Astroworld Fest 2021 Promotional Video ... Uses Old Clips, Hyping Chaos


Organizers behind this year's deadly Astroworld Fest promoted the show with footage from 2 years ago, hyping up the fact things could get crazy ... and that people could get hurt.

Check out this promotional video that was published earlier this year in May and posted by the official Astroworld Fest Instagram account -- which shows a number of news clips and civilian clips from 2019 spliced together ... demonstrating the chaos that unfolded ahead of that year's show, including the fact some people were trampled while trying to get in.

The video seems to lean into the notion Astroworld Fest was deemed dangerous/potentially treacherous, embracing that identity ... almost like they were inviting people back with that specifically in mind. You could even interpret this as a ... enter if you dare type thing.

At the end of the video, they tease the dates for this year's concert. BTW, this is the same video that Travis himself posted on his Twitter account shortly after Astroworld Fest wrapped in 2019 ... when he was accused of encouraging the wild behavior.

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This repackaged video used to promote this year's event has allegedly been scrubbed from Astroworld Fest's official YouTube page and other pages, but it is still up on their IG account.

On its face ... this video is pretty damning in the fact that it plays up the apparent inherent danger that lies with attending Astroworld Fest -- and rather than try to pivot away from that ... it would seem folks involved in putting the concert together encouraged round 2.

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This is evidenced by the 8 deaths and dozens of other injuries that occurred on Friday night -- not to mention several video clips that appear to show concertgoers trying to relay their concerns about people passing out and dying ... but being mostly ignored and drowned out.

There are also videos that show Travis himself was at least somewhat aware of people falling into distress while he performed -- apparently acknowledging an ambulance golf cart that was working its way through the crowd, as well as taking note of someone who'd passed out in front of him. While he did alert for help for the latter ... TS carried on with the show.

After the fact, Travis described how devastated he was ... sending condolences to the deceased's family members, and promising to work with the authorities. He also denied knowing the severity of things while it was all unfolding -- saying he simply didn't realize people were dying out there. That was echoed by Kylie Jenner as well.

Travis took to Instagram to share his sadness surrounding the event ... again emphasizing he was going to work with Houston PD.

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Speaking of the police ... a criminal investigation has been opened into this, as it appears at least one person might've been injected with a needle.

Meanwhile, on the civil side of things, lawsuits are starting to roll in ... and Travis has already been named as a defendant.

Travis Scott Astroworld Security Pricked in Neck ... W/ Needle, Says Houston PD

Fox 26 Houston

1:48 PM PT -- The Houston PD's Chief, Troy Finner, just confirmed what we'd been told ... namely, that at least one person had been injected with something via needle -- and there well may have been more.


Chief Finner said a security guard working the event felt a prick in his neck by an unknown assailant while he was trying to restrain a citizen -- and he quickly fell unconscious. Finner says the guard was revived by use of NARCAN ... and that medical personnel did, indeed, see something on his neck that indicated he'd been stabbed with a syringe.


Finner also said some people had been trampled, so it appears there was a mix of reasons why people were injured/passing out ... and perhaps why some died. The total number of people who've passed away remains at 8, and autopsies are underway to determine the causes of death for each.

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The mayor, Sylvester Turner, said something like this has never happened in Houston, and they will leave no stone left unturned to get to the bottom of how and why this occurred.


Live Nation and Travis Scott's camp are cooperating with authorities, and the investigation continues. Houston PD called on the public's help for those with legit information. One last thing ... Houston authorities insist the concert was shut down in a timely manner -- saying the first reports of people "going down" started around 9:30 PM, and that they closed up shop at around 10:10 PM ... which they feel was efficient considering the circumstances


1:04 PM PT -- Houston authorities are about to further address the tragedy at Astroworld Friday in a press conference ... and TMZ is streaming live.


What many will be looking for here is whether there's any evidence to suggest the 8 people who've died thus far might've been triggered into cardiac arrest via outside influence or a third party ... namely, a would-be culprit who was allegedly going around and injecting folks with a syringe.


Of course, we're also expecting an update on the body count ... and whether it has risen since Friday night.


12:33 PM PT -- More disturbing videos are surfacing, which clearly show people were attempting to flag down festival personnel in any capacity to get them to stop the show ... including one of the professional camera guys who was filming the action from afar.


Check out this footage ... you see a girl climbing a ladder up to a platform where a photog is recording Travis' set, presumably from somewhere far out in the crowd. She shouts, "There is somebody dying!" over and over again, and when she can't get the cameraman's attention, she climbs up and forces the issue.


The guy starts to panic, telling her to go back down, but she holds firm ... insisting he get the word out that something was going on down below. A young man joins her to shout the same warning. Meanwhile, you can hear what sounds like Travis Scott continuing to perform.


Again, this just supports the notion that people were, indeed, trying to raise awareness of the scary situation to who they thought were the right people ... but it's unclear if this message was received by those who could actually do something on the drop of a dime, like halt everything.


12:23 PM PT -- Travis's team tells TMZ ... "Travis stopped the show. He did see someone being carried out. He thought that person had passed out, as happens in concerts from dehydration or something similar."


12:02 PM PT -- A new video appears to show Travis reacting to this situation and calling for help.


This is from another vantage point, but it seems to line up with the guy getting carried out. You hear Travis ask for security to jump in and help the man out ... but he continues on singing.


11:50 AM PT -- More questions about the Astroworld tragedy in regards to what Travis Scott and festival organizers knew about what was going on down below, and when ... which is even more so under a microscope now after a video shows Trav looking down onto the crowd, where an unconscious guy is being lifted up and carried out, seemingly in TS's direct line of vision.


Check out the clip ... you see Travis up on a rafter or elevated platform of some sort, singing to the crowd -- while a lifeless, limp body is being carried off by security personnel. The clip makes it seem like this was right underneath Travis' nose, and presumably something he could see. The caption reads "dead body" but we don't know if this person was dead.


Of course, we also have no idea if Travis even saw this or not ... although many online are claiming people in the crowd, including some who were near the front of the stage, were shouting at him to stop the show, as there were people falling unconscious in the audience.


We've reached out to Travis's camp to ask specifically about this video ... and whether he saw or heard any of this going on while he continued to perform. No word back yet.


10:30 AM PT -- Speaking of ambulances ... here's a disturbing video. Astroworld fans dancing on top of an ambulance that was working its way through the dense crowd.


It's not entirely clear if they were transporting somebody or not -- you'd figure they'd have sirens going if it was a true emergency -- but either way ... here are some numbskulls who hopped up onto the roof of the vehicle and danced their ass off.


10:27 AM PT -- Here's Kylie's vantage point from Friday night -- she, Kendall and some friends were stationed toward the back of the crowd, somewhat elevated, where they could see sea of people and Travis and co. all the way up at the front.


You can see it was an absolutely packed crowd, and one that was hyped too -- jumping up and down together as Travis sings along.


One moment that Kylie appears to have since deleted from her IG Story is a moment when an ambulance appears to be making its way through the crowd on the ground below ... something that was pretty much right in front of Kylie. Unclear if this was in response to one of the cardiac arrests or another situation -- but it's interesting that medical care started to be rendered right in the thick of the show.


9:24 AM PT -- Travis says, "I'm absolutely devastated by what took place last night. My prayers go out to the families and all those impacted by what happened at Astroworld Festival." He adds that he is committed to working with authorities to figure out what happened.


As for the investigation ... our sources tell us at least one of the victims was seen foaming at the mouth before going into cardiac arrest -- further evidence this was not simply a stampede. Houston authorities are planning to hold a news conference later today.


7:30 AM PT -- A source connected to Astroworld tells TMZ, someone in the crowd went crazy and began injecting people with some sort of drug, which caused panic and then a surge. The source says authorities are trying to determine if those who went into cardiac arrest were the ones injected. We're told one of those who died is a 10-year-old. The source says it appears to be a targeted attack. We have not confirmed this report, but the source is a key person involved in the festival.

Fox 26 Houston

Travis Scott's first night of his Astroworld concert in Houston turned into a horrific tragedy Friday night ... leaving 8 people dead and more than 300 injured, and there were signs of trouble even before the concert began.

50,000 people filled the sold-out venue, when, at around 9 PM people began surging toward the stage. People started getting crushed and panic ensued. According to Houston Fire Chief Sam Pena, "People began to fall out, become unconscious and it created additional panic."

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At least 8 people died in the stampede. 11 people went into cardiac arrest and were rushed to the hospital. More than 300 fans went to the field hospital near the venue.

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Someone working the festival tells TMZ ... people were hopping on camera platforms, begging concert staff to end the show after the stampede erupted. They said, "Anything climbable was climbed." They also say there were several thousand pairs of shoes left behind as people fled. When the concert shut down, they said a stage manager said the venue was now "a crime scene."

The scene was chaotic ... medical personnel could not handle all the injured. There is video showing some of them performing CPR.

One concertgoer named Madeline, a nurse, tells TMZ, she was there with her boyfriend when Travis took the stage. During the first song, people started pushing toward the stage and she says she began to feel light-headed, telling us, "I passed out from the constant pressure on my chest and was one of the first people to be carried," adding, "They threw me on top of other people and crowd surfed me to other people, who lifted me over a fence where security was waiting." She says "security guards were bringing bodies from that area to the VIP area," as Travis kept performing, adding, "I see security carrying people who are not moving." She says once she regained her senses, she began administering first aid to others.

A slew of ambulances rushed to the scene ... which became direr every minute.

Before chaos erupted, Travis stopped the show several times during his 75-minute set ... after noticing some of the fans in the front seemed in distress. He told security to make sure they weren't hurt. At one point Travis asked for security to help a specific individual.

Shortly before the surge, Drake had performed with Travis ... and there was no indication the crowd would try to rush the stage.

However, there were some signs of trouble even before the show. A slew of fans knocked over barricades and rushed into the venue.

Kylie Jenner was on hand for the festival as the chaos erupted. She was there with her and Travis's daughter Stormi. As far as we know, they're fine. They were not sitting near the crush.

A reunification center was set up at a nearby hotel, so family members of concert-goers could reunite.

The Medical Examiner is in the process of determining the cause of death of the 8 fatalities.

This was the first night of what was supposed to be a 3-day festival. The second night has already been canceled.

Originally Published -- 4:27 AM PT

Henry Ruggs DUI Crash Video ... Swearing, Sobbing Moments After Impact

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Henry Ruggs sat near a sidewalk just feet away from the Toyota engulfed in flames -- which killed a woman and her dog -- and he and his girlfriend swore and sobbed ... in this new video, obtained by TMZ Sports.

Just seconds after the former Raiders star slammed his Corvette into the back of a Rav4 at around 3:40 AM in Las Vegas ... footage shows Ruggs and Kiara Washington locked in a hug on the ground. In the clip, you can hear parts of their emotional conversation.

Fox 5 Vegas

"OK. OK, here," she told Ruggs as she grabbed his face. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

He responded, "F***!!! Stop yelling!!!"

Video later shows one witness, who had arrived just minutes after the crash, telling an officer, "That's Henry Ruggs right here. That's Henry Ruggs right here. He plays for the Raiders."


The woman holding Ruggs then was sent into a panic -- as Ruggs appeared to drift in and out of consciousness in her arms.

"Can we get help?!?" the woman yelled. "Can you please help him!?!" He is knocked unconscious!"

Ruggs then seemed to come to -- and you can hear in the video, he began crying and sobbing as his girlfriend still held his head.

As we previously reported, cops say Ruggs showed signs of impairment at the scene when they interrogated him -- and, after being checked out at a local hospital, he was arrested and booked on charges of DUI and reckless driving.

In police documents, cops say he was going 156 MPH just before the crash ... and ultimately hit the Toyota at 127 MPH. Prosecutors later said bloodwork showed he had a BAC of .161 -- more than two times the legal limit of .08.

They added the 22-year-old also had a gun in the Corvette.

Ruggs -- who was released by the Raiders after the wreck -- showed up for a hearing on the matter in court on Wednesday in a neck brace and a wheelchair ... and later posted $150,000 bond.

He's due back in court next week.

UCLA Lineman Jay Toia Threatens To 'Slap A B****' On Video ... Team To Punish Player

UCLA is vowing to take disciplinary action against Bruins defensive lineman Jay Toia ... after the 6'3", 325-pounder was captured on video threatening to slap a woman on an elevator last weekend.

The video made rounds earlier this week ... appearing to show the freshman approach an elevator on campus full of students he thought were from USC.

Toia -- donning a UCLA hoodie -- had to be held back by his friends as he goes on an expletive-filled rant threatening to hurt any USC student.

One girl tries to clear the air, saying "we go to Santa Barbara! Nobody's a Trojan! We go to USCB!"

Toia still goes off ... yelling, "you a f***ing Trojan n****! I'll slap a b****, too! I'll slap a b****!"

Worth noting -- the 4-star recruit signed with the Trojans back in Dec. 2020 ... before transferring to UCLA this June. He was the 21st ranked defensive tackle in his class and had offers from Arizona, Cal, Michigan, Nebraska and more.

UCLA's athletic director, Martin Jarmond, and football head coach, Chip Kelly, released a statement saying they saw the clip and Toia will be disciplined.

"We're aware of a recent video in which a student-athlete made disparaging remarks. This was inappropriate and not in line with our values and expectations."

"As such, we are taking disciplinary action and working with campus partners to assist with educations for the student."

Toia already lost an NIL deal with college apparel company Campus Mogul due to the video ... but has been practicing with the team all week.

He's appeared in one game this season ... earning 3 total tackles against Arizona on Oct. 19.

Quadriplegic Gamer House Catches Fire During Live Stream ... Rescue Caught On Vid


A quadriplegic gamer just lost everything after his house caught on fire while he was gaming on Twitch -- and it was all caught on a live stream.

The scary incident happened last weekend when Lance Carr -- gamer name GimpyG -- was playing "Diablo 2: Resurrected" on Twitch for his hundreds of followers.

You can see in the footage, GimpyG is playing when outta nowhere he says "wait, we're calling 911?!?"

GimpyG then yells, "our garage is on fire!!! What happened?? Do I gotta go??"

Carr's nephew, Trenton, moves him quickly out of the room leaving the stream on -- and moments later, you can see the room fill up with smoke.

Thankfully, everyone is okay ... but the house was completely destroyed -- GimpyG said the fire was so fierce, it even damaged his wheelchair during his escape.

"The fire was so intense my wheelchair van also burned even though it was in front of the garage."

"Family and strangers risked their lives and rescued me running in and out of my home through billowing smoke."

GimpyG says his family lost everything including the equipment he needs to get around. He's set up a GoFundMe for help.

"For most this would be unfortunate but my needs are many and every tool family used to care for me is gone."

"I have been quadriplegic since birth due to Muscular Dystrophy and am seeking funds to purchase adaptive equipment so I can interact with the world around me through technology."

Joker Japanese Man Dressed as Villain Stabbing Spree, Tokyo Train

get out!!!

A Japanese man dressed as the Joker went on a rampage with a knife while onboard a train in Tokyo -- and video of the passengers attempting to flee is absolutely terrifying.

Check out this wild footage from inside a subway car Sunday that was heading to the Shinjuku station ... where folks were running for their lives after a guy who's said to be just 24 years old started randomly stabbing people -- all while donning a Joker costume.

You can see passengers from one train car hopping to another in sheer panic, and then huddle up together on the opposite end ... obviously scared to death. It looks like a movie ... but it's as real as it gets.

Witnesses told police and local media that the man was brandishing a long knife smeared in what looked like blood -- something bystanders thought was a Halloween joke -- and then he started swinging it, successfully stabbing upwards of 10 people ... per reports.

He then began dousing the interior with a liquid of some sort ... and tried setting the train ablaze. That's why you're seeing all the smoke start to build up -- and why people were literally jumping out of windows to escape. All in all, cops say at least 17 people were hurt, to varying degrees.

The perp appears to have sat down after all the chaos ... and lit a cigarette with his legs crossed, seemingly taking in everything he'd just done. It's as eerie as it sounds. People from the outside filmed him through the door windows ... all he does he stare back and smoke.

It wasn't long before the cops showed up and arrested him on suspicion of attempted murder, among other charges. He didn't put up much of a fight either -- looks like the man cooperated with police and allowed himself to be taken into custody.

Cops say they don't have any clear motive just yet -- but we're sure this dude will get the grilling of his life to figure out why he did this.

BTW, this is apparently the second such public stabbing incident in as little as 3 months ... another one went down during the Olympics, where a guy also stabbed nearly a dozen people on a train.

Bike Race Violent Crash Video ... Spectator Walks In Front Of Cyclist

A spectator blindly walked right in front of a cyclist during a bike race ... causing a brutal collision at the finish line, leaving them both injured.

The scary accident happened last weekend on the Canary Islands at the Cicloturista Condaca Salmor Bike event where 270 cyclists were racing.

The collision happened just feet before the finish line ... when a woman, phone in hand, nonchalantly walked right in front of a cyclist in a blue uniform and yellow helmet

The biker -- going full speed -- had zero chance of stopping or swerving to avoid the accident, slamming right into the woman, sending both crashing to the asphalt.

Both received medical attention on-scene.

The biker, who was transported to a local hospital, reportedly suffered head injuries and memory loss. The woman's condition after receiving treatment is unknown.

The racecourse was blocked off with barriers ... but unfortunately, some fans decided to get a closer look.

In fact, seconds before the collision you can see another spectator walk across the course. Thankfully, they weren't also hit.

It's not the first time we've seen a nasty spill at a race. Back in June during the first stage of the Tour de France, an overeager fan took out a rider with a sign, causing a chain reaction that took out multiple cyclists.

The female fan was arrested.

Be safe, everyone!

Miami Dog Show Haymakers & Chairs Thrown In Brawl ... Wild video!!!

All hell broke loose at a dog show in Florida last weekend -- when people threw haymakers AND chairs at each other in an insane brawl -- and the wild scene was all caught on video!

The fight went down at an event called the Miami Bully Takeover at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel near Miami airport last Saturday ... and it appeared to all start over a verbal argument between two women.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

A spectator in the crowd caught the chaos on camera after things turned physical -- and you can see in the video, it's violent.

The footage shows two men striking each other, while another man picked up a chair and threw it. You can also see in the clip another person was being stomped out on the ground.

Eventually, the fight was broken up ... but a few seconds later, another fight started in a different area -- with more chairs and punches flying.

Security finally stepped in to shut everything down ... and thankfully, no humans or dogs were reported injured.

One of the organizers of the event -- which was a bully breed convention for dogs, owners, kennels, rescues and vendors -- apologized for the melee on social media following all the day's action.

"My heart really hurts and I know the money that goes into showing and We want to make it right and refund people that were unable to show," the organizer said. "I wanted to finish but the cops would not allow it."

"My shows are family shows and this really is hurtful and not the image I want people to see."

The organizer added, "It's truly sad that grown adults act like they did."

Despite all the violence, event organizers are expected to put on another bully breed dog show in Georgia this Halloween weekend.

Real-Life 'Lake Placid' Alligator Chases Down Swimmer ... Takes a Big Bite!!!


Here's a firm lesson that alligators are NOT the slowpokes they're often made out to be -- especially when they're in their liquid turf ... these bastards are fast and furious!

Check out this wild video of a guy who was swimming in a lake down in Campo Grande, Brazil over the weekend, when he had a freaky run-in with the apex predator that was on his ass as he was trying to swim to shore.

It seems the man had no idea he was being scoped out by the gator -- but once he did realize he had company ... he tried to book it.

As he's approaching the shore, you see the alligator torpedo its way toward the poor dude -- and it actually takes a chomp on his torso, only to release him as he continues to flee. Give credit to this fella for keeping his swim going, 'cause the animal could've easily latched on and taken him under.

Looks like the gator pierced some skin, as the man was indeed bleeding when he emerged. Hard to tell how bad the injury is -- but he's lucky to have walked away in one piece.

And you thought 'Lake Placid' was just a movie (and also an actual place) ... think again!!!

Red Sox Fan Insane Catch On Devers' Broken Bat ... During ALCS Game

Forget the plays in the field made by Alex Bregman and Xander Bogaerts ... the best catch during Wednesday's ALCS game happened in the stands -- when a Red Sox fan caught a splintered bat with one hand!!

The wild play all went down in the 2nd inning of the Sox's Game 5 tilt with the Astros ... when Rafael Devers broke his bat trying to hit a pitch off Houston starter Framber Valdez.

In footage of the play, you can see part of the bat went flying into the crowd -- a very scary sight, considering the piece of lumber had a sharp and jagged edge on it.

But, 41-year-old Matt Ferrera stuck out his hand and managed to catch it regardless ... saving everyone around him and avoiding injury himself.

Ferrera -- who appeared to be allowed to keep the bat by Fenway Park officials -- told Yahoo Sports' Hannah Keyser after the play his life did not flash before his eyes.

"I just saw the bat coming," Ferrera said. "And I was like, 'I got to grab that thing.'"

Seriously, nice catch ... take notes, players!

NHL's Marcus Foligno Throws Wild Superman Punch ... To Kick Off Epic On-Ice Fight

NHL winger Marcus Foligno looked less like a hockey player and more like a UFC fighter Tuesday -- 'cause he threw a WILD Superman punch to kick off an epic on-ice brawl.

Foligno and Jets defenseman, Brenden Dillon, dropped the gloves in the first period of Minnesota's game against Winnipeg ... and it didn't take long for Foligno to try the famous MMA move.

Just seconds into the tilt, the Wild forward leapt into the air and threw the punch ... but fortunately for Dillon, it just barely missed.

The two -- known as some of the best fighters in the NHL -- then traded blows for a few seconds ... with Foligno at one point connecting with a HEAVY uppercut.

The guys were ultimately separated by the refs after about 30 seconds ... and based on the reaction of the two, Foligno clearly felt he won the scrap.

Both guys were hit with penalties for fighting ... though they each returned.

Foligno ended up getting the last laugh on Dillon -- the Wild won in crazy fashion in overtime, 6-5.

But, thankfully for all of us, the Jets and Wild play again on Nov. 26 -- round 2 between Dillon and Foligno coming then?

'AGT: Extreme' Jonathan Goodwin Breaks Silence on Accident 'Nanana Boo Boo' to Death!!!

Jonathan Goodwin has a long road to recovery since the accident on "AGT: Extreme" that almost killed him ... but for now, he's thankful to be alive.

Goodwin just broke his silence from his Georgia hospital bed, striking a funny pose and showing off a bandaged hand as well as cuts and burns on his face. Alluding to his career as a stuntman, Goodwin says, "You can't say you don't get out what you put in."

He then went on to thank people from around the world for their "astonishing" support since his accident as well as his fiancee, Amanda, family and loved ones.

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Speaking directly to his horrifying accident, Goodwin says, "I have been to the very brink and dodged the worst that a human being can, without fear…because I was protected by love. Love is all you need, so make sure you get some, cos its good s***."

TMZ broke the story, Goodwin nearly lost his life on the 'AGT' set after a stunt where he was supposed to free himself from restraints before cars swinging on either side of him collided and exploded. He fell 40 feet to the ground and landed on his head. At the time of the accident, those on set believed Goodwin was dead.

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Clearly, Goodwin knows just how lucky he was to survive, saying, "nanana boo boo" to death!

Dude's got a long road to recovery ahead of him, but if having a positive attitude contributes anything to feeling better, he's well on his way.

Red Sox Vs. Astros Plane Bound For ALCS Crashes ... Everyone Miraculously Survives

FOX 26 Houston

Twenty-one baseball fans headed for the Red Sox vs. Astros ALCS game in Boston were involved in a horrific plane crash Tuesday ... but somehow, they all miraculously survived.

Officials say a McDonnell Douglas MD-87 carrying the nearly two dozen people attempted to take off from Waller County, Texas ... but crashed before it could ever get off the ground.

Authorities say the plane skidded through a fence and caught on fire ... and images of the aftermath are horrifying.

Yet, officials say all 21 people on board -- including a 10-year-old -- made it out of the aircraft safely ... which seems impossible given the state of the plane following the wreck.

Authorities did say 2 people needed to be taken to the hospital due to injuries ... but both -- along with the other 19 on the ride -- are expected to be just fine.

The wife of the plane's owner told KHOU 11 after the accident that the passengers were all headed for Massachusetts to watch the 'Stros take on the Sox in Game 4 of the ALCS.

It's unclear what caused the accident ... authorities say an investigation is underway.

Connecticut Race Track Car Crashes Into Fence, Multiple Injured ... Wild Video

Scary moment for race fans in Connecticut this weekend -- a car flipped and crashed into a fence mid-race ... leaving multiple people injured.

The wild wreck happened Sunday night at the New London-Waterford Speedbowl during a 100-lap event.

In footage from the track, you can see driver Tim Jordan lost control of his car when he made contact with an opponent while fighting for 5th place.

Jordan's ride ended up on two wheels ... before it terrifyingly crashed into a fence where fans were standing.

Video shows the spectators were horrified, screaming and sprinting for cover as the car exploded just feet away from them.

According to track officials, several people were injured in the incident ... though they claim, thankfully, everyone is expected to recover just fine.

"We're happy to report everyone involved in tonight's incident is okay," the officials said in a statement.

"We will release relevant details about any scheduling plans as soon as they’re made available. Goodnight from the Speedbowl."

Minnesota Vikings Fan Floored By Huge Punch In Wild Brawl ... At Panthers' Stadium


12:48 PM PT -- A spokesperson for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. tells TMZ Sports ... no arrests were made in the incident -- adding, "the situation de-escalated before officers arrived."

A Minnesota Vikings fan was sent crashing to the ground after being socked in the face during a wild melee at the Panthers game Sunday ... and all of the violence was captured on video.

The scene went down at some point during the Vikes' win over Carolina at Bank Of America Stadium ... when a man clad in purple got into a verbal altercation with several Panthers fans.

In footage of the fracas, you can see the Minnesota fan immediately started scrapping with a man in a Jaycee Horn jersey ... before yelling at others in the area.

Several people stepped in to intervene ... and pushing, shoving and screaming ensued.

Eventually, the altercation turned seriously violent ... with the man in the purple shirt being thrown to the ground and then being hit by a thunderous punch.

The guy laid on the floor for several moments ... but got up and appeared to try to continue the fight.

Meanwhile, another woman was knocked to the ground amid all of the chaos.

It's unclear what started the brawl, if there were injuries or if any arrests were made. We've reached out to cops, but so far, no word back yet.

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Of course, fighting at NFL stadiums has unfortunately been commonplace this year ... with violent scuffles -- including one at the Bears vs. Rams game earlier this season -- breaking out seemingly weekly.

Originally Published -- 7:06 AM PT

'America's Got Talent: Extreme' Car Stunt Gone Wrong ... Captured in Terrifying Video

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Jonathan Goodwin's horrific car stunt gone wrong was every bit as shocking as it sounded -- which you can now see here in video of the accident that's gut-wrenching to watch.

TMZ has obtained footage of the moment the stunt got underway Thursday during an 'AGT: Extreme' rehearsal, and the moment Goodwin got sandwiched between two cars ... resulting in a massive fireball to explode, and Goodwin being rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

Check out the clip -- you see the professional daredevil hanging mid-air in a straight jacket ... with the two vehicles also suspended on each side of him. When they release the cars -- which then start to swing toward Goodwin -- they unhook his harness as well.

Goodwin was supposed to fall underneath the cars before they collided, but the timing was off ... and he was crushed between them as they came together. After that, he fell to the ground and hit his head -- but this video, fortunately, doesn't show any of that gnarly aftermath.

As we reported ... Goodwin was unresponsive at first, and folks on the set of the production thought he'd been killed. He did eventually come to, however, while being airlifted to a nearby hospital, where he underwent surgery. We know he was taken to a trauma unit, but his condition remains unclear at this point.

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NBC confirmed the seriousness of the accident ... and offering their thoughts and prayers to Goodwin's family. The guy is a longtime stuntman and escape artist -- having appeared on the regular version of 'AGT' with death-defying stunts prior to his migration to this spinoff.