Dan Dakich Bob Knight Was Loving, Hilarious ... Reflects On Death Of Legendary Coach


Dan Dakich spent 16 years with Bob Knight as a star player and coach, and while "The General" was certainly a hardass many times, his former pupil revealed another side of the legendary Indiana University coach ... the funny side!

"The dude was hilarious. He comes off as this big, mean, 'I'm gonna go crazy on everybody,' and he did. Let's be honest, he did. The man would go nuts on you and make you do things you never thought your body was capable of doing, but he was hilarious, honest to God," the Outkick host told TMZ Sports.

The 61-year-old continued ... "He was a guy's guy. You could crack on him if he was in the right mood. If we won a few games. And he was certainly gonna crack on you."

As for his prowess on the bench, Dan says Knight's "the best basketball coach I've seen."

Dakich played for Bobby at IU from 1981 to 1985 ... where he served as a team captain during his junior and senior seasons.

Right after graduating, DD went to work with Knight as a graduate assistant until 1987, when he became a full-time assistant coach. Dan remained with Indiana until 1997 when he left to become the head coach at Bowling Green.

Dakich has since left the coaching world ... and has become a big media personality, hosting his own show, "Don't @ Me with Dan Dakich" on Outkick.

Francis Ngannou I Want Immediate Rematch W/ Fury Won't Appeal Decision Loss


Francis Ngannou knows what he wants next ... telling TMZ Sports the clear choice is a rematch with Tyson Fury!

We talked to 37-year-old Ngannou on Tuesday ... just days after his incredibly impressive performance against 35-year-old Fury, and asked one of the most coveted athletes in all combat sports who and/or what he wants now that the world's at his fingertips.

"The rematch is what I want next the most," Ngannou told us.

"As for right now I feel like there is a lot of options for me, but I want to choose wisely, and I would go for the rematch first."

Before Tyson and Francis ever threw a punch at each other, Fury already had his next fight booked vs. Oleksandr Usyk. Ngannou thinks he and Fury should settle their business (the rematch) before the boxing champs scrap.

"My best scenario in boxing is to wait for Fury. If Usyk can step out and let me fight Fury, I'll fight Fury, then I'll let them do whatever they do. I'll go back, maybe do some MMA fight and come back with some people in boxing," Francis said.

"I'm planning to fight potentially twice next year, [starting] maybe February or March."


Of course, despite losing by a split decision on the judge's scorecards, many fans believe Francis beat Tyson ... so, we asked The Predator if he plans on appealing the decision.

"Who am I gonna appeal to? [The British Boxing Commission]? I have no chance. I think that's just another way of humiliation."

Even if Francis' team did appeal, absent the presence of something egregious, it ain't happening ... but even with the loss on his record, Ngannou has cemented himself as one of the greatest combat sports athletes walking the planet.


listo para la revancha

Francis Ngannou sabe lo que quiere y le dicie a TMZ Sports que la opción clara es una revancha con Tyson Fury.

Hablamos con Ngannou (37), el martes, pocos días después de su impresionante actuación  contra Fury (35) y le preguntó a uno de los atletas más codiciados de todos los deportes de combate que es lo que quiere ahora que el mundo está a su alcance.

"La revancha es lo que más quiero después", nos dijo Ngannou.

"En cuanto a ahora mismo, siento que hay muchas opciones para mí, pero quiero elegir sabiamente, y yo iría primero por la revancha".

Antes de que Tyson y Francis se dieran un puñetazo, Fury ya tenía reservada su próxima pelea contra Oleksandr Usyk. Ngannou cree que él y Fury deberían arreglar sus asuntos (la revancha) antes de que los campeones de boxeo se peleen.

"Mi mejor escenario en el boxeo es esperar a Fury. Si Usyk puede retirarse y dejarme pelear con Fury, pelearé con Fury, y luego les dejaré hacer lo que hagan. Volveré, tal vez haga alguna pelea de MMA y regresaré con algunas personas en el boxeo", dijo Francis.

"Estoy planeando pelear potencialmente dos veces el próximo año, [comenzando] tal vez en febrero o marzo".


Por supuesto, a pesar de perder por decisión dividida en las tarjetas de puntuación del juez, muchos fanáticos creen que Francis venció a Tyson, así que le preguntamos a "The Predator" si planea apelar la decisión.

"¿A quién voy a apelar? [¿A la Comisión Británica de Boxeo?] No tengo ninguna posibilidad. Creo que es otra forma de humillación".

Incluso si el equipo de Francis apelara —en ausencia de la presencia de algo atroz— no está sucediendo, incluso con la derrota en su registro Ngannou se ha consolidado como uno de los mejores atletas de deportes de combate del planeta.

Tony Stewart Opens Up Driving Future, Retirement ... I'd Be Done If Not For NHRA Dragsters


Tony Stewart is 52 years old, and although he stopped driving NASCAR in 2016, the racing legend's going faster than ever behind the wheel of a dragster ... and he tells us the finish line isn't anywhere in sight.

The 3x NASCAR Cup Series and IndyCar champion (the only driver to ever win both) stopped by the TMZ offices this week ... and sat down with Babcock on the "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs weekdays on FS1), as Tony prepares for the NHRA Finals in Ponoma, CA November 9-12 at the Auto Club Raceway.


Stewart owns an NHRA team, Tony Stewart Racing (TSR), an organization he co-founded with his wife, fellow racing star Leah Pruitt ... who drives a Top Fuel dragster.

Tony made his racing debut as a driver in NHRA in 2022, and this year began racing the Top Alcohol dragster on a regular basis. We asked him how much longer he envisions driving.

"From the NASCAR side, I retired at the right time. I haven't been in a wing sprint car on dirt for a couple of years now and I'm okay with that. The good thing about drag racing is because the run is so short, and the most you're gonna make in a day is 4 runs, physically it's not as taxing on your body. The taxing part is the acceleration and deceleration when the parachutes come out. That's the hardest part on your body," Stewart said.

He continued ... "I do feel like in NHRA, this is adding years to the end of my racing career.  If it wasn't for NHRA, I'd probably would be for the most part officially retired. But this has kind of been a rebirth for me."

A traditional quarter-mile run in a TA dragster lasts a touch over 5 seconds and sees driver and race car reaching speeds near 300 MPH. The body endures several Gs during the start and stop of the race, but it doesn't last 3+ hours like the average NASCAR race.

Stewart believes that's extended his career by years ... possibly decades.

"Chris Karamesines, 'The Greek,' drove into his early 90s, was the last time he drove a top fuel car. Which I thought was absolutely insane watching him do that. John Force in early 70s, still winning races," Tony remarked.


We asked ... could you envision still being behind the wheel as a 70+-year-old driver?

"I just hope I live another 20 years," Tony said, laughing ... "At the rate I've been going, I feel like I'm a video game on extended play."

Check out the full sit-down interview with Tony -- there's much more with -- and don't miss him on the track in mid-November! 🏁


tiempo de intervenir

Meta de Mark Zuckerberg se aseguró de diseñar Facebook e Instagram para que sean muy difíciles de dejar y el resultado ha sido negativo para la sociedad, al menos esa es la alegación del Fiscal General de Tennessee y otros 41 estados.

Jonathan Skrmetti, el policía más importante del Estado de Voluntarios, se unió a nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" para exponer por qué 41 estados  —y Washington, DC— están demandando a Facebook y a la compañía matriz de Instagram por supuestamente perjudicar a la juventud de nuestra nación.

Alegan que las aplicaciones de redes sociales están diseñadas intencionalmente para aprovechar la forma en que todos estamos conectados, haciendo las plataformas extremadamente adictivas con características como el desplazamiento infinito, recordatorios y notificaciones, solo por nombrar algunas.

Skrmetti dice que Meta es plenamente consciente de que las aplicaciones son difíciles de dejar y lo malo que es para la gente. Dice que causan problemas de sueño, ansiedad, déficit de atención, depresión y suicidio potencial.

En sus ojos, solo hay mucho que los padres pueden hacer para detener a sus hijos de engancharse a las redes sociales, y es en un punto ahora donde el gobierno tiene que intervenir para hacer cambios.

que hay de los demás

Es bastante salvaje ... Skrmetti nos dice por qué las aplicaciones de medios sociales están a la par con las drogas adictivas y pareciera que más demandas vendrán contra otras plataformas de medios sociales.

TN Attorney General Meta's Apps Too Addictive for Teens ... We're Suing to Make Social Media Safer


Mark Zuckerberg's Meta made sure to design Facebook and Instagram so they are super hard to quit, and the result has been bad for society ... at least that's the allegation from Tennessee's Attorney General, and 41 other AGs.

Jonathan Skrmetti, the Volunteer State's top cop, joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to lay out why 41 states -- and Washington, DC -- are suing Facebook and Instagram's parent company for allegedly harming our nation's youth.

He says the social media apps are intentionally designed to take advantage of the way we're all wired -- making the platforms extremely addicting with features like infinite scrolling, reminders and notifications, just to name a few.

Skrmetti says Meta is fully aware the apps are hard to quit and bad for folks -- he says they cause sleep deprivation, anxiety, ADD, depression and potential suicide.

In his eyes, there's only so much parents can do to stop their kids from getting hooked on social media, and it's at a point now where the government needs to step in to make changes.


It's pretty wild ... Skrmetti tells us why social media apps are on par with addictive drugs, and it sounds like more lawsuits will be coming against other social media platforms.

LA EX ESTRELLA DE LA NFL CHRIS LONG Sobre El 'Tush Push' Si no te gusta, no lo hagas


Chris Long dice que los haters de jugar haciendo "Tush Push" deberían calmarse. Le dijo a TMZ Sports que si los equipos tienen un problema con él, simplemente deben aprender a detenerlo.

El "Empujón Fraternal" se ha convertido en uno de los temas más polarizantes en la NFL este año, luego de que los Philadelphia Eagles han encontrado una manera de convertir la en una máquina de anotar.

Algunos han argumentado que es injusto, mientras que otros han dicho que es complicado, aburrido, e incluso peligroso y la NFL tiene que prohibirlo.

Pero Long —quien ganó un Super Bowl con los Eagles en 2018— dijo que la liga no debería hacer tal cosa, explicando que cree que los detractores de la jugada solo tienen envidia de los Birds.

"Los Eagles ejecutándola se ve totalmente diferente a los Niners ejecutándola o algún otro equipo", dijo la selección de primera ronda de 2008. "Y creo que la gente está enfadada con Philly. No le gustamos a nadie, pero no nos importa".

Long nos dice que los equipos no deben mirar a Roger Goodell para arreglar sus problemas con el juego y en su lugar, solo deben "reclutar tipos más grandes". O, mejor aún, ¡que simplemente eviten las jugadas de tercer y cuarto down-and-short contra Philly por completo!

significa mucho para mí

El argumento a favor y en contra de la jugada ciertamente no va a ninguna parte. Por suerte para Long, ahora tiene una gran plataforma para arraigar su postura en los aficionados. Se ha unido a la iteración de este año de "Inside the NFL" y está claro que le encanta todo lo que viene con la oportunidad.

Ex-NFL Star Chris Long On The 'Tush Push' ... 'If You Don't Like It, Stop It!!!'


Chris Long says "Tush Push" play haters need to kick rocks ... telling TMZ Sports if teams have such a problem with it, they should simply learn how to stop it.

The "Brotherly Shove" has become one of the most polarizing issues in the NFL this year ... after the Philadelphia Eagles have found a way to turn the ugly QB sneak into a first-down-making machine.

Some have argued it's unfair, while others have said it's so convoluted, boring, and even dangerous -- the NFL needs to ban it.

But Long -- who won a Super Bowl with the Eagles in 2018 -- said the league should do no such thing ... explaining he believes the play's detractors are just envious of the Birds.

"The Eagles running it looks totally different than the Niners running it or some other team," the 2008 first-round pick said. "And I think people are just mad at Philly. No one likes us, we don't care."

Long tells us teams shouldn't look to Roger Goodell to fix their problems with the play ... and instead, they should just "draft bigger guys." Or, better yet, he said just avoid third- and fourth-down-and-short plays against Philly altogether!!!


The argument for and against the play certainly isn't going anywhere, anytime soon ... but thankfully for Long, he now has a huge platform to ingrain his stance in fans. He's joined this year's iteration of "Inside the NFL" -- and he's clearly loving all that's coming with the opportunity.

Jay-Z Are You Crazy?! Take $500K Over Dinner with Me

Jay-Z is advising all Twitter philosophers out there to take the proverbial "$500,000" over having dinner with him ... he's saying all the "jewels" they think they'll get are in his old albums!!!

HOV weighed in on the viral social media question Monday with Gayle King on "CBS Mornings," where he finally gave fans the answer key ... well, his, at least.

In case you’re not hip, fans have been having a field day with the topic for YEARS ... debating if having just ONE dinner with Jay is worth more than $500K cash upfront.

Clearly an obvious choice for many, but some have argued that Jay will bless them with the missing link to create their own billion-dollar empire!!!

Jay’s not exactly disagreeing with them, but he’s saying there’s a $499,989.01 discount just for listening to one of his old albums!!!

He touted cash-saving tactics on his last released album “4:44” back in 2017, and way back in 2009, he infamously rapped the lines ... "HOV on that new s**t, n****s like "How come?" N****s want my old s**t, buy my old albums."

Jay says he didn't name a batch of his albums "The Blueprint" just because ... he says the songs contain his life's work and everything he rapped about became true.


With over 100 million records sold, the most Grammy wins for a rapper, and his Roc Nation label still going strong, no one's questioning him either.

ONE's Angela Lee I'm Not Unretiring ... Focused On Bringing Mental Health Org. To MMA


Angela Lee has no plans of returning to the cage after recently shocking the MMA world with her retirement announcement... telling TMZ Sports her focus is now on providing mental health services to combat sports athletes!

Lee -- who retired and vacated her 115-pound ONE title at Fight Night 14 on September 30 -- launched her non-profit, Fight Story, in honor of her younger sister and MMA fighter, Victoria, who died by suicide in December 2022.

Lee also revealed she attempted to take her own life in 2017 when she purposely crashed her car.

"I wouldn't say that I have fully recovered [from my sister's death] because healing processes take some time," Lee told us, "but I have gotten a lot better with the help and support of my husband, my daughter, and also with the nonprofit organization I created in honor of her."

Angela added ... "We're hoping to acknowledge our past and our personal experience but also take steps to proactively take care of our mental health [and] physical health."

The 11-3 mixed martial, who holds the record for longest championship reign in ONE, knows about the stress/pressure MMA fighters face ... and she pointed out combat sports athletes don't get the same mental health resources as other sports.

"I wanna highlight this group of individuals because the fact is the topic of mental health or mental health support is pretty much nonexistent in the fight world," the 27-year-old said.

"I think with Fight Story," Lee said, "we have lots of plans for the programs that we wish to implement and bring to the community."

Lee told us several fighters have already reached out to help the cause ... and they're hosting two big events, including a kickoff party that's going down on December 3 in Hawaii.


Angela says she's thankful for the support she's received ... and how it keeps the memory of her sister alive.

"I feel whenever I'm doing things with Fight Story, I really feel like Victoria is with me and helping me to work on this," Lee said.

"Something we're doing together."

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Dodgers Announcer Joe Davis Kershaw Eyeing 3 Options ... Stay In L.A., Pitch For Rangers Or Retire


Brace yourselves, Dodgers fans ... there's a chance Clayton Kershaw's career is done -- or, perhaps worse, he ends up pitching for Texas next season.

L.A.'s play-by-play man Joe Davis tells TMZ Sports the two options are very much on the table for the future Hall of Famer ... saying he knows Kershaw won't do anything in 2024 other than stay with the Dodgers, throw for the Rangers -- or hang up his spikes.

The voice of the Dodgers says he fully expects Kershaw to have lengthy conversations with his family in the upcoming weeks and months to ultimately make the best choice of the trio.

"It's a pretty simple decision," the 35-year-old said. "But it's certainly one that a lot of the Dodgers' offseason plans will hinge on the outcome of."

If it is ultimately the end ... Davis said there's simply no debate that Kershaw will go down as "one of the best left-handed pitchers of all-time."

And, it's definitely not hyperbole ... through 16 seasons so far, Kershaw has a 210-92 record, a 2.48 ERA and 2,944 strikeouts.

Obviously his departure will leave a huge hole in the Dodgers' rotation ... something that Davis says they'll absolutely have to address this offseason if that ends up being the case.

Chuck Liddell More Excited For UFC 294 ... W/ Kamaru vs. Khamzat


Bummed Khamzat Chimaev vs. Paulo Costa ain't happening on Saturday?! Don't be ... 'cause UFC legend Chuck Liddell says he's actually more pumped for the fight vs. Kamaru Usman!

"I'm excited about it. That card fell apart, and I'm actually more excited about the card now [with Usman fighting Chimaev] than I was before [when Costa was fighting Khamzat]," the UFC legend told TMZ Sports this week at LAX.

Of course, both the main and co-main events of UFC 294 were lost last week ... when Charles Oliveira -- scheduled to fight Islam Makhachev -- and Paulo Costa were both forced out with injuries.

Thankfully, Alex Volkanovski and Kamaru are bonafide badasses ... and both guys agreed to travel thousands of miles and fight on less than two weeks' notice.

(We also talked to Liddell about "Dad Bods" ... hence this ⬇)

We followed up with The Iceman, asking him about the wisdom of stepping in the Octagon with an undefeated fighter on 10 days' notice.

"Kamaru Usman is always ready. He trains all the time. He stays in shape. He's a good guy. I'm excited about this fight. If he took it on 10 days' notice he thinks he's going to win."


And, like Liddell said, Usman, despite being a sizeable underdog, thinks he's going to emerge victorious ... and he told us as much late last week!

Khabib Nurmagomedov Wants Islam Makhachev To Be Better Than Him Says Manager Ali Abdelaziz

Ali Abdelaziz
TMZ Sport

Khabib Nurmagomedov was one of, if not the most dominant UFC fighter ever, but the retired, undefeated, former champion wants someone to actually be better than he was ... Islam Makhachev!

Of course, Makhachev is fighting Alex Volkanovski in just a few hours in the main event at UFC 294 ... and we recently spoke with Ali Abdelaziz, Islam and Khabib's manager and close friend, about their relationship.

"Khabib wants Islam to be better. That's what's beautiful about it," Ali said of Nurmagomedov's desire for his pupil to surpass his accomplishments.

Whether 31-year-old Makhachev is better in certain areas (striking, for example) is up for debate ... but when it comes to pure dominance of an opponent, Ali doesn't believe Islam's quiet on Khabib's (29-0) level just yet.

"Islam lost, Khabib never lost. Islan might be all the way technically better, but dominance, I don't think anybody can be as dominant as Khabib is. You see Henry lose, Kamaru. A lot of guys lost. Khabib never even have one blood leave his body. When you have a guy who never bled in 29 fights, it's very hard to match him. It's a very tall order to match him. It's almost impossible."

But, that's exactly what Khabib wants for Islam ... who has a record of 24-1. His sole loss came in 2015.

Abdelaziz does think there's another fighter who is closer to Nurmagomedov's dominance ... Umar Nurmagomedov, Khabib's cousin.

Umar is 16-0, and 4-0 in the UFC ... and the 12th ranked bantamweight.

"The guy who is closer to Khabib than anybody is Umar. I truly believe Umar is the closest to Khabib's dominance."

For Islam, the #3 ranked pound-for-pound fighter in the entire UFC, a win over #2 ranked Volkanovski would be another step towards fulfilling Khabib's wish.

Just a few hours! 👊


Britney Spears no va a hacer una gira de prensa de televisión para promover su nuevo libro de memorias. La cantante ha tomado la decisión de omitir cualquier entrevista para ayudar a impulsar las ventas del libro.

Fuentes cercanas a Britney nos informan que está pasando de hacer cualquier promo televisada para su próximo libro de memorias, "The Woman in Me", lo mismo ocurre con cualquier otra entrevista adicional en el futuro.

Ha habido rumores de que a Britney se le pidió aparecer en "60 Minutos", además de una entrevista exclusiva con Oprah Winfrey y otros programas, y nos informan que nada de esto se va a concretar.

En caso de que te lo hayas perdido, Britey recientemente le concedió una entrevista a la revista People sobre su muy esperado libro de memorias, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que esas preguntas fueron contestadas por correo electrónico.

La idea de no aparecer en TV en muy Britney... al parecer el libro se puede vender por sí solo. La gente que la rodea también entiende que esto podría problemático si tuviera que responder preguntas personales en vivo.

Como informamos,  ciertos fragmentos de su libro ya han revelado mucho sobre su pasado, incluyendo a su exnovio, Justin Timberlake, quien dice que la dejó embarazada y la presionó para que abortara cuando solo tenían 19 años.

También nos enteramos de que el libro de Britney afirma que Justin la engañó con una celebridad misteriosa.

Britney Spears No TV Interviews For New Book ... And That's My Call!

Britney Spears won't do a TV press tour to promote her new memoir ... the singer has made the decision to skip any sit-down interviews to help boost book sales.

Sources close to Britney tell TMZ ... she's passing on doing any televised promos for her upcoming memoir, "The Woman in Me" -- same goes for any other additional interviews moving forward.

There have been rumors that Britney was getting asked to appear on "60 Minutes," an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey, and other shows ... we're told none of those will happen.

In case ya missed it, Brit recently chatted with People Magazine about her much-anticipated memoir, but our sources say those questions were all answered over email.

The call to skip TV was all Britney's, BTW ... and we're told her book is gonna sell off its own power alone. Those around her also understand it would open up a lot of problematic doors if she were to jump back into the interview game, getting hit with personal questions.

As we reported, snippets of her tell-all have already revealed a LOT about her past -- including her ex-boyfriend, Justin Timberlake ... whom she says got her pregnant and pushed for her to get an abortion when they were just 19.


We also learned Britney's book claims JT cheated on her with a mystery celebrity, too.

Holocaust Survivor 'Inhuman' Hamas Just Like Nazis ... I Won't Leave Israel!!!


A Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust -- and is currently living in Israel -- is getting terrible flashbacks amid the attacks by Hamas ... a group she calls "inhuman," and horrifyingly reminiscent of the Nazis of her childhood.

90-year-old Lucy Lipiner joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," along with her daughter, Rena Lipiner Katz ... and said she can't even begin to comprehend why Jewish people have been persecuted so frequently for centuries now.

Lucy arrived in NYC from Poland in 1949 when she was 16 years old, having survived the horrors of the Holocaust ... and she lived in the Big Apple up until last month when she moved to Israel to join her daughter and other family members.

Despite the destruction and horror of the Hamas attack of October 7 -- and the subsequent rocket volleys between Israel and Gaza -- Rena tells us why she and her mom are staying put.


We also spoke with Ken Wetcher, another survivor of the Holocaust ... and he echoes Lucy's beliefs that the Hamas attacks hold disturbing similarities to the Nazi party's killings of Jewish people nearly 90 years ago.

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