Kansas City Chiefs Tiroteo en desfile... 22 personas heridas de bala, 1 fallecido

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La aterradora escena
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine


3:29 PM PT -- Las fuerzas policiales acaban de revelar que un total de 22 personas fueron alcanzadas por los disparos del tiroteo de este miércoles, diciendo que ocho de esas víctimas sufrieron heridas "que ponen en riesgo su vida".

Nuevas actualizaciones
Fox 4 Kansas City

No se ha revelado el posible motivo del ataque, aunque las autoridades dijeron que tres personas han sido detenidas en relación con el fatal incidente.

1:51 PM PT -- La jefa del Departamento Policial de Kansas City acaba de decir en una reunión con miembros de los medios de comunicación que "más de 10 a 15" personas resultaron heridas por disparos, con un fallecido. Añadió que no creía que ninguna de las víctimas fueran niños.

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Dos sospechosos en custodia
Fox 4 Kansas City

El alcalde de Kansas City, por su parte, dijo que todos los jugadores, entrenadores y empleados de los Chiefs se encuentran a salvo.

En cuanto al posible motivo del tiroteo, el jefe dijo que todavía no está claro, ya que la investigación sigue en curso. Dos sospechosos, sin embargo, están bajo custodia, dijo.

1:22 PM -- La policía dice que una persona murió en el tiroteo, mientras que otras nueve resultaron heridas.

1:19 PM -- Acaba de surgir un perturbador y explícito video de la escena que muestra a varias personas que necesitan atención médica mientras la sangre corre por el suelo.

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Intento de reanimación

El desfile de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl acaba de tomar un giro horrible: unos disparos estallaron en la fiesta y varias personas han resultado heridas.

El Departamento de Policía de Kansas City dijo en un comunicado que poco después de que Travis Kelce y Patrick Mahomes se dirigieran a los cientos de miles de fanáticos del Kansas City en Union Station, estallaron unos disparos alrededor de un garaje cercano.

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Conmoción en las calles

Según la policía, "varias personas fueron alcanzadas" por las balas, aunque no está claro la gravedad de sus lesiones.

La policía dice que "dos personas armadas" fueron "detenidas para más investigación".

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Entrando en acción
Fox 4 Kansas City

Las autoridades están ahora instando a todos a abandonar la zona "con el fin de facilitar el tratamiento de las víctimas del tiroteo".

Un video de la escena muestra cómo se desencadenaron estos lamentables hechos. En las imágenes se pueden ver múltiples policías con sus armas desenfundadas mientras corrían dentro de Union Station para hacer frente a la situación.

El KCPD dijo en su declaración que los oficiales estaban "trabajando para proporcionar la seguridad de todos dentro de la estación y acelerar la atención de los heridos".

Mientras tanto, James Palmer, de NFL Network, dijo que él y sus colegas fueron instruidos inicialmente para meterse debajo de un escenario después de que estalló el tiroteo. Minutos después, sin embargo, fueron escoltados fuera de la escena.

Tras el caos, el linebacker de los Chiefs Drue Tranquill publicó oraciones por los heridos en su página de X escribiendo: "Oren para que los médicos y los primeros en responder tengan manos firmes y que todos experimenten una curación completa".

Historia en desarrollo ...

Kansas City Chiefs Gunfire Erupts At Parade ... 22 Shot, One Dead

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine


3:29 PM PT -- Law enforcement just revealed a total of 22 people were struck by gunfire in Wednesday's shooting ... saying eight of those victims suffered "immediately life threatening" wounds.

Fox 4 Kansas City

No potential motive for the attack has been released ... although authorities said three people have been detained in connection with the shooting.

1:51 PM PT -- The Kansas City Police Dept. Chief just said in a meeting with media members that "upwards of 10 to 15" people were injured by gunfire ... with one deceased. She added that she did not believe any of the victims were children.

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Fox 4 Kansas City

K.C.'s Mayor, meanwhile, said all of the Chiefs' players, coaches and staffers are accounted for and safe.

As far as a potential motive for the shooting, the chief said that's still unclear -- as an investigation remains ongoing. Two suspects, however, are in custody ... she said.

1:22 PM PT -- Law enforcement says one person died in the shooting -- while nine others were injured.

1:19 PM PT -- Disturbing and graphic video has emerged from the scene ... showing multiple people needing medical attention -- while blood is clearly on the ground nearby.

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The Chiefs' Super Bowl parade has just taken a horrifying turn ... cops say gunfire has broken out at the party -- and multiple people have been wounded.

The Kansas City Police Dept. said in a statement that shortly after Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes addressed the hundreds of thousands of K.C. supporters at Union Station ... gunfire erupted around a garage nearby.

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According to cops, "several people were struck" by bullets ... though it's unclear the severity of their injuries.

Cops say "two armed people" have been "detained for more investigation."

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Fox 4 Kansas City

Authorities are now urging everyone to leave the area "in order to facilitate treatment of shooting victims."

Video from the scene shows just how horrifying things got ... you can see in footage multiple cops had their guns drawn as they raced inside Union Station to deal with the matter.

The KCPD said in its statement the officers were "working to provide for the safety of everyone inside union station and expedite care of those injured."

NFL Network's James Palmer, meanwhile, said he and his colleagues were initially instructed to get under a stage after the gunfire erupted. Minutes later, though, they were escorted from the scene.

Following the mayhem, Chiefs linebacker Drue Tranquill posted prayers on his X page for those injured ... writing, "Pray that doctors & first responders would have steady hands & that all would experience full healing."

Mahomes also posted prayers on X ... writing, "Praying for Kansas City…"

Originally Published -- 12:16 PM PT

Travis Kelce Drunkenly Steps Onstage at SB Rally ... Slurs His Way Through Garth Brooks!!!

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Fox 4 Kansas City

Travis Kelce appeared to be just a wee bit drunk at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade Wednesday ... slurring his way through a rendition of "Friends In Low Places" -- before Patrick Mahomes had to snatch the microphone away from him.

The hundreds of thousands of Kansas City supporters in attendance at Union Station couldn't wait for the tight end to hop on the mic at the championship celebration -- and, initially, it looked like he was going to deliver a speech for the ages.

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Fox 4 Kansas City

The 34-year-old started to lead the crowd in a chant that accompanies the Tomahawk Chop ... before he called an audible, and tried to get everyone to sing Garth Brooks' hit song along with him.

Quickly, however, it became apparent Kelce was a little too overserved to get through the whole tune ... as he mixed up words and stumbled repeatedly.

TMZ Studios

He tried to make things right by going to his phone for the lyrics ... but even that didn't seem to do the trick.

Ultimately, Mahomes bailed him out by singing the song's chorus ... before he gave up -- and handed the microphone off to the show's host.

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Fox 4 Kansas City

Up until that point, most of the rest of the Chiefs seemed fairly composed -- Mahomes spoke to the crowd about getting back to this point next season ... while star defensive end Chris Jones guaranteed he won't be moving on from Kansas City in free agency.

As for where Kelce goes from here, it's unclear ... as his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, is in Australia -- while he's obviously in need of some water and a nap.

You've got to fight for your right to party has never been more true, right, Trav?

Travis Kelce Yelling, Bumping Coach Reid Was 'Unacceptable' ... I Crossed The Line

New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis Kelce is addressing one of the Super Bowl's most viral moments -- when the superstar TE nearly knocked head coach Andy Reid flat on his ass -- publicly beating himself up for his actions, admitting it NEVER should've happened.

"It’s definitely unacceptable and I immediately wish I would have took it back," Trav told brother Jason on the newly released episode of their "New Heights" podcast.

Thankfully, there doesn't appear to be any hard feelings between coach and player ... T.K. says he had a conversation with Reid on the field soon after the incident, and they're cool. Winning the Super Bowl also doesn't hurt.

“I just love playing for the guy and unfortunately, sometimes my passion comes out where it looks like it’s negativity but I’m grateful that [Andy] knows that it’s all because I want to win [the Super Bowl] with him more than anything,” Travis added.

Jason, who used to play for Reid in Philadelphia, was also critical of his brother's actions.

"You crossed the line, I think we can both agree on it," JK said, with Travis ... "I did."

Jason added ... "Let's be honest, the yelling in his face too is over the top. I think there's better ways to handle this, retrospectively."

Of course, Travis and Andy go back to 2013 when both men arrived in Kansas City.

Not everyone seems willing to just brush off the exchange and move on ... including some fellow NFL stars like A.J. Brown, who claimed he "would've been kicked out of the league" if he pulled a Kelce.

Travis seems unbothered by the outside criticism.

"I don't give a s*** what anybody else says."

TMZ Studios

Inside the org, everything appears to be great ... in fact, Reid and Kelce are together at the parade as we type.

See, all's good in Chiefs' Kingdom!

Travis Kelce Gritar y golpear al entrenador Reid fue inaceptable Me pasé de la raya...

Fue inaceptable
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis Kelce está abordando uno de los momentos más comentados en el Super Bowl y fue cuando la superestrella de los Chiefs casi golpeó al entrenador Andy Reid en su trasero, admitiendo públicamente que eso NUNCA debería haber sucedido.

"Es definitivamente inaceptable y desearía haberme retractado inmediatamente", dijo Trav a su hermano Jason en el recién estrenado episodio de su podcast "New Heights".

Por suerte, no parece que haya rencores entre el entrenador y el jugador. Travis Kelce dice que tuvo una conversación con Reid en el campo poco después del incidente, y que están en buenos términos. Ganar el Super Bowl tampoco hace daño.

"Me encanta jugar para él y, por desgracia, a veces mi pasión aparece y da la impresión de que es algo negativo, pero estoy agradecido de que [Andy] sepa que todo es porque quiero ganar [el Super Bowl] con él más que nada", añadió Travis.

Jason, quien solía jugar para Reid en Filadelfia, también criticó las acciones de su hermano.

"Cruzaste la línea, creo que ambos podemos estar de acuerdo en ello", le dijo Jason Kelce,  a lo que Travis respondió: "Lo hice."

Jason añadió ... "Seamos honestos, gritarle en la cara también es exagerado. Creo que hay mejores maneras de manejar esto, retrospectivamente ".

Por supuesto, la relación de Travis y Andy se remonta al 2013, cuando ambos hombres llegaron al Kansas City.

No todos parecen dispuestos a simplemente dejar pasar el intercambio y seguir adelante, incluyendo algunos compañeros de la NFL como A.J. Brown, quien afirmó que él "habría sido expulsado de la liga" si empujaba a Kelce.

A Travis parecen no importarle las críticas externas.

"Me importa una m*** lo que digan los demás".

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Dentro de la organización, todo parece estar muy bien. De hecho, Reid y Kelce están juntos en el desfile mientras escribimos.

¡Como ven, todo está bien en el Reino de los Chiefs!

Jason Kelce Taylor Swift And Travis ... 'Two People In Love'

New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

It's clear to Jason Kelce that his brother, Travis, is completely smitten with Taylor Swift ... saying this week that the two are "people in love."

The Chiefs tight end's big bro slipped the comment in during the latest episode of "New Heights" ... while talking about the massive party everyone had following Kansas City's Super Bowl win on Sunday in Las Vegas.

Travis and Jason were laughing about how the elder Kelce lost his mind after discovering a Chiefs-colored luchador mask on a dance floor ... before they started talking about how hysterical it looked on him while they were at XS Nightclub.

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Travis brought up one scene from the party in particular ... when he was with Swift on the side of the stage while Jason was in the DJ booth with Marshmello, waving his arms around like a mad man.

Travis couldn't stop giggling about it -- and that's when Jason dropped the L-word into the convo.

"On this side," Jason said of the now viral video of the situation, "two people in love and enjoying the moment together -- panning to a complete Neanderthal who is no longer connected with modern-day society."

Travis didn't remotely attempt to deny any of it ... chuckling through it all.

Of course, Jason is confirming what we had already known ... as hot mics caught Travis telling Taylor following the AFC Championship Game last month, "I love you."

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It's A Love Story
The CW / Inside The NFL

So, while the two won't be spending Valentine's Day together ... it's clear they have each other's hearts nonetheless!

Taylor Swift Touches Down (Under) ... Aussie Fans Cheer at Airport


Taylor Swift has finally arrived in Australia ahead of a string of shows -- and as she landed around midnight (locally) ... she had a bunch of fans waiting for her right outside.

The pop star's private jet landed in Melbourne early this morning -- this after she went from L.A. to Hawaii, and then continued on down under overnight -- and as she touched down at the airport ... there were onlookers ready to greet her with a warm welcome.

Take a peek yourself ... as the plane hit the runway, paps and fans alike were perched and prepared to get a glimpse -- heck, there were even airport workers out there lining the fence!

More interestingly, though, was the fact that a decent-sized crowd had formed not too far from Taylor's jet ... basically, it was a bunch of kids/teens with signs for her -- and they were out there cheering on the fact she was stepping foot onto their turf.

Clearly, Swifties are international and all over the place -- and there's no shortage in Australia.

This marks the first major move Taylor's made since her big Super Bowl weekend -- where she partied the night away with Travis Kelce all over Vegas following the Chiefs' win.

While Travis' season might be over ... Taylor's work life is kinda just beginning after a major hiatus through the holidays. She's got a crap ton of shows lined up in the coming months -- and this stop in Melbourne is the first of many to come.

There's already been reports that Travis is going to accompany Taylor for at least some of these shows ... but it's unclear if he's gonna head out to Australia himself in the coming days.

TMZ Studios

He did say last week that he'd love to go visit down undah if he got the chance. After his Super Bowl parade in Kansas City today, he'll have nothing but time on his hands.

Come on down, buddy!

Taylor Swift Aterriza en Melbourne... Y sus fans la ovacionan!!!

Taylor aterriza en Melbourne

Taylor Swift ha llegado finalmente a Australia antes de una serie de conciertos en el país y aunque aterrizó cerca de la medianoche (local), ¡tenía a un montón de fans esperándola!

El jet privado de la estrella del pop aterrizó en Melbourne esta mañana, después de que se fuera de Los Ángeles a Hawái, y luego continuara su viaje por la noche. Cuando finalmente arribó en el aeropuerto había varios curiosos listos para recibirla con una cálida bienvenida.

Echa un vistazo tú mismo. Cuando el avión llegó a la pista, los paparazzi y los fans estaban encaramados por igual y preparados para verla, ¡incluso había trabajadores del aeropuerto alineados en la valla!

Más interesante, sin embargo, es que una multitud de un buen tamaño se formó no muy lejos del avión de Taylor. Básicamente, eran un montón de niñas y adolescentes con carteles para ella y estaban celebrando que la estrella estuviera pisando su territorio.

Está claro que los Swifties están por todas partes y en Australia no faltan.

Este es el primer gran movimiento que hace Taylor desde su gran fin de semana en el Super Bowl, donde se fue de fiesta con Travis Kelce por todo Las Vegas después de la victoria de los Chiefs.

Aunque la temporada de Travis terminó, la vida laboral de Taylor acaba de empezar tras un paréntesis importante durante las vacaciones. Ella tiene un montón de conciertos en los próximos meses y esta parada en Melbourne es solo la primera de muchas.

Ha habido reportes de que Travis va a acompañar a Taylor en al menos algunos de estos espectáculos, pero no está claro si va a ir a Australia por su cuenta en los próximos días.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

La semana pasada dijo que le encantaría visitar lugares bonitos si tuviera la oportunidad. Después del desfile en Kansas City de hoy, por la victoria del Super Bowl, no tendrá más que tiempo libre. ¡Anda a visitarla, amigo!

Jason Kelce dice que los famosos estaban tan pendientes de Taylor Swift Que no pudo ver a Usher

New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Jason Kelce se perdió todo el espectáculo de Usher el domingo, diciendo que el caos que rodeaba a Taylor Swift le obligó a encontrar cobertura en otro lugar.

El hermano mayor de Travis Kelce hizo la revelación en el episodio del miércoles de "New Heights" explicando que tantas celebridades trataron de llegar a Swift en el medio tiempo del partido Chiefs vs. 49ers que simplemente no pudo ver nada de la gran actuación de Usher.

"Había tantas cosas pasando en el palco", dijo la estrella de los Philadelphia Eagles. "Resulta que todo el mundo quería conocer a Taylor".

Jason dijo que las estrellas que buscaban charlar con la autora de "Love Story" incluían a Shaquille O'Neal... y en un momento dado, había tanta gente allí que todo se volvió "abrumador".

"Creo que fue la primera vez que entendí algunas de las cosas con las que ella tiene que lidiar. Porque había tanta gente ahí que era como: "Amigo, todo el mundo quiere venir a verla, pero el palco no es tan grande".

Jason dio a entender que Taylor manejó todo de muy buena manera, algo que no sorprendió a Travis ni un poco.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

"Taylor prospera en esas situaciones", dijo el novio de Swift en el pódcast. "Ella ha estado en ellas innumerables veces en su vida".

Travis, por su parte, dijo que él tampoco pudo ver la actuación de Usher, aunque eso no es sorprendente, teniendo en cuenta que el miércoles dijo que ha pasado cada minuto desde que ganó el campeonato festejando hasta el cansancio.

Jason Kelce Celebs Flocked To Taylor At Halftime Forced Me to Miss Usher!!!

New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Jason Kelce missed every bit of Usher's halftime show on Sunday ... saying the chaos surrounding Taylor Swift during the break in the Super Bowl's action forced him to find cover elsewhere.

Travis Kelce's big brother made the revelation on Wednesday's episode of "New Heights" ... explaining so many celebs tried to get to Swift at halftime of the Chiefs vs. 49ers game at Allegiant Stadium, that he simply could not catch "a lick" of Usher's big performance.

"There was so much happening in the suite," the Philadelphia Eagles star said. "Turns out, everybody wants to meet Taylor."

Jason said the A-listers looking to chat with the "Love Story" crooner included Shaquille O'Neal ... and at point, so many people were there trying to grab her ear that it all got "overwhelming."

"I mean, dude," Jason said, "I think it was my first really understanding of kind of some of the things she has to deal with on a lot of basis. Because there was so many star-studded people there, where it's like, 'Dude, everybody wants to come see her,' but the suite's only so big."

Jason implied, though, that Taylor handled it all with flying colors ... something that didn't surprise Travis one bit.

TMZ Studios

"Taylor thrives in those situations," Swift's boyfriend said on the podcast. "She's been in them countless times in her life."

Travis, meanwhile, said he too had yet to see Usher's performance ... although that's not too surprising, considering he said on Wednesday's show that he's spent just about every minute since winning the championship partying his tail off.

Brittany Mahomes IV Therapy's Saving My Ass!!! ... Ahead Of S.B. Parade

Patrick Mahomes' wife is pulling out all the stops to get right in time for the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade on Wednesday ... having an IV stuck in her arm for some rapid rehydration.

The Chiefs players and their significant others have been taking advantage of their right to party after defeating the San Francisco 49ers in Las Vegas ... going on what appears to be a multi-day bender at this point.

Brittany shared a glimpse of the measures she's taking to reach 100% (or at least close enough to start drinking again) ... getting some much-needed IV therapy before riding through the streets of Kansas City in a few hours.

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"Saving me always," Mahomes said on Instagram alongside a pic of the treatment -- which has become a popular move for party-goers in recent years, as it helps with hangovers.

Of course, the Chiefs deserve to go all-out in their celebration ... and it seems like they did just that -- Patrick appeared to be struggling while doing interviews at Disneyland on Monday, and Mecole Hardman told us on Tuesday he hadn't gotten any sleep yet!!


The parade is slated to go down at 9 AM PT ... and if it's anything like years past -- it's a bad day to be a Coors Light in Kansas City.

K.C. Chiefs' Willie Gay Ditches Shirt, Dances In Street ... At Super Bowl Parade

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Fox 4 Kansas City

Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce made their way through the streets of Kansas City to celebrate the Chiefs' Super Bowl ... but it's their teammate, Willie Gay, who was by far the MVP of the day.

The parade went down on Wednesday ... and the victors did it big as they partied with Chiefs Kingdom.

Gay set the bar high early on in the parade ... going shirtless, running and dancing -- even hopping on a car to give fans a better view of his vibe.

Gay also dropped to the ground at one point -- holding a bottle of Henny as he lay shoeless in the street.


Of course, the Coors Light, liquor and bubbly flowed from start to finish (hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere) ... and some players did a cheers with Casamigos tequila prior to the festivities.

Mahomes popped the top, too ... but he elected to put a jacket on (maybe out of fear of what the dad bod trolls would say).

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Fox 4 Kansas City

Donna Kelce acted as Cupid for the parade ... passing out roses to folks in the crowd in honor of Valentine's Day.

The Bears may not sniff a Super Bowl for a while, but a teddy bear mascot head made a cameo for some reason ... with multiple players rocking it throughout the event.

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My Man!
Instagram / @marissarand

To really lean into the animal theme, Isiah Pacheco and Mahomes had some time with a real baby goat wearing a No. 15 jersey!!

Kelce also had a freakin' blast -- getting a piggyback ride at one point in the bash!!

TMZ Studios

As we previously reported, the fans lined up in the early hours of Wednesday to prepare for the event ... braving the cold for their beloved team.

No Taylor Swift, though -- she's already in Australia to get back to her "Eras" tour dates.

Kansas City Chiefs Fans Already Lining Parade Route ... Hoping For Taylor Swift Glimpse?!?


Chiefs fans have already hit the streets in Kansas City for the team's Super Bowl parade ... braving near-freezing temperatures to get ready for the upcoming party -- and a good spot for a potential glimpse of Taylor Swift too!!

The Kansas City Police Dept. shared video from the parade route minutes ago ... showing a drove of Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce supporters already lining roadways -- this despite it being around 35 degrees at 7:30 AM.

The festivities won't officially begin for a few more hours ... but when it all kicks off -- it's expected to be a huge bash.

Of course, Kansas City fans are used to this by now -- this will be their third parade in the last five years -- though there might be one big addition to this title celly ... Swift!!

It's unclear if Kelce's GF will be in attendance -- she does, after all, have to be in Australia by Friday for her latest batch of 'Eras' tour shows -- but given that she's been such a loyal fan this year AND that it's Valentine's Day ... it certainly seems possible.

Even if she doesn't show, Mahomes, Kelce, Andy Reid and the rest of the guys will all be there ... something fans will gladly accept as a consolation prize.

TMZ Studios

The Chiefs' busses are slated to take off around 11 AM local time ... get your party hats ready, K.C.!!

Travis Kelce y su conversación con Taylor Swift tras el Super Bowl: "Eres la mejor"

"gracias por venir"
The CW / Inside The NFL

Travis Kelce se deshizo en elogios hacia Taylor Swift después de ganar su tercer Super Bowl, agradeciéndole por volar a través del mundo para ver el partido y llamándola "absolutamente la mejor".

La NFL acaba de revelar el audio del emotivo momento posterior al partido de la pareja el martes, y la superestrella de los Kansas City Chiefs derramó su corazón mientras compartía el gran momento con su novia.

"Gracias, gracias por el apoyo", dijo Kelce. "¡Gracias por atravesar medio mundo!".

Como informamos anteriormente, Swift se subió a un jet privado para llegar desde su parada de la gira "Eras" de Tokio a Las Vegas para el saque inicial del domingo y Kelce devolvió el favor con besos en el campo justo después de que los Chiefs vencieran a los 49ers en tiempo extra.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Kelce también le dejó saber a Tay Tay lo mucho que significa para él y se le puede escuchar en su voz que así es.

"Eres la mejor", dijo Kelce. "¡Absolutamente la mejor!"

"en el club"

Es una prueba más de que la relación es seria y se pudo ver el resto de la noche que son inseparables.

Travis Kelce You're 'The Best,' Taylor Swift!!! ... Post-Super Bowl Convo

Thank You For Coming
The CW / Inside The NFL

Travis Kelce showered Taylor Swift with praise after winning his third Super Bowl ... thanking her for flying across the globe to catch the game and calling her "the absolute best."

The NFL just revealed the audio from the power couple's emotional postgame moment on Tuesday ... and the Kansas City Chiefs superstar poured his heart out as he soaked it all in with his girlfriend.

"Thank you, thank you for the support," Kelce said. "Thank you for making it halfway across the world!"

As we previously reported, Swift hopped on a private jet to make it from her "Eras" tour stop in Tokyo to Las Vegas for Sunday's kickoff ... and Kelce returned the favor with smooches on the field right after the Chiefs beat the 49ers in overtime.

TMZ Studios

Kelce also let Tay Tay know just how much she means to him ... and you can hear him call her a cute pet name.

"You're the best," Kelce said. "The absolute best, baby!"


It's further proof they're as serious as it gets ... and the two were inseparable the rest of the night, partying their faces off at Zouk and XS in Sin City.

Super Bowl LVIII Streaker Breaks Silence ... Here's Why I Ran On The Field Half Naked!


The Super Bowl streaker is breaking his silence, explaining why he dropped $42k on front-row tix, only to be tackled on the field half-naked and thrown in the pokey ... revealing it all started with a bet!

TMZ Sports talked to SB streaker Alex Gonzalez on Monday ... just hours after he was released from the local jail.

The question ... why?!

Alex says the plan was to originally place a prop bet at a Vegas sportsbook ... plunking down cash on a fan running on the field during the Chiefs vs. Niners game.


Gonzalez says he was at a UFC event the day before Super Sunday, and he told everyone who would listen, including Dr. Phil and the Nelk Boys, that he was going on the field. So, place your bets.

The only issue? When Gonzalez tried to place the wager, it no longer existed. But, at that point, he says he was already committed ... so despite spending over 40 grand on tickets, Alex decided to go forward with the plan knowing he'd never get to finish watching the game.

"I'm like, 'Damn. I am in too deep at this point where I can't back out anymore.'"

Gonzalez and some buddies headed to a local sporting goods store to buy cleats (we know those Super Bowl fields) and other supplies, and they headed for Allegiant Stadium.

Premeditated Streaking
Instagram / @fxalexg

Then, when the third quarter rolled around (gotta watch at least some of the game), Alex and his friend made their move.

Gonzalez ultimately ran around for several seconds before giving himself up to security officers who were closing in, before leading him to a holding cell in the back of the new stadium.

Alex says he was then taken to jail where he spent Sunday night behind bars.

But, if you think he's regretting it all now ... watch the clip -- he certainly doesn't seem to be sweatin' the situation -- even if he is facing at least one misdemeanor charge.

Helluva story!!!!