hombre contra canguro

Un hombre australiano tuvo que enfrentarse a un canguro musculoso que tenía secuestrado a su perro y lo grabó todo con una cámara.

El residente de Mildura, Mick Moloney, le dio un golpe al animal, y este devolvió el golpe sin rodeos. La cámara del hombre cayó al agua, pero su perro se salvó.

Mick len dijo a ABC Radio Melbourne que estaba estirando cerca del río durante el fin de semana cuando se dio cuenta de que su cachorro, Hatchi, no estaba por ninguna parte.

Sin embargo, rápidamente se encontró con el motivo... primero se dio cuenta de que el canguro le miraba fijamente desde el río y después su perro salió del agua, chillando, mientras le salía agua a borbotones de la boca.

Mick afirma que el canguro le estaba haciendo una llave a Hatchi para ahogarlo y sabía que tenía que ir a salvar a su peludo amigo. Admitió que el canguro era muy intimidante y agregó: "Yo estaba como "esta cosa acaba de salir de la cárcel" o algo así".

Dice que era bastante fuerte - pero le dio una bofetada al marsupial en la cabeza y se metió en una pelea en el agua. Mick admite que parecía que también iba a darle una patada... pero le echó agua en la cara mientras corría hacia la orilla, donde su perro estaba a salvo.

A propósito, Mick es instructor de artes marciales mixtas y jiu-jitsu brasileño, pero afirma que la gente ya le está preguntando cuándo empezará a enseñar "Cangurojitsu".

Aussie Brawl Man Fights Kangaroo ... Saves His Dog From Being Drowned!


A man in Australia was forced to put up his dukes against a buff kangaroo that was holding his dog hostage ... catching the whole thing on camera.

The down-under beatdown took place between the 'roo and Mildura resident Mick Moloney ... who took a swing at the animal, and got knocked in return -- his camera took a tumble into the water, but his dog was safe from the scary situation.

Mick told ABC Radio Melbourne Afternoons he was stretching near the river over the weekend when he noticed his pup, Hatchi, was nowhere to be found.

He soon found his answer, though -- first noticing the kangaroo staring at him in the river, then his dog came up from the water, yelping as water gushed out of its mouth.

Mick claims Hatchi was in a headlock and knew he had to go save his doggo ... but admitted the kangaroo looked "jacked," adding, "I was like 'this thing's just got out of jail' or something."

He says it was pretty strong -- but he slapped the marsupial across the head and got into a tussle in the water. Mick admits it looked like it was gonna kick him, too ... but he splashed some water in its face while he bolted to the shore where his dog was safe.

BTW, Mick is a mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor ... but claims people are already asking him when he'll start teaching "roo-jitsu."

Bigfoot Sightings Scientists Should Be On the Case ... Not Cops, So Say Cops

The multiple alleged bigfoot sightings should have scientists and anthropologists digging for answers ... so say Colorado cops, after the now-viral vid shot in one of their National Forests.

San Juan County Undersheriff Steve Lowrance tells TMZ ... scientists and anthropologists should have all eyes on what was recently seen in Colorado, so they can determine once and for all if the creature is legit, or just some dude in a fursuit.

For the record, Lowrance doesn't really buy into the bigfoot legend -- adding he's lived in the area for 35 years, and has never seen the thing with his own eyes.

Regardless, he says law enforcement shouldn't be using its resources on unraveling the hairy mystery ... mainly because the elusive sasquatch isn't on any police watchlist due to its clean record and all.

We're told San Juan County has had about 3 bigfoot sightings over the years, but no crime has been committed -- no missing person reports connected to the alleged beast, and no one eaten alive by it ... that they know of, at least.

The undersheriff knows there might be folks out there who would dress up as bigfoot to commit crimes, but he's not too concerned about that scenario, either.

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Instagram / @bt92.travels

As we reported, video shows what believers claim is the creature walking through the San Juan National Forest -- the clip was captured by a passenger on a train, who saw the alleged sasquatch try to blend in with the environment.


The U.S. Forest Service told us it can't say if the new footage is real or fake ... but it sounds like scientists will have to enter the chat to put the furry topic to bed!


Los múltiples avistamientos de Bigfoot deberían ser investigados por científicos y antropólogos, eso dicen los policías de Colorado, después del video viral grabado en uno de sus bosques nacionales.

El sheriff Steve Lowrance le dijo a TMZ que los científicos y antropólogos deben tener los ojos puestos sobre lo que se ha visto recientemente en Colorado para que puedan determinar de una vez por todas si la criatura es real o simplemente es un tipo en un traje.

Para que conste, Lowrance no cree en la leyenda de Bigfoot, añadiendo que ha vivido en la zona durante 35 años y nunca ha visto nada.

A pesar de todo, dice que las fuerzas del orden no deberían utilizar sus recursos en desentrañar el misterio peludo, sobre todo porque el escurridizo sasquatch no está en ninguna lista de vigilancia policial debido a su impecable historial.

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capturado en video
Instagram / @bt92.travels

Se nos dice que el condado de San Juan ha tenido alrededor de 3 avistamientos de Bigfoot en los últimos años, pero no se ha cometido ningún delito y no hay informes de personas desaparecidas relacionadas con la supuesta bestia.

El subcomisario sabe que podría haber gente por ahí disfrazada de Pie Grande para cometer crímenes, pero no está demasiado preocupado por ese escenario tampoco.

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las pruebas
Instagram / @bt92.travels

Como informamos, el vídeo muestra lo que los creyentes afirman que es la criatura caminando por el Bosque Nacional de San Juan. El video fue capturado por un pasajero de un tren que vio al presunto sasquatch tratando de mezclarse con el medio ambiente.

¡todos a bordo!

El Servicio Forestal de EE.UU. nos dijo que no puede decir si las nuevas imágenes son reales o falsas, pero parece que los científicos tendrán que entrar en la conversación para darle claridad al asunto.

Texas State Fair Gunman Opens Fire, Wounding Fairgoers


A man with a gun wreaked havoc at the State Fair of Texas Saturday night, firing shots into the food court, injuring 3 and sending scores of people running for their lives, and you see the panic from above as someone shot video from the Ferris wheel.

The incident occurred just before 8 PM at the Dallas State Fairgrounds. Police received reports of an active shooter.


When they arrived, they found 3 people sustained gunshot wounds. Fortunately, all 3 injuries were non-life threatening.

The entire fair was evacuated and shut down. The video shows the chaos as people scrambled to leave. It's expected to re-open Sunday at 2 PM.

It's unclear if the shooter was targeting his victims. Details are still coming in.

The shooter was apprehended after attempting to flee. No word on his identity. Cops recovered the gun.


varados en la cima

Un hombre armado causó estragos en la Feria Estatal de Texas el sábado por la noche, disparando en el patio de comidas, hiriendo a 3 personas y haciendo que decenas corran por sus vidas. Se ve el pánico desde arriba cuando alguien grabó un video desde la noria.

El incidente se produjo poco antes de las 20:00 horas en el recinto ferial de Dallas. La policía recibió informes de un tirador activo.

pánico total

Cuando llegaron, encontraron a tres personas heridas de bala. Afortunadamente, las tres lesiones no fueron mortales.

Toda la feria fue evacuada y cerrada. El video muestra el caos mientras la gente intentaba del lugar. Se espera que vuelva a abrir el domingo a las 2 de la tarde.

No está claro si el tirador tenía como objetivo a sus víctimas. Los detalles siguen llegando.

El tirador fue detenido después de intentar huir. No se sabe nada de su identidad. La policía recuperó el arma.


Jose Martin

Una pareja de Connecticut fue grabada en un ataque xenófobo mientras acosaba a dos jardineros, exigiéndole saber si estaban en el país ilegalmente.

Sharon Bourgeois-Williams y Robert Shaw estaban en el interior de su hogar en Middletown, el pasado domingo, cuando escucharon a José Martín y a su hermano haciendo algo de ruido mientras hacían labores de jardinería en una propiedad cercana.

La pareja salió para encarar a los hermanos por el ruido, pero se confrontaron y todos sacaron sus teléfonos móviles para grabarse.

Vea la grabación publicada en las redes sociales ... comienza con la pareja quejándose de que los hermanos "no respetan a nadie". Luego Shaw les tira un dedo y grita, "Muchas gracias, idiota".

La grabación se corta a un primer plano de Shaw restregando su teléfono en el rostro de Martín mientras afirma, "¿No te gusta? ¿No? Vaya cab--n".

Bourgeois-William comienza a llamarlos "payaso" y a preguntarles si están aquí ilegalmente o si cuentan con una visa de los EE. UU.

Luego ella reprende al hermano de Martín -- señalándolo con agresividad mientras le grita repetidamente, "¿estás aquí ilegalmente?".

Las partes finalmente tomaron cada quien su camino antes de que la situación se tornara violenta, pero la policía se involucró después de ver el video publicado en línea.

El Departamento de Policía de Middletown emitió una declaración diciendo que determinaron que "el comportamiento hostil de Shaw y Bourgeois-Williams impidió a un empleado circular libremente por la calzada". Ambos recibieron cargos de alteración del orden público.

Taylor Swift Fans Turn Theaters Into Concerts ... During 'Eras Tour' Film

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TikTok / @alltoobrooke

Taylor Swift has hit cineplexes everywhere -- and so have her fans ... who've turned moviegoing into straight-up concert fare -- and no, they're not staying in their seats for this one.

The 'Eras Tour' film opened internationally Friday -- this after Thursday previews -- and videos of Swifties losing their minds at theaters all over the globe are flooding the Internet ... which are fascinating. That, or disturbing ... depends on how you view this phenomenon.

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Check these out ... 'cause they're quite something. The clips are coming in from all over the world -- but these ones in particular seem to be from Australia and the U.S. specifically.

One video shows fans getting out of their chairs and hitting the ground floor right in front of the screen as soon as "Shake It Off" starts to play. Honestly, the way it all plays out -- you could say it was all choreographed ... as it looks like this is straight out of a musical.

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When everyone gets down to the lower level, they dance their faces off ... and sing in unison with Taylor. The same was done in yet another theates -- where her fans belted out "22."

Even when the credits roll ... the TS legion can't seem to help but stand up and get together -- which was demonstrated in one viral clip that shows Swifties swinging around in a giant hand-holding circle ... "Midsommar" style. Basically, "Ring Around the Rosie (Taylor's Version)."


Just goes to show what everyone sorta anticipated with this concert flick -- namely, it was going to become a full-blown event ... with people screaming/singing at the top of their lungs.

As far as money, the numbers have been great so far on opening day -- domestically, it's already raked in $39 million between Thursday and Friday screenings ... and at the moment, the 'Eras Tour' film is on pace to make anywhere from $90-$109 mil through Sunday.

It's an astonishing feat ... and yet another testament to the power of Taylor. Ooh-wee!

Post Malone Surprises Fans with Appearance At Cowboys-Themed Raising Canes Restaurant

Raising Cane's

Post Malone has found a way to combine two things he holds near and dear -- the Dallas Cowboys and chicken fingers -- while also giving some of his fans the surprise of a lifetime.

Posty made a surprise visit at the grand opening of the Post Malone-and-Cowboys-themed location of Raising Cane's in Dallas Thursday. The rocker sported a custom Dallas jersey while posing for pics with fans, and of course, eating some of those tasty chicken fingers.

The location, which just opened today, comes complete with the blue and white Cowboys color scheme -- and a giant Cowboys star as you enter the Drive-Thru that stands 32 feet tall.

Post played a big role in getting the location together, and there are even some silhouettes of his most famous stage poses around the restaurant's exterior.

Not a bad spot to cheer on your favorite squad and fill your stomach all at the same place.

Hamas Attacks Israeli Soldiers Capture Palestine Militant ... Caught On Camera

Fox News

A Palestinian militant was captured by Israeli troops during a news broadcast ... then blindfolded and whisked away while the cameras rolled on the intense situation.

Fox News correspondent Trey Yingst was with members of the Israeli forces on Thursday in Israel -- close to the grounds of the gruesome Supernova music festival massacre where 260 innocent people were murdered.

While reporting, gunshots ring out -- as Yingst and his camera crew ducked for cover, soldiers surrounded a man on the ground who was stripped down to his underwear.

They blindfolded him and escorted him away from the festival grounds ...  a senior commander confirmed with Yingst that the nearly-naked man was a Palestinian militant who either came into the area from Gaza or had been hiding out in the area since Saturday's killings and kidnappings.


He says he'll likely end up being questioned ... which could shed even more light on the tragic Supernova incident.

As you know, Hamas terrorists hit Israel hard starting on Saturday, including a brutal attack on the festival ... where people like 22-year-old Shani Louk were kidnapped -- you'll recall, she was stripped naked and paraded by Hamas while her body was spat on.

Over 2,600 confirmed deaths have been reported since the fight broke out, including 27 Americans ... not to mention countless examples of destruction playing out.

Ataques a Hamás Soldados israelíes capturan a militante palestino ... Captado por una cámara

Arresto captado en vivo
Fox News

Un militante palestino fue capturado por las tropas israelíes durante una emisión de noticias. Luego fue vendado y llevado a otro sitio mientras las cámaras grababan la intensa situación.

El corresponsal de Fox News, Trey Yingst, estaba con miembros de las fuerzas israelíes el jueves en Israel, cerca de donde se produjo la espantosa masacre del festival de música Supernova, en la que 260 personas inocentes fueron asesinadas.

Mientras estaban en vivo, se escucharon algunos disparos, motivo por el cual Yingst y su equipo de cámara se agacharon para protegerse. Los soldados rodearon a un hombre que estaba en el suelo y al que le habían quitado su ropa interior.

Le vendaron los ojos y lo escoltaron fuera del recinto del festival. Un alto mando confirmó a Yingst que el hombre casi desnudo era un militante palestino que había llegado a la zona desde Gaza o que se había estado escondiendo en la zona desde los asesinatos y secuestros del sábado.

Dice que probablemente acabará siendo interrogado, lo que podría arrojar aún más luz sobre el trágico incidente de Supernova.

Como ustedes saben, los terroristas de Hamás atacaron fuertemente a Israel a partir del sábado, con ataques que incluyeron un brutal asalto en el festival donde personas como Shani Louk, de 22 años, fueron secuestradas -como recordarán, ella fue desnudada por Hamás y obligada a desfilar mientras su cuerpo era escupido.

Se han confirmado más de 2.600 muertes desde que estalló la guerra, entre ellos 27 estadounidenses, por no hablar de los innumerables ejemplos de destrucción.


Algunas personas piensan que Bigfoot acaba de hacer una aparición legítima en Colorado, y curiosamente, la agencia de EE.UU. a cargo de la ubicación del supuesto avistamiento ... no es totalmente descartarlo como BS, o eso parece.

Un representante del Servicio Forestal del USDA —que tiene jurisdicción sobre el Bosque Nacional de San Juan— le dice a TMZ que son muy conscientes de esta nueva "evidencia" de video grabado el pasado fin de semana, pero no están dispuestos a opinar sobre su validez.

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¡pie grande!
Instagram / @bt92.travels

En concreto, el Servicio Forestal dice: "El Servicio Forestal del USDA no puede especular ni hacer comentarios sobre la autenticidad del video. Nos aseguraremos de alertar a los medios y cuando un Sasquatch sea avistado por funcionarios en tierras del Sistema Forestal Nacional".

La respuesta suena muy irónica, pero es interesante: la agencia que se ocupa de las especies en peligro de extinción y otros animales salvajes no dice directamente que el video es falso. .

Para que conste, el Servicio Forestal nos dice que NO está investigando más, una señal bastante clara de que no creen que el "eslabón perdido" esté vagando por Colorado.

adivinen quién a vuelto...

Por supuesto, los creyentes en el Sasquatch van a estar muy felices. La mayoría se ha reído del avistamiento, pero algunos en la comunidad de Bigfoot (sí, hay bastantes de ellos) han dicho que esta es la evidencia definitiva.

Nunca se ha encontrado o estudiado un cuerpo de Bigfoot, (obvio), así que, hasta que eso ocurra, los escépticos seguirán poniendo los ojos en blanco.

CO Bigfoot Sighting Forest Rangers Can't Say If It's Legit ... We'll Tell Ya If We See One!!!

Some folks think Bigfoot just made a legit appearance in Colorado, and interestingly, the U.S. agency in charge of the location of the alleged sighting ... isn't totally writing it off as BS, or so it seems.

A rep for the USDA Forest Service -- which has jurisdiction over the San Juan National Forest -- tells TMZ ... they're well aware of this new video "evidence" recorded last weekend, but they're not prepared to weigh in on its validity.

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Instagram / @bt92.travels

Specifically, the Forest Service says, "The USDA Forest Service can't speculate or provide comments on the authenticity of the video. We'll be sure to alert the media if and when a Sasquatch is sighted by officials on National Forest System lands."

The response sounds very tongue-in-cheek, but it is interesting -- the agency that's all about endangered species and other wildlife, isn't straight up saying the vid is fake. It's essentially giving the ol' ... we can neither confirm nor deny.

For the record, the Forest Service tells us it's NOT investigating any further -- a very good indication it doesn't think the "missing link" is roaming around Colorado.


Of course, Sasquatch truthers are gonna believe what they want -- most have laughed the sighting off as a hoax, but some in the Bigfoot community (yeah, there's enough of 'em) have said this one's the real McCoy.

There's never been a Bigfoot body found or studied, obvi ... so, until that happens, skeptics will keep rolling eyes.

In any case, Sassie can rest easy knowing Uncle Sam ain't coming for him. Not yet.

We covered the story on the latest episode of TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Dillon Danis Chokes Out OnlyFans Model 'So Much Better Than Drugs'

Twitter / @ellebrookeuk

An OnlyFans model asked Dillon Danis to choke her out ... and he did just that.

The wild scene went down at the Misfits Boxing open workout on Wednesday ... when Elle Brooke wanted to get a firsthand understanding of the former Bellator fighter's submission skills.

Logan Paul's nemesis -- wearing a cap that read "I went on a date with Nina Agdal and all I got was this stupid hat" -- happily granted Brooke's request ... getting behind her and putting her in a rear naked choke.

The influencer/celeb boxer appeared to go out cold -- shaking as Danis and two others kept her from crashing to the ground.

Brooke came to several seconds later, and gave her immediate review of the experience ... comparing it to being on MDMA.

"Oh my God, that's so much better than drugs!!" Brooke said after the demo.

MMA stars are no strangers to doing tutorials on regular folk -- remember when Paige VanZant nearly made our idiot reporter Lucas go lights-out in the TMZ studio a few years ago?!

Our sources tell us Lucas didn't want to tap ... but Harvey made him.

As for Dillon and Elle, it looked like everyone left the experience on good terms ... even if it did look a bit scary. In fact, Brooke shot her shot with Danis on social media after the encounter ... saying, "Next time can we do it naked?"

The interaction comes just days before Danis is slated to fight Paul on the Prime Card in Manchester after months of ruthless trash talk ... and based on all the drama surrounding the bout, it's gonna be a movie.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

DILLON DANIS AHOGA A una MODELO DE ONLYFANS "Mucho mejor que las drogas"

buenas noches
Twitter / @ellebrookeuk

Una modelo de OnlyFans le pidió a Dillon Danis que la estrangulara... y él lo hizo.

La salvaje escena ocurrió en el entrenamiento abierto de Misfits Boxing el miércoles, cuando Elle Brooke quería conocer de primera mano de las habilidades de sumisión del ex luchador de Bellator.

La némesis de Logan Paul, que llevaba una gorra que decía "Fui a una cita con Nina Agdal y todo lo que conseguí fue este estúpido sombrero", felizmente accedió a la petición de Brooke. Se puso detrás de ella y le realizó un estrangulamiento trasero.

La influencer/boxeadora pareció desmayarse, temblando, mientras Danis y otros dos evitaban que se estrellara contra el suelo.

Brooke volvió en sí varios segundos más tarde y dio su opinión inmediata de la experiencia y la comparó con el MDMA.

"¡Oh Dios mío, esto es mucho mejor que las drogas!" dijo Brooke después de la demostración.

Las estrellas de las MMA no son ajenas a hacer demostraciones con gente normal, ¿recuerdas cuando Paige VanZant casi noquea a nuestro reportero Lucas en el estudio de TMZ hace unos años?

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Lucas no quería golpear... pero Harvey le obligó.

En cuanto a Dillon y Elle, parece que todo el mundo salió de la experiencia en buenos términos. Brooke publicó el momento con Danis en redes sociales después del encuentro diciendo: "La próxima vez, ¿podemos hacerlo desnudos?".

La interacción se produce pocos días antes de la pelea entre Danis y Paul, en el Prime Card en Manchester, luego de meses de despiadada habladuría. Basándonos en todo el drama que rodea el combate... estamos seguros de que será un evento de alto impacto.

Bigfoot CO Sighting Shows 'Sasquatch' ... Blending Into Mountain!!!

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nothing to see here ...
Instagram / @bt92.travels

BIGFOOT IS REAL!!!!! That, or is this just another silly hoax ... you decide.

Check out this clip that's making the rounds, which purports to capture a real sasquatch sighting in Colorado. The video was apparently shot over the weekend during a steam-engine train ride from Durango to Silverton ... cutting through the San Juan National Forest.

As they were chugging along, it seems a group of passengers noticed what they believed to be Biggie walking along on the side of a mountain they were passing ... and they caught him.

Watch ... it certainly looks like a bipedal creature making its way through, and it even appears to notice the train -- spurring the beast to immediately crouch down in an attempt to blend in with its environment. We'll be honest, he does a good job of that ... it's uncanny.

During this same instance, a separate passenger snapped a still image ... although, it's unclear if it's the same bigfoot that's on video here, or a completely different one. In any case, with that photo ... you can kinda make out what looks to be an actual face!

Of course, despite this being fairly decent footage of the famed bigfoot ... many are still skeptical and not buying it, feeling like this is probably just a person in a gorilla costume.

We'll say this .. it's definitely one of the better purported sightings out there -- and funny enough, it actually kinda resembles the best video known to exist ... the notorious Patterson-Gimlin film that was shot way back in the late '60s, and which still has people torn.

He's been the hide-and-seek champ for years -- but that reign is over. We see ya, buddy. 😅


Do you think the video is real proof bigfoot exists? Vote below.