Antes de que estas dos rubias con dientes de fantasía se convirtieran en estrellas infantiles, solo eran dos hermanas espeluznantes que se disfrazaban para Halloween, corrían por su casa y representaban escenas, mientras crecían en Conyers, Georgia.
Una de estas hermanas saltó a la fama (con solo siete años) con su papel de Lucy Dawson en "I Am Sam" en 2001, mientras que la otra hermana interpretaba a la versión más joven. También es posible que reconozcas una de estas caras famosas en "Uptown Girls" con Brittany Murphy.
¿Necesitas una pista más? Ambas se llaman por sus nombres de solteras.
Gov. Gavin Newsom Hoop Dreams Denied!!! Hilariously Plows Through Kid in Pickup Game

Screw diplomacy, Gov. Gavin Newsom is playing to win ... even if he's gotta mow down a grade school kid on a basketball court, during what's supposed to be a diplomatic visit to China!!!
No, it wasn't intentional, but the Guv really did put a hurting on the tyke while playing a little pickup hoops at a public school in Beijing. It all played out like an 'SNL' skit -- Newsom showing off by spinning the ball on his finger, and then dribbling and spinning toward the hoop.
Problem is ... Newsom tried to put down his best Kobe Bryant-esque move, but ended up stumbling, and crashing right into a kid! They both slammed to the ground, but looks like a "no blood, no foul" situation.
The Governor gave the kid a few playful slaps on the back, everyone laughed and they got up uninjured.
Newsom's week-long visit to China included a visit with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Luckily, he did NOT challenge him to a game of HORSE.
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Baron Davis I'm The Mike Tomlin Of Flag Football ... Love Coaching Sons' Teams

Baron Davis had a long, successful career in the NBA, but he might've just found his true calling -- telling TMZ Sports he's having an absolute blast coaching his sons' flag football teams!!
B. Diddy has stayed close to sports following his hoops career ... taking on a leadership role for young kids in Los Angeles.
We spoke with the former Hornets and Warriors star about the experience ... and he says he's channeling his inner Pittsburgh Steelers head coach when he's on the sidelines.
"I'm like Mike Tomlin out there of flag football," Davis told us at LAX this week. "It's incredible, it's an incredible feeling being around the kids."

TMZ Sports has obtained footage of Davis in the act -- showing him instructing and encouraging his squad at a recent game.
Davis -- who has a 5- and 9-year-old son with ex-wife, Isabella Brewster -- added he teaches his team the basics ... how to be a good teammate and how to focus. But at the same time, he treats them like grownups.
"I treat 'em like pros. I said, 'If we're gonna play, I'm gonna treat you like a pro.'"
Davis tells us the main message he tries to give his young athletes ... and it sounds like those kiddos got a great leader!!
Tiroteo masivo en Maine Recordando a las 18 víctimas
Dieciocho personas fallecieron después del tiroteo masivo de esta semana en Maine, vidas que quedaron truncadas cuando Robert Card abrió fuego en un bowling y un restaurante... y la lista de sus víctimas incluye a personas de 70 años e incluso un niño de 14 años.
Los informes dicen que el adolescente Aaron Young estaba con su padre Bill en el bowling Just-In-Time Recreation el miércoles por la noche en Lewiston. Se encontraban allí para jugar y presenciar la liga de bolos de Aaron cuando el pistolero abrió fuego dentro del edificio. Tanto el padre como el hijo fueron asesinados.
Bob Violette, de 76 años, también perdió la vida en el bowling. Estaba como entrenador voluntario de la liga de bolos juvenil. Su compañero de trabajo le dijo a WBZ News que era un hombre "muy amable", "súper comprensivo" y "muy paciente con todo el mundo."
Tricia Asselin, de 53 años, fue tiroteada mientras intentaba llamar al 911 y el gerente del local Tommy Conrad, de 34 años, también murió mientras intentaba someter a Card.
Jason Walker y su amigo Michael Deslauriers II estaban en el bowling con sus esposas e hijos cuando sonaron los disparos. El padre de Michael dice que los dos hombres cargaron contra Card después de asegurarse de que sus familias estuvieran a salvo, y fue entonces cuando recibieron un disparo mortal.
Como se informó, Card salió del bowling y abrió fuego de nuevo en Schemengees Bar and Grille, matando a ocho personas más, incluyendo a Maxx Hathaway, un padre que estaba allí con su esposa embarazada Brenda y su hijo pequeño Lilian.
De acuerdo a su GoFundMe, la familia estaba en Schemengees cuando su esposa -que va a tener a su tercer hijo en poco más de un mes- decidió llevarse a su hijo pequeño a casa mientras Max se quedaba a jugar un poco más al billar.
Entre los muertos en el bar había varios miembros de la comunidad sorda, que estaban peleando un torneo de cornhole, incluyendo Bryan MacFarlane, Steven Vozzella, Billy Bracket y Joshua Seal.
Joseph Walker, de 56 años, era gerente de Schemengees y también fue abatido a tiros. Perdió la vida después de tratar de detener Card.
Como ustedes saben, Card también hirió a 13 personas durante su brutal ataque. Su casa en Bowdoin, Maine, fue rodeada por la policía el jueves por la noche, aunque él no se encontraba en casa. La persecución contra él sigue en marcha. Las tiendas de armas locales han visto un gran aumento en las ventas de armas de fuego y municiones en respuesta.
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Maine Mass Shooting 18 Victims Remembered
Eighteen people are dead after this week's mass shooting in Maine -- lives cut short when Robert Card opened fire in a bowling alley and a bar -- and the list of his victims includes people in their 70s and even a 14-year-old boy.
Reports say teenager Aaron Young was with his father, Bill, at the Just-In-Time Recreation bowling alley in Lewiston Wednesday night for Aaron's bowling league when the gunman opened fire inside the building -- the father and son were both killed.
76-year-old Bob Violette also lost his life in the bowling alley. There for his volunteer job coaching the youth bowling league, his coworker told WBZ News he was "so kind," "super understanding," and "very patient with everybody."
53-year-old Tricia Asselin was gunned down while trying to call 911 at the bowling alley, and the location's manager, 34-year-old Tommy Conrad, died while trying to subdue Card.
Jason Walker and his friend Michael Deslauriers II were both at the alley with their wives and kids when the shots rang out -- Michael's father says the 2 men charged at Card after making sure their families were safe, and that's when they were fatally shot.
As we reported, Card left the bowling alley and opened fire once again on the crowd at Schemengees Bar and Grille, killing 8 more people ... including Maxx Hathaway, a father who was there with his pregnant wife, Brenda, and their toddler, Lilian.
According to their GoFundMe, the family was at Schemengees when his wife -- who is due with their 3rd child in just over a month -- took their little one home while he stayed behind to play some more pool.
Among those killed at the bar were several members of the deaf community, who were there for a cornhole tournament ... including Bryan MacFarlane, Steven Vozzella, Billy Bracket, and Joshua Seal.
56-year-old Joseph Walker, manager at Schemengees, was also gunned down ... losing his life after trying to stop Card.
As you know, Card also injured 13 people during his murder spree -- his Bowdoin, ME home was surrounded by police Thursday night, but he wasn't home. A manhunt is still underway for him, as local gun stores have seen a huge uptick in sales of firearms and ammo in response.
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Antes de aparecer en la gran pantalla, esta simpática niña se vestía como el icono de la serie de los 80 (Punky Bewster), ejercía de modelo de joven y crecía con sus tres hermanos en New Canaan, Connecticut.
Si no la recuerdas interpretando a Izzie Stevens en "Grey´s Anatomy", también entró y salió de 27 vestidos en una popular película allá por 2008. Puede que tenga el pelo castaño en esta adorable foto, ¡pero ahora es más conocida por su peinado rubio!
¿Necesitas otra pista? Es una gran amante de los perros.
Guess Who This Lil' Punky Brewster Turned Into!
Before this cute trick-or-treater was up on the big screen, she was just getting all dolled up as the '80s show icon Punky Brewster, modeling as a youngin' and growing up with her three siblings in New Canaan, Connecticut.
If you don't recall her playing Izzie Stevens on "Grey's Anatomy" ... she also switched in and out of 27 dresses in a popular movie back in 2008. She may have brown hair in this adorable pic, but she's most known for her blonde 'do now!
Need one more clue? She's an avid dog lover!
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Chrisean Rock To Summer Walker Industry Cold AF 🥶... You Support In Private, Yet Clown Me In Public???
Chrisean Rock thought she had a real friend in Summer Walker after her baby debacle in Walmart ... but is now second-guessing the "Girls Need Love" singer after being spoofed in a video.
Chrisean Rock goes live on Instagram and calls out Summer Walker for mocking her in viral TikTok.
— Pop Fish 🐠 (@TheePopFish) October 26, 2023 @TheePopFish
“You were very insensitive. This industry is cold as f*ck. you were in my DM’s asking me if I needed help and support then mocked me on TikTok”
On Thursday, Chrisean went live on IG and called out Summer for DMing her with sweet nothings of support last month ... but says her feelings are now hurt as of result of the video.

A video that made fun of the very same incident Summer reached out for!!! Ouch.

Despite the hurt, the new mother said she wasn't surprised as she's grown used to dealing with cutthroat folks in a cold music industry.
Rock may have a point ... Summer seemed like she was auditioning for Hollywood the way she went all out with her impersonation of Chrisean ... down to the missing tooth and the baby doll with its head dangling!!!

Many fans agreed with Chrisean, they found the skit to be in poor taste, forcing Summer to cite her comedic inspirations -- Dave Chappelle, Bernie Mac, Richard Pryor -- guys who pushed the envelope with their art as her inspiration.
But after seeing Chrisean's response, Summer got defensive and told her to lighten up!!! ... "Sensitive about a tik tok that was viral way before I did it but you aint have no sympathy when you be dragging bitches across the ground."
Yep, this beef is just getting started!!!
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Chrisean Rock pensó que Summer Walker era una buena amiga después de su debacle con el bebé en Walmart, pero ahora está dudando de la cantante de "Girls Need Love" luego de ser ridiculizada en un video.
Chrisean Rock goes live on Instagram and calls out Summer Walker for mocking her in viral TikTok.
— Pop Fish 🐠 (@TheePopFish) October 26, 2023 @TheePopFish
“You were very insensitive. This industry is cold as f*ck. you were in my DM’s asking me if I needed help and support then mocked me on TikTok”
El jueves, Chrisean realizó un live de Instagram y llamó a Summer para agradecerle por el apoyo el mes pasado, sin embargo, ahora está herida luego de ver un video...

¡Un video en el que se burló del mismo incidente! Ouch.

A pesar del daño, la nueva madre dijo que no estaba sorprendida, ya que está acostumbrada a tratar con gente despiadada en una industria musical fría.
Rock puede tener un punto, Summer parecía como si estuviera audicionando para Hollywood por la forma en que llevó a cabo su imitación, ¡se fijo incluso en el diente que le falta y el muñeco con la cabeza colgando!

Muchos fans estuvieron de acuerdo con Chrisean, encontraron el sketch de mal gusto, obligando a Summer a citar sus inspiraciones cómicas —Dave Chappelle, Bernie Mac, Richard Pryor— básicamente, chicos que empujaron los límites.
Pero después de ver la respuesta de Chrisean, Summer se puso a la defensiva y le dijo que se relajara: "Te pones sensible por un TikTok que fue viral mucho antes de que yo lo hiciera, pero no tienes simpatía cuando arrastras perras por el suelo".
Sip, ¡este conflicto recién comienza!
Gunplay está tras las rejas después de supuestamente violar una orden de alejamiento de su esposa, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, contra él, porque claramente no sabe cómo funcionan los monitores GPS de tobillo.
Funcionarios de la cárcel de Miami, le informan a TMZ Hip Hop que Gunplay fue fichado el miércoles a las 7:10 PM por violar una orden de restricción puesta en marcha para proteger a su ex.
Nos dicen que va a permanecer encerrado hasta su próxima cita en la corte el 7 de noviembre.
Fuentes cercanas a la situación dicen que Gunplay fue arrestado justo fuera de la casa de Vonshae después de que el Departamento de Correccionales de Florida de Control de la Comunidad —que supervisa y monitorea los detenidos en casa— recibió un aviso de que el rapero estaba en la zona.
Nos informan que los agentes del Sheriff del Condado de Miami efectivamente golpearon a Gunplay a la casa mientras conducía allí, y nunca fue capaz de interactuar realmente con Vonshae y su hijo.
Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.
El último arresto marca la octava vez que Gunplay supuestamente violó la orden de restricción que le prohíbe acercarse a menos de 500 pies de Vonshae.
Anteriormente, fue acusado de tratar de detener a Vonshae de testificar en septiembre y parece que su drama ha causado mucho ruido en las calles este año.
Los ex tuvieron una discusión explosiva en agosto en su casa que llevó a la ruptura.
Gunplay Busted Getting Too Close to Ex ... Nailed by GPS Monitor!!!
Gunplay's sitting behind bars after allegedly violating a restraining order his estranged wife, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, got against him ... because he, clearly, doesn't know how GPS ankle monitors work.
Miami-Dade County Jail officials tell TMZ Hip Hop ... Gunplay was booked Wednesday at 7:10 PM for violating a restraining order put in place to protect his ex.
We're told he'll remain locked up until his next court date on November 7.
Sources close to the situation say Gunplay was arrested right outside Vonshae's home after the Florida Department of Corrections Community Control, which oversees and monitors house arrestees, got a ping the rapper was in the area.
We're told Miami-Dade County Sheriff's deputies effectively beat Gunplay to the home as he was driving there, and he was never able to actually interact with Vonshae and her child.
Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.
The latest arrest marks the EIGHTH time Gunplay allegedly violated the restraining order, which prohibits him from coming within 500 feet of Vonshae.
He was previously accused of trying to stop Vonshae from testifying in September -- and it seems like their 'Love & Hip Hop' drama has spilled heavily into the streets this year.
The exes had an explosive argument in August at their home that led to the breakup.
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Hay más información acerca de la acusación de abuso infantil contra el marido de Jenelle Evan, David Eason, quien supuestamente maltrató a Jace de 14 años de edad.
Según documentos judiciales, obtenidos por TMZ, Eason está siendo acusado de infligir lesiones físicas en Jace, causandole "marcas en el brazo derecho y el lado izquierdo y derecho del cuello". Los documentos dicen que las lesiones no fueron accidentales.
Mientras que los documentos no explican exactamente lo que pasó, el momento en el que ocurrió del presunto incidente es interesante, indicando que todo se fue abajo el 28 de septiembre.
28 de septiembre es también la misma noche en la que Jace se escapó de casa, deslizándose por la ventana de su habitación hacia un bosque cercano. Es posible que Jace y David tuvieran algún tipo de intercambio antes de que Jace abandonara la propiedad. Recordemos que hay un video que tanto la policía como los servicios de protección infantil tienen en su poder, lo que podría haber llevado a la acusación.
Jace fue finalmente localizado gracias a la policía, aunque la desaparición del 28 de septiembre marcó su tercer incidente de fuga en aproximadamente un mes.
No parece que Jace esté actualmente bajo la custodia de Jenelle y creemos que está con su abuela, la madre de Jenelle, Barbara.

En cuanto a su parte, Jenelle lanzó una declaración en Instagram poco después de que TMZ publicara la historia del cargo de abuso infantil menor de David. Evans escribió: "No confío en nadie a mi alrededor, No tengo ni idea de en qué ser humano puedo confiar más, ni siquiera en mi propia sangre".
Ella continúa: "Estoy siendo alimentada por todas estas historias diferentes de diferentes personas. Gente tratando de ponerse de mi lado, para luego traicionarme una y otra vez".
'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Husband David Eason Allegedly Injured Her 14-Year-Old Son ... Led to Child Abuse Charge
We're now learning more about what led to the child abuse charge leveled against Jenelle Evan's husband, David Eason ... who allegedly roughed up Jenelle's 14-year-old son, Jace, leaving marks on his body.
According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, Eason is being accused of inflicting physical injury on Jace ... causing "marks on the right arm and left and right side of the neck." The documents say the injuries weren't sustained by accident.
While the docs don't exactly explain what happened, the timing of the alleged incident is interesting ... stating the whole thing went down on September 28.
September 28 is also the same night Jace ran away from home, slipping out his bedroom window and into the woods nearby. It's possible Jace and David had some sort of exchange before Jace left the property. Remember, we were told there's video both cops and child protective services have in their possession ... which could've led to the charge.
Jace was eventually located, after cops got involved, though the September 28 disappearance marked his 3rd runaway incident in about a month.
It doesn't appear Jace is currently in Jenelle's custody, and it's believed he's with his grandmother, Jenelle's mom, Barbara.

As for their part, Jenelle released a statement on Instagram shortly after TMZ broke the story of David's misdemeanor child abuse charge. Evans wrote, "I do not trust anyone around me ... I have no idea what human being I can trust anymore, not even my own blood."
She continues ... "I'm being fed all these different stories from different people. People trying to get on my good side.. To then betray me over and over."
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Sean McVay Son Is Here!!! ... Rams Announce Birth With Hilarious Tweet
Sean McVay's officially a new father ... and as the head coach expected, his son was NOT born on a gameday!!!
The Rams announced baby McVay's birth came on Wednesday afternoon ... using a hilarious tweet to reveal that McVay's wife, Veronika Khomyn, delivered little Jordan John McVay successfully.
"LA Rams Transactions," the message on X read, "• Delivered Jordan John McVay."
The birth comes just a few days after the 37-year-old coach told reporters that his son will not force him to miss a game since the little tyke already knows better than to mess up Sunday football.
"My wife's doing great," McVay said at the time. "I think there was a lot made about me missing a game -- I'm not gonna miss a game. My son knows better than to come during a game."

McVay met Khomyn in Washington D.C. when he was an assistant coach with the Commanders -- and the two officially went public with their relationship in 2016.
In 2019, the couple announced their engagement ... and now, their family has grown by one!!
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Meta de Mark Zuckerberg se aseguró de diseñar Facebook e Instagram para que sean muy difíciles de dejar y el resultado ha sido negativo para la sociedad, al menos esa es la alegación del Fiscal General de Tennessee y otros 41 estados.
Jonathan Skrmetti, el policía más importante del Estado de Voluntarios, se unió a nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" para exponer por qué 41 estados —y Washington, DC— están demandando a Facebook y a la compañía matriz de Instagram por supuestamente perjudicar a la juventud de nuestra nación.
Alegan que las aplicaciones de redes sociales están diseñadas intencionalmente para aprovechar la forma en que todos estamos conectados, haciendo las plataformas extremadamente adictivas con características como el desplazamiento infinito, recordatorios y notificaciones, solo por nombrar algunas.
Skrmetti dice que Meta es plenamente consciente de que las aplicaciones son difíciles de dejar y lo malo que es para la gente. Dice que causan problemas de sueño, ansiedad, déficit de atención, depresión y suicidio potencial.
En sus ojos, solo hay mucho que los padres pueden hacer para detener a sus hijos de engancharse a las redes sociales, y es en un punto ahora donde el gobierno tiene que intervenir para hacer cambios.

Es bastante salvaje ... Skrmetti nos dice por qué las aplicaciones de medios sociales están a la par con las drogas adictivas y pareciera que más demandas vendrán contra otras plataformas de medios sociales.
TN Attorney General Meta's Apps Too Addictive for Teens ... We're Suing to Make Social Media Safer

Mark Zuckerberg's Meta made sure to design Facebook and Instagram so they are super hard to quit, and the result has been bad for society ... at least that's the allegation from Tennessee's Attorney General, and 41 other AGs.
Jonathan Skrmetti, the Volunteer State's top cop, joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to lay out why 41 states -- and Washington, DC -- are suing Facebook and Instagram's parent company for allegedly harming our nation's youth.
He says the social media apps are intentionally designed to take advantage of the way we're all wired -- making the platforms extremely addicting with features like infinite scrolling, reminders and notifications, just to name a few.
Skrmetti says Meta is fully aware the apps are hard to quit and bad for folks -- he says they cause sleep deprivation, anxiety, ADD, depression and potential suicide.
In his eyes, there's only so much parents can do to stop their kids from getting hooked on social media, and it's at a point now where the government needs to step in to make changes.

It's pretty wild ... Skrmetti tells us why social media apps are on par with addictive drugs, and it sounds like more lawsuits will be coming against other social media platforms.