Taylor Swift Kisses Travis Kelce After Chiefs Win

Taylor Swift planted one on Travis Kelce this weekend -- the first time we've seen her pucker up to her boyfriend in public ... though it's still very PG-13.

The singer was photographed after the game Sunday next to her man, posing with Chiefs wide receiver Mecole Hardman Jr. and his girlfriend, Chariah Gordon. In one of the shots, you can see TayTay kissing Travis on the cheek, with her hand on his chest.

Like we said, this marks the debut of any kind of affection at this level -- thus far, we've only seen them hold hands in public ... so, it would seem their PDA is growing by the day.

TBH, this is a side of Taylor we haven't really seen until now. Before getting with Travis, she's tended to be quite private and away from the spotlight as it relates to her significant others ... particularly while she was dating Joe Alwyn. They were practically in the shadows.

Now, however, Taylor seems to be embracing the public nature of this relationship ... and she's loving it. Not only have we seen her express herself at games full throttle, but even when it comes to stuff like this -- it doesn't seem like she and Trav are all that shy.

As for TK ... he, too, seems ready for all the scrutiny -- something that undoubtedly comes with the territory of what he does professionally. If anything, this attention is nothing new.

Gotta say, the more we see of these two ... the more it feels like they could have real legs as a couple. Their lives are certainly blending at a fast rate -- and the people are all about it.

Let's give 'em a big ol' AWWWWW. 😚


Taylor Swift le dio un beso a Travis Kelce este fin de semana y es la primera vez que la vemos hacer algo así en público.

La cantante fue fotografiada después del partido del domingo junto a su hombre, posando con el receptor de los Chiefs Mecole Hardman Jr. y su novia, Chariah Gordon. En una de las fotos, se puede ver a TayTay besando a Travis en la mejilla y con su mano en el pecho.

Como dijimos, esto marca el debut de cualquier tipo de afecto a este nivel —hasta ahora—, ya que solo los habíamos visto tomados de la mano en público. Así que podemos decir que el amor está creciendo.

Este es un lado de Taylor que realmente no habíamos visto hasta ahora. Antes de salir con Travis, ella tendía a ser bastante privada y alejada de los focos en lo que se refiere a sus parejas, sobre todo mientras salía con Joe Alwyn. Estaban prácticamente en las sombras.

Ahora, sin embargo, Taylor parece estar abrazando la naturaleza pública de esta relación. No solo la hemos visto expresarse en los juegos, además tiene apariciones como esta en la que se le puede ver muy cómoda con toda la situación.

En cuanto a Travis... él también parece estar listo para estar en el ojo públuco, por su trabajo y prontuario sabemos que podrá manejarlo.

Hay que decir que cuanto más vemos de estos dos ... más se siente como que podrían tener piernas reales como pareja. Sus vidas se están mezclando a un ritmo rápido - y la gente está de acuerdo.

Démosles un gran AWWWWW. 😚

Taylor Swift & Brittany Mahomes Special Handshake Gets Mixed Reviews ... Social Media Gives Thumbs Up and Down

Taylor Swift's special handshake with new BFF Brittany Mahomes went viral during Sunday's Kansas City Chiefs game ... but social media users were split on how they felt about it.

The pop star showed up in her now usual suite to cheer on her boyfriend and Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce as his team destroyed the Los Angeles Chargers 31-17 at Arrowhead Stadium in K.C.

Of course, Brittany was right there beside Taylor to support her hubby, Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes.

After Travis and Patrick joined forces to score a second quarter TD, Taylor and Brittany went totally nuts, putting their celebratory handshake on display for the world to see.

Secret Handshake ...

Video of the handshake made the rounds on social media -- prompting mixed reactions from the masses.

Some X users thought it was embarrassing, writing, "This is cringe af" or "This is more cringe for me."

Other people accused Taylor and Brittany of practicing the handshake before the game just to garner publicity.

One of them posted, "now this is publicity stunt who practices a handshake she literally just started going to games and chillin with the chiefs lol this wack."

Another X user bluntly stated, "Worst thing ever to happen to the NFL."

On the other hand, many people were loving the handshake and the close friendship that has sprouted between Taylor and Brittany.

Here's a sampling of the positive reactions from X users: "She's (Taylor's) I can't." "I'm so happy Taylor is gaining new friends." "Bestie already has handshake figured out with her new bestie." "Ok, they're besties." "It's peak girlhood I love it so much."

We'll just have to wait and see what the BFFs come up with next week.

Stay tuned.


El apretón de manos especial de Taylor Swift con su nueva mejor amiga Brittany Mahomes se hizo viral durante el partido del domingo de los Kansas City Chiefs. La gente en redes sociales estuvo dividida al respecto.

La estrella del pop se presentó en su ahora habitual suite para animar a su novio, Travis Kelce, cuyo equipo destruyó a Los Angeles Chargers 31-17 en el Estadio Arrowhead en KC.

Por supuesto, Brittany estaba allí al lado de Taylor para apoyar a su marido, el quarterback de los Chiefs Patrick Mahomes.

Después de que Travis y Patrick unieran fuerzas para anotar en el segundo cuarto, Taylor y Brittany se volvieron totalmente locas, poniendo su apretón de manos de celebración a la vista de todo el mundo.

¿Qué opinas del saludo de amigas?

El video del apretón de manos hizo circuló en redes sociales, provocando reacciones mixtas de las masas.

Algunos usuarios de X pensaron que era vergonzoso, escribiendo: "Esto es más cringe que la mier..." o "Esto sí es cringe".

Otras personas acusaron a Taylor y Brittany de practicar el apretón de manos antes del partido solo para ganar publicidad.

Uno de ellos publicó: "Este apretón de manos es un truco publicitario, ella literalmente acaba de empezar a ir a los juegos y ya se da atribuciones de fan apasionada".

Otro usuario de X afirmó sin rodeos: "Lo peor que le ha pasado a la NFL".

Por otro lado, a mucha gente le encantó el apretón de manos y la estrecha amistad que ha surgido entre Taylor y Brittany.

He aquí una muestra de las reacciones positivas de los usuarios de X: "Ella (Taylor) no puedo". "Estoy tan feliz de que Taylor tenga nuevos amigos". "TayTay ya tiene nuevo apretón de manos con su nueva bestie". "Ok, son mejores amigas." "Son como dos niñas, me encanta".

Tendremos que esperar hasta la próxima semana para ver a las nuevas amigas.

Manténgase en sintonía.

TAYLOR SWIFT y TRAVIS KELCE de la mano a la salida del estadio Arrowhead

¡Tan pronto como las manos de Travis Kelce terminaron de atrapar balones en el campo el domingo, fueron directamente a cuidar de las manos de Taylor Swift!

Échale un vistazo a esta foto de los tortolitos saliendo del estadio Arrowhead después de la gran victoria de los Chiefs sobre los Chargers, las manos de la pareja no podrían haber estado más entrelazadas mientras se dirigían a su casa después del partido.

No es la primera vez que han mostrado afecto en público, el fin de semana pasado fueron vistos de la mano mientras cenaban en Nueva York.

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La muestra de amor del domingo es otra señal de que esto va en serio. Ella ya ha estado en cuatro de sus partidos, y en este, además de estar de la mano después del juego, fue vista mezclándose más que nunca con la familia de Patrick Mahomes, el mejor amigo de Kelce.

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mejores amigas
Courtesy of NFL

Swift también fue vista luciendo en su muñeca una pulsera de la amistad con el número 87 de Kelce y dos corazones, una clara señal de que le gusta mucho el tight end estrella de Kansas City.

Esto significa que Kelce es casi seguro que va a devolver el favor cuando Swift va en la parte internacional de su "Eras" gira muestra que están programados para comenzar el próximo mes y se extienden hasta el final hasta 2024.

¡Hasta entonces, Taylor se ve muy cómoda yendo al estadio de vez en cuando para ver jugar a Kelce, algo que pone muy contentos a los fans de los Chiefs!

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce Pack On PDA At Arrowhead ... Postgame Hand Holding!!!

As soon as Travis Kelce's hands got done catching footballs on the field Sunday, they apparently went straight to taking care of Taylor Swift's hands off of it!!!

Check out this photo of the two lovebirds leaving Arrowhead Stadium following the Chiefs' big win over the Chargers ... the couple's hands couldn't have been more intertwined as they headed toward their postgame ride home.

It, of course, is not the first time the two have shown some PDA -- just last weekend, they were seen hand in hand while leaving dinner dates in New York City.

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But, Sunday's display of love is yet another sign that the two are getting serious. She's now been to four of his games -- and at this one, she not only was super comfortable getting handsy with him after the contest, she was also seen mingling more than ever with the family of Patrick Mahomes, Kelce's best bud.

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Courtesy of NFL

Swift was also spotted wearing a friendship bracelet on her wrist that featured Kelce's No. 87 and two hearts -- a clear sign she's really into the Kansas City star tight end.

You'd have to imagine this means Kelce will almost certainly be returning the favor when Swift goes on the international portion of her "Eras" tour shows ... which are set to begin next month and run all the way through 2024.

But, until then, she seems comfortable heading to K.C. every now and then to watch Kelce play -- something Chiefs fans will sure be happy about, considering they're now 4-0 with her in attendance!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.



2:36 PM PT -- CBS finalmente hizo un cameo de Taylor en el juego, solo fue cuestión de tiempo.

animando a su hombre

Hubo fotos de ella animando a los Chiefs, por no hablar de su nueva relación con Brittany Mahomes, con quien parece ser buena amiga ahora. Fíjate en el apretón de manos que se dan luego de una gran jugada en el campo.

Como un par de amigas en el colegio, ¿Qué les parece?

Taylor Swift podría ser el amuleto de la buena suerte de Travis Kelce, especialmente cuando su equipo está jugando en casa ¡O sea hoy!

La cantante está en el estadio Arrowhead en este momento mientras los Chiefs juegan contra los Chargers. Taylor está en una suite privada alentando a su hombre. Ella no ha aparecido en las transmisiones de CBS todavía, pero imágenes de ella en el edificio ya han aparecido.

Un clip publicado por la NFL la muestra bailando con la esposa de Patrick Mahomes, Brittany, y su bebé y parece que el hermano pequeño de Pat, Jackson, está justo detrás de ellos.

Taylor está con los Chiefs como de costumbre, esto marca la tercera vez que viene a Kansas a ver a Travis.

Ir a los juegos de Travis se ha convertido en una especie de tradición para Taylor y es solo una muestra de que su relación con el Chiefs tight end va cada vez más en serio. Ella ya ha ido a un total de cuatro de sus partidos esta temporada (este incluido) y todo apunta a que seguirá así.

Recordemos que todo comenzó con Taylor apareciendo a finales de septiembre, siendo esta su aparición inicial, donde estuvo al lado de la madre de Travis, Donna. Desde entonces ha aparecido en Nueva Jersey para el partido de los Chiefs contra los Jets, trayendo consigo algunos amigos famosos.

Taylor se saltó el siguiente partido en Minnesota, pero se aseguró de venir en persona para el partido de la semana pasada contra los Broncos, donde ella apareció en Kansas City una vez más.

A juzgar por su nueva aparición, se podría decir que se está convirtiendo en algo habitual y suponiendo que la relación va a durar mucho más tiempo, los locales estarán felices de verla cada vez más.

Hasta ahora, no parece que los locutores hayan hecho mucha mención de Taylor hoy, lo que podría ser un reflejo de lo que algunos fans de la NFL piensan al respecto.

Sin embargo todavía queda tiempo de partido, veamos si hacen alguna mención a TayTay.

Taylor Swift Shows Up for Travis' Game Again 3rd Time's a Charm in KC!!!


2:36 PM PT -- CBS did, indeed, pan to Taylor during the game ... it just took a little while.


There were shots of her cheering on the Chiefs, not to mention her losing her s*** next to Brittany Mahomes -- with whom she seems to be good pals now. Check out the little celebratory handshake they get into after a big play on the field.

Like a couple school girl BFFs, really. How 'bout that?!?

Taylor Swift might just be Travis Kelce's good luck charm -- especially when his team's playing at home, which they are today ... and which TayTay is on hand for yet again.

The singer is in Arrowhead Stadium right now as the Chiefs play the Chargers, and like she has been these past few weeks ... Taylor's up in a private suite rooting for her man. She hasn't been explicitly shouted out in the CBS broadcast just yet -- but footage of her in the building is already surfacing.

One clip posted by the NFL shows her dancing around with Patrick Mahomes' wife, Brittany, and their baby ... and it looks like Pat's little brother, Jackson, is right behind them there.

Taylor's in Chiefs gear, per usual ... this marks her 3rd time coming to KC to see TK.

Going to Travis's games has become a bit of a tradition for Taylor now ... which just further confirms how serious she and the Chiefs tight end are becoming. She's already gone to a total of 4 of his games this season (this one included) and all signs point to her continuing.

Remember, it all started with TS swinging by back in late September -- which marked her initial appearance ... where she cozied up next to Travis' mom, Donna. Since then she's shown up in NJ for the Chiefs game against the Jets ... bringing along celeb pals.

Taylor skipped the following game in Minnesota -- but made sure to come out in person for last week's matchup against the Broncos ... where she was in Kansas City once more.

Seeing how she's out there again right now ... you could argue she's becoming a bit of a regular. And assuming the relationship goes on for much longer, locals can probably get used to seeing her more and more.

So far, it doesn't appear the announcers have made much mention of Taylor being in attendance today ... which could be reflective of some NFL fans groaning over that lately.

There's still a lot more football to go, though ... so we'll see if they name-drop her.

Originally Published -- 1:56 PM PT

TAYLOR SWIFT Noche de sushi con Selena y Zoë ... Lo siento Travis!!!

Taylor Swift y su escuadrón de chicas estuvieron de paseo en la ciudad de Los Ángeles, cogiendo sushi con sus compañeras de la lista A, Selena Gómez y Zoë Kravitz.

Las chicas fueron al muy recomendable Sushi Park en West Hollywood el jueves por la noche, y al parecer, todas lo pasaron muy bien, ya que fueron vistas riéndose y sonriendo a la salida del lugar.

Como saben, Selena y Taylor son amigas desde 2008, cuando Taylor estuvo saliendo con Joe Jonas y Selena con Nick Jonas, así que ya han pasado por todo juntas.

Zoë también ha trabajado con Taylor en el pasado, como una de las compositoras acreditadas en la canción de Tay, "Lavender Haze", parte del álbum "Midnights", de 2022.

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Nunca pasan de moda

Por cierto, pareciera que Taylor dejó pasar la oportunidad de estar con Travis Kelce para pasar en su lugar un tiempo con las chicas, pero él tiene un partido en Kansas City este fin de semana, así que es muy probable que esté encerrado en la práctica los próximos días.

No está claro si Taylor va a volver a Missouri para el juego de este fin de semana, pero si lo hace, pueden estar seguros de que tanto los fans de Taylor como los encargados de la NFL van a estar encantados de tenerla. Ella definitivamente ha traído a la audiencia.

También nos enteramos de que la estrella de los Chiefs compró una nueva mansión en Kansas City por poco menos de $6 millones, con la idea de tener un poco más de privacidad al mismo tiempo que su relación se pone más seria.

No hace falta decir que Travis debe haber sido un tema importante en la cena con las chicas.

Taylor Swift Sushi Date With Selena & Zoë ... Sorry Travis!!!

Taylor Swift and her girl squad were out in force in the City of Angels ... grabbing sushi with her fellow A-list ladies, Selena Gomez and Zoë Kravitz.

The ladies took to the highly recommended Sushi Park in West Hollywood Thursday night, and apparently, a good time was had by all -- as they were seen laughing and smiling as they left the joint.

As you know, Selena and Taylor have been pals since 2008, when Taylor was dating Joe Jonas and Selena was with Nick Jonas -- so ya, they've been through it together.

Zoë has also worked with Taylor in the past, as one of the songwriters credited on Tay's song, "Lavender Haze" ... part of her 2022 album, "Midnights."

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BTW, it looks like Taylor passed up a night with her boo, Travis Kelce, for some time with the girls instead -- but he's got a game coming up in Kansas City this weekend, so there's a good chance he'll be locked in at practice for the next few days.

It's unclear if Taylor will make it back to Missouri for the game this weekend, but if she does, you can be sure both Taylor fans and NFL honchos alike will be happy to have her ... she's definitely brought some new eyes to the game.

We've also learned the Chiefs tight end bought a new pad in Kansas City for just under $6 million -- looking to get a lot more privacy as their relationship really heats up.

Goes without saying Travis must've been a hot topic at the girls' sushi dinner.

Jerry Jeudy I've Got 'No Hate Toward Steve Smith' ... Despite 'TNF' Tirade

Jerry Jeudy is now taking the high road in his beef with Steve Smith ... saying Thursday he has "no hate toward" the former All-Pro while adding that if he had acted differently, he thinks none of their drama would have ever gone public.

You'll recall, Smith unloaded on Jeudy prior to the Denver Broncos vs. Kansas City Chiefs "Thursday Night Football" game last week ... going off after he said the Denver star wouldn't accept his apology for some words he had previously said about the wideout on his podcast.

Smith, while live on-air for the NFL Network, called Jeudy "just a guy" ... adding that he believed Jeudy was "a tier three" player.

The harsh comments quickly went viral -- but when Jeudy was asked to go in-depth about them in front of his locker this week, he didn't throw any barbs back.

Instead, he explained that he didn't initially accept Smith's apology because he didn't realize one was coming.

"One thing I do agree on, I feel like I should have just listened to what he had to say," the 24-year-old former Alabama star said. "But at the same time, I'm going back to my roots, and once someone talks bad about you behind your back, you can't talk to -- don't expect to come to them in person and think everything's going to be OK at the end of the day."

"But, like I said, if I would've known he would've came and apologized and stuff like that, it would have been a whole different story or reaction and he wouldn't have said what he said."

It's been a rough year for Jeudy outside of the Smith drama -- he started the season injured ... and has tallied only 20 receptions since he's returned to the field.

Although with the hatchet now seemingly buried with Smith ... maybe a turnaround is on the way? Broncos fans can only hope.


Travis Kelce vive su vida a lo grande y parte de la razón tiene que ver con Taylor Swift... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación nos dicen que el Chiefs tight end acaba de comprar una nueva casa en Kansas City con la venta de cierre el martes. Nos han dicho que la compró por poco menos de seis millones de dólares. Al parecer la compró porque es mucho más grande y más aislada que su antigua casa.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la propiedad se encuentra en una comunidad cerrada y es una mansión que cuenta con 6 dormitorios, 6 baños y más de 16.000 pies cuadrados de espacio habitable.

Además es muy lujosa, nos dicen que hay una piscina con una cascada adjunta, además, una cancha de tenis y pickleball, por no hablar de un mini campo de golf. Ahora, en cuanto al porqué de la mudanza, nuestras fuentes dicen que había un par de cosas que le molestaban, principalmente la necesidad de más privacidad.

Nos dicen que en la antigua casa de Travis era demasiado accesible al público y estaba empezando a convertirse en una atracción turística y Travis estaba empezando a sentirse incómodo.

Estor resultó ser un problema el fin de semana pasado, cuando TayTay vino a visitar Trav en Kansas City - sólo para tener paparazzi parque fuera y husmear en 'em.

En pocas palabras, quería estar en un lugar más seguro y sí, nuestras fuentes dicen que salir con Taylor en este momento sin duda un factor en su decisión. Dicho esto, nos dicen que compró esta casa con su propio dinero en efectivo y que es solo suya.

Avanzando, de hecho.

Travis Kelce Buys New Mansion for Privacy While Dating Taylor Swift

Travis Kelce is leveling up his living situation big time -- and part of the reason has to do with Taylor Swift ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us the Chiefs tight end just bought a new home in Kansas City, with the sale closing Tuesday. We're told he snapped it up for just under $6 million ... and, yes, for that kinda dough in KC, he's getting a place that's way bigger and more secluded than his old house.

Our sources say this pad is in a gated community, and it's a straight-up mansion ... 6 bedrooms, 6 baths and over 16,000 square feet of living space!!!

It also screams luxury ... we're told there's a pool with a waterfall attached -- plus, a tennis and pickleball court, not to mention a mini golf course. Now, as far as why he upgraded ... our sources say there were a few things nagging him, including needing more privacy.

We're told at Travis's old house, it was simply far too accessible, and was starting to become a tourist attraction ... with people swinging by and staking out the place -- Travis was getting uncomfortable with the situation.

That actually proved to be an issue as recently as this past weekend ... when TayTay came to visit Trav in Kansas City, only to have paparazzi park outside waiting for any shots of the couple.

Bottom line, he wanted to be in a more secure spot -- and yes, our sources say him dating Taylor right now certainly factored into his decision.

And, we know what some Swifties might be thinking, but, no ... we're told he bought it with his own cash, and it's his alone.

Moving on up, indeed.

Patrick Mahomes I Want To Own An NFL Team!!!


Patrick Mahomes ain't satisfied with a baseball, soccer, pickleball and F1 team -- the Kansas City Chiefs superstar just revealed he wants a stake in an NFL organization when he retires.

The two-time Super Bowl champ made his intentions known in a press conference with reporters on Wednesday ... just one day after it was announced he invested in the Formula One Alpine racing squad.

"I think Tom [Brady] is trying to do it right now, but that's definitely where you want to get to," Mahomes said. "I love this sport and want to give back in any way possible. When I'm done playing, obviously I'll be a Chiefs fan, but at the same time I want to have that competitive edge I've always had my entire life."

Of course, 28-year-old Mahomes will have to wait until he hangs his helmet up for good before he can hop on board with NFL ownership ... as the league's current rules prohibit active players from having a piece of any organization.

While he waits, Patrick says he's looking at all opportunities to expand his portfolio ... but he's already had a great start -- investing in the Kansas City Royals and Kansas City Current, just to name a few.

"I'm always looking around," Mahomes added. "I can't do it in the NFL while I'm playing, so I'm always looking around at other sports. It's hard to get in all sports, NBA, and all that different type of stuff, but I'm always keeping my ears open. If they give me the opportunity, I'm going to jump at it."

Something tells us NFL teams will be champing at the bit to get Mahomes on board ... dude knows how to win!!

Travis Kelce Taylor Swift Meeting Dad Is 'Terrifying' ... Who Knows What He Said!!!

New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce

Travis Kelce was shaking in his boots when Taylor Swift came face-to-face with his dad, Ed, during his Thursday Night Football matchup last week ... admitting he has no idea what the two talked about -- and he's concerned.

The Kansas City Chiefs superstar addressed his pops' recent interaction with his new lady during his "New Heights" podcast with his brother, Jason, on Wednesday ... saying meeting his mom, Donna, is one thing -- but Ed is an entirely different animal.

"If you were watching the game, you saw something momentous happen -- which was Taylor Swift talking to Ed Kelce,'" the Eagles center said.

The two brothers joked about the pairing ... with Jason saying, "He shouldn't be talking to Taylor Swift."

"This is a terrifying conversation," Travis added. "I felt terrible for Taylor."

Jason explained the fear comes from the fact that their dad can be quite the wildcard ... and considering they didn't know what was said, the possibilities are endless.

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"Talking to mom, alright that's gonna be fine. If you see dad talking to anyone and you can't hear what's happening, who knows where that conversation is going."

The guys were obviously joking ... with Travis making sure the listeners knew Ed is the "best f***ing dad in the world" -- and claiming that's where Jason gets his iconic storytelling skills.


The meetup certainly didn't have an impact on Travis' relationship ... as the two spent the whole weekend together in NYC before going their separate ways.


la aprobación del padre
New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce

Travis Kelce estaba temblando cuando Taylor Swift se encontró cara a cara con su padre, Ed, durante su partido de Thursday Night Football la semana pasada, admitiendo que no tiene ni idea de lo que los dos hablaron... y está preocupado.

La superestrella de los Kansas City Chiefs abordó la reciente interacción de su papá con su flamante novia durante su podcast "New Heights" con su hermano (Jason), el miércoles, diciendo que conocer a su mamá (Donna) es una cosa, pero Ed es algo completamente diferente.

"Si estabas viendo el partido, viste algo trascendental. A Taylor Swift hablando con Ed Kelce,'" dijo el centro de los Eagles.

Los dos hermanos bromearon sobre el emparejamiento con Jason diciendo: "Él no debería estar hablando con Taylor Swift".

"Esta es una conversación aterradora", añadió Travis. "Me sentí fatal por Taylor".

Jason explicó de que su padre puede ser baste impredecible y puede salir con prácticamente cualquier cosa a la hora de hablar con él, las posibilidades son infinitas.

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el estilo es lo primero

"Hablar con mamá está bien, eso va a estar bien. Si ves a papá hablando con alguien y no puedes oír lo que está pasando, tu mente comienza a preocuparse y sabes que cualquier cosa puede estar pasando".

Obviamente los chicos están bromeando, con Travis asegurándose de que los oyentes supieran que Ed es el "mejor padre en el mundo", y alegando que es de donde Jason obtiene sus habilidades icónicas narración.

no más negación

El encuentro ciertamente no tuvo un impacto en la relación de Travis  ya que los dos pasaron todo el fin de semana juntos en Nueva York antes de ir por caminos separados.

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