Turned Into!
Before this Los Angeles native sittin' on her Dad's lap turned into an actress, she was just hittin' the beautiful beaches of sunny California before making her big television debut in "Buffy The Vampire Slayer".
Growing up in a showbiz family, she made her own name for herself in the early 2000's -- playing an Orange County high schooler with a boyfriend named Seth! Oh, and she's got a heart of gold Dixie!
When she's not a doting mother to her daughter, she tends to share her Broad Ideas with listeners.
Need one more clue ... maybe hang around until it's Summer!
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PLAYA DE FLORIDA Niña de 5 años muere... Sepultada por la arena

Una excursión familiar en la playa se convirtió en una trágica pesadilla esta semana después de que una niña pequeña fuera enterrada viva por la arena en una playa en el sur de Florida, que terminó con su vida.
CBS News Miami informa que Pompano Fire Rescue respondió a una llamada el martes justo antes de las 4 PM, acerca de un niño de 7 años de edad y una niña de 5 años de edad, que estaban atrapados bajo una montaña de arena luego de cavar un profundo agujero de cerca de 6 pies de profundidad.

Las impactantes imágenes de un teléfono móvil, emitidas por NBC6, parecen haber captado las secuelas de la horrible experiencia, con los bañistas saltando en ayuda de los niños e intentando sacarlos.
La gente se arrodilló para sacar la arena de los niños mientras otros intentaban sostener las paredes para que no quedaran más enterrados. Una gran multitud de espectadores miraban con incredulidad... Se utilizaron tablas de apoyo en el esfuerzo de rescate.
Según los informes, el niño fue enterrado hasta el pecho, mientras que la niña estaba totalmente sumergida bajo la arena y CBS informa que el niño fue llevado de la playa de Lauderdale-by-the-Sea a un hospital donde se recupera en condición estable, pero la niña murió antes de llegar allí.
No está claro cuánto tiempo estuvieron enterrados, pero parece que tomó un tiempo para sacarlos.
Medios locales dicen que los funcionarios están investigando si los niños son de la zona o fuera de la ciudad, así como la relación de los niños.
Puede sonar como una cosa rara, pero estos entierros en la arena en realidad ocurren con bastante frecuencia. Los informes dicen que la niña había dejado de respirar en el momento en que los socorristas fueron finalmente capaces de llegar a ella.

No es común que estas situaciones terminen de esta manera, pero claramente hay que tener precaución. Una investigación sobre este incidente está en curso.
Florida Beach 5-Year-Old Girl Dies ... Buried By Sand in Collapsed Hole

A family outing at the beach turned into a tragic nightmare this week -- this after a little girl was buried alive by a collapsed hole dug on a beach in South Florida, which killed her.
CBS News Miami reports Pompano Fire Rescue responded to a call Tuesday just before 4 PM about a 7-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl who were trapped under a mountain of sand after a deep hole they were digging -- about 6 feet deep -- caved in on them.

Shocking cell phone footage -- aired on NBC6 -- seemingly caught the aftermath of the horrifying ordeal ... with beachgoers jumping to the kids' aid and attempting to dig them out.
People got down on their hands and knees to scoop the sand off the children while others tried to hold up the walls so the children didn't become further buried. A huge crowd of onlookers stared on in disbelief ... and support boards were used in the rescue effort.
The boy was reportedly buried up to his chest while the girl was totally submerged under the sand ... and CBS reports the boy was taken from the Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Beach to a hospital where he's recovering in stable condition, but the girl died before getting there.
It's unclear how long they were buried ... but it sounds like it took a while to get them out.
Local outlets say officials are investigating if the children are from the area or out of town as well as the children's relationship.
It might sound like a freak thing ... but these sand burials actually happen fairly often. Reports say the girl had stopped breathing by the time first responders were finally able to reach her.

They don't usually end with death, but clearly ... they're dangerous and can take people's lives. An investigation into this incident is ongoing.
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adivina en quién se ha convertido Esta adorable pequeña
Antes de que esta pequeña de pelo rizado se convirtiera en empresaria y estrella de telerrealidad, era una monada con su mono de trabajo, paseando por el tractor con su hermano mayor y creciendo en Utah.
Antes de debutar en la pantalla en 2020, trabajaba en el cuidado de la piel, y con su reciente fama y seguidores, ha podido crear su propia marca de productos para el cuidado de la piel. Sí, puede que tenga más de 30 años, pero (gracias al matrimonio), ¡es toda una abuela moderna!
"Esta rosa no tiene miedo de aguantar un pequeño pinchazo".
Guess Who This Lil' Girl In Overalls Turned Into!
Before this little blondie with curly hair turned into a business woman and reality TV star, she was just looking oh so cute in her overalls, hanging on the tractor with her older bro' and growing up in Utah.
Prior to making her on-screen debut back in 2020, she worked in skincare and with her recent fame and following, she's been able to create her own skincare brand. Yes, she may be in her late 30's, but (through marriage), she's quite the hip grandmother!
"This rose isn't scared to handle a little prick."
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Memphis Mom Busted for Child Neglect Pics of Daughter Waxing Adults?!?
A woman in Memphis was reportedly arrested after allegedly having her young daughter wax the vaginas of adult women -- something she appears to have posted online.
30-year-old Jasmine Moss was booked last week on child neglect charges after cops say they received complaints about her posting graphic images on social media that allegedly depicted her 5-year-old daughter working at her waxing business.
Screengrabs of posts that Moss allegedly threw up on her business account, @jasminedemiracle, quickly started to circulate last week ... and they caused quite a stir.
In two different photos ... you see a little girl standing in front of what appears to be two different women with their pants/underwear off ... and their legs spread wide open. One picture, which is incredibly graphic, shows the girl wearing gloves and applying wax to a lady's crotch area.
The purported posts have captions that seem to reflect she's proud of her little girl, saying "When I say I'm passing down Deed & LLCs to my creations I mean that!"
If they are indeed authentic, it's stunning because the mom appears to say she had the kid do this for a total of 24 different clients starting at 7:25 AM, and had her going for 8 hours.

Now, it looks like mama bear is in jail ... and she's set to appear in court Wednesday.
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Los protagonistas de "Boy Meets World" acusan a la ex estrella invitada De tergiversar las acusaciones de abuso de menores

Dos actores de "Boy Meets World" dicen que ahora tienen una imagen distorsionada de una estrella invitada a su programa, después de que el hombre fuera condenado por un cargo de abuso sexual infantil.
Rider Strong y Will Friedle abordaron este tema de frente junto a su compañera de reparto Danielle Fishel en su pódcast "Pod Meets World" el lunes, donde hablaron de Brian Peck, un actor que fue condenado por cargos de abuso sexual infantil en la década de 2000.
En ese momento, fue acusado de abusar de un actor infantil no identificado de Nickelodeon y terminó aceptando un acuerdo con la fiscalía y cumpliendo más de un año tras las rejas. Ahora aparecerá en un nuevo documental sobre el lado oscuro de Nick que se emitirá en marzo.
Bueno, resulta que Rider y Will dicen que también conocían a este tipo, ya que actuó en su propio programa un par de veces, y aunque, literalmente solo fue invitado en dos episodios de con papeles muy menores, los actores dicen que estaba profundamente arraigado en sus vidas y los ha dejado sintiéndose realmente incómodos todos estos años después.
Ahora que miran hacia atrás, Will y Rider dicen que su afán por ser buenos amigos con ellos en ese entonces y salir con ellos muchas veces después del trabajo, al parecer era inapropiado y extraño, pero en ese momento no sospechaban nada.
Cuando las acusaciones en su contra surgieron por primera vez - cosa que en última instancia lo llevó a los tribunales- Will y Rider dicen que compraron la historia de Peck de ser víctima de "cebo cárcel" e incluso fue a hablar a favor del chico cuando se presentó ante un juez, porque le creían.
Dicen que ahora se dan cuenta de lo retorcida que era su relación con este tipo y ambos expresan vergüenza y arrepentimiento por haberse afiliado con él, incluso cuando eran adultos jóvenes.
Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Peck para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.
'Boy Meets World' Will & Rider Claim Ex-Guest Star ... Twisted Child Molestation Claims

Two actors from 'Boy Meets World' say they now have a warped view of a guest star from their show ... after the guy was later convicted on a child molestation charge.
Rider Strong and Will Friedle tackled this issue head-on alongside fellow costar Danielle Fishel on their 'Pod Meets World' podcast Monday -- where they discussed Brian Peck, an actor who was convicted on child sexual abuse charges back in the early 2000s.
At the time, he was accused of molesting an unidentified Nickelodeon child actor and ended up taking a plea deal and serving over a year behind bars. He's now set to be featured in this new documentary about the ugly underbelly of Nick that's airing in March.
Welp, as it turns out ... Rider and Will say they also knew this guy back in the day since he acted on their own show a couple times -- and even though he literally only guest-starred on two 'BMW' episodes with very minor roles, the actors now say he was deeply embedded into their lives ... and it's left them feeling creeped out and uneasy all these years later.
As they look back now, Will and Rider say his eagerness to be good pals with 'em back then -- hanging out with them a lot after work, apparently -- was wildly inappropriate and weird ... but at the time, they say they didn't suspect anything.
When allegations against him first surfaced in the early aughts -- which ultimately landed him in court -- Will and Rider say they bought Peck's story of falling victim to "jail bait" ... and even went to bat for the guy as he appeared before a judge, 'cause they believed him.
They say they now realize how twisted their relationship with this guy was ... and both express shame and regret for ever affiliating themselves with him, even as young adults.

We've reached out to Peck for comment ... so far, no word back.
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Adivina en quién se ha convertido este niño con una bola de nieve
Antes de que este pequeño con gorro y guantes mezclara canciones y animara al público, tocaba el piano, tocaba la batería y hacía bolas de nieve en Dansenberg, Alemania.
Esta estrella internacional tiene un currículum que avala su éxito mundial... ha trabajado con algunas de las estrellas más populares de la música, como Lady Gaga y los Black Eyed Peas. Quizá si vieras a este tipo poniéndose en forma en Instagram sin camiseta, lo tendrías más claro.
"Si nuestro amor es una locura, ¿por qué eres mi claridad?".
Guess Who This Snow Ballin' Kid Turned Into!
Before this cool kiddo in his beanie and gloves was mixin' tunes and hypin' up the crowd, he was just playing the piano, hitting his drums and making the fluffiest of snow balls in Dansenberg, Germany.
This international star has quite the resume to back up his global success ... working with some of music's hottest stars like Lady Gaga and the Black Eyed Peas. Perhaps if you saw this guy gettin' fit on Instagram with his shirt off, you'd have more clarity.
"If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?"
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Patrick y Brittany Mahomes Visitan el hospital infantil tras el tiroteo y se sientan con las víctimas
Patrick Mahomes y su esposa Brittany están intentando alegrar algunos rostros después del trágico tiroteo del miércoles en el desfile de los Chiefs: los dos fueron vistos haciendo una visita al hospital local el jueves y levantando el ánimo de algunos niños heridos.
Los Mahomeses fueron específicamente a las habitaciones de una niña de 8 años y a otra de 10 años, ambas heridas de bala después de que se produjera un tiroteo tras la celebración de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl en Union Station.
Las niñas, parte de la familia Reyes, fueron alcanzadas en las piernas por las balas y necesitaron cirugía poco tiempo después para curar sus dolencias.
Pero cuando Patrick y Brittany pasaron a saludar no fue difícil ver a los pequeños muy felices, ambos tenían grandes sonrisas mientras posaban para las fotos.
Parece que la estrella de Kansas City y su esposa también trajeron regalos, ya que las niñas llevaban cascos en miniatura de los Chiefs.
La familia Reyes -que al parecer está relacionada con la mujer que trágicamente perdió la vida en el tiroteo- estaba agradecida de que los dos fueran a visitarlos y escribieron un comunicado: "Queremos dar un agradecimiento personal al equipo del Hospital Children's Mercy y a Patrick y Brittany Mahomes por su efusivo cuidado, amor y apoyo."
Por su parte, se creó un GoFundMe para ayudar a las niñas y a su familia en su recuperación y ya han recaudado 54.000 dólares.
En total, 23 personas fueron alcanzadas por las balas justo después de que Mahomes pronunciara un discurso en el mitin. Según las autoridades, al menos la mitad de las víctimas eran menores de 16 años.
Dos menores han sido acusados de delitos penales en relación con el tiroteo, pero las autoridades dicen que podrían presentarse más cargos.
Patrick & Brittany Mahomes Visit Children's Hospital After Shooting ... Sit With Victims
Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, are helping put a smile on some faces following Wednesday's tragic parade shooting ... the two were seen paying a visit to a local hospital on Thursday, lifting some wounded kids' spirits.
The duo of Mahomeses specifically went to rooms belonging to an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old, who were both shot after gunfire erupted following the Chiefs' Super Bowl celebration at Union Station.
The girls, part of the Reyes family, were hit in the legs ... and needed surgery a short time later to fix their ailments.
But, when Patrick and Brittany pulled up -- it wasn't hard to see the little ones were overjoyed ... as they both had big grins on their faces while they posed for pics.
It seems the Kansas City star and his wife brought gifts too, as two girls were holding miniature Chiefs helmets.
The Reyes family -- who's reportedly related to the woman who tragically lost her life in Wednesday's shooting -- were grateful the two stopped by ... writing in a statement, "We want to give a personal thank you to the staff of Children’s Mercy Hospital and Patrick & Brittany Mahomes for their outpouring care, love, and support."
A GoFundMe set up to help the girls and their family in their recovery, meanwhile, has already raised $54,000.
In total, 23 people were struck by bullets just after Mahomes had delivered a speech at the rally. Authorities said at least half of the victims were under the age of 16 years old.
Two juveniles have been hit with criminal charges in connection with the shooting ... but officials say more charges could be forthcoming.