The Miz Travis Kelce Would Kill It In WWE ... Could Tag Team W/ Jason!!!

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Travis Kelce would be awwwweeeeesoooome in the squared-circle ... so says WWE Superstar The Miz, who tells TMZ Sports he'd love to see the Kansas City Chiefs superstar -- AND his brother, Jason -- take their talents to wrestling!!

Remember, we spoke with Travis back in April about possibly seeing him follow fellow tight end greats like Rob Gronkowski and George Kittle by getting into wrasslin' ... and he said he's already talked to Miz about making it happen.

Naturally, we had to ask Mike all about it when we caught up with him at LAX this week ... and while it doesn't sound like anything concrete just yet, it's clear he's put a lot of thought into it.

Miz -- who admitted he's blown up Travis' DMs over the subject -- said it would be perfect to see the Kelce bros team up for a special appearance at WrestleMania ... especially considering it'll be in Philadelphia, a city Jason is VERY familiar with.

Of course, Miz knows firsthand what it's like to go up against NFL stars -- he took on both Kittle and Pat McAfee at the same time at SoFi Stadium earlier this year.

Miz also feels like WWE could see a similar boost as Roger Goodell's org. if it happens ... thanks to the Taylor Swift effect.


There's more -- we also spoke with Miz about his beloved Cleveland Browns ... and he thinks Joe Flacco has a legitimate shot at taking them to the Super Bowl!!

Taylor Swift con su madre en el partido de Navidad de Travis Kelce


12:04 PM PT -- Taylor fue vista animando a Travis y compañía desde su palco de lujo y parece que Santa estuvo a su lado todo el tiempo. Además está su hermano, Austin, así que podemos decir que es un asunto de familia.

No hay señales de la madre de Travis, Donna, pero dicen que su padre está presente. También parece que los fans sacaron sus mejores carteles.

Taylor Swift está de vuelta para ver a Travis Kelce, solo que esta vez un par de cosas son diferentes, es Navidad y su mamá está allí por primera vez.

Gran día para Kansas City, porque Taylor podría ser visto en el Arrowhead Stadium antes de que el juego comience como ella normalmente lo hace, pero el lunes por la mañana, Andrea Swift estaba justo a su lado a caballo en el asiento del pasajero delantero de un carrito de golf privado conducirlos alrededor.

Taylor estaba en él también, pero en la parte de atrás y ambos saludaron a la gente como si estuvieran en un desfile, ya que pasaron espectadores alegres. Ah, ¡y Papá Noel también estuvo ahí!

Como hemos dicho, Andrea nunca ha estado en uno de los partidos de Travis con Taylor (por lo que sabemos claro) y honestamente no hemos visto mucho de ella durante el romance de T-Swift con el tight end de los Chiefs. Hemos visto a su padre, Scott, un puñado de veces, pero no a Mamá Osa hasta ahora.

Por si no lo sabías, los padres de Taylor están divorciados, así que es por eso que Andrea no suele estar al lado de Scott en este tipo de salidas.

Hoy, sin embargo, parece que van a ser una familia unida delante de las cámaras, porque dicen que Scotty también está por ahí... estamos seguros de verlos muy pronto aquí en la suite.

Este será el octavo partido de Travis al que Taylor ha asistido, ella lo ha convertido en algo regular esta temporada y sus apariciones son siempre memorables. Sobre todo cuando está realmente concentrada en el juego.

Recordemos que ella está en medio de un descanso en este momento y no tiene que subir al escenario de nuevo hasta febrero, cuando volará a Tokio para más espectáculos "Eras". Mientras tanto, ha estado pasando mucho tiempo con Travis, incluidas las vacaciones, menos Acción de Gracias.

¡Se perfila a ser todo un año para ella!

Taylor Swift Mom Andrea Joins at TK's Xmas Game ... Merry Swiftmas!!!


12:04 PM PT -- Taylor was seen cheering on Travis and co. from her luxury box, and it looks like Santa was by her side the entire time. Word is, that's her broski, Austin ... so it's a whole family affair.

No sign of Travis' mom, Donna, here ... but they're saying his dad Ed is in attendance. It also looks like the fans brought out their best Swiftmas posters for the game as well, per usual.

Taylor Swift is back in the building to watch Travis Kelce -- only this time, a couple things are different ... it's Christmas, and her mama is there too for the very first time.

Big day in Kansas City ... 'cause Taylor could be seen cruising through Arrowhead Stadium ahead of kickoff like she normally does -- but on Monday morning, Andrea Swift was right next to her -- riding in the front passenger seat of a private golf cart driving them around.

Taylor was in it too, but she was in the back ... and both of them waved at people like they were in a parade as they passed cheerful onlookers. Oh, and Santa was there too!

Like we said, Andrea's never been to one of Travis' games with Taylor (that we're aware of anyway) and we honestly haven't seen much of her during T-Swift's romance with the Chiefs tight end. We have seen her dad, Scott, a handful of times ... but no Mama Bear 'til now.

Unclear why that might be the case, but in case it wasn't clear already -- Taylor's parents are divorced ... so that's why Andrea isn't usually right by Scott's side at these sorta outings.

Today, however, it looks like they'll be a united family in front of cameras -- 'cause Scott is said to be there as well ... and we're sure to see them soon enough here in the suite.

This will be the 8th game of Travis' that Taylor's attended ... she's made it a regular thing this season, and her appearances are always memorable -- especially as she gets more into it.

Remember, she's on a break from work at the moment ... and doesn't have to hit the stage again until February when she'll fly to Tokyo for more 'Eras' shows. In the meantime, she's been spending a lot of time with Travis ... including the holidays, minus Thanksgiving.

It's shaped up to be quite a year for her, to say the least. Here's to a couple more games to finish 2023!

Originally Published -- 10:12 AM PT

Patrick Mahomes Taylor Swift Is Part Of Our Team!!!

Patrick Mahomes says Travis Kelce's boo, Taylor Swift, is seeing a lot of love from the Kansas City Chiefs... 'cause according to him, she's basically a teammate!


The Chiefs' QB had glowing things to say about the singer during a chat on "CBS Mornings," admitting the guys kinda kept their distance from the romance when it first started ... but they all quickly opened up to her.

Patrick says a few jokes about Travis' new relationship just came with the territory -- but adds the entire gang has since welcomed her with open arms, claiming she's an honorary member to them.

PM gave TS a rave review, too ... saying she's "top tier" and is even part of Chiefs Kingdom.

He also says he's loving how well Taylor's been getting along with his wife, Brittany Mahomes -- they've been like white on rice from the get go.

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Remember, the whole country went nuts when Taylor and Travis were first spotted leaving Arrowhead Stadium together back in September ... and who knows where it's gonna go?

Patrick Mahomes ¡¡Taylor Swift es parte de nuestro equipo!!

Patrick Mahomes dice que la novia de Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift, está recibiendo mucho amor de parte de los Kansas City Chiefs, ¡porque según él, ella es básicamente una compañera de equipo!

Ella es parte del equipo

El jugador de los Chiefs tenía cosas brillantes que decir acerca de la cantante durante una charla en "CBS Mornings", admitiendo que los chicos mantuvieron un poco de distancia cuando comenzó el romance, pero que todos se abrieron rápidamente con ella.

Patrick dice que hicieron algunas bromas sobre la nueva relación de Travis en el campo, pero añade que desde entonces toda la pandilla le ha dado la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos, asegurando que ella es un miembro honorable del equipo.

Patrick dio excelentes opiniones de Taylor también, diciendo que es "de primer nivel" e incluso parte del reino de los Chiefs.

También dice que le encanta lo bien que se lleva Taylor con su esposa, Brittany Mahomes, quienes han sido inseparables desde el principio.

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¿Tú eres mío?

Recuerden, todo el país se volvió loco cuando Taylor y Travis fueron vistos por primera vez saliendo del estadio Arrowhead juntos en septiembre, y ¿quién sabe a dónde va a parar esto?

Travis Kelce Shirtless, in a Towel and Flexing ... Ah, Taylor, Now we Get it!!!

We're seeing more of why Taylor Swift is attracted to Travis Kelce ... courtesy of a couple pics he snapped a few years back.

Travis, now 34, shot a video back in 2017 while he enjoyed a day at the spa. We knew the dude was fit, but it's better than we thought!

It's some sort of bubble massage, which Travis clearly enjoyed. He stands up and voices his approval over the treatment, and in the process gives people a look at what's under the jersey.

You see him flex a bit and then disentangles his hair as he peers into the camera.

Now to the present ... Taylor was at a recording studio Thursday night in NYC, but she's heading to Kansas City to spend time with her BF and hit up the Chiefs game on Christmas Day.

The relationship, we're told, is already super serious and there are rumblings of a ring in the not-too-distant future. We will see, but it feels like that's the trajectory.

As for the recently-surfaced Travis video, one fan commented, "Taylor i get it."

Travis Kelce Sin polera, en toalla y en forma... Ah, Taylor, ahora lo entendemos!!!

Estamos viendo más de por qué Taylor Swift se siente atraída hacia Travis Kelce, cortesía de un par de fotos que él tomó hace unos años.

Travis, que ahora tiene 34 años, grabó un video allá por 2017 mientras disfrutaba de un día en el spa. Sabíamos que el tipo estaba en forma, ¡pero es mejor de lo que pensábamos!

Esta es una especie de masaje de burbujas, que Travis claramente disfrutó. En el video se lo ve riendo y expresando su aprobación del tratamiento, mientras le da a la gente un vistazo de lo que hay debajo de su camiseta.

Se lo ve haciendo un poquito de flexiones y luego desenredando su pelo mientras mira hacia la cámara.

Ahora al presente ... Taylor estuvo en un estudio de grabación la noche del jueves en Nueva York, pero se dirige a Kansas City para pasar tiempo con su novio y estar en el juego de los Chiefs el día de Navidad.

Según nos cuentan, la relación ya va súper en serio y se rumorea que habrá un anillo en un futuro no muy lejano. Ya veremos, pero da la sensación de que esa es la trayectoria.

En cuanto al recién aparecido video de Travis, un fan comentó: "Taylor lo entiendo".

Se disparan los nombres "Taylor" y "Travis" para bebés a medida que avanza el romance

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce puede que no estén cerca de traer bebés al mundo, pero eso no significa que otros no lo estén y parece que a la gente le gustan sus nombres.

Un representante de -uno de los principales sitios que la gente visita a la hora de iluminarse con un nombre- le dice a TMZ que los nombres "Taylor" y "Travis" se han disparado en su sitio.

Nos dicen que esos dos nombres se han disparado alrededor de un 25% entre noviembre y diciembre en comparación con lo que sus usuarios podrían buscar normalmente y dice que le atribuyen esto al fenómeno que ha consumido la cultura pop durante todo el otoño.

Obviamente, Taylor era una estrella importante antes de engancharse con Travis, pero nos dicen que la relación la ha hecho aún más popular y la prueba está en los datos.

Por cierto, si te preguntas qué significan estos nombres y de dónde vienen, también lo sabemos. Taylor es un nombre inglés de género neutro que literalmente significa: "El que confecciona ropa". En cuanto a Travis, otro nombre inglés que significa "Del cruce o Tollgate".

Ya hemos visto antes este tipo de locura con los nombres de bebés, concretamente cuando se estrenó la película "Barbie" y la gente estaba totalmente obsesionada con ella, acudiendo en masa a para buscar esos nombres también en aquel momento. Ahora, Taylor parece estar dominando sus motores en línea.

Una última cosa... parece que también se buscan otros nombres afines a Taylor. Nos dicen que las búsquedas de "Romeo" y "Bonnie" están aumentando, ¡adivina de dónde vienen!

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce Baby Name Searches Skyrocket ... As Romance Heats Up!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce might not be anywhere near the baby-making stage of their relationship, but that doesn't mean others aren't ... and it sounds like folks like their names.

A rep for -- one of the premiere destinations for digital baby name sifting online -- tells TMZ ... it's them, they're the problem (or the reason, rather) for why they believe searches for the monikers of "Taylor" and "Travis" have skyrocketed on their site.

We're told those two names have jumped about 25% between November and December compared to what their users might normally search -- and says they attribute this to the Tayvis phenomenon that's consumed pop culture throughout the entirety of fall.

Obviously, Taylor was a major star before hooking up with Travis ... but we're told the relationship has, arguably, made her even more popular -- and the proof's in the data.

BTW, if you're wondering what these names mean and where they come from -- we know that too. Taylor is an English gender-neutral name that literally means ... "One who tailors clothes." As for Travis, another English name that means "From the crossing or Tollgate."

We've seen this sort of craze with baby names before -- namely, when the "Barbie" movie came out and people were totally obsessed with it ... flocking to to look up those names as well at the time. Now, Taylor appears to be dominating their online engines.

One last thing ... it would appear other Taylor-adjacent names are being sought out too. We're told "Romeo" and "Bonnie" searches are trending up ... guess where those are from!

Travis Kelce Taylor Swift's Dad Has Swag!!!

New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis Kelce is considered one of the best dressers in the NFL ... and his style might be rubbing off on his girlfriend's fam -- 'cause the Kansas City Chiefs superstar is loving Taylor Swift's dad's latest wardrobe choice!!

TK was giving his take on the Swift clan supporting him against the New England Patriots at Gillette Stadium during Wednesday's episode of his "New Heights" podcast with his brother, Jason ... when the conversation turned to 71-year-old Scott's fashion statement at the game.

"Mr. Swift!" Kelce said when a shot of Taylor and her pops standing in a suite showed up on the screen ... "Full Chiefs gear."

"It's kinda looking really nice on him, man," he added. "It's a swaggy vintage joint. He's rocking it, man."

Kelce also pointed out how everyone in attendance seemed to really enjoy themselves -- even the Pats fans, who erupted in cheers when Taylor showed up on the scoreboard ... despite her rooting for the other team.

"You don’t see an entire home team fanbase go insane for someone wearing the opposite colors," TK added ... explaining it's a prime example of "how amazing that girl is."

"They went absolutely insane when they showed Taylor on the screen."

Kelce -- who's usually calm, cool and collected -- even revealed he had to make sure he didn't get overwhelmed when he noticed the crowd reaction.

"It was fun, man," he said. "Taylor's on record saying that stadium's one of the funnest that she's played at. So for them to show her is just kinda showing her some love, so shout-out to the Patriots for doing that."

Brittany Mahomes Seeing 'More Rude Ass People' On IG ... Amid Taylor Swift Friendship

Brittany Mahomes says she's seeing a surge in trolls on her Instagram amid her budding friendship with Taylor Swift ... revealing Tuesday there's "A LOT more rude ass people" bothering her on the app these days.

The 28-year-old mother of two has unfortunately grown used to critics on her social media pages as the wife of Patrick Mahomes ... but she took to her IG stories this week to announce it's all gotten much worse -- all while she's becoming good pals with Travis Kelce's new flame.

"Recently there has been ALOT more rude ass people on here," she wrote, "waaaay more then normal."

"I'm not sure where yall came from," she continued, "but you should probably go back to where you came from .... please."

Brittany never specifically mentioned her relationship with Swift in her statement ... though it certainly seems it's all connected -- as the gals have been pretty much inseparable since September, when the pop star and Kelce went public with their relationship.

Of course, Brittany is sadly more than used to the online hate ... as the most outspoken fan of Patrick, she's been a lightning rod for criticism.

In fact, at one point last year, she even had to call out a commenter for their inappropriate response to a pic of her and her family.

For his part, Patrick has been to known come to her defense ... saying of her haters  following an incident in 2022, "Man people are weird."

"Love you babe."

Brittany Mahomes ve a "más gente maleducada" en IG en medio de su amistad con Taylor Swift

Brittany Mahomes dice que está viendo un aumento de trols en su Instagram en medio de su incipiente amistad con Taylor Swift. El martes reveló que hay "MUCHA más gente grosera" molestándola en la aplicación en estos días.

La madre de dos hijos de 28 años de edad, está acostumbrada a cierta hostilidad en sus redes sociales debido a que está casada con Patrick Mahomes, pero apareció en unas historias IG esta semana para anunciar que todo se ha vuelto mucho peor. Todo esto transcurre mientras se ha convirtiendo en una buena amiga de la nueva pareja de Travis Kelce.

"Recientemente ha habido MUCHA más gente grosera por aquí", escribió, "muuuuuucha más de lo normal".

"No estoy segura de dónde vinieron", continuó, "pero deberían volver de donde salieron, por favor".

Brittany nunca mencionó específicamente su relación con Swift en su declaración, aunque ciertamente parece que todo está conectado. Las chicas han sido casi inseparables desde septiembre, cuando la estrella del pop y Kelce hicieron pública su relación.

Por supuesto, Brittany está tristemente más que acostumbrada al odio en línea, esto debido a que es la fan más abierta de Patrick.

De hecho, el año pasado tuvo que llamar a un comentarista por sus comentarios inapropiados de una foto de ella y su familia.

Por su parte, Patrick ha sido conocido por salir en su defensa, diciendo de sus haters a raíz de un incidente en 2022: "Hombre la gente es rara".

"Te amo nena".

Logan Paul Levels KSI ... Backyard Routes W/ Patrick Mahomes


Logan Paul and KSI are rivals-turned-business partners, but they got back to beating each other up during a backyard football game with Patrick Mahomes this week ... when the WWE Superstar went all Ray Lewis on his buddy's ass!!

The two Prime entrepreneurs suited up in pads and helmets to run some routes with the Kansas City Chiefs superstar ... and when the two-time Super Bowl champ told J.J. to run a "Corndog left," Logan was there waiting to make the punishing tackle.

Logan's hit was so fierce, it made both their helmets come off ... and he was super hyped about drilling KSI into the ground.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In fact, Mahomes' pass was off target ... but if his route running is any indication of his ability on the football field, it probably wouldn't have made a difference if the pass hit him in the hands!

Of course, the trio were together as part of their new Prime partnership ... with Mahomes joining the company as its newest sponsored athlete.

Ice up, KSI ... and maybe keep the American football to the guys who get paid to get hit on Sundays.

Logan Paul, KSI Sign Patrick Mahomes To Prime ... 'Honor To Join' Brand

If Red Bull gives you wings, Logan Paul and KSI have rockets strapped to their backs ... Prime Hydration is exploding, and now the company has struck an endorsement deal with one of the biggest athletes in the world, Patrick Mahomes!

28-year-old Mahomes inked a deal with the YouTubers-turned-drink moguls ... as the two-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback becomes the face of Prime Hydration, joining other athletes like Israel Adesanya, Alex Volkanovski and "Bud" Crawford.

"PRIME is a disruptive brand that has taken over the beverage industry since it first launched. They are gamechangers, and that's exactly what I strive to be on the field. Our partnership is a winning play, merging innovation and excellence, setting a new standard both on and off the field," Mahomes said.

"It's an honor to join the PRIME family alongside some of the greatest athletes, leagues and teams in the world."

The deal is different than your run-of-the-mill sponsorship agreement ... we're told Logan, KSI, Patrick, and Prime have plans to collaborate on a bunch of different charitable efforts.

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In fact, Prime has already donated $100k in support of Patrick's 15 and the Mahomies Foundation.

KSI and Paul are clearly thrilled they've landed a guy like Mahomes, who fits right in with the brand.

"At PRIME, we believe in teaming up with greatness, and Patrick Mahomes isn't just one of the best quarterbacks of all time; he's rewriting the record book and bringing a whole new level of excitement to the game," Logan and KSI said.

"Aligning with someone who's pushing boundaries and breaking records is what PRIME is all about, so this is a dream come true for us. It's a privilege to welcome Patrick Mahomes to the PRIME family and we can’t wait for you to see what we have planned for 2024!"

Taylor Swift Drops Into Foxborough ... To Watch Travis Take On the Pats!!!

Taylor Swift is in Tom Brady country this weekend — once again dropping in to catch Travis Kelce run and catch … hoping for better luck this time around.

The pop star was up and at ‘em early Sunday to catch the Chiefs’ game against the New England Patriots in Foxborough … where she swung by Gillette Stadium for all the action, proving to be a loyal NFL fan after attending games the last few weeks.

Of course, she’s obviously there for her boyfriend — but the fact TayTay keeps on coming out (even on the road) is impressive.

Anyway, there’ve been sightings of her all morning … she arrived in a pack of SUVs and was whisked away inside through a private entrance. Looks like she had on some Chiefs gear for this latest outing.

She’ll be in her private suite like she usually is, and cameras will pan to her like always. And yes, we’ll eventually get pics of her cheering on Travis and co. — so stay tuned.

This might actually be the first time T-Swift is seeing Travis since her birthday festivities late last week in NYC — which he missed cause of work. Ya gotta figure they wanna make up for lost time … and also, ya gotta wonder if her good luck charm vibes have run out.

The Chiefs suffered a brutal blow last week against the Bills — but lucky for them, they’re playing the sad sap Pats today … who are fledgling in these final weeks under Bill Belichick. Should be an easy W.

Then again ... you never really know how these things will go, especially if refs screw it up.

Anyhoo, it's almost game time -- and Taylor's all ready to wave the pom-poms.

Go team go!!!

Taylor Swift aparece en el partido de los Chiefs contra los Patriots

Taylor Swift está en el país de Tom Brady este fin de semana. Una vez más asistió a ver a Travis Kelce correr y atrapar con la esperanza de que tenga mejor suerte en esta vez.

La estrella del pop se levantó temprano el domingo para ver el partido de los Chiefs contra los New England Patriots en Foxborough, donde se pasó por el Gillette Stadium para ver toda la acción, demostrando ser una fiel seguidora de la NFL después de asistir a los partidos de las últimas semanas.

Por supuesto, ella estaba allí por su novio, pero el hecho de que TayTay sigue asistiendo (incluso mientras está de gira) es impresionante.

De todos modos, ha habido avistamientos de ella durante toda la mañana. Llegó y fue llevada al interior a través de una entrada privada. Parece que llevaba cosas de los Chiefs.

Estará en su suite privada como siempre y las cámaras la enfocarán como siempre. Y sí, al final tendremos fotos de ella animando a Travis y compañía, así que estén atentos.

Esta podría ser la primera vez que Swift vea a Travis desde su cumpleaños a finales de la semana pasada en Nueva York, que se perdió debido al trabajo. Tienes que imaginar que quieren recuperar el tiempo perdido, y también tienes que preguntarte si la magia de sus amuletos de la buena suerte se han agotado.

Los Chiefs sufrieron un golpe brutal la semana pasada contra los Bills, pero por suerte para ellos, juegan contra los Pats hoy, que son novatos. Debería ser una victoria fácil.

Por otra parte, nunca se sabe realmente cómo estas cosas van a ir, sobre todo si los árbitros lo arruinan.

De todos modos, es casi la hora del partido y Taylor está lista para agitar los pompones.

¡Vamos equipo vamos!

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