Joe Jonas Serves Up Full Glam In Drag!!!💅

Tik Tok/@joejonas

Joe Jonas is serving looks -- literally! He went full glamour mode with hair and makeup for a drag cameo on TikTok.

Check out this hilarious clip of Joe rocking a short 'do with side bangs, blush and pink lipstick as he dramatically lip-syncs the line, "I’m going roller skating, don’t touch my stuff!"

The clip is pure ’90s nostalgia 'cause Joe’s channeling a scene from "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" -- and he’s fully in character, rocking a chic choker cut-out black top to match the drama.

Grey Cup Woman Runs On Field Fully Naked!!!

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Talk about a halftime show ... a woman jumped onto the field during the CFL's Grey Cup championship game -- FULLY NAKED!

It all went down at BC Place Stadium in British Columbia, Canada, where the Toronto Argonauts faced the Winnipeg Blue Bombers for the 111th Grey Cup (think their Super Bowl.)

The place was packed with over 52,000 fans (including Prince Harry, Jason Kelce and the Jonas Brothers) when a woman jumped on the field in the fourth quarter.

Nick Jonas Don't Take Me For A 'Sucker' ... Sprints Offstage Because of Laser Pointer!!!


Nick Jonas wasn't playing any games during the Jonas Brothers' Prague concert ... evacuating the stage when a red laser hit his face -- sprinting to safety.

The singer-songwriter hit the stage in the Czech Republic Tuesday night ... and, right in the middle of the show, NJ seemed to freak out about something and started running, barreling off the stage toward cover.

Check out the video ... Nick hitting every stride perfectly here, turning a corner and disappearing from sight -- while someone who looks like security runs alongside him.



Taylor Swift's all loved up with Travis Kelce ... but she hit rewind to her Joe Jonas days, performing "Last Kiss" on her latest "Eras" tour stop.

The singer surprised fans in Zürich, Switzerland as she played the breakup anthem inspired by that brief relationship -- from her album "Speak Now" -- on piano Tuesday night ... and mashed it up with "Sad Beautiful Tragic."

Taylor parted ways with Joe back in 2008 ... so it's highly unlikely he was on her mind all these years later. A better reason for her to play it is the fact the song's lyrics mention Tuesday's date, July 9th.

JOE JONAS Mystery Beach Date ID'd ... She's Big-Time in Middle East!!!


Joe Jonas was seen getting cozy with a mystery brunette on a Greek beach, but the mystery didn’t last long ... 'cause she's been identified as Lebanese actress Laila Abdallah.

The singer kept the talking stage with the dark-haired beauty under wraps, because judging by their beach pics, they were already pretty tight -- holding hands, frolicking in the water, and basically attached at the hip while soaking up the sun.

Who exactly is Laila, you ask? Well, she's in the showbiz world herself, having starred in 25 TV series and appeared in 4 movies in her native Lebanon -- all this after starting as a model in music videos.

Sophie Turner Deja de seguir a Priyanka Chopra Deja a la esposa de Nick Jonas en medio del divorcio de Joe


Sophie Turner ha eliminado a Priyanka Chopra, la esposa de Nick Jonas, de su flujo en Instagram ... haciendo clic en el botón "dejar de seguir" mientras el divorcio por parte de la actriz, de Joe Jonas, avanza.

La estrella de "Juego de Tronos" ya no sigue a Priyanka desde el viernes, aunque no está claro cuando echó a la esposa de Nick.

También parece que Priyanka tampoco sigue a Sophie en IG, pero Sophie aún tiene a Joe y a Nick en su lista de seguidos ... al igual que a su hermano, Kevin, y su esposa, Danielle.

La hermandad era bastante cercana entre Sophie y Priyanka, por cierto ... la exactriz de Bollywood fue dama de honor y florista en la boda de Sophie y Joe en Las Vegas en 2019, un honor que no se le da a cualquiera.

Priyanka incluso habló muy bien de su conexión con Sophie y Danielle ... diciendo a lo largo de los años que eran su "familia por adopción", debido a que había crecido sin una hermana.

Como informamos, Joe solicitó el divorcio a inicios de septiembre ... y lo que le siguió fue una tensa batalla por la custodia durante semanas. Sophie incluso presentó una demanda en contra de Joe, alegando que se negaba ilegalmente a dejar a sus hijos viajaran con ella a Inglaterra.

TMZ publicó la historia, los 2 encontraron un terreno común a inicios de esta semana, alcanzando un acuerdo en el caso de custodia de los hijos, mostrando señales de que un acuerdo final se avecinaba. El miércoles, Joe presentó una demanda de divorcio en Miami para llegar a un acuerdo en privado.

Sophie Turner Unfollows Priyanka Chopra Ditches Nick Jonas' Wife Amid Divorce From Joe

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Sophie Turner has removed Nick Jonas' wife, Priyanka Chopra, from her Instagram feed ... clicking the "unfollow" button as the actress' divorce from Joe Jonas moves forward.

The "Game of Thrones" star no longer follows Priyanka as of Friday, although it's unclear exactly when she gave Nick's wife the boot.

It also looks like Priyanka doesn't follow Sophie on IG, either -- but Sophie still has Joe and Nick on her list of follows ... as well as their brother, Kevin, and his wife, Danielle.

The sisterhood ran pretty deep between Sophie and Priyanka, BTW ... the former Bollywood actress was a bridesmaid and flower girl at Sophie and Joe's wedding in Las Vegas back in 2019 -- an honor that's not given to just anyone.

Priyanka even spoke highly about her connection to Sophie and Danielle ... saying over the years that they are her "family by proxy," since she grew up without a sister.

As we reported, Joe filed for divorce at the beginning of September ... and what followed was a tense battle over custody for weeks. Sophie even filed a lawsuit against Joe, claiming he was illegally refusing to let their kids go with her to England.

TMZ broke the story, the 2 found common ground earlier this week, striking a deal in their child custody case, showing signs that a final settlement was looming. On Wednesday, Joe filed to dismiss their divorce case in Miami and settle in private.


Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner Wanted to Move Family to the UK ... But It Never Happened!!!

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Joe Jonas expressed his desire to make a UK estate his family's "forever home," but that's unlikely to sway the judge in deciding to move his divorce from Sophie Turner overseas ... because that's just not how the law works.

Sophie says Joe expressed his desire to move his entire family on multiple occasions, and even wrote a letter to a homeowner in the UK expressing interest in buying their estate.

Sophie submitted the letter in court docs, obtained by Page Six, in which Joe says, "We could tell that your family have truly loved living here and we can envision our children growing up here and making this our forever home."

While the letter may prove Joe wanted to live in the UK, his family never established residency there. They have lived as a family in the U.S. ... therefore, it's pretty certain a U.S. judge -- not a UK judge -- will handle their divorce.

What's more ... our sources say that while he, Sophie and the homeowners in the UK did reach an agreement to buy the home for $7.5 million, the sale never closed and is still in escrow. So again, no residency in jolly ol' England.

We're told Joe, Sophie, Willa and Delphine have never lived anywhere longer than 6 months other than when they were in Florida ... which is where Joe filed for divorce.

And, there's an even bigger point. Even though Joe and Sophie agreed they would make England their home in the future, once the divorce is filed, all bets are off. The North Star for the judge is determining what is in the best interests of their 2 kids, when the parents live on 2 separate continents.

Sophie Turner Tiempo con las niñas luego de salir con Taylor

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Sophie Turner nos está diciendo que puede hacer ambas cosas: tener una noche de diversión con Taylor Swift y pasar un tiempo de calidad con sus hijas, todo en medio de su acalorada batalla por la custodia con Joe Jonas.

La estrella de "Juego de Tronos" estuvo con sus hijas el viernes en Manhattan, empujando a Willa de 3 años y a su hermanita de 1 año, en un cochecito.

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Otra noche juntas

La discreta salida de Sophie ocurrió el día después de que tuviera su segunda dosis de "noche de chicas" con Taylor. Recuerden que ambas fueron vistas yendo al Hotel Barriére Fouquet de Nueva York el jueves por la noche.

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo de todo es que Taylor salió brevemente con Joe en 2008.

Las chicas se veían muy cercanas el martes cuando se dirigían a Via Carota para tomar y cenar algo juntas, mientras el divorcio de Sophie y Joe se calienta más y más.

Como informamos, Sophie presentó una demanda el jueves contra Joe, alegando que está manteniendo ilegalmente a sus hijas en EE.UU. en lugar de dejarlas volver a Inglaterra con ella. Incluso citó una ley de sustracción de menores

Joe ha negado cualquier delito, y dice que Sophie es en realidad la que estaría violando una orden judicial de Florida, donde fueron presentados los documentos de divorcio, que prohíbe a los padres la reubicación de sus hijos.

También tenemos fotos de Sophie y Joe almorzando el lunes en Manhattan. Nos dijeron que no había signos de drama ese día, lo que claramente cambió con la demanda de Sophie.

Por cierto, la actriz también había sido vista con Willa horas después de presentar su demanda, por lo que parece que es totalmente capaz de equilibrar el tiempo de mamá y el tiempo de diversión con los amigos.

Sophie Turner Mommy Time with Her Kids After Night Out with Taylor

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Sophie Turner's sending the message that she can do both -- have a fun night with Taylor Swift AND get in some QT with her kids -- all amid her heated custody battle with Joe Jonas.

The "Game of Thrones" star was out with her kids Friday in Manhattan ... pushing 3-year-old Willa and her 1-year-old little sis in a stroller.

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Sophie's low-key outing comes the day after her second dose of girls' night with Taylor ... remember, the ladies headed into NYC's Hotel Barriére Fouquet Thursday night.

Of course, the backdrop to them hanging out is that Taylor briefly dated Joe back in 2008.

The women were like 2 peas in a pod Tuesday, hitting up Via Carota to grab some dinner together -- of course, all while Sophie and Joe's divorce really heats up.

As we reported, Sophie filed a lawsuit Thursday against Joe, claiming he's unlawfully keeping their daughters in the U.S. instead of letting them go back to England with her ... citing a child abduction law.

Joe's denied any wrongdoing, and says Sophie's actually the one violating a court order in Florida -- where he filed his divorce docs -- blocking both parents from relocating their kids.

We also got pics of Sophie and Joe grabbing lunch Monday in Manhattan. We were told there were no signs of drama that day ... which, of course, changed with her lawsuit.

BTW, Sophie was also spotted with Willa hours after filing her lawsuit, so it appears she's fully capable of balancing mommy time and fun time with friends.

Sophie Turner Mommy time with Daughter Hours After Suing Joe

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Sophie Turner is fighting hard to get her kids out of the United States and over to Europe ... but that's not stopping her from enjoying some QT with her kiddo stateside in the meantime.

Sophie was spotted out with the estranged couple's daughter, 3-year-old Willa, Thursday while running some errands in NYC. Both mom and tot had big smiles on their faces as they walked hand and hand with another female friend tagging along.

No signs of Joe, but that's not at all surprising given the drama that unfolded between the two earlier in the day.

Sophie sued Joe, claiming they had an agreement to raise their two daughters in the UK, where they believed they'd live a safer and healthier life. Sophie claims Joe's hidden the kids' passports, preventing her from taking them outside the U.S.

As for Joe's part, he sent us a lengthy statement explaining a Florida judge ruled neither parent is allowed to relocate their children outside of the United States while divorce proceedings continue.

Buckle up.

Sophie Turner Pasa tiempo con su hija Horas después de demandar a Joe


Sophie Turner está peleando duro por sacar a sus hijas fuera de Estados Unidos y llevárselas a Europa, pero eso no le ha impedido disfrutar de algunos momentos cariñosos con su hija, mientras tanto.

Sophie fue vista con su hija de 3 años, Willa, el jueves mientras hacía algunos mandados en Nueva York. Tanto la madre como la niña tenían grandes sonrisas mientras caminaban juntas de la mano en compañía de otra amiga.

No hay señales de Joe, pero bueno, eso no es ninguna sorpresa dado el drama que se desató entre los dos temprano en el día.

Sophie demandó a Joe, alegando que tenían un acuerdo para criar a sus dos hijas en el Reino Unido, donde creían que vivirían una vida más segura y saludable. Sophie afirma que Joe ha ocultado los pasaportes de las niñas, lo que le impide llevarlas fuera de EE.UU.

Por su parte, Joe nos ha enviado un extenso comunicado en el que explica que un juez de Florida dictaminó que ninguno de los padres puede trasladar a sus hijas fuera de Estados Unidos mientras dure el proceso de divorcio.

Así que, abróchense los cinturones.

Joe Jonas Dinner With Nick ... Night Before Sophie Sues

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Joe Jonas seemingly found some comfort in his brother, Nick Jonas ... grabbing dinner in the night before his estranged wife, Sophie Turner, slammed him with a lawsuit over the custody of their kids.

Two-thirds of the Jo Bros were at The Waverly Inn in NYC Wednesday night -- and Joe seemed to be deep in conversation with Nick as they dined.

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BTW, this spot is a couple blocks away from where Sophie was hanging out with Joe's other ex, Taylor Swift, the night before.

She was also spotted at The St. Regis Hotel in New York on Thursday, hours after suing her estranged husband ... so they're still not that far from each other.

As we reported, Sophie claims Joe is illegally keeping their 2 kids in New York and wants them brought back to England, as laid out in an explosive lawsuit she filed Thursday morning.

Sophie says she agreed -- "with some hesitation" -- to let the kids stay with him while he was touring in the U.S. because she was working on her time-consuming series overseas, but that agreement was supposed to last until September ... when she would "collect the children and return home to England."

She even cited an international treaty that deals with child abduction across country lines ... so she's keeping pretty serious about getting her kids back to her.

In response, Joe's rep issued a lengthy statement ... saying Sophie's wishes would violate an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children," also reiterating that he's open to sharing custody with her if she moves to England full-time.

Do you think the Sophie Turner/Joe Jonas divorce war will get uglier? Vote below.

Joe Jonas Estuvo cenando con Nick ... La noche antes de la demanda de Sophie

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Joe Jonas parece haber encontrado consuelo en su hermano, Nick Jonas, con quien lo vimos cenando la noche antes de que su esposa, Sophie Turner, lo demandara por la custodia de sus hijos.

Dos tercios de los Jo Bros estaban en The Waverly Inn en Nueva York el miércoles por la noche, y Joe parecía estar muy concentrado en la conversación con Nick mientras cenaban.

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amigas a pesar de nuestro ex

Por cierto, este lugar se encuentra a solo un par de cuadras de donde vimos a Sophie pasando el rato con la otra ex de Joe, Taylor Swift, la noche anterior.

También fue vista en el Hotel St. Regis de Nueva York el jueves, horas después de demandar a su marido separado ... por lo que aún están bien cerquita el uno del otro.

Como informamos, Sophie asegura que Joe está manteniendo ilegalmente a sus dos hijas en Nueva York y quiere que ambas sean traídas de vuelta a Inglaterra, como se establece en una explosiva demanda presentada este jueves por la mañana.

Sophie dice que accedió "con algunas dudas" a que los niños se quedaran con él mientras estaba de gira en EE.UU., porque estaba trabajando en su serie en el extranjero. Pero se suponía que ese acuerdo solo duraría hasta septiembre, cuando ella "recogería a los niños y volvería a casa a Inglaterra."

Ella incluso citó un tratado internacional que se ocupa de la sustracción de menores entre países, por lo que se está tomando muy en serio que sus hijas vuelvan con ella.

En respuesta, el representante de Joe emitió un extenso comunicado en donde dice que los deseos de Sophie violarían una orden que restringe a ambos padres la reubicación de los niños ", reiterando también que está abierto a compartir la custodia con ella si ella se muda a Inglaterra a tiempo completo.

Sophie Turner Smoke Break In Spain ... First Glimpse Since Joe Jonas Divorce Filing

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Sophie Turner is still hard at work in the wake of Joe Jonas' divorce filing ... taking a smoke break in Spain while on the set of her latest project.

The "Game of Thrones" star was spotted filming the British series, "Joan," a biopic about infamous jewel thief Joan Hannington. Sophie is slated to play the titular character, which explains why she's rocking the blonde hair and big tattoo on her back.

As you know, Joe filed for divorce last week, asking for joint custody of their 2 young daughters. TMZ broke the story ... Joe saw Sophie doing and/or saying something on a Ring camera, which is what made him realize it was over between them.

Sources told us the decision to end things also had a lot to do with the couple's different lifestyles, as Sophie recently liked to go out, and Joe was more of a homebody.

That dynamic was a big difference from the months after Sophie gave birth to the couple's second child ... when we're told she's the one who wanted to stay home and would get uncomfortable while attending events.

We were told Joe complained about Sophie being MIA from a specific event at one point, feeling she needed to get out more -- a sign to some that their relationship was on the rocks.

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X / @ohhiikayla

Joe took a moment out from his Jonas Brothers concert in Los Angeles over the weekend to speak about all the noise surrounding his relationship ... claiming anything not coming out of his mouth is bogus.

We covered Joe and Sophie's split on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Sophie Turner Vista por primera vez en España desde anuncio de divorcio con Joe Jonas

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Sophie Turner sigue trabajando duro tras la demanda de divorcio de Joe Jonas, tomando un descanso en España, mientras está en el set de su último proyecto.

La estrella de "Juego de Tronos" fue vista rodando la serie británica "Joan", una biopic sobre la famosa ladrona de joyas Joan Hannington. Sophie interpreta al personaje principal, lo que explica por qué lleva el pelo rubio y un gran tatuaje en la espalda.

Como saben, Joe solicitó el divorcio la semana pasada, pidiendo la custodia compartida de sus dos hijas pequeñas. TMZ dio la noticia... Joe vio a Sophie haciendo y/o diciendo algo en una cámara Ring, que le hizo darse cuenta que su relación había terminado.

Las fuentes nos dijeron que la decisión de poner fin a las cosas también tenía mucho que ver con los diferentes estilos de vida de la pareja. A Sophie le gustaba mucho salir últimamente, y Joe, en cambio, prefería pasar más tiempo en casa.

Esta dinámica no era así cuando Sophie dio a luz a su segunda hija, según nos dicen. Entonces, ella quería quedarse en casa y estaba incómoda cuando tenía que asistir a eventos.

Nos han dicho que Joe se quejó de que Sophie no estuviera presente en un evento específico, ya que sentía que ella necesitaba salir más: una señal para algunos de que su relación estaba contra las cuerdas.

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Créanme a mí, chicos
X / @ohhiikayla

Joe se tomó un momento para hablar durante su concierto de los Jonas Brothers en Los Ángeles el fin de semana, afirmando que todo lo que no sale de su boca es falso.

Cubrimos la separación de Joe y Sophie en un reciente episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.