Kevin Costner, Christine Baumgartner Divorce Final

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Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner have settled their super bitter divorce and finalized the judgment ... TMZ has learned.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kevin and Christine signed a Marital Settlement Agreement, which they filed with the court. Since more than 6 months have passed since Christine filed for divorce -- the required waiting time in California -- the case is over.

Details of the settlement are not yet available, but we're told the judge validated the prenup that became a big bone of contention during the divorce.

Both parties asked for joint custody of their 3 kids, and, as you know, Christine got $63,000 a month in child support. She was asking for an eye-popping $248,000 a month, but her justification was shaky, to say the least. One of the items she put in her expense declaration -- $100,000 for cosmetic surgery. BTW, before the child support ruling, Kevin offered her $75k a month.

Kevin and Christine personally signed the document signaling the settlement, along with their respective lawyers, disso queen Laura Wasser and Marisa Beuoy.

The document also says the parties waive the typical requirement of co-parenting classes.

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Both Kevin and Christine have moved on. He's dating Jewel, and Christine is dating a friend of hers and Kevin's, Josh Connor.

Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner Finalizan su divorcio


Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner han resuelto su amargo divorcio, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Según documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kevin y Christine firmaron un acuerdo marital, que fue presentado ante el tribunal. Dado que han pasado más de 6 meses desde que Christine pidió el divorcio, el tiempo de espera que se requiere en California, el caso ha terminado.

Los detalles del acuerdo aún no están disponibles, pero nos dicen que el juez validó el acuerdo prenupcial que se convirtió en un gran objeto de discordia durante el divorcio.

Ambas partes pedían la custodia compartida de sus tres hijos y, como ya saben, Christine recibía 63.000 dólares al mes en concepto de manutención. Ella pedía 248.000 dólares al mes, pero su justificación era, como mínimo, poco convincente. Una de las cosas que puso en su declaración de gastos fue que necesitaba $100.000 para cirugías estéticas. Por cierto, antes de la sentencia final, Kevin le había ofrecido $75k al mes.

Kevin y Christine firmaron personalmente el acuerdo estipulado en el documento, junto con sus respectivos abogados, la famosa abogada Laura Wasser y Marisa Beuoy.

El documento también dice que las partes renuncian al requisito de clases de co-paternidad.

TMz investiga
TMZ Studios

Tanto Kevin como Christine han seguido adelante. Él está saliendo con Jewel y Christine está saliendo con un amigo de ambos, Josh Connor.

Kansas City Chiefs Eleven SB Parade Victims Aged 6 To 15 ... Officials Say

Published | Updated

Eleven kids between the ages of 6 years old and 15 years old suffered wounds during Wednesday afternoon's shooting at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade, officials say.

Lisa Augustine, a spokesperson for Children’s Mercy Kansas City, said in a statement to TMZ Sports the hospital treated 12 patients after at least one gunman opened fire at Union Station following the championship festivities in K.C. -- and of those dozen, 11 were children.

Augustine added that nine of the 12 sustained gunshot wounds.

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Thankfully, the hospital rep said, "All are expected to recover."

So far, law enforcement says 22 people in total were struck by gunfire just minutes after Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce had addressed the massive crowd that had gathered to celebrate their recent victory over the San Francisco 49ers.

At least one person, authorities said, died in the shooting.

Cops say three people have been detained in connection with the attack ... although no motive has been revealed. An investigation remains ongoing.

The Chiefs said in a statement they're "truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally."

"Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of Kansas City," they added.

Mahomes and Kelce, meanwhile, also sent out prayers to the victims on their X pages following the tragedy.

Guess Who These Twin Sisters Turned Into!


Before these two sisters, winning and twinning, were puttin' up a fight in the ring, they were just crawling in identical pink outfits, playing soccer and growing up on the farm on the outskirts of Scottsdale, Arizona.

Making their way to the WWE back in 2007, you may recognize these divas from "Smackdown" or their reality TV show(s). Both of these brunette babes showed off their fit physiques in Trey Songz music video "Na Na" -- hitting a punching bag of course!

Need one more clue? They're both mommas and were pregnant at the same time!

Can you guess who they are?

Adivina en quién se han convertido estas gemelas


Antes de que estas dos hermanas -ganadoras y gemelas- dieran guerra en el ring, se arrastraban con trajes rosas idénticos, jugaban al fútbol y crecían en la granja en las afueras de Scottsdale, Arizona.

Estas divas llegaron a la WWE en 2007 y puede que las reconozcas de "Smackdown" o de sus programas de telerrealidad. Ambas morenas mostraron su físico en el video musical de Trey Songz "Na Na", golpeando un saco de boxeo, por supuesto.

¿Necesitas una pista más? Las dos son mamás y estuvieron embarazadas al mismo tiempo.

¿Adivinas quiénes son?

McDonald's es demandado Por no tener espacios para amamantar en el trabajo


McDonald's está siendo arrastrado a los tribunales por dos empleadas que dicen que la cadena de comida rápida está haciendo que sea difícil para ellas extraerse la leche materna en el trabajo, pues aseguran que no hay tiempo ni lugar para hacerlo.

De acuerdo con una nueva demanda colectiva obtenida por TMZ, dos mujeres llamadas Kathleen Faber y Lexis Mays dicen que volvieron a trabajar a McDonald's después de haber dado a luz y aparentemente están encontrando obstáculos para amamantar.

Las mujeres dicen que le dijeron a sus gerentes que necesitarían sacarse leche en el trabajo. Aunque ellos comentaron que eso no sería un problema, no ha resultado ser el caso.

Faber afirma que su McDonald's en Kansas no tiene un espacio seguro ni privado para ella para extraerse la leche materna y ha tenido que hacerlo en la esquina de una sala de existencias para evitar la visión de las cámaras de seguridad y los empleados.

Mays dice lo mismo de su McDonald's en Nueva York y afirma que ha tenido que hacerlo en la oficina trasera, que no tiene puerta y está abierta a otros miembros del personal, que vienen a la habitación cuando ella está bombeando.

En la demanda, ambas mujeres también dicen que no tienen suficiente tiempo de descanso para extraerse la leche materna durante sus turnos en el Golden Arches.

Faber y Mays dicen que la falta de adaptaciones para la lactancia materna en McDonald's les está causando ansiedad, incomodidad, humillación, vergüenza y angustia emocional.

Las mujeres dicen que la cadena no está cumpliendo con las leyes federales que requieren lugares seguros y privados para las madres lactantes en el lugar de trabajo y quieren que un tribunal intervenga por ellas y ayude a otras empleadas en una situación similar.

TMZ investiga
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Nos pusimos en contacto con McDonald's pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

McDonald's Sued No Space For Us To Breastfeed at Work ... We Need Time To Pump!!!


McDonald's is being dragged to court by two employees who say the fast food chain is making it tough on them to pump breastmilk on the job ... they say there's no time or place.

According to a new class action lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, two women named Kathleen Faber and Lexis Mays say they returned to work at McDonald's after giving birth and are apparently running into obstacles when it comes to pumping breastmilk for their babies.

The women say they told their managers they would need to pump at work and claim they were told it wouldn't be an issue ... but they say that's turned out not to be the case.

Faber claims her McDonald's in Kansas has no secure, private space for her to pump breast milk, leaving her to pump milk from the corner of a stock room so she can avoid the sight lines of security cameras and male employees.

Mays says her McDonald's in New York doesn't have a secure, private space to pump either ... she claims she's been left to pump from a back office that doesn't have a door and is wide open to other crew members, who she says come in the room when she's pumping.

In the suit, both women also say they don't have enough break time to pump breast milk during their shifts at the Golden Arches.

Faber and Mays say the lack of breastfeeding accommodation at McDonald's is causing them anxiety, discomfort, humiliation, embarrassment and emotional distress.

The women say McDonald's is not complying with federal laws requiring secure and private places for breastfeeding mothers to pump in the workplace ... and they want a court to step in and help them and all similarly situated employees.

TMZ Studios

We reached out to McDonald's ... so far no word back.

Guess Who This Lil' Champ Turned Into!


Before this sweet kiddo cheesin' for the camera turned into a popular TikToker, he was growing up in Washington D.C., hittin' the pool and swimming his way to metals and ribbons!

Gaining popularity on TikTok back in 2020, perhaps his most viral vid is convincing his ex to cook for him and then bailing on eating the meal. He's also heavily featured in Meghan Trainor's TikToks. And, to say he's a big Swiftie is a huge understatement!

When he's not dancin' away on social media ... he's an advocate for mental health and the LGBTQ+ community.

Can you guess who he is?

Adivina en quién se ha convertido Este pequeño campeón


Antes de que este dulce niño se convirtiera en un popular TikToker, crecía en Washington D.C., ¡nadando en la piscina hasta conseguir trofeos y medallas!

Ganó popularidad en TikTok en 2020 y quizá su video más viral sea el de convencer a su ex para que cocine para él y luego no comérselo. También aparece mucho en los TikToks de Meghan Trainor. Y decir que es un gran Swiftie es quedarse muy corto.

Cuando no está bailando en las redes sociales, es un defensor de la salud mental y de la comunidad LGBTQ+.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Super Bowl Kid Turned Into!


Before this handsome fella lookin' spiffy in his suit turned into a Super Bowl champion, he was just a little New Yorker -- who came from a family of athletes -- playing hockey, basketball, baseball and of course FOOTBALL!

Being one of the greatest tight-ends of all time helped lead his team to Super Bowl wins in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021. He may not have played for the Chiefs or the 49ers, but now being an NFL analyst ... he's had plenty to say about this year's Super Bowl.

Need on more clue ... just ask his quarterback BFF TB!

Can you guess who he is?

Adivina en quién se ha convertido ¡este pequeño fan del Super Bowl!


Antes de que este joven con traje se convirtiera en campeón del Super Bowl, no era más que un pequeño neoyorquino de familia de atletas que jugaba al hockey, al baloncesto, al béisbol y por supuesto, ¡al FÚTBOL!

Ser uno de los mejores tight-ends de todos los tiempos ayudó a llevar a su equipo a ganar el Super Bowl en 2015, 2017, 2019 y 2021. Puede que no haya jugado para los Chiefs o los 49ers, pero ahora siendo analista de la NFL ha tenido mucho que decir sobre el Super Bowl de este año.

Si necesitas más pistas... ¡Pregúntale a su mejor amigo que es quarterback!

¿Puedes adivinar quién es?

Kansas City Chiefs 9-Year-Old Fan's Fam Sues Deadspin Over Face Paint Controversy


The parents of a 9-year-old Chiefs fan claim a Deadspin article accusing the young boy of wearing blackface to a Kansas City game earlier this year has made their lives a living hell ... and now they're dragging the media outlet to court over it.

The folks of Holden Armenta -- Raul and Shannon Armenta -- filed the suit against the sports media company on Tuesday in Delaware ... alleging Carron Phillips' story about Holden back in November was flat-out defamatory.


You'll recall, Holden painted one side of his face black, and the other side red in support of his favorite Chiefs team as they took on the Raiders in Las Vegas on Nov. 26. According to the suit, when cameras showed only the black side of Holden's noggin during the game's broadcast, Phillips took to his keyboard to demand the NFL take action against the child.

The Armentas claim the article posted to Deadspin remarked on how face paint made it look like Holden had "found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time." The Armentas also said Phillips wrongfully implied that Holden may have been "taught" the alleged "racism and hate" at home.

The Armentas said none of it was true -- writing in the suit that Holden wore his gameday outfit for no other reason than to show his love for Kansas City. They added that Holden is Native American himself.

In the suit, the Armentas said they asked Deadspin repeatedly to retract the story and issue a mea culpa -- but they claim the outlet refused to back down.

They say it's all caused "enormous damage" -- alleging they received death threats and numerous messages containing hateful language. They also said Raul's been forced to consider moving his family out of state -- while Holden's grades have dropped in school. The Armentas claim Holden "has shown emotional damage from the onslaught of negative attention" as well.

They're now suing Deadspin for unspecified damages.

The outlet, meanwhile, has not yet publicly commented on the lawsuit.

Adivina en quién ¡se ha convertido esta pequeña!


Antes de que esta chica de ojos azules y corte rubio apareciera en la gran pantalla, celebraba el cumpleaños de su perro, protagonizaba obras de teatro en el colegio y crecía en Huntington Woods, Michigan.

A finales de los 90 se fue a la Universidad de Nueva York y no tardó en pisar los escenarios de Broadway, protagonizando obras como "Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer".

De "Veronica Mars" a otros papeles icónicos... definitivamente no olvidarás a Sarah Marshall.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Kid With Her Pup Turned Into!


Before this blue-eyed gal with her blonde bowl cut was on the big screen, she was just celebrating her dog's birthday, landing the lead roles in the school plays and growing up in Huntington Woods, Michigan.

You know you want to build a snowman with this cute patootie! Heading off to New York University in the late 90s ... it wasn't long before hittin' the Broadway stage -- starring in shows like "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".

From "From Veronica Mars" to other iconic roles ... you definitely won't forget THIS Sarah Marshall.

Can you guess who she is?

La madre del autor de un tiroteo es culpable de homicidio involuntario


Es un fallo histórico -el primero en su tipo- la madre del tirador de la escuela secundaria de Michigan -Ethan Crumbley- ha sido declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, y podría ser condenada a 15 años en prisión.

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Jennifer Crumbley fue condenada por negligencia grave al no impedir que su hijo Ethan Crumbley matara a 4 estudiantes en Oxford High School en noviembre de 2021.

El jurado llegó al veredicto unánime en el segundo día de deliberaciones.

Nunca antes se había acusado penalmente a un padre de un niño que cometió un tiroteo masivo. El marido de Jennifer, James, también se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario y será juzgado el mes que viene. Él fue quien compró el arma.

Jennifer testificó en su juicio que James fue el responsable de esconder el arma que su hijo utilizó en el tiroteo.

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Jennifer también testificó que sabía que su hijo estaba pasando por un mal momento, pero no tenía idea de que era capaz de cometer un tiroteo masivo. Ella nunca puso a su hijo Ethan en terapia y dijo que si tuviera que hacerlo de nuevo no habría hecho nada diferente.

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cadena perpetua

Ethan, de 17 años, fue condenado a cadena perpetua. En cuanto a Jennifer, será sentenciada en abril, presumiblemente después del juicio de su marido.

Michigan High School Shooter Mother Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter

Published | Updated

It's a landmark ruling, the first of its kind ... the mother of Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter ... and she could be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

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Jennifer Crumbley was convicted of being grossly negligent by not stopping her son Ethan Crumbley from killing 4 students at Oxford High School in November, 2021.

The jury reached the unanimous verdict on the second day of deliberations.

Never before has a parent been criminally charged with a child who committed a mass shooting. Jennifer's husband, James, is also facing manslaughter charges and will stand trial next month. He's the one who purchased the gun.

Jennifer testified in her trial James was responsible for hiding the gun their son used in the shooting.

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Jennifer also testified she knew her son was struggling but had no idea he was capable of committing a mass shooting. She never put her son Ethan in therapy and said if she had it to do over again she would have done nothing differently.

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17-year-old Ethan was sentenced to life in prison. As for Jennifer, she'll be sentenced in April --- presumably after her husband's trial.