"The Pickup" de Eddie Murphy Toma área muestra un complejo accidente... 8 miembros del equipo fueron hospitalizados!!!

Dramáticas imágenes de un dron muestran el lamentable accidente que ocurrió en el set de la nueva película de Eddie Murphy, el que dejó a 8 miembros de su equipo hospitalizados y el registro revela lo feo que fue el incidente.

En este nuevo ángulo obtenido por TMZ se puede ver a un camión blindado deteniéndose junto a un coche, lo que era parte de una escena que estaban rodando el pasado fin de semana en Atlanta, donde se está llevando a cabo el rodaje de "The Pickup", de Eddie. Los otros actores no estaban en el set ese día y, por ende, no estuvieron involucrados.

Algo salió mal...

El equipo a cargo de filmar esta complicada escena contaba con un montón de profesionales y miembros del equipo. Ocho de ellos resultaron heridos y uno permanece hospitalizado con una lesión en la espalda, según informa el NYT.

Eddie Murphy's 'The Pickup' AERIAL VIEW SHOWS Gnarly CRASH ... 8 from Crew Hospitalized!!!

Dramatic drone footage of a stunt-gone-wrong on the set of Eddie Murphy's new movie -- which left 8 crew members hospitalized -- shows an ugly crash ... and it's all on video.

In this new angle -- obtained by TMZ -- you can see an armored truck pulling up alongside a car that's part of a scene they were shooting last weekend down in Atlanta -- where Eddie's "The Pickup" is currently filming. Eddie and the other actors were not on set that day ... and not involved.


This was the team filming a stunt for the movie with a bunch of professionals and crew members -- and while eight people were hurt ... one remains hospitalized with a back injury, per NYT.

Boeing Otro día, otro accidente... Aterrizaje de emergencia en Sudáfrica

042424_boeing_kal APRIL 2024
Problemas con una rueda

La racha de mala suerte de Boeing parece no acabar. Recientemente, la compañía tuvo otro percance y uno de sus aviones tuvo que hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia en Sudáfrica.

El domingo, el Boeing 737 de FlySafair, que venía lleno de pasajeros, tuvo problemas durante el despegue en el aeropuerto internacional OR Tambo de Johannesburgo, cuando se dirigía a Ciudad del Cabo, a unas 870 millas de distancia.

Al menos una rueda funcionó mal mientras el avión comercial daba la vuelta para realizar el aterrizaje de emergencia de vuelta en el aeropuerto OR Tambo.

Boeing Another Day, Another Mishap ... Emergency Landing In South Africa

042424_boeing_kal APRIL 2024
Busted Boeing Wheel

Boeing's string of bad luck seems never-ending ... the aircraft company recently had another mishap as one of its jets had to make an emergency landing in South Africa.

On Sunday, the crowded FlySafair Boeing 737 ran into trouble during takeoff at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg as it was en route to Cape Town about 870 miles away.

At least one wheel malfunctioned as the commercial plane turned around to make the emergency landing back at OR Tambo Airport.

Oregon Kidnapping Woman Abducted on Doorbell Cam ... Found, Suspect Knew Her

Hillsboro Police Department

A woman got kidnapped in Oregon over the weekend in the middle of the night -- all of which was captured on a doorbell camera ... and thankfully, she's been located and rescued.

Check out this footage that was taken Sunday night in Hillsboro, OR -- where a lady ran up to some stranger's home and tried ringing the doorbell before a dude entered the frame out of nowhere and swooped her up in his arms ... dragging her away as she screamed for help.

It's incredibly dramatic ... and while it might look random, cops are saying it's really not -- as they believe these two people knew each other and that there was some sort of relationship.

Nikola Jokic Brother Punches Fan In Crowd ... NBA Investigating

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greetings from serbia
TikTok / @cgallegos67


8:20 AM PT -- TMZ Sports has learned ... the NBA is currently looking into the situation.

Nikola Jokic's brother was in no mood to celebrate the Nuggets' comeback win over the Lakers on Monday ... 'cause he straight-up punched a fan in the stands at the playoff game -- and it's all on video.

According to witnesses, the violent incident went down shortly after Joker and his Denver teammates completed their 101-99 win against LeBron James and co. to go up 2-0 in the first-round series.

Encuentran a la mujer secuestrada en Oregón El sospechoso la conocía

el aterrador momento
Hillsboro Police Department

Una mujer fue secuestrada en Oregón durante el fin de semana en mitad de la noche, y todo fue capturado por la cámara de la puerta principal. Por suerte ha sido localizada y rescatada.

Échale un vistazo a estas imágenes que se tomaron el domingo por la noche en Hillsboro, Oregón, donde una señora corrió hasta la casa de un extraño (escapando de alguien) y trató de tocar el timbre antes de que un tipo apareció de la nada y la agarró de los brazos, arrastrándola lejos mientras ella gritaba pidiendo ayuda.

Es increíblemente dramático, y mientras que podría parecer un incidente azaroso, la policía dice que en realidad no lo es, ya que creen que estas dos personas se conocían y que había algún tipo de relación.

Luke Bryan Slips, Crashes Hard Onstage ... Shares Video on Big Screen

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YouTube / Mr Concert Vibes


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3:21 PM PT -- Seems Luke Bryan's fall wasn't caused by a fan's phone ... a new angle shows he just sorta slips onstage and happens to land on top of the cell. Might want to look into non-slip shoes, Luke!

Luke Bryan's proving the show must go on ... 'cause he slipped during last night's performance and crashed to the ground hard -- but, took the incident in stride.

The country music singer-songwriter performed at the Coast City Country Festival in Vancouver last night ... and while hyping up his next song Bryan stepped in the wrong spot and went flying into the air.

Check out the clip ... Bryan looks like a cartoon stepping on a banana peel, really getting some height on his slip -- and, revealing he actually stepped on someone's phone.

Final de fútbol holandesa Se declara un incendio detrás de la portería El partido se retrasa 30 minutos

peligro en el estadio

Una final de fútbol en Holanda fue un auténtico infierno -literalmente- porque se produjo un incendio detrás de una de las porterías que sembró el caos en el partido.

El Feyenoord jugó contra el NEC Nijmegen en la final de la Copa de Holanda el domingo, cuando los aficionados, encendieron fuegos artificiales en el estadio y una enorme pancarta se incendió.

La columna de humo negro envuelve totalmente a los aficionados... por lo que es difícil incluso ver a los que están en el centro, mientras que los que están a los lados parecen estar pidiendo ayuda.

Dutch Soccer Final Fire Breaks Out Behind Goal ... Game Delayed 30 Minutes


A soccer final in the Netherlands was a real barn burner ... quite literally 'cause a fire broke out behind one of the goals throwing the match into chaos.

Feyenoord played NEC Nijmegen in the Dutch Cup Final Sunday -- the championship match of a major knockout tournament in the Netherlands -- when fans reportedly set off fireworks in the stadium ... and a huge banner caught fire.

The plume of black smoke's totally encasing the fans here ... making it difficult even to see the ones in the middle while those on the sides seem to be waving for help.

Luke Bryan Resbala y se estrella en el escenario Comparte video en pantalla grande

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YouTube / Mr Concert Vibes

Luke Bryan está demostrando que el espectáculo debe continuar, porque se resbaló durante la actuación de anoche y se estrelló contra el suelo con fuerza, y sin embargo, se tomó las cosas con calma.

El cantante y compositor de música country actuó en el Festival Coast City Country en Vancouver ayer por la noche y mientras promocionaba su próxima canción, Bryan pisó el lugar mal y salió volando por los aires.

Échale un vistazo al video, Bryan parece un dibujo animado pisando una cáscara de plátano... se puede apreciar lo grande que fue el resbalón.

Seattle Police Shoot, Kill Child Predator Suspect Body Cam Footage

the terrifying footage

Body cam footage from a Seattle police officer captured the moment they gunned down a suspect ... who pulled a gun on the cops.

The footage -- filmed Wednesday and released Friday by Seattle PD -- begins in a hotel room with officers ready, guns drawn. One of the officers opens the door and confronts a man standing outside ... who pulls a gun from his jacket.

Officers jump into action ... with one grabbing the weapon before firing off several shots, killing the suspect. His compatriots also fire at the man, who's left dead in the hallway.

'Balthazar' Owner Keith McNally Rats on You!!!! ... After Nasty Bezos-Sanchez Remarks

The beef between NYC restaurateur Keith McNally and Jeff Bezos and his fiancée, Lauren Sanchez, just took an odd turn ... and it involves a dirty rat!

McNally – the owner of Manhattan's famed Balthazar bistro – jumped on Instagram Friday to report a suspicious middle-aged man had one drink at the establishment before quickly paying and emptying a bag of 5 white rodents inside the joint.

restaurant rats
Instagram/ @mmanningbarish

Customers enjoying their meals freaked out at the sight of the critters scurrying around their feet. One diner shot a cell phone video of a small rat racing across the floor, but it was dark in color, poking a hole in McNally's description.

Donald Trump Trial Political Manifesto Surfaces For Man Who Set Himself on Fire

A manifesto has surfaced that's being attributed to the man who set himself on fire -- and if it's legit, which it certainly seems to be, then the guy's motivation was purely political.

The man in question has been ID'd as Max Azzarello -- and he appears to have his own Substack page called The Ponzi Papers ... with his latest post titled "I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial."

The first lines are telling, and you can clearly make out that this man is very anti-governmental. He writes, "My name is Max Azzarello, and I am an investigative researcher who has set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan. This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery."

Brazilian Woman Hitched a Taxi Ride with Dead Uncle ... Before Hitting the Bank 😵

Jam Press

The Brazilian woman arrested for trying to "Weekend at Bernie's" her uncle's corpse at a bank apparently brought the body with her in a taxi beforehand ... and it's on video.

Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes was caught on surveillance footage not long before she rolled into the bank and tried applying for a loan with her deceased relative. As you can see, she is seen setting up a wheelchair outside a taxi cab -- where she enlists the driver's help to lift her uncle's lifeless body out of the front passenger seat.

After placing her uncle, Paulo Roberto Braga, in the wheelchair, the driver shuts the car door and bounces. Erika is seen paying the driver, as Paulo's gaunt body droops over the side.

Mujer Brasileña Tomó un taxi con su tío muerto... Antes de entrar al banco

Camino al banco
Jam Press

La mujer brasileña que fue detenida por tratar de conseguir un préstamo llevando el cadáver de su tío a un banco, al parecer, anduvo con él en un taxi primero y todo está en video.

Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes fue captada en un video de vigilancia poco antes de entrar al banco e intentar pedir un préstamo con su pariente fallecido. Como se ve en la grabación, ella estaba preparando una silla de ruedas afuera de un taxi y luego solicitó ayuda al conductor para levantar el cuerpo de su tío fuera del asiento del pasajero delantero.

Tras colocar a su tío Paulo Roberto Braga en la silla de ruedas, el conductor cierra la puerta del carro y se da a la fuga. Se puede ver también cómo Erika le paga al conductor, mientras el cuerpo demacrado de Paulo se desliza hacia un lado.