Chiefs vs. Dolphins Arrowhead Stadium Covered In Snow ... 3 Days Before Big Game

Taylor Swift will have to walk herself through a winter wonderland if she wants to watch Travis Kelce play on Saturday ... 'cause Arrowhead Stadium is already covered in snow -- and the forecast for the weekend isn't looking much warmer at all.

The Chiefs shared photos of their home field in Kansas City on Wednesday afternoon ... and as you can see, it's already looking awful chilly three days before their postseason kicks off.

And, according to meteorologists ... it's going to stay that way for the Dolphins game Saturday night, with temps expected to hover right around 8 degrees Fahrenheit.

There's been no official word yet if Swift will indeed make the trek through the snow to catch Kelce's playoff game ... but given that she's been to most of his tilts since September, it seems she'll find enough coats to stay warm while watching her man.

Kelce and the Chiefs, meanwhile, are 4.5-point favorites for now ... though considering the Dolphins play an up-tempo style of ball in weather that's normally closer to 70 degrees -- that number could certainly rise by the time the two squads clash.

First whistle is slated for 5 PM ... getcha popcorn -- and your handwarmers -- ready!!

Travis Kelce La NFL lo apoda 'Travis Swift' ... En la previa a un playoff

La NFL sigue aprovechando a lo grande la historia de amor entre Travis Kelce y Taylor Swift, apodando formalmente a la estrella de los Chiefs "Travis Swift" en un video oficial publicado esta semana.

La liga lanzó el nuevo apodo para el tight end de Kansas City en un clip de YouTube que promociona la primera ronda de partidos de los playoffs entre los Chiefs contra los Dolphins.

En la grabación, que fue publicada el martes por la noche, se puede escuchar a un narrador explicando que Miami tendrá que "enfrentarse a Travis Swift Kelce" cuando se dirija al Arrowhead Stadium el sábado.

La liga luego mostró una rápida toma de Swift riendo y pasando el rato en una suite en uno de los partidos de Kelce a principios de esta temporada.

El video recibió una reacción mixta de los aficionados. Mientras algunos lo consideraron una falta de respeto, otros lo amaron por Swift.

Por supuesto, los Chiefs y la NFL han estado haciendo movimientos como estos desde que Swift apareció por primera vez en un juego de Kelce en septiembre.

Todavía no se sabe si Taylor estará allí para el gran juego de este fin de semana. Aunque dado que ha asistido a casi todos los demás partidos de su nuevo hombre esta temporada, ¡esperen mucha más cobertura de Swift el sábado por la noche!

Travis Kelce NFL Dubs Star 'Travis Swift' ... In Playoff Game Preview

The NFL is continuing to milk the Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift love story big-time ... formally dubbing the Chiefs star "Travis Swift" in an official video it put out this week.

The league dropped its nickname for the Kansas City tight end in a YouTube clip that previewed the Chiefs' upcoming wild-card round game against the Dolphins.

In the footage -- which was posted Tuesday night -- a narrator can be heard explaining that Miami will have to "take on Travis Swift Kelce" when it heads to Arrowhead Stadium on Saturday.

The league then flashed to a shot of Swift laughing and hanging out in a suite at one of Kelce's games earlier this season.

The video received a mixed reaction from fans who caught the quip ... with some calling it disrespectful -- while others loving it for Swift.

Of course, the Chiefs and the NFL have been pulling moves like these ever since Swift first showed up at a Kelce game in September ... changing their X page backgrounds and even making a Hallmark movie-themed game preview that had Swift Easter Eggs inside of it.

It's not yet known if Taylor will be there for this weekend's big game ... though given the way she's attended just about every other one of her new man's tilts this season -- expect a whole lot more Swift coverage come Saturday night!

Kansas City Chiefs Tease Playoffs With Hallmark Spoof ... 'It's The Chiefs Or Me!!!'



The Chiefs just dropped the full vid ... and it not only features a couple Taylor Swift Easter Eggs ... but it's also got cameos from Donna Kelce and K.C. stars Tommy Townsend, Trey Smith and Creed Humphrey!

The Chiefs are hoping to lure fans into their upcoming playoff run with a little bit of love ... teasing their first postseason matchup with none other than a Hallmark movie spoof!!

The NFL org. is expected to drop the full parody later Wednesday -- but on Tuesday night, they shared just a snippet of it ... and so far, it's looks pretty darn good!

In the clip, you can see Tyler Hynes -- a staple of plenty of real Hallmark movies -- working in what appears to be a Chiefs-themed store ... when an emotional Jannel Parrish strolls by and chastises him for his love for K.C.

"You're not just a fan!" she says. "It's your livelihood ... It's the Chiefs or me!"

She then adds before she storms off, "I hate football!" ... which prompts Hines to respond, "Amber, come on! Nobody hates football."

The clip then cuts out ... although the Chiefs promised in a social media post there will be more "coming soon."

As for who else will be in the flick, Travis Kelce's mom, Donna, teased that she's making an appearance ... sharing a photo of her in a white shirt with the comment, "my acting debut."

Of course, some fans are hoping the movie will somehow feature Kelce's budding love for Taylor Swift -- or at least have some themes of it.

So far, it's not quite clear what it's all exactly about ... but you can bet it'll almost certainly end in some sort of preview of K.C.'s tilt with the Dolphins on Saturday at Arrowhead Stadium.

Originally Published -- 6:29 AM PT

Taylor Swift cena en Spago con Brittany Mahomes y Lyndsay Bell

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce recorrieron más de mil kilómetros para acabar en la misma ciudad... pero pasaron la noche separados.

Taylor está en Los Ángeles para los Globos de Oro el domingo por la noche, y Travis está en la ciudad para Chiefs vs Chargers alrededor de la misma hora.

Taylor, junto con sus amigas Brittany Mahomes y Lyndsay Bell, fueron al Spago de Wolfgang Puck en Beverly Hills el sábado por la noche, sin Travis. Tiene sentido... Travis se está preparando para el juego y una noche fuera habría sido una mala movida.

Entraron en Spago por el callejón trasero después de salir de la finca de Taylor en Beverly Hills.

La información desde el interior del restaurante ... nada espectacular. Se rieron, hablaron y comieron. Al parecer, ella estaba un poco preocupada en su teléfono ... hmmm, me pregunto a quién le estaba enviando mensajes de texto?

Es muy poco probable que Taylor asista al juego, la alfombra roja comienza a las 3:30 y el juego de Travis comienza alrededor de 2 horas antes... ¡a menos que vaya a los Globos de Oro con una chaqueta de los Chiefs!

La noche de chicas fue larga. Llegaron a las 7:30 y se fueron a las 11.

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mejores amigas
Courtesy of NFL

Parece que había mucho de que hablar.

Taylor and Travis So Close, Yet So Far Away!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce both traveled more than a thousand miles to end up in the same city ... but they spent the night apart.

Taylor's in L.A. for the Golden Globes Sunday night, and Travis is in town for Chiefs vs. Chargers around the same time.

Taylor, along with pals Brittany Mahomes and Lyndsay Bell, hit up Wolfgang Puck's Spago in Bev Hills Saturday night, sans Travis. It makes sense ... Travis is getting ready for the game, and a night out would have made the wrong kind of headlines.

They entered Spago from the back alley after leaving from Taylor's Bev Hills estate.

The lowdown from inside the restaurant ... nothing spectacular. They laughed, they talked, they ate. She apparently, was a bit preoccupied on her phone ... hmmm, wonder who she was texting?

It's highly unlikely Taylor will attend the game ... the red carpet starts at 3:30 and Travis's game starts around 2 hours earlier ... that is, unless she goes to the Golden Globes in a Chiefs jacket!

As for the girls' night out ... it was a long one. They arrived at 7:30 and left at 11.

Lots to talk about.

Jackson Mahomes Prosecutors Say Alleged Victim Not Cooperating ... Drop 3 Charges


12:11 PM PT -- A judge has just approved the prosecutors' motion to drop the three felonies against Jackson Mahomes.

He's now slated to return to court in late March -- as he's still facing one misdemeanor charge in the case.

Prosecutors are working to drop the felony charges against Jackson Mahomes ... after they claim the alleged victim in the case against Patrick Mahomes' little brother is no longer cooperating.

Officials at the Johnson County District Attorney’s Office in Kansas filed a motion to dismiss the three aggravated sexual battery counts against Jackson on Tuesday ... and a judge is expected to a make a ruling on the filing at a hearing later Wednesday afternoon.

In the court documents, prosecutors say the restaurant owner who first accused Jackson of forcibly kissing her inside of her Overland Park establishment back in February 2023 has now told them she does not want to continue to press charges in the case -- stating that she wishes "the matter to be dismissed as to anything involving" her.

Prosecutors said in the docs, however, they tried to move forward with the case regardless ... writing that the incident involving Jackson and the woman "was captured in its entirety on surveillance footage."

030423_jackson_mahomes_kal February 2023

But, they added that the woman has made it abundantly clear she no longer wants anything to do with the case -- claiming she told them she would say "that she had not been truthful to the police and that the encounter with [Jackson] was consensual."

A dismissal of the three felony counts would mean Jackson is only facing one misdemeanor battery charge in the case ... which stems from allegations he shoved a waiter at the restaurant the same night that he had the run-in with the woman.

"Like I said from the beginning," Jackson's attorney, Brandon Davies, said in a statement to FOX 4 on Tuesday, "Jackson has done nothing wrong. We had full confidence that the truth of the matter would ultimately be revealed. The defense will reserve further comment until the remaining count is disposed of."

Jackson first pleaded not guilty to the charges shortly after they were filed last year. He's expected to attend Wednesday's hearing in-person.

Originally Published -- 6:41 AM PT

TRAVIS KELCE Dropping L-Bomb on Taylor on NYE?!? Fans Reading His Lips

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Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are really feeling the love now -- this video of them kissing to ring in the New Year also shows him saying "I love you" to her ... in the view of Swifties, that is.

Fans are certainly convinced he dropped the L-word just as they smooched at midnight. Watch and decide for yourself -- the speculation is it happens in the first few seconds of the clip.

However, we've checked with a few professional lip readers -- some who've testified in high-profile court cases -- and they tell TMZ ... the video is far too blurry to confirm the public declaration of love.

So, we'll never know precisely what sweet nothings the NFL star whispered to the singer while packing on the PDA -- unless they reveal it -- but, it wouldn't be all that weird if they did exchange 'I love yous" ... they've been dating at least 6 months now.

It's also not clear where they rang in the New Year -- but a fellow partygoer shared the clip ... and it looks like others at the bash respectfully left the two to get on with their smoochin'.

The couple was partying somewhere in the Kansas City area Sunday night ... after Travis and the Chiefs played the Bengals.

As we reported, TS arrived at Arrowhead Stadium solo Sunday afternoon to cheer on her beau ... which she's been doing since they went public a few months ago.

Diehard football fans have become increasingly vexed over the attention Taylor commands at games -- but it looks like she's not going anywhere in 2024.

So, there will be plenty of chances for fans to witness an 'I love you" between them in the future ... hopefully with a clearer video!

Travis Kelce ¿Pronuncia la palabra que empieza con A en Año Nuevo? Los fans leen sus labios...

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¿Se lo dijo?

Travis Kelce y Taylor Swift realmente están sintiendo las mariposas en este momento. Este video de ellos besándose para darle la bienvenida al Año Nuevo también demuestra que Travis le dijo "Te amo" a ella, al menos a los ojos de los Swifties.

Los fans están convencidos de que le dijo la palabra que empieza con A justo cuando se estaban besando a medianoche. Mira el video y decide por ti mismo, la especulación en disputa transcurre en los primeros segundos del clip.

Sin embargo, hemos comprobado con algunos lectores de labios profesionales -algunos de ellos han testificado en casos judiciales de alto perfil- y le dicen a TMZ que el video es demasiado borroso como para confirmar la declaración pública de amor.

Por lo tanto, nunca sabremos con exactitud lo que la estrella de la NFL le susurró a la cantante mientras se estaban abrazando, a menos que ellos lo revelen, pero no sería tan extraño que se hayan dicho "Te amo", ya que han estado saliendo por lo menos 6 meses.

Tampoco está claro donde pasaron el Año Nuevo, pero un compañero de fiesta compartió el clip y como otros en la fiesta parece que dejaron que se siguieran besando tranquilos.

La pareja estuvo de fiesta en algún lugar de la zona de Kansas City el domingo por la noche, después de que Travis y los Chiefs se enfrentaran a los Bengals.

Como informamos, Taylor Swift llegó sola al estadio Arrowhead el domingo en la tarde para animar a su novio, algo que ha estado haciendo desde que hicieron pública su relación hace unos meses.

Los fanáticos acérrimos del fútbol americano están cada vez más molestos por la atención que recibe Taylor en los partidos, pero parece que no se irá a ninguna parte en 2024.

Por lo tanto, habrá un montón de oportunidades para que los fans sean testigos de un "Te amo" entre ellos en el futuro, ¡esperemos que con un video más claro!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Hot and Heavy Midnight Make Out Happy New Year to Us!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce started 2024 off with a bang ... or at least a steamy kiss in a now-viral video sweeping social media.

The songstress and the NFL star grabbed each other at midnight with Taylor wrapping her arms around Travis' neck and pulling him in close for a smooch.

While partygoers around them noticed the two going at it, the happy couple seemed too preoccupied with one another to care.

It's not clear exactly where the lovebirds rang in the New Year, but it's likely they stuck around Kansas City after Travis' game against the Bengals.

As we previously reported ... T-Swift pulled up to Arrowhead Stadium solo Sunday afternoon to cheer on her beau, a common occurrence these days.

Taylor has become a staple at Chiefs games since she and Travis went public back in September. She's even traveled to the frigid Northeast to take in a couple games this season.

As for what the pair's plans for the new year might be, that's anyone's guess. We know Taylor and Travis wanted to spend the holidays together after being apart for Thanksgiving, and T-Swift's got shows in Japan coming up in February.

In the interim though, Tayvis seems content on enjoying their time together ... and each other's mouths as well.

Happy kissing, you too!

Taylor Swift acude al partido de los Chiefs de Travis Kelce para despedir el año

Taylor Swift está terminando el año viendo a su novio, Travis Kelce, jugar al fútbol, cerrando un año lleno de emociones tanto en el escenario como en el campo de juego.

La estrella del pop estuvo una vez más en el estadio Arrowhead el domingo para ver a los Chiefs de Travis jugar un último partido en casa contra los Bengalíes de Cincinnati y como ya es tradición, se pudo ver a la cantante en el palco vip.

Parece que estaba sola esta vez, mientras que la semana pasada estuvo acompañada por su madre y su hermano, quien se unió a ella para el gran juego de Navidad en la ciudad.

Swift se veía muy elegante para el partido. Vestía de negro y lucía una chaqueta blanca Chiefs letterman mientras se dirigía a las gradas. Es evidente que va a pasar el Año Nuevo allí en Kansas City.

Como dijimos, Taylor asistiendo a los juegos se ha convertido en algo común este año, desde que ella y Travis hicieron pública su relación hacia el comienzo de la temporada, ha ido en persona a verlo varias veces e incluso en ciudades totalmente diferentes.

Taylor ha sido vista gritando por su hombre, ya sea maldiciendo por una mala decisión o celebrando con apretones de manos.

Mientras que ella y Travis se separaron brevemente durante el Día de Acción de Gracias -cuando ella viajó a Brasil para algunos shows como parte de su gira "Eras"- han pasado la mayor parte de las vacaciones juntos. Por lo que parece podría tratarse de una relación seria.

Por el lado de la NFL, podemos decir que la liga los ha amado como pareja, especialmente cuando Taylor aparece en persona, ¡ya que las audiencias se han disparado en la mayoría de sus juegos!

Algunos fans acérrimos de fútbol se han mostrado algo molestos con la atención Taylor comandos - pero bueno, es entretenimiento al final del día ... y aquí es donde los mundos chocan por grandes $$$.

De todos modos, es bastante seguro decir que ella probablemente ha tenido el año más grande de cualquier persona en el mundo del espectáculo.

Desde un nuevo novio a una gira totalmene vendida, Taylor deja el 2024 en la cima del mundo. Nos preguntamos cual será su siguiente paso... ¡ya veremos!

Taylor Swift Hits Up One Last Chiefs Game in 2023 Spending NYE w/ Travis!!!

Taylor Swift is ending the year watching her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, play football -- capping off what's been a whirlwind romance full of memories ... not to mention NFL appearances.

The pop star was once again in the building at Arrowhead Stadium Sunday to catch the K.C. Chiefs play one last home game against the Cincinnati Bengals ... and just like she usually does, she rolled up in a golf cart down below and made her way to her luxury box suite.

Looks like she was cruising solo this time around, whereas last week ... she had some company in her mom and brother, who joined her for the big Christmas game there in town.

T-Swift was looking pretty stylish here for the NYE matchup ... dressed in all black, aside from a sweet white Chiefs letterman jacket she was rocking as she made her way up to the stands. If it wasn't obvious by now, she'll be spending New Year's there in Kansas City.

Like we said, Taylor attending games has become a bit of a pastime this year -- ever since she and TK went public with their relationship toward the start of the season ... she's gone in person to watch him several different times, and sometimes in totally different cities too.

At each stop, Taylor has been seen rooting and screaming her heart out for her man ... oftentimes memorably, whether it's cursing at a bad call or celebrating with handshakes.

While she and Travis were apart for a bit during Thanksgiving -- when she jetted on down to Brazil for a few shows as part of her 'Eras' tour -- they've spent the majority of the holidays together ... and their bond is going strong. From the looks of it, this could be the real deal.

From the NFL side ... you best believe the league has loved them as a couple, especially when Taylor shows up in person. The ratings have ballooned at most of her games ... as she seems to have drawn in a whole new audience who might've otherwise not watched.

Some diehard football fans have become annoyed with the attention Taylor commands -- but hey, it's entertainment at the end of the day ... and this is where worlds collide for big $$$.

Anyway, it's pretty safe to say she's probably had the biggest year out of anyone in showbiz.

From a new boyfriend to a record-setting tour/concert film ... Taylor's going into 2024 on top of the world. Gotta wonder what might be next for her down the road ... guess we'll see!

Gypsy Rose Back Home in Louisiana ... Misses Out on Taylor Swift Meeting & Chiefs Game


Gypsy Rose Blanchard is back home in Louisiana ... making it official, she'll miss out on a possible meeting with Taylor Swift after sources close told us she was asked to leave the state of Missouri.

Sporting a New Orleans Saints jersey, Gypsy posted a short video Sunday thanking fans for their support across her platforms on social media. Gypsy says it's nice to be home, and enjoying a day outside celebrating her freedom.

Already a marketing whiz, Gypsy announces she's got a lot of big things on the way, including her upcoming docuseries on LifeTime and her recently released ebook ... which she calls a reflection on everything she learned during her time behind bars.

TMZ broke the story, Gypsy and her husband had planned on attending Sunday's Chiefs game in Kansas City where she had hoped to possibly run into Taylor Swift -- who is likely to be in attendance cheering on boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

That plan was sidelined Saturday, as sources close to Gypsy tell us her parole officers wanted her out of the state ... unclear exactly why, but our sources say local officials contacted the parole team to tell them they wanted her out of MO stat.

It's possible they felt Gypsy's presence in Missouri could pose as a safety risk, especially if she had plans to attend a game with tens of thousands of others.


Regardless of the change in travel plans, Gypsy still looks happy ... and she's clearly wheeling and dealing. As we told you, she's already gained more than 4 million followers on her Instagram page -- with other profiles continuing to grow.

Gypsy Rose vuelve a su casa en Luisiana y se pierde el partido de Taylor Swift y los Chiefs

agradecida del apoyo

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está de vuelta en casa en Louisiana, haciéndolo oficial... se perderá un posible encuentro con Taylor Swift después de que fuentes cercanas nos dijeron que se le pidió que abandonara el estado de Missouri.

Luciendo una camiseta de los New Orleans Saints, Gypsy publicó un breve video el domingo agradeciendo a los fans por su apoyo a través de sus plataformas en las redes sociales. Gypsy dice que es bueno estar en casa y disfrutar de un día al aire libre celebrando su libertad.

Gypsy anuncia que vienen un montón de cosas grandes en camino, incluyendo su próxima docuserie en LifeTime y su libro electrónico recientemente publicado, el que ella llama una reflexión sobre todo lo que aprendió durante su tiempo entre rejas.

TMZ publicó la historia, Gypsy y su marido habían planeado asistir al partido de los Chiefs del domingo en Kansas City, donde ella tenía la esperanza de encontrarse con Taylor Swift, ya que probablemente esté presente animando a su novio, Travis Kelce.

Ese plan fue dejado de lado el sábado, ya que fuentes cercanas a Gypsy nos dicen que sus oficiales de libertad condicional la querían fuera del estadio, no está claro exactamente por qué, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que los funcionarios locales se contactaron con el equipo de libertad condicional para decirles que la querían fuera de MO stat.

Es posible que sintieran que la presencia de Gypsy en Missouri podría suponer un riesgo para la seguridad, especialmente si tenía planes de asistir a un partido con decenas de miles de personas.

Independiente del cambio en los planes, Gypsy parece feliz... y está claro que está haciendo lo suyo. Como te contamos, ya tiene más de 4 millones de seguidores en su página de Instagram y otros perfiles siguen creciendo.

Chiefs Legend Christian Okoye Don't Blame Taylor For Kelce's Woes ... She's NOT The Problem!!!


Legendary Kansas City running back Christian Okoye is urging the Taylor Swift critics to shake off their hate -- telling TMZ Sports the pop star is absolutely not the reason for Travis Kelce's struggles this season.

"She has nothing to do with how the team's doing right now," Okoye said emphatically this week.

Of course, there are many who are disagreeing with the Nigerian Nightmare these days ... as Kelce's play has dropped off dramatically from where it had been earlier this season.

He's only scored one touchdown since Week 8 -- and the Chiefs have subsequently lost five of their last eight games.

But Okoye says none of that is Swift's fault -- telling us defenses have simply come up with schemes to neutralize Kelce.

"Taylor Swift is not on the field," Okoye said. "Travis is playing like he always plays. Teams are just doubling up on him now knowing that our receivers are dropping the balls."

Okoye says the game film tells the real story -- explaining, "All of the sudden teams figured out if they can double him up and hold [Patrick] Mahomes in the pocket, everything will be all right for them. And that's what they're doing."

Okoye added he's loved what Swift has brought to the team this year.

"When you're doing bad, people have to find excuses," Okoye said. "And they have to point fingers. Especially those who don't like the situation about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce."

"Those people are pointing fingers and making it up right now. So I have to tell you they are wrong."

Okoye was hopeful the team could get back on track when Swift undoubtedly attends K.C.'s game later Sunday against the Bengals.


As for what Okoye is up to these days -- the 62-year-old former All-Pro has written a book about his life titled "The Nigerian Nightmare: My Journey Out of Africa to the Kansas City Chiefs and Beyond" ... and he's super pumped for Chiefs fans to get their hands on it.

Leyenda de los Chiefs No culpen a Taylor de los males de Kelce... ¡¡Ella no es el problema!!

Los receptores tienen que recibir

El legendario corredor de Kansas City, Christian Okoye, está instando a los críticos de Taylor Swift a sacudirse de su odio, diciéndole a TMZ Sports que la estrella del pop no es en absoluto la razón de las luchas de Travis Kelce esta temporada.

"Ella no tiene nada que ver con la forma en que el equipo lo está haciendo ahora", dijo Okoye enfáticamente esta semana.

Por supuesto, hay muchos que están en desacuerdo con la pesadilla de Nigeria. El juego de Kelce ha caído dramáticamente desde donde empezó a principios de esta temporada.

Solo ha anotado un touchdown desde la Semana 8 y los Chiefs han perdido posteriormente cinco de sus últimos ocho partidos.

Pero Okoye dice que nada de eso es culpa de Swift y nos dice que las defensas simplemente han ideado esquemas para neutralizar a Kelce.

"Taylor Swift no está en el campo", dijo Okoye. "Travis está jugando como siempre. Los equipos simplemente lo están doblando ahora al ver que nuestros receptores están dejando caer los balones".

Okoye dice que la película del juego cuenta la historia real y explica: "De repente, los equipos se dieron cuenta de que si pueden doblarlo y mantener a [Patrick] Mahomes en el bolsillo, todo estará bien para ellos. Y eso es lo que están haciendo".

Okoye agregó que le ha encantado lo que Swift ha aportado al equipo este año.

"Cuando te va mal, la gente tiene que buscar excusas", dijo Okoye. "Y tienen que señalar con el dedo. Especialmente a los que no les gusta la situación de Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce".

"Esa gente está señalando con el dedo e inventando ahora mismo. Así que tengo que decirles que están equivocados".

Okoye se mostró esperanzado de que el equipo pueda volver a la normalidad cuando Swift sin duda asista al partido del domingo contra los Bengals.

Contando mi historia

En cuanto a lo que Okoye está haciendo por estos días, el hombre de 62 años y ex All-Pro escribió un libro sobre su vida titulado "The Nigerian Nightmare: My Journey Out of Africa to the Kansas City Chiefs and Beyond", y está súper emocionado de que los fans de los Chiefs pongan sus manos sobre él.

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