¡¿Cuál es la gran maldita diferencia?!

¡Además de haberse enamorado de la estrella musical más grande del mundo, Travis Kelce y sus compañeros de los Kansas City Chiefs han tenido toda una temporada! Pon la pelota en el piso y a ve si eres capaz de abordar los discretos cambios de estas dos imágenes.

Preparándose para el gran partido de mañana, el tight end se soltó durante los entrenamientos en Las Vegas y lució guapísimo usando unos shorts cortos al rojo vivo 😜.

No hay manera de meterse con el #87, pero ¿qué pasa con los demás?

**PISTA: ¡Hay TRES diferencias en las fotos de Travis Kelce!

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

Aside from Travis Kelce falling in love and holding hands with music's hottest star this year, he and his fellow Kansas City Chiefs have had quite the season! Put one foot forward and see if you can tackle the discreet changes in these two images.

In preparation for tomorrow's big game, the tight end was loosening up this week in Vegas during practice -- and was lookin' swift sporting some red-hot short shorts 😜.

There's no way you can mess with #87 ... but what about the others??

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Travis Kelce photos!**

Travis Kelce's Ex-GF & Mahomes' Bro Hobnobbin' In Vegas Leading Up to Super Bowl!!!

Travis Kelce's ex, Kayla Nicole, might have had a falling out with Patrick and Brittany Mahomes ... but there's clearly still plenty of love between her and Jackson Mahomes -- 'cause TMZ Sports has learned they rubbed elbows in Vegas.

Eyewitnesses tell us ... Kelce's former flame -- who he dated for years before Taylor Swift -- and the Chiefs QB's younger bro came together at the Aria's High Limit Lounge around 10:15 PM Thursday, and they didn't leave each other's side for about an hour.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us this meetup wasn't planned -- it was more of a bump-into sitch, apparently -- although folks at the casino say it seemed coordinated, as we're told Kayla joined Jackson at the hotel's fancy bar after he'd been waiting around for a minute.

So, to some, it appeared Jackson might've been waiting for her.

Regardless, witnesses say Jackson and Kayla -- who became good friends during the years the model dated Kelce -- were warm toward each other while they talked, appearing jovial throughout their entire conversation ... which, we're told, was an engrossing one for both.

Of course, this is notable because Kayla has recently attempted to distance herself from Patrick and Brittany ... after the latter struck up a bond with Kelce's new bae, Tay Tay.

ICYMI ... Kayla unfollowed the famous couple online -- later explaining she did it to "protect" herself amid the tight end's new romance and his obvious continued bond with Patrick.

While Kayla seemingly shook off any connection to Mahomes/Kelce -- she's clearly still cool with Jackson, which makes sense based on what else we know.

Sources tell us there's no bad blood between any of the parties, and just because Brittany and Kayla's friendship fizzled after she and Trav ... there was never an expectation anyone else surrounding them would cut ties, including Jackson.

Trav, of course, has moved on ... and Kayla seems more than ready to do the same -- saying last month she's no longer interested in dating athletes, wanting a man with power instead.

On its face, her run-in with Jackson doesn't appear to have been romantic. But it is interesting Kayla is in Vegas at all right now ... suppose we'll see what happens.

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Play nice, kids!

Alicia Keys Será invitada especial de Usher en el show de mediotiempo

Alicia Keys será una de las invitadas especiales de Usher en el espectáculo de medio tiempo del Super Bowl, según puede revelar TMZ, Hip Hop, ¡¡¡la última noticia de la muy esperada actuación!!!

Fuentes cercanas a la producción confirman que algunos testigos vieron a Alicia Keys ensayando con Usher al interior del Estadio Allegiant el jueves. Ahora que sabemos que estará en la mezcla, el primer invitado confirmado hasta ahora, por cierto, todas las señales apuntan a que van a cantar una gran canción juntos.

Por supuesto, estamos hablando de su mega dueto de 2004 "My Boo", el que sin duda será al menos una de las canciones interpretadas por ella.

La canción encabezó la lista Billboard Hot 100 durante 6 semanas y se convirtió en la banda sonora de los lentos en todo el mundo. Será interesante ver en qué momento se incluye este lento entre las demás canciones, pero va a tener un montón de tiempo para exprimirlo.

Recuerden, Usher negoció tener 15 minutos de actuación en lugar de los 13 minutos asignados originalmente porque al parecer es la única manera en la que sabe cómo actuar en escena. Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de famosos colaboradores que ha tenido Usher en los últimos años tiene sentido que necesite tiempo extra.

Su comercial de Apple Music para promover el gran evento también contó con sus colaboradores de "Yeah!" Ludacris y Lil Jon. Casi todo el mundo asume que estos dos también serán invitados durante su actuación aunque, técnicamente, no han confirmado.

Como ustedes saben, Usher también ha estado hablando con Justin Bieber como un posible invitado sobre el escenario, aunque no hemos cerrado si Biebs estará presente o no.

TMZ investiga
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¡De todos modos, Usher sabe que todos los ojos estarán puestos en él el domingo y Alicia lo sabe ahora también!

Alicia Keys Can't Wait To Join 'My Boo' Special Guest for Usher at Halftime

Alicia Keys will be a featured guest at Usher's Super Bowl Halftime Show, TMZ Hip Hop can reveal ... the latest development in the highly anticipated performance!!!

Sources close to the production confirm eyewitness accounts that AK rehearsed with Usher inside Allegiant Stadium on Thursday. Now that we know she'll be in the mix -- the first confirmed guest of his BTW -- all signs pointing to them doing one big song together.

Of course, we're talking about their 2004 mega duet "My Boo" -- which will undoubtedly be at least one of the tracks she performs.

The song topped the Billboard Hot 100 for 6 weeks when it came out -- and became the soundtrack to high school slow dances worldwide. It'll be interesting to see where the slow jam is included in the track list ... but he'll have plenty of time to squeeze it in.

Remember ... Usher negotiated to have a 15-minute set as opposed to the originally allotted 13 minutes ... 'cause it's the only way he knows how to rock, it seems. Considering how many famous collaborators Usher has had over the years ... it makes sense he needs the extra time.

His Apple Music commercial to promote the big event also heavily featured his "Yeah!" collaborators Ludacris and Lil Jon. Most everyone assumes these two guys will also be special guests during his performance ... although, they technically haven't confirmed yet.


As you know ... Usher has also been talking to Justin Bieber as a potential guest onstage -- although we haven't locked down whether the Biebs will actually be in attendance or not.

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Anyway, Usher knows all eyes will be on him come Sunday -- and Alicia does now too!

Travis Kelce Didn't Host Vegas 'House Party' ... Despite Name on Invite

Travis Kelce did NOT host a big shindig in Sin City a couple nights before the Super Bowl, despite his name being on the invitation for a house party ... TMZ has learned.

There was an invite going around social media Thursday promoting "The Kelce House Party" later that night in Las Vegas ... with Travis' name prominently displayed above the RSVP. Of course, many quickly wondered ... is TK partying his off just a few nights before the game???

Understandable -- on its face, the invite made it seem like Travis was hosting the party with his brother, Jason, which was billed as an event for their 'New Heights' podcast ... and there were even some reports going around claiming Travis was hosting this thing.

However, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … Travis didn't host any parties in Vegas last night, and more importantly ... he isn't hosting any ahead of Super Bowl LVIII, period.

For the non-sports fans out there thinking the players on the Super Bowl teams will be having fun in and around The Strip before Sunday's Big Game, our sources say that's just not the case ... and players are basically having zero fun in Sin City before the SB.

Thing is ... we're told Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs players have some pretty loaded schedules, plus a curfew. They start their days early and the day is filled with meetings, practices and training.

They have a strict curfew at midnight every night ... and our sources say if Travis or any of the players get caught anywhere near The Strip, they aren't going to be playing in the Super Bowl.

By the way, the Chiefs are staying far away from the glitz and glamour ... the team hotel is The Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa, about a 40-minute drive from The Strip.

Sounds like Travis missed out on a fun party with his brother ... the invite says, "You're invited to come through the Kelce House, grab a beer (or 20, alright nah), kick back in the living room, take in an electric set from Cleveland's own DJ MEEL, play some pong on the deck, and all that. Be cool, have a good time, and above all - DON'T tell mom!"

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Now, on the question of whether this 'Kelce House Party' is legit -- our sources tell us it is ... but that Travis himself was never explicitly tied to it. It was basically a bash put together by people who help run his podcast ... and we're told upwards of 400 individuals got an invite.

Unclear if Jason showed up or not -- he's a cohost of 'New Heights,' after all -- but we know for a fact ... Trav was nowhere near this thing on Thursday.

Our sources stressed Travis and all the other players are in Vegas for a job, not fun ... and as we've told you, he and Taylor Swift have plenty of options for postgame festivities.

Travis Kelce Sorprende recitando una canción de Taylor... Karma is the guy.... Ahh?

Kansas City Chiefs

A Travis Kelce le pidieron que terminara una de las letras de Taylor Swift, de cara al Super Bowl y pareciera que no se la sabía muy bien, lo cual es interesante.

El jugador de los Chiefs estuvo hablando con los medios el jueves en Las Vegas, donde le preguntaron mucho sobre su novia, incluyendo una pregunta que lo comparó a él y a Tay Tay con la versión americana de los Royals. Sí, sin duda una gran adulación.

Luego, la misma periodista le preguntó por qué cree que la gente está tan fascinada con ellos como pareja y Travis respondió que la gente ama los "valores" que ellos representan, etc. Respuesta legítima y probablemente cierta, pero ¿sabes qué más les encanta? Las letras de Taylor y ahí es donde este intercambio se puso interesante.

El reportero le pidió a Trav que completara una línea de una canción MUY conocida de Taylor "Karma", que cualquier fan podría recitar.

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Y, sin embargo, Travis parecía torpe, mientras se reía y le pedía a la reportera que pasaran a la siguiente pregunta.

La letra en cuestión es: "Karma is the guy on the screen // Coming straight home to me".

El reportero le dijo: "Karma is the guy on the".... y Travis añadió con confianza, "Chiefs", un guiño al cambio de letra que hizo Taylor durante su concierto en Argentina el año pasado y que el jugador de los Kansas City presenció desde la multitud.

No está claro si se da cuenta de que esa no es la letra original. Por cierto, tampoco fue capaz de terminar el resto de la letra.

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Algunos Swifties están levantando cejas porque Travis no fue capaz de escupir la letra de Taylor, pero seamos justos, ¿creen que ella sepa lo que es una wheel route?

Travis Kelce Bombs at Reciting Taylor Swift Lyric Karma Is the Guy ... Uh???

Kansas City Chiefs

Travis Kelce got asked to finish a Taylor Swift lyric this week ahead of the Super Bowl -- and it sounds like he might not have known it off the top ... which is interesting.

The Chiefs tight end was talking to media members Thursday in Vegas, and yes -- he was getting asked about his girlfriend a lot, including a question from one journo who compared him and Tay Tay to the American version of the Royals. Yep, major sucking up, no doubt.

She then asked why he thinks people are so fascinated with them as a couple -- and he said people love the "values" they stand for, etc. Legit answer, and probably true ... but ya know what else they love? Taylor's lyrics, and that's where this exchange got interesting.

The reporter asked Trav to complete a line from a VERY well-known Taylor song, "Karma," and she lobbed up the lyric even a mild Taylor fan could recite.

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And yet ... TK appeared to fumble on the play, as he chuckled and asked the reporter to jump to her next question.

The actual lyric in question is, "Karma is the guy on the screen // Coming straight home to me."

The reporter gave him, "Karma is the guy on the" ... and Travis confidently added, "Chiefs" -- a nod to the lyric change Taylor made while he was in the crowd for one of her Argentina shows last year.


It's unclear if he realizes that's not the OG lyric. BTW, he wasn't able to finish the rest of the lyric either.

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Some Swifties are raising eyebrows because Travis wasn't able to spit out Taylor's lyric, but let's be fair ... do ya think Taylor knows what a wheel route is?

Jason Kelce I'd Love To Host 'SNL'!!! ... Amazed After Travis' Gig

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Jason Kelce is ready to follow in his lil' bro Travis' footsteps ... telling TMZ Sports if "Saturday Night Live" wants to make him a host, he's giving an emphatic HELL YEAH!!

The elder Kelce bro is no stranger to Studio 8H -- he famously made a cameo appearance during Travis' debut back in March 2023, even lending his talents during a skit.

So when we caught up with the Philadelphia Eagles great out in Las Vegas during Super Bowl week, we asked if he'd ever want to get his own shot at headlining the sketch comedy show ... and the dude couldn't be more on board.

"Of course, I love 'SNL,'" 36-year-old Jason said. "It's one of the shows I grew up watching, an iconic show of great proportions and hilarity. Yeah, I would obviously do it."

"I was fortunate to watch Travis do it last year and really see what all goes into it. I came away beyond impressed with all the people involved in making that show work and all the talent that was there."

The billing would make a ton of sense -- the Kelces are household names (partially thanks to the Taylor Swift effect and shirtless antics on gameday) and are some of the most charismatic players in the NFL.


We reached out to our 'SNL' sources ... and they couldn't say enough good things about Jason, and would love to have him back in some capacity in the future.

In fact, we're told that could even mean giving him the hosting gig ... which is something he wouldn't take lightly.

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"It would be beyond an honor to participate in something like that, for sure," Jason added.

We also mentioned how Jason is no stranger to acting after his recent cameo on "Abbott Elementary" ... and his response proves he'll have no issue making people laugh if those 'SNL' peeps come calling.

49ers' Ray-Ray McCloud No, I'm Not Trying To Meet Taylor At Sb ... 'This Is Football!!!'

Stay Locked In

Even though 49ers wideout Ray-Ray McCloud has deep roots in the music industry, he won't try to rub elbows with Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl ... telling TMZ Sports, "This is football."

Many have wondered if the receiver would attempt to get in TayTay's ear at some point at Allegiant Stadium on Sunday ... because, after all, the guy's a musician who just recently became the CEO of entertainment agency Legend Tribe Entertainment.

But, he said out in Vegas this week there's no chance he fraternizes with Travis Kelce's girlfriend at the Big Game ... saying flat-out, "Hell nah!"

"I'm a big fan of greatness," he told us. "She's great at what she do. She big time. But, hey, this is football. We don't care about no album coming out. We don't care about none of that."

"Congrats to her on the Grammy thing she did, but we don't care about none of that, man."

Instead, Ray-Ray says he's locked in on the game ... although he did at least tell us he'd try to have some kind of ear on Usher's halftime show.

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While the 27-year-old will absolutely not sneak out of the locker room to catch it -- "I'm trying to get a ring first," he said -- he told us he hoped the "Let It Burn" crooner would play "Superstar" and "Confessions" during the performance.

Calm Before The Storm

As for his quarterback, Brock Purdy, Ray-Ray had some big praise for the young signal-caller ... and he also told us what music will be in his headphones as he gets ready to face off against the Chiefs!!

Kaskade Taking Over For Tiësto At SBLVIII

Kaskade will be in the DJ booth when Super Bowl LVIII kicks off on Sunday ... stepping in at the last minute to replace Tiësto, who backed out of the gig due to a sudden family emergency.

As we previously reported, the "Godfather of EDM" was originally set to spin tracks throughout the entire game ... but was forced to return home hours before the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers take the field.

TMZ Sports has learned ... Kaskade is taking the reins from Tiësto -- making him the league's first-ever in-game DJ in the history of the Super Bowl.

Kaskade spoke about the news on Thursday ... saying, "As a kid who grew up in Chicago watching the Super Bowl every year with my family this chance to actually be part of it is absolutely mind-blowing."

Moving forward with Kaskade is a no-brainer -- he's one of the biggest names in the industry ... and has had residencies at pretty much every big venue in Sin City, most recently at Zouk nightclub at Resorts World.

"Las Vegas has been my second home for the past decade, as an architect of creating a landscape that includes House and Dance Music residencies as part of its destination," Kaskade continued.

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"To be able to be the first Electronic Musician to be part of the full game experience of the Super Bowl held in Las Vegas seems like coming home, and I’m beyond excited to represent my community."

Tiësto Won't Perform At Super Bowl LVIII Due To 'Personal Family Emergency'

International star Tiësto just announced he will not be performing at Super Bowl LVIII after all ... saying he will miss the big game due to a "personal family emergency."

The "Godfather of EDM" shared the update with his fans on Thursday ... just days before he was slated to hit the 1s and 2s for the 49ers vs. Chiefs matchup at Allegiant Stadium.

"Me and my team have been preparing something truly special for months, but a personal family emergency is forcing me to return home Sunday morning," Tiësto said via the X app.

"It was a tough decision to miss the game, but family always comes first."

This would've been the first time the NFL had an in-game DJ for the Super Bowl ... and Tiësto -- who sold more than 36 million albums -- was honored to take on the role.

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"Thank you to the @NFL for the collaboration," the 55-year-old DJ said ... adding he still plans to work with the league on something "incredible" at a later date.

Fans sent warm wishes to Tiësto after he broke the news ... and as for the game, there's no word on whether he will be replaced in the DJ booth by someone else on Super Sunday.

Tiësto No actuará en el Super Bowl LVIII Por una "emergencia familiar"

La estrella internacional Tiësto acaba de anunciar que no actuará en el Super Bowl LVIII, debido a una "emergencia familiar personal".

El "Padrino de EDM" compartió la actualización con sus fans el jueves, apenas unos días antes de su aparición para el encuentro entre los 49ers y los Chiefs en el Allegiant Stadium.

"Yo y mi equipo hemos estado preparando algo realmente especial durante meses, pero una emergencia familiar personal me obliga a volver a casa el domingo por la mañana", dijo Tiësto a través de la aplicación X.

"Ha sido una decisión difícil perderme el partido, pero la familia siempre es lo primero".

Esta habría sido la primera vez que la NFL tenía a un DJ en el juego para el Super Bowl, y Tiësto, que vendió más de 36 millones de álbumes, tuvo el honor de asumir el papel.

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"Gracias a la @NFL por la colaboración", dijo el DJ de 55 años, agregando que todavía planea trabajar con la liga en algo "increíble" para una fecha posterior.

Los fans le enviaron cálidos deseos a Tiësto después de dar la noticia, y en cuanto al juego, no hay ninguna palabra sobre si será reemplazado por otra persona en el Super Domingo.

Los Chiefs y los 49ers planean fiestas tras el Super Bowl Con fuerte presencia policial

Los Chiefs de Kansas City y los 49ers de San Francisco están listos para jugar el Super Bowl este fin de semana, e incluso sus fiestas posteriores ya están organizadas... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que cada equipo ha elegido sus lugares después del partido para sus posibles celebraciones el domingo, aunque solo uno de ellos será quien celebre.

Vamos a empezar con los 49ers. Nos dicen que los chicos de la Bahía están programados para llegar al OMNIA Nightclub -uno de los clubes nocturnos más calientes en la ciudad del pecado- que se encuentra dentro del Caesars Palace, justo en el centro de Las Vegas Strip.

Nos dicen que Kansas City tiene otro lugar de lujo reservado, el Zouk Nightclub, ubicado dentro de Resorts World, un hotel relativamente nuevo en la escena de la Ciudad del Pecado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kansas City incluso tiene su música lista, porque nos dicen que The Chainsmokers tocará canciones para los Chiefs después del Super Bowl y tal vez K.C. pueda convencer a Taylor Swift para que acompañe al grupo si asiste al partido del campeonato.

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Patrick Mahomes tiene una larga relación con The Chainsmokers, que consiste en Alex Pall y Drew Taggart, yendo de fiesta con ellos después de su victoria en el Super Bowl del año pasado, así que probablemente, no costó demasiado convencer al dúo ganador del Grammy.

Estas fiestas repletas de estrellas son el sueño de cualquier fanático del fútbol, pero mantengan la calma, porque no será fácil colarse en cualquiera de estos eventos, porque las fuentes nos dicen que la presencia policial va a ser pesada.

La Policía Metropolitana de Las Vegas y agentes del FBI se posicionarán en los eventos exclusivos, limitado a los jugadores, sus familias y ejecutivos a la oficina delantera, por lo que tomar un trago con Travis Kelce o Christian McCaffrey no será posible para los fanáticos.

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Por más que ambos equipos tienen sus lugares de fiesta asegurados, solo un equipo va a celebrar esa noche... normalmente los perdedores se van directamente a casa.

En cualquier caso... estos chicos saben divertirse, de eso estamos seguros.

Super Bowl LVIII Chiefs/49ers After-Parties Locked In ... Heavy Police Presence

The Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers are all set to hit the gridiron for the Super Bowl this weekend -- and even their after-parties are now set in stone ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us each team has picked out their postgame locations for their potential celebrations on Sunday -- of course, only one of 'em will actually be partying afterward ... but we know both squads have lined up a plan in the case of a W Sunday.

Let's start with the 49ers. We're told the Bay Area boys are scheduled to pull up up to OMNIA Nightclub -- one of the hottest nightclubs in Sin City -- located inside Caesars Palace, smack in the center of the Las Vegas Strip.

Kansas City, we're told, has another huge venue locked down, Zouk Nightclub ... located inside Resorts World, a relatively new hotel to the Sin City scene.

Our sources say Kansas City's even got their music ready to go -- 'cause we're told The Chainsmokers will play tunes for the Chiefs post-Super Bowl ... and maybe K.C. can talk Taylor Swift into accompanying the group if she attends the championship game.

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Patrick Mahomes has a longstanding relationship with The Chainsmokers, which consists of Alex Pall and Drew Taggart, even partying with them after their Super Bowl victory last year -- so, it probably didn't take much convincing to book the Grammy-winning duo.

These star-studded bashes are sure to excite any football fanatic ... but hold your horses, super fans, because it won't be easy to crash either of these wild times -- 'cause sources tell us the police presence is gonna be heavy.

Las Vegas Metro Police and agents from the FBI will be positioned at the exclusive events -- limited to the players, their families and front office execs ... so, taking a shot with Travis Kelce or Christian McCaffrey isn't on the menu for the die-hards.

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Now, the obvious note here ... while both teams have their party locations secured, it remains to be seen whether they'll both rage after the Super Bowl. It makes sense for the actual winners to show up and have a blowout, but usually the losers go straight home.

In any case ... they got places to go if they're so inclined -- that much we're sure of.

Taylor Swift Snafu Onstage At Tokyo Show

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Taylor Swift hit a speedbump during her Wednesday concert in Japan, but she made a quick recovery and carried on as if nothing happened.

The pop star hit the stage at the Tokyo Dome, performing one of her risqué tunes, "Vigilante S—t," while wearing a sexy blue leotard and black knee-high boots.

With her legs spread, Taylor plunked down on a chair, missing her mark on the seat cover and having to adjust her rump for the save.

Check out this video ... Taylor was flanked by her dancers during the mishap, but she didn't seem bothered, and she moved on without looking back.

Some of her fans noticed and commented about it on the social media app, X. One joked doing her squats must have saved Taylor from falling. Another said she didn't need a chair because her rock-hard thighs would keep her elevated while in a crouched position.

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As you know, Taylor has resumed the international leg of her "Eras" tour, which will take the 14-time Grammy Award winner through Asia, Australia and Europe.

But Taylor will likely make a pit stop in Vegas this weekend to cheer on her beefy bf, Kansas City Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce.

Of course, Travis and his fellow Chiefs will be doing battle with the San Francisco 49ers to see which team will emerge as the 58th Super Bowl champ.

Once Taylor makes it to the big game, one thing she won't be doing is performing. TMZ broke the story ... the NFL's not tapping Taylor for any pre or postgame entertainment Sunday, and the Halftime Show is Usher's time to shine.

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