Stanford Prof. Dr. Garry Nolan All the Proof You Need On UFOs ... Look Who's Fighting for Disclosure in DC

They're Going After The Truth

Sen. Chuck Schumer is one of a handful of lawmakers signaling a major shift in the U.S. government's approach to UFO reports -- further evidence people in power believe the truth needs to be uncovered.

The third part of the docuseries event, "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" examines who's leading the charge in Washington, DC, why they're doing it ... and what it means to the public.

Schumer and Sen. Mike Rounds introduced bipartisan legislation last year -- the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -- to increase the government's transparency on reports of UAP activity, and it was passed last month.

Another critical voice in the fight for disclosure is Stanford Professor Dr. Garry Nolan, and he says the very public involvement of prominent lawmakers, particularly Schumer, proves UAP (or UFOs) are no longer a fringe issue.

TMZ Studios

As Garry puts it in episode 3, available now on Tubi, Schumer wouldn't sponsor the NDAA and risk reputation -- especially in a presidential election year -- if he didn't believe there's something behind it.

Schumer was also a close friend of the late Sen. Harry Reid -- one of the trailblazers of the UFO movement -- and that's another reason he's pushing for transparency.

Filmmaker and journalist Jeremy Corbell, who's been leading our investigation, says getting DC "pit bulls" on board could potentially take this search for answers to places he never before thought possible.

All 3 parts of "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" are streaming, for free, now on Tubi.

La hija de Coretta Scott King parece disparar contra Jonathan Majors

La hija de Coretta Scott King parece estar atacando a Jonathan Majors después de que el actor mencionara a la viuda del Dr. Martin Luther King en su primera entrevista desde que fue declarado culpable de agresión y acoso.

La Dra. Bernice King, hija menor de Coretta y MLK, parece haber arremetido contra Jonathan en una publicación en las redes sociales el martes, diciendo: "Mi madre no era un accesorio".

siguiendo el ejemplo

Recordemos que el juicio por agresión de Jonathan incluyó un audio de él diciéndole a su ex novia Grace Jabbari —la que fue condenado por agredir y acosar— que fuera más como Coretta y Michelle Obama mientras declaraba: "Soy un gran hombre".

Majors volvió a invocar el nombre de Coretta en una entrevista con ABC —que se emitió el lunes— para elogiar el apoyo inquebrantable de su novia Meagan Good durante el juicio.

Jonathan le dijo de Megan: "Ella es un ángel, me ha sostenido como una Coretta. Estoy tan bendecido de tenerla".

Ha habido una tonelada de reacciones en línea acerca de Jonathan usando el nombre de Coretta de nuevo, y mientras Bernice no lo está llamando por su nombre, parece bastante claro que es a él a quien se están refiriendo aquí.

Bernice dice que su madre "era una defensora de la paz antes de conocer a mi padre y fue fundamental para que él hablara en contra de la guerra de Vietnam" y añade: "Por favor, entiendan, mi mamá era una fuerza de la naturaleza".

El momento de la supuesta pelea también es digno de mención... el próximo lunes la nación celebrará el Día de Martin Luther King.

Coretta Scott King's Daughter Taking Shot At Jonathan Majors?!? 'My Mother Wasn't A Prop'

Coretta Scott King's daughter appears to be taking a swipe at Jonathan Majors after the actor name-dropped Dr. Martin Luther King's widow in his first interview since being found guilty of assault and harassment.

Dr. Bernice King, Coretta and MLK's youngest daughter, seemingly slammed Jonathan in a social media post Tuesday, saying ... "My mother wasn't a prop."


Remember ... Jonathan's assault trial included audio of him telling his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari -- the one he was convicted of assaulting and harassing -- to be more like Coretta and Michelle Obama while declaring, "I'm a great man."

Majors again invoked Coretta's name in an interview with ABC -- which aired Monday -- in praise of girlfriend Meagan Good's unwavering support during the trial.

Jonathan said of Meagan ... "She's an angel ... she's held me down like a Coretta. I'm so blessed to have her."

There's been a ton of backlash online about Jonathan using Coretta's name again ... and while Bernice is not calling him out by name, it seems pretty clear he's who she's targeting here.

Bernice says her mother "was a peace advocate before she met my father and was instrumental in him speaking out against the Vietnam War" ... and adds, "Please understand…my mama was a force."


The timing of the supposed beef is noteworthy too ... next Monday the nation will observe Martin Luther King Day.

Warren Moon Praises Michael Penix Jr. ... 'This Guy Throws As Pretty A Ball As Mine'


Warren Moon is doling out some seriously high praise on Michael Penix Jr. ... telling TMZ Sports the Washington quarterback straight up "throws as pretty a ball as mine!"

The former Huskies signal-caller didn't stop the compliments there, however ... telling us he believes the current UDub QB1 could end up being the No. 2-ranked quarterback behind Caleb Williams when the 2024 NFL Draft officially rolls around in April.

"I watch him throw," Moon said, "and I've watched a lot of quarterbacks throw the football -- and this guy throws as pretty a ball as mine."

"I think once he goes through the scouting process," the Hall of Famer added, "and goes through the combine and people watch him throw and they watch him throw in his Pro Day coming up, I think he's going to really dazzle people with his arm talent."

Moon says that while Penix Jr. put all of that on display against Texas in the Sugar Bowl -- he really expects the college football world to take note when the Huskies kick off against Michigan for the national championship later Monday night.

Moon explained ... he believes that due to UDub's location as well as the Pac-12's TV deal, not many are aware of what the quarterback is really capable of.

"He's had a tremendous two years at the University of Washington," Moon said.

Kickoff for the natty is slated for 4:30 PM ... and it's clear Moon believes his alma mater will walk away from it all with another trophy for its case in Seattle.

"You gain your respect by doing the work on the field," Moon said. "I think the Huskies will do that Monday night."

Tyrone Wheatley Head Coach Of Michigan??? That's My Dream Job!!!


If Jim Harbaugh does indeed leave Michigan following this week's national championship game ... Tyrone Wheatley is making it clear he'd love to be considered for the gig, telling TMZ Sports the role is his "dream job."

Of course, rumors have swirled for weeks that Harbaugh might be looking to make a jump back to the NFL after finding so much success with the Wolverines since 2015.

It's unclear if there's any validity to the chatter -- though if it does ultimately end up being true, Wheatley said he sure wouldn't mind filling in.

"To play there, to come back now to be the head coach, goodness gracious," the ex-Wolverines running back said, "to check that off the bucket list, that'd be awesome."

Wheatley certainly has the résumé to be a candidate for the opening if Harbaugh bolts ... he's had a ton of coaching experience since he wrapped up his 10-year NFL career in 2004.

The 51-year-old has had stops as an assistant with the Buffalo Bills, the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Denver Broncos ... and he was even an RBs coach for Harbaugh a few years back. He's now working as the head coach of Wayne State.

While Wheatley is adamant he's focused on his current role -- it's obvious, there will always be a piece of his heart in Ann Arbor.

"It would be crazy for me not to say that's my dream job, right?" he said.

Wheatley told us coaching for his other former team -- the Raiders -- would also be considered a "dream" gig for him.


As for if he has any insider information on whether Harbaugh is staying or going -- he doesn't, telling us, "I'm not sure at this point he knows."

Regardless, Wheatley will be glued to the TV on Monday night when the Wolverines kick off their championship game against Washington ... rooting on Harbaugh and co. as they look for their first natty since 1997.

Ian Ziering Street Fight Was Unprovoked!!! So Claim Minibikers

The video of Ian Ziering brawling with a group of bikers in Hollywood tells the whole story -- at least according to one of the bikers who tells TMZ ... the whole incident was completely unprovoked by the motor crew.


We spoke to 2 men Wednesday on "TMZ Live" who sometimes ride with the 605 Minibike Gang, but are not members of the gang. They say Ian went from 0 to 100 all on his own, without any altercation prior to the video we've seen.

The 2 riders here go by Roy and Nocturnal. Nocturnal is the guy who was there on Sunday, and even recorded the video shot from behind Ian's SUV.

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New Angle, New Truth?

Nocturnal insists the group's first encounter with Ian was right there on Hollywood Blvd when the video starts.

He says 2 of his fellow minibikers were doing a legal lane split, and Ian purposely tried to prevent them from getting in front of his car ... even though they had every right to do so.


They say it appears Ian didn't like that ... and go on to allege he hopped out of his car to start a physical fight all on his own. If there was any incidental contact -- Nocturnal and Roy insist it was Ian's own doing ... and that he was the one who invited an ugly clash.

Nocturnal and Roy say they don't know why Ian might've escalated things the way he did -- especially with his young daughter right there with him -- but they theorize he was having a really bad day ... and let out his frustrations on the bikers.

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As we first reported, LAPD is investigating the incident for felony vandalism -- for the bashing of Ian's windshield with a helmet -- and misdemeanor battery for the fight.

Ian, for his part, has suggested the bikers were at fault here ... and blamed cops for allowing "lawlessness" to take place. He hasn't responded to our calls to get his side of what set him off that day.

Ian Ziering La riña callejera no fue provocada Reclama uno de los ciclistas

El video de Ian Ziering peleando con un grupo de motociclistas en Hollywood cuenta toda la historia, al menos de acuerdo con uno de los motociclistas, quien dice a TMZ que todo el incidente fue completamente no provocado por parte del grupo de ciclistas.

Sin compromiso previo

Hablamos con 2 hombres el miércoles en "TMZ Live" que a veces andan con el grupo 605 Minibike Gang, pero no son miembros. Ellos dicen que Ian fue de 0 a 100 por su propia cuenta, sin un altercado previo del video que hemos visto.

Los dos pilotos con los que hablamos van por Roy y Nocturnal. Nocturnal es el tipo que estuvo allí el domingo e incluso grabó el video tomado desde detrás del todoterreno de Ian.

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nuevo ángulo, ¿Nueva verdad?

Nocturnal insiste en que el primer encuentro del grupo con Ian se produjo justo en Hollywood Blvd cuando comienza el video.

Dice que 2 de sus compañeros del grupo de ciclistas estaban haciendo una maniobra de carril legal e Ian trató a propósito de evitar que se pusieran delante de su carro, a pesar de que tenían todo el derecho a hacerlo.

Ataque despiadado

Parece que Ian no le gustó eso, dicen ellos y dicen que luego saltó de su carro para iniciar una pelea física por su cuenta. Si hubo algún contacto incidental, Nocturnal y Roy insisten en que fue cosa de Ian y que él fue quien dio pie a un enfrentamiento feo.

Nocturnal y Roy dicen que no saben por qué Ian podría haber escalado las cosas de la manera que lo hizo, especialmente con su hija pequeña allí, pero sugieren que estaba teniendo un día muy malo y que descargó sus frustraciones en los propios ciclistas.

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Riña con unos ciclistas

Como informamos, la policía de Los Ángeles está investigando el incidente por delito grave de vandalismo -por el golpe en el parabrisas de Ian- y delito menor de agresión por la pelea.

Ian, por su parte, ha sugerido que los motoristas tuvieron la culpa y culpó a los policías por permitir lo que él llama anarquía. No ha respondido a nuestras peticiones de aclaración.

Chiefs Legend Christian Okoye Don't Blame Taylor For Kelce's Woes ... She's NOT The Problem!!!


Legendary Kansas City running back Christian Okoye is urging the Taylor Swift critics to shake off their hate -- telling TMZ Sports the pop star is absolutely not the reason for Travis Kelce's struggles this season.

"She has nothing to do with how the team's doing right now," Okoye said emphatically this week.

Of course, there are many who are disagreeing with the Nigerian Nightmare these days ... as Kelce's play has dropped off dramatically from where it had been earlier this season.

He's only scored one touchdown since Week 8 -- and the Chiefs have subsequently lost five of their last eight games.

But Okoye says none of that is Swift's fault -- telling us defenses have simply come up with schemes to neutralize Kelce.

"Taylor Swift is not on the field," Okoye said. "Travis is playing like he always plays. Teams are just doubling up on him now knowing that our receivers are dropping the balls."

Okoye says the game film tells the real story -- explaining, "All of the sudden teams figured out if they can double him up and hold [Patrick] Mahomes in the pocket, everything will be all right for them. And that's what they're doing."

Okoye added he's loved what Swift has brought to the team this year.

"When you're doing bad, people have to find excuses," Okoye said. "And they have to point fingers. Especially those who don't like the situation about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce."

"Those people are pointing fingers and making it up right now. So I have to tell you they are wrong."

Okoye was hopeful the team could get back on track when Swift undoubtedly attends K.C.'s game later Sunday against the Bengals.


As for what Okoye is up to these days -- the 62-year-old former All-Pro has written a book about his life titled "The Nigerian Nightmare: My Journey Out of Africa to the Kansas City Chiefs and Beyond" ... and he's super pumped for Chiefs fans to get their hands on it.

Leyenda de los Chiefs No culpen a Taylor de los males de Kelce... ¡¡Ella no es el problema!!

Los receptores tienen que recibir

El legendario corredor de Kansas City, Christian Okoye, está instando a los críticos de Taylor Swift a sacudirse de su odio, diciéndole a TMZ Sports que la estrella del pop no es en absoluto la razón de las luchas de Travis Kelce esta temporada.

"Ella no tiene nada que ver con la forma en que el equipo lo está haciendo ahora", dijo Okoye enfáticamente esta semana.

Por supuesto, hay muchos que están en desacuerdo con la pesadilla de Nigeria. El juego de Kelce ha caído dramáticamente desde donde empezó a principios de esta temporada.

Solo ha anotado un touchdown desde la Semana 8 y los Chiefs han perdido posteriormente cinco de sus últimos ocho partidos.

Pero Okoye dice que nada de eso es culpa de Swift y nos dice que las defensas simplemente han ideado esquemas para neutralizar a Kelce.

"Taylor Swift no está en el campo", dijo Okoye. "Travis está jugando como siempre. Los equipos simplemente lo están doblando ahora al ver que nuestros receptores están dejando caer los balones".

Okoye dice que la película del juego cuenta la historia real y explica: "De repente, los equipos se dieron cuenta de que si pueden doblarlo y mantener a [Patrick] Mahomes en el bolsillo, todo estará bien para ellos. Y eso es lo que están haciendo".

Okoye agregó que le ha encantado lo que Swift ha aportado al equipo este año.

"Cuando te va mal, la gente tiene que buscar excusas", dijo Okoye. "Y tienen que señalar con el dedo. Especialmente a los que no les gusta la situación de Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce".

"Esa gente está señalando con el dedo e inventando ahora mismo. Así que tengo que decirles que están equivocados".

Okoye se mostró esperanzado de que el equipo pueda volver a la normalidad cuando Swift sin duda asista al partido del domingo contra los Bengals.

Contando mi historia

En cuanto a lo que Okoye está haciendo por estos días, el hombre de 62 años y ex All-Pro escribió un libro sobre su vida titulado "The Nigerian Nightmare: My Journey Out of Africa to the Kansas City Chiefs and Beyond", y está súper emocionado de que los fans de los Chiefs pongan sus manos sobre él.

Don Lemon Nikki Haley More Dangerous Than Trump

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Don Lemon says the most detrimental presidential candidate Americans could elect isn't Donald Trump ... but rather Nikki Haley.

The former CNN host joined us Friday on "TMZ Live," and said he thinks there's good reason to sound an alarm on Haley's campaign ... saying she's a more dangerous candidate than Trump.


Don says it's a case of the devil you know versus the devil you don't ... calling out Haley for being unclear on her views, flip-flopping on Trump's insurrection and ripping her track record on abortion and racism.

The way Don sees it ... we've already survived one Trump presidency, and Haley presents a new set of unknowns that might end up being worse than anything Trump ever did.

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It's another shot at Haley from Don ... as we reported, he blasted her on social media Thursday for leaving slavery out of her answer on the cause of the Civil War.

Haley's apologized and asked for grace, something Don says is hypocritical.

Remember, Don and Nikki had beef when he was at CNN ... he called her past her prime, and says she showed him no grace for his poor choice of words ... which he's said was just a prime case of misspeaking on live television.

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Don's speaking out on political issues for the first time since leaving his post at CNN ... and he says he can finally speak his mind about all candidates, including Republicans.

While he says he doesn't want Trump back in office, and Haley might be worse ... he tells us why Chris Christie is earning his respect, even though he disagrees with most of his policies.


Don's outspokenness here sounds like a sign of things to come -- he broke some news with us about what he's planning professionally for the immediate future.

Don Lemon Nikki Haley es más peligrosa que Trump

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Trump antes que Nikki

Don Lemon dice que el candidato presidencial más perjudicial que los estadounidenses podrían elegir no es Donald Trump, sino más bien Nikki Haley.

El ex presentador de CNN se unió a nosotros el viernes en "TMZ Live" y nos dijo que hay buenas razones para hacer sonar las alarmas con la campaña de Haley, diciendo que ella es una candidata más peligrosa que Trump


Don dice que es un caso de diablo conocido a diablo por conocer, y critica a Haley por no ser claro respecto a sus puntos de vista, por cambiar de opinión sobre la insurrección de Trump y por su historial sobre el aborto y el racismo.

Desde la perspectiva de Don, ya sobrevivimos a una presidencia de Trump y Haley presenta un nuevo conjunto de incógnitas que podrían terminar siendo peor que cualquier cosa que Trump haya hecho.

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Siguiente pregunta

Este es otro tiro de Don hacia Haley, como informamos, el presentador la atacó en las redes el jueves por dejar la esclavitud fuera de su respuesta sobre la causa de la Guerra Civil.

Haley se disculpó y pidió comprensión, algo que Don considera hipócrita.

Recuerden, Don y Nikki tuvieron problemas cuando él estaba en CNN. Don le dijo que había pasado su mejor momento.

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Su cuarto de hora...

Don está hablando sobre temas políticos por primera vez desde que dejó su puesto en CNN. Dice que finalmente puede decir lo que piensa de los candidatos, incluidos los republicanos.

Aunque dice que no quiere Trump de nuevo en el cargo, y que Haley podría ser peor, nos explica por qué Chris Christie se está ganando su respeto, a pesar de que no está de acuerdo con la mayoría de sus políticas.

Próximos proyectos

La franqueza de Don aquí suena como una señal de que vienen cosas para él. También nos dio algunas sobre sus planes profesionales en el futuro inmediato.

Denver Broncos Trade For Russell Wilson Is 'Worst Of All Time' ... Ex-NFL GM Says


No deal in the history of the NFL has been more awful than the one the Broncos made to get Russell Wilson ... at least, that's according to ex-NFL general manager Michael Lombardi, who tells TMZ Sports Denver's trade for the QB "is going to go down as the all-time worst."

The former Cleveland Browns decision-maker didn't mince words when discussing Wilson's benching with us this week ... explaining he believes the Broncos' 2022 swap with the Seahawks will now go down as a historic blunder.

"When you add the contract and the trade," Lombardi said, "it's the worst of all time."

The Broncos gave up a bevy of picks -- including a first-rounder and a second-rounder -- plus three other players in the move to acquire Russ before the '22 season. They then signed the 35-year-old to a massive $245 MILLION contract extension.

But, Russ played terribly in 2022 ... and wasn't all that much better in 2023 -- which forced Sean Payton to sideline him this week for Jarrett Stidham.

The head coach's decision likely signals the end of Wilson's Denver tenure -- and with it all but over, Lombardi's ready to dub it the most disastrous NFL deal ever.

Lombardi said prior to the Broncos' move, there had been other historically bad ones -- including the Vikings' infamous 1989 trade with the Cowboys for Herschel Walker -- but he said "none of those trades had contracts attached to them that impact the salary cap in future years."

"Russell will move from Denver," Lombardi said. "But his cap problems will remain for two more years."

There is at least good news for Wilson on the horizon, according to Lombardi ... the former NFL exec says the QB should have a market if/when the Broncos officially cut him.

Tyron Woodley Offered St-Pierre Millions To Fight ... But He Said No


Tyron Woodley has been open about wanting to fight Georges St-Pierre for years, going back to their UFC days ... and even though the guys are no longer with Dana White's organization, T-Wood still wants smoke with GSP!

In fact, TMZ Sports was talking to 41-year-old Woodley this week when he revealed that he has not only launched his own fight promotion (more on that coming), but he offered St-Pierre a crapload of money to scrap.

"Like Georges St-Pierre, I offered him a dumb bag, he said 'No. I'm not in that world anymore,'" Woodley revealed.

Tyron added ... "When I say dumb, I'm talking pushing the eight figures, a lot of money."

Eight figures indicates $10,000,000 ... a lot of money by any standard.

GSP last fought in 2017 ... when he returned after a four-year layoff to fight Michael Bisping. He won by submission (rear-naked choke) in the third round.

As for the promotion ... Tyron says it's not just about fighting.

"It's called The Realest International Promotion, TRIP. We're promoting all things art, we're not just doing mixed martial arts," Tyron explained, adding, "We're doing music, concerts, festivals, cryptocurrency, e-sporting events, boxing, and then we just doing a lot of crossovers."

There's a bunch more with Tyron ... including the former longtime welterweight champ's revelation that he, not John Gotti III, was originally scheduled to fight Floyd Mayweather in an exhibition boxing match earlier this year.

Check out the clip!

UFC's Belal Muhammad Unloads On Leon Edwards, Team Makes Case For Title Shot


Neither Leon Edwards, nor his coach, believes Belal Muhammad deserves the next title shot. Belal has a message for the champ and his people.

"Leon's coach goes on the interviews today and says 'I think Gilbert Burns deserves it.' And I'm looking at these guys like, 'I really think their whole team is dumb blondes.' Like they're not smart," Belal told TMZ Sports.

He continued ... "I'm looking at these guys like ... Gilbert Burns, who I just beat, deserves it more than me? Even Leon Edwards after the fight, I don't think that Belal should skip the line. I'm number 2 in the world you moron, skip what line? There's nobody ahead of me. I'm the guy that's next. What are you talking about?"

If you're looking at the rankings, Belal's right ... he's the number 2 ranked contender, behind only Kamaru Usman. And right now, Usman isn't in play for a title shot. He recently fought Khamzat Chimaev on short notice across the world. He's also lost twice to Leon in the last 18 months.

After Belal, Shavkat Rakhmonov is the third-ranked contender ... after beating Stephen Thompson at UFC 296, where he jumped up two places. Burns is 4th ... but is coming back from an injury he sustained while fighting Muhammad. Colby Covington is fifth.

We asked Belal about Shavkat, and while he was very complimentary, calling him an "amazing fighter," he added, "he should not be skipping me."

Muhammad also addressed the idea that Islam Makhachev, the lightweight champ, could move up to face Leon.

"Islam, you have plenty of fights at 155. Oliveria rematch. Justin Gaethje. And if I'm the UFC, Leon didn't earn a double champ fight or a huge fight cause that fight was so lackluster, what are we gonna reward you with a Sean Strickland fight when you didn't even do nothing? [Performance vs. Colby] was terrible."

Dana White hasn't yet indicated what's next for Leon.

If they do fight ... it'll be a rematch of their March 2021 fight that ended in a no-contest after an accidental eye poke.

Safe to say the guys have unfinished business.

Warren Moon Praises Aaron Rodgers ... I'm Glad He Didn't Rush Back From Achilles Tear


Warren Moon says Aaron Rodgers deserves a lot of credit for shutting down his comeback efforts this week ... explaining to TMZ Sports things could have turned dire for the QB if he had continued his push to get back on the field.

The Hall of Fame quarterback -- who knows a thing or two about playing into his 40s -- said on Wednesday he's glad Rodgers has decided to stop his pursuit of rejoining the Jets this season because he had a real fear the 4-time MVP could reinjure himself.

"Those Achilles injuries," Moon said, "even though the Achilles might be connected again, it still has to become much stronger."


Rodgers revealed on "The Pat McAfee" Show on Tuesday he would not get back under center for NY in 2023 despite busting his ass since he suffered the injury on Sept. 11 -- because he's just simply not 100 percent.

He told McAfee his leg is close -- but he needed another 3-to-4 weeks to really feel good about things. And, with the Jets officially eliminated from playoff contention on Sunday, it just seemed to make sense for the 40-year-old signal-caller to put his focus on getting ready for 2024.

Moon obviously thinks that's a great plan ... telling us that even if NY had been in the postseason hunt, he still would have rather sat Rodgers.

"I still don't think he should come back if he's not 100 percent," he said.

His advice to Aaron going forward was just to stay in shape -- while making sure his team makes it a priority to surround him with a good offensive line next season.

As for the rest of the Jets -- Moon said he'd keep Robert Saleh on board ... believing the head coach deserves at least one go-around with a healthy Rodgers to prove his mettle.

Deontay Wilder I'm KOing Parker Early In Our Fight ... 'Don't Blink!!!'


Deontay Wilder is warning his fans not to blink during his fight with Joseph Parker later this month ... 'cause the star boxer says he's going to KO his opponent in a flash!!

The 43-2 pugilist made it clear to TMZ Sports this week that that's his plan ... explaining he's not foreseeing any ring rust whatsoever when he steps up to Parker (33-3, 23 KOs) on Dec. 23 in Saudi Arabia.

"I'm expecting to be very fresh," said Wilder, who hasn't fought in over a year. "I'm expecting to be intact. I got a great team on my side and we're looking for greatness. Nothing less."

Wilder wasn't sure of the exact round in which the knockout would happen ... though he guaranteed it'd be "early."

"It's a Deontay Wilder fight, guys," the Bronze Bomber said. "When he's fighting, he always keeps you on the edge of your seat because you don't know when it's gonna happen but when it happens, bam, baby! Goodnight!"

Following the tilt, reports are Wilder will be in line to next take on Anthony Joshua ... though Wilder said nothing is set in stone there just yet.

"It's a lot of different ways it can go," Wilder said, "but at this point, I'm just focusing on Joseph Parker. After that, we'll talk."

Fight night on DAZN is just a few days away ... get your popcorn ready!!!

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