Travis Kelce Aterriza de nuevo en Las Vegas... Después de un viaje relámpago a Australia

Travis Kelce parece estar de vuelta en Estados Unidos, luego de aterrizar en Las Vegas el sábado por la mañana tras un fin de semana torbellino en Australia.

El campeón del Super Bowl al parecer aterrizó en la Ciudad del Pecado alrededor de las 8:30 AM del sábado, según People y aparentemente confirmado por los registros de vuelo disponibles en Internet, dando por finalizadas una de las citas amorosas más rápidas en la memoria reciente.

Fuimos los primeros en contarles que Travis despegó de Sydney el sábado por la tarde y aterrizó el sábado por la mañana en Las Vegas, por el cambio de hora.

Todo es bastante confuso, pero básicamente Travis estuvo unos dos días en Sydney. Aterrizó el miércoles antes de subirse de nuevo en un jet y despegar a Las Vegas para pasar el rato con sus compañeros de equipo en los Chiefs.

La razón para volver es que quiere celebrar con sus compañeros de equipo, luego de su tercera victoria en el Super Bowl en 5 años.

Los chicos de Kelce ya comenzaron la fiesta, por cierto, Patrick Mahomes y algunos de sus compañeros estuvieron en Zouk Nightclub el sábado por la noche.

Kelce hizo un montón de actividades en sus dos días con Taylor. La pareja estuvo en el zoológico de Sydney y luego Travis vio a su chica actuando en vivo en su concierto, donde los dos se abrazaron apasionadamente.

T-Swift también le demostró su cariño a su novio durante el show, cambiando nuevamente la letra de la canción "Karma" para incluir una referencia suya. No es la primera vez que lo hace. Hablando de metas de pareja.

En pocas palabras, a pesar de pasar algún tiempo separados, Traylor parece ir más en serio que nunca, lo que coincide con lo que escuchamos durante la investigación para nuestro nuevo documental sobre su historia de amor.

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"TMZ Investigates: Taylor & Travis: Ultimate Love Story" se estrena este lunes, 26 de febrero a las 9/8 central en FOX y se transmitirá al día siguiente en Hulu.

Travis Kelce Reportedly Lands Back in Las Vegas ... After Quick Australia Trip

Travis Kelce appears to be back stateside ... landing in Las Vegas early Saturday morning -- after a whirlwind weekend down under.

The Super Bowl champ reportedly touched down in Sin City around 8:30 AM Saturday according to People and seemingly confirmed by online flight records -- marking the end of one of the fastest lovers' liaisons in recent memory.

We broke the story ... sources told us Travis took off from Sydney on Saturday afternoon but he landed Saturday morning -- Vegas local time, 'cause of the time change.

It's all pretty confusing but basically, TK was in Syndey for about two days, landing Wednesday before hopping right back on a jet and taking off for Vegas to hang out with his Chiefs teammates.

His reason for jetting back ... he wants to celebrate with his K.C. teammates in the aftermath of their third Super Bowl win in 5 years, and he's heading back to the site of their most recent conquest to live it up.

Kelce's guys have already started the party BTW ... with Patrick Mahomes and some of his teammates partying at Zouk Nightclub Friday night.

Kelce packed a ton of activities into his two days with Taylor ... with the pair hitting the zoo down in Sydney before Travis watched his lady live in concert -- where the two engaged in some passionate PDA.

T-Swift also showed her man some love during the show when she changed up the lyrics of "Karma" again to include a reference to him. Not the first time she's done it during her tour either ... talk about couple goals.

Bottom line, despite spending some time apart ... Traylor seems stronger than ever which falls in line with what we heard while researching our new documentary on their love story.

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"TMZ Investigates: Taylor & Travis: Ultimate Love Story" premieres this Monday, February 26 at 9/8 central on FOX and will stream the next day on Hulu.

Patrick Mahomes Partying In Vegas ... Travis Kelce Flying Back

Patrick Mahomes was out celebrating Friday night in Las Vegas as Travis Kelce was flying back to Sin City after his rendezvous with girlfriend Taylor Swift.

The Kansas City Chiefs quarterback showed up at Zouk Night Club in Resorts World Las Vegas for his best friend's bachelor's party -- and he played it real cool all night, sporting his black shades.


Check out this video obtained by TMZ ... Mahomes is grooving to the loud music and hanging out with his homies, including the groom-to-be, Brennan McDaniel, who is the QB's childhood buddy and fellow Texas Tech alum.

At one point, Mahomes took in a little performance, watching a line of scantily clad women dancing and waving around sparklers.

Mahomes was also a magnet for lots of lovely ladies, tons of whom kept coming up to talk to him. Of course, PM's only got eyes for one woman, his wife Brittany ... but shooters gonna shoot, we suppose.

Mr. Kelce was also absent from the festivities ... but as you know, that's because Travis is flying back to Vegas to be with his teammates. We'll keep you updated on when he lands and starts partying with his boys like there's no tomorrow.

As we reported, Travis just spent two days with Taylor in Sydney, Australia, attending her Friday night concert and getting quality time with her at the zoo.

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Needless to say, the Chiefs tight end and the pop superstar seem head over heels in love.

By the way, this will be Travis' third trip to Vegas in the last two weeks. Of course, he went there with the Chiefs to beat the San Francisco 49ers at the 2024 Super Bowl. He left, but soon returned to play some golf and dine with pals.

Patrick Mahomes Se va de fiesta en Las Vegas Travis Kelce vuela de vuelta

Patrick Mahomes estuvo de fiesta el viernes por la noche en Las Vegas mientras Travis Kelce volaba de regreso a Sin City tras su cita con su novia Taylor Swift.

El jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs apareció en Zouk Night Club en Resorts World Las Vegas para la despedida de soltero de su mejor amigo, y se le vio muy fresco toda la noche, luciendo sus lentes de sol negras.

De fiesta

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ, Mahomes es bailando al ritmo de la música y pasando el rato con sus amigos, incluyendo el novio Brennan McDaniel, que es amigo de la infancia de Patrick y ex compañero en Texas Tech.

En un momento dado, Mahomes también se sumó al espectáculo, junto a un grupo de mujeres que estaba bailando con poca ropa y agitando unas bengalas.

Mahomes también fue un imán para un montón de otras encantadoras damas que se acercaron a hablar con él. Por supuesto, Patrick solo tiene ojos para una mujer, su esposa Brittany, pero las chicas van a jugar sus tiros, suponemos.

El Sr. Kelce también estuvo ausente de las festividades, pero como bien saben, es porque Travis está volando de regreso a Las Vegas para estar con sus compañeros de equipo. Los mantendremos informados de cuando aterrice y empiece a festejar con sus chicos.

Como informamos, Travis acaba de pasar dos días con Taylor en Sydney, Australia. Estuvo en su concierto el viernes por la noche y también de paseo en el zoológico.

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No hace falta decir que el jugador ofensivo de los Chiefs y la superestrella del pop parecen perdidamente enamorados.

Por cierto, este será el tercer viaje de Travis a Las Vegas en las últimas dos semanas. Por supuesto, estuvo allí con los Chiefs para vencer a los San Francisco 49ers en el Super Bowl de 2024. Luego se marchó, pero pronto regresó para jugar al golf y cenar con sus amigos.

Travis Kelce Leaving AUS, Flying Back to Vegas ... Joining Mahomes, Chiefs!!!

Travis Kelce's trip to Sydney has been cut short -- he's leaving Taylor Swift behind so he can beeline it back to Vegas ... where he, Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs are gonna party!

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Travis is currently aboard a private flight that's going from Sydney to Vegas -- and it's gonna be a long journey that sees him landing in Sin City Saturday morning. Quick turnaround, no doubt ... he just landed in Sydney Wednesday (US time).

It's already Saturday there now ... so he'll be going back in time in a bit. In any case, when he arrives in Vegas -- we're told TK is set to reunite with his teammates, including his QB and other players ... which our sources say had been the plan all along dating back to the SB.

Our sources say this 2nd Vegas get-together with the team isn't for any particular reason or occasion -- we're told this is just another celebration to ring in the big Super Bowl win.

And if you're wondering ... didn't they already do that the night they actually won??? The answer to that is yes -- but they're going back again and doing a little déjà vu Vegas-style.

This will actually be the third Vegas trip for Travis in two weeks -- he was obviously there for the game itself and the festivities after ... but remember, he was also just in Vegas earlier this week on a random Monday, where he played a little golf and chowed down with friends.

In fact, a few eyewitnesses who saw Trav in Vegas that day might've actually blown his and the Chiefs' cover here -- a DJ who plays at Toca Madera said he'd been approached about doing a private gig for the guys on Friday evening, but if that's still going down as mentioned ... Trav obviously ain't gonna be there for that. He'll be 30,000 feet in the air.

Of course, with Travis flying out of Sydney ... that also means he and Taylor are parting for now -- which seems to be their new reality as she gets back into the swing of touring.

Fact is ... she'll be busy traveling the world for the foreseeable future, and while ya gotta imagine he'll tag along for some of those stops -- it's not reasonable to expect him to be there for all of it ... and that's manifesting here in this short Sydney visit from him.

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The real question will be ... how long can they realistically sustain this sort of schedule/situation? So far, Taylor and Travis still look head over heels -- so on its face, they seem to be able to make it work for the time being. We'll see as the months go on.

Anyway, Travis is up in the air and on his way back to the States. Usually, people are leaving Las Vegas ... but in this case, it's the opposite -- here, he's Vegas-bound.

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Guess that just means ... sayonara, Sydney!

Travis Kelce Resurge vieja entrevista... Me casaría con Katy, besaría a Taylor, mataría a Ari

Me casaría con KAty!!!
Afterbuzz TV

Travis Kelce tiene que estar feliz de que Taylor Swift y Katy Perry ya no estén peleadas porque hace algún tiempo tuvo que hacer una difícil elección entre ellas y como que le dio el visto bueno a Katy.

Ha estado circulando una vieja entrevista de Travis en 2016, que hizo con AfterBuzz TV, a raíz de que Katy se apareció en el concierto de Taylor en Australia el viernes y en el clip, Travis está jugando el clásico juego "FMK" (Fuck, Marry, Kill), pero la versión PG (Kiss, Marry, Kill).

Se le dieron 3 opciones a Travis: Taylor, Katy y Ariana Grande y después de que a regañadientes optara por "matar" a Ariana, diciendo que pensaba que era genial, se quedó con Taylor y Katy y eligió a Katy para el matrimonio y a Taylor para besar.

Es súper tonto y todo, pero poco sabía en ese entonces de que iba a terminar con una de estas señoras, aunque obviamente también se cruzó con Katy, en compañía de Taylor.

Es bastante divertido ver al Travis del pasado, obviamente, la referencia a Taylor es el punto alto aquí, pero su peinado también es bastante divertido de apreciar. Hoy en día, se peina de forma normal.

En cualquier caso, parecía bastante entusiasmado con casarse con Katy en ese entonces, lo cual es interesante porque en 2016 las cantantes aún se tenían bronca.

No más "mala sangre"

Por supuesto, las dos estrellas del pop han remendado su relación desde entonces, a tal punto de que Katy apareció cantando "Bad Blood" el viernes en el primer show de Taylor en Sídney: la última señal de que ahora están bien.

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Katy estuvo cantando desde la carpa VIP, donde se unió a Rita Ora y Travis. Así que sí, Travis estuvo pasando el rato con la mujer que alguna vez prefirió sobre Taylor.

No está claro si Travis vio este divertido clip con Katy el viernes durante el concierto, pero francamente, lo dudamos y es totalmente posible que ni siquiera lo recuerde.

Fue hace un montón de tiempo y ahora claramente está muy feliz con Taylor.

De todos modos, Travis y Taylor siguen yendo en serio en la medida que ella retoma su gira "Eras" y él celebra otro campeonato del Super Bowl con los Kansas City Chiefs. Si Katy está en la mezcla o no, él solo tiene ojos para Tay Tay por estos días.

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Locura en Sydney

No te sientas mal por el desaire, Ariana, ¡¡¡ella tiene un guapo Bob Esponja en casa!!!

Travis Kelce Played 'FMK' in Old Interview I'd Marry Katy, Kiss Taylor, Kill Ari!!!

Afterbuzz TV

Travis Kelce has to be happy Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are no longer beefing ... 'cause he once had to make a tough choice between them, and he kinda gave the nod to Katy.

An old interview with Travis from 2016 that he did with AfterBuzz TV is being resurfaced and recirculated in the wake of Katy crashing Taylor's concert down in Australia Friday ... and in the clip, Travis is playing the classic game "FMK," but the PG-version ... Kiss, Marry, Kill.

Travis is given 3 options ... Taylor, Katy and Ariana Grande ... and after he reluctantly chooses to "kill" Ariana -- noting he actually thinks she's great -- he was left with Taylor and Katy as the final 2 ... and he picks Katy for marriage and Taylor for kissing.

It's super silly and all in good fun ... but little did he know back then, he'd end up with one of these ladies -- although, he obviously crossed paths with Katy as well in the company of TS.

It's pretty funny to see Travis in this throwback -- obviously, the Taylor reference is the stand-out here -- but his flowing hairdo is also pretty wild to see. These days, he rocks a regular fade.

In any case, he seemed pretty stoked on marrying Katy at the time ... which is interesting -- because in 2016, she and Katy were still feuding and had bad blood back then.


Of course, the two pop stars have since patched up their relationship ... to the point where Katy was singing "Bad Blood" Friday at Taylor's first Sydney show -- the ultimate sign they're all good now.

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Katy was singing along from the VIP tent ... where she was joined by Rita Ora and Travis. So yes, Travis was standing next to and hanging out with the woman he was once smitten with over Taylor.

Unclear if Travis brought this funny clip up with Katy Friday during the concert ... but frankly, we doubt it ... and it's entirely possible he doesn't even remember this.

It was a lifetime ago ... and he's clearly very happy with Taylor now.

Anyway, Travis and Taylor are still going strong as her "Eras" tour picks back up and he celebrates another Super Bowl championship with the Kansas City Chiefs. Whether Katy's in the mix there with them or not ... he's only got eyes for Tay Tay these days.

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Don't feel bad for Ariana over the Kelce snub ... she's got a hunky SpongeBob at home!!!

Travis Kelce Aparece en el concierto de Taylor en Sydney Besos después del show!!!

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Un novio muy atento

Travis Kelce estuvo en la primera fila para apoyar a su novia Taylor Swift, mientras ella se tomaba el escenario de nuevo, y Taylor se lo agradeció cariñosamente después del show.

El jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs fue uno de los miles de asistentes al Accor Stadium de Sydney el viernes, donde T-Swift dio inicio a una nueva serie de conciertos de cara al fin de semana. Al igual que otros shows donde él ha estado presente, los fans se volvieron locos.

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Hay un montón de videos circulando en X que muestran a Travis Kelce de camino a su lugar en el estadio, mientras los Swifties pierden la cabeza gritando como locos.

Travis hizo eco de toda la atención, aplaudiendo y saludando a las jóvenes a su paso, flanqueado por la seguridad a su lado, por supuesto. También lo acompañaba un amigo, Ross Travis, ex jugador de los Chiefs, que está acompañando a Travis en este viaje a Australia. El padre de Taylor, Scott, también estaba en la tienda VIP donde fue Trav.

Por cierto, había otros famosos en el espectáculo, como Katy Perry y Rita Ora. Travis se tomó una foto con esta última y, ¡llevaba puesta su pulsera de la amistad! Después del concierto, los fans pudieron ver cómo Taylor le daba un beso a su hombre.

Mientras Travis y compañía miraban, Taylor hizo lo suyo sobre el escenario y encendió el estadio como lo hace normalmente. Los mejores momentos quedaron registrados en fotos.

Cuando se trata de Travis, el tipo está obviamente comprometido con la relación. Ya había viajado antes para ver actuar a Taylor y ahora lo hizo de nuevo en Australia. Tampoco ha perdido el tiempo desde que llegó, ambos pasearon por el zoológico apenas llegó.

No es poca cosa. Como hemos informado, Travis hizo un largo viaje para ver a la súper estrella del pop. Comenzó la noche del martes cuando se subió a un avión privado en Los Ángeles después de cenar en Nobu Malibu.

Primero voló a Hawái y luego a Sydney, donde fue fotografiado bajando del avión y subiendo a un SUV. Un largo viaje, sin duda, y sin embargo, él se las arregló para ir directo al zoológico de Sydney de paseo con su chica.

Esta es la segunda vez que Trav viaja para ver a Taylor, pero no se preocupen, ella ha hecho lo mismo por él. Recuerden, hace poco voló desde Tokio hasta Las Vegas para estar en el Super Bowl y estuvo allí animándolo, mientras los Chiefs ganaban el campeonato.

Algunos se preguntaban si iban a ser capaces de mantener el ritmo después de la temporada de fútbol, y hasta ahora, parece que sí. No te embarcas hasta Australia si no estás comprometido con la relación.

Sabemos que Travis estará allí durante el fin de semana, pero la pregunta es, ¿será su roadie durante el resto de la gira? Ella tiene espectáculos en Singapur en los próximos días, en el marco de su gira "Eras".

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Lo haga o no, él está allí ahora y estamos seguros de que están disfrutando el uno del otro.

Travis Kelce Hits Up Taylor's Sydney Concert Smooch After the Show!!!

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Travis Kelce was front and center for his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, as she took the stage down under anew ... and she showed her appreciation for him afterward with a little sugar.

The Kansas City Chiefs tight end was among thousands of people in attendance Friday at Accor Stadium in Sydney -- where T-Swift kicked off a fresh round of performances heading into the weekend. Just like at other shows of hers he's been to ... the fans went wild.

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Lots of videos are floating around on X that show TK making his way to his spot in the stadium -- and as he passed a bunch of Swifties ... they were losing their s*** screaming.

Travis soaked up all the attention ... clapping and waving at all the young'ns as he passed them -- with security flanking him on all sides, of course. He had a buddy with him too -- Ross Travis -- who's a former Chiefs player ... and who's randomly accompanying Travis on this Aussie trip. Taylor's dad, Scott, was also in the mix as Trav went to his VIP tent.

BTW ... there were other famous people at this show -- namely, Katy Perry and Rita Ora ... and Travis snapped a photo with the latter. Indeed, he's got his friendship bracelet on! After the concert, he was there to greet Taylor -- and lingering fans saw her plant one on him.

As Travis and co. looked on ... Taylor was onstage doing her thing, and put on a helluva show like she normally does. Lots of highlights from that -- all captured in photos, no less.

When it comes to Travis -- the dude is obviously committed to the relationship -- he's already traveled internationally for Taylor before this ... and he did it again here in Australia. He hasn't missed a beat either with Taylor since arriving -- going from plane to zoo date ASAP.

It's no small feat. As we reported ... Travis' long trip to see Taylor again began Tuesday night when he jumped on a private plane from L.A. after having dinner at Nobu Malibu.


He first jetted off to Hawaii for a short stay and then flew to Sydney, where he was pictured walking off the aircraft and climbing inside an SUV. A long trip, no doubt -- and yet ... he powered through and went right to the Sydney Zoo with his gal, playing a good sport.

This marks the 2nd time Trav has traveled around the world for Taylor ... but don't worry, she's done the same for him. Remember, she flew from Tokyo to catch the Super Bowl in Vegas -- and was there on the sidelines cheering for him as he and the Chiefs won it all.

Some wondered if they'd be able to keep the momentum going post-football season -- and so far, it appears they have ... you don't just jet off to Australia if you're half in on a relationship.

We know Trav will be there through the weekend ... but the question is, will he be her roadie through the rest of the tour? She's got shows in Singapore next as the "Eras" tour rolls on.

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Whether he does or doesn't ... he's there now, and we're sure they're enjoying each other.

TAYLOR SWIFT & TRAVIS KELCE PETA Reacts to Sydney Zoo Date ... Go Here Instead!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Sydney Zoo date was cute and all ... but PETA says they should've been mindful of how the animals are treated/handled in this type of environment.

Debbie Metzler --  PETA Foundation Director of Captive Animal Welfare -- uses Taylor's own song against her to make her point ... telling TMZ, "While we understand all too well the appeal of seeing Australia's wildlife, PETA hopes that next time Taylor and Travis want to see wild animals, they'll spend their time and money at a true sanctuary."

They add that a sanctuary is a better choice 'cause visitors aren't allowed to feed/touch the animals there ... in fact, they're required to keep a respectful distance from them altogether. The zoo there, on the other hand, apparently lets you get hands-on with the wildlife.

Of course, Traylor was doing one of the things PETA advised not to do ... namely, feeding a kangaroo at Sydney Zoo while also checking out a bunch of other animal exhibitions.

The lovebirds were like two kids in a candy store ... enjoying their time at the attraction during their first Sydney reunion date. However, Taylor seems to have known they'd have a blast there -- as she'd already scoped out the place earlier the previous day.

Of course, the pair are just trying to pack in as much time together as possible before Tay Tay gets busy with her final 4 Sydney concerts -- but on this animal adventure specifically, PETA clearly disapproves.

For next time, Taylor and Travis might want to take PETA's advice and head to a local animal sanctuary on their next date ... that is, if they actually care what the org thinks about it.

As you're probably well aware -- PETA tends to sound off on any and all celebs who they feel are acting inappropriately as it pertains to animals/animal rights -- and here ... they're saying Taylor and Travis should've considered a better option for sightseeing.

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Can't please everyone. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce PETA reacciona a su cita en el zoológico ¡¡Vayan a un santuario!!

La cita de Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce en el zoológico de Sydney fue tierna y todo, pero PETA dice que deberían haber sido conscientes de cómo los animales son tratados y manejados en este tipo de entorno.

Debbie Metzler, directora de la Fundación PETA para el Bienestar de los Animales en Cautiverio, utiliza la propia canción de Taylor para hacer su punto en contra, diciendo a TMZ: "Si bien entendemos muy bien (all too well como dice una de sus canciones) el atractivo de ver la vida silvestre de Australia, PETA espera que la próxima vez que Taylor y Travis quieran ver animales salvajes, gasten su tiempo y dinero en un verdadero santuario".

Añaden que un santuario es mejor porque a los visitantes no se les permite alimentar ni tocar a los animales allí. De hecho, se les exige mantener una distancia respetuosa de ellos. En el zoológico, en cambio, se puede tocar a los animales.

Por supuesto, Traylor estaba haciendo una de las cosas que PETA aconseja no hacer, esto es, alimentar a un canguro en el zoológico de Sydney, mientras echaba un vistazo a un montón de otros animales en exhibición.

Los tortolitos parecían niños en una tienda de dulces, mientras disfrutaban de su visita durante su día reunidos en Sydney. Sin embargo, parece que Taylor sabía que lo pasarían de maravilla, pues ya había explorado el lugar el día anterior.

Por supuesto, la pareja solo está tratando de pasar el mayor tiempo posible juntos antes de que Tay Tay esté ocupada con sus últimos 4 conciertos en Sydney, pero esta aventura en particular, PETA claramente desaprueba.

Para la próxima vez, Taylor y Travis tal vez quieran seguir el consejo de PETA e ir a un santuario de animales local en vez de un zoológico. Esto, si realmente les importa lo que la organización piensa al respecto.

Como ustedes probablemente saben, PETA tiende a criticar fuertemente a todas las celebridades que estén actuando de manera inapropiada en lo que respecta a los animales y sus derechos, y aquí están diciendo que Taylor y Travis deberían haber considerado una mejor opción para ir de paseo.

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No se puede complacer a todos. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Matt Araiza Signing With Chiefs 2 Months After Sexual Assault Lawsuit Dropped

Matt Araiza -- the former Bills punter who was cut by Buffalo in the 2022 preseason after a woman alleged he sexually assaulted her -- is now signing with the Chiefs ... roughly two months after his accuser dropped her lawsuit against him.

The 23-year-old football player's agents announced the move on social media Thursday afternoon ... praising the kicker for how he's handled everything since the allegations were first brought against him nearly two years ago.

"We are grateful to Brett Veach, coach [Andy] Reid and the @Chiefs organization for giving Matt this opportunity," JL Sports officials wrote on X. "Matt has been to hell and back in the last 18 months. He has handled himself with grace and humility that is truly inspiring."

They added, "Matt can now move forward knowing that this ordeal is behind him. He is thrilled to move forward as a part of the #ChiefsKingdom."

As we previously reported, Araiza's accuser claimed in a suit filed back in August '22 that when she was 17 years old, Araiza and two of his college football teammates raped her while she was attending a 2021 Halloween party at the punter's San Diego-area home.

Araiza was adamant at the time the claims were false ... and in December 2022, some four months after she filed the suit, prosecutors announced they would not be pressing charges against the NFLer.

"There is no path to a potential criminal conviction," they said in revealing their decision.

A year later, in December 2023, Araiza's attorneys announced the woman had dropped her suit after the parties reached an agreement.

"Matt is not paying the plaintiff any money," Araiza's lawyers said in a statement, "and he is reserving his right to pursue the plaintiff’s attorney, Dan Gilleon, and his law office for the harm that they have caused him."

Araiza was a sixth-round pick in the '22 NFL Draft ... and was slated to be the Bills' starting punter that season before the allegations came to light. He'll now compete to be Kansas City's starter -- after its longtime punter, Tommy Townsend, is expected to hit free agency this offseason.

Travis Kelce Lands in AUS to See Taylor Long Flight, Long Face 😅


6:30 PM PT -- The first sign of Travis Kelce in Australia has surfaced, and the dude looks ... well, beat.

Here's a shot of the tight end arriving in Sydney Wednesday (or Thursday on his time), and yes ... the dude was pretty straight-faced and serious as he got off his private jet. Ya gotta imagine he's stoked to be there for Taylor Swift ... but yeah, that was a long ass flight. Woof ...

2:58 PM PT -- Travis Kelce has officially touched down in Australia, hopping off his private jet just minutes ago.

Travis Kelce is on his way to see his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, in Australia -- in fact, he's currently en route ... and he'll be landing there bright and early, TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Travis is, in fact, aboard a private jet at the moment that's on its way to Sydney right now ... and it looks like he's taking a similar flight path that she did when she left Vegas after the Super Bowl to get back to work in Melbourne.

We know Travis went from Los Angeles to Hawaii overnight -- where he landed for a pit stop -- and then continued on his journey very early this AM ... and is up in the air as we speak.

Our sources tell us Travis grabbed dinner in L.A. Tuesday evening before jumping on a plane around 9 PM and jetting on over to the islands. We're told he chowed down at Nobu Malibu -- and seems to have laid relatively low, 'cause there aren't many eyewitness sightings.

Of course, he'll now be joining Tay Tay down under ahead of a string of shows she's got scheduled through the weekend ... this after missing her Melbourne slate. Here, he's making up for it by catching the latter half of her Aussie shows ... 4 of 'em running through Monday.

Unclear if Travis is gonna stick around and hit up Singapore with Taylor afterward -- where she's scheduled to perform next -- but for now ... she'll have TK by her side in Sydney.

Travis has been traveling quite a bit over the past 48 hours -- as we reported, he was in Vegas (again) Monday for a little bro time and some golf ... but beelined outta there quick.

There's been a lot of speculation on when (or if) he'd join Taylor at some point ... and now, we know he will. The reason for the doubt had to do with the Kansas City shooting -- which threw Travis and his whole team for a loop, and seemingly set his plans back a bit.

He was just in Kansas City this past weekend ... but since then, he's been bouncing around.


Travis' dad, Ed, did an interview earlier this week where he said his boy sounded keen on coming down there and enjoying the Aussie landscape -- as it turns out, he was right.

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Get ready, Taylor ... here comes, Travis!!!

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 7:51 AM PT

Travis Kelce Aterriza en Sydney para ver a Taylor Vuelo largo, cara larga!!!


6:30 PM PT -- Ha salido a la superficie la primera señal de Travis Kelce en Australia y el tipo se ve ... Bueno, exhausto.

Aquí tenemos una foto del jugador llegando a Sydney el miércoles (o el jueves en Australia), y sí el hombre estaba bastante serio al bajar de su jet privado. Podemos imaginar que está emocionado de estar allí para Taylor Swift, pero sí, el viaje es larguísimo.

2:58 PM PT -- Travis Kelce ha aterrizado oficialmente en Australia. El jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs se bajó de su jet privado hace apenas unos minutos.

Travis Kelce está en camino para ver a su novia Taylor Swift en Australia. De hecho, está actualmente en ruta y va a aterrizar temprano en el día, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Travis está, de hecho, a bordo de un jet privado en este momento y de camino a Sydney. Parece que es una ruta similar a la que hizo Taylor cuando salió de Las Vegas tras el Super Bowl para dirigirse a Melbourne.

Sabemos que Travis viajó de Los Ángeles a Hawái durante la noche. Hizo una parada y continuó su viaje muy temprano esta mañana. Ahora está volando mientras hablamos.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Travis cenó en Los Ángeles el martes por la noche antes de subirse al avión alrededor de las 9 PM y volar a las islas. Nos han dicho que cenó en Nobu Malibu y parece haber pasado relativamente desapercibido, porque no hay muchos testigos.

Por supuesto, ahora se unirá a Tay Tay, quien tiene una serie de espectáculos programados hasta el fin de semana. Esto, después de perderse su parada en Melbourne. Aquí lo está compensando con la última mitad de sus shows en Australia: 4 hasta el lunes.

No está claro si Travis va a quedarse o si viajará a Singapur con ella después, donde está programado que siga su gira. Aunque por ahora tendrá a Travis Kelce a su lado en Sydney.

Travis ha estado viajando bastante en las últimas 48 horas, como informamos, estuvo en Las Vegas el lunes para jugar golf y pasar tiempo con sus amigos, pero se fue rápido.

Ha habido mucha especulación sobre cuándo (o si) se uniría a Taylor y ahora sabemos que va en camino. La razón de la duda tenía que ver con el tiroteo de Kansas City, que al parecer echó sus planes un poco para atrás.

El jugador estuvo en Kansas City este fin de semana, pero desde entonces ha estado en diferentes lugares.

El padre de Travis, Ed, hizo una entrevista a principios de esta semana donde dijo que creía que su hijo quería viajar y disfrutar del paisaje australiano. Parece que tenía razón.

TMZ investiga
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Prepárate, Taylor... ¡¡¡ahí viene, Travis!!!

Lyndell Mays Alleged Parade Shooter ... Appears In Court In Shackles

Lyndell Mays -- the man who cops say fired the first gunshots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week -- appeared in a Missouri courtroom on Wednesday for the first time since he was hit with a murder charge over the shooting during the K.C. celebration.

Reporters inside of the courtroom say the 23-year-old showed up to the proceedings in an orange jumpsuit ... with shackles around his waist and feet. They added he also had a piece of white gauze taped to his face -- presumably covering wounds he suffered amid the chaos on Feb. 14 at Union Station.

Cameras were not allowed in the courtroom.

According to KHSB 41, Mays walked in front of the judge with his head dropped slightly ... although he did make eye contact with some who were present.

Mays did not enter a plea at the hearing ... and he's now due back in court for a bond review next Thursday. He remains in police custody on $1 million bail.

As we previously reported, Mays is facing one count of murder in the second degree, two counts of armed criminal action, and one count of unlawful use of a weapon ... after police say he admitted to firing his gun multiple times following a dispute with other people at the K.C. party.

Cops say Mays told them his actions were "stupid."

"Just pulled a gun out and started shooting," police said he told them. "I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid."

One other adult, Dominic Miller, and two juveniles have also been hit with criminal charges related to the shooting. It's unclear when their first court appearances will take place.

More than 20 people in total were shot after gunfire erupted at the rally ... and one -- 43-year-old Lisa Lopez-Galvan -- lost her life.

The TMZ Podcast: Tom Sandoval Compares 'Scandoval' to George Floyd, O.J. Simpson 😬 & Tiffany Haddish's Israel Trip Angers Fans

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Tiffany Haddish is being slammed by folks online after she joked about 'finding a man' on her trip to Israel.

Travis Kelce was spotted getting some rest & relaxation in Las Vegas, hanging with friends and hitting the golf course at the Wynn Golf & Country Club!

One of the suspects in the Kansas City Chiefs parade shooting admitted to firing off the first shots ... before allegedly saying he "shouldn't have done that."

Tom Sandoval angered the internet after he compared Scandoval to the O.J. Simpson case and the murder of George Floyd. He then clarified his remarks and added that he is "incredibly sorry and embarrassed." Yikes.

Plus, a couple from '90 Day Fiance' had their fundraiser halted after fans started to doubt a cancer diagnosis.

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Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Nikki Hendry