ARRESTO DE CHANDLER JONES Video muestra a la estrella de la NFL divagando con la policía... "Soy millonario"

102523_chandler_jones_kal September 2023
Llevado a custodia

Chandler Jones pasó cerca de 30 minutos con los oficiales durante su arresto en septiembre y de acuerdo a un nuevo video policial obtenido por TMZ Sports, estuvo divagando con ellos e hizo peticiones extrañas durante casi toda su interacción.

De acuerdo a los documentos del Departamento Policial Metropolitano de Las Vegas, los oficiales se enfrentaron con la ex estrella de los Raiders inicialmente fuera de la casa de su ex, después de que dijeran que estaba violando una orden de protección temporal.

En imágenes capturadas en una de las cámaras del cuerpo policial se pueden ver las extrañas peticiones que comenzó a hacer Jones desde el interior de su Mercedes.

"Quiero que me agarren y me saquen", dijo. "Por favor."

Luego pidió que uno de los agentes le pusiera su teléfono en el bolsillo del otro policía, antes de intentar explicar por qué estaba estacionado al frente de la casa de su ex.

"Lo siento por esto", dijo. "La razón por la que estoy aquí es porque estaba sacando su basura y dejando el contenedor en el asiento trasero. Ningún problema".

Jones comenzó entonces a pedir más favores a los policías. Primero quería que le quitaran el sombrero. Luego preguntó si podía sentarse en el suelo, además de intentar que un agente le rascara la nariz y le subiera la camisa.

Al final, los policías dijeron que iban a tener que llevarlo a la cárcel por violar una orden de restricción, pero cuando intentaron meterlo en un carro patrulla, Jones tuvo más problemas.

Juró que no cabía en el vehículo, diciendo: "Mírame. Mido 1,90 m. Soy un atleta profesional, hermano. Tengo 112 sacks... juego para los Raiders".

Más tarde, se quejó de que su espalda estaba acalambrada y cuando los oficiales le dijeron que podía tomar agua en la cárcel les preguntó: "¿Qué tipo de agua tienen ustedes en el condado? ¿Es Dasani o Aquafina?".

Jones pidió entonces otra extraña solicitud: si podían darle las llaves de su carro. Unos minutos después se puso claramente nervioso.

"Señor, ¿puede llevarme a la cárcel, señor?", dijo. "Porque haré más ruido y haré que venga un sheriff. Lléveme a la cárcel ahora o haré ruidos más fuertes".

"¡Señor!", gritó entonces. "¡Dios mío! ¡Necesito ayuda! ¡Ayuda! ¡Dale la llave!"

Mientras Jones volvía al coche patrulla, le dijo a un policía: "No lo demandaré", antes de añadir: "Soy millonario".

Jones fue finalmente fichado por dos cargos separados de violación de una orden de protección temporal de violencia doméstica, antes de ser puesto en libertad.

De acuerdo con los documentos policiales, sin embargo, Jones fue detenido una vez más a principios de octubre, pocos días después de salir de la cárcel. Esto, luego de violar nuevamente una orden de protección temporal tras enviarle mensajes de Instagram a su ex.

El jugador de 33 años no ha registrado ninguna jugada en un campo de la NFL desde la temporada 2022. Sigue siendo un agente libre después de que los Raiders lo cortaran tras su primer arresto en septiembre.

Chandler Jones Arrest Video NFL Star Rambled To Cops 'I Have 112 Sacks ... I'm A Millionaire'

102523_chandler_jones_kal September 2023

Chandler Jones spent about 30 minutes with officers during his September arrest ... and new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows he rambled and made bizarre requests throughout nearly the entire duration of their interaction.

According to police documents, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept. officers initially confronted the former Raiders star outside of his ex's house ... after they said he was in violation of a temporary protection order.

In footage captured on one of the responding officer's body cameras ... you can see almost immediately, Jones began making strange requests from inside his Mercedes.

"I want you to grab me and take me out," he said. "Please."

He then asked to have one of the officers put his phone in the other cop's pocket ... before he tried to explain why he was parked out front of his ex's house.

"I'm sorry about this," he said. "The reason why I'm here is because I was taking out her trash, and I was just dropping off the dumpster in the backseat. No problem."

Jones then began asking for more favors from the cops. First, he wanted them to take off his hat. Then he asked if he could sit on the ground -- before he tried to get an officer to itch his nose and pull up his shirt.

Eventually, cops told him they were going to have to take him to jail for violating a TPO -- but when they tried to get him into a squad car, Jones had more issues.

He swore he couldn't fit in the ride, saying, "Look at me. I'm 6'5. I'm a professional athlete, bro. I have 112 sacks -- I play for the Raiders."

Later, he complained that his back was cramping ... and when officers said he could get water at the jail, he asked, "What kind of water do you guys have at the county? Is it Dasani or is it Aquafina?"

Jones then asked the cops for yet another request, seeing if they could give him the keys to his car. A few minutes later, he clearly became agitated.

"Sir, can you take me to jail, sir?" he said. "Because I'll make louder noises, and make a sheriff come out here. Take me to jail now, or I'll make louder noises."

"Sir!" he then yelled. "Oh my God! I need help! Help! Give him the key!"

As Jones piled back into the squad car, he then told a cop, "I will not sue you," before later adding, "I'm a millionaire."

Jones was eventually booked on two separate charges of violating a domestic violence temporary protection order ... before he was released.

According to police documents, though, Jones was arrested once more in early October just days after he got out of jail ... after cops said he violated a TPO again by sending Instagram messages to his ex.

The 33-year-old pass rusher has not logged a snap on an NFL field since the 2022 season. He remains a free agent after the Raiders cut him following his first arrest in September.

Giggling Teen Suspects Ran Over Bicyclist In Las Vegas ... Before Allegedly Killing Retired Police Chief

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The two teens accused of fatally mowing down a retired police chief were also caught on video running over another bicyclist earlier in the day.

In the new footage, Jesus Ayala, 18, and Jzamir Keys, 16, are seen driving in a stolen car down the street and coming up fast behind the helmet-wearing cyclist. One of the teens starts giggling while repeatedly saying, "Bump him."

Moments later, the car intentionally crashes into the biker, knocking him to the ground, according to the Las Vegas Review Journal. Luckily, the 72-year-old victim was not seriously hurt, suffering only a knee injury.

The clip then cuts to images of the suspects -- one of whom is wearing a face mask -- running from the cops in marked police vehicles.

Another part of the footage shows a police officer talking with one of the suspects sitting in the backseat of a moving patrol car after he's been captured.

The cop informs the teen they have tons of evidence against him, citing surveillance footage while mentioning his accomplice ratted him out.

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As we reported ... Ayala and Keys were arrested August 14 after they fatally ran over retired police chief Andreas Probst who was on his bicycle, police said. The pair recorded themselves deliberately striking 66-year-old Probst after they seemingly filmed their role in the non-fatal hit-and-run earlier in the day.


A grand jury has indicted them on charges of murder, attempted murder, failing to stop at a scene of a crash and grand larceny of a vehicle.

Adolescentes sospechosos Atropellaron a un ciclista en Las Vegas... Antes de supuestamente matar a un jefe de policía

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A La Fuga

Los dos adolescentes acusados de acribillar mortalmente a un jefe de policía retirado fueron atrapados atropellando a otro ciclista más temprano y todo está capturado en video.

En las nuevas imágenes, Jesús Ayala, de 18 años, y Jzamir Keys, de 16, aparecen conduciendo un carro robado y acercándose rápidamente por detrás del ciclista que llevaba casco. Uno de los adolescentes empieza a reírse mientras dice repetidamente: "Chócalo".

Momentos después, el carro choca intencionadamente contra el ciclista, tirándolo al suelo, según informa Las Vegas Review Journal. Por suerte, la víctima de 72 años no resultó herida de gravedad y solo sufrió una lesión en la rodilla.

El video muestra imágenes de los sospechosos, uno de los cuales lleva una máscara facial, mientras huye de los agentes policiales.

Otra parte de la grabación muestra a oficial hablando con uno de los sospechosos, que está sentado en el asiento trasero de un carro patrulla después de haber sido capturado.

El policía informa que el adolescente tiene un montón de pruebas en su contra, como las imágenes de vigilancia y el hecho de que su cómplice lo delató.

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La horrible escapada

Como hemos informado, Ayala y Keys fueron detenidos el 14 de agosto después de atropellar mortalmente al jefe de policía retirado Andreas Probst, que estaba en su bicicleta, dijo la policía. La pareja se grabó deliberadamente golpeando a Probst de 66 años, luego de que aparentemente filmaran su papel en el atropello y fuga más temprano.

Audios del 911

Un gran jurado los ha acusado de cargos de asesinato, intento de asesinato, no detenerse en la escena de un accidente y hurto mayor de un vehículo.

JetBlue Plane Tips Back On Its Tail!!! Scary Weight Shift at Gate

Citizen App

In the immortal words of Fat Joe ... a JetBlue airplane leaned back -- way back -- while parked at JFK Airport, tipping onto its freakin' tail as passengers were exiting!

The wild scene played out Sunday night at the NYC airport -- the Airbus A321-231 popped a wheelie, unintentionally, after landing from Barbados ... delivering a major shock to passengers and crew.

The plane's tail tipped backward "due to a shift in weight and balance during deplaning," according to JetBlue spokesman Derek Dombrowski ... who told NY Post the aircraft eventually came back down to its normal level.

He added there were no injuries in the rare incident ... and the company's currently investigating what happened and has taken the plane out of rotation for inspection.

For those unaware, pilots often calculate the weight and balance before every flight to determine the plane's center of gravity -- looking at things like the total weight of passengers and luggage, so it's unclear what was in the back of the plane that made it flip.

Word of warning for those who applaud when landing -- it ain't over 'till you're off the damn thing!

AVIÓN JETBLUE ¡SE INCLINA SOBRE SU COLA! Aterrador cambio de peso en la puerta de embarque

solo la puntita
Citizen App

Un avión de JetBlue se inclinó hacia atrás (muy hacia atrás), mientras estaba estacionado en el aeropuerto JFK, la cola llegó a tocar el suelo mientras los pasajeros salían.

Esto ocurrió el domingo por la noche en el aeropuerto de Nueva York, el Airbus A321-231 tuvo problemas justo al momento de aterrizar de Barbados, generando el pánico entre la tripulación.

La cola del avión se inclinó hacia atrás "debido a un cambio en el peso y el equilibrio durante el desembarque", según el portavoz de JetBlue Derek Dombrowski, quien le informó al NY Post cuando el avión finalmente volvió a la normalidad.

Añadió que no hubo heridos en el incidente y la compañía está investigando actualmente lo que pasó y ha sacado de servicio para que sea inspeccionado.

Para aquellos que no saben, los pilotos suelen calcular el peso y el equilibrio antes de cada vuelo para determinar el centro de gravedad del avión, chekeando el peso total de los pasajeros y el equipaje, por lo que no está claro lo que estaba en la parte trasera del avión que lo hizo volcar.

Una advertencia para los que aplauden al aterrizar: ¡no se acaba hasta que te bajas del maldito aparato!

Rod Wave Crashes Through Stage, Back First ... Come See Me Fall!!!


Rod Wave is dedicated to his art -- so much so, in fact, that he recreated a perilous leap from a window live onstage for all his fans ... although, it's quite clear they didn't want this.

The rapper was performing in Lincoln, Nebraska Thursday ... and at one point in his sold-out show, he decided to play stuntman right then and there in front of everyone -- climbing on top of a set piece and reenacting something he did in one of his music videos.

Watch ... the dude scales the side of a fake building, going up the fire escape and eventually standing on the rail -- with his back turned to the audience. Guess what happens next!

RW goes crashing toward the ground below ... dropping like a sack of potatoes and eventually tearing through the stage floor itself. Indeed, it's pretty damn dramatic. It stunned the audience -- and even from the crowd, you can hear folks telling him not to do it.

The videos cut out before we can see what happens next -- but, presumably, he's alright ... on account of the fact that he was performing in Minnesota last night and is posting pics on his IG page. All's well that ends well, we suppose -- but damn, this was dangerous.

BTW, this whole fall-from-the-window thing is straight out of his music video for "Come See Me" ... which is the song that was playing when he did this. So, a little life imitating art.

Committing to the bit, indeed.

Houston Astros Vs. Texas Rangers Bench Clearing Beanball Incident ... During Championship Game

The Houston Astros and Texas Rangers nearly got into a bench-clearing brawl after a beanball incident during the 8th inning of their Friday night championship game.

The teams were going head-to-head in Game 5 of the American League Championship Series when Houston relief pitcher Bryan Abreu wound up and hurled a 98.9 mile-per-hour fastball, striking Rangers batter Adolis Garcia in his left arm.

Check out this video posted on X ... Garcia looks furious as he pushes Houston catcher Martín Maldonado, while the umpire gets between them.

Both teams then pour onto the field and run toward each other, gathering in one big heap near home plate.

The players start yelling and shoving one another, but the tense situation never escalates into a full-scale fight.

Still, Garcia continues to blow off steam as his teammates hold him back -- and eventually escort him off Globe Life Field in Arlington, TX.

The umpires ejected three people: Abreu, Garcia and Astros manager Dusty Baker.

When the game resumed, the Astros went on to beat the Rangers 5-4. The Astros now hold a 3-2 lead in the series as they travel back to Houston for Game 6.

Behave yourselves guys!!

Kim Kardashian Shows Up for Jury Service in Gang Murder Case

Kim Kardashian has been in court this week -- not as a lawyer or litigant, but as a prospective juror in a gang murder case ... TMZ has learned.

Kim was at the Van Nuys Courthouse all week, as part of a jury panel in a case where 2 men have been charged with murdering another man in a gang-related crime. We're told she was there 4 days in total, from Monday to Thursday.


Our producer was in the courtroom during voir dire -- where prospective jurors were questioned by the prosecutor and defense lawyers.

Kim made herself part of the group ... eating snacks in the courthouse hallway during the breaks with other prospective jurors. She dressed fancier than the others Thursday, wearing leather pants, high boots and a sleeveless white blouse.

Late Thursday, the lawyers agreed on 12 jurors and 4 alternates ... before Kim was ever questioned, so she was dismissed and left the courthouse ... having concluded her jury service.

In true Kardashian form, there were cameras from her Hulu show in the parking lot as she jumped in her SUV and left the courthouse.

Our producer says, at least on Thursday, the other prospective jurors were not particularly starstruck ... they treated her like one of them.


During the court session, Kim's bodyguard was seated right next to her in the front row of the peanut gallery.

As you know, Kim's gunning to become a lawyer. She's passed the California "baby bar" and is studying to take the actual bar exam for real.

She's been very active over the past few years working on prison reform and has even helped secure the release of some prison inmates.

KIM KARDASHIAN Se presenta como jurado en un caso de asesinato entre pandillas

Kim Kardashian ha estado en los tribunales esta semana. No como abogado ni como litigante, sino como una posible miembro del jurado en un caso de asesinato entre pandillas, según ha indagado TMZ.

Kim estuvo en el Tribunal de Van Nuys toda la semana, como parte del panel del jurado. El caso que se revisaba era el de dos hombres acusados de matar a otro en un crimen relacionado con pandillas. Nos dicen que estuvo allí cuatro días en total, de lunes a jueves.

Camino al tribunal

Nuestro productor estuvo en la sala durante el voir dire (interrogatorio preliminar de un testigo o de un miembro del jurado), en donde todos los posibles miembros del jurado fueron interrogados por el fiscal y los abogados defensores.

Kim se integró al grupo, comiendo bocadillos en el pasillo del tribunal durante las pausas con otros posibles miembros del jurado. Eso sí, estaba más elegante que los demás el jueves, con pantalones de cuero, botas altas y una blusa blanca sin mangas.

A última hora del jueves, los abogados llegaron a un acuerdo sobre 12 miembros del jurado y 4 suplentes, todo esto, antes de que Kim fuera interrogada, por lo que finalmente fue desechada y abandonó el juzgado, así como su servicio como jurado.

Al más puro estilo Kardashian, había cámaras de su programa de Hulu en el estacionamiento, atentos a ella subiendo en su SUV y saliendo de la corte.

Nuestro productor dice que, al menos el jueves, los otros posibles miembros del jurado no estaban particularmente sorprendidos. La trataron como a una más.

Durante la sesión de la corte, el guardaespaldas de Kim estuvo sentado junto a ella en la primera fila de la galería.

Como saben, Kim quiere ser abogada. Ella ya ha pasado el "baby bar" de California y está estudiando para tomar el examen real.

También ha estado muy activa en los últimos años trabajando en la reforma penitenciaria e incluso ha ayudado a conseguir la liberación de algunos presos.


emergencia médica

Adam Sandler está definitivamente en sintonía con su público. Hizo una pausa en un show para ayudar a un fan que sufría una emergencia médica en la multitud.

El comediante estaba actuando en el SAP Center de San José el miércoles por la noche cuando todo se detuvo. Nos dicen que Adam escuchó a un miembro de la audiencia gritando "emergencia médica" y detuvo todo el asunto para asegurarse de que reciba asistencia.

preocupado por su público

No mucho después, las luces se encendieron y todo el mundo esperó hasta que los paramédicos fueron capaces de llegar hasta la fan en peligro. Adam ayudó a guiar a los médicos hasta la persona.

Fuentes relacionadas con el show le informan a TMZ que la actuación estuvo en suspenso durante unos diez minutos y el hombre que tenía la emergencia estaba deshidratado.

Adam ha estado saliendo a la carretera para su gira "I Missed You", realizando standup y algunas de sus canciones más populares de los últimos años. Tengan por seguro que su público estará a salvo.

Adam Sandler Stops Show For Fan's Medical Emergency


Adam Sandler is definitely in tune with his audience ... pressing pause on a recent show for a fan suffering a medical emergency in the crowd.

The comedian was performing at SAP Center in San Jose Wednesday night when he brought everything to a screeching halt -- we're told Adam heard an audience member yelling "medical emergency" and stopped the whole thing to make sure the fan got assistance.


Not long after, the lights came up and everyone waited until paramedics were able to get to the fan in distress ... Adam helped guide the medics to the person in need.

Sources connected to the show tell TMZ ... the performance was on hold for about 10 minutes, and the man who had the emergency was believed to have been dehydrated while in the crowd but is doing fine.

Adam's been hitting the road for his "I Missed You" tour, performing standup and some of his most popular songs from over the years ... rest assured, his audience will be taken care of.


Viral Chargers Fan I'm Not A Paid Actor Or AI Fan ... I'm Just Passionate!!!

TMZ Sports

The Chargers fan who blew up on social media for displaying a roller coaster of emotions during "Monday Night Football" is putting all speculation to rest ... adamantly denying she was a paid actress or AI bot -- she's just that crazy about her team!!

Merrianne Do achieved overnight fame for her animated expressions while supporting Justin Herbert and the Chargers during their 20-17 loss to the Dallas Cowboys at SoFi Stadium ... and many were quick to accuse her of being planted by the team or league for manufactured clout.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

TMZ Sports spoke with the internet's newest celebrity ... and she says the truth is, she's your average fanatic who's super passionate about her squad.

"I wish I was being paid," Do tells us. "If [the skeptics] only knew this is how I am every day. My kids are like, 'Mommy this is how you are at my flag football game, why do they think you're getting paid?' I'm like. 'I know, but they don't know me.'"

As it turns out, it's true -- Do and her husband are truly diehard Charger fans -- the two have season tickets in the second row ... and if they aren't sittin' there, they're posted up in the cabana suites.

"We are diehard fans," she says. "It's always been like this. People that know me know that I've been this crazy football fan all my life."

The internet sleuths have been quick to try and poke holes in Do's explanation ... even posting pics of her in Minnesota Vikings gear -- but she has a reason for that, too.

"I grew up in Minnesota before moving to California almost 20 years ago," Do says. "I don't think you have to be a single-team fan. I love my Chargers and I'm not gonna deny my Vikings. At the end of the day, yes, I've been a Vikings fan, I've been through that journey as a Vikings fan and still am, but I'm here in LA for the past 20 years."

Long story short, Do didn't get a cent for her viral moment ... but knowing how internet fame works, that could all change.

"To anybody that thinks this is paid, I am not paid, I'm still eating my ramen noodles."

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Cowboys Vs. Chargers Fans Get In Massive Brawl At Stadium ... During 'MNF' Game

Cowboys and Chargers players weren't the only ones throwing hands at Monday night's game -- their fans were too ... getting in a wild brawl in a concourse.

Around a dozen people clad in Los Angeles and Dallas jerseys were seen trying to beat the hell out of each other while at SoFi Stadium for the much-anticipated "Monday Night Football" contest.

It's unclear why the fight started ... but check out videos from the scene, both women and men were involved in the skirmish -- throwing punches left and right.

It didn't all seem to be Dallas vs. L.A., either ... as some Chargers supporters appeared to go at it with each other during the fracas as well.

Security ultimately got involved and looked like they mercifully restored order ... though no word if any arrests were made.

Of course, it was hardly the first tilt of the night ... as Cowboys pass rusher Dante Fowler got into it with Chargers star Austin Ekeler before the game, nearly causing an all-out melee on the field.

In the end, everyone in Dallas gear got to go home happy -- even if they were a little battered and bruised -- 'cause the Cowboys won the game, 20-17.

Home Invasion Horror Gunman Accosts Woman Entering Her House ... Caught On Camera


A masked gunman was caught on security footage attempting a home invasion in Washington state, rushing up behind a fast-reacting woman, who managed to shut her front door and lock it just before he could gain entry.

Check out the Ring camera video ... it starts with the woman's male companion walking onto a porch and unlocking and opening the door before disappearing into the house in Kent, WA.

Moments later, the woman steps up onto the porch and is about to enter her abode when she suddenly feels someone behind her and spins around.

The ski-masked suspect dashes up to her with a gun in one hand. But the woman is too quick, running inside, slamming the door closed and bolting it.

The would-be intruder desperately tries to force open the door, but his efforts are futile. He then turns and sees the camera recording him, smashing it with the butt of his gun and cutting off the clip.

We've reached out to Kent PD to see if they've caught the perpetrator ... so far no word back.

HORROR en casa delincuente sorprende A MUJER mientras ENTRA a SU CASA Capturado en video

por poco

Un hombre armado y enmascarado fue capturado en imágenes de seguridad intentando un allanamiento de morada en el estado de Washington, corriendo detrás de una mujer que logró cerrar la puerta y bloquearla justo a tiempo

Échale un vistazo al video. Comienza con el compañero de la mujer caminando hacia la casa y abriendo la puerta principal para posteriormente entrar.

Justo detrás venía la mujer que, cuando está a punto de entrar en su morada, siente a alguien detrás de ella y se da la vuelta.

El sospechoso, enmascarado, se precipita hacia ella con pistola en mano, pero la mujer es demasiado rápida para él y corre hacia el interior cerrando la puerta al instante.

El intruso intenta desesperadamente forzar la puerta para abrirla, pero sus esfuerzos son inútiles. Entonces se gira y ve la cámara que lo está grabando y la rompe con la culata de su pistola, cortando el video.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la policía de Kent para ver si han capturado al autor pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.