Si el perro del presidente Biden realmente está recibiendo formación (como la administración ha afirmado) ha estado recibiendo el tipo de entrenamiento equivocado. Esto según un ex oficial del Servicio Secreto que ha tratado con otros perros Primera.

Marshall Mirarchi trabajó en la división K-9 del Servicio Secreto durante una década, cuando Biden era vicepresidente en la administración Obama. Se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el  jueves para explicar por qué no está tan seguro de que commander se haya graduado legítimamente de la escuela de obediencia.

Según Marshall, los perros NUNCA pasan de un punto de no retorno (incluso un reincidente como Commander) cuando se trata de la formación. Dice que siempre se les puede volver a adiestrar, aunque la cantidad de tiempo que tarda un perro en alinearse es otra historia.

En cualquier caso, Marshall cree que todos los indicios apuntan a que Commander no está recibiendo la dirección adecuada y nos dice lo que puede y debe hacerse para que vuelva a estar listo para la Casa Blanca.

También se refirió a lo difícil que es para el personal de la Casa Blanca vivir y trabajar con un perro que es muy impredecible.

Como informamos, Comandante fue expulsado de la Casa Blanca esta semana después de haber mordido a un mínimo de 11 personas, con al menos 1 víctima reciente siendo enviada al hospital.

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todavía hay esperanza

Por cierto, hablamos con Marshall en julio, cuando Comandante había mordido a 7 personas en un lapso de 4 meses, y afirmó una vez más que el perro podría ser reentrenado, pero basado en la larga experiencia de Marshall, parece que alguien aquí cometió un error.

President Biden's Dog Signs Commander Not Getting Proper Training ... Says Former Secret Service Dog Trainer


If President Biden's dog Commander, AKA the White House biter, really is getting training -- as the administration's claimed -- he's been getting the wrong kind ... that's according to a former Secret Service officer who's dealt with other First pooches.

Marshall Mirarchi worked in the Secret Service's K-9 division for a decade -- including when Biden was VP in the Obama administration -- and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to explain why he's not so sure Commander's legitimately graduated obedience school.

According to Marshall, dogs NEVER get past a point of no return -- even a recidivist like Commander -- when it comes to training. He says they can always be re-trained, although the amount of time it takes a dog to fall in line is a different story.

Regardless, Marshall thinks all signs point to Commander not getting the proper direction, and he tells us what can, and should, be done to get him White House-ready again.

He also addressed how difficult it is for WH staffers living and working with a dog that's, up to this point, very unpredictable.

As we reported, Commander was booted from the White House this week after reportedly biting a minimum of 11 people -- with at least 1 recent victim being sent to the hospital.

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BTW, we spoke with Marshall back in July -- when Commander had bitten 7 people over 4 months -- and he claimed again the dog could be re-trained ... but based on Marshall's lengthy experience, it sounds like someone dropped the ball.

King Combs I Love Original Beats, But Bad Boy Samples Be Calling Me!!!


King Combs says he has every intention to carve out a hip hop legacy with his own original music, but when it comes to sampling, he admits ... sometimes it's hard to say no to a hit!!!

We got the Bad Boy Jr. at LAX on Wednesday and asked just how much access he has to his father's iconic tunes for use as samples when he's in the studio.

There's currently a raging debate in the rap world over whether today's samples of popular hits (some that already contain samples themselves) are innovative, or just downright lazy.

KC notes the success he's had with blasts from the past -- his Kodak Black collab "Can't Stop, Won't Stop" borrowed from Lil Kim's "Crush on You" and topped the Billboard rap charts ... while "How You Want It?" with Teyana Taylor used Mase and Total's "What You Want" melody and went Gold.

He recently made it a NYC summer with A Boogie, Fabolous and Jeremih by riding yet another Total wave on the track "Flyest In the City" and tells us he might have to hit the studio for a few more tracks that lean into past songs.

Folks can debate all they want, but for King, the proof is in the public reception.

His dad has gone unchallenged for decades with claims he "invented" the remix, so you could say it's just in KC's blood!!!


si no está roto...

King Combs dice que es muy consciente de que tendrá que labrarse su propio legado en el hip hop con su propia música original, pero cuando se trata de "samples" a veces es difícil decir que no a un éxito.

Nos encontramos con Bad Boy Jr. en LAX (Aeropuerto de los Ángeles) el miércoles y le preguntamos cuánto acceso tiene a las canciones icónicas de su padre para samplear su música.

En la actualidad, existe un acalorado debate en el mundo del rap sobre si los sampleos actuales de éxitos populares (algunos ya contienen sampleos en sí mismos) son innovadores o simplemente perezosos.

King destaca el éxito que ha tenido en el pasado con su colaboración con Kodak Black "Can't Stop, Won't Stop" cuando tomó prestada la canción "Crush on You" de Lil Kim y encabezó las listas de rap de Billboard y "How You Want It?" con Teyana Taylor utilizó la melodía de "What You Want" de Mase y Total y se convirtió en disco de oro.

Recientemente hizo una colaboración con A Boogie, Fabolous y Jeremih suviendose a la ola en la pista "Flyest In The City" y nos dice que puede que tenga que ir al estudio para afinar algunos detalles.

Su padre lleva décadas afirmando que él "inventó" la remezcla. ¡KC lo lleva en la sangre!

Byron Scott Blazers Fans Should Be Happy For Dame Lillard ... He Can Finally Win!!!


It's a tough time to be a Blazers fan, but NBA champ Byron Scott thinks Portland should be HAPPY after Damian Lillard got traded to the Bucks ... 'cause he's finally got a chance to win!!

TMZ Sports caught up with the former Laker out at KiKi Shepard's "Celebrity Golf Classic" this week ... and chopped it up about the blockbuster deal that sent Dame Time over to Giannis Antetokounmpo's squad.

Of course, it's a huge bummer for Portland fans to see their franchise player leave after 11 seasons ... but instead of taking the torches to their No. 0 jerseys, Byron believes it would be best to look at the silver lining by rooting for Lillard to get a championship with his new team.

"I think, obviously, Damian joining the Bucks -- a team that won a championship a couple years ago, and they got one of the best players, if not the best player in the league, in the Greek Freak, as I call him ... and adding Damian, who is motivated, who wants to win a championship, who has given his heart and soul to the Portland area -- I think they should be not so much upset that he's left, but they should be happy for him to get a chance to win."

Scott points out a major loss for the Bucks in the trade -- elite perimeter defender Jrue Holiday -- but he's predicting Milwaukee still makes it out of the East in his absence.

As the saying goes, Blazer fans -- don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!!


cuidado con los bucks

Es un momento difícil para ser un fan de los Blazers, pero el campeón de la NBA Byron Scott, piensa que Portland debe estar feliz luego de que Damian Lillard fue traspasado a los Bucks ¡porque por fin tendrá la oportunidad de ganar!

TMZ Sports se encontró con el ex Laker en el "Celebrity Golf Classic" de KiKi Shepard esta semana y habló sobre el acuerdo que le envió a Dame Time a la escuadra de Giannis Antetokounmpo.

Por supuesto que es un fastidio para los aficionados de Portland ver a su jugador franquicia irse después de 11 temporadas, pero en lugar de quemar sus camisetas No. 0, Byron cree que sería mejor mirar el lado positivo alentando a Lillard a ganar un campeonato con su nuevo equipo.

"Creo que Damian, uniéndose a los Bucks, un equipo que ganó un campeonato hace un par de años, que tiene uno de los mejores jugadores si no el mejor jugador de la liga en el Greek Freak (como yo le llamo) y añadiendo a Damian, que está motivado, que quiere ganar un campeonato, que le ha dado su corazón y alma a Portland... Creo que no deberían estar tan molestos porque se haya ido, sino que deberían estar felices de que tenga la oportunidad de ganar".

Scott señala una pérdida importante para los Bucks en el trato —el defensor de perímetro de élite, Jrue Holiday— pero predice que Milwaukee todavía logrará salir del Este en su ausencia.

Como dice el refrán, fans de los Blazers: ¡No llores porque se acabó, sonríe porque pasó!

Shaq I'm The Best Athlete-Rapper Ever!!! ... But Dame's Nice, Too


Yeah, Damian Lillard and Antonio Brown might have some dope music, but Shaq tells TMZ Sports he's the G.O.A.T when it comes to athletes who rap ... and he's been that guy since the 1990s!

For those who don't remember, Shaq made four rap albums during his Hall of Fame NBA career, with the first one, "Shaq Diesel," coming out in 1993.

He hasn't stopped making music in retirement either ... the 51-year-old actually just jumped on a track with L.A.-based group Coyote -- and he tells us he's got much more on the way too.

"I got a couple of freestyles," O'Neal said. "It's all competition for me, so when I hear other people that say, 'I'm a better athlete-rapper than Shaq,' I gotta step up."

"Nothing personal. I just have to let these people know who paved the way."

Some of the athletes makin' waves in the rap game include Lillard, who's been considered by fans to be one of the best, lyrically, in any sport.

There's also Brown, who's made catchy tracks like "Put That Sh** On" ... as well as former NBA star Iman Shumpert.

But, while O'Neal (who we recently talked to about his huge upcoming charity event) was very complimentary of the guys' talents on the mic, he says he's still the greatest of all time.

"I put stuff out, they put stuff out and we let the people decide who the number one is," O'Neal said.

"I know who the number one is. I'ma always say myself is number one, but they got a lot of the guys out there that are coming."

Only one way to truly figure it all out ... rap battle?!?


amo la competencia

Si, Damian Lillard y Antonio Brown pueden tener algo de buena música, pero                                  Shaq le dijo a TMZ Sports que él es el mejor cuando se trata de atletas que rapean ¡y lo ha sido desde los 90s!

Para aquellos que no lo recuerdan, Shaq hizo cuatro álbumes de rap durante su carrera en el Salón de la Fama de la NBA. El primero, "Shaq Diesel", salió en 1993.

A sus 51 años acaba de grabar un tema con el grupo Coyote, de Los Ángeles, y nos cuenta que tiene mucho más en camino.

"Tengo un par de freestyles", dijo O'Neal. "Todo es competición para mí, así que cuando oigo a otra gente que dice: 'Soy mejor atleta/rapper que Shaq', tengo que dar un paso adelante".

"No es nada personal. Solo tengo que hacerle saber a la gente quién abrió el camino".

Algunos de los atletas que triunfan en el rap incluyen a Lillard, que ha sido considerado por los fans como uno de los mejores (líricamente), en cualquier deporte.

También está Brown, que ha hecho temas pegadizos como "Put That Sh** On", así como la ex estrella de la NBA Iman Shumpert.

O'Neal (con quien hablamos recientemente sobre su próximo gran evento de caridad) fue muy elogioso de los talentos de los chicos en el micrófono, pero dice que él sigue siendo el mejor de todos los tiempos.

"Yo saco cosas, ellos sacan cosas y dejamos que la gente decida quién es el número uno", dijo O'Neal.

"Yo sé quién es el número uno. Yo siempre digo que yo soy el número uno, pero hay un montón de chicos nuevos haciendo cosas por ahí".

Solo hay una forma de averiguarlo... ¿¡una batalla de rap!?

Ryan Clark James Harrison's A 'Borderline' HOFer ... But I Hope He Gets In!!!


James Harrison says he's not a Hall of Famer, and Ryan Clark fears the Steelers legend might be right ... but he tells TMZ Sports he's hoping like hell his old teammate ends up being wrong.

Harrison admitted last week he doesn't believe his numbers are good enough to one day get a bust in Canton ... and when we spoke with Clark this week, he said he shares the same concerns as the guy he played with from 2006-2012.

"I would say he's borderline," Clark said of the ex-Pittsburgh pass rusher. "I don't know if he gets in."

James Harrison

Clark tells us ... he's unsure if Harrison sustained a level of excellence for long enough to sway voters -- though he did note the guy's Super Bowl wins and Defensive Player of the Year award might ultimately be enough.

"My bias says he deserves it, but I understand how it works," Clark said ... before adding, "I hope he gets in."

Harrison played in the NFL from 2002 to 2017, but he was only a full-time starter for about seven years. He logged 84.5 sacks in his career ... as well as 811 combined tackles.

The totals were good enough to earn him a place in Pittsburgh's Hall of Honor this season ... and, clearly, Clark is hoping it'll one day get him into the Pro Football Hall of Fame too.

"It would be an honor to be in the stands and in the crowd to hear James Harrison accept that gold jacket," Clark said.

Amanda Serrano Women Can Box Three Minute Rds ... And I'll Prove It!!!

Amanda Serrano

Amanda Serrano isn't only seeking a win next month, she's also looking to prove women absolutely can box 12 three-minute rounds, telling TMZ Sports the ladies can do it just like the men!

You may not even know ... female boxers don't go three-minute rounds, but rather fight for two minutes.

But, that's about to change when Serrano steps in the ring with Danila Ramos (12-2, 1 KO) on October 27 ... 'cause they're going the full three-minute rounds in Orlando ... the first female fighters to do so in 16 years!

"It's definitely been a long time since it happened," Serrano told us this week. "I'm excited."

"I have an amazing team backing me up that's pushing this fight and it about time we showcase now that I have this platform, now that I have this exposure to showcase that women can and will and capable of going 12, three-minute rounds."

Now, the reason behind WBC's rule is supposedly for the safety of the women, who are said to be at greater risk for head injuries. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine once said "female athletes appear to sustain more severe concussions than male athletes, due in part to a lower biomechanical threshold tolerance for head impacts.”

Whether or not it's medically accurate, Serrano (45-2-1, 30 KOs) wants to fight three-minute rounds ... and hopes to show that's how it should always be going forward.

"It's two women going at it but you know I'm hoping to prove come October 27 that we can do it and we're gonna come out well and healthy," Serrano said.

Amanda Serrano

The bottom line ... Amanda says she's going to put on a helluva show in Orlando.

"It's gonna be an amazing night of nonstop action," the 34-year-old said. "You're gonna see me for three minutes, go out there and throw all my punches like I usually do!"

Let's go, ladies!

UFC's Bobby Green I'd Wax LeBron's Ass In A Fight ... 'There Can Only Be One King' 👑


"If LeBron wanted to fight with me, it wouldn't be close!"

That's UFC fighter Bobby Green aka "King" saying he'd wash Bron in a purely hypothetical fight for the royal nickname.

See, TMZ Sports was talking to the 37-year-old lightweight before his Fight Night main event scrap against 29-year-old Grant Dawson, the 10th ranked 155 pounder.

Dawson's nickname is "KGD" ... said to stand for "King Grant Dawson"

When we asked Green if he had a message for Grant, he told us ... "There can only be one King. I just found out that Grant Dawson's fight name is KGD. There can only be one king. Let's go find out. The other one's gonna get his head cut off!"

Okay, okay. Obviously, the most famous "King" going right now this side of Charles is LeBron ... and given the age-old debate about skill vs. size, we asked BG if he could beat the 6'8" hoops legend.

"It wouldn't be close!" Bobby said.

We mentioned the size discrepancy ... Bobby's 5'10" and fights at 155 lbs. (we'll assume he walks around in the neighborhood of 185). James is 10 inches taller, and weighs 250 lbs., according to the Lakers website.

Irrelevant, according to Bobby.

"He's a big dude but he doesn't have the skills I'm sorry. Skills pay the bills, sir."

But, would Green actually fight King James?

"In a drop of a dime. In a heartbeat, without even thinking about it. Hell yeah. I'll wax his ass!"

Alright, Bobby and LeBron ain't happening, though, Bobby and Grant is ... and we're just a week away from finding out who truly rules the Octagon.

Logan Paul Promete darle la peor noche de su vida a Dillon Danis ... Tras trolleo hacia Agdal


"No puedo imaginar después de todo lo que ha hablado en X, después de toda la m*** que ha dicho, lo que será estar atrapado en un ring conmigo... ha cometido un grave error. Y suponiendo que se presente, el 14 de octubre será la peor noche de su vida".

Logan Paul está ansioso por vengarse de Dillon Danis cuando se enfrenten oficialmente en su combate de boxeo el próximo mes y le dice a TMZ Sports que su oponente se va a arrepentir de haberlo hecho algo personal.

Por supuesto, el ex luchador de Bellator ha estado en la vorágine de las redes sociales antes de la pelea, con todo el asunto de su prometida, la modelo de Nina Agdal, a tal punto de que tuvo que presentar una orden de restricción y una demanda en su contra.

Hablamos con Paul sobre las tonterías en la previa a la pelea y aunque dijo que sabía que Dillon lo insultaría y haría todo este tipo de comentarios, señaló que es un poco diferente cuando se tienen que involucrar abogados.

"Es un llorón, legítimamente", dijo Paul. "No estoy diciendo esto solo para actuar como un compañero de pelea pesado, que quiere maltratarlo. Es un cobarde. Ha hecho de esta pelea un asunto de mujeres, eligió pelearse con una mujer. Ella se defendió. Él está lloriqueando por eso. Está molesto. Está poniendo excusas a diestra y siniestra".

Logan añadió que cree que Danis nunca planeó realmente seguir adelante con la lucha y solo accedió a ella para obtener influencia y atención.

"Es el rey de los "patos", todo ladrido, pero nada de mordida".

A pesar de molestar a Agdal, dijo que no está ni un poco preocupado de enfadarse demasiado antes de entrar al ring, pues no hay nada que Danis pueda hacer para meterse en su piel.

Hablando de Agdal, Logan dijo que estará en la pelea en Manchester, ya que ambos han estado luchando sus propias guerras contra Danis a su manera.


Logan se burló de que tiene algunos trucos bajo la manga para esa noche, en caso de que necesite más motivación para sintonizar.

Logan Paul Vows To Give Dillon Danis 'Worst Night Of His Life' ... After Agdal Trolling


"I can't imagine after all the talk he's done on X, after all the s*** he said, what it's going to be like to be trapped in a ring with me -- he has made a grave error. And assuming he shows up, October 14 will be the worst night of his life."

Logan Paul is champing at the bit to get revenge on Dillon Danis when they officially face off in their boxing match next month ... telling TMZ Sports his opponent is going to regret making it personal.

Of course, the former Bellator fighter has been on a tear on social media leading up to the bout ... targeting Paul's model fiancee, Nina Agdal, to the point she had to file a restraining order and lawsuit against him.

We spoke with Paul about the pre-fight antics ... and while he said he knew D.D. would bring the trash talk, he pointed out it's a bit different when lawyers gotta get involved.

"He's a crybaby, legitimately," Paul said. "I'm not just saying this to be like a mean fight companion trying to rile him up. He's a coward. He's made this fight entirely about a woman -- he chose to pick a fight with a woman. She fought back. He's whining about it. He's upset. He's making excuses left, right and center."

Logan added he believes Danis never planned to actually go through with the fight ... and only agreed to it so he could get clout and attention.

"He's the king of the ducks, all bark, no bite."

Despite going after Agdal, Logan said he's not worried one bit about getting too angry before entering the ring with his nemesis ... saying there's nothing Danis could do to get under his skin.

Speaking of Agdal, Logan said she WILL be at the fight in Manchester ... as they've both been fighting their own wars against Danis in their own ways.


Logan teased he has a few tricks up his sleeve come fight night ... just in case you needed any more motivation to tune in.

Jarrett Payton Taylor & Travis Are Real Deal ... I Saw Them Up Close!!!

Former NFL star Jarrett Payton has no doubts about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce bein' a couple ... and that's coming from the guy who got the viral video of them leaving the Chiefs game together.

Jarrett, the son of football legend Walter Payton, joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday to talk about his experience capturing Taylor and Travis leaving Kansas City's Arrowhead Stadium together ... and he's telling us why there's real chemistry between them.


Jarrett's quick clip has quite the story behind it -- he says he was on the field filming coverage for Chicago's WGN and was heading to the car when he was stopped by security and told to wait there while they dealt with something ... or someone.

Luckily, he says he was told to stay put in the hallway ... and the 2 strolled past him not long after that.

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He also thinks Travis gave him a bit of a look while walking out -- a total "come on, dude" kind of glance -- but Jarrett admits was like a kid in the candy store.

As you know, the internet's been going nuts over Taylor and Travis leaving together ... and the singer was also having a blast in a private box with Travis' mom, Donna, just hours before.

And for those of you who are convinced the 2 are an item, it sounds like Jarrett's right there with you on that one.

Do you think Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are the real deal, or just a PR stunt? Vote below.

Bruce Willis's Wife Opens Up on His Dementia 'Hard to Know' How Aware He Is of This

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Bruce Willis's wife, Emma Heming, just revealed how severe her husband's condition is as it pertains to his dementia ... and it sounds worse than what people might've realized.

Emma went on 'Today' Monday morning to discuss Bruce's diagnosis at length -- and she was accompanied by a professional in the field who was there to provide more context on what exactly BW is battling with frontotemporal dementia ... his specific condition.


This is a tough watch, because the situation clearly weighs on Emma and their 2 young daughters together ... something she describes in detail in this heart-wrenching interview.

One standout from her remarks comes when Hoda Kotb asks her, point blank, if Bruce is aware of what's going on with him ... and the answer is telling. Emma says it's "hard to know."

Emma also explains Bruce has lost the ability to make decisions for himself, as opposed to outright memory loss -- although, it sounds like that too might be affected.

In any case, it's evident Emma is now overseeing his well-being. She says she doesn't consider herself his caretaker now, but a "care partner."

When it comes to their kids ... Emma says she's been honest with them on the science of what's happening to their dad.

As we reported ... Bruce's family announced last year that he'd be stepping away from acting, as it had become apparent his health was deteriorating and he needed help.

Of course, he has a huge family that's stepped up big time during this whole thing -- including his ex, Demi Moore, and all of his adult children too. And, while Bruce has stepped out of the spotlight, he continues to surface in public ... seemingly always in good spirits.


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superando los problemas

La esposa de Bruce Willis, Emma Heming, acaba de revelar la gravedad de la condición de su marido en lo que respecta a su demencia, y suena peor de lo que la gente podría haber imaginado.

Emma estuvo en "Today" el lunes por la mañana para discutir el diagnóstico de Bruce en detalle. Estaba acompañada por un profesional en el campo que estaba allí para proporcionar más contexto sobre la condición específica de su mardo la cual se denomina demencia frontotemporal.

dificil para toda la familia

Es una situación muy dura para Emma y sus 2 hijas pequeñas, y la describe en detalle en esta desgarradora entrevista.

Un momento destacado de sus declaraciones se produce cuando Hoda Kotb le pregunta sin tapujos si Bruce es consciente de lo que le está pasando y la respuesta es reveladora. Emma dice que es "difícil de saber".

Emma también explica que Bruce ha perdido la capacidad de tomar decisiones por sí mismo y aunque todavía no tiene pérdida de memoria absoluta, no se descartan las posibilidades.

En cualquier caso, es evidente que Emma está supervisando su bienestar. Dice que ahora no se considera su enfermera, sino una "compañera de cuidados".

Cuando se trata de sus hijos, Emma dice que ha sido honesta con ellos respecto a lo que le está sucediendole a su padre.

Como informamos, la familia de Bruce anunció el año pasado que estaría dando un paso fuera de la actuación ya que se había hecho evidente que su salud se estaba deteriorando y que necesitaba ayuda.

Por supuesto, él tiene una gran familia que ha demostrado ser muy fuerte durante todo este asunto incluyendo a su ex, Demi Moore, y todos sus hijos adultos también. Bruce se ha alejado de los focos pero sigue apareciendo en público y al parecer siempre de buen humor.

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