North Dakota Lawmaker Arrested For DUI, Makes Xenophobic Comments Caught On Body Cam Video

the shocking footage

A North Dakota politician put his foot square in his mouth after he went on a xenophobic and homophobic rant while he was being arrested – and filmed! – for driving drunk.

Republican lawmaker Nico Rios was cruising around the district he represents in Williston the night of December 15, when police on patrol saw his car swerving and pulled him over.

The officers walked up to Rios behind the wheel and turned on their bodyworn cameras, leading to the shocking 21-minute encounter that has now gone viral.

Check out the footage ... the cops ask a series of questions to Rios who is slurring his words and getting caught in lies, falsely claiming at one point that he doesn't have an open beer bottle in his car.

Rios also gives an expired registration to the officers, who order him out of his vehicle for a field sobriety exam.

During the test, Rios becomes agitated and starts hurling threats at the officers, accusing them of "f—king picking on me" and promising they will regret it because of who he is.

Rios then rejects a request to take a breathalyzer from one of the officers, who promptly arrests him, placing him in handcuffs.

On the ride to the police station, Rios starts antagonizing the British-born officer, poking fun at his accent and claiming his country is being overrun by "f---king migrants and refugees."

In the stationhouse, Rios makes a homophobic remark to the officer, who informs his supervisor about the litany of derogatory comments from the lawmaker.

Rios was charged with DUI and refusing to provide a chemical test. After he was released from custody, Rios posted a statement on X, expressing his deep sorrow and regret to the people of his district for making a "mistake." He did not issue an apology to the officer he offended.

Volcán en Islandia Nueva erupción ilumina el cielo ... Obliga a evacuar

Tremenda erupción
Iclandic Coast Guard

Islandia está desplegando un espectacular y peligroso poder volcánico, con la erupción de un nuevo volcán que está lanzando nubes de lava al cielo después de semanas de un aumento en la actividad sísmica.

Se declaró estado público de emergencia el lunes, luego de que el volcán Grindavík explotara justo al sur del Aeropuerto Internacional de Keflavik y la ciudad capital de Reykjavík. Las imágenes muestran cómo las rocas explotan hasta 300 pies en el aire.

La erupción creó una fisura de 2,5 millas, provocando que una corriente de lava fluyera a través de las ciudades aledañas. Cientos de metros cúbicos han corrido a través de la península de Reykjanes.

La Oficina Meteorológica de Islandia situó el momento de la erupción a las 10:17 PM, después de vigilar de cerca la actividad sísmica en la zona por un tiempo.

El flujo se ha desacelerado desde su pico durante la noche del lunes y la intensidad de las erupciones de lava han caído de 300 a 100 pies.

Sin embargo, las zonas evacuadas están todavía fuera de los límites y las autoridades permanecen en alerta máxima, con expertos locales advirtiendo que es posible que varias grietas se abran en el suelo.

El Presidente de Islandia Guðni Th. Jóhannesson ha confirmado que no hay víctimas producto de la erupción, solo grandes daños a los edificios.

ICELAND Volcano New ERUPTION LIGHTS UP SKY ... Forces Evacuations

Iclandic Coast Guard

Iceland is putting on a spectacular, and dangerous, display of volcanic power ... as the eruption of a new volcano throws plumes of lava in the sky, following weeks of increased seismic activity.

A public state of emergency was declared as the Grindavík volcano exploded Monday ... just south of the Keflavik International Airport and the capital city of Reykjavík, and video footage shows molten rock exploding up to 300 feet into the air.

The eruption created a 2.5-mile fissure, which sent a stream of lava flowing through the surrounding towns ... while hundreds of cubic meters spewed across the Reykjanes peninsula.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office listed the time of eruption at 10:17 PM ... after closely monitoring seismic activity in the area for a while.

The flow has slowed since its peak on Monday evening ... and lava fountains have fallen from 300 to 100 ft.

However, evacuated areas are still off-limits, and authorities remain on high alert ... with local experts warning it's possible several more cracks could open in the ground.

Iceland President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson has confirmed there are no casualties from the eruption -- only extensive damages to buildings.

Colorado Craziness Video Shows Horrific SUV Crash ... Multiple People Seriously Injured


A group of Colorado thrill seekers were filmed hanging out of an SUV that was speeding backwards before it flipped over and crushed the passengers, seriously injuring them.

Saturday's disturbing crash in the parking lot of The Market in Colorado Springs was all caught on video, which was posted on social media.

Check it out ... five people are sitting in the open windows of the black SUV, which, suddenly, starts driving fast in reverse.

The vehicle does a donut before tumbling over on its side and squashing the passengers against the asphalt.

Freaked-out bystanders -- who were shooting cell phone footage -- ran to the aid of the victims. One person carries away a woman who appears to be unconscious. Other good Samaritans try to lift the SUV off the victims trapped underneath it.

Colorado Springs PD officers responded to the scene and arrested the driver, Marisol Wentling, for vehicular assault. Wentling was not injured.

As for her victims, several were rushed to local hospitals to be treated for "serious, life-threatening injuries," according to a police statement.

We've reached out to the PD for an update on their conditions. So far ... no word back.

Locura en Colorado Video muestra horrible accidente de un SUV ... Múltiples personas gravemente heridas

Una pirueta que salió mal

Un grupo de personas sedientas de emociones fueron filmadas en Colorado, colgando de un SUV que iba a toda velocidad hacia atrás antes de volcarse y aplastar a los pasajeros, hiriéndolos gravemente.

El inquietante accidente del sábado en el aparcamiento de The Market en Colorado Springs fue grabado en video y publicado en las redes sociales.

Echa un vistazo ... cinco personas están sentadas en las ventanas abiertas del SUV negro, que, de repente, comienza a conducir en reversa rápidamente.

El vehículo hace una maniobra con las ruedas antes de volcar sobre su lado y aplastar a los pasajeros contra el asfalto.

Los asustados transeúntes que estaban grabando con sus teléfonos corrieron para ayudar a las víctimas. Una persona se llevó a una mujer que parecía estar inconsciente. Otros buenos samaritanos intentaron levantar el todoterreno para socorrer a las víctimas atrapadas debajo.

Los oficiales de la policía de Colorado Springs respondieron a la escena y detuvieron a la conductora Marisol Wentling por asalto vehicular. Wentling no resultó herida.

En cuanto a sus víctimas, varias de ellas fueron trasladadas a hospitales locales para ser tratadas por "lesiones graves, que ponen en peligro su vida", según un comunicado de la policía.

Nos pusimos en contacto con la policía para conocer su estado. De momento, no tenemos noticias.

Anita Baker acusada de ponerse pesada con el público

TikTok / @icemamiiii, @_drholmes

La última actuación en directo de Anita Baker está recibiendo hate luego de que se pusiera irritable con el público en Texas. Parte de esto fue capturado en video.

La legendaria cantante estaba haciendo un show en el Toyota Center de Houston el viernes por la noche para una audiencia bastante sólida, pero en ciertos momentos, durante el concierto, Anita parece haberse ofuscado un poco con algunas personas de la primera fila.

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Hay dos videos circulando en línea en este momento. Uno muestra a Anita diciendole a algunas personas que estaban justo debajo de ella cerca del escenario que dejaran de grabar en medio de una canción.

Hay otro momento en el que se puede ver y escuchar a Anita pidiéndole a los de seguridad que echen a la gente.

En general, esto parece haber dejado un mal sabor de boca en el público, con algunos en línea quejándose de que Anita estaba más preocupada por discutir con un selecto grupo de fans que hacer el mejor trabajo que podía en el escenario para todos. Otros afirmaron que parecía haberse saltado algunas letras, y alegaron que su actuación, en general, fue relativamente efímera y algo descuidada.

Ahora, hay un buen puñado de personas que defienden a Anita, diciendo que la gente de la primera fila estaba, de hecho, actuando y provocandola. Otros dijeron que la actuación, en general, fue genial.

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo más grande de esto es la disputa con Babyface de a principios de este año. Donde se metió con él y sus fans en la Twitter-esfera.

Anita tiene otro show esta noche en Dallas, luego viene a California para sus dos últimos. Esperemos que pueda despedirse con éxito porque parece que la gira ha sido un poco accidentada.

Anita Baker Accused of Bickering w/ Houston Crowd ... During Live Tour Stop

TikTok / @icemamiiii, @_drholmes

Anita Baker's latest live performance is catching a little heat after she apparently got testy with the audience out in Texas -- parts of which were captured on video.

The legendary crooner was doing a show in Houston's Toyota Center Friday night and playing to a pretty solid-sized audience ... but at certain points during the gig, AB appears to have gotten into it a bit with some folks down in the front row.

There are 2 videos, in particular, that are circulating online right now -- one shows Anita telling some people right below her near the stage to stop recording ... in the middle of a song.

There's another moment where Anita could be seen/heard asking for security to boot folks.

Overall, this seems to have left a bad taste in people's mouths -- with some online complaining that Anita was more concerned with arguing with a select few ticket-buyers than doing the best job she could onstage. Others claimed she seemed to miss some lyrics ... and alleged her performance, overall, was relatively short-lived and somewhat sloppy.

Now, there's a good handful of people defending Anita ... saying the folks in the front row were, in fact, acting up and testing AB. Others said the performance, at large, was great.

Of course, the larger backdrop to this is the Babyface feud she was in earlier this year while on the road -- during which she got into it with both him and his fans in the Twitter-sphere.

Anita's got another show tonight in Dallas, then she comes to Cali next for her final two. Here's hoping she can go out with a bang -- sounds like the tour's been a little bumpy.

Sean Strickland, Dricus Du Plessis More Action in the Stands than the Cage at UFC 296!!!


Sean Strickland and Dricus Du Plessis had the most memorable fight of the year at UFC 296 ... thing is, it wasn't in the octagon.

Sean was cage-side for the eventing when Du Plessis, who was sitting behind Sean a few rows, started smack-talking him.

Sean then got out of his seat and pointed his finger at Du Plessis, as if he were firing a shot. Du Plessis was clearly up for some action, telling Sean with his hands to bring it on.

Sean then goes ham, and asks the son of UFC fighter Gilbert Burns to move, which then cleared the path for Sean to jump over a couple rows and start attacking Du Plessis.

This is all the lead-up to what will probably be an epic fight between the 2 guys next month at UFC 297.

They were also at the UFC press conference Friday, where they had to be separated.

Good promotion!!!

Jake Paul Destroys Andre August In Boxing Bout ... Knocks Him Right On His Ass

Jake Paul made short work of Andre August in a professional boxing match Friday night ... knocking him out in the first round!!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Paul went toe-to-toe with August in the ring at Caribe Royale Resort in Orlando, Florida, but the cruiserweight bout was over just minutes after it began.

Check out the video ...  the boxers dance around the ring trading blows for a bit, yet nothing wildly exciting happens.

That all changes at the 2:32 mark of the first round when Paul throws a powerful right uppercut, clocking August right in the kisser.

August hits the canvas like a sack of potatoes and struggles to get back up to his feet as the referee stops the fight.

Paul celebrates by raising his arm and waving goodbye to August with his gloved hand.

With Friday's victory, Paul has now improved his boxing record to 8-1 with 5 KOs. His only defeat came in February when he fought Tommy Fury, the brother of heavyweight champion Tyson Fury, losing in a split decision.

Ucrania Video muestra a un político detonando una granada

Impactante registro

Un político local del oeste de Ucrania convirtió una reunión del pueblo en un caos el viernes por la mañana cuando detonó 2 granadas, hiriendo a 26 personas... y  todo fue transmitido en vivo por Facebook.

El hombre entra en la sala del consejo durante una acalorada discusión. Permanece de pie alrededor de medio minuto, luego saca las granadas de su chaqueta y las lanza en la habitación.

Se oyen las explosiones y los gritos de la gente mientras la habitación se llena de humo.

Lo que hace esto aún más horrible es que la queja del hombre era por su salario. Los miembros del consejo estaban debatiendo si darse un aumento de sueldo en tiempos de guerra. Él había estado discutiendo con sus compañeros del consejo, luego salió de la reunión y regresó con las granadas.

Seis personas se encuentran actualmente en estado grave. Hubo informes de que el lanzador de granadas había muerto, pero los médicos le reanimaron.

Ukraine Video Shows Politician Detonating Grenades During Council Meeting

The Shocking Footage

A local politician in Western Ukraine turned a village meeting into chaos Friday morning when he detonated 2 grenades, injuring 26 people ... and it was live streamed on Facebook.

The man enters the council room during a heated discussion. He stands around for around half a minute, then pulls the grenades out of his jacket and tosses them into the room.

You hear the explosions and people screaming as the room fills with smoke.

What makes this even more horrific ... the man's grievance was over his salary. The council members were debating whether to give themselves a wartime pay increase. He had been arguing with his fellow council members, left the meeting and came back with the grenades.

Six people are currently listed in grave condition. There were reports the grenade-thrower had died, but doctors resuscitated him.

Pacman Jones Pleads Guilty To Misdemeanor In Airport Outburst Case ... Apologizes To Cops

Pacman Jones pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct in a Kentucky courtroom on Thursday in his airport meltdown case -- and after he submitted the plea, the ex-NFL star apologized to the cops he screamed at during the outburst.

Jones appeared before a judge in Boone County to issue the plea after reaching a deal with prosecutors.

As part of the plea agreement, officials dropped the other two charges he had been facing in the case -- alcohol intoxication and making a terroristic threat.


The judge sentenced Jones to 30 days in jail but suspended imposition of the sentence ... meaning if Jones keeps nose clean for the next two years, the former football player won't have to serve any time behind bars.

After the hearing, Jones provided a statement on the case on his X page -- writing, in part, "I am not proud of my conversations with the police that day."

"I am truly aware that police have a very difficult job and deserve to be treated with respect and appreciation ... The police were professional with me and deserved my respect in return. I genuinely apologize."

Remember, Jones was first arrested in the case while at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport on Sept. 11, after he got into a spat with airline employees over the electrical outlets in his seat on the plane.


Jones claimed he complained about his outlets not working -- and in response, airline officials decided to boot him from the flight.

Once Jones got off the jet, he blew a fuse ... with body cam footage showing him yelling at officers.


In his statement Thursday, Jones said he simply "let my frustrations from the plane bubble over into my conversation with the officers."

"I regret the fact that my comments were rude, offensive, and not warranted," he added.

Un toro suelto ¡obstruye las vías del tren de Nueva Jersey!

lugar y momento equivocados

Un toro se unió a los civiles durante el viaje de la mañana en Nueva Jersey, corriendo por las vías en la estación de Newark Penn y causando algunos problemas para la gente tratando de llegar a sus destinos a tiempo.

El Director de Seguridad Pública de Newark Fritz Fragé le dice TMZ que la policía respondió a Frelinghuysen Avenue cerca de Victoria Street Jueves por la mañana alrededor de las 10:46 AM, luego de ser alertado de que un toro fue visto en el suelto detrás de un edificio.

Los miembros de la Unidad de Servicios de Emergencia de la Policía de Newark ayudaron a Port Authority PD en la localización del toro fugitivo, eventualmente conteniéndolo dentro de un lote cercado.

Nos dicen que el animal será recuperado y salvaguardado por un santuario de animales locales, añadiendo que no se reportaron heridos durante todo el incidente.

Un representante de New Jersey Transit le informó a TMZ que los servicios ferroviarios fueron sometidos a retrasos de 45 minutos entre Newark Penn Station y New York Penn Station a causa del toro suelto.

Sin embargo, agarraron el toro por los cuernos y ahora todo volverá a la normalidad.

RUNAWAY BULL BOLTS DOWN NJ TRAIN TRACKS Udderly Bonkers Scene Caught on Vid!!



10:46 AM PT -- New video surfaced showing authorities wrangling the bull back to safety.

Fox 5 NY

A bull joined shocked civilians during the morning commute in New Jersey, bolting down the tracks at Newark Penn Station ... and causing some trouble for folks trying to get to their destinations on time.

Newark Public Safety Director Fritz Fragé tells TMZ that police responded to Frelinghuysen Avenue near Victoria Street Thursday morning around 10:46 AM ... after being alerted that a bull was observed on the loose behind a building.

Members of the Newark Police Emergency Services Unit assisted Port Authority PD in locating the runaway bull ... eventually containing it inside a fenced lot.

They tell us the animal will be retrieved and safeguarded by a local animal sanctuary -- adding that, thankfully, no injuries were reported throughout the incident.

A rep for New Jersey Transit adds to TMZ that rail services were subjected to 45-minute delays between Newark Penn Station & New York Penn Station 'cause of the loose bull.

Though, they grabbed the bull by the horns & are moo-ving things along ... cross-honoring tickets and passes at other stations.

Originally Published -- 10:00 AM PT

Mark Cuban On Giannis, Pacers Spat ... Ball Should Go To Indiana Rookie!!!


Mark Cuban says if he were in charge of the ball at the center of the Giannis Antetokounmpo vs. Pacers tiff ... the Bucks superstar would be disappointed -- 'cause he would've given the memento to Indiana.

The Dallas Mavericks honcho didn't mince words when talking about the topic to TMZ Sports on Thursday ... saying, "if you have a rookie who's never scored before in an NBA game, that's a big deal that only happens once."

"So," he continued, "I'd give the ball to the rookie."

Of course, Giannis felt differently following Milwaukee's 140-126 win over Indiana at the Fiserv Forum on Wednesday night ... going absolutely ballistic when the Pacers wanted to hand the ball off to Oscar Tshiebwe for scoring his first NBA basket instead of to the two-time MVP who had just scored 64 points.

Antetokounmpo ran to the front of the Pacers' locker room to confront them -- before he sprinted back on the court to complain to arena officials about the ball some more.

Eventually, a basketball was given to Giannis ... though he told reporters afterward he wasn't sure if it was actually the one he used to drop a franchise-high mark for points during the game.

Cuban said the home team should ultimately be the one to make the call in the situation -- though he said he'd just have to give it up to the rookie in this instance ... but would still do something nice for Giannis.

"With situations like that," he said, "I'd take the box score, I'd get his teammates to sign it and I'd frame it for him."

He added that if Giannis really wanted the ball -- he recommended bartering with the rookie for it ... perhaps by signing a jersey or even forking over some cash.

"Sixty-four is a big deal," Cuban said. "It rarely, rarely, rarely happens. And for Giannis it was a big deal, but if it's my home game, unless the rookie says it's OK, I'm giving the ball to the rookie."

Bam Margera Films KO Video With MadHouse Boys ... Here Comes the Boom!!!


Bam Margera is up to his old tricks ... lending his "Jackass" experience to a new group of wild daredevils and helping them film a brutal knockout video.

The former "Jackass" star shot a couple stunts over the weekend in L.A. with the MadHouse Boys... throwing on a boxing glove and unleashing some haymakers to the head.

In the footage, obtained by TMZ, you see Bam sneaking up on one of the MadHouse Boys from behind and punching him in the side of the head, and it looks like it hurts ... which, we guess, is the whole damn point.


For the uninitiated, MadHouse is a next-generation stunt group ... on social media they say they are basically like "if 'Jackass' and your mom had a baby." Great visual.

We're told the MadHouse guys reached out to Bam because they wanted him to be part of one of their videos.

Of course, Bam's had a nasty falling out with the OG "Jackass" stars and producers ... so he's available, and apparently willing to help the competition.