TAYLOR y TRAVIS ABANDONAN EL ESTADIO POR SEPARADO No hay cita en convertible esta vez

¿mala sangre?
NBC Boston

No hubo paseo bajo las estrellas para Travis Kelce y Taylor Swift esta vez. La estrella del pop y su nuevo novio abandonaron el MetLife Stadium por separado después de que ella lo viera asegurar otra victoria en el campo.

Kelce salió corriendo de la zona de vestuarios de los Chiefs hacia los autobuses del equipo sin Swift tras la victoria de Kansas City por 23-20. La cantante de "Love Story", por su parte, salió del brazo con su amiga Sophie Turner.

En cierto modo, esta salida confirma aún más su relación. Cuando la semana pasada salieron juntos del estadio y se marcharon en el mismo carro. Esta vez fue menos llamativo, casi como si no hubiera razón para subrayar lo que ahora es obvio.

Después del partido, Taylor fue al restaurante Zero Bond en Nueva York. No está claro con quién estaba y no hay fotos de Travis, Sophie o cualquiera de sus otros amigos que vieron el partido con ella.

swift en la suite

Taylor estaba muy feliz mientras se unió a Sophie, Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Sabrina Carpenter y otros.

¿con la suegra?
Courtesy of NFL

La nueva amiga de Taylor, Brittany Mahomes, y la madre de Travis, Donna, también estaban en la suite.

Travis fue visto más temprano dejando el apartamento de Taylor antes de dirigirse al estadio.

Historia corta, el juego de Taylor Swift fue superentretenido.

los shorts que usó en EL PARTIDO DE TRAVIS KELCE ¡Se agotan en un abrir y cerrar de ojos!

Taylor Swift se está convirtiendo en todo un rostro para las marcas de moda, porque los pantalones cortos de mezclilla que llevaba en el último partido de fútbol de Travis Kelce ya se han agotado en línea.

Como ustedes saben, Taylor estaba en un palco lleno de celebridades en el MetLife Stadium el domingo por la noche en Nueva Jersey, vistiendo unos pantalones cortos de mezclilla con logotipo de la marca de moda AREA.

Los pantalones cortos estaban siendo vendidos en Farfetch por la módica suma de $1,213, pero hicieron un descuento de 50% la noche del juego. Para el lunes por la mañana ya no quedaba ninguno.

No debería ser una sorpresa, millones tenían sus ojos puestos en Taylor durante el partido de los Chiefs contra los Jets. La NBC 'SNF' se está apoyando bastante en la locura viral que ocurrió justo una semana antes.

Esta no es la única prenda de Swift/Kelce que se ha agotado. Como informamos, una línea de moda añadió "1989" al nombre de la chaqueta que Travis llevaba la semana pasada cuando fue visto saliendo con Taylor, una referencia a uno de sus álbumes.

genios del marketing

La chaqueta se agotó increíblemente rápido también, por lo que parece que los 2 van a elegir sus trajes sabiamente a partir de ahora. ¡Eso, o las marcas estarán llegando como locas para conseguir que se pongan sus hilos!

TAYLOR SWIFT SEGUNDA VISITA DE TRAVIS acompañada de celebridades

vienvenida a new york


5:26 PM PT -- Taylor Swift acaba de ser presentada oficialmente para comenzar la transmisión y todo parece marchar bien mientras abraza y besa a amigos y se codea con celebridades.

No hay rastro de Donna Kelce todavía, pero es casi seguro que ella también es parte de la ecuación.

swift en la suite

La NBC está totalmente inclinada hacia la Taylor-manía. Hicieron toda una introducción con Carson Daly recapitulando el frenesí viral haciendo un montón de referencias a canciones de Swift. Por último, pero no menos importante, Aaron Rodgers también está en la casa, esto solo unas semanas después de desgarrarse el tendón de Aquiles y someterse a cirugía. El hombre está aquí para animar a su equipo.

¡Hora del juego!

El romance entre Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce es serio. Tanto así que ella apareció en otro estadio de fútbol para animarlo y esta vez con algunos amigos famosos acompañándola.

La estrella de pop fue de nuevo la invitada de honor el domingo durante la transmisión de la NBC 'SNF' del partido Chiefs vs. Jets, en el que su rumoreado novio juega. Taylor apareció y se deslizó a través de una zona trasera pero fue capturada por la cámara entrando en el edificio.

Esta vez, TayTay cuenta con la compañía de algunas celebs, incluyendo a Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds y Hugh Jackman, entre otros. Se espera que esté en una suite de lujo cerca del campo y se rumorea que estará acompañada por la madre de Travis, Donna Kelce, como la semana pasada.

En cuanto a la comitiva de Taylor, Blake tiene sentido ya que son mejores amigas y estaban juintas ayer en la Gran Manzana, por no hablar de una cena estelar junto a algunas otras damas famosas como Sophie Turner e incluso la esposa de Patrick Mahomes, Brittany.

Hugh tiene sus razones para estar ahí también, porque son muy buenos amigos con el marido de Blake. Ámbos están trabajando en la nueva entrega de "Deadpool" la cual se estrenará el próximo año.

En fin, la aparición de Taylor no fue una sorpresa, escuchamos toda la semana que ella estaría ahí. Hubo mensajes y pistas todo el tiempo.

Veremos cuánto mostrarán a Taylor a lo largo de la emisión. FOX se centró principalmente en el juego de la semana pasada pero viendo lo mucho que subió el rating con su sola presencia, podemos imaginar que NBC la va a mostrar menos un par de veces hoy.

Si esta noche resulta ser tan agitada como la de la semana pasada, se endrán muchas noticias. Travis y Taylor eran todo lo que nadie se esperaba y ahora que están mostrando mucha evidencia de su relación en público.

Algunos podrían haber pensado que todo esto era mentira, pero es más real día a día. Hubo informes de que Travis incluso pasó por el apartamento de Taylor en New York antes del partido así que sí, él ha estado con ella de manera más íntima... al menos todas las pistas apuntan a eso.

Con Swifties y fans del fútbol pendientes a cada segundo, esto parece ser el clásico caso de cuando dos mundos chocan.

linea de tiempo de taylor y travis

¡Traylor ya es oficial swifties!

Publicado originalmente -- 5:06 PM PT

Taylor Swift Shorts Worn At Travis Kelce's Game Sell Out In Blink Of An Eye!

Taylor Swift is becoming quite the trendsetter for football game attire ... 'cause the denim shorts she wore at Travis Kelce's latest football game are already sold out online.

As you know, Taylor was in a celeb-packed box at MetLife Stadium Sunday night in New Jersey ... wearing a pair of logo-lettering denim shorts by fashion label AREA.

The jorts were being sold on Farfetch for a whopping $1,213 but were 50% off the night of the game -- but it's all sold out as of Monday morning.

Shouldn't come as a total shock ... millions had their eyes on Taylor during the Chiefs vs. Jets game, with NBC's 'SNF' leaning hard on her viral craze that went down just a week before, and cutting to her a lot throughout the game.

This isn't the only Swift/Kelce clothing choice to run out -- as we reported, a fashion line added "1989" to the name of the jacket Travis wore last week when he was spotted walking out with Taylor, a reference to one of her albums.


That one sold out incredibly fast, too ... so it looks like the 2 will be picking their outfits wisely from now on -- either that, or brands will be reaching out like crazy to get them to put on their threads!

Do you think Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce will last long term? Vote below.

Taylor Swift Second In-Game Visit for Travis ... Rolling Deep w/ Celebs



5:26 PM PT -- Taylor Swift was just officially introduced to start the broadcast, and it looks like her box is completely packed -- as she hugs and kisses friends, and hob-nobs with celebs.

No sign of Donna Kelce just yet, but she's almost certainly in the mix as well.


And yes, NBC is fully leaning in to Taylor-mania -- they just did this whole Carson Daly intro recapping the viral frenzy ... and they made a lot of Swift-y song references along the way. Last but not least ... Aaron Rodgers is also in the house -- this just a few weeks after tearing his Achilles and undergoing surgery. The dude is here to root on his underdog team.

It's game time!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's romance is going strong -- so much so that she popped into another football stadium to cheer him on ... this time with some famous pals in tow.

The pop star is again the guest of honor Sunday during NBC's 'SNF' broadcast of the Chiefs vs. Jets game -- in which her rumored tight end BF is obviously playing. Taylor showed up and slipped in through a back area, but got caught on camera entering the building.

This time around, TayTay had some A-list company ... including Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, among others. She's expected to be in a luxury suite near the field, and word is ... she'll be joined by Travis's mom, Donna Kelce -- like last week.

As for TS's entourage -- Blake makes sense ... they're best buds, and they were just out and about yesterday together in the Big Apple -- not to mention a starry dinner alongside some other famous ladies, like Sophie Turner and even Patrick Mahomes' wife, Brittany.

Hugh's not all that random either -- he's good friends with Blake's hubby, and they're in this new obscure movie that's coming out next year -- something called 'Deadpool 3,' apparently.

Anyway ... Taylor's appearance is no surprise -- we'd been hearing all week that she'd be here, and they were telegraphing as much by being within a stone's throw of each other earlier this weekend.

We'll see how much of Taylor gets shown throughout the broadcast. FOX kept it mostly focused on the game last week -- but seeing how much of a rating bonanza her mere presence turned out to be ... ya gotta figure NBC will cut to her at least a few times today.

If today/tonight turns out to be as eventful as last week's Kansas City outing ... we're in for a whole lot of news. Travis and Taylor were all anyone talked about -- and now that they're showing PDA in public, it's safe to assume we might see even more of it in the near future.

Some might've thought this was all BS at first, but it's sure looking more real by the day. There were reports that Travis even swung by Taylor's NYC apartment before the game -- so yeah, he's been in her quarters now ... and all signs point to this being an intimate thing.

With Swifties and NFL'ers all flocking for the show ... it's a classic case of worlds colliding.


Trayvis is officially on ... and kickoff is just minutes away!!!

Originally Published -- 5:06 PM PT

Travis Kelce's Ex Kayla Nicole Not Following Brittany Mahomes ... Amid Taylor Swift Friendship

Brittany Mahomes hitting it off with Taylor Swift has seemingly rubbed Travis Kelce's ex-girlfriend the wrong way -- Kayla Nicole no longer follows her bestie on Instagram amid the tight end's budding relationship with the singer.

Patrick Mahomes' wife has been spending a lot of time with T-Swift over the past two weeks -- as we previously reported, the two initially connected at Kelce's party after the Chiefs' win over the Bears last week ... and grabbed dinner with Blake Lively and Sophie Turner in NYC days later.

Brittany and Taylor appeared to be thick as thieves as they enjoyed the Chiefs' close win over the Jets from a VIP suite alongside Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman and more Sunday night ... a clear indication that Mahomes approves of Kelce's new love interest.

Kayla -- who remained tight with Brittany long after her relationship with Travis ended in 2022 -- apparently doesn't like the idea of her friend cozying up with Swift ... 'cause the model and influencer recently unfollowed Mahomes on social media.

Of course, Kayla was super close with the Mahomeses for years -- she was even a bridesmaid for their wedding in March 2022.

Now, she's no longer keeping tabs on both Brittany AND Patrick on the platform ... and previous posts have been "un-liked" by Kayla's account.

It's unclear if it's a direct result of the potential "girl code" violation, but it sure seems like that's what caused it.

TAYLOR SWIFT "¡GIRL SQUAD" EN NUEVA YORK! Cena con Sophie, Blake y Brittany Mahomes

Taylor Swift se prepara para animar a Travis Kelce por segunda semana consecutiva, pero no sin antes cenar con algunas amigas famosas. La vimos con Sophie Turner, Brittany Mahomes, y Blake Lively.

Taylor y las chicas fueron a un lugar italiano, Emilio's Ballato en Nueva York, el sábado por la noche. Llegaron con Blake y más tarde se unieron a Sophie y Mahomes, con quien recientemente se familiarizó el pasado fin de semana después de la victoria de Kansas City en casa.

Taylor ha estado pasando mucho tiempo con Sophie los últimos tiempos, incluso se puso de su lado en una batalla con Joe Jonas, respecto a la custodia y el divorcio.

Blake es amigo de Taylor desde hace mucho tiempo, pero Mahomes es sin duda una nueva incorporación al "girl squad".

TMZ publicó la historia. Taylor y Brittany se llevaron bien en la fiesta de Travis Kelce el fin de semana pasado, charlando un montón e incluso se tomaron una foto juntas. También fuimos los primeros en obtener una foto de Taylor y Travis estando bastante cómodos en la fiesta (ella envolvió sus brazos alrededor de la superestrella de la NFL).

Travis y sus Kansas City Chiefs se enfrentarán a los Jets de Nueva York el domingo por la noche y fuentes nos dicen que Taylor estará presente.

Nada como una buena comida antes del gran partido.

Taylor Swift Girl Squad in Full Effect in NYC Dinner with Sophie, Blake & Brittany Mahomes

Taylor Swift's gearing up to root on Travis Kelce for the second week in a row, but not before grabbing dinner with some famous gal pals ... stepping out with Sophie Turner, Brittany Mahomes, and Blake Lively.

Taylor and crew hit Italian hotspot Emilio's Ballato in NYC Saturday night -- arriving with Blake and later joined by Sophie and Mahomes ... who she recently got acquainted with last weekend following Kansas City's win at home.

Of course, Taylor's been spending a lot of time with Sophie as of late, noticeably taking her side in a battle with Joe Jonas as they fight for custody and issues surrounding their divorce.

Blake's a longtime friend of Taylor, but Mahomes is certainly a new addition to the girl squad.

TMZ broke the story ... Taylor and Brittany hit it off at Travis Kelce's afterparty in KC last weekend, chatting a bunch and at one time taking a shot together. We were also first to obtain a photo of Taylor and Travis looking rather comfortable at the bash ... as she wrapped her arms around the NFL superstar.

Travis and his Kansas City Chiefs are set to take on The New York Jets Sunday night, and sources tell us Taylor will be in attendance.

Nothing like a good meal -- and good gossip -- before the big game.

Travis Kelce Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Travis Kelce's looks over the years are (field) GOALS!

Here is a 24-year-old version of the Kansas City Chiefs' stud, sportin' some scruff and lookin' tough (pre-Taylor Swift days), while warming up to take on the Buffalo Bills at Ralph Wilson Stadium back in 2014 (left).

And, nearly a decade later the tight end star recently appeared somber after losing to the Detroit Lions at Arrowhead Stadium (right), however he sure is winning in the dating department 😜!

Now that this pretty boy is in his T-Swift era ... fans all over are waiting to see if there's trouble when Taylor walks into tonight's game.

So, we mustache you one important question ...

Travis Kelce ...

Travis Kelce ¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?

¡Los looks de Travis Kelce a lo largo de los años son como golazos en el campo!

Aquí tenemos una versión de 24 años del semental de los Kansas City Chiefs, con algo de barba y un aspecto duro (antes de Taylor Swift), mientras calentaba para enfrentarse a los Buffalo Bills en el Ralph Wilson Stadium en 2014 (izquierda).

Y, casi una década después, el tight end estrella apareció recientemente más melancólico tras perder contra los Detroit Lions en el GEHA Field del Arrowhead Stadium (derecha). Sin embargo, seguro que está ganando en lo que a citas se refiere 😜.

Ahora que este guapetón está en su era Taylor Swift, los fans de todo el mundo están esperando a ver si hay "problemas cuando Taylor entre" al partido de esta noche.

Por lo tanto, tenemos que hacerles una pregunta importante ...

Travis Kelce...

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce Surface on East Coast Separately ... Ahead of Chiefs Game

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce seemed primed to run their Kansas City date back for round 2 -- 'cause they're in the same area ahead of a big game ... which she's supposed to attend.

The pop star and NFL'er surfaced separately on the East Coast Saturday -- with TS popping up in the Big Apple alongside Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds ... with the trio walking through the streets of NYC looking stylish.

Just over the bridge ... Travis and some other Chiefs players, including Patrick Mahomes, were checking into their hotel in New Jersey -- which is where they'll play Sunday's game.

As we reported ... Taylor is expected to show up to MetLife Stadium to once again watch TK's big match against the Jets -- a game that'll be televised on NBC during Sunday Night Football, and which will undoubtedly garner more eyeballs than last week did.

Considering she's in town ... it's all but guaranteed we'll be watching her root from the sidelines. The question now is -- will Taylor's in-game visits become a regular thing???

We know she and Trav hit the town in KC last week ... and their gallivanting caused quite a stir in the city. In this neck of the woods, though -- that'll be amplified by at least 10 ... with tons of paparazzi crawling all over the place, not to mention adoring fans left and right.

If this does, in fact, become a tradition as these 2 explore their relationship ... you also gotta wonder if we'll see added PDA as time goes on. We already saw them cozying up during an after-party -- and now that the cat's outta the bag, perhaps more is on the horizon.

There's been some speculation this all might be a PR stunt -- but now ... it feels real.

Remember, we were told Taylor's team is still working out security logistics for MetLife ... meaning, she won't be able to just slip in all casual-like the way she did last week.

With all this in mind, it probably goes without saying -- if we happen see Taylor and Travis out and about at all this weekend ... it'll undoubtedly be another frenzy and then some.


Kickoff can't come soon enough! 👀

Travis Kelce's Ex Swifties Sending Me Death Threats ... After Speaking Out

The Swifties are crossing the line when it comes to being a passionate fanbase ... so says Travis Kelce's ex-girlfriend, who claims she's been getting death threats from Taylor Swift supporters after speaking out about her past relationship with the Chiefs superstar.

Maya Benberry -- who won the "Catching Kelce" reality show back in 2016 -- has been sharing her dating experience with the All-Pro tight end following Swift's appearance at the Chiefs game on Sunday ... accusing TK of infidelity during their time together.

Benberry's comments apparently set the Swifties off ... 'cause she alleges she has been the target of serious hate, according to Inside Edition.

"Swifties are aggressive," Benberry said. "Very negative, very hypocritical. It's really crazy to me that someone that I think is positive and really nice has such a negative and angry fanbase."

As for Swift, Benberry -- who referred to Kelce as a "narcissist" -- says she has no issue with the "Anti-Hero" singer ... insisting she doesn't care one bit if she ends up dating her ex -- but pointing out, "I had him first."

Benberry also addressed those close to Kelce claiming she's looking for her "15 minutes of fame" ... adamantly denying she's clout chasing.

"It's nothing about Taylor. It's more about, you led me to believe that we had a future. And now, five years later, you're laughing and I feel like you're mocking me."

"I'm not jealous or bitter about Taylor. She's beautiful, she's successful. We're in two different lanes. My issue is more with Travis in the sense of, now you're trying to turn me into, I don't know -- a bitter person, a liar, like I'm delusional, and I'm the furthest thing from that."

The drama doesn't seem to bother Tayvis -- as we previously reported, Swift is hoping to attend Kelce's game against the Jets this weekend.

Ex de Travis Kelce Swifties me han enviado amenazas de muerte ... Después de hablar

Los Swifties se están pasando de la raya cuando se trata de ser una base de fans apasionados. Así lo dice la exnovia de Travis Kelce, quien afirma que ha estado recibiendo amenazas de muerte de los partidarios de Taylor Swift después de comentar sobre su antigua relación con la superestrella de los Chiefs.

Maya Benberry, quien ganó el reality show "Catching Kelce" en 2016, ha estado compartiendo su experiencia con el ala cerrada All-Pro después de la aparición de Swift en el partido de los Chiefs el domingo, y ha acusado a Travis de infidelidad durante su noviazgo.

Los comentarios de Benberry aparentemente encendieron a los Swifties, ya que Maya Benberry alega que ha sido objeto de un odio grave, según Inside Edition.

"Los Swifties son agresivos", dijo Benberry. "Muy negativos, muy hipócritas. Es realmente una locura para mí pensar que alguien que considero positiva y realmente agradable tenga una base de fans tan negativa y enojada".

En cuanto a Swift, Benberry, que se refirió a Kelce como un "narcisista", dice que no tiene ningún problema con la cantante de "Anti-Hero", insistiendo en que no le importa ni un poco si termina saliendo con su ex. Pero señaló que ella "lo tuvo primero."

Benberry también se refirió a los cercanos de Kelce que han dicho que ella está buscando sus "5 minutos de fama", negando rotundamente que esté persiguiendo influencia.

"No se trata de Taylor. Se trata más bien de que me hiciste creer que teníamos un futuro. Y ahora, cinco años después, te estás riendo y siento que te estás burlando de mí".

"No estoy celosa ni amargada por Taylor. Es guapa, tiene éxito. Estamos en dos carriles diferentes. Mi problema es más con Travis en el sentido de que ahora está tratando de convertirme en, no sé... una persona amargada, mentirosa, como si estuviera delirando y yo soy lo más alejado de eso."

El drama no parece molestar a Travis. Como informamos anteriormente, Swift espera asistir al partido de Kelce contra los Jets este fin de semana.

TAYLOR SWIFT Conecta con BRITTANY MAHOMES en una fiesta privada después del partido

Taylor Swift podría estar muy cerca de añadir otro miembro a su pandilla y esta tiene serios lazos con Travis Kelce y los Kansas City Chiefs.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Taylor y la esposa del QB de los Chiefs Patrick Mahomes, Brittany Mahomes, realmente congeniaron el domingo por la noche en la fiesta privada de Kelce después del partido. Nuestras fuentes dicen que las dos charlaron un montón en la fiesta y que en un momento incluso se tomaron un shot juntas.

Incluso más, nos dicen que escucharon a Brittany y Taylor diciendo que querían mantenerse en contacto y que tienen planes para juntarse de nuevo en un futuro próximo.

Por supuesto, se supone que Taylor asistirá este domingo al partido de los Chiefs contra los New York Jets en el MetLife Stadium de Nueva Jersey, así que al menos se verán allí.

Además de Brittany, Taylor pasó un montón de tiempo con Travis en la fiesta y se puede ver cómo su brazo envuelve a la estrella de la NFL en una foto que obtuvimos del evento.

Brittany y el hermano de Patrick, Jackson, han sido las caras del equipo de Kansas City durante años (aparte de los atletas, por supuesto), por lo que ver a Taylor tomar el centro de atención ha sido sin duda un cambio.

Las redes sociales enloquecieron con la aparición de Taylor en el partido del domingo, cuando la vimos sentada en un palco privado junto a la madre de Travis, Donna. Brittany no estaba en ese palco, pero ya empezaron a aparecer memes que cuestionan si estaba o no celosa de la atención que recibió Taylor.

Resulta que igual compartió con la reina Swiftie, con o sin palco privado.

Taylor Swift Hit It Off with Brittany Mahomes At Private Post-Game Bash

Taylor Swift might be inching closer to adding another member to her girl squad ... and she's got some serious ties to Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Taylor and Chiefs' QB Patrick Mahomes' wife, Brittany Mahomes, really hit it off Sunday night at Kelce's private post-game party. Our sources say the two chatted a ton at the bash ... and at one point even took a shot together.


What's more, we're told, Brittany and Taylor were overheard saying they wanted to stay in touch ... and have plans to meet up again in the near future.

Of course, Taylor's supposed to attend this Sunday's Chiefs game against The New York Jets at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey ... so they'll at least see each other at the game.

Brittany aside, Taylor also spent plenty of time with Travis at the party ... and could be seen with her arm draped around the NFL star in a photo we obtained from inside the event.

Brittany and Patrick's brother, Jackson, have been the faces of the KC team for years now (other than the athletes, of course) so to see Taylor take the spotlight has certainly been a shift in power.

Social media went wild during Taylor's appearance at Sunday's game when she sat in a private booth next to Travis' mom, Donna. Brittany wasn't in that box, but memes started popping up questioning whether or not she was jealous of the attention on Taylor.

Turns out she got to hang with Queen Swiftie ... private box or not.

Mark Cuban Taylor, Please Date A Mavs Player ... It Would Be Great For Biz!!!

092823_mark_cuban_swift_kal SEPTEMBER 2023


2:10 PM PT -- Travis Kelce got wind of Mark Cuban's plea to Taylor Swift ... and fired back at the Mavs owner with a playful post on X.

"Just sign me to a ten day [contract!] 😎"

Mark Cuban has seen what Taylor Swift's relationship with Travis Kelce has done for the NFL, and he's hoping her influence can transition over to the NBA ... telling TMZ Sports he wants to hook her up with a Mavericks player!!

T. Swift's appearance at the Chiefs game on Sunday had a massive positive impact on Kansas City and the league as a whole ... resulting in massive television ratings and Kelce jersey sales.

The billionaire businessman and Mavs owner is now giving his two cents on the Swift/Kelce sitch ... and he tells us he's not only witnessing a budding romance -- he's also seeing dollar signs.

"Taylor Swift impacts the economy," the Shark Tank star said out in NYC on Thursday. "She adds value everywhere she goes."

"Literally every city she brings her tours to, you can see the economy get a bump out of it. The NFL's gotta be loving this."

Cuban sends a personal message to Swift ... saying he'd love to introduce her to a hooper so the Association can get in on the big biz, too -- that is if things with the Chiefs tight end fall flat.


"The Mavs -- we got a lot of really good-looking, young single guys. Come on!"

Bad news for Cubes -- Swift seemed awfully cozy with Kelce at his postgame bash on Sunday ... but hey, shooters shoot!!

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