Frontier Airlines Woman Threatens to Pee in Aisle!!! Pulls Down Pants & Squats

when you gotta go ...
Facebook / Julie Voshell Hartman

A woman on a Frontier Airlines flight threatened to pee in the aisle when a flight attendant blocked her from using the restroom, going so far as to pop a butt-naked squat next to horrified passengers.

Video of the wild incident is, no shocker, going viral ... as it shows the woman telling a plane full of people she didn't "give a f***" about mooning kids and emptying her bladder for all onboard to see.

The woman's trying to make her way to the lavatory but when her path is blocked by a flight attendant, she puts her jacket down on an empty seat, and starts taking off her pants and squats down as if to pee.

Facebook / Julie Voshell Hartman

For what it's worth, she does say, "Sorry, everybody" ... but then states she's "ready to pee over here" and shocked passengers scream as she starts stripping.

Peepee Patty then stands up and demands to be let into the restroom, as concerned travelers berate her for showing her naked butt in front of kids, sparking a heated argument.

Folks who were there say it all went down on a flight from somewhere in Florida to Philadelphia ... and one passenger is accusing the woman of threatening to kill another person onboard.

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It's the second bizarre episode on a Frontier Airlines flight this week ... as we reported, another woman on a flight from Houston to Denver had an epic meltdown with some serious 'Exorcist' vibes.


Holiday travel never fails to entertain!!!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Frontier Airlines Mujer amenaza con orinar en el pasillo!!! Se baja los pantalones y se pone de cuclillas

Cuando la naturaleza llama...
Facebook / Julie Voshell Hartman

Una mujer en un vuelo de Frontier Airlines amenazó con orinar en el pasillo cuando una azafata le impidió usar el baño y llegó incluso a ponerse de cuclillas con el culo desnudo, desatando el horror de los pasajeros que la estaban mirando.

El video del incidente se está haciendo viral porque muestra a la mujer decirle a un avión lleno de gente que le importa "una m***" vaciar su vejiga y que todos la vean.

Todo empezó, cuando la mujer intentó ir al baño y una asistente de vuelo le bloqueó el camino. En ese momento dejó su chaqueta en un asiento vacío y comenzó a quitarse los pantalones como si fuera a hacerse pipí.

Explotando frente a los pasajeros
Facebook / Julie Voshell Hartman

Hay que reconocer que antes dice, "Lo siento, a todos", pero luego afirma que está "lista para orinar" y los pasajeros empiezan a gritar cuando la ven desnudarse.

Caos en un vuelo

Peepee Patty se levanta y exige que la dejen entrar al baño. Luego los viajeros la reprenden por mostrarle su trasero a los niños, lo que desencadena una acalorada discusión.

La gente que estuvo allí dice que todo sucedió en un vuelo desde Florida hacia Filadelfia y un pasajero está acusando a la mujer de amenazar de muerte a otra persona a bordo.

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El poder de cristo...

Este es el segundo episodio extraño en un vuelo de Frontier Airlines esta semana, como informamos, otra mujer en un vuelo de Houston a Denver tuvo una crisis épica con algunas series reminiscencias al "Exorcista".

¡¡¡Las vacaciones nunca dejan de entretenernos!!!

Locura en Frontier Airlines Crisis de una pasajera desata sermón en medio del vuelo El diablo tiene su alma!!!

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El poder de Cristo

Cuando tu vuelo se convierte en una secuela de "El Exorcista". Así es como se puede describir esta extraña escena de una mujer que tiene una crisis épica en medio de un vuelo, dejando a sus compañeros de viaje preguntándose, ¿¡QUÉ PASÓ!?

Todo ocurrió en un avión de Frontier Airlines que viajaba de Houston a Denver, pero que tuvo que parar en Dallas después de que la pasajera con problemas comenzara a gemir como si le hubieran cortado una pierna, provocando un gran disturbio.

Nadie parece saber exactamente cuál era su problema, pero en el video se la ve llorando y discutiendo con la tripulación de vuelo y otros pasajeros mientras intenta volver a su asiento.

En un momento dado, incluso trepa por los asientos, arrastrándose por la cabina, mientras solloza y grita. Mientras todo esto ocurre, otra señora que estaba entre los pasajeros se vuelve hacia los demás y proclama que están presenciando una posesión demoníaca.

Al describir a la pasajera que está perdiendo el control, la mujer grita: "¡Esa no es ella, está poseída! Necesita ayuda". A continuación, se pone en modo predicadora y les dice a todos que deben tener una relación con Jesús para evitar este tipo de "apoderamiento" del alma.

No podemos hablar de nada de lo que hizo el Espíritu Santo, pero sabemos que la policía subió inmediatamente al avión cuando aterrizó en Dallas para sacar a la mujer perturbada. Nadie resultó herido, pero seguro que asustó a la cabina.

Vamos a decir esto, ella arrastrándose por los asientos definitivamente nos recuerda al horrible papel de Linda Blair, con excepción del vómito y la cabeza girando, por supuesto.

Viajes de vacaciones, ¡¡¡nunca hay un momento aburrido!!!

Frontier Airlines Freak-Out Passenger Meltdown Spurs Mid-Air Sermon ... The Devil Has Her Soul!!!

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the power of christ ...

When your quick flight turns into an 'Exorcist' sequel -- that's how you can describe this bizarre scene of a woman having an epic meltdown, leaving her fellow passengers to wonder ... WWJD?!?

This all went down on a Frontier Airlines jet traveling from Houston to Denver, but the flight had to stop off in Dallas after the troubled passenger started wailing like her leg was cut off ... stirring a huge disturbance.

Nobody seems to know what exactly was wrong with her -- but this video shows her crying and arguing with the in-flight crew and other passengers as she tries getting back to her seat.

At one point ... she even climbs over seats, crawling her way through the cabin, all while sobbing and hyperventilating. As this is all unfolding, some other lady who was in the mix turns to the others and proclaims they're all witnessing a demonic possession.

Describing the passenger losing it, the woman yells, "That's not her, she's possessed! She needs help!" She then goes into preacher mode, telling everyone onboard they need a relationship with Jesus to stave off this sort of "takeover" of the soul.


We can't speak to anything the Holy Ghost did, but we know police immediately boarded the plane when it landed in Dallas to remove the disturbed woman. No one was injured, but it sure freaked out the cabin.

We'll say this, her crawling over the seats definitely brings Linda Blair's horrifying role to mind -- minus the vomit and head-spinning, of course.

Holiday travel ... never a boring moment!!!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Marines vs. Civilians War Breaks Out In Texas ... Wild Video Shows


Uniformed Marines battled civilians during a heated conflict in Texas -- and the wild scene was caught on video.

Sunday night's chaos was filmed by witnesses outside Austin's Voodoo Room, where the brawl erupted after a woman allegedly tried to snatch a cell phone from a Marine.

Check out the clip ... Marines, in full dress uniform, confront the woman and some other men on the street.

The two sides start arguing and shoving each other until one guy clocks a Marine in the head, causing all hell to break loose.

Several Marines go after the guy, punching him in the face and knocking him to the ground.

The soldiers jump on top of him and get in a few more licks before the police arrive and break up the fight.

We’re not sure if anyone was arrested or seriously injured so we’ve reached out to the Austin PD for answers. So far, no word back.

Keep the war on the battlefield next time!!!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Marinos vs. civiles Estalla la guerra en Texas... Muestra un salvaje video

Riña con los marinos

Marinos uniformados se enfrentaron a golpes contra algunos civiles durante un acalorado conflicto en Texas, y toda la escena fue capturada en video.

El caos fue filmado el domingo por la noche por testigos afuera de Austin Voodoo Room. La pelea estalló después de que una mujer supuestamente tratara de arrebatarle un teléfono a un infante de marina.

Echa un vistazo al clip, donde se ve a los marinos vestidos en sus uniformes de gala enfrentarse a la mujer y a algunos otros hombres en la calle.

Los dos bandos empiezan a discutir y a empujarse hasta que uno de los hombres golpea a un marino en la cabeza, provocando que se desate el infierno.

Varios marinos se lanzan contra el tipo, golpeándolo en la cara y tirándolo al suelo.

Los soldados saltan sobre él y le dan unos cuantos golpes más antes de que llegue la policía y disuelva la pelea.

No estamos seguros de si alguien fue arrestado o herido de gravedad, por lo que nos contactamos con la policía de Austin para obtener respuestas. Hasta ahora, no hemos recibido nada de vuelta.

La próxima vez... ¡¡¡mantengan la guerra en el campo de batalla!!!

Clipper Darrell Still Reeling From Knockout Punch ... Suffering Headaches, Dizziness


Clipper Darrell says the punch that sent him crashing to the ground following a game in L.A. last year is still causing him issues ... and they're so bad, he tells TMZ Sports they're currently preventing him from going to see his beloved team in person this year.

The Clippers superfan -- real name Darrell Bailey -- suffered the initial injury back on Dec. 12, 2022 ... after a security guard tagged him on the chin following a dispute in the bowels of Arena.


Darrell says despite having 11 months to recover ... he's still not doing so hot, telling us, "I'm still in therapy."

CD says frequent headaches and dizziness are commonplace for him still ... adding that he'll never "tease another player in life" over concussions due to the horrible experience he's having with the one he sustained.

"The headaches and the dizziness is still there," he said.

Darrell, though, remains a monster Clippers fan despite it all ... recently telling us he expects James Harden to gel with the rest of the squad soon -- and end up as a top-three seed in the playoffs.


tengo serios golpes

Clipper Darrell dice que el puñetazo que le envió a estrellarse contra el suelo después de un partido en Los Ángeles el año pasado todavía le está causando problemas. Le comentó a TMZ Sports que actualmente le están impidiendo ir a ver a su amado equipo en persona este año.

El superfan de los Clippers cuyo nombre real es Darrell Bailey, sufrió la lesión inicial el 12 de diciembre de 2022, luego de que un guardia de seguridad lo golpeó en la barbilla después de una disputa en el Arena.

un KNOCKOUT brutal

Darrell dice que a pesar haberse recuperado durante 11 meses, todavía no está bien: "Todavía estoy en terapia".

Dice que los dolores de cabeza son frecuentes y los mareos son habituales, añadiendo que nunca "se burlará de otro jugador en la vida". Tiene algunas conmociones cerebrales debido a la horrible experiencia que sufrió.

"Los dolores de cabeza y los mareos siguen ahí", dijo.

Sin embargo, Darrell sigue siendo un fanático de los Clippers a pesar de todo. Recientemente nos dijo que espera que James Harden se una al resto del equipo pronto y termine como uno de los tres primeros en los playoffs.

Taylor Swift Gasps For Air During Sizzling Hot Concert In Brazil

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Taylor Swift was seemingly gasping for air during her sweltering hot concert in Brazil, freaking out some of her fans.

The pop superstar performed for hours in nearly 100-degree heat Friday night at Estadio Olímpico Nilton Santos stadium in Rio de Janeiro -- and the video shows how much the soaring temperature impacted Taylor.

Keep in mind, this was the same night one of Taylor's fans, Ana Clara Benevides, died right before the show kicked off.

Video of Taylor’s scary moment was posted to X … it starts with Taylor wrapping up a song with her back to the packed crowd. She then turns to the audience, huffing and puffing as if she’s struggling to breathe. The 12-second clip ends with Taylor closing her eyes.

Her worried fans responded to the video post, sharing their concerns. One wrote, "OMG… this breaks my heart in so many levels. She’s so professional but watching her like this, my best wishes go to her.”

Another pointed out, “She is only 33 and in incredible physical shape. That she was struggling that much is really scary," while a third person remarked, “Taylor was struggling to breathe as well!!”

Due to the extreme temps, Taylor announced she was postponing her Saturday concert in Rio because the “safety and well-being of my fans, fellow performers, and crew has to and always will come first.”

Benevides complained she wasn't feeling well right before Friday night's show began, and was reportedly taken to a hospital where she died. The official cause of death hasn't been determined.


As of now, Taylor is scheduled to perform Sunday night in Rio, but, obviously, those plans could change as well.

Speaker Mike Johnson Releases Jan. 6 Tapes ... Protesters Casually Strollin'

cruisin' on through

The new Speaker of the House dropped a huge batch of videos recorded inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 -- and some conspiracy theorists will, no doubt, say they prove confirmation bias.

Speaker Mike Johnson just released a massive cache of surveillance footage from inside the Capitol that was shot on that fateful day -- and you can imagine, it shows varying moments of activity as demonstrators broke in and stormed the premises.

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calm and orderly

Yes, there are instances when rioters are casually strolling through the grounds once they get inside ... and in some cases, they're actually walking right past police officers and other security personnel -- which, obviously, isn't a great look for law enforcement.

You can even see some elected officials shuffling through the halls ... and they're not necessarily sprinting as they're being escorted by armed guards. Par for the course -- a ton of conservative personalities are latching on to this as evidence Jan. 6 wasn't actually an insurrection ... but rather, a peaceful protest that's been blown out of proportion.

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While those conservatives might think their point is made in this video dump -- fact is, there's even more video -- which we've all seen -- depicting the utter chaos and violence that actually unfolded.

There are countless videos of rioters squaring up and fighting cops outside -- with batons being swung, and mace being sprayed. Also not in dispute, Capitol Police officers lost their lives in the line of duty that day ... and one protester, Ashli Babbit, was shot and killed inside. So, this wasn't some kumbaya get-together.

It's interesting that Rep. Johnson -- who's known to be very Donald Trump-friendly -- was the one who ended up releasing these. Previous Speaker Kevin McCarthy had a lot of pressure on him to do the same before he was ousted, but ultimately never did.

Johnson says he decided to release the footage to let the American people decide for themselves. Something tells us folks are already in their corners on this issue though ... and no one's crossing over.

Formula One Grand Prix Race Car Spits Out Flames On Vegas Strip ... After Loose Drain Cover Debacle


A Formula One car turned into a flamethrower during a practice run in Las Vegas Thursday night, spitting out a stream of fire that was caught on dramatic video ... forcing officials to cancel the rest of the session.

Check out the footage, obtained by TMZ Sports ... several F1 cars, including a Ferrari, are zooming around the track built along the Vegas Strip for Saturday's celebrity-studded Formula One Grand Prix. Journey, J Balvin, John Legend, Keith Urban and Steve Aoki are all set to perform at the three-day event.

In the 19-second clip ... Carlos Sainz's Ferrari roars down the track past The Cromwell Hotel and, suddenly a burst of flames shoots out from the back of the race car before it disappears from our view. One stunned onlooker reacts by yelling, "Wooooooo!"

It was later revealed the incident was caused when Sainz drove over a loose drain cover, causing serious damage to his car.

Ferrari was forced to replace Sainz's chassis, engine and battery ... which sparked a 10-place grid penalty for the race.

Thankfully, no one was injured ... and the police and fire departments did not have to respond to the scene.

Sainz sounded off on the track conditions in a social media post Friday morning ... saying, "Eventful and long day. We seem competitive and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

"However, the situation of the manhole damage and the 10-place penalty is not acceptable, but we’ll deal with it."

Road workers were brought in to repair a manhole cover on the track, causing the second practice run to be delayed.

Kelly Oubre Jr. Video Shows NBAer Wincing In Pain ... After Getting Hit By Car

111523_kelly_oubre_jr_1729556 November 2023

TMZ Sports has obtained footage of Kelly Oubre Jr. just minutes after he was struck by a vehicle over the weekend ... showing the Philadelphia 76ers forward struggling to walk as he entered his apartment.

As we previously reported, the 6'7" hooper was involved in a hit-and-run outside his Philly residence on Saturday ... suffering a broken rib and injuries to his hip and leg after a silver car swiped him with a side-view mirror.

Sources tell us Oubre returned home shortly after being hit ... and when his wife saw him in serious pain, she called 911.

In the Ring camera footage, Oubre is heard telling Shylynn he was hit by a car as he rolled a bicycle into his residence.

We're told the 27-year-old was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital ... where medical professionals began treatment.

Our sources say a couple hours after the incident, officials interviewed Oubre to get some information on what went down.

At the time, Oubre claimed the incident happened near 15th and Spruce Street .... but on Wednesday, police said there was no surveillance video to support his claim.

Sources tell us two factors play into this -- one being Oubre was medicated and not in the right state of mind when he spoke with cops ... the other being he's fresh to the area, as he just moved to Philly in September and doesn't know his way around town just yet.

All that considered, our sources say it was challenging for Oubre to pinpoint the exact location of the accident ... so he tried his best.


There's no official timetable on Oubre's recovery ... although some reports claim he could be back in action as early as the end of the month.

Oubre's teammates have rallied behind him in his absence -- most notably, Tyrese Maxey dedicated his 50-point performance to the former Kansas standout following the accident.


Facebook / Kelly Schissel

Una terrible tragedia azotó a un bote que transportaba pasajeros a la isla Blue Lagoon en las Bahamas. El bote comenzó a hundirse en aguas agitadas, cobrando finalmente la vida de una mujer norteamericana.

Las aterradoras imágenes capturadas por la cámara muestran a los pasajeros en pánico, intentando aferrarse a lo que sea para salvar sus vidas. El bote se inclinó peligrosamente a un lado.

un momento aterrador
Facebook / Kelly Schissel

En las terribles imágenes, se puede ver a los turistas sumergirse en el océano turbulento para alejarse del bote mientras se hunde. La policía informó la desaortunada muerte de una mujer de 75 años de edad oriunda de Colorado.

El nombre de la mujer no ha sido expuesto ni se conoce la causa exacta de su muerte.

En un TikTok compartido poco después del desastre, una turista estadounidense llamada Kelly Schissel se refirió a los acontecimientos, diciendo que cuando un miembro de la tripulación corrió a cubierta para conseguir un chaleco salvavidas se dieron cuenta de que algo estaba mal.

De hecho, los miembros de la tripulación estaban en tal histeria que no podían darle instrucciones a los pasajeros sobre qué hacer, pero Kelly dijo que todos se las arreglaron para ponerse sus chalecos salvavidas y pasar al nivel superior de la embarcación.

Cuando vieron a una persona saltar a las aguas agitadas, todos siguieron su ejemplo. Algunos lucharon por mantener la cabeza fuera del agua, incluso con sus chalecos salvavidas puestos.

Los barcos de rescate llegaron pronto para reunirlos a todos, con Kelly entrando al barco de un pescador que ¡acababa de pasar! Eso sí es estár en el lugar correcto en el momento adecuado.

aguas peligrosas
TikTok / @kellyswitz

Una vez en la Laguna Azul, Kelly dijo que tomó el asunto en sus propias manos, dirigiéndolos a todos a un pabellón cercano para hacer un recuento.

Al parecer, otros dos pasajeros fueron trasladados a un hospital para recibir tratamiento.

El barco de propiedad privada —parte de un paquete turístico para las líneas de cruceros que llegan a las Bahamas— zarpó de Paradise Island en Nassau a las 9:20 AM, cuando comenzó a encontrar olas inesperadas menos de dos horas más tarde.

Tourist Dies BAHAMAS BOAT EXCURSION SINKS ... Choppy Ordeal Caught On Camera!

Facebook / Kelly Schissel

Tragedy's struck as a ferry carrying cruise ship passengers to Blue Lagoon Island in the Bahamas began to sink in choppy waters ... ultimately claiming the life of an elderly American woman.

Terrifying footage caught on camera shows panic-stricken passengers clinging on to the two-decker for dear life on Tuesday as it perilously tilted to one side ... with some people appearing to have fallen to one side of the lopsided vessel.

Facebook / Kelly Schissel

In harrowing scenes, tourists were also seen plunging into the turbulent ocean to get away from the sinking ferry ... and police say that led to the death of a 75-year-old woman from Colorado.

The woman's name hasn't been released, nor has her cause of death.

In a TikTok shared soon after the disaster, fellow American tourist Kelly Schissel rehashed the events ... saying it was only when a bawling crew member ran up on deck for a life jacket they realized something was amiss.

In fact, crew members were in such hysterics that they couldn't instruct passengers on what to do -- but Kelly said they all managed to put on their life jackets and move to the boat's top level.

It was when they saw one person jump into the wavy waters, they all followed suit ... but some struggled to keep their heads above water even with their life jackets.

Rescue boats soon arrived to gather everyone to safety ... with Kelly getting into a fisherman's boat that just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

TikTok / @kellyswitz

Once at the Blue Lagoon, Kelly said she took matters into her own hands, directing everyone to a nearby pavilion for a head count.

Two other passengers were reportedly taken to a hospital to get treatment.

The privately-owned boat -- part of a tour operator's package for cruise lines docking in the Bahamas -- set sail from Paradise Island in Nassau at 9:20 AM when it started encountering unexpected waves less than 2 hours later.

Samuel Haskell JR. Es acusado de asesinato de su esposa y suegros

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¿La prueba irrefutable?

Samuel Haskell Jr, el hijo del poderoso agente de Hollywood Samuel Haskell Sr., acaba de ser acusado del asesinato de su esposa y sus suegros.

El Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, George Gascón, anunció los cargos el lunes. Haskell Jr. fue acusado de tres cargos de asesinato por la muerte de su esposa de 37 años, Mei, y sus padres, Gaoshan Li, de 72 años, y Yanxiang Wang, de 64.

Si es declarado culpable, Haskell Jr. podría enfrentarse a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de acceder a libertad condicional.

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Captado en cámara

Recuerden, un torso humano fue encontrado en un cubo de basura la semana pasada por una persona que estaba viviendo en la calle en Encino, y como informamos, el video obtenido por TMZ muestra a Haskell Jr. y algunos trabajadores llegando a su casa y trasladando bolsas de basura hacia un camión.

Uno de los trabajadores dijo que les dijeron que las bolsas estaban llenas de piedras, pero ellos comenzaron a sospechar y comprobaron que una de ellas contenía partes de cuerpos. Luego de ello, decidieron devolverle las bolsas a Haskell y llamaron al 911.

Al percatarse de que iba a tener que lidiar con los cuerpos por su cuenta, también obtuvimos imágenes que muestran a Haskell Jr. tirando lo que parece ser una bolsa pesada en un contenedor de basura, el mismo donde fue encontrado el torso al día siguiente.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Charged With Murder Of Wife and In-Laws

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Samuel Haskell Jr., the son of powerful Hollywood agent Samuel Haskell Sr., has just been charged with the murder of his wife and in-laws.

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced the charges Monday -- Haskell Jr.'s being hit with 3 counts of murder in the death of his 37-year-old wife, Mei, and her parents ... 72-year-old Gaoshan Li and 64-year-old Yanxiang Wang.

If convicted, Haskell Jr. could face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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Remember, a dismembered human torso was found in a garbage bin last week by a homeless person in Encino ... and as we reported, video obtained by TMZ showed Haskell Jr. and some day laborers arrive at his home and carry out garbage bags into a truck.

One of the workers said they were told the bags were full of rocks, but the crew got suspicious ... and checked one of the bags, which the worker said contained body parts. They returned the bags to Haskell and called 911.

Realizing he needed to handle the body disposal on his own, we also obtained footage of Haskell Jr. Tuesday afternoon, dumping what appeared to be a heavy bag into a dumpster -- the same dumpster the torso was found in the following day.