Joe Biden Victory Wild Gas Station Sing-Along ... 'I Can Breathe for the First Time!'

This is one of the most joyful celebrations we've seen in the wake of the Biden/Harris victory ... and it went down at, of all places, a gas station.

A group of revelers danced their asses off as they sang to Kelly Clarkson's, "Since U Been Gone." When they sang certain verses, like "I can breathe for the first time," and "You had your chance and blew it," you could feel the energy and glee.

But, they weren't done. When night fell at the 76 Station in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles, the crowd broke into Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You." In other words, Christmas came early in the form of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

You can feel the excitement in the video ... even if you voted for Trump, you gotta admit, it's pretty awesome.

Election Unrest Woman Arrested for Spitting on Cop ... Violent Clashes in NYC, Portland

NYPD hauled off 50 protesters in handcuffs during election unrest in the city, and the most egregious, disgusting offense -- seen on camera, anyway -- was a woman who spit in an officer's face.

24-year-old Devina Singh yelled "F**k you, fascist!" in the cop's face twice before spitting, then she immediately got arrested. She was charged with obstruction of governmental administration, violation of local law and harassment.

Singh was among a group of demonstrators who got hostile and clashed with cops in Manhattan late Wednesday night into Thursday. Law enforcement sources tell us most of the arrests made in the chaos were for disorderly conduct and obstruction of governmental administration.

110520_election_protest_kal NEW YORK CITY

The violence followed a peaceful protest nearby in NYC's Washington Square Park with people chanting, "Count the vote" -- seemingly in response to President Trump's outrage over the election process and allegations of voting fraud in several states.

We're told the protest escalated as it moved to the West Village around 7:30 PM Wednesday, resulting in dozens more people getting arrested.

110520_portland_protests_kal PORTLAND

Meanwhile, across the country in Portland ... Oregon Governor Kate Brown got tough with protests in that city and deployed the National Guard to squash the unrest when a riot was declared by the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office.

Rioters smashed windows of businesses as protesters took to the streets to demand every vote be counted in the election ... similar to the situation in NYC.

Crazy Video Whale Nearly Gulps Down 2 Kayakers!!!

@californiamammabear / TikTok

A couple of kayakers are lucky to be alive after a humpback whale damn near swallowed them whole ... and it was all caught on video.

Julie McSorley and Liz Cottriel were kayaking and whale watching Monday off California's Avila Beach in San Luis Obispo when, out of nowhere, the massive mammal came up to the surface to gobble up a big pool of fish.

Check out the video ... you can see other kayakers and paddle boarders near the whale ... with another kayaker filming the incident from a distance. At first, it appeared like the whale swallowed the women, but their kayak only capsized and they were thrown underwater.

Cottriel told FOX26 News, "I'm thinking to myself, 'I'm gonna push.' Like, I'm gonna push a whale out of the way! It was the weirdest thought. I'm thinking, 'I'm dead. I'm dead.' I thought it was gonna land on me. Next thing I know, I'm underwater."

Several paddle boarders reportedly came to their rescue before they hopped back on their kayak and rode back to shore. Cottriel said when they got back to the car "I was shaking my shirt and a bunch of fish came out of my shirt." None of the women suffered injuries ... but McSorely reportedly lost her car keys.

Oh, whale.

MMA Fighter Sidy Rocha Gruesomely Breaks Arm Mid-Round ... But Continues Bout!!!

Insane scene in a Halloween MMA match ... a fighter snapped her forearm in half -- BUT TRIED TO CONTINUE THE MATCH ANYWAY!!!

It all went down Saturday in Sao Paulo, Brazil at SFT MMA's Standout Fighting Tournament 22 ... when Sidy Rocha was taking on Karine Silva.

At some point during the first round ... the two fighters got on the ground -- and Silva appeared to lock Rocha's arm in a submission hold.

That's when Rocha's arm broke ... and, WARNING: THE VIDEO OF THE SCENE IS GRAPHIC!

But, to everyone's bewilderment ... Rocha tried to continue brawling -- despite the fact that her arm was hanging by nothing but skin!!

Eventually, the ref stepped in to stop the fight ... and you can see in the video, Rocha was NOT happy at all with the decision.

Docs ultimately were able to tend to Rocha's arm inside the cage ... and she'll now reportedly undergo an operation to fix the break.

Fighters, man. Tough people!!!

Wild Hockey Celebration Player Smashes Through Glass!!! ... I'm Okay!!!


A hockey player in Hungary tried to celebrate a goal in a big game this weekend ... by jumping into the protective glass -- and ended up barreling right through it!!

It all went down in Budapest on Sunday, when star Márkó Csollák scored a goal to make it a 1-0 game against the Titans.

The dude was so amped about the goal, he threw himself against the plexiglass barrier ... which immediately shattered into a billion pieces!!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The video is crazy ... the player hits his shot, then goes right to the boards, which clearly can't handle his force as he flips over the wall and out of the rink.

Bu,t don't worry, Csollák later said he was perfectly fine following the debacle ... and his team went on to win, 4-3 in overtime!!

The whole thing begs the question ... who pays for the repairs?!

(Hope they pay well in Hungary)

2020 Election Voters Pepper Sprayed By Cops in No. Carolina

@natfrum, @erica4advocacy, @Triad_City_Beat / Twitter

An event to bring voters to the polls deteriorated into violence Saturday, when police pepper sprayed the crowd.

Around 200 people in Graham, North Carolina marched to a polling place for an event called "I Am Change." Marchers were there not just to vote but also to honor black Americans who were killed at the hands of police.

After a moment of silence to honor George Floyd, the march got underway, but not long after, authorities called it an unlawful assembly because the marchers were obstructing the roads.

Police ordered them to disperse, and when they didn't the pepper spray came out. One woman who was wheelchair-bound was hit with pepper spray and fell out of her chair. Eight people were arrested for failing to disperse and with one instance of assault on a law enforcement officer.

Famed civil rights attorney Ben Crump and George Floyd's niece, Brooke Williams, were slated to speak, but that never happened because of the police confrontation.

Police said they "deployed a pepper based vapor onto the ground to assist in the dispersing the crowd. At no time during this event did any member of the Graham Police Department directly spray any participant in the march with chemical irritants."

Rod Wave Through the Wire ... And Through the Stage!!!

@jojowrldx / Instagram, YourExtra / YouTube

Rod Wave might want to "Pray 4 Love" ... but we really need to be praying for this stage he and his crew fell right through as they were making their way out for a show.

The St. Petersburg rapper was doing a big-time walkout Saturday night as he was being introduced for a concert he was doing at Morris Brown College in Atlanta ... but, before he could even get one song out -- the floor beneath him and his homies literally gave out!

Check it out -- Rod and co. make their way to the front of the stage, when all of a sudden ... a big chunk of the stage collapses and starts sucking people in. Rod stumbled back and fell, but he was fortunately able to avoid the pit of doom -- unlike some of his buddies.

Unclear why the stage caved in the way it did, but as you can imagine ... the jokes started to fly, sometimes at Rod's expense. Doesn't seem like it was his fault at all though -- just looks like a freak accident that was waiting for the right amount of poundage to set it off.

The concert was reportedly canceled after that, which we get. Hard to recover after that. Next time, Rod, make sure to do a stage check after mic, sound and everything else.

Maskless Woman Goes on 'Kung Fu' Attack In Racist Outburst


This woman's taking face mask tirades to the next level, adding a disgusting racist tirade that included her busting out alleged Kung Fu moves on an Asian employee.

This all went down at Shoppers Drug Mart in Ontario, Canada where the employee had told the customer she had to wear a mask while inside the store ... and that set off the so-called "battle" you see in the video.

The maskless customer claimed she was doing Kung Fu because, "I know you know martial arts. So do I!" The employee desperately tried to get the woman out of the store and threatened to call police.

As if the situation couldn't get more bizarre ... the maskless woman appeared to threaten the employee with her own blood. You can see her waving a tissue she claimed had her blood on it.

Security ultimately arrived but the woman had bolted.

Wild Video Semitruck Rocked by Crazy Winds ... Nearly Topples Over!!!


There IS something worse than a SoCal traffic jam -- try getting caught behind a semitruck as powerful wind tosses it like a rocking chair, nearly tipping it over right in front of you!!!

The incredible footage shows the big rig leaning and rocking in the wind, and as you can see, at one point the entire trailer was lifted up on one side as it came oh so close to falling over.

Erik, the guy who shot the video, tells us he was driving onto the 210 Freeway Monday in Fontana, CA -- an hour east of L.A. -- when he noticed the semi struggling to cut through the strong Santa Ana winds, which gusted up to 96 MPH that day.

Erik says he started filming the semi, thinking it was only a matter of time before it blew on its side. He was dangerously close to being right.

The worst part for Erik was there was already bumper-to-bumper traffic on the freeway due to multiple other semis flipping in the wind.

No such thing as a boring commute 'round these parts.

Chris Jericho Donates $2K To Injured Wrestler ... Who Snapped Both Legs In Ring

Touching gesture from Chris Jericho ... the AEW superstar donated $2,000 to a man who snapped both his legs performing a stunt in the wrestling ring.

The violent and gruesome injury happened this past weekend ... when amateur wrestler Justin attempted to jump off the top rope of a makeshift backyard ring and onto the mat.


Shockingly, both his knees gave way and bent backward when he landed ... and his family and friends say he's now in danger of possibly being forced to have the limbs amputated.

In a GoFundMe set up to help offset growing hospital bills ... Justin's family and friends say he's already undergone three significant surgeries and still has at least one more operation coming to try to repair the damage.

Justin's family and friends say his road to recovery is going to be lengthy ... and add all the bills could ultimately grow to over $200,000.

Fortunately, Jericho caught wind of the horrifying accident ... and decided to chip in -- pledging $2K to the cause this week.

"That was so terrible!!!!!" Jericho told us of why he donated.

As for Justin, his family and friends say he's taking the traumatic experience in stride ... writing, "Justin has remained lighthearted in his situation."

Get well soon.

Black Teen Dragged Kid Forgives Cop ... Says Don't Fire Officer


The 17-year-old who got dragged across the pavement by an arresting officer -- despite being handcuffed and compliant -- says he forgives the cop for doing him wrong, but he'd appreciate an apology.

D'Angelo Chapman tells TMZ ... even though Officer Jordan Moore's actions are inexcusable, he's not one for holding grudges. He knows what the cop did has his family and his community in Mansfield, Ohio justifiably upset ... but he feels Moore's paid suspension for the dragging incident is fine, even if others disagree.

The teenager tells us he doesn't want the officer to get fired because he'd be without a paycheck for his family, and says as long as Moore learns from his mistake, and takes the training necessary before returning to his job ... he's okay with that.

D'Angelo says he'd be down to speak with Moore too ... as long as the officer is prepared to make a genuine apology.

Though his reaction to the incident is noble, D'Angelo has been feeling negative effects from it. He says he's lost trust in police and gets anxiety now when he sees cop cars ... something he never felt before.

He also tells us the attention he's been getting is a bit overwhelming, but he does appreciate the support.

As we reported ... Moore's suspended with pay until January 11. The Mansfield police chief said, "Moore’s response was found to be improper which resulted in the misapplication of force used on a person that was handcuffed, in custody and offering no resistance."

Cops were reportedly called to the scene initially because Dwaine Chapman, D'Angelo's father, was allegedly threatening to have his dog attack his roommate. Dwaine is facing charges of menacing, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Crazy Video Moose Goes Toe-to-Toe with Chill Dog!!


Chilling in the yard with your dog is different, and dangerous, in Alaska -- where an aggressive moose can show up and charge at man's best friend!!!

Brody is the pooch in this video, and you can hear his owner was shocked to see the giant moose suddenly nose-to-nose with Brody ... and frantically tried to back away. Make no mistake, the moose seemed pissed about something.

Check out the clip ... the moose even charged at Brody, which only made the owner yell even harder for the dog to get the hell back. The owner's repeatedly yelling at Brody to get inside.

Dogs in Alaska appear to be too brave for their own good, but Brody and his owner did manage to retreat inside their garage without catching a face full of moose.

Wild stuff.

BLM Cop Drags Handcuffed Black Teen Over Concrete ... Gets Paid Suspension


A police officer has been suspended after dragging an underage, black teenager across the pavement ... despite the fact the teen was not resisting.

The incident went down in Mansfield, Ohio earlier this month when Officer Jordan Moore stopped a car driven by the teen's dad. It's unclear why cops stopped the car. The video begins with both father and son on the ground ... surrounded by cops.

You see Moore drag the teen by the back of his hoodie ... from one side of the police car to the other. The kid is fully compliant ... no resistance whatsoever.

Cops then manhandle the dad and aggressively shove him in the squad car as well.

Police Chief Keith Porch says Officer Moore squarely violated department policy. Moore did not give the suspect a warning to comply and he was not resisting. The Chief says Moore's conduct violated Dept. policy, saying, "There was no immediate need or emergency for Officer Moore to take the action of dragging the arrestee."

It's unclear what, if anything, the suspects were charged with. As for Officer Moore, he's suspended with pay until January 11. He'll undergo training as a condition for his return.

Maryland Police Black Passenger Arrested for Not Showing ID During Traffic Stop

@heatherjanney/Tik Tok

An African-American man was arrested Friday because he refused to show cops his ID during a traffic stop in which he was a passenger ... and wait till you see how cops manhandled him.

The guy's name is Antoine. He was driving with his wife/girlfriend, Heather Janney, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland when she was pulled over for going 45 in a 30 MPH zone. For some reason cops wanted to see Antoine's identification, and he resisted, saying this was a simple traffic ticket and there was no reason for a passenger to show ID.

Cops clearly didn't see it that way. They placed him under arrest and then dragged him out of the car.

Antoine kisses Heather before he's removed from the car. You hear her cry as she videotapes him getting cuffed and taken away.

It looks like their newborn baby may be in the car.

Heather says they're lawyering up.

Cops tell TMZ they arrested Antoine because he resisted arrest and has 2 outstanding warrants.  They did not say why they wanted his ID in the first place.

Washington Walmart Road Rage Incident Ends in Gunfire


A road rage incident turned potentially deadly when one of the idiots pulled out a gun and fired at the other idiot ... and it was all captured on video.

It went down Friday at a Walmart in Bonney Lake, Washington. The video begins mid-rage when the guy gets violently thrown to the ground. He's able to stand and unsteadily walks to his car, where he grabs what looks like a weapon.

The other driver leaves, and the guy delivers a parting shot by slamming his hand on the back of the car.

The other jerk actually drives back for more, and then the guy with the gun -- who's covered in blood -- starts shooting. It looks like he's shooting at the tires, but who knows.

The person shooting the video understandably freaks out. Both drivers fled before cops arrived. Cops were able to find both men and they were taken into custody. One of them was taken to the hospital with non-serious injuries ... apparently the result of the physical altercation and not the shooting.

Buffalo Bills Pilot Traces Logo Via Flight Pattern ... High Praise!!!

Nobody circles the wagons AIR like the Buffalo Bills!!!

A proud Bills Mafia member took their fandom to new heights on Friday ... by perfectly tracing the iconic logo with their flight pattern ... and the end result is pretty freakin' cool!!!

Ironically enough, Josh Allen and the gang are prepping to face off against the god-awful New York Jets this weekend ... but that didn't stop this pilot from showing support from high up in the sky!!

You can catch the tracker here to see the whole thing in action ... and it appears the masterpiece took about an hour and a half to finish!!

As for the guys on the ground, it's been a solid season so far -- the Bills are 4-2 and sitting pretty at the top of the AFC East and can basically coast into the playoffs.

Not so bad of a 2020 for those crazy, table-assaulting, Zubaz-donning fans!!
