Israeli Hostage Stalled & Distracted Hamas Terrorists ... Long Enough to Survive

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An Israeli woman was able to stave off her murder at the hands of Hamas terrorists by killing them with kindness ... quite literally.

Rachel Edri is being hailed as a hero across Israel right now because of this harrowing story she recently recounted about being taken hostage by 5 Hamas members on Saturday morning ... when the surprise attack against her country was carried out.

She and her husband, who live in Ofakim, were held at gunpoint after the Hamas members stormed their home -- but she was able to keep them at bay for about 15 hours due to her incredible hospitality ... something she dished out as a way to distract the intruders.

You see ... one of Rachel's kids was a cop, and once he caught wind of his parents' situation -- he rounded up other officers and, while negotiating with the terrorists, scoped out the place to find a way to rescue his family. In the meantime, Mama Bear was playing a good host ... feeding the Hamas guys while also trying to chat them up with banter and conversation, all in an effort to stall.

Rachel, who's a grandmother, says she served coffee and cookies during the standoff, and apparently, it worked -- because when her son and the other officers eventually stormed the place, the terrorists were all stuffing their faces and weren't able to fire back. They were all killed on sight.

Grandma Rachel and her husband ended up surviving the ordeal ... and now, she's become meme fodder for Israelis looking for any good news in this terrible situation. Quite a story, indeed.

Protesta Pro Palestina Simpatizantes australianos se reúnen en la Ópera Cantan: "Gas a los judíos"

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Cánticos antisemitas

Una protesta pro-palestina en Australia reunió a 1.000 simpatizantes en la Casa de la Ópera de Sydney, quienes corearon consignas antisemitas como "gas a los judíos".

La multitud marchó por el centro de Sydney el lunes por la noche hasta las escaleras del teatro. Los funcionarios habían encendido los colores de la bandera israelí después de que el país fuera atacado por primera vez por terroristas de Hamás el sábado.

Durante toda la protesta cantaron consignas antisemitas: además de "gas a los judíos", corearon cosas como "f*** a los judíos" (que se jodan los judíos) mientras ondeaban banderas palestinas.

El grupo encendió bengalas en medio de la multitud e incluso lanzó lo que parecía ser una granada de humo contra los agentes apostados en la escalinata de la Ópera.

El primer ministro australiano Anthony Albanese calificó la protesta de "horrible" y añadió: "Entiendo que la gente tenga opiniones profundas sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el conflicto de Medio Oriente, pero aquí en Australia tenemos que abordar el discurso político de forma respetuosa."

La policía de Nueva Gales del Sur dijo el martes que las imágenes están siendo investigadas para determinar si se cometió algún delito.

Como ustedes saben, Israel y Palestina han estado en la ofensiva desde el ataque de Hamás a Israel el sábado, con más de 900 israelíes y casi 700 palestinos fallecidos desde que comenzó la destrucción.


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Kylie Jenner está recibiendo apoyo de las organizaciones judías en Estados Unidos por su post pro-Israel en redes sociales y esas mismas organizaciones están destrozando a los que la avergonzaron para que borrara el post.

Este es el asunto; Kylie compartió y luego borró un post de StandWithUs tras el mortal ataque terrorista de Hamás el fin de semana, volviendo a publicar una imagen de la bandera israelí con la leyenda, "Ahora y siempre, estamos con el pueblo de Israel!".

Luego de toneladas de reacciones en los comentarios, Kylie finalmente borró el post de su Instagram.

Roz Rothstein, cofundador y CEO de StandWithUs, le dijo a TMZ que mientras que la organización se complace con la acción de Kylie, "Es una lástima que algunas personas no pueden expresarse con honestidad debido a la intensa presión y la intimidación por parte de simpatizantes de Hamás".

Kylie no fue ni mucho menos la única celebridad que expresó su apoyo a Israel tras el atentado terrorista del 11-S, Gal Gadot, Bono, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Amy Schumer, Madonna, Natalie Portman y Mark Hamill también salieron enérgicamente a favor de los israelíes.

Es por eso que la gente del Comité Judío Americano dice que eso es una guerra en toda regla y que es un momento para utilizar a las celebridades para el bien.

El portavoz de AJC Richard Hirschhaut le informa a TMZ que Kylie "hizo lo correcto y actuó con el corazón con su post inicial" y ella "debe ser aplaudida por hablar".

En cambio, el AJC dice que Kylie se convirtió en "un tema de desprecio vicioso y feo" y la organización espera que ella ponga el post de nuevo en su IG porque "el poder de los medios sociales y el poder de la celebridad se necesita desesperadamente en este momento en que Israel está en guerra y bajo el ataque de una organización terrorista que es bárbara, inhumana e inmoral".

horror en israel

Además de Kylie, el AJC hace un llamando a "personas influyentes de todo el mundo para demostrar coraje y aumentar la moral mediante el apoyo a Israel".

La organización judía dice que los terroristas de Hamás están utilizando las redes sociales para mostrar su "absoluta barbarie" y cree que las celebridades con grandes seguidores deben utilizar sus plataformas para contraatacar con mensajes de amor, apoyo y solidaridad con Israel.

En resumen, para el AJC: "Si alguna vez hubo un momento para mostrar a tus seguidores quién eres y qué defiendes, es éste".

Kylie Jenner Jewish Orgs Back Her Pro-Israel Post ... 'Acted With Her Heart'

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Kylie Jenner is getting support from Jewish organizations in America for her pro-Israel social media post ... and those same orgs are ripping those who shamed her into deleting that post.

As we've reported, Kylie shared and then deleted a post from StandWithUs on Sunday morning, following the deadly Hamas terrorist attack ... she reposted an image of the Israeli flag with the caption, "Now and always, we stand with the people of Israel!"

But, following tons of backlash in the comments, Kylie pretty quickly 86'd the post.

Roz Rothstein, co-founder and CEO of StandWithUs, tells TMZ ... while the org is pleased Kylie reposted their account in the first place, "It's a shame that some people cannot express themselves honestly because of intense pressure and intimidation by Hamas sympathizers."

Kylie was far from the only celeb expressing support for Israel in the wake of the 9/11-type terrorist attack ... Gal Gadot, Bono, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Amy Schumer, Madonna, Natalie Portman and Mark Hamill also came out strong for Israel.

The folks over at the American Jewish Committee say the now full-blown war between Israel and Hamas provides a moment where celebrity can be used for good.

AJC spokesman Richard Hirschhaut tells TMZ  ... Kylie "did the right thing and acted with her heart with her initial post" and she "should be applauded for speaking up and speaking out."

He says the exact opposite happened, as Kylie became "a subject of vicious and ugly scorn" ... but he hopes she puts the post back on her IG, because "the power of social media and the power of celebrity is desperately needed at this moment when Israel is at war and under attack by a terrorist organization that is barbaric, inhumane and immoral."


In addition to Kylie, the AJC is calling for "influencers across the spectrum to demonstrate moral courage and amplify moral clarity by supporting Israel's high moral ground."

The Jewish org says Hamas terrorists are using social media to show their "sheer barbarity" ... and it feels celebs with large followings should use their platforms to push back with messages of love, support and solidarity with Israel.

Bottom line for the AJC ... "If there ever was a moment to show your followers who you are and what you stand for, this is it."

Mia Khalifa Dropped By Playboy ... After Pro-Hamas Tweets

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Mia Khalifa has kissed her deal with Playboy goodbye ... the adult entertainment brand dropped her after sharing her controversial thoughts about the Israel-Hamas attacks.

Playboy sent out an email to its subscribers Monday, after Mia expressed her pro-Hamas thoughts online -- the company said, "Mia has made disgusting and reprehensible comments celebrating Hamas’ attacks on Israel and the murder of innocent men, women and children."

It goes on to say the company encourages free speech and expression ... but adds, "We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech." Playboy says it's terminated its relationship with her, "including deleting Mia’s Playboy channel on our creator platform."

The former porn star-turned-influencer has been scrubbed from the company's Centerfold platform ... her page has been replaced with a simple "Not Found" graphic.

As we reported, Mia caught heat over the weekend, as Israel was being attacked by Hamas terrorists ... writing things like, "Tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal."

Despite the hate she got, Mia doubled down -- writing, "I’d say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I’m more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."


Sounds like Mia's now putting Playboy in the "Zionist" category, too.

MIA KHALIFA Despedida de Playboy... Por tuits a favor de Hamás

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Mia Khalifa se está despidiendo de su acuerdo con Playboy. La marca de entretenimiento para adultos decidió prescindir de ella luego de que compartiera sus polémicos pensamientos sobre los ataques de Hamás a Israel.

Playboy envió un correo electrónico a sus suscriptores el lunes, después de que Mia expresara sus pensamientos pro-Hamas en las redes. La empresa dijo: "Mia ha hecho comentarios repugnantes y censurables celebrando los ataques de Hamás contra Israel y el asesinato de hombres, mujeres y niños inocentes."

Continúa diciendo que ellos fomentan la libertad de expresión, pero tienen "una política de tolerancia cero con el discurso de odio". Luego dice que terminaron su relación con ella, "incluyendo la eliminación del canal Playboy de Mia en nuestra plataforma de creadores."

La ex estrella porno convertida en influencer fue borrada de la plataforma Centerfold de la compañía. Su página ha sido sustituida por un simple gráfico de "No encontrado".

Como informamos, Mia recibió una oleada de críticas durante el fin de semana, en medio de los ataques de Hamás a Israel. Escribió cosas como: "Díganle a quienes luchan por la libertad en Palestina que volteen sus teléfonos y filmen en horizontal".

A pesar del odio que recibió, Mia redobló su apuesta, escribiendo: "Diría que apoyar a Palestina me ha hecho perder oportunidades laborales, pero estoy más enfadada conmigo misma por no comprobar si hacía negocios con sionistas".

Parece que ahora Mia también incluye a Playboy en la categoría de "sionista".

NBA's Deni Avdija Heartbroken Over Hamas Attack ... Personally Knew Victims


Washington Wizards forward Deni Avdija is speaking out against the terrorist attack in his home country of Israel ... revealing he personally knew people who lost their lives.

Avdija -- the only current NBA player born in Israel -- released a powerful statement on the situation ... saying even though he is thousands of miles away, his heart is home.

"While I'm here playing ball, my thoughts are constantly pulled back to Israel," the former 9th overall pick in the 2020 NBA Draft said Monday. "This past Saturday, terrorists from Hamas and Islamic Jihad unleashed devastation in 21 spots across Gaza."

"They mercilessly murdered and slaughtered innocent children, women, and elders -- some at home, others during a party while celebrating a holiday."

He added ... "The haunting images of women, children, and elders being taken into Gaza, many meeting a tragic end, remain etched in my memory."

"Knowing some victims personally adds another layer to my heartache."

Deni says he is having conversations with his teammates and the D.C. community to relay just how serious the situation is ... and he will continue to use his platform to put a spotlight on the situation.

"Those haunting images from Gaza, showing the lives lost, are hard to shake off."

As we previously reported, Amar'e Stoudemire -- who converted to Judaism about 5 years ago -- blasted Hamas over the weekend ... calling the militant terrorist group "cowards."

Israel at War U.S. Citizen Stranded with Her 3 Kids ... Hamas Rocket Strikes Nix All Flights Home

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Israel has U.S. citizens trapped within its borders, including a mother of 3 who is doing everything she can to keep her young children safe as the Hamas attacks continue.

Daniella joined us Monday on "TMZ Live" from Jerusalem, where she's been forced to stay put -- with her 9-year-old, 6-year-old, and 2-year-old.

She says she's one thousands of Americans who went to Israel to celebrate the Jewish holiday, Simchat Torah, but now airlines have canceled all flights out of the area as Hamas missiles continue to fly through the sky above them.


Daniella says her family is really on their own in Israel -- the U.S. Embassy is currently closed, and she's now frantically searching for other ways to get out of the country that don't involve taking a plane.

She also says she's repeatedly had to take her children into bomb shelters amid the attacks ... adding she's been struggling to explain to the little ones why their world has been turned upside down.

As you know, Israel was first subject to terrorist attacks from Hamas over the weekend, with at least 900 fatalities being reported -- since then, Israel has responded with waves of air strikes as well, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring his country is "at war."

Israel Music Festival Shani Louk Smiling & Dancing ... Before Fatal Kidnapping

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As videos continue to come out showing the terror in the middle east, another has surfaced highlighting the innocent people who were killed ... living and enjoying their lives before evil swept in.

Young music festivalgoer Shani Louk danced with a big smile on her face around friends near the Gaza Strip over the weekend without a care in the world. Of course, Shani had no idea only minutes later terrorists would attack, kill, and kidnap hundreds at the festival.

Louk was tragically taken by Hamas terrorists and murdered -- her naked body was then paraded through the streets in the back of a pickup truck, displaying her multiple broken bones as onlookers spat on her dead body.

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Her mother, Ricarda, has spoken out online after Louk's horrifying death made the rounds online ... pleading for anyone with info to come forward -- adding she's already seen the brutal video of her daughter.

Ricarda says her daughter -- who is German but grew up in Israel -- went to the festival with a group of tourists.


Louk reportedly often challenged the military and refused to enroll in the mandatory service that Israelis are required to complete ... and her death is among the hundreds of others who have lost their lives since the attacks first sparked over the weekend.


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horas antes de la tragedia

Ha aparecido un nuevo video en el que se muestra a personas asesinadas viviendo y disfrutando de su vida antes de que el mal se adueñara de ella.

La joven Shani Louk— que asistía a un festival de música— bailaba con una gran sonrisa junto a sus amigos cerca de la Franja de Gaza durante el fin de semana sin preocuparse por nada. Por supuesto, Shani no tenía ni idea de que solo unos minutos después los terroristas atacarían, matarían y secuestrarían a cientos de personas en el festival.

Louk fue trágicamente secuestrada por terroristas de Hamás y asesinada: su cuerpo desnudo fue paseado por las calles en la parte trasera de una camioneta, mostrando sus múltiples huesos rotos mientras los espectadores escupían sobre su cadáver.

Su madre, Ricarda, ha hablado en línea después de la horrible muerte de Louk, suplicando a cualquier persona con información para seguir adelante con la investigación, añadiendo que ya ha visto el video brutal de su hija.

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investigando los detalles

Ricarda dice que su hija es alemana, pero creció en Israel y fue al festival con un grupo de turistas.

Al parecer, Louk desafiaba a menudo a los militares y se negaba a alistarse en el servicio obligatorio que deben cumplir los israelíes y su muerte se cuenta entre los cientos de personas que han perdido la vida desde que se desencadenaron los atentados el fin de semana.



Las estrellas más importantes de Hollywood han mostrado su apoyo a Israel en el actual conflicto de Oriente Medio, pero casi ninguna ha respaldado a Palestina, al menos públicamente.

Durante todo el fin de semana se han sucedido los homenajes en las redes sociales, hablando del violento enfrentamiento y denunciando el ataque terrorista de Hamás contra Israel. Algunas de las celebridades que han expresado su solidaridad con Israel incluyen Gal Gadot, Madonna, Ashley Tisdale, Mark Hamill, Amy Schumer, Natalie Portman, Kris Jenner, Jamie Lee Curtis y más.

Mientras que muchas de estas personas famosas están publicando simples mensajes de "Estamos con Israel", otros están ofreciendo una visión un poco más matizada, diciendo que es razonable estar en desacuerdo con el trato de Israel a los palestinos y repudiar la violencia desquiciada contra los ciudadanos israelíes.

Ese es un sentimiento que ha sido ampliamente adoptado por la gente en los últimos tiempos y hemos estado viendo que se refleja en las calles de todo EE.UU. con muchos estadounidenses ondeando banderas palestinas y gritando "Palestina libre". Sin embargo, en lo que respecta a Hollywood, no son muchos los que adoptan una postura tan firme al respecto, a excepción de unos pocos elegidos como Mia Khalifa, etc.

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Hay dos personas en concreto de las que muchos famosos esperan noticias y son Gigi y Bella Hadid, que han permanecido en silencio a pesar de que han apoyado abiertamente a Palestina a lo largo de los años y simpatizan con su causa.

Es interesante... el hecho de que no han hablado parece haber erizado las plumas en Hollywood, con la actriz Sara Foster aparentemente llamando la atención pero sin dar nombres.

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muestra de solidaridad
Twitter/@theswtd, Instagram/@bellahadid

Ella escribe: "Ver a influencers palestinos aquí negarse a denunciar a Hamás, negarse a hablar en contra del tratamiento bárbaro de los niños, negarse a esperar la paz, todo mientras viven en la comodidad de los EE.UU. con cero intención de estar alguna vez en Palestina porque nunca podrían ser abiertamente homosexuales o publicar abiertamente sus fotos en bikini no es, por desgracia, chocante. Es fácil ser franco desde la comodidad de tu cálida cama democrática." Suena bastante relacionado con Hadid.

Curiosamente, algunos han especulado que la relación con Hadid puede ser la razón por la que Kylie Jenner publicó y luego borró su Instagram "Apoya a Israel" este fin de semana.

Claramente, este es un tema divisivo a la vez que delicado. Casi todas las figuras públicas están enviando sus pensamientos y oraciones a las personas inocentes que están siendo empujadas a esta pesadilla.

El debate continuará.

ATAQUE DE HAMÁS EL EQUIPO DE CNN ESQUIVA UN ATAQUE Informe en directo desde una zanja

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la vida en riesgo

La fragilidad de la vida y la muerte en tiempos de guerra se vio reflejada en televisión cuando Clarissa Ward, de CNN, evitó por poco los cohetes de Hamás que volaron sobre su cabeza.

Clarissa y su equipo se encuentran cerca de un paso fronterizo entre Israel y Gaza, y mientras informaban el lunes sobre un reciente ataque de Hamás tuvieron que zambullirse en una zanja para evitar la artillería.

Se puede ver y oír cómo los proyectiles silban sobre ellos y explotan peligrosamente cerca.

Siguieron grabando durante el ataque y finalmente acabaron en directo en la CNN, describiendo el "aluvión masivo de cohetes" dirigidos contra su posición.

Una vez que el bombardeo se detuvo, Clarissa salió de la zanja y mostró el lugar donde Hamás recientemente había disparado contra civiles y tomando rehenes para llevarlos de vuelta a través de la frontera con Gaza.

La guerra es un infierno, y la tecnología está permitiendole a los medios de comunicación exponer todos sus horrores al mundo.

Amar'e Stoudemire Slams Hamas ... 'If Y'all Support It, F*** You'

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Amare Stoudemire


8:57 AM PT -- Amar'e Stoudemire is clearing up comments he made over the weekend where he passionately lashed out at anyone who hasn't publicly condemned the Hamas terror attack in Israel.

"I recognize that in a moment of passion that there is a better way that I can communicate my emotions about the conflict. I pray that the parties involved are able to find a resolution."

Stoudemire continued ... "I pray for the people of Israel. I pray for the people of Palestine. I stand with humanity."

Amar'e also addressed his comments about BLM.

"To Black Lives Matter and the Politicians. I recognize that it is everyone’s choice if they want to speak about the conflict and that while I may want people to say more, that there is a better way that I can communicate that," Amar'e wrote.

"I want to make sure to mention that I am thankful for all of the work that people as a whole have done so far for their communities and I hope that we all strive to do more. 🏁"

Despite clarifying his comments, AS made it clear ... "This is not a apology"

Former NBA star Amar'e Stoudemire -- who converted to Judaism and spent several years playing basketball in Israel -- sounded off on Hamas in an emotional video ... saying point blank, "If y'all support it, f*** you!"

The 40-year-old posted the clip to his social media page over the weekend ... blasting the militant terrorist group as "cowards" -- while strongly urging people to condemn the org.'s actions.

"I woke up this morning with some disturbing news out of Israel that Hamas are kidnapping children, putting them in cages, killing women, killing the elderly. That’s some coward s***," he said.

"That's cowardly," he added. "And for all y'all Black Lives Matter who ain’t saying nothing, 'Well, let me figure out exactly what happened before I say anything,' f*** you."

Stoudemire, who converted in 2018, then continued his impassioned rant for several more seconds ... repeatedly calling Hamas' actions "coward s***."

"All you politicians who always have something to say on the contrary, I see you. F*** you," he said. "All you Black Lives Matter people who always have something to say and always support everything else, and you quiet now, f*** you too."

Stoudemire first joined the Israeli Basketball Premier League in 2016 ... and went on to play a couple seasons for two teams in the organization. In his video over the weekend, he praised Israel as the "only place in the world where I can go and study Torah and eat kosher food."

"Only place in the world!" he said. "Some coward s***, dog."

Originally Published 8:19 AM PT



El ex futbolista profesional israelí Lior Asulin murió durante el brutal ataque de Hamás del fin de semana mientras celebraba su 43 cumpleaños.

Asulin estaba de fiesta en el festival de música "fiesta de la naturaleza" en un complejo turístico cerca del kibutz Re'im cuando hombres armados abrieron fuego, matando al futbolista y a muchas otras personas, según los informes.

Una superviviente le dijo al Canal 12 de Israel que vio a unos 50 terroristas vestidos con ropa militar llegar en furgonetas y comenzaron a dispararle a todo el que estaba a la vista.

"Dispararon ráfagas y llegamos a un punto en el que todos detuvieron sus vehículos y empezaron a correr", dijo la superviviente.

"Me metí en un árbol, un arbusto como este, y empezaron a dispararle a la gente. Vi masas de heridos tirados por ahí y yo en un árbol e intentando entender qué estaba pasando".

El equipo de fútbol Hapoel Tel Aviv —que firmó con Auslin un contrato de cuatro años en 2007— emitió un comunicado en X en el que afirmaba estar profundamente entristecido por su muerte.

Su antiguo entrenador en el Bnei Sakhnin, Eyal Lachman, también emitió un comunicado en el que afirmaba que Asulin era "un tipo con un corazón de oro, y esa era su característica más destacada".

"Siempre decían que su característica más destacada era devolver. Según mi experiencia, su característica más destacada era darle a sus amigos su alma".

Asulin jugó en varios equipos durante su carrera como futbolista profesional e incluso fue uno de los mejores delanteros de la liga nacional israelí en 2004.

Marcó 88 goles y ganó la Copa de Israel 2004 con el Bnei Sakhnin.

Asulin cumplió 43 años el sábado.


Middle East Conflict Stars Show Support for Israel Little to None for Palestine

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Hollywood's biggest stars have come out in support of Israel amid their ongoing conflict in the Middle East -- but there are hardly any backing Palestine ... at least not publicly.

The A-list crowd has been pouring out with social media tributes all weekend -- speaking on the violent clash ... and denouncing the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas. Some of those celebs who've voiced their solidarity with Israel include Gal Gadot, Madonna, Ashley Tisdale, Scooter Braun, Mark Hamill, Amy Schumer, Natalie Portman, Kris Jenner, Jamie Lee Curtis and more.

While a lot of these famous folks are posting simple "We Stand With Israel" messages -- others are offering a bit more of a nuanced take ... saying it's reasonable to both disagree with Israel's treatment of Palestinians AND disavow the unhinged violence on Israeli citizens.

That's a sentiment that's been widely embraced by people of late ... and we've been seeing that reflected in streets all over the U.S. -- with many Americans waving Palestinian flags and screaming "Free Palestine." As far as Hollywood's concerned though ... not very many are taking that firm of a stance on the issue -- save for a select few like Mia Khalifa, etc.

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There's 2 people, specifically, a lot of celebs are waiting to hear from ... and that would be Gigi and Bella Hadid, both of whom have remained silent -- this despite the fact they've been very vocal supporters of Palestine over the years, and sympathetic to their cause.

It's interesting ... the fact they haven't spoken up seems to have ruffled feathers in H'wood, with actress Sara Foster apparently calling them out -- but without naming names.

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Twitter/@theswtd, Instagram/@bellahadid

She writes, "Watching Palestinian influencers on here refuse to denounce hamas, refuse to speak out against the barbaric treatment of children, refuse to hope for peace, all while living in the comfort of the US with zero intention of ever being in Palestine because they could never be openly gay or openly post their bikini pics is sadly not shocking. It's easy to be outspoken from the comfort of your warm democratic bed." Sure sounds Hadid-related.

Interestingly enough, some have speculated the Hadid connection may be why Kylie Jenner posted but then deleted her "Support Israel" Instagram this weekend. She's pals with them.

In any case, it's clearly a divisive issue ... but just about every public figure is sending their thoughts and prayers to the innocent people being thrust into the middle of this nightmare.


The debate is sure to continue.

Hamas Attack CNN Crew Dodges Rocket Strike ... Report Live from a Ditch

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The life-and-death nature of reporting from the frontlines in Israel is playing out on TV ... as CNN's Clarissa Ward narrowly avoids Hamas rockets flying overhead.

Clarissa and her crew are right near a border crossing between Israel and Gaza, and as they were reporting Monday on a recent Hamas attack, they had to dive into a ditch to avoid the incoming artillery.

You can see and hear the shells whistle overhead and explode dangerously close to them.

They kept recording right through the strike, and eventually ended up live on CNN, describing the "massive barrage of rockets" aimed at their position.

Once the shelling stopped, she got out of the ditch and showed the roadway where Hamas had recently driven through ... firing on civilians, and then taking hostages and driving them back across the border into Gaza.


War is hell, and technology's enabling the media to expose all the horrors to the world.