Taiwan Earthquake Dashcam Video ... Shows Boulders Crushing Cars


Dashcam footage capturing the Taiwan earthquake shows just how terrifying it was for those caught in it ... 'cause it sparked a rock slide, which crushed vehicles on the road down below.

Check it out ... you see several cars being pelted with boulders after the 7.4 magnitude quake. The footage kicks off with one driver making his way up a winding road. The driver is heard making concerned noises as an emergency alert sounds, likely a phone.

As the earth shakes ... the cars pull to a stop to wait out the tremble. However, as the video shows, the vehicle in front quickly goes in reverse ... making its way down the road as a massive boulder comes crashing down, making direct contact and a massive impact.

¡MAPACHE salvaje! Muerde a los asistentes de un parque temático

caos en el parque

Un mapache se manifestó en un parque temático de Pennsylvania la semana pasada y causó un caos total al atacar a los transeúntes inocentes... TMZ tiene un video de todo el asunto.

El pequeño salvaje se veía muy feroz el viernes en Hersheypark -en su día de apertura por cierto- donde aterrorizó a un grupo de pasajeros que esperaban en la cola de la montaña rusa SooperDooperLooper... ¡incluso mordió a una niña y huyó con su zapato!

Échale un vistazo al clip, es puro terror. Gritos de pánico se escuchan en medio del frenesí mientras los espectadores aterrorizados luchan por escapar de la bestia.

RACCOON RAMPAGE FURRY ASSAILANT Goes on Attack ... Bites at Theme Park Goers


A feisty raccoon crashed into a Pennsylvania theme park last week and caused utter chaos by attacking innocent bystanders -- and TMZ's got video of the whole thing.

The wild critter was looking pretty damn fierce Friday at Hersheypark -- opening day for the year, BTW -- where it terrorized a group of waiting riders who were in line for the SooperDooperLooper coaster  ... even biting a young girl and running off with her shoe!

Check out the clip ... it's pure pandemonium, and yes -- damn scary. Panicked screams are heard amid the frenzy as terrified onlookers scramble to get the hell away from this beast.

African Safari Woman Killed in Elephant Attack ... Flips Truck on Video

the terrifying footage

An elderly woman was killed in Africa during a safari trip -- this after an elephant charged her party's vehicle ... and flipped it over, which left her fatally wounded.

The unidentified woman 80-year-old was on a safari Saturday in Zambia at the Kafue National Park -- and at one point in the excursion, a bull elephant charges their truck ... and rams into it head-on, all of which was captured in a dramatic video.

The elephant tips over the vehicle, and you can hear panicked screams from the tour guide as well as the patrons -- including what sounds like the woman who actually died.

Safari en África Una mujer muere tras sufrir ataque de un elefante La camioneta se vuelca...

Aterrador registro

Una mujer de 80 años falleció en África durante una excursión de safari, esto después de que un elefante se abalanzara sobre el vehículo hasta volcarlo.

La mujer, que aún no ha sido identificada, estaba en un safari el sábado en Zambia en el Parque Nacional de Kafue, cuando en un momento de la excursión, un elefante atacó la camioneta al embestir de frente, lo que quedó capturado en un dramático video.

El elefante volcó el vehículo y al hacerlo se pueden escuchar los gritos de pánico del guía turístico, así como de los pasajeros, incluyendo la mujer que presumiblemente falleció.

Rashee Rice Dashcam Footage Shows Gnarly Crash

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Dashcam footage from the Dallas car crash allegedly involving Rashee Rice’s car shows just how gnarly the collision actually was … and yeah, it’s intense.

Check out the video ... which captures the moment 2 black cars -- previously identified as a Lamborghini and a Corvette -- collide with a grey car on the left side of the North Central Expressway.

The initial hit pulls everyone across the road ... subsequently knocking the Lambo and Corvette into more vehicles before coming to a halt.


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capturado en cámara

Las imágenes de la dashcam del accidente automovilístico de Dallas en el que supuestamente se vio implicado el carro de Rashee Rice, muestran lo terrible que fue la colisión... y sí, es muy intenso.

Échale un vistazo al video que captura el momento en el que dos carros negros previamente identificados como un Lamborghini y un Corvette, chocan con un carro gris en el lado izquierdo de la autopista North Central.

El golpe inicial es directo y perjudica a todos en su camino. Posteriormente golpea al Lambo y a un Corvette antes de llegar a un alto.

Fans de los SF Giants y SD Padres Una mujer le da una cachetada a un hombre... Todo en video

Cachetadas en el partido

Los Gigantes de San Francisco destruyeron a los Padres de San Diego la noche del viernes en Petco Park, pero todo el drama real estaba sucediendo en las gradas entre un par de fans enojados y violentos.

Mientras los equipos estaban jugando en San Diego, alguien sacó un teléfono y comenzó a grabar a una mujer en una camiseta de los Padres discutiendo con dos chicos con camisetas de los Gigantes entre la multitud.

Echa un vistazo a este loco video publicado en X, la mujer se paró frente a los dos tipos y comenzó a apuntarlos antes de decirles: "¡F*** you!".

SF Giants vs SD Padres Fans Woman Slaps The S*** Out Of A Guy ... Caught On Camera


The San Francisco Giants destroyed the San Diego Padres on the field Friday night at Petco Park ... but all the real drama was happening in the stands between a couple of their angry and violent fans.

As the teams were playing in SD, someone pulled out a phone and started recording a woman in a Padres jersey arguing with two guys in Giants shirts standing in the crowd.

Check out this crazy video posted to X ...  the woman got right up in the grills of the two dudes and started pointing at them before telling them, "F*** you!"

Baltimore Disaster Ship Crashes, Bridge Collapses ... 2 People Found, 6 Presumed Dead

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5:55 PM PT -- The 6 remaining people officials were searching for in Baltimore are now officially presumed dead. A Coast Guard spokesperson said they're suspending their rescue operation. Divers are heading back out again Wednesday to try and recover the bodies.

7:32 AM PT -- Maryland Gov. Wes Moore says crew on the cargo ship were able to issue a "mayday" call before the collision, which enabled authorities to limit traffic on the bridge.

7:18 AM PT -- Officials say 8 people were on the bridge at the time of the collapse, and that thus far -- two of them have been accounted for ... with one in the hospital, and the other being stable. The search for the other six continues.

Desastre en Baltimore Un barco se estrella, el puente colapsa... Encuentran a 2 personas, 6 siguen desaparecidas

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El aterrador colapso


7:32 PT -- El gobernador de Maryland Wes Moore dice que la tripulación del carguero pudo emitir una llamada de "mayday" antes de colisionar contra el puente, lo que le permitió a las autoridades limitar el tráfico en el puente.

7:18 AM PT -- Las autoridades dicen que 8 personas estaban en el puente en el momento del colapso y que hasta ahora dos de ellas han sido encontradas. Una de ellas está en el hospital y la otra se encuentra estable. La búsqueda de los otros seis continúa.

El barco pierde energía

El gobernador de Maryland también dice que la tripulación a bordo del barco notificó a las autoridades que habían perdido potencia, lo que ha llevado a los investigadores a creer que se trató de un accidente. Ha estado circulando un video donde se ve cómo la nave pierde potencia al menos dos veces antes de entrar en contacto con el puente, lo que parece corroborar esta descripción.

6:18 AM PT -- Las operaciones de buceo han comenzado en Baltimore mientras los equipos de rescate empiezan a buscar a quienquiera se encuentre en el agua. Los socorristas se han congregado cerca de la orilla del río al salir el sol.

Aún hay un montón de piezas en movimiento, obviamente, pero ahora van a tratar de encontrar y salvar a cualquiera que esté en el agua.

El puente Francis Scott Key de Baltimore se derrumbó el martes después de ser golpeado por un gran buque de carga, causando un posible accidente de proporciones con varias víctimas, y todo fue grabado en video.

Echa un vistazo a estas impresionantes imágenes del buque que se estrelló contra el puente de acero, que tenía una forma de arco y que de repente se derrumbó en el río Patapsco, rompiéndose en pedazos ante los ojos de las personas.

El alcalde de Baltimore Brandon Scott lo calificó como una "tragedia impensable" y sacada de una película de acción.

Los funcionarios de Maryland acaban de ofrecer una conferencia de prensa, donde compartieron con el público lo que saben hasta ahora.

A partir de la 1:30 AM, el Departamento de Bomberos de Baltimore comenzó a recibir cientos de llamadas del 911, reportando lo que fue descrito como una "emergencia extrema".

Varios vehículos que estaban cruzando el puente en ese momento se precipitaron hacia el río durante el colapso, pero no está claro cuántos.

El carguero ardió en llamas tras chocar contra el puente. En la rueda de prensa, los funcionarios parecieron sugerir que estaban en comunicación con la tripulación del buque, cuyo estado actual es desconocido.

Buzos y equipos de búsqueda han respondido a la emergencia, escaneando las aguas heladas con sonares para encontrar a más de 7 personas y posiblemente más. Dos personas han sido rescatadas, una con heridas graves.

La temperatura del agua es de 48 grados y las autoridades dicen que es prácticamente imposible sobrevivir durante más de 3 horas.

Devastadoras consecuencias

Sonar ha detectado múltiples carros bajo el agua, mientras la búsqueda continúa.

Los funcionarios dijeron que las autoridades federales y locales estaban investigando lo que podría haber causado el desastre. No se sabe aún cuántas víctimas en total resultaron heridas o posiblemente fallecidas.

Vladimir Putin 133 Killed in Moscow Shooting ... Claims Ukraine Involved

The death count in Friday's tragic Moscow mass shooting is much higher than originally believed ... according to Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

The controversial head of state reportedly told the nation during a televised address that 133 people had been killed in the vicious attack at Crocus City Hall, a concert venue on Moscow's Western outskirts.

Putin likens the shooters to Nazis ... saying they killed in an organized fashion, aiming for Russian citizens and even children.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, but President Putin laid the blame squarely at the feet of Ukrainian officials ... saying they were working to let the perpetrators cross the border into their country.

Horrifying Footage

FWIW ... an anonymous United States official told The Washington Post there's no reason to doubt the Islamic State's claim.

As we reported ... videos from the tragic shooting went viral -- showing graphic scenes of death and destruction at the music hall. People huddled behind chairs while gunshots echoed around the structure, and initial estimates put the death count at above 40.

Explosives were reportedly used during the attack, resulting in the whole building catching fire.

Officials in Western countries warned their citizens about venturing out to large public gatherings this month in the aftermath of Putin's recent election victory ... warning of possible terror attacks.

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At least one man was detained by police last night ... caught on video being frisked with his hands up against a wall. It's unclear how many people were detained or how many were involved in the mass shooting.

More people were critically injured in the shooting -- and, Russia’s Investigative Committee says they expect the death toll to continue rising.

Oakland’s Jack Gohlke Hits Full-Court Shot At Practice ... Still Can't Miss!!!


NC State might wanna triple team Jack Gohlke in their second round matchup of the NCAA tournament … 'cause Oakland's March Madness hero simply cannot miss -- nailing a full-court shot at practice!!

Gohlke drained 10 three-pointers en route to the Golden Grizzlies' first tourney win in school history on Thursday ... helping No. 14 Oakland get the upset win over No. 3 Kentucky.

The hot streak continued on Friday ... with the sharp shooter pulling up from the opposite baseline and connecting on the loooooooooong three-point attempt.

Luckily, Gohlke's teammate, Evan Solomon, was recording the whole thing ... and the dude celebrated by yelling and chest-bumping his squad.

"That's a good sign," someone is heard saying in the video ... and it could be bad news for the Wolfpack.

Gohlke oozed confidence following the Grizzlies' huge 80-76 win ... saying he knew his team would be able to pull it off.

"I know they have draft picks, and I know I’m not going to the NBA … but on any given I can compete with those type of guys and our team can compete with those type of guys," Gohlke said after the win.

"That’s why I say we're not a Cinderella."

They may not be a Cinderella ... but even Disney couldn't write a better story.

Porsche in Michigan Multiple Flips in Air, Skips on Pavement ... Three Injured, Car Wrecked


A Porsche recently went flying through the air -- skipping like a stone for a couple hundred feet -- before landing in a shopping center parking lot ... and it was all caught on video.

Surveillance footage from Ann Arbor, Michigan has surfaced -- capturing a wild accident from last week that shows the sports car racing along a road when it seemingly hits some object -- and begins a long sequence of flying, bouncing and smashing its way through a gas station and an adjacent parking lot before finally coming to a rest.

Like we said ... the footage is absolutely bonkers, and more surprising -- nobody died.

Watch for yourself ... the Porsche pops up and twists to its side, smacking on the ground and bouncing numerous times before landing -- right side up -- hundreds of feet down the road.

Video of the crash site hours later on Sunday, March 16 shows the car still sitting in the parking lot ... and the damage the car seemed to do to the asphalt and in the gas station it went careening through.

Ann Arbor police posted an update about the crash as well -- saying officers arrived on the scene and found three individuals after the crash, two 19-year-old females with minor injuries and one 20-year-old male who was transported to the hospital in critical condition but is expected to survive.

Cops say speed and alcohol seem to have been factors in the car crash, and they say they are still investigating the incident.

Given the state of the car ... it's a miracle everyone survived the tumbling crash.


ajedrez mental
X / @neuralink

Elon Musk finalmente ha decidido mostrar lo que Neuralink ha estado haciendo. Resulta que han mostrado al primer sujeto utilizando su tecnología... y es increíble.

El jefe de Tesla -que también dirige Neuralink- publicó un video de cerca de 9 minutos mostrando por primera vez a alguien usando su tecnología. Hablamos del testimonio de un tipo llamado Noland Arbaugh, un tetrapléjico de 29 años de edad que pasó por el quirófano para poder usar Neuralink.

Dice que tuvo un extraño accidente de buceo hace unos 8 años que lo dejó paralizado de los hombros para abajo, y tras enterarse de lo que Neuralink podía hacer, se inscribió.

El video muestra cómo funciona exactamente esta tecnología, y efectivamente, se puede ver a Noland utilizando su mente para mover el cursor de un ordenador portátil que tiene delante en el que está jugando al ajedrez. Se ve bastante fluido, ¡y lo tiene dominado!

Noland es capaz de mover las piezas de ajedrez en la pantalla e incluso bajar el volumen de la música, todo con solo pensarlo. Se complica un poco al describir cómo lo hace exactamente, diciendo que está implementando algo llamado "movimiento imaginado", y utilizando el "poder de la mente".

Como hemos dicho, parece tenerlo todo bajo control, y es aún más sorprendente lo bien que se encuentra luego de la cirugía. Otro tema que toca en el video.

X / @neuralink

Noland respalda a Neuralink y reconoce que todavía hay mucho trabajo que hacer para perfeccionarlo, pero asegura que el progreso que han hecho hasta ahora es prometedor. Afirma que el número de personas a las que podría ayudar es asombroso, y se alegra de ser el paciente número 1.

Es bastante sorprendente, y puedes imaginar que habrá muchos que querrán prestarse como conejillos de indias, sobre todo viendo lo bien que ha resultado hasta ahora.

¡Bienvenido al futuro!

Elon Musk Shows Neuralink Subject on Vid ... Using Telekinetic Tech!!!

X / @neuralink

Elon Musk has finally pulled back the curtain on what Neuralink has been doing behind the scenes -- showing off their very first subject using their tech ... and it's incredible.

The Tesla chief -- who also heads Neuralink -- posted a link from his company that featured about 9 minutes of video from Neuralink ... and it's a full-blown testimonial from a guy named Noland Arbaugh -- a 29-year-old quadriplegic who went under the knife for this.

He says he was in a freak diving accident about 8 years ago, and it left him paralyzed from the shoulders down. After hearing about what Neuralink could do, however, he signed up.

The clip goes on to show how exactly the technology works -- and sure enough ... you can see Noland using his mind to move a mouse around on a laptop that's set up in front of him ... on which the guy's playing chess. It looks pretty seamless, and he's got it down pat!

Noland is able to move chess pieces on the screen and even turn down music -- all by simply thinking about where he wants the mouse to go. He gets into the weeds a bit in describing how exactly he does it ... saying he's implementing something called imagined movement, trying to pivot away from attempted movement with a whole lot of brain power.

Like we said ... he certainly seems to have a knack for it now -- and even more amazing is how well he appears to be doing post-surgery, something else he touches on in this video.

changed my life
X / @neuralink

Noland gives a ringing endorsement for Neuralink -- acknowledging there's still much work to do to perfect it ... but saying the progress they've made so far is promising. He says the number of people this could potentially help is staggering ... and he's happy to be patient #1.

It's pretty powerful visuals ... and you gotta imagine more folks are gonna put their names down to be guinea pigs for this effort -- especially seeing how well it's gone thus far.

Welcome to the future!