Taylor Swift Back in Kansas City ... To Watch Travis Take on Bills!!!


2:28 PM PT -- Tony Romo just mistakenly identified Taylor Swift as Travis Kelce's wife during the broacast.

Definitely seemed to be a slip of the tongue, because he corrected himself very quickly afterward to say she was just his girlfriend. Of course, his screw-up has sent the Swifites into a frenzy, as they think he might've revealed something that's being kept secret.

Namely, that they're actually hitched. As far as we know, there's no truth to that ... yet.

Another Sunday, another Taylor Swift sighting at the Kansas City Chiefs game -- this time, she's back in Missouri to watch Travis Kelce take on Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills.

Indeed, T-Swift is in the building at Arrowhead Sunday ... and just like all the other times before, she'll have a front-row seat to all the action as TK and co. take on the New York team. Her presence there was pretty casual ... looks like she strolled right in.

Check out this video of Taylor walking right past the Bills as they were about to exit the tunnel. Doesn't seem they even noticed her as they were hyping each other up.

She didn't seem to mind that nobody stopped to acknowledge her ... she simply cruised right on through and went on about her business -- on her way to the luxury suite, no doubt.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The photos of her there at the stadium are already pouring in, and it looks like she's in selfie mode ... taking pics with friends and fans alike. As far who she's sitting with -- the early photos popping up online seem to suggest she's right next to Travis's mom, Donna Kelce.

We'll see what sort of impact Taylor has on the game today ... remember, last time she attended (literally last week) it appeared to have the opposite effect that she normally has ... namely, spurring the Chiefs to a win.

Anyway, get used to seeing Taylor at these games for the foreseeable future ... she won't have to start touring again until February, when she has to fly to Tokyo for a string of shows.

In the meantime ... let's play some football!!!

Originally Published -- 1:47 PM PT

Chiefs WR Justyn Ross Receives 6-Game Ban ... After Alleged Altercation With Girlfriend

The NFL has just handed down a 6-game suspension for Kansas City Chiefs receiver Justyn Ross ... after he was arrested in October for an alleged altercation with his girlfriend.

Adam Schefter was first to report the news Friday ... revealing the NFL implemented the punishment on Ross for what it says were violations of the league's Personal Conduct Policy.

Because Ross -- who signed with the Chiefs as an undrafted free agent in May 2022 -- already missed five games following his placement on the Commissioner's Exempt List after the arrest ... he will now only have to miss this weekend's tilt against Buffalo before he can return to Kansas City game days.

Schefter reported as part of the league's punishment, however, he will have to pay back the game checks he received while on the exempt list.

As we previously reported, the 23-year-old was accused of getting into a physical altercation with his girlfriend in Johnson County, Kansas on October 23 ... after he allegedly found out she was cheating on him.

The woman told police, according to court documents, that Ross got in her face, pushed her, and started throwing things at her after he looked through her phone. The docs also say he damaged her Mercedes during the incident

Ross was formally hit with criminal charges over the allegations -- including one count of domestic battery -- although the case was ultimately dismissed on Nov. 22 after a judge granted his application for diversion.

The former Clemson Tigers star had recorded 3 catches for 34 yards prior to his arrest.


Travis Kelce is no stranger to breaking records on the field, and now he's doing so off as well ... with a game-used jersey auctioning off for a hefty price.

The jersey, worn by Travis in the Chiefs 2019 victory against the Los Angeles Chargers in Mexico City, and a game in which TK scored a TD just went for an eye-watering $37K on Goldin Auctions. The sale marks an all-time record for a Travis game-used item for the auction house.

Auction owner, Ken Goldin, tells us, "This is an all-time record for a Travis Kelce game-used item. He has always been popular but the success of the Chiefs, as well as the publicity he's gotten around his relationship with Taylor Swift, has added to his popularity and awareness among collectors."

Ken's clearly stating the obvious, though ... as the frenzy surrounding his romance with Taylor has been like nothing we've seen before. Not all NFL fans have been happy with Swift's presence at the games, stating she's been a distraction ... especially during broadcasts.

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However, as Taylor explained in her TIME Magazine profile after being named Person of the Year, she's merely there to "support Travis" ... and doesn't care about the attention from fans.

La camiseta usada de Travis Kelce se vende por 37.000 dólares en plena fiebre por Taylor Swift

Travis Kelce no es ajeno a romper récords en el campo y ahora lo está haciendo fuera, ya que una camiseta usada se subastó por un precio considerable.

La camiseta usada por Travis en 2019 durante la victoria contra los Chargers de Los Ángeles es el objeto en cuestión. La suma alcanzó los $37K en Goldin subastas. La venta marca un récord histórico para un Travis en el mundo de las subastas.

El propietario de la subasta, Ken Goldin, nos dice que está casi seguro de que la publicidad en torno a la relación de Kelce con Taylor Swift ha aumentado su popularidad entre los coleccionistas.

Ken está diciendo algo bastante obvio, sin embargo, el frenesí que rodea su romance con Taylor no ha sido como nada que hayamos visto antes. No todos los fans de la NFL han estado contentos con la presencia de Swift en los juegos, afirmando que ha sido una distracción, especialmente durante las transmisiones.

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Sin embargo, tal como Taylor explicó en su perfil de la revista TIME después de ser nombrada Persona del Año, ella simplemente está allí para "apoyar a Travis" y no le importa la atención de los fans.

Taylor Swift ajena a los focos en los partidos de la NFL sólo está ahí por Travis Kelce

Le preguntaron a Taylor Swift por los fans de la NFL que sienten que hay demasiada atención sobre ella durante los partidos, e insiste en que solo tiene un propósito para estar allí... y es animar a Travis Kelce.

La estrella del pop abordó el tema cada vez más problemático en el mundo de la NFL. Durante la entrevista concedida a TIME —luego de ser nombrada Persona del Año— su respuesta básicamente fue panteárselo a Roger Goodell.

Ella dice: "No sé cómo saben en qué suite estoy. Hay una cámara, como a media milla de distancia y no sabes dónde está y no tienes ni idea de cuando la cámara te está poniendo en la transmisión, así que no sé si me están mostrando 17 veces o una vez.

"Swift añadió que ella solo estaba allí para "apoyar a Travis" y continuó explicando: "No tengo conciencia de si me están mostrando demasiado y cabreando a unos cuantos papás".

animando a su chico

Es fascinante que esto haya salido a colación, porque, se ha convertido en un punto de conversación entre aquellos que sintonizan cada semana para ver a su equipo de fútbol americano favorito.

Mientras los Swifties y el público casual podrían estar contentos con todo este asunto, los puristas del deporte se han levantado en armas sobre toda la conversación sobre Taylor.

Basándonos en su respuesta, suena como si ella estuviera pasándole la responsabilidad a la liga y a cualquier canal encargado de transmitir cualquier partido, ya que son ellos quienes deciden si grabarlo y qué mostrar.

Por si a alguien le sirve de consuelo, Taylor también dijo que se había convertido en una gran aficionada y afirmó: "Resulta que el fútbol es increíble. Me lo he estado perdiendo toda la vida".

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New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Y hablando de Travis, ella arrojó más detalles sobre cómo llegaron a estar juntos y cómo fue que sucedió, revelando que se engancharon casi inmediatamente luego de que él hablara sobre ella en su podcast y contará que intentó salir con ella sin buenos resultados.

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Taylor dice que apreció su audacia y señaló que se habían estado viendo mucho antes de que ella se presentara a su primer juego en Kansas City. También caracterizó su dinámica de una manera muy elogiosa, diciendo: "Cuando dices que una relación es pública, eso significa que voy a verle hacer lo que le gusta, nos estamos mostrando el uno para el otro, otras personas están allí y no nos importa".

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Taylor terminó: "Necesitas una cantidad extrema de esfuerzo para asegurarse de que nadie sepa a quién estás viendo y solo estamos orgullosos el uno del otro".

¡Parece que las cosas van muy enserio!

Taylor Swift on NFL Backlash IDK When Cams Are On Me at Game ... I Only Attend for Travis!!!

Taylor Swift was asked about grouchy NFL fans who feel like there's way too much focus on her during games -- and insists she only has one purpose for being there ... cheering on Travis Kelce.

The pop star addressed the increasingly thorny issue -- a growing grievance for NFL diehards -- during her TIME Magazine profile after she was named Person of the Year, and her response basically amounts to ... take it up with Roger Goodell.

She says, "I don’t know how they know what suite I’m in. There’s a camera, like, a half-mile away, and you don’t know where it is, and you have no idea when the camera is putting you in the broadcast, so I don’t know if I’m being shown 17 times or once."

T-Swift added she was just there to "support Travis" ... and went on to explain, "I have no awareness of if I’m being shown too much and pissing off a few dads, Brads, and Chads."

It's fascinating this was brought up ... 'cause it has, in fact, become a point of conversation among those who tune in every week to watch their favorite football team.

While Swifties and casuals might be fascinated/intrigued to see as much as Taylor as possible during the broadcast ... the sport purists of the world have been up in arms over all the Taylor talk.

Based on her answer here, it sounds like she's passing the buck off to the league and whatever channel is airing any given game she might be attending -- as they're the ones who decide where to pan to with camera, and she can't help if they want the spotlight on her.


If it makes anyone feel any better, Taylor also said she'd become a huge fan of the gridiron action ... saying, "Football is awesome, it turns out. I’ve been missing out my whole life."

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New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

And speaking of Travis ... she shed more light on how they came together and when as well -- revealing they hooked almost immediately after he name-dropped her in his podcast way back in July, as he told the tale of shooting his shot and seemingly being rejected.

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Taylor says she appreciated his boldness, and noted they'd been seeing each other long before she showed up to his first game in Kansas City. She also characterized their dynamic in a really glowing way, saying ... "When you say a relationship is public, that means I’m going to see him do what he loves, we’re showing up for each other, other people are there and we don’t care."

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Taylor finished ... "The opposite of that is you have to go to an extreme amount of effort to make sure no one knows that you’re seeing someone. And we’re just proud of each other."

Yeah, these two might just be the real deal ... at long last.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift Crashes Lambeau Field To See Travis Take on GB Packers!!!

Taylor Swift is in Wisconsin to watch Travis Kelce, take on the Packers -- the first time in a while that she's been to one of his games ... and she may serve as a good luck charm.

The pop star touched down in Green Bay Sunday ahead of Sunday's big NFL matchup -- and it looks like she's dressed for the snowy weather out there ... rolling into Lambeau Field with a bright red trench coat and looking all bundled up alongside Brittany Mahomes.

We're in December now ... and the temps have certainly dropped from when she was hitting up TK's games earlier in the fall. Gotta rock the right gear this time of the year ... it's chilly.

Anyway, TayTay and co. had themselves a nice private box suite just like they usually do -- but it was way harder to see her this time around as the camera panned to her ahead of the broadcast ... y'know, on account of the heavy snowfall and all. Still, she was there!


In fact, Taylor's been hanging out with Travis this whole past week -- and there's even a photo of the two of them circulating online that appears to show them at a holiday party.

It just shows how serious they are ... as soon as she wrapped her gigs in Brazil a week or so ago -- she jetted on over to Kansas City and has been with her boyfriend ever since ... including right now, which feels like old times yet again.

We haven't seen Taylor attend one of Travis' games in a minute -- but that's just because her schedule got really busy. It seems like whenever she can, she'll be there front and center.

It's funny ... some people have noticed that Travis actually tends to play better, objectively, whenever Taylor's in the building -- so people will definitely be looking to see his stats today.

In any case, Tayvis is going strong ... and the NFL, we're sure, is glad to have her back.

Taylor Swift Publicist Slams Marriage To Joe Alwyn Rumors ... It's All "Fabricated Lies"!!!

Taylor Swift's publicist came out swinging against a celebrity gossip site, blasting rumors the pop superstar had secretly married her ex Joe Alwyn years ago.

Tree Paine, Taylor's longtime rep, posted a message on X Thursday night, slamming the shadowy Deuxmoi Instagram page, which often publishes unconfirmed reports about Hollywood's elite.

Paine wrote, "Enough is enough with these fabricated lies about Taylor from Deuxmoi. There was NEVER a marriage or ceremony of ANY kind."

She continued, "This is an insane thing to post. It’s time for you to be held accountable for the pain and trauma you cause with posts like these."

In a lengthy IG post, Deuxmoi claimed Taylor and Joe tied the knot in the UK in 2020 or 2021, but the marriage "was never made legal," citing multiple anonymous sources.

Deuxmoi rambled on, trying to convince readers the story was true while insisting, "I have no reason to lie."

As you know, Taylor called it quits with Joe in April after six years of dating. During their relationship, Joe was repeatedly asked if he was engaged to Taylor -- and the actor always sidestepped the question.

He once told WSJ magazine, "If I had a pound for every time I think I've been told I've been engaged, then I'd have a lot of pound coins."

Getting engaged could be on the horizon for Taylor. As anyone with a pulse knows, Taylor has been romantically linked to Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce -- and the two seem to be in love.

Will Travis put a ring on Taylor's finger? Stay tuned.

Taylor Swift Publicista desmiente rumores de matrimonio con Joe Alwyn... Son todas mentiras fabricadas!!!

El publicista de Taylor Swift salió al paso de un sitio de chismes de celebridades, desmintiendo los rumores de que la superestrella del pop se habría casado en secreto con su ex Joe Alwyn hace años.

Tree Paine, representante de Taylor por largo tiempo, publicó un mensaje en X el jueves por la noche, en donde critica a la enigmática página de Instagram Deuxmoi, que a menudo publica artículos no confirmados sobre la élite de Hollywood.

Paine escribió: "Ya es suficiente con estas mentiras inventadas sobre Taylor de Deuxmoi. NUNCA hubo un matrimonio o ceremonia de NINGÚN tipo".

Ella continuó: "Es una locura publicar esto. Es hora de que sean responsable por el dolor y el trauma que causan con posts como estos".

En un largo post de Instagram, Deuxmoi afirmó que Taylor y Joe ataron el nudo en el Reino Unido en 2020 o 2021, aunque el matrimonio "nunca se hizo legal". Citan múltiples fuentes anónimas en su reporte.

Deuxmoi divagó, tratando de convencer a los lectores de que la historia era cierta mientras insistía: "No tengo ninguna razón para mentir".

Como saben, Taylor puso fin a su relación con Joe en abril después de seis años de noviazgo. Durante su relación, Joe fue consultado en repetidas ocasiones si estaba comprometido con Taylor y el actor siempre eludió la pregunta.

Una vez dijo a la revista WSJ: "Si tuviera una libra por cada vez que creo que me han dicho que he estado comprometido, entonces tendría un montón de monedas".

Comprometerse podría estar en el horizonte de Taylor. Como cualquier persona a estas alturas sabe, Taylor ha sido vinculada románticamente con el jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce, y los dos parecen estar enamorados.

¿Pondrá Travis un anillo en el dedo de Taylor? Estén atentos.

Guess Who This Stylish Boy Turned Into!

Before this stylish and swift boy was running down the field, he was just an athletic kid from Westlake, Ohio ... playing basketball, football and baseball and gearing up to play college ball for the Cincinnati Bearcats.

This handsome fella must have good "Karma" because he's got a couple Super Bowl rings! And, he may be rocking his jersey on the field, but he's got even more swag and style off! Whether he's starring in a beer commercial or working with his older bro, he's always taking his career to "New Heights!"

Can you guess who he is?


Antes de que este elegante y veloz chico corriera por el campo, no era más que un chico atlético de Westlake —Ohio— que jugaba al baloncesto, al fútbol americano y al béisbol y se preparaba para jugar en la universidad con los Cincinnati Bearcats.

Este guapo chico debe tener buen "Karma", ¡porque tiene unos cuantos anillos de la Super Bowl! Y puede que luzca su camiseta en el campo, ¡pero tiene aún más estilo fuera de él! Ya sea protagonizando un anuncio de cerveza o trabajando con su hermano mayor, ¡siempre está llevando su carrera a nuevas cotas!

¿Adivinas quién es?

TAYLOR SWIFT DITCHES KELCE FOR BEYONCÉ ... Icons Mix At 'Renaissance' Premiere in London

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Taylor Swift has officially returned the favor to Beyoncé ... showing face at Queen Bey's "Renaissance" movie premiere in London.

The pop star was all glamor, with a glittering strapless gown, wavy hair and red lipstick ... hitting the carpet before Beyoncé arrived.


Of course, when she showed up, Queen Bey had fans in a frenzy ... wearing a sparkling black dress -- she also had 11-year-old daughter Blue Ivy by her side.

Tay and B made the most of their night out in the British capital ... posing for professional red carpet snaps, Taylor also took selfies with die-hard fans.

The "Karma" singer was clearly thrilled to be at the event, proving that even though her relationship with BF Travis Kelce was gaining momentum ... she was willing to ditch him in Kansas City to champion her pal on her big night.

It was only a few weeks ago when Beyoncé showed up to Taylor's "Eras" tour movie premiere in Los Angeles ... so there was a big suspicion Taylor would do the same.

You hit my premiere, and I'll be at yours.

Taylor Swift Deja a Kelce por Beyoncé... Icónica reunión en Londres

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Brillando en el estreno

Taylor Swift le ha devuelto oficialmente el favor a Beyoncé, apareciendo en persona para el estreno de la película de Queen Bey "Renaissance" en Londres.

La estrella del pop lució muy glamorosa, con un vestido brillante y sin tirantes, el pelo ondulado y lápiz labial rojo, paseando por la alfombra roja antes de que llegara Beyoncé.

Bey y Blue

Por supuesto, cuando apareció Queen Bey sus fans se volvieron locos. Ella lució un vestido negro brillante, así como su hija de 11 años, Blue Ivy, quien estuvo a su lado.

Tay y B aprovecharon al máximo su noche en la capital británica posando para las fotos profesionales de la alfombra roja. Taylor también se tomó selfies con sus fans más acérrimos.

La cantante de "Karma" estaba claramente encantada de estar en el evento, demostrando que a pesar de que su relación con Travis Kelce estaba ganando impulso, ella estaba dispuesta a dejarlo en Kansas City para apoyar a su amiga en su gran noche.

Fue hace solo unas semanas cuando Beyoncé apareció en el estreno de la película "Eras" en Los Ángeles, así que había una gran sospecha de que Taylor haría lo mismo.

Si vas a mi estreno, yo voy al tuyo.

Taylor Swift See Ya Travis!!! Off to London For Beyoncé Film Premiere

Taylor Swift said her goodbyes to boyfriend Travis Kelce in Kansas City Wednesday and flew over to London for the premiere of Beyoncé's new concert flick.

TS boarded a private jet at Kansas City Airport last night after spending some quality time with Travis and her new BFF Brittany Mahomes.

The pop star took off from the tarmac, traveling across the pond to Great Britain for tonight's screening of "Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé."

Taylor's returning the favor to Beyoncé for showing up to her "Eras" tour film premiere in L.A. last month.

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Taylor is expected to touch down at London's Stansted Airport Thursday morning ... just hours before the star-studded event.

Meanwhile, Taylor's relationship with Travis is still flying high. The Grammy-winning singer and the Chiefs tight end spent a few days together at Travis' lavish KC home after Taylor wrapped up her concerts in Brazil.

They only went out to drive over to visit Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, at their house nearby. As you know, Brittany and Taylor have become very close, cheering on the Chiefs from their VIP suite.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift ¡¡¡Nos vemos Travis!!! A Londres para el estreno de la película de Beyoncé

Taylor Swift se despidió de su novio Travis Kelce en Kansas City el miércoles y voló hasta Londres para el estreno de la nueva película de Beyoncé.

Taylor abordó un jet privado en el aeropuerto de Kansas City en la noche, después de pasar algún tiempo de calidad con Travis y su nueva mejor amiga, Brittany Mahomes.

La estrella del pop despegó de la pista hasta Gran Bretaña para estar presente en la proyección de "Renaissance: Una película de Beyoncé", esta noche.

Taylor está devolviéndole el favor a Beyoncé por estar presente en el estreno de su propio filme sobre su gira "Eras" en Los Ángeles el mes pasado.

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Dúo icónico

Se espera que Taylor aterrice en el aeropuerto Stansted de Londres el jueves por la mañana, apenas unas horas antes del evento lleno de celebridades.

Mientras tanto, la relación de Taylor con Travis sigue volando alto. La ganadora del Grammy y el jugador de los Chiefs pasaron unos días juntos en la lujosa casa de Travis en Kansas City, después de que Taylor terminara sus conciertos en Brasil.

Solo salieron para conducir a visitar al quarterback de los Chiefs, Patrick Mahomes y a su esposa, Brittany, en su casa. Como saben, Brittany y Taylor se han hecho muy amigas, animando a los Chiefs desde su palco privado.


enojo por el outfit

La madre de un fan de los Kansas City Chiefs ha salido en su defensa, afirmando que todos los que dicen que su traje del partido fue ofensivo necesitan calmarse un poco.

Holden Armenta causó un gran revuelo en Internet el domingo cuando las cámaras de televisión en el partido de los Chiefs contra los Raiders en Las Vegas lo mostraron con un tocado con la cara pintada.

Algunos, incluyendo Deadspin, pensaron que el niño estaba haciendo black face (pintarse la cara en tono de burla), y la NFL se refirió al asunto, llamando a su atuendo de plumas inapropiado.

La madre de Armenta, sin embargo, dijo en su página de Facebook esta semana que simplemente no había necesidad para indignarse, explicando que la pintura de la cara del niño en realidad consistía en colores negro y rojo - con el fin de coincidir con los tonos de su equipo favorito.

En cuanto al tocado, dijo que Holden es nativo americano.

"La gente es ridícula", escribió Shannon Armenta en un post.

Ella también compartió algunas otras instantáneas de Holden del juego y dijo: "Todo el mundo pidió tomarse una foto con él".

"¡Hasta a los jugadores les encantó!".

El padre de Holden añadió en su página de Facebook que su hijo es simplemente "El mayor Fan" de los Chiefs.

La franquicia de la NFL de Kansas City no ha abordado el asunto, aunque Elon Musk se refirió a la situación en X, jactándose de que los comentarios de la comunidad de su plataforma habían expuesto la reacción inicial al disfraz del niño como "una decepción".

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