Kareem Hunt 2nd Alleged Assault ... No Surveillance Video

When Kareem Hunt allegedly punched a man in the face at a resort in Ohio 4 months after brutalizing a woman in Cleveland … the eye in the sky was NOT watching, TMZ Sports has learned.

We broke the story … the ex-KC Chiefs star allegedly got into a violent altercation at the Put-in-Bay Resort in Ohio on June 3.

Days after the incident, sources told us Hunt punched the resort guest in the face after he had been partying all weekend long at the pool and DJ booth.

At the time, the alleged victim told us he did not plan on pressing charges.

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Now, we’ve spoken to the owner of the resort who tells us the incident was NOT captured on surveillance cameras.

In other words, there’s no smoking gun like in the February incident.

Still, our sources tell us NFL investigators paid multiple visits to the resort in an effort to gather information and any possible video evidence.

We’re told the resort was cooperative with the NFL.

As for Hunt — who was not punished by the league — he insists he’s not the violent maniac seen in the video … and hopes to move on from the incident.

Kareem Hunt Victim Goes Silent After Demanding Charges


The woman Kareem Hunt slammed down and kicked was initially gung-ho to press charges against the then-NFL superstar, but she's since gone silent ... TMZ Sports has learned.

As we first reported, the woman repeatedly told Cleveland PD officers who responded to the scene she wanted to press charges. In the bodycam video we posted, she asked to see the surveillance footage, and also asked the police to look at it.

She said she wanted Hunt prosecuted for the alleged assault and/or for stealing her phone's SIM card. In the attack video, you clearly see someone walk off with her phone. She says it was eventually returned but, apparently, without the SIM card.

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Our law enforcement sources tell us the woman never took her demand for charges to the city Prosecutor's Office and hasn't cooperated with the Prosecutor -- and that might be why the case has gone nowhere.

We're told police viewed the incident as an alleged misdemeanor assault, because, to the best of their knowledge, the woman hadn't suffered any serious injury. She would need to present evidence of serious injury for the incident to upgraded to a felony.

It's a fact that prosecutors can charge suspects even without the alleged victim's testimony. However, our sources say that rarely happens in Cleveland ... unless it's a felony or a domestic violence case.

So, the question is ... WHY has she gone silent? We've reached out to her several times, but no reply.


Hunt was asked point blank Sunday morning, during his ESPN interview, if he'd had any contact with her and he denied it ... adding he "barely knew her."

We're told she has 18 months to press charges, so there's still time.

The Cleveland City Prosecutor told us "no comment" when we asked about the status of the case.

Kareem Hunt 'I Was Wrong' but I Want Forgiveness ... Says NFL Never Spoke to Him


10:41 AM PT -- The NFL just put out a statement saying its investigation continues and "it will include a review of the new information that was made public on Friday -- which was not available to the NFL previously -- as well as further conversations with all parties involved in the incident."

It's interesting ... the league's saying it will have "further conversations" with everyone involved but Kareem straight-up said the NFL never spoke to him.

Kareem Hunt says the NFL's investigation of his alleged assault on a woman never included speaking to him about it ... and he says he thinks he deserves to play again in the league.

The ex-Kansas City Chiefs running back made his first public comments about the story TMZ Sports broke -- the video of Hunt shoving a woman to the ground and kicking her. Hunt told ESPN's Lisa Salters, he'd never seen the video until we published it ... and repeatedly claimed he's "not that type of person."

He said all the usual apology phrases -- "I regret the entire thing," and claimed he was going to get treatment for anger management. He has not yet. Mind you, the incident happened back in February.

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As for what led up to his violent attack that night in the Cleveland hotel/residence where he lives ... Hunt would only say, "Honestly, it was just a long night. To be exact, it don't really matter ... I was in the wrong."

He claims he'd only met the woman once before and, "Honestly, I wanted her just to leave, but it's no excuse." Hunt says after seeing the video, "I thought of myself as being ... that's not me. I was raised better than that."

The biggest shocker was his claim the NFL never questioned him. Our NFL sources say the league opened an investigation back in February -- after the incident was first reported. It's shocking the league's investigation would NOT include speaking directly to Hunt.

As we first reported, we're told the league made multiple attempts to see the video we posted -- but the hotel/apartment building said it would only release it to law enforcement, and Cleveland PD also refused to give it to the league.

Hunt insists he deserves a second chance because everyone who knows him -- including women -- knows he's respectful, and "I made a bad decision at that time and I just hope that people forgive me."

Ray Rice Offers to Help Kareem Hunt

Ray Rice says Kareem Hunt's attack on a woman shouldn't be the moment that defines his life -- and now the ex-NFL running is offering to work with Hunt as he works through his issues.

Rice spoke with NFL.com and acknowledged the "obvious" similarities between Hunt's incident and Ray's 2014 elevator attack ... and feels he's in a position to teach Hunt how to learn from this situation and better himself.

"Peer-to-peer, I would definitely try to help him figure out, 'How can we start dealing with the underlying problems in your life?'" Rice said.

"Because he has a long life to live, this will be a defining moment, but it shouldn't be the moment that defines you. For me, I just see you have a long life to live and that doesn't mean just playing football -- you need to just live one day at a time."

Rice was asked if he could've given a message to Hunt BEFORE the hotel attack, what would have said to the running back.

"First, I would look at the situation and say, 'How did I even get in that moment?' Because whatever what was done in that moment, something transpired before it even got there."

"And honestly, while I don't know if alcohol or any substances were involved, I know those things can often play a role. I am not blaming anyone who was with him, but I wish someone that was with him, if he's not in his right mind ... would've said to him, 'Look at the situation. Is it worth risking it all for a split-second decision -- for something you know you can get out of?'"

Kareem Hunt Fans Are Pissed!!! And Missing the Point

The video of Kareem Hunt clearly attacking a woman is sparking a movement -- an angry, bitter outpouring of hatred ... toward TMZ.

Minutes after the Kansas City Chiefs made the decision to release Hunt ... we were flooded with emails calling us a**holes, pieces of s**t, blatant supporters of Tom Brady and many other not-so-pleasant things.

We pulled together some of the spicier responses here -- including one guy who broke up with his GF over the story.

For the record, TMZ Sports is covering Kareem Hunt because there's video of him -- a very famous NFL star -- striking a woman. A woman who went to police to report the assault. As we've reported, the case appears to be in limbo -- the Cleveland City Prosecutor is giving us a "no comment."

As for Hunt's on-field punishment? There'd been none until we published the video, and the Chiefs say he lied to them about the incident.

Point is ... the story's about something other than struggling fantasy football teams.

Just sayin'.

Kareem Hunt Victim Begged Cops to Watch Attack Video ... Wanted to Press Charges


The woman who was attacked by Kareem Hunt repeatedly begged cops at the scene to view the hotel surveillance footage of the incident because she wanted to press charges ... but the officers told her it wasn't that simple.

You can see in police body cam footage obtained by TMZ Sports ... the woman was adamant she wanted to press charges against Hunt for the attack and allegedly stealing the SIM card from her phone.

She thought the best way to prove her allegations was for cops to go to the front desk of the hotel and ask the manager to show them the surveillance video.

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But, cops told the woman they were stuck because the hotel is a "private facility" and "they don't have to show us unless they're ordered by a court."

The woman was disappointed but sounded serious about pursuing a case against Hunt anyway.

The responding officers eventually went upstairs and interviewed Hunt -- but he was never arrested and charges were never filed against him.


We know the hotel eventually turned over the surveillance video to investigators -- but we're not sure why prosecutors opted against filing a case considering what the video shows.

We've reached out to the woman multiple times but haven't heard back. We've also reached out to the Cleveland PD for an explanation but no word from them either.

ESPN's Cari Champion Check Yourself, Kareem Hunt ... Then We'll Talk 2nd Chances


Kareem Hunt's immediate release from the Kansas City Chiefs is the team's way of sending a STRONG message to all players ... according to ESPN's Cari Champion.

Cari was at the Ebony Power 100 event in Bev Hills Friday night, very shortly after the Chiefs reacted to the video TMZ Sports published ... showing Hunt shove, kick and throw a woman to the ground during a February incident in Cleveland.

She says the video forced the team's hand and they were "sending a message ... they're saying what's important to them and what they stand for."

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The NFL has Hunt on its "exempt list" currently -- meaning he can't practice or play in a game right now, but he has not been banned or suspended. Point is ... he could land on another team eventually.

Cari believes everyone, even Hunt, deserves a second chance -- however, she said he needs to "start looking at the man in the mirror. You gotta do a Michael Jackson."

As for the Chiefs swift reaction ... she thinks they knew something was coming down the pike.

Kareem Hunt Cut by the Chiefs for Brutalizing Woman on Video ... Team Says He Lied

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6:27 PM PT -- Hunt just made a statement to ESPN about our video, saying, "I want to apologize for my actions. I deeply regret what I did. I hope to move on from this."

5:50 PM PT -- The Chiefs have cut Kareem Hunt, and say he lied to the team when they spoke directly to him about the incident.

The team says when the NFL and Cleveland PD launched their investigations the team called in Hunt and "several members of our management team spoke directly to him. Kareem was not truthful in those discussions. The video released today confirms that fact."

A source connected to the NFL investigation tells TMZ ... the league made multiple attempts to obtain the video, but was turned away. We're told the league contacted the hotel, and was told it is corporate policy to only turn surveillance video over to law enforcement.

We contacted the Metropolitan at The 9 and COO Tony Quintal says, "We realize that this is an ongoing investigation and cannot share any additional information at this time."

We're told the NFL also contacted Cleveland PD attempting to get the video, but was also denied. The source says the league's investigation included reaching out to the alleged victim, who did not respond.

5:26 PM PT -- The NFL just announced Hunt's been placed on the commissioner exempt list and will NOT practice, play or attend games. The NFL added, "The NFL's investigation, which began immediately following the incident in February, will include a review of the new information that was made public today."

1:33 PM PT -- Hunt has reportedly been sent home from the Chiefs' practice facility, according to ESPN's Dan Graziano.

He reports Hunt will likely be placed on the commissioner's exempt list -- which means he will probably not play this Sunday when the Chiefs take on the Raiders in Oakland.

TMZ Sports has obtained video of Kansas City Chiefs star running back Kareem Hunt shoving, bull-rushing and kicking a woman in a Cleveland hotel back in February.

Kareem has not missed a single game this season despite the incident happening MONTHS before the 2018 NFL season kicked off ... and team CEO Clark Hunt publicly stated in August he doubted Hunt would be suspended.

In the video, Hunt is seen arguing with a 19-year-old woman outside of his room at The Metropolitan at the 9 at 3:22 AM on February 10, 2018.

Hunt turns a corner and confronts the woman, shoving her hard. The woman strikes him back in the face ... and that's when Hunt goes berserk.

As friends try to hold him back, the 2017 Pro Bowler -- who led the league in rushing yards -- explodes and knocks one of his friends into the woman ... who both go flying into a wall.

Both Kareem's male friend and the woman appear dazed -- but Kareem makes his way over to the female and kicks her while she's crouching on the ground ... knocking her over.

Police were called to the scene but no arrests were made. According to police reports, obtained by TMZ Sports, surveillance video from the hotel was obtained by law enforcement. We're told that video is part of the evidence that was submitted to prosecutors.


Still, cops did not arrest Hunt and no charges were filed because officers say they were unable to determine if a crime had been committed.

At the time of the incident, the woman told police the whole thing started because Kareem kicked her out of his room after she refused to hook up with one of the men in Kareem's entourage.


Kareem's friends told cops the woman had gone crazy when asked to leave and called Kareem the n-word ... and then struck one of Kareem's female friends once things turned physical.

Kareem Hunt's Friends Talk to Cops

Unclear why the NFL has not taken any action against Hunt. We reached out to the league to find out if they pursued the video. We also reached out to cops to find out if the NFL contacted them about the footage as well.

The whole incident is reminiscent of the Ray Rice scandal when the NFL star knocked out his then-fiancee in a hotel elevator in Feb. 2014.

The NFL suspended him indefinitely -- but only after TMZ Sports published the brutal knockout video from inside the elevator ... video the NFL claimed they had not seen until our story.

After the incident, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell acknowledged failures in the NFL's investigative process and said they would overhaul their protocol.

Since then, the NFL claims it has tried to be tougher on players accused of attacking women -- most famously, the league suspended Ezekiel Elliott for 6 games in 2017 stemming from allegations he got physical with an ex-girlfriend in 2016.

We reached out to the NFL for comment -- so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 11:33 AM PST

Tech N9ne Working On Patrick Mahomes Track ... Sings Chorus!


Tech N9ne says Patrick Mahomes has been ballin' out so hard this season ... it's time for a new track about the Chiefs QB -- and he's giving TMZ Sports a sample of the chorus!!

Of course, the rapper is a ride-or-die K.C. fan who's stoked about the 9-2 start to this season.

But, Tech says he's SO fired up about it -- he's ready to get in the booth and hammer out a new track about the team's star QB.

The title? "Rollin' With MaHomies" ... and, gotta say, from the 3-second preview he gave us -- it sounds like it might be pretty legit.

Tech's made music about the Chiefs before ... remember "Wheels Like Hill" -- the banger about Tyreek Hill??

BTW ... in case there was any doubt -- Tech tells us he thinks Mahomes is the league's MVP ... and if the squad makes it to the Super Bowl, he's callin' dibs on the halftime show!

Sorry, Maroon 5.

Patrick Mahomes Can Be Greatest QB Ever ... Says Dick Vermeil


Move over Tom Brady ... Dick Vermeil tells TMZ Sports he won't be surprised if we're all callin' Patrick Mahomes the new GOAT by the time his career reaches its end.

"I think he has a chance to go down as one of the ... if not the finest," the legendary coach says.

Patrick lit up the Rams for 478 passing yards and 6 TDs Monday night ... and when we spoke with Dick about the performance Tuesday -- he couldn't have been more impressed.

In fact ... Vermeil -- who previously coached both the Rams and Chiefs -- says he'd straight-up take Pat over Jared Goff and any other young QBs in the league right now.

"I've never seen anything like him," Vermeil says ... "He can do it all. He can throw off balance, upside down and backwards and throw a completed pass. He has unbelievable poise."

"I don't see any limitation."

Vermeil says it's Mahomes' age that impresses him the most, telling us a 23-year-old in his 2nd year shouldn't be able to do the things the Chiefs star is currently doing.

"He's way ahead of everybody else at the same time!"

We also spoke with Dick about the Rams ... and he loves them too -- but says Goff and the guys still have some proving to do before they can be compared with his old Rams squads.

By the way, if you notice the Chiefs logo on Dick's shirt -- he swears he's not picking favorites ... it's just "gym clothes."


L.A. Rams Free Tix to Victims, Responders ... of Shooting & Wildfires

The L.A. Rams are giving the Thousand Oaks community something to cheer about in the wake of the recent tragedies ... donating tickets to their next home game to those affected by the bar shooting and wildfires.

The "Monday Night Football" matchup with the K.C. Chiefs was supposed to go down in Mexico City ... before poor field conditions brought the game back to L.A.

There was a massive concert at the game's original venue -- Estadio Azteca -- just last week ... and judging by the pics, there was no way the field would've been fixed in time.

The Rams are taking it as an opportunity to bring the city together ... and announced thousands of tickets will go to "first responders who are bravely protecting the greater Los Angeles community, as well as people who have been impacted by our community’s recent tragedies.."

As we previously reported ... Rams stars like Jared Goff, Andrew Whitworth and Cooper Kupp have shared their condolences with those affected by the tragedies ... and some players have vowed to help the victims in any way possible.

Scumbag Patriots Fan ID'd By Cops ... Will Be Prosecuted

1:14 PM PT -- The Foxborough Police Dept. has identified the suspect as a 21-year-old man from Massachusetts.

Cops say the man will be charged with 2 crimes -- disorderly conduct and "throw object at sporting event."

A court date will be set.

Cops say they were able to ID the suspect using surveillance video from the stadium.

12:39 PM PT -- Tyreek Hill wants the fan who threw beer at him to be arrested and charged, according to Hill's agent, Drew Rosenhaus ... who spoke to Adam Schefter.

“Players have to be protected. We want that fan to be prosecuted.”

10:44 AM PT -- The Patriots say the fan has been identified and has now been BANNED FOR LIFE from attending Patriots games at Gillette Stadium.

The Patriots add, "The matter has been turned over to local law enforcement and the fan will be sent a letter of disinvite to all future events at Gillette Stadium.”

The Foxborough Police Dept. is investigating the embarrassing moment at Gillette Stadium on Sunday when a Patriots fan doused a Kansas City Chiefs player with beer after a TD ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Cameras were rolling as Tyreek Hill scored a 75-yard touchdown with 3:03 left in the 4th quarter and then came face-to-face with a pack of Pats fans who were flipping him off and shouting insults.

One of the people in the group -- who appears to be wearing a Pats jersey -- threw his Bud Lite at Hill's face. Terrible moment, but props to Hill for not fighting back (you know he wanted to).

Now, the Foxborough PD tells us ... they're looking into the incident and would like to speak with the fan to find out what happened.

Hopefully, they track this scumbag down and ban him from the stadium for life -- because players shouldn't have to deal with this crap.

In fact, Reggie Bush has already spoken out about it on Twitter, saying, "Now if he smacked the piss out of one of you clowns you would be all over social media crying ready to sue him!"

"Fans need to chill before somebody get hurt! You don’t have to like the opposing team but you need to show respect or don’t go!"


We reached out to the Patriots for comment -- so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10/15/2018 10:43 AM PDT

Dick Vermeil Patrick Mahomes Is MVP Bound! ... No One Can Throw Like Him!


Brett Favre, John Elway, Tony Romo ... NONE of these dudes had the ability to chuck the pigskin like Patrick Mahomes does -- so says ex-Chiefs head coach Dick Vermeil.

"His overall ability to throw the ball in any body position is the best I've ever seen," the legendary coach tells TMZ Sports.

Mahomes just won his fifth straight start ... killin' the Broncos on Monday night -- and when we spoke with Vermeil about it, he couldn't have been more impressed.

"He's so flexible, body-wise," Vermeil says.

"He can twist his hips and kick his legs and turn his shoulders, and all three variations are going different directions, and he throws the ball accurately anyway. It's amazing!"

Remember ... Vermeil's coached Pro Bowlers like Kurt Warner, Ron Jaworski and Trent Green -- so it's some seriously high praise.

But, the gushing didn't stop there ... 'cause Dick tells us Mahomes has MORE athletic ability than even Donovan McNabb!!!

In fact ... Vermeil says if Mahomes doesn't get Andy Reid his first-ever Super Bowl ring ... NOBODY will.


Tony Gonzalez Sorry, Peyton ... Mahomes Will Own Your TD Record!!


Peyton Manning's single-season passing TD record is TOAST ... 'cause Patrick Mahomes is driving his Chiefs bus straight through it -- so says K.C. legend Tony Gonzalez.

Mahomes has lit up the league so far ... chucking 13 TDs in 3 games -- and Gonzalez tells TMZ Sports he thinks Pat will catch Manning's all-time mark of 55 in a single season.

"Right now, I'm looking at it, yeah," Tony tells us. "He's on his way!"

In fact ... the legendary tight end's been so impressed with Mahomes -- he's got him as MVP of the league for now ... with two other hot QBs right in the hunt.

By the way ... Tony also shared his thoughts on another Tony -- saying there's no way in hell Romo should make a comeback to the league.

"He's right where he should be," Gonzalez says.

Patrick Mahomes Turning Down Big Endorsement Deals ... Says Agent


The NFL's MVP through the first 3 weeks ain't cashing in on his early season success ... 'cause Patrick Mahomes' agent tells TMZ Sports -- NO BIG DEALS UNTIL THE OFFSEASON!!

Leigh Steinberg -- the super agent who represents the Chiefs' QB -- says it's all part of a plan to make sure Patrick keeps a level head throughout his first year as a starter.

"We're being very, very careful to allow this season to proceed without his face on every billboard," Leigh tells us.

"Without it creating a situation where he throws the first interception and people are saying, 'Well, why's he on every billboard??'"

Don't get it twisted ... Mahomes -- who's tossed 13 TDs with no picks in K.C.'s 3-0 start -- has done SOME deals ... BUT, the big fish are currently on ice.

"We're keeping it low key," Leigh says. "And, once the season is successfully over, then we'll go into marketing in a lot of different brand categories."

BTW ... if you were wondering what Patrick's eyeing for his first big endorsement -- Steinberg tells us Mahomes' mug could be on a cereal box near you this winter.

Chiefs Legend Tamba Hali Patrick Mahomes Is Killin' It ... But He Can't Get A Song


Sorry, Patrick Mahomes ... you might be the NFL's top QB at the moment -- but Chiefs legend Tamba Hali tells TMZ Sports it ain't enough for him to write a song about you!!

ICYMI ... Tamba's working on going from NFL superstar to music icon -- having just released a legit album.

And, with Mahomes tearing up the league -- he had more TDs (6) than incompletions (5) against the Steelers -- we figured it'd be a match made in Chiefs heaven to hear a Hali-Mahomes song.

BUT ... Tamba tells us that just ain't happening -- at least not yet.

"That's too political!" Tamba says with a laugh.

"I love Patrick, but I can't write him into my music life! I might hurt myself or I might do something that wouldn't make sense in the long run."

Tamba still thinks Mahomes' start has been "ridiculous" -- but it seems it'll take a little more than two games for Patrick to get some Tamba Juice.

But, don't feel too bad for Mahomes ... Hali's already got a Chiefs tune Patrick can rock out to in the meantime.