Patinando fuera de control

Una mujer que conducía un Porsche a más de 100 millas por hora en una carretera del estado de Washington perdió el control y se fue por los aires, chocando y matando al pasajero que la acompañaba, y todo fue capturado en video.

Ting Ye, de 26 años, fue acusada de homicidio vehicular cuando un juez del condado de King emitió una orden de arresto contra ella tras el accidente del 30 de septiembre en Bellevue, Washington.

Las imágenes de las cámaras de tráfico capturaron a Ye zumbando por la autopista en el carro deportivo con su pasajero, Yabao Liu, en las primeras horas de la mañana.

De repente, el vehículo da vueltas y se desplaza lateralmente, chocando contra una barrera metálica y saliendo disparado fuera de la calzada mientras se volcaba salvajemente.

Liu, de 27 años, falleció, mientras que Ye fue tratada en un hospital local por heridas leves. Ya fue dada de alta.  La pareja llegó a Bellevue por motivos de trabajo, aunque no está claro cuál es su relación exactamente.

De acuerdo con documentos de la corte, Ye no cooperó con la policía y se escabulló del centro médico, dirigiéndose a Canadá antes de huir a China.

Los fiscales presentaron entonces la acusación penal contra Ye, mientras el juez firmaba su orden de detención. Ahora, están trabajando con las autoridades federales de Washington DC para traerla de vuelta a Bellevue y que enfrente la justicia.

Un obstáculo importante es China, que no tiene un tratado de extradición con Estados Unidos, lo que impide que el gobierno extranjero la entregue.

En caso de que Ye sea detenida y devuelta a Washington, podría ser condenada a hasta ocho años y medio tras las rejas si es declarada culpable de homicidio vehicular.

Deadly Accident Video Porsche Speeds At 100 MPH ... Loses Control, Crashes


A woman driving a Porsche at more than 100 miles per hour on a Washington state highway lost control and went airborne, crashing and killing her passenger -- and it was all caught on video.

26-year-old Ting Ye was charged with vehicular homicide as a King County judge issued an arrest warrant for her following the deadly September 30th incident in Bellevue, WA.

Traffic camera footage captured Ye whizzing down the freeway in the sports car with her passenger, Yabao Liu, in the early morning hours.

Suddenly, the vehicle spins around and travels sideways, slamming into a metal barrier and launching off the roadway while flipping over wildly.

The 27-year-old Liu died, whereas Ye was treated for minor injuries at a local hospital and released. The pair came to Bellevue for work, although their exact relationship was unclear.

According to court docs, Ye was uncooperative with police and slipped out of the medical center, hightailing it to Canada before fleeing to China.

Prosecutors then filed the criminal charge against Ye, while the judge signed off on her arrest warrant. Now, they're working with federal authorities in D.C. to bring her back to Bellevue to face justice.

One major obstacle is China, which does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S., preventing the foreign government from turning her over.

In the event Ye is arrested and returned to Washington, she could be sentenced to up to eight-and-a-half years behind bars if convicted of vehicular homicide.

Big Boi Hootie Who Fumbled the Owl?!? Postgame Performance Ruffles Feathers


Big Boi's performance at a college football game went south real quick when he decided to share the stage with an owl that wasn't exactly feeling the vibe ... and tried to fly the coop, real quick!

Here's the deal, BB hit the stage in Georgia after Kennesaw State University's game with one of his pet owls, Kennesaw State's mascot is an owl, on his arm -- obviously thinking it would be the perfect crowd-pleaser. Ahhh, the best-laid plans of owls and men!

It did NOT go as planned, as you can see in the video... the owl got spooked right away during Big Boi's Saturday night performance and tried to fly away, but he was leashed to rapper's gloved right hand.

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Sleepy Brown did his best to distract the crowd while Big Boi called in some help -- hopefully from a professional handler -- and the show went on, but it made for an awkward walk-out nonetheless.

He also shared a clip of him and the owl before the game and, at least backstage, it seemed chill.

Kennesaw State hasn't had a live owl mascot in a few years and its current mascot Scrappy is a costume.

Big Boi's been a lover of owls for years -- he showed off his FOUR pets during a 2019 Rolling Stone interview. You better believe he was giving Tula, Simon, Whodini and Hootie some shine!!!

BIG BOI TROPIEZA CON BÚHO VIVO Durante una actuación en un partido de fútbol americano universitario


La actuación de Big Boi en un partido de fútbol universitario se fue rápidamente al carajo cuando sacó un búho vivo al escenario, ¡pero el pájaro no estaba de humor y se puso a la ofensiva rápidamente!

Bib subió al escenario el fin de semana pasado después del partido de la Universidad Estatal de Kennesaw en Georgia, y como la mascota de la escuela es un búho, debió pensar que sacar a un búho de verdad sería la idea perfecta. Spoiler, no lo era.

Obviamente, las cosas no salieron según lo planeado, el pájaro se asustó de inmediato durante la actuación de Big Boi después del partido y trató de despegar, pero parece haber estado unido a él y no lo logró.

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Terminó pidiendo ayuda, y, finalmente, el espectáculo continuó sin el ave nocturna.

Big Boi ha sido un amante de los búhos durante años, de hecho, hizo una entrevista con Rolling Stone en 2019 con sus pájaros mascota y pudimos notar que todos tienen nombres: Tula, Simon, Whodini y Hootie.

También compartió un clip de él y el búho en el juego de la semana pasada, pero no está claro si el pájaro era un miembro de su bandada.

'SUCCESSION' STAR ALAN RUCK I'm Fine After Crashing Truck into Pizza Joint ... Thankful No One Died

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Alan Ruck is thankful to escape his scary car crash without so much as a scratch on him ... and he's giving credit to a higher power no one else was killed in the accident.

The "Succession" star was spotted leaving a convenience store Thursday in Los Angeles when he was asked how he was doing after Tuesday's crash when he smashed his Rivian truck into a Hollywood pizza place.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

Alan was limping with a sleeve over his left knee, but he says it's just a sign of his old age and not related to the crash. The actor says he's fine and thanks God no one was killed in the incident.

As for the online chatter ... Alan's well-aware folks are comparing the truck crash to his famous Ferrari crash scene in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

TMZ broke the story ... Alan crashed into Raffallo's Pizza at the intersection of La Brea Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard in an incident that is now under police investigation.

Video shows Alan's truck lodged into the side of the brick building ... and surveillance appears to show his Rivian colliding with another vehicle from behind before flying through the intersection and crashing.


Our sources told us two people were injured in the crash, but they were both breathing and conscious and are expected to be OK.

Alan's not letting the car crash stop him from getting behind the wheel ... after talking to photogs, he drove off in a Nissan.



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Siguiendo adelante

Alan Ruck está agradecido de haber escapado de su accidente de carro sin ningún rasguño, y le está dando crédito a un poder superior el que nadie haya salido herido.

La estrella de "Succession" fue visto saliendo de una tienda de conveniencia el jueves en Los Ángeles cuando se le preguntó cómo estaba después del accidente del martes cuando estrelló su camión Rivian contra una pizzería en Hollywood.

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Serios daños
TikTok / @olgaparusske

Alan estaba cojeando con una rodillera sobre su pierna izquierda, pero dijo que esto solo es signo de su vejez y que no está relacionado con el accidente. El actor dice que está bien y agradece a Dios que nadie muriera en el incidente.

En cuanto a lo que se está hablando en las redes, Alan es bien consciente de que la gente está comparando su accidente con la famosa escena de "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".

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Registro del incidente
TikTok / @olgaparusske

TMZ publicó la historia, Alan se estrelló contra Raffallo's Pizza en la intersección de La Brea Avenue y Hollywood Boulevard en un incidente que está bajo investigación policial.

El video muestra el camión de Alan alojado en el lado del edificio de ladrillo y el registro de vigilancia parece mostrar a su Rivian chocando con otro vehículo por detrás, antes de volar a través de la intersección y estrellarse.

El accidente de Ruck

Nuestras fuentes nos dijeron que dos personas resultaron heridas en el accidente, pero ambas estaban conscientes y respirando y se espera que estén bien.

Alan no está dejando que el accidente le impida volver a ponerse al volante. Después de hablar con los fotógrafos, se fue en un Nissan.


Alan Ruck es el desafortunado protagonista de un llamativo accidente en una pizzería en Hollywood.

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daños serios
TikTok / @olgaparusske

Fuentes policiales dicen que el accidente ocurrió alrededor de las 9 PM del miércoles en Raffalo's Pizza, en la intersección de La Brea Avenue y Hollywood Boulevard. El video muestra al vehículo del actor enterrado hasta la mitad, atravesando la pared del restaurant.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que dos personas resultaron heridas en el accidente, pero ambos estaban conscientes y respirando por lo que es probable que estén bien. Afortunadamente, ningún peatón fue atropellado en el accidente.

Alan se quedó alrededor después del accidente. Fue visto fuera de la camioneta hablando por su teléfono celular, mientras que otros evaluaron los daños.

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¡sin parar!
TikTok / @olgaparusske

En cuanto a cómo ocurrió el accidente, la cámara de vigilancia muestra a la camióneta de Alan cruzando una intersección de manera imprudente y chocando contra un carro, para posteriormente impactar contra el edificio.

Por supuesto, la escena del accidente atrajo a una multitud. Muchos tomaron fotos y videos del vehículo; claramente poco ayuda al intenso tráfico de L.A.


Alan Ruck might want to consider delivery next time he's got a hankering for pizza ... ramming his truck into the side of a pie joint in a 4-way crash in Hollywood.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

Law enforcement sources say the crash occurred around 9 PM Tuesday at Raffalo's Pizza at the intersection of La Brea Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard. Video shows the actor's Rivian with about half of the cab lodged into the side of the brick building.

Our sources say two people were injured in the crash, but both were conscious and breathing ... so they're likely to be OK. Thankfully, no pedestrians were struck in the accident. We're also told there's no indication of DUI.

Alan stuck around after the crash, seen out of the truck and talking on his cellphone while others assessed the damage.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

As for how the crash happened, surveillance appears to show Alan's truck collide with another vehicle from behind, pushing it into the intersection as Alan's truck smashes into the building.

Of course, the crash scene drew a crowd, with many taking pictures and videos of the vehicle ... certainly not a help to the flow of traffic in Hollywood.


Bill Bidwill Jr. Police Video Shows Ex-Cards Exec Leaking Blood After Alleged Fight W/ Wife


Bill Bidwill Jr. -- the former Arizona Cardinals exec who's the brother of the NFL team's current owner, Michael Bidwill -- was a bloody mess following an alleged fight with his wife earlier this year ... new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows.

In the footage, you can see officers responded to Bill's Paradise Valley, Ariz. residence at around 6 PM on June 9 following a report of domestic violence ... they came into immediate contact with Bill, who appeared to be bleeding profusely from his face area.

Bill can be heard in the video -- captured on Paradise Valley Police Dept. body cameras -- telling officers his wife, Nicole Bidwill, had just roughed him up following an altercation over some carpet installation.

"She was very upset at me," said Bill, who continuously wiped blood from his head with a large towel.

"I'm sitting on the couch, and she's screaming at me. And I was trying to not escalate because she has a very bad temper."

"And then she started hitting me, and I just started defending myself."

Bill told an officer Nicole "must have hit" him "a hundred times," adding that the strikes were thrown with force. He also said that during the altercation, she picked up a glass cup full of beer and shattered it over his forehead.

"That cut me here," he told a cop.


Bill added that as he tried to get away, Nicole grabbed him and was "just beating the s*** out of me."

Bill, however, later told cops he did not want them to arrest his wife. Instead, he told them to take him into custody -- explaining, "She is not going to tolerate that well."


Meanwhile, cops also interviewed Nicole at the scene ... though she appeared to be far less cooperative with law enforcement than her husband.

She, at first, didn't want to get off the hood of a car she was lying on. She later didn't want to answer questions, telling officers she wanted to wait for her daughter, who's an attorney.

And, when cops placed her under arrest, she didn't want to walk to their squad cars -- so they carried her by her arms and legs.

As we reported, Nicole was booked on a charge of assault ... though, according to a police report, Bill did not want to press charges.

Bill served as the vice president of the Cardinals for several years when his dad, Bill Bidwill Sr., owned the team ... and in 2019, he reportedly helped take over ownership following Sr.'s passing. He does not, however, currently have any role with the team.

Still, following the incident, the Cardinals released a statement to TMZ Sports ... saying, "Two weeks ago, Nicole Kugler Bidwill was involved in an incident that resulted in her arrest. This is a difficult time for their family but her husband and children love her very much and are thankful that she is currently receiving the help she needs. They ask that their family’s privacy be respected as they deal with this challenging personal situation."

Gorilla Glue Girl No Sticky Situation ... I Got Engaged!!!

The woman everyone called "Gorilla Glue Girl" -- after going viral for dangerously trading hairspray for the adhesive -- has big news, but it ain't another sticky fiasco ... she's engaged!

Tessica Brown tells TMZ ... she said "yes" to her boyfriend of over 2 years, Brymon Brocks. They first met at her dad's church and, clearly, hit it off.

We're told Brymon proposed to Tessica at her home in Violet, Louisiana on her birthday earlier this month ... and they're both extremely happy for the next chapter in their lives.

Who can forget Tessica's infamous moment in 2021 when she dropped jaws on TikTok ... saying her hair was rock solid for a month after using Gorilla Glue.

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@im_d_ollady/Tik Tok

She told us at the time she was embarrassed and stressed over the whole thing and checked into an ER for help -- eventually needing surgical repairs on her scalp.

Congrats on the engagement, Tessica ... just make sure you hire someone to do your hair on the day of the wedding -- no more DIY disasters!!!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.


¡La mujer que todo el mundo llama "Gorilla Glue Girl", luego de convertirse en viral, tiene una gran noticia, y no tiene nada que ver con su cabello o con el pegamento "Gorilla Glue"... ¡Está comprometida!

Tessica Brown le dice a TMZ que ella le dijo "sí" a su novio de más de 2 años, Brymon Brocks. Se conocieron en la iglesia de su padre y, claramente, se gustaron.

Nos dicen que Brymon le propuso a Tessica en su casa en Violet, Louisiana en su cumpleaños a principios de este mes y ambos están muy felices por el próximo capítulo en sus vidas.

¿Quién puede olvidar aquel momento infame de Tessica en 2021 cuando dejó boquiabiertos a todos en TikTok, diciendo que su pelo era sólido como una roca luego de usar pegamento Gorilla durante un mes.

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@im_d_ollady/Tik Tok

Ella nos dijo en el momento que estaba avergonzada y estresada por todo el asunto y que se registró en una sala de emergencias en busca de ayuda, con el tiempo va a necesitar reparaciones quirúrgicas en el cuero cabelludo.

¡Felicidades por el compromiso Tessica, solo asegúrate de contratar a alguien para hacerte el pelo el día de la boda!

YouTuber Jack Doherty His Security Knocks a Dude Out ... Once Did Same for DaBaby

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X / @dohertyjackk

A YouTuber's bodyguard punched a guy's lights out -- all of which was caught on video ... and which reeks of déjà vu considering he did this before while working for DaBaby.

We're talking about Jack Doherty, who's pretty famous among the Gen Z crowd ... and who posted a wild clip of a violent altercation that went down Friday night during what looks to be some sort of Halloween party here in L.A. alongside fellow YouTuber Corinna Kopf.

It looks like Jack was arguing with a couple guys who were rolling with Corinna and her crew -- all stemming from an apparent snub she dished out to Jack while at the party -- and they're all bickering back and forth for a while ... until this security dude rolls up.

Eventually, he confronts one of the fellas Jack's facing off with ... and they start to exchange words -- which ultimately ends with JD's hired muscle throwing a haymaker out of nowhere.

The guy who gets punched -- who's way smaller than the bodyguard -- falls straight to the ground ... and his friends (including Corinna) start to yell at the perpetrator, asking him why he did that. The bodyguard backs away and tries cussing them out in his defense.

Jack seemed happy to post the clip online, and he added "context" underneath ... writing, "they were pressing us," which seems to mean that the guys he was initially arguing with were threatening him. But based on the longer version of this incident ... that's iffy at best.

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Now, here's the kicker ... this bodyguard was actually wrapped up in something similar a few years back while working for DaBaby -- something the Internet was quick to remember.

We actually covered this at the time ... DB was performing in New Orleans, when he started getting swarmed by fans as he waded into the crowd -- at which point, this same man (who was working for DaBaby) threw a similar punch ... only then, he KO'd a freaking lady.

A closer look shows it is, indeed, the same man ... and we've figured out who the hell he is. He goes by Kane Kongg on social media. He's a content creator himself -- but obviously does bodyguard work on the side for the rich and famous.

Kane hasn't addressed this latest violent moment -- but when the DaBaby thing happened, he hopped online and tried clarifying what happened, chalking it up to him doing his job. Not sure that's gonna fly this time around though -- this hit looked completely unprovoked.

Windsurfista australiano Choca contra una enorme ballena mientras paseaba por el océano

Inesperado encuentro
Jason Breen

Un windsurfista se llevó una sorpresa inesperada mientras surfeaba las olas de Australia esta semana y una enorme ballena lo golpeó mientras estaba en la mitad de su paseo. Por un momento, pensó que la criatura marina iba a matarlo.

Todo ocurrió el miércoles por la mañana, cuando Jason Breen abordaba una embarcación frente a la costa de una de las playas del norte de Sydney.

El hombre de 55 años navegaba por el agua en un agradable día, cuando de repente se estrelló contra una ballena.

En el video grabado por la cámara GroPro de Breen se puede ver que golpeó al mamífero con fuerza y en una entrevista con Windsurfing.TV horas después del incidente, dijo que también pensó que se iba a morir.

"Me arrastró unos 6 o 7 metros", dijo Breen. "Lo único que me salvó fue la correa. La correa se rompió por completo. Y si no hubiera sido así, probablemente no estaría aquí. Solo el chasquido de la cuerda del pie me salvó".

Breen cree que la ballena lo arrastró bajo el agua durante unos 20 segundos y pensó que "todo había terminado", según le contó a 9News.

Breen, sin embargo, fue capaz de reírse de todo después de escapar. Más tarde se enteró de que un espectador, Paul Nettlebeck, había capturado todo el incidente en su cámara desde unos pocos metros de distancia.

De hecho, Nettlebeck estaba tan nervioso después de presenciar todo, que llamó a las autoridades en Australia para que lo ayudaran.

Afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido y Breen tiene ahora un recuerdo que nunca olvidará.

Australian Windsurfer Slams Into Massive Whale During Ocean Ride ... 'I Thought It Was All Over'

Jason Breen

A windsurfer got an unexpected surprise while hitting the waves in Australia this week ... a massive whale body-slammed him while he was mid-ride -- and for a moment, he thought the sea creature was going to kill him.

It all happened when Jason Breen was boarding off the coast of one of Sydney's northern beaches on Wednesday morning.

The 55-year-old was cruising on the water on a beautiful day ... when suddenly, he smashed right into a breeching whale.

You can see in video caught on Breen's GroPro cam ... he hit the mammal hard -- and in an interview with Windsurfing.TV hours after the incident, he said he feared his life was over.

"It did drag me down sort of 20-to-30 feet," Breen said. "The only thing that saved me was my leash. The webbing completely ripped out. And if it didn't, I probably wouldn't be here. It was only the snap of that leg rope that actually saved me."

Breen said he believed the whale dragged him under the water for around 20 seconds ... telling 9News, "I thought it was all over."

Breen, though, was able to laugh about it all after he escaped ... and then he found out a bystander, Paul Nettlebeck, actually happened to catch the moment on camera from a few hundred yards away.

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In fact, Nettlebeck was so nervous after witnessing it all, he said called authorities in Australia to seek help.

Thankfully, no one was injured ... and Breen now has a memory he'll never forget.

H.S. Basketball Ref Punches Coach After Verbal Altercation ... Arrested


A high school basketball game turned into a violent brawl over the weekend ... when a referee straight-up punched a coach following a verbal altercation -- resulting in his arrest.

TMZ Sports is told ... the incident went down during a fall league contest between Arlington and Oak Hills at Santiago High School in Corona, California on Saturday, Oct. 21.

At some point in the second half, witnesses claim Oak Hills head coach Rob Alexander got upset with referee Brandon Knapper over his officiating ... and an argument ensued.

In a clip we obtained of the game, 26-year-old Knapper -- a former college basketball player at West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and Cal State San Bernardino -- can be seen approaching Alexander near Oak Hills' bench and briefly talking to him ... before unleashing his fist on the coach's face.

Knapper appeared to land more punches on Alexander as he fell to the court ... before players and others in attendance got involved.

We're told cops responded to the scene ... and Alexander was taken to the hospital. The game did not continue.

Law enforcement tells us Alexander requested prosecution against Knapper, who turned himself in and was charged with battery causing serious bodily injury and assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury -- both felonies.

Knapper was booked in the Riverside County Sheriff's Department jail on Sunday ... and his bail was set at $25,000. He was released on Wednesday.

Oak Hills' Hesperia Unified School District released a statement to TMZ Sports ... condemning Knapper's "senseless and shameful" actions.

"The District is thankful for the swift and decisive action taken by the event promoters and local law enforcement. We are also happy to report that Coach Alexander is in good spirits and looking forward to returning to coaching and teaching as soon as possible."

"We have the utmost confidence that law enforcement, CIF, and Oak Hills High School, with the support of the District, will investigate the incident thoroughly and handle it appropriately."

Knapper is due in court on Nov. 3.


un referi que se lo toma muy en serio

Un partido de baloncesto de la escuela secundaria se convirtió en una violenta pelea durante el fin de semana, cuando un árbitro le dio puñetazos a un entrenador después de un altercado verbal que resultó en su detención.

TMZ Sports informó el incidente ocurrido durante un partido de la liga de otoño entre Arlington y Oak Hills en Santiago High School en Corona, California, el sábado 21 de octubre.

En algún momento de la segunda mitad, los testigos afirman que el entrenador de Oak Hills, Rob Alexander, se molestó con el árbitro Brandon Knapper y se produjo una discusión.

En un clip que obtuvimos del juego, Knapper, (un ex jugador de baloncesto universitario de 26 años), se acerca a Alexander y tienen una breve conversación antes de desatar su puño en la cara del entrenador.

Knapper parecía aterrizar más golpes en Alexander mientras caía al suelo antes de que los jugadores y otros asistentes se involucraran.

Nos dicen que la policía respondió y Alexander fue llevado al hospital. El partido no continuó.

Las fuerzas del orden nos dicen Alexander pidió represalias contra Knapper, quien se entregó y fue acusado de agresión, causando lesiones corporales graves y asalto por medios que puedan producir grandes lesiones, ambos delitos graves.

Knapper fue encerrado en la cárcel del Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Riverside el domingo y su fianza se fijó en $ 25.000. Fue puesto en libertad el miércoles.

El Distrito Escolar Unificado Hesperia de Oak Hills emitió un comunicado a TMZ Sports condenando las acciones "sin sentido y vergonzosas" de Knapper.

"El Distrito está agradecido por la acción rápida y decisiva tomada por los promotores del evento y la policía local. También estamos contentos de informar que el entrenador Alexander está de buen humor y con ganas de volver a entrenar y enseñar tan pronto como sea posible".

"Tenemos la máxima confianza en que las fuerzas del orden, la CIF y el Oak Hills High School, con el apoyo del Distrito, investigarán el incidente a fondo y lo manejarán adecuadamente".

Knapper deberá comparecer ante el tribunal el tres de noviembre.