Amanda Serrano Women Can Box Three Minute Rds ... And I'll Prove It!!!

Amanda Serrano

Amanda Serrano isn't only seeking a win next month, she's also looking to prove women absolutely can box 12 three-minute rounds, telling TMZ Sports the ladies can do it just like the men!

You may not even know ... female boxers don't go three-minute rounds, but rather fight for two minutes.

But, that's about to change when Serrano steps in the ring with Danila Ramos (12-2, 1 KO) on October 27 ... 'cause they're going the full three-minute rounds in Orlando ... the first female fighters to do so in 16 years!

"It's definitely been a long time since it happened," Serrano told us this week. "I'm excited."

"I have an amazing team backing me up that's pushing this fight and it about time we showcase now that I have this platform, now that I have this exposure to showcase that women can and will and capable of going 12, three-minute rounds."

Now, the reason behind WBC's rule is supposedly for the safety of the women, who are said to be at greater risk for head injuries. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine once said "female athletes appear to sustain more severe concussions than male athletes, due in part to a lower biomechanical threshold tolerance for head impacts.”

Whether or not it's medically accurate, Serrano (45-2-1, 30 KOs) wants to fight three-minute rounds ... and hopes to show that's how it should always be going forward.

"It's two women going at it but you know I'm hoping to prove come October 27 that we can do it and we're gonna come out well and healthy," Serrano said.

Amanda Serrano

The bottom line ... Amanda says she's going to put on a helluva show in Orlando.

"It's gonna be an amazing night of nonstop action," the 34-year-old said. "You're gonna see me for three minutes, go out there and throw all my punches like I usually do!"

Let's go, ladies!

UFC's Bobby Green I'd Wax LeBron's Ass In A Fight ... 'There Can Only Be One King' 👑


"If LeBron wanted to fight with me, it wouldn't be close!"

That's UFC fighter Bobby Green aka "King" saying he'd wash Bron in a purely hypothetical fight for the royal nickname.

See, TMZ Sports was talking to the 37-year-old lightweight before his Fight Night main event scrap against 29-year-old Grant Dawson, the 10th ranked 155 pounder.

Dawson's nickname is "KGD" ... said to stand for "King Grant Dawson"

When we asked Green if he had a message for Grant, he told us ... "There can only be one King. I just found out that Grant Dawson's fight name is KGD. There can only be one king. Let's go find out. The other one's gonna get his head cut off!"

Okay, okay. Obviously, the most famous "King" going right now this side of Charles is LeBron ... and given the age-old debate about skill vs. size, we asked BG if he could beat the 6'8" hoops legend.

"It wouldn't be close!" Bobby said.

We mentioned the size discrepancy ... Bobby's 5'10" and fights at 155 lbs. (we'll assume he walks around in the neighborhood of 185). James is 10 inches taller, and weighs 250 lbs., according to the Lakers website.

Irrelevant, according to Bobby.

"He's a big dude but he doesn't have the skills I'm sorry. Skills pay the bills, sir."

But, would Green actually fight King James?

"In a drop of a dime. In a heartbeat, without even thinking about it. Hell yeah. I'll wax his ass!"

Alright, Bobby and LeBron ain't happening, though, Bobby and Grant is ... and we're just a week away from finding out who truly rules the Octagon.

Logan Paul Promete darle la peor noche de su vida a Dillon Danis ... Tras trolleo hacia Agdal


"No puedo imaginar después de todo lo que ha hablado en X, después de toda la m*** que ha dicho, lo que será estar atrapado en un ring conmigo... ha cometido un grave error. Y suponiendo que se presente, el 14 de octubre será la peor noche de su vida".

Logan Paul está ansioso por vengarse de Dillon Danis cuando se enfrenten oficialmente en su combate de boxeo el próximo mes y le dice a TMZ Sports que su oponente se va a arrepentir de haberlo hecho algo personal.

Por supuesto, el ex luchador de Bellator ha estado en la vorágine de las redes sociales antes de la pelea, con todo el asunto de su prometida, la modelo de Nina Agdal, a tal punto de que tuvo que presentar una orden de restricción y una demanda en su contra.

Hablamos con Paul sobre las tonterías en la previa a la pelea y aunque dijo que sabía que Dillon lo insultaría y haría todo este tipo de comentarios, señaló que es un poco diferente cuando se tienen que involucrar abogados.

"Es un llorón, legítimamente", dijo Paul. "No estoy diciendo esto solo para actuar como un compañero de pelea pesado, que quiere maltratarlo. Es un cobarde. Ha hecho de esta pelea un asunto de mujeres, eligió pelearse con una mujer. Ella se defendió. Él está lloriqueando por eso. Está molesto. Está poniendo excusas a diestra y siniestra".

Logan añadió que cree que Danis nunca planeó realmente seguir adelante con la lucha y solo accedió a ella para obtener influencia y atención.

"Es el rey de los "patos", todo ladrido, pero nada de mordida".

A pesar de molestar a Agdal, dijo que no está ni un poco preocupado de enfadarse demasiado antes de entrar al ring, pues no hay nada que Danis pueda hacer para meterse en su piel.

Hablando de Agdal, Logan dijo que estará en la pelea en Manchester, ya que ambos han estado luchando sus propias guerras contra Danis a su manera.


Logan se burló de que tiene algunos trucos bajo la manga para esa noche, en caso de que necesite más motivación para sintonizar.

Logan Paul Vows To Give Dillon Danis 'Worst Night Of His Life' ... After Agdal Trolling


"I can't imagine after all the talk he's done on X, after all the s*** he said, what it's going to be like to be trapped in a ring with me -- he has made a grave error. And assuming he shows up, October 14 will be the worst night of his life."

Logan Paul is champing at the bit to get revenge on Dillon Danis when they officially face off in their boxing match next month ... telling TMZ Sports his opponent is going to regret making it personal.

Of course, the former Bellator fighter has been on a tear on social media leading up to the bout ... targeting Paul's model fiancee, Nina Agdal, to the point she had to file a restraining order and lawsuit against him.

We spoke with Paul about the pre-fight antics ... and while he said he knew D.D. would bring the trash talk, he pointed out it's a bit different when lawyers gotta get involved.

"He's a crybaby, legitimately," Paul said. "I'm not just saying this to be like a mean fight companion trying to rile him up. He's a coward. He's made this fight entirely about a woman -- he chose to pick a fight with a woman. She fought back. He's whining about it. He's upset. He's making excuses left, right and center."

Logan added he believes Danis never planned to actually go through with the fight ... and only agreed to it so he could get clout and attention.

"He's the king of the ducks, all bark, no bite."

Despite going after Agdal, Logan said he's not worried one bit about getting too angry before entering the ring with his nemesis ... saying there's nothing Danis could do to get under his skin.

Speaking of Agdal, Logan said she WILL be at the fight in Manchester ... as they've both been fighting their own wars against Danis in their own ways.


Logan teased he has a few tricks up his sleeve come fight night ... just in case you needed any more motivation to tune in.

Jarrett Payton Taylor & Travis Are Real Deal ... I Saw Them Up Close!!!

Former NFL star Jarrett Payton has no doubts about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce bein' a couple ... and that's coming from the guy who got the viral video of them leaving the Chiefs game together.

Jarrett, the son of football legend Walter Payton, joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday to talk about his experience capturing Taylor and Travis leaving Kansas City's Arrowhead Stadium together ... and he's telling us why there's real chemistry between them.


Jarrett's quick clip has quite the story behind it -- he says he was on the field filming coverage for Chicago's WGN and was heading to the car when he was stopped by security and told to wait there while they dealt with something ... or someone.

Luckily, he says he was told to stay put in the hallway ... and the 2 strolled past him not long after that.

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He also thinks Travis gave him a bit of a look while walking out -- a total "come on, dude" kind of glance -- but Jarrett admits was like a kid in the candy store.

As you know, the internet's been going nuts over Taylor and Travis leaving together ... and the singer was also having a blast in a private box with Travis' mom, Donna, just hours before.

And for those of you who are convinced the 2 are an item, it sounds like Jarrett's right there with you on that one.

Do you think Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are the real deal, or just a PR stunt? Vote below.

Bruce Willis's Wife Opens Up on His Dementia 'Hard to Know' How Aware He Is of This

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Bruce Willis's wife, Emma Heming, just revealed how severe her husband's condition is as it pertains to his dementia ... and it sounds worse than what people might've realized.

Emma went on 'Today' Monday morning to discuss Bruce's diagnosis at length -- and she was accompanied by a professional in the field who was there to provide more context on what exactly BW is battling with frontotemporal dementia ... his specific condition.


This is a tough watch, because the situation clearly weighs on Emma and their 2 young daughters together ... something she describes in detail in this heart-wrenching interview.

One standout from her remarks comes when Hoda Kotb asks her, point blank, if Bruce is aware of what's going on with him ... and the answer is telling. Emma says it's "hard to know."

Emma also explains Bruce has lost the ability to make decisions for himself, as opposed to outright memory loss -- although, it sounds like that too might be affected.

In any case, it's evident Emma is now overseeing his well-being. She says she doesn't consider herself his caretaker now, but a "care partner."

When it comes to their kids ... Emma says she's been honest with them on the science of what's happening to their dad.

As we reported ... Bruce's family announced last year that he'd be stepping away from acting, as it had become apparent his health was deteriorating and he needed help.

Of course, he has a huge family that's stepped up big time during this whole thing -- including his ex, Demi Moore, and all of his adult children too. And, while Bruce has stepped out of the spotlight, he continues to surface in public ... seemingly always in good spirits.


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superando los problemas

La esposa de Bruce Willis, Emma Heming, acaba de revelar la gravedad de la condición de su marido en lo que respecta a su demencia, y suena peor de lo que la gente podría haber imaginado.

Emma estuvo en "Today" el lunes por la mañana para discutir el diagnóstico de Bruce en detalle. Estaba acompañada por un profesional en el campo que estaba allí para proporcionar más contexto sobre la condición específica de su mardo la cual se denomina demencia frontotemporal.

dificil para toda la familia

Es una situación muy dura para Emma y sus 2 hijas pequeñas, y la describe en detalle en esta desgarradora entrevista.

Un momento destacado de sus declaraciones se produce cuando Hoda Kotb le pregunta sin tapujos si Bruce es consciente de lo que le está pasando y la respuesta es reveladora. Emma dice que es "difícil de saber".

Emma también explica que Bruce ha perdido la capacidad de tomar decisiones por sí mismo y aunque todavía no tiene pérdida de memoria absoluta, no se descartan las posibilidades.

En cualquier caso, es evidente que Emma está supervisando su bienestar. Dice que ahora no se considera su enfermera, sino una "compañera de cuidados".

Cuando se trata de sus hijos, Emma dice que ha sido honesta con ellos respecto a lo que le está sucediendole a su padre.

Como informamos, la familia de Bruce anunció el año pasado que estaría dando un paso fuera de la actuación ya que se había hecho evidente que su salud se estaba deteriorando y que necesitaba ayuda.

Por supuesto, él tiene una gran familia que ha demostrado ser muy fuerte durante todo este asunto incluyendo a su ex, Demi Moore, y todos sus hijos adultos también. Bruce se ha alejado de los focos pero sigue apareciendo en público y al parecer siempre de buen humor.

Gisele Bündchen I Wasn't 'Living' While Married To Tom Brady ... I Was 'Surviving'

Gisele Bündchen says she wasn't living while married to NFL legend Tom Brady ... she was only surviving.


The supermodel gets candid with "CBS News Sunday Morning"s Lee Cowan in a brand new interview -- looking back at her relationship with Tom -- about a year after pulling the plug.

She believes she was doing more surviving than living while attached to him, and admits she's now able to "choose more of what I want" ... something that obviously feels right to her.

Gisele goes on to say she wouldn't change a thing about her past if she had the chance, which appears to apply to her divorce, too -- although she admits a breakup like this was something she never thought would happen to her.

As we reported, Gisele and Tom announced their separation together last October, with Gisele claiming at the time, "The decision to end a marriage is never easy, but we have grown apart."

Folks eager to hear more of Gisele's side of the story will have to wait until Sunday night when her full interview with Cowan airs on CBS.

Gisele Bündchen No estaba viviendo mientras estaba con Tom Brady ... estaba sobreviviendo

Gisele Bündchen dice que no estaba viviendo mientras estaba casada con la leyenda de la NFL, Tom Brady ... solo estaba sobreviviendo.

No era lo que había planeado

La supermodelo se sinceró con "CBS News Sunday Morning", Lee Cowan en una nueva entrevista, en la que revisó su relación con Tom, un año después de que terminaran.

Ella cree que estaba más sobreviviendo que viviendo mientras estaba con él, y admite que ahora es capaz de "elegir más lo que quiero", algo que obviamente se siente bien.

Gisele continúa diciendo que no cambiaría nada de su pasado si tuviera la oportunidad, lo que parece aplicarse a su divorcio. Aunque admite que una ruptura como esta fue algo que nunca pensó que le pasaría.

Como informamos, Gisele y Tom anunciaron su separación juntos el octubre pasado, con Gisele afirmando en ese momento que: "La decisión de poner fin a un matrimonio nunca es fácil, pero hemos seguido nuestros propios caminos".

La gente ansiosa por escuchar más de la historia de Gisele tendrá que esperar hasta el domingo por la noche cuando su entrevista completa con Cowan se emita en la CBS.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Think Science Is Wack? Lemme Tell Ya About This Asteroid!!!


An asteroid the size of the Empire State Building has a slight chance of smashing into Earth, but Neil deGrasse Tyson says the fact scientists were able to recover samples of the space rock might be even bigger news.

Neil joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" ... talking us through NASA's remarkable mission to send a probe -- dubbed the OSIRIS-REx -- to collect rocks and dust off the ancient asteroid known as Bennu.

What's amazing is that probe launched from Earth 7 years ago, aiming to hit a moving target ... and now it's expected to land this weekend in Utah!!!

Neil wants to make sure everyone's aware of just how spectacular this is -- he's throwing a little jab at the science deniers out there, too.

BTW, a new report revealed Bennu could hit Earth around 2182, but the odds of it happening are currently about 1 in 3,000 ... so we're probably good. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Of course, marveling at humankind's scientific accomplishments puts new perspective on what a potential alien species might be able to do.

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Remember, governments and scientists around the world are taking UFO reports more seriously these days -- and Neil says there's plenty of reason to believe we're not alone in the universe.

But, check out his rationale for why they're probably not here among us.

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And, in case ya forgot, NdT was singin' the same tune last month when we talked to him. Bottom line ... he hasn't seen enough tangible evidence to change his mind about aliens.

Not yet, anyway.


que gran momento para estar vivo

Un asteroide del tamaño del Empire State Building tiene una pequeña posibilidad de estrellarse contra la Tierra, pero Neil deGrasse Tyson dice que el hecho de que los científicos fueran capaces de recuperar muestras de la roca espacial podría ser una noticia aún mayor.

Neil se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live" y nos habló de la notable misión de la NASA de enviar una sonda (OSIRIS-REx) para recoger rocas y polvo del antiguo asteroide conocido como Bennu.

Lo sorprendente es que la sonda se lanzó desde la Tierra hace 7 años con el objetivo de alcanzar un objetivo en movimiento ¡¡¡y ahora se espera que aterrice este fin de semana en Utah!!!

Neil quiere asegurarse de que todo el mundo es consciente de lo espectacular que es esto. Además, aprovecha de lanzar un pequeño golpe a los negacionistas de la ciencia.

Por cierto, un nuevo informe revela que Bennu podría chocar con la Tierra en torno a 2182, pero las probabilidades de que esto ocurra son actualmente de 1 entre 3.000... así que probablemente estemos bien. 🤷🏽‍♂️

revelando al alien

Por supuesto, maravillarse con los logros científicos de la humanidad pone una nueva perspectiva sobre lo que una especie alienígena potencial podría ser capaz de hacer.

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Recordemos que los gobiernos y los científicos de todo el mundo están tomando los informes de ovnis más en serio estos días, y Neil dice que hay un montón de razones para creer que no estamos solos en el universo.

Sin embargo, échale un vistazo a su razonamiento de por qué probablemente no están aquí entre nosotros.

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hay que hacerse cargo de lo que uno dice

En caso de que lo hayas olvidado, nuestro amigo estuvo afirmando las mismas teorías mes pasado cuando hablamos con él.

Paul Wall Me encanta mi look Y Drake tiene parrillas gratis de por vida!!!

Drake es único

Paul Wall dice que no siempre fue fan de su pelo canoso durante sus días de juventud, pero que ahora está abrazando su nuevo estilo.

TMZ Hip Hop confirmó con el mismo H-Town Grillmaster después de que se hiciera viral gracias a un simple TikTok mostrando su barba grisácea.

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Paul nos dice que es algo hereditario. Su abuelo era totalmente canoso desde adolescente. Paul incluso recuerda a Nelly y Ali señalando algunos de sus cabellos en el set de rodaje de video para "Grillz", en 20005, cuando él tenía 20 años. Ahora tiene 42 y está orgulloso de su aspecto.

El aspecto maduro de Paul no ha dañado su reputación entre las generaciones más jóvenes, ya que aparece en una de las canciones más populares del año, "Johnny Dang", de That Mexican OT y Drake acaba de darle un saludo de felicitaciones delante de miles de personas durante su gira "It's All a Blur", ¡¡¡en Houston!!!

Paul realmente le da crédito a OT por resucitar su nombre en el universo del rap y presentarlo a una audiencia de 2023. Él dice que se siente mucho más confiado.

Felicitaciones en houston

Drake afirmó en el concierto que se está mudando a Houston y seguramente se beneficiará de la buena energía de Paul. Él y su socio Johnny Dang le están ofreciendo a Drake un suministro de por vida de, ¡parrillas personalizadas!

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Esperen a ver un montón de Mr. What It Do por el resto del año. Paul nos dice que su próximo álbum "The Great Wall" estará disponible el 1 de diciembre, y también tiene un proyecto de colaboración con Paul Masson Brandy en curso.

Paul Wall Loving My Silver Fox Swag And Drake's Got Free Grills For Life From Me!!!


Paul Wall says he wasn't always a fan of his gray hair during his days of youth, but now he's embracing the silver fox lifestyle.

TMZ Hip Hop checked in with the H-Town Grillmaster himself after he went viral thanks to a simple TikTok showing off his frosty beard.

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Paul tells us it's hereditary -- his grandfather was fully gray as a teen and Paul even recalls Nelly and Ali pointing out strains of salt and pepper on the set of their 2005 video shoot for "Grillz" when he was in his early 20s. Now, he's 42 and proud of his appearance.

Paul's mature look hasn't hurt his rep with the younger generation ... he's featured on one of the hottest songs of the year in That Mexican OT's "Johnny Dang" and Drake just gave him a shoutout in front of thousands during his "It's All a Blur" tour date in Houston!!!

Paul actually credits OT for resurrecting his rap name and introducing him to a 2023 audience. He says he feels like he has a brand-new battery in his back as a result.


Drake claimed he's moving to Houston at the concert and will surely benefit from Paul's good energy ... he and his partner Johnny Dang are now offering Drake a lifetime supply of custom grills!!!

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Expect to see plenty of Mr. What It Do for the rest of the year. He tells us his next album "The Great Wall" is dropping on December 1, and he also has a collab with Paul Masson Brandy in the works.

CU Legend Chad Brown Deion Sanders Isn't Leaving Buffs ... Unless 'True Blue Blood' Calls


Deion Sanders' run at Colorado won't be interrupted by just any old school with a bag of cash ... no, according to Buffs legend Chad Brown, only a "true blue blood" will be able to pull Coach Prime from Boulder.

Brown tells TMZ Sports ... he was initially concerned that smaller schools across the country might be able to sway Deion to leave Colorado if they could simply offer him more money than CU. But, after Sanders' noisy 3-0 start to this season ... Brown's now sure there's only a handful of universities in the nation who can grab the coach's ear at this point.

"As this season has gone along," Brown said, "with the amount of interest that has come to Colorado, and the elevation of the Colorado program, I think the number of schools that he would leave for becomes smaller and smaller and smaller."

Brown said he thinks only storied programs like Michigan, Ohio State, Alabama or Florida State have a chance at Sanders now.

Even still ... Brown, a former four-year starter at CU, says Deion would be a ways away from making that jump -- telling us he thinks the coach will be at CU for at least as long as Shedeur Sanders is eligible to play there.

As for the Henry Blackburn vs. Travis Hunter drama that unfolded after a late hit over the weekend ... the former star linebacker tells us he thinks the CSU defensive back's maneuver was a dirty one -- though he was adamant it did not deserve threats from pissed off fans.

"Should death threats be issued?" the ex-second-round pick said. "Should his family be concerned? No. That's taking things way too far."


Un veterano condecorado con 40 años de experiencia nos cuenta cómo las misiones de combate cambiaron para siempre su función cerebral y afirma que su experiencia es un cuento con moraleja para todos los miembros de las fuerzas armadas y los médicos que los tratan.

Hablamos con el general Gregg F. Martin el martes en "TMZ Live" sobre sus memorias recién publicadas, "General Bipolar: My Forever War with Mental Illness" que narra su batalla personal. Como él explica, el trastorno bipolar en realidad puede desarrollarse con el tiempo.

La creencia generalizada es que la bipolaridad se hereda, pero el general Martin dice que no es tan sencillo. Dice que los médicos le dijeron que el gen del trastorno bipolar estaba latente en su cerebro hasta que las tensiones de las repetidas misiones de combate en Irak lo desencadenaron.

El General dice que sus episodios maníacos eran devastadores, y en algunos casos se creía literalmente Superman. No fue hasta que fue diagnosticado como bipolar 11 años después de salir de Irak que consiguió en los medicamentos adecuados y aprendió cómo el combate afecta a la bioquímica del cerebro.

El general Martin dice que no está solo. Muchos veteranos de este país han pasado por la misma situación, pero añade que el Departamento de Asuntos de los Veteranos es consciente y está atento a los síntomas del trastorno bipolar entre las tropas de combate.

Espera que su historia saque a la luz el problema y desestigmatice el tema de la salud mental en el ejército.

Bipolar General" está en las librerías de todo el mundo y también puede adquirirse por Internet.

'Bipolar General' Author Combat Triggered My Disorder ... Hidden Danger for Troops


A decorated 40-year veteran is opening up about how combat missions forever changed his brain function, and he says his experience is a cautionary tale for all service members and the doctors who treat them.

We talked to General Gregg F. Martin Tuesday on "TMZ Live" about his just-released memoir, "Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness" ... which chronicles his personal battle. As he explains -- bipolar disorder can actually develop over time.

Conventional wisdom is bipolarity is something you inherit, but Gen. Martin says it's not that simple. He says doctors told him the gene for bipolar disorder was dormant in his brain, until the stressors of repeated combat missions in Iraq triggered it.

The General says his manic episodes were devastating ... and, in some cases, he literally thought he was Superman. It wasn't until he was diagnosed as bipolar, 11 years after leaving Iraq, that he got on the right meds and learned how combat impacts the brain's biochemistry.

Gen. Martin says he's not alone -- far too many vets in this country have gone through the same situation ... but he adds the Veterans' Affairs Department is aware, and on the lookout for symptoms of bipolar disorder among combat troops.

He's hoping his story brings the issue to the forefront and destigmatizes the topic of mental health within the military.

'Bipolar General' is on bookshelves everywhere and available for purchase online too.