
It was a ruff day for one dog ... who made an impromptu break for it down the Staten Island Expressway before ultimately being saved by some freaked-out motorists.

In dash cam footage shared to TikTok, drivers are seen trying to divert the runaway chihuahua named Bean to the Clove Road exit ... but they're barking up the wrong tree as the pooch continues scrambling across the jam-packed highway.

Motorists then leap out of their vehicles trying to catch Bean ... though he keeps scampering away.

Finally the efforts pay off, as one good Samaritan grabs him and scoops him inside their car.

Arden Heights resident Katie Marie, whose dash cam captured the footage, told Staten Island Advance Saturday that her instinct kicked in when she saw the dog on the loose ... ensuring that it got to safety.

She explained the plan was to keep the dog in the HOV lane to try to exhaust him ... and soon, 20 vehicles were trying to do the same in the "extremely wholesome" effort to help out the directionless dog.

Bean's owner, Tee Richardson, later revealed he ran off after getting spooked by a barking pit bull -- and is now home and safe.

Adam22 le responde a Joe Budden por criticar su matrimonio con Lena The Plug

¿alguien está celoso?

Adam22 le está respondiendo a Joe Budden luego de que este dijera que su matrimonio con Lena es una farsa, y lo está haciendo hablando de las relaciones pasadas de Joe.

Encontramos a Adam y Lena fuera de su tienda No Jumper el viernes en Melrose, y dijeron que las palabras de Joe son bastante irónicas.

¿falso matrimonio?
The Joe Budden Podcast

Joe afirmó en su podcast que Adán está en una espiral descendente y está enfocado en mantenerse relevante, citando que deja a Lena dormir con diferentes tipos, incluso piensa que la pareja tiene un acuerdo al respecto.

Adam y Lena dicen que eso está lejos de la verdad y realmente hacen cosas normales como una pareja, por no hablar de que tienen un hijo y viven juntos.

Ahora, en el frente menos tradicional, Adam y Lena acaban de concluir su reality show de competencia, "Por el amor de Lena", que tenía a varios chicos compitiendo por tener un trío con Lena y Adam, ¡y qué trofeo fue a la estrella de cine para adultos Lil D!

Estaba con Adam y Lena el viernes, y le preguntamos cuál era su parte favorita de ganar el concurso. Pista: No necesitas adivinar dos veces su respuesta.

Adam22 Calls Joe Budden Out After Marriage Bashing ... What Does He Know About Healthy Relationships?!


Adam22 is putting Joe Budden on blast for saying his marriage to Lena the Plug was a sham ... and he's doing it by calling out Joe's own past relationships.

We got Adam and Lena outside their No Jumper Store Friday on Melrose, and he says the chatter from Joe is pretty ironic ... and he's got a bold reason why.

The Joe Budden Podcast

ICYMI, Joe claimed on his podcast that Adam's on a downward spiral and is doing a lot to stay relevant, citing letting Lena sleep with different dudes as an example ... he even thought the 2 might just have an arrangement going on.

Adam and Lena say that's far from the truth, and really do a lot of normal things as a couple -- not to mention they have a kid, and freakin' live together, too.

Now, on the less traditional front ... Adam and Lena just wrapped their reality competition show, "For the Love of Lena," which had multiple guys vying to have a threesome with Lena and Adam ... and that unique trophy went to adult film star Lil D.

He was with Adam and Lena on Friday, and we asked him what his favorite part was about winning the competition. Hint: You don't need 2 guesses to figure out his answer.

Mariah Carey My XMAS Present to MSG ... A Wicked Dreamgirl!!!

YouTube / Acairoe Fourth

Mariah Carey gave an early Christmas gift to the crowd at Madison Square Garden Saturday night ... bringing out Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson to perform "Oh Santa!" with her.

Mariah took the New York audience by surprise when she announced she had an "unexpected, yet amazing" treat. First, Mariah called Ariana and Jennifer "Christmas angels" and then asked them to come help her sing the Xmas tune.

As Ariana and Jennifer were ushered on stage, Mariah greeted them with excitement, saying, "You wouldn’t believe it, but here we have JHud with Ari!"

All three singers looked amazing in stylish outfits ... and Mariah confirmed it by giving the other women a once over and expressing her satisfaction in a word, "Gorgeous."

The trio then launched into the holiday song to the delight of the concertgoers, giving a knockout performance. But it was actually more of a reunion given that Mariah recorded a version of "Oh Santa!" with Ariana and Jennifer back in 2020.

YouTube / Andrew M

At another point in the show, the pop legend shared the stage with her 12-year-old daughter, Monroe, singing a duet of Mariah's 1994 holiday track, "Jesus Born On This Day."

2 Chainz Rushed to Hospital After Car Accident in Miami

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Instagram / @2chainz


8:46 AM PT -- A rep for Florida Highway Patrol confirmed there was a crash involving three vehicles -- a Mercedes, Nissan and Toyota -- that occurred in Miami.

While there were no fatalities, police said at least one adult male was transported to a local hospital, but his condition was not disclosed, nor was his identity.

2 Chainz was rushed to a hospital early Saturday morning after he was hit by a car in Miami ... TMZ has learned.

The rapper was driving on I-95 and about to exit when we're told by informed sources a car hit his vehicle. We're told cops suspect the other driver may have been driving under the influence.

It appears 2 Chainz was hit from behind because the damage to the car was on the front left driver's side -- and the damage is extensive, meaning the force of the crash was intense.

2 Chainz just posted this vid of him in an ambulance on his way to the hospital.

We're told he suffered neck injuries and possibly other injuries as well, but that he's in stable condition in the hospital.

He had left a strip club called Booby Trap, a hot Miami strip club, shortly before the crash. He was in Miami for Art Basel.

Originally Published -- 6:19 AM PT

Fiery Death Video Brazilian Woman Sets Husband Ablaze ... Runs Around Like Human Torch


A woman in Brazil took domestic violence to a whole new level ... showering her husband in a flammable liquid before setting him on fire -- and ultimately killing him.

The shocking incident was recorded on surveillance video at a store in Rio de Janeiro last Monday ... showing every moment of the horror as it unfolded.

Check it out ... Ana Maria Paixao walks into the stock room holding a bottle of fluid as she approaches her husband, Andre Chapeta, sitting at a table.

She first douses Chapeta with the liquid and then uses a lighter to set him ablaze, causing him to jump up from the table and dash out of the room.

Chapeta makes his way out to the street, where he runs around like a human torch before he collapses to the ground.

He was eventually brought to a local hospital, where he died Friday after being treated for severe burns over 92 percent of his body.

On Thursday, Paixao was taken into police custody, but she was later released on a technicality after a judge failed to sign the arrest warrant.

G1, a Brazilian news outlet, reported that Paixao appeared to be motivated by "jealousy."

Impactante video Mujer brasileña le prende fuego a su marido... Él corre como una antorcha

Brutal ataque

Una mujer de Brasil llevó la violencia doméstica a un nivel completamente nuevo, al rociar a su marido con un líquido inflamable, prenderle fuego y provocarle, en última instancia, la muerte.

El impactante incidente quedó capturado en un video de vigilancia en una tienda de Río de Janeiro el pasado lunes. Este muestra cada momento del horroroso incidente.

Echa un vistazo, Ana Maria Paixao entra en el almacén con una botella de líquido y se acerca a su marido, Andre Chapeta, sentado en una mesa.

Primero rocía a Chapeta y luego utiliza un mechero para prenderle fuego, haciéndole saltar de la mesa y salir corriendo de la habitación.

Chapeta sale a la calle, donde corre como una antorcha humana antes de desplomarse.

Finalmente, fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde falleció el viernes tras ser tratado de graves quemaduras en el 92% de su cuerpo.

El jueves, Paixao fue puesta bajo custodia policial, pero fue liberada más tarde por un tecnicismo, ya que un juez no firmó su orden de detención.

G1, un medio de noticias brasileño, informó que el incidente habría estado motivado por "celos" de Paixao.

Ric Flair Takes Tackle From UFC's Michael Chandler ... At 74 Years Old!!!

Instagram / @ricflairnatureboy

Ric Flair wasn't saying "WOOOO" after his recent run-in with Michael Chandler ... it was more like "OWWWW," 'cause the WWE legend was straight-up tackled to the ground!!

Naitch and the UFC star had an "altercation" at a bar recently ... and the footage of their wild trash-talkin' session that turned violent quickly spread on social media.

Of course, many rightfully suspected there wasn't any real bad blood between the two -- after all, they've starred in commercials for Car Shield in the past ... and actually have another spot dropping next week.

But we reached out to Chandler about the whole thing ... and he explained what exactly went down.

"It was a work," the lightweight contender told TMZ Sports. "Ric was teaching me the art."

Regardless, it's still just as funny to see the two get in full character for the clip ... with 74-year-old Flair showing he's still just as good with his lip service, and 37-year-old Chandler slapping him and doing a double leg takedown.

Chandler's expected to take on Conor McGregor at some point in 2024 ... so who better than the Nature Boy to get him ready for that fight!!

Impactante video Un policía militar golpea a su esposa ... Y la mata a tiros

El fatal incidente

Un policía militar le disparó a su esposa hasta provocarle la muerte después de haberla golpeado brutalmente durante un enfrentamiento en Brasil y todo fue grabado en video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima estaba fuera de servicio el domingo cuando comenzó a discutir con su esposa, Erika, por alguna razón dentro de un carro aparcado en Sao Paulo.

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes de vigilancia, Erika salta del asiento del conductor, da vueltas alrededor del carro e intenta abrir una puerta del lado del pasajero para sacar a Thiago del asiento trasero.

Los dos se enzarzan en un violento forcejeo mientras Thiago sale del vehículo con una pistola en la mano. Thiago golpea repetidamente a Erika en la cabeza antes de apuntarle con la pistola.

Según los informes, Thiago cargó a Erika en el carro y se la llevó a un hospital local, donde fue declarada su muerte.

Las autoridades brasileñas detuvieron a Thiago, quien confesó haber disparado mortalmente a Erika, según la CNN. No está claro si se presentaron cargos criminales.

Shocking Video Execution Military Police Officer Beats Wife ... Fatally Shoots Her in Brazil


A military police officer reportedly shot his wife to death after brutally beating her during a heated confrontation in Brazil ... and it was all caught on video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima was off-duty Sunday when he started arguing with his wife, Erika, for some reason inside a parked car in Sao Paolo.

Check out the surveillance footage ... Erika jumps out of the driver's seat and circles around the car, ripping open a passenger side door and trying to yank Thiago out of the backseat.

The two get into a violent struggle as Thiago pops out of the vehicle with a pistol gripped in his hand. Thiago repeatedly punches Erika in the head before aiming the gun at her.

Thiago reportedly loaded Erika into the car and drove her to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Brazilian authorities arrested Thiago, who confessed to fatally shooting Erika, CNN said. It's not clear whether criminal charges were filed.

Explosión en casa de Virginia El sospechoso disparó y lanzó bengalas... Video muestra masiva bola de fuego

Completamente destruida

Una casa en Virginia explotó en una bola de fuego la noche del lunes, posiblemente causando la muerte del sospechoso de provocar el estallido, que estaba armado y disparando desde el interior durante un enfrentamiento policial.

La salvaje escena fue grabada en un dramático video en Arlington, en donde se ve cómo la casa vuela en pedazos y desprende escombros al cielo y a todo el barrio residencial.

Velo por ti mismo, un vehículo de la policía estaba con las luces intermitentes en la entrada de la casa cuando de repente detona una fuerte explosión que sacude el área circundante y hace gritar de miedo a los testigos alrededor.

Varios de ellos están por encima gritando, "Holy f****ing s**t y "What the f**k!" (Qué mier**).

Un representante del Departamento de Policía del Condado de Arlington dijo que los policías respondieron a la casa el lunes por la tarde después de que los vecinos informaran de haber escuchado disparos. Los agentes determinaron más tarde que el residente había disparado una pistola de bengalas entre 30 y 40 veces a la calle.

Horas más tarde, los agentes obtuvieron una orden de registro y estaban llegando a la casa cuando el hombre comenzó a disparar con un arma real antes de que la casa explotara.

Los investigadores aún no han confirmado si el sospechoso u otras personas en la casa fallecieron. No se informó de otras lesiones.

Los bomberos acudieron al lugar y controlaron las llamas. Se está investigando la causa de la explosión.

Virginia House Explosion Suspect Fired Flares, Gunshots ... Video Shows Massive Fireball



12:20 PM PT -- Authorities confirmed a 56-year-old man is "presumed, at this point, to be deceased."

A house in Virginia exploded in a fireball Monday night, possibly killing a gun-wielding suspect squeezing off shots from inside during a police standoff.

The wild scene was caught on dramatic video in Arlington last evening, as the entire home blew apart, sending debris into the sky and throughout the residential neighborhood.

Check it out ... an armored police vehicle with lights flashing rolls up to the driveway when, suddenly, the house detonates with a loud bang, rocking the surrounding area and prompting witnesses to scream in fear.

Several of them are overhead yelling, "Holy f****ing s**t and "What the f**k!"

A rep for the Arlington County Police Department said cops responded to the home Monday afternoon after neighbors reported hearing shots fired. The officers later determined the resident shot a flare gun 30 to 40 times into the street.

Hours later, officers obtained a search warrant and were converging on the home when the man began firing shots from a real gun before the house exploded.

Investigators have not yet confirmed whether the suspect or possibly others in the house were killed. No other injuries were reported.


The fire department responded and brought the blaze under control. The cause of the blast is under investigation.

Originally Published -- 5:49 AM PT

George Santos Trippin' in D.C. After Getting Booted from Congress

George Santos has not only fallen out of the graces of his former congressional colleagues, he's literally fallen.

The disgraced ex-Congressman from NY was climbing the steps at the Waldorf Astoria hotel -- formerly the Trump International -- just before 10 PM Saturday when he ate it on the rain-soaked steps.

Eyewitnesses tell TMZ ... people nearby noticed him and were snickering at him.

Those eyewitnesses say Santos broke his watch when he hit the ground -- meaning he really doesn't know what time it is.

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As you know, Santos was booted from Congress Friday ... becoming only the 6th member in U.S. history to be expelled.

Ataque a un fan de Nardo Wick Los sospechosos se entregan a la policía

Dos hombres acusados de golpear brutalmente a un fanático de Nardo Wick se han entregado a la policía, según ha indagado TMZ.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los sospechosos, Zachary L. Benton, de 34 años y un varón de 15, se entregaron a la policía de Tampa el viernes por la noche. Ambos están acusados por el delito grave de agresión. El chico de 15 años también está acusado por ser menor de edad y poseer un arma de fuego mientras llevaba una máscara.

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Golpeado en seco

Una fuente cercana a Nardo nos dice que los hombres no tenían una relación estrecha con el rapero, sino que eran amigos de amigos.

Nos dicen que los dos sospechosos se pusieron en contacto con el equipo de Nardo a principios de esta semana para discutir la logística de la entrega, lo que es interesante, pues tenían suficiente conexión cómo para llegar a alguien del equipo de Nardo.

TMZ fue el primero en informar la noticia, un video muestra a George Obregon Jr., fan de Nardo Wick, caminando hacia el rapero después de un show, y luego siendo emboscado y golpeado por dos personas que estaban afuera con el rapero. Los policías nos dicen que Benton fue el primero en golpear a Obregon, mientras que el chico de 15 años corrió y le dio un puñetazo varias veces más.

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Agresión injustificada

La madre de George nos dijo que su hijo, de 20 años, solo quería tomarse una foto con Nardo cuando fue atacado. Fue trasladado a la unidad de cuidados intensivos de un hospital con una conmoción cerebral grave y una hemorragia cerebral. Desconocemos su estado actual.

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Genuina preocupación

Nardo se disculpó por el incidente, pero culpó a los otros hombres diciendo que no puede controlar cómo reaccionan otros hombres adultos. También dijo que estaba molesto por todo el incidente.

Los policías publicaron fotos de los sospechosos el miércoles, diciendo que eran buscados por su presunta participación directa en un delito de agresión.

Nardo Wick Fan Beatdown Suspects Surrender in Vicious Attack Against Fan

Two men accused of throwing punches in the brutal beatdown of a Nardo Wick fan have turned themselves into police ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the suspects -- 34-year-old Zachary L. Benton and a 15-year-old male turned themselves in to Tampa PD Friday night. They are charged with felony battery. The 15-year-old is also charged with minor in possession of a firearm while wearing a mask.

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A source close to Nardo tells us the men did not have a close relationship with the rapper ... they were friends of friends.

We're told the two suspects reached out to Nardo's team earlier this week to discuss logistics of surrender. That's interesting ... they had enough of a connection to reach out to someone from Nardo's team.

TMZ broke the story ... video shows Nardo fan George Obregon Jr. walking up to the rapper after a show, and getting ambushed and sucker punched by two people who were walking out of the venue with Nardo. Cops tell us Benton is the one who first punched Obregon and the 15-year-old ran over and punched him several more times.

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George's mom told us her 20-year-old son was just seeking a photo with Nardo when he was attacked. He was taken to the critical care unit of a hospital with a severe concussion and brain bleed. We do not know his current condition.

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Nardo apologized for the incident but blamed the other men ... saying he can't control how grown men react. He also said he was upset by the whole incident.

Cops released photos of the suspects Wednesday, saying they were wanted for allegedly having direct involvement in a felony battery.

Nardo Wick Fan Attacked, Knocked Out Cold By Rapper's Entourage

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9:51 AM PT -- A spokesperson for Tampa Police tells us they're asking the public to help identify the attackers ... adding the victim is in critical, but stable condition. Anyone with info is asked to reach out to Tampa Police.

A Nardo Wick fan got much more than he bargained for after asking for a photo with the rapper, as Nardo's entourage unleashed a brutal attack ... leaving the fan hospitalized and the incident under police investigation.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ the 20-year-old fan attended the NW show Sunday night at Club Skye in Tampa, and spotted Nardo leaving the venue around 1:15 AM.

That's where video, obtained by TMZ, picks up ... you can see the fan approach Nardo and his team for what we're told was to get a photo. Then, without warning, a member of Nardo's team sucker punches the young fan ... knocking his head against a concrete wall.

Unable to move, the fan seems stunned ... and that's when another member of NW's entourage punches the fan again, causing him to fall to the ground and hit his head on the pavement.

The attack is cowardly, and Nardo -- wearing the white shirt near the rear of the SUV -- appears to try to get his guys to relax ... but the effort proves useless.

As for the fan, we're told he was taken to a local hospital where he was allegedly treated for a severe concussion, and there's some spots where he's hemorrhaging. Our sources say it's currently unclear if there will be any long-term damage ... only time will tell.

We reached out to a rep for Nardo Wick ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 8:25 AM PT