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Un fan de Nardo Wick consiguió mucho más de lo que esperaba luego de pedirle una foto al rapero. El séquito de Nardo desató un ataque brutal dejando al fan hospitalizado y el incidente bajo investigación policial.

Fuentes directas le informan a TMZ que el fan de 20 años de edad asistió al show de Wick el domingo por la noche en el Club Skye en Tampa y vio al rapero salir del lugar alrededor de la 1:15 AM.

Ahí es donde el video (obtenido por TMZ) comienza. Se puede ver al fan acercarse a Nardo y su equipo para conseguir una foto. Entonces, sin previo aviso, un miembro del equipo de Nardo golpea al joven fan, golpeando su cabeza contra un muro de hormigón.

Incapaz de moverse, el fan parece aturdido y es entonces cuando otro miembro del séquito golpea al fan de nuevo, haciendo que caiga al suelo y golpee su cabeza contra el pavimento.

El ataque es cobarde y Nardo —que lleva la camiseta blanca cerca de la parte trasera del todoterreno— parece intentar que sus chicos se relajen, pero el esfuerzo resulta inútil.

En cuanto al fan, nos dicen que fue llevado a un hospital local donde supuestamente fue tratado por una conmoción cerebral severa, además de sufrir hemorragias. Nuestras fuentes dicen que actualmente no está claro si habrá algún daño a largo plazo, solo el tiempo lo dirá.

Intentamos ponernos en contacto con un representante de Nardo Wick, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

UFC's Sean Strickland Holds Man At Gunpoint ... After Alleged Domestic Violence Incident

112723-sean-strickland-kal November 2023
Sean Strickland

Put this guy in the Hall of Fame for (alleged) stupid criminals! First ballot.

UFC middleweight champion Sean Strickland captured a man fleeing authorities after he was allegedly involved in a domestic violence incident ... and it was all captured on surveillance video!

32-year-old Strickland, who became UFC champ after defeating Israel Adesanya at UFC 293 in September, posted video of the incident, along with an explanation of the WILD story.

"The guy was drunk stomping out a girl, a security guard seen it, he jumped in his car and drove off. Security followed him, hit a curb, completely shredded his tire, drove on the rim for awhile then jumped out and tried to hide at my house. I initially thought he was stealing my car," Sean described.

The video shows a man, clearly in a hurry, walking onto Strickland's driveway, before attempting to hide between two parked vehicles.

Another angle then shows Sean walking out of his house and toward the driveway while carrying a handgun. The video then cuts back to the first angle, where Strickland has the man at gunpoint.

The suspect seemingly tries to walk away, while Sean and another man follow closely behind him. Strickland gives the feeling man a shove, sending him to the ground, still at gunpoint.

The UFC champ says the alleged criminal was arrested ... though the charges are unclear.

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Believe it or not, it's not the first time a UFC fighter has had to deal with an unwelcomed guest -- as we previously reported, Jon Jones ran after someone with a shotgun during an alleged attempted burglary back in 2020.



Aquí hay una historia loca -- Dominique Wilkins abrió recientemente un paquete de antiguas tarjetas de la NBA... y para su suerte, ¡¡sacó su propia tarjeta de novato!!

Todo esto fue documentado en video... cuando la leyenda de los Hawks se unió al director general de OTIA Sports, Jason Koonce, para romper un lote sin abrir de tarjetas de baloncesto Fleer de 1986 con la esperanza de encontrar una tarjeta de novato de Michael Jordan en el paquete.

Para su información -- la serie Fleer de 1986 está repleta de tarjetas de novatos de la época... incluidos MJ, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Hakeem Olajuwon y, por supuesto, Dominique Wilkins.

El tirón fue bastante divertido -- el "Human Hightlight Film" recordó cómo jugó contra varios jugadores a medida que iba desvelando la baraja... que contenía grandes nombres como Magic Johnson, Larry Bird y Bill Walton.

Una vez que Wilkins se topó con su propia cara, el grupo de chicos empezó a alborotarse... con Koonce jurando hasta la extenuación que la carta no había sido plantada.

"Esto estaba sellado, no estaba planeado", dijo Koonce en el video. "Eso es una locura".

"Por la vida de mis hijos, ¡esto no fue montado!"

La tarjeta podría tener un alto valor dependiendo de su estado... ¡algunas en muy buen estado se cotizan actualmente en internet por miles de dólares!

Lamentamos que no hayas sacado una de M.J., Dominique... ¡pero tú también fuiste un muy buen jugador!

Dominique Wilkins I Pulled My Own Rookie Card!!! ... But Wanted M.J.


Here's a crazy story -- Dominique Wilkins opened a pack of old NBA cards recently ... and as luck would have it, he pulled his own rookie card!!

The whole thing was documented on video ... when the Hawks legend joined OTIA Sports CEO Jason Koonce to break an unopened batch of 1986 Fleer basketball cards in hopes of finding a Michael Jordan rookie in the pack.

FYI -- the '86 Fleer set is filled with a ton of rookie cards of that era ... including MJ, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Hakeem Olajuwon and, of course, Dominique Wilkins.

The pull was pretty cool -- the Human Highlight Film reminisced about playing against several players as he revealed the deck ... which featured big names like Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Bill Walton.

Once Wilkins came across his own face, the group of guys started freaking out ... with Koonce swearing up and down the card was not planted.

"This was sealed, this was not planned," Koonce said in the video. "That is insane."

"On my kid's life, that was not set up!"

The card could be pretty valuable depending on its condition ... some in great shape are currently listed online for thousands of dollars!!

Sorry ya didn't pull an MJ, Dominique ... but you were a pretty damn good player, too!!


Susto a media noche

Jillian Barberie casi vive una invasión a su hogar este fin de semana cuando su puerta principal casi se viene abajo en plena madrugada… ¡Y ella lo filmó todo!

La exconductora de televisión y personalidad de FOX -- exintegrante de "Good Day L.A." y otros programas -- documentó el aterrador suceso de lo que ella describe como un fuerte estruendo a primera hora del domingo, dejando la entrada de su apartamento destrozada.

Jillian lo compartió en Instagram Live justo después de que ocurriera, e instada por sus seguidores/fans llamó a la policía, algo que aparentemente no se le ocurrió de inmediato.

Más tarde, Jillian explicó que aún estaba bastante desconcertada… pero mientras todo esto sucedía -- llevó a su audiencia a vivir un viaje, mostrando cómo estaba barricando la puerta con los suministros que tenía… Y hasta demostrando cómo planeaba defenderse.

No tenía una pistola ni nada por el estilo, pero el spray de pimienta serviría en caso de un apuro, suponemos.

De todos modos, al final llamó al 911 y también filmó ese encuentro. El oficial que llegó le hizo presentar un informe y le pidió que hablara con el personal de mantenimiento por la mañana. Lo extraño es que, al examinar los daños en la puerta, no encontraron huellas en el exterior, lo cual es lo que JB (y prácticamente todos los demás) sospechaba que era, es decir, alguien pateándola.

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Jillian ha estado publicando muchas actualizaciones en sus redes sociales… y reveló que un amigo se quedó con ella hasta que el equipo de mantenimiento llegó para hacer las reparaciones.

Extrañamente, aún no hay una explicación clara de lo que pudo haber sido. Jillian sigue pensando que fue causado por una persona y que alguien podría haber golpeado con todo su cuerpo la puerta y salió corriendo. Pero hay una investigación en curso y están buscando al culpable.

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Cosas bastante espeluznantes, obviamente, y lo más sorprendente es que Jillian aparentemente vive en un elegante edificio de apartamentos en Ventura… que generalmente se considera una zona bastante segura.

Simplemente, demuestra que siempre hay que estar preparado para lo peor. ¡Manténganse a salvo!

Jillian Barberie Front Door Almost Broken Down ... Middle-of-the-Night Scare


Jillian Barberie almost experienced a would-be home invasion this weekend when her front door nearly came crashing down in the dead of the night ... and she filmed it all, too.

The former TV host and FOX personality -- who used to work on "Good Day L.A.," among other telecasts -- documented the terrifying aftermath of what she says was a loud bang in the wee hours of Sunday morning ... which left the entryway to her apartment crushed.

Watch ... Jillian jumped on IG Live right after it happened and was spurred by her followers/fans to call the police -- something that apparently didn't occur to her right away.

Later, Jillian explains she was still pretty out of it ... but while this was all unfolding -- she took her audience on quite a ride, showing off how she was barricading the door with what supplies she had ... and even demonstrating how she planned to defend herself.

She didn't have a gun or anything, but pepper spray will do in a pinch, we suppose.

Anyway, she ultimately did call 911 at 2:15 AM and filmed that encounter too. The officer who showed up had her file a report and told her to talk to maintenance in the AM. The weird thing is, when they examined the door damage ... there was no footprint on the outside, seeing that's what JB (and just about everyone else) suspected it was -- namely, somebody kicking it in.

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Jillian's been posting a ton of updates on her social media pages ... and reveals that a friend came to stay with her until the management team crew came by to make the repairs.

Strangely, there's still no clear explanation for what it could've been. Jillian still thinks this was human-caused -- and believes somebody might've just slammed their whole body into her door and bolted. But an investigation is underway and they're looking for the culprit.

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Pretty freaky stuff, obviously -- and what's crazier is that Jillian appears to live in a swanky apartment building out in Ventura ... which is usually considered a pretty decent area.

No evidence suggested anyone entered the residence. Detectives are investigating.

Just goes to show ... ya always gotta be prepared for the worst. Stay safe, y'all.

Thanksgiving Eve Brawl Video Shows Bloody Scene, Bottle Used as Weapon


Video has now surfaced of a brutal brawl the day before Thanksgiving in Saugus, Massachusetts.

Someone used a glass bottle as a weapon during the bloody fight, as patrons duke it out and blood flows freely. Some fighters either ripped off their shirts during the brawl or had them ripped off during the melee.

One man is seen bleeding profusely from his head as 2 other patrons hold him down.

It went down at a family-friendly joint, Kowloon Restaurant. What's a little weird ... there were 6 officers working at the restaurant -- it's unclear why a restaurant needed this kind of police presence. The officers were able to calm things down.

Cops interviewed several people in the fight but no arrests have been made. The PD does say the person who used a bottle as a weapon could be arrested and charged with a felony.

Happy holidays, everybody!



La noche del sábado, Hamás liberó más rehenes, luego de que el intercambio de prisioneros estuviera al borde del colapso.

Un total de 13 israelíes y 4 ciudadanos tailandeses fueron escoltados a través de la frontera hacia Israel, tras una demora interminable. Hamás acusó a Israel de violar los términos del acuerdo de alto al fuego, y varios países, incluyendo Estados Unidos, intervinieron para revivirlo.

En el video publicado por Hamás, se observa a los rehenes despidiéndose de quienes los capturaron desde el 7 de octubre. Aún no está claro si lo hicieron por voluntad propia o no.

Este es el segundo intercambio de prisioneros desde que entró en vigor el alto al fuego, y se espera que más rehenes sean liberados hoy. Hasta ahora, no se han liberado a los estadounidenses que fueron retenidos.

Como parte del segundo intercambio, Israel también liberó a 39 palestinos.


En total, se espera que se liberen 50 rehenes y que 150 prisioneros palestinos sean liberados de Israel como parte del acuerdo.

Hamás tomó alrededor de 240 rehenes durante el ataque terrorista del 7 de octubre.

Israel-Hamas War Second Prison Swap Video Shows Hostages Waving Goodbye


More hostages were released by Hamas Saturday night, this after the prisoner swap almost fell apart.

A total of 13 Israelis and 4 Thai nationals were driven across the border into Israel, after a seemingly endless delay. Hamas accused Israel of breaking terms of the cease-fire deal, and numerous countries, including the U.S., stepped in to revive it

In the video released by Hamas, you see hostages waving goodbye to the people who held them since October 7. It's unclear if they waved out of free will, or not.

This is the second hostage swap since the cease-fire took hold, and more hostages are expected to be released today. So far, no Americans held hostage have been released.

As part of the second swap, 39 Palestinians were also released by Israel.


In all, 50 hostages are expected to be released, and 150 Palestinian prisoners will be freed from Israel as part of the swap.

Hamas took around 240 hostages during the Oct. 7 terrorist attack.

NY Bar Brawl Security Staff Roped Into Melee ... After Trying to Break It Up



4:24 PM PT -- Hayley Burley -- the owner/manager of Shorts Bar & Grills -- tells TMZ ... there was one real troublemaker who started this mess, even though it looks like a free-for-all.

She adds, "Holidays are a really crazy busy time of year and we do everything we can to ensure that everyone has a fun and safe holiday. The man involved was taking swings at my customers. Unfortunately the video doesn't really depict my bartender who was trying to help get the situation under control is having his ankle twisted in the and asking for help. We never condone any type of violence and the police were called and responded immediately."

A security staffer who got dragged into a bar fight he was trying to break up just proves the old adage is true ... no good deed goes unpunished, and sometimes you gotta kick ass.

Check out this wild footage, obtained by TMZ, showing an absolute melee going down late Friday night/early Saturday morning at a joint called Shorts Bar & Grill out in Fairport, NY ... where we're told 4 dudes went at it right on the floor as the evening tipped into midnight.

As exciting as that was ... it was nothing compared to when one of the hired "Staff" security guards stepped in. At first, he was pulling people away and separating everyone -- that is, until someone on the outskirts apparently pushed him down to keep the chaos going.

That's certainly what it looks like, anyway ... and that's certainly how the bouncer took it -- 'cause the guy started wailing on the man whom he suspected of shoving/provoking.

Indeed ... the beatdown he dished out to this older fella is pretty brutal -- dropping elbows on him and socking away. Eventually, they let the guy get up and stumble his way out of the scene. He didn't really put up much of a fight, and it's unclear what happened after.

No word on whether cops were called to this brawl or not either ... and what's even weirder is that this seems to have been Buffalo Bills related (if the jersey'd fan is any indication).

@nicolehouli / Instagram

We know the Bills Mafia can get rowdy, but weirdly enough ... their team doesn't even play until Monday. Never too early to let the fists fly, we suppose -- happy holidays, everyone!

Originally Published -- 1:14 PM PT

Derek Chauvin George Floyd Cop Stabbed In Prison ... Hospitalized In Stable Condition

Infamous ex-cop Derek Chauvin -- who was convicted of murdering George Floyd in Minneapolis -- was stabbed in federal prison and rushed to a hospital, but his injuries were not considered life-threatening, TMZ has confirmed.

A rep for Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison tells TMZ ... Chauvin was listed in stable condition after he was assaulted Friday at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona.

In a statement, Ellison said, "I am sad to hear that Derek Chauvin was the target of violence. He was duly convicted of his crimes and, like any incarcerated individual, he should be able to serve his sentence without fear of retaliation or violence."

Ellison prosecuted Chauvin in the state murder case after Floyd's 2020 death.

The Bureau of Prisons also issued a statement without naming Chauvin, saying an "incarcerated person" was attacked at the prison around 12:30 PM yesterday. It was unclear who the suspect was, but the Associated Press reported it was another inmate.

Prison staff responded and brought the situation under control while performing "life-saving measures" on the victim, the BOP said, adding that no employees were injured.

The victim was taken to the hospital, where doctors were treating and evaluating him.

As we previously reported, Chauvin was convicted of Floyd's slaying in a Minnesota state court and sentenced to more than 22 years in prison. He also pleaded guilty to a separate federal charge of violating Floyd's civil rights and was given a 20-year term, which he's currently serving at the Arizona prison.

The murder of Floyd was recorded on cell phone video, which was circulated around the world, shocking the public consciousness.

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

The disturbing nine-and-a-half-minute clip showed Chauvin pressing his knee against the neck of Floyd as he lay helpless on the ground in Minneapolis. Floyd repeatedly cried out that he couldn't breathe, but Chauvin refused to take away his knee until it was too late.

Chauvin was originally called to the scene after Floyd was suspected of passing phony bills at a nearby convenience store. A 19-year veteran officer, Chauvin was fired from the Minneapolis PD following the Floyd murder.

NYC Subway Thanksgiving Served On Train ... Passengers Enjoy Feast!!!

TikTok / @itgirljayda_

A New York City subway train saw a Thanksgiving meal served to hungry passengers ... with folks passing around plates and eating on their underground ride.

Ya gotta see the video ... there's a table full of Thanksgiving treats and drinks, and people are sharing food and laughs between stops.

Tons of passengers are packed on the train like sardines and friendly folks are making sure anyone who wants to eat is served. Some people are sitting and eating, others are chowing down while standing up and everyone looks happy.

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This looks to be turning into a bit of a Thanksgiving tradition in the Big Apple ... last year, a Turkey Day dinner was served to riders on the L Train ... with heaping plates of sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, turkey and green bean casserole.

Never change, New Yorkers!!!

Taylor Swift Police Launch Investigation ... After Fan Dies at Rio Concert

Police in Brazil have reportedly opened a probe into the organizers of last Friday’s oppressively hot Taylor Swift concert that left one fan dead and the pop star gasping for air.

A rep for Rio de Janeiro’s Civil Police Department said they launched an investigation into Time4Fun, the company that arranged the event at Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos on November 17, according to NBC News.

Investigators from the consumer delegations department are specifically looking into whether Time4Fun committed the “crime of endangering the life and health” of the show’s attendees, the spokesperson said. The rep added that company execs will also be called to testify.

As you know, Ana Clara Benevides Machado fell unconscious before Taylor hit the stage during the record-breaking heat that night.

Ana later passed away at a hospital, and prosecutors announced they would investigate her cause of death, which has not been disclosed.

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As for Taylor, she was filmed seemingly struggling to breathe onstage during her performance. Fans took to social media and expressed their concern for her well-being.

They also demanded Time4Fun supply more water to fans at Taylor’s next 2 shows in Rio, although one was subsequently postponed due to the heat.


On Thursday, company execs issued a statement, apologizing to concertgoers and admitting they had made mistakes, saying they “did not economize in our efforts or resources to follow the best global practices in our industry to guarantee the comfort and safety of all.”

The company previously released a statement addressing fans’ concerns over the lack of water, promising to provide more H20 at Taylor’s two specified concerts.

Rainbow Bridge Crash New Video Shows Bentley Airborne, Crashing, Exploding

X / @CBP

New video has surfaced of the horrific car crash at the U.S.-Canadian border that left 2 people dead and authorities scrambling for answers.

The video provides a clearer look at the Bentley that went airborne ... then crashed and exploded into a guard post at the border, killing both occupants inside -- a husband and wife.


The car was traveling at an extremely high rate of speed ... and it's unclear why. There have been reports the driver may have suffered a medical emergency.


The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol released the video. The Agency is investigating the crash, to determine if it was accidental or intentional.

The Bentley crashed on the U.S. side of the bridge crossing. The couple was on their way to the KISS concert in Toronto, but when that concert was canceled they decided to go to a casino instead.

NY Gov Kathy Hochul said Wednesday there's no indication this was a terrorist attack. The U.S. Attorney for NY doubled down, saying the prelim investigation shows terrorism was not involved.

Swerve Strickland Talks Bloody Match Vs. Adam Page Here's What Hurt The Most!


Swerve Stickland and "Hangman" Adam Page used everything from a barbed wire-wrapped chair to a heavy-duty staple gun to beat the s*** out of each other during last weekend's AEW match. We asked Swerve how he felt after the bloody match, and what part was most painful.

Swerve joined Mojo Muhtadi on "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs nightly on FS1) ... and talked about the Texas Deathmatch at AEW's Full Gear, which Strickland ultimately won. But, he paid a price.

"It was that Hangman Moonsault with the chair and barbed wire. Hangman is a deceptively massive man in itself. Receiving a Moonsault from him at that height and that weight and that speed and velocity already takes a lot out of you," Swerve told us.

"Add in a metal chair wrapped in like probably hundreds of yards of barbed wire wrapped in a spool around it, it just scraped across me, along with Hangman landing across me. Out of all the brutal stuff we did in that match, that was probably the one that stuck out."

With the big match under his belt and Strickland's stock being at an all-time high, we asked him what was next.

Swerve mentioned competing in the upcoming Continental Classic tournament ... but also has his sights set on something more historic.

"I feel like I catapulted myself as one of the top guys in the industry. And I said this before, earlier in the year, I really feel I can be the first African American AEW world champion."

Great matches require two wrestlers putting in work ... and Strickland spoke very highly of his opponent. In fact, he thinks "Hangman" Adam Page could be this generation's Mick Foley.

Check out the full conversation between Swerve and Mojo!


un momento especial

Swerve Stickland y "Hangman" Adam Page usaron de todo, desde una silla envuelta en alambre de púas hasta una pistola de grapas de alta resistencia para golpearse mutuamente durante el combate de AEW del fin de semana pasado. Le preguntamos a Swerve cómo se sintió después del sangriento combate y qué parte fue la más dolorosa.

Swerve se unió a Mojo Muhtadi en el programa de televisión "TMZ Sports" (se emite todas las noches en FS1), y habló sobre el Texas Deathmatch en Full Gear de AEW, que Strickland finalmente ganó. Pero, pagó un precio.

"Fue ese Hangman Moonsault con la silla y el alambre de púas. Hangman es un hombre engañosamente grande. Recibir un Moonsault de él a esa altura y ese peso y esa velocidad y rapidez ya te quita mucho", nos dijo Swerve.

"Si a eso le añadimos una silla de metal envuelta en cientos de metros de alambre de púas que se enrollaba en una bobina a su alrededor, simplemente me raspó, y Hangman aterrizó sobre mí. De todas las cosas brutales que hicimos en ese combate, esa fue probablemente la que más me llamó la atención".

Con el gran combate en su haber y la cotización de Strickland en máximos históricos, le preguntamos qué era lo siguiente.

Swerve mencionó competir en el próximo torneo Continental Classic, pero también tiene la vista puesta en algo más histórico.

"Siento que me he catapultado como uno de los mejores del sector. Y dije esto antes, a principios de año, realmente siento que puedo ser el primer afroamericano AEW campeón del mundo".

Los grandes combates requieren que dos luchadores se esfuercen, y Strickland habló muy bien de su oponente. De hecho, cree que "Hangman" Adam Page podría ser el Mick Foley de esta generación.

¡Échale un vistazo a la conversación completa entre Swerve y Mojo!