Les Misérables Oil Protesters Storm Stage ... Five Arrested In London

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X / @JustStop_Oil

Environmental activists stormed a theater where Les Misérables was being performed and took over the stage ... halting the production and leading to several arrests.

The chaotic scene happened during a Tuesday performance of the famous play in London's West End, where folks protesting against oil, gas and coal rushed the stage before the play was over.

Video shows demonstrators from "Just Stop Oil" storming the stage in the middle of a musical number ... with protestors shouting at the audience to "join the rebellion."

Police officers were called and five activists were arrested.

Demonstrators rushed the stage from either end as the Les Mis cast was performing the show's famous song, "One Day More." The show tried to go on but the cast was then escorted off stage, and the theater was evacuated and the show did not finish.

The audience booed the protestors as they held up orange banners with the Just Stop Oil logo ... with some in the crowd shouting at the activists to get the hell outta there.

Just Stop Oil says its goal is to demand governments stop licensing new oil, gas and coal projects ... and they've protested other big events like Wimbledon and vandalized famous Vincent Van Gogh artwork.

Ticket prices for Les Miserables range from $49 to $183 ... so no wonder the paying customers were pissed, though they are getting refunds.

Les Misérables Manifestantes protestan contra el uso del petróleo Cinco detenidos en Londres

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Locura en el intermedio
X / @JustStop_Oil

Activistas ecologistas irrumpieron en un teatro en donde se presentaba Los Miserables. Se tomaron el escenario, detuvieron la producción y varios de ellos fueron detenidos.

La caótica escena tuvo lugar durante una representación el martes de la famosa obra en el West End de Londres, donde personas que protestaban contra el uso del petróleo, el gas y el carbón se abalanzaron sobre el escenario antes de que terminara la obra.

El video muestra a los manifestantes de "Just Stop Oil" irrumpiendo en el escenario en medio de un número musical y alentando al público a que "se unan a la rebelión".

El teatro llamó a la policía y cinco activistas fueron detenidos.

Los manifestantes se abalanzaron sobre el escenario desde ambos extremos, mientras el reparto de Les Mis interpretaba la famosa canción del espectáculo, "One Day More." La producción intentó continuar, pero el elenco fue escoltado fuera del escenario, el teatro evacuado y el espectáculo quedó inconcluso.

El público abucheó a los manifestantes mientras sostenían pancartas de color naranja con el logotipo de Just Stop Oil. Algunos en la multitud les gritaban que salieran de allí.

Just Stop Oil dice que su objetivo es exigir a los gobiernos que dejen de conceder licencias para nuevos proyectos de petróleo, gas y carbón. La agrupación ya ha protestado en otros grandes eventos como Wimbledon y ha destrozado famosas obras de Vincent Van Gogh.

Los precios para Los Miserables oscilan entre los 49 y 183 dólares, así que no es de extrañar que los clientes estuvieran cabreados, aunque ya están recibiendo reembolsos.

Las Vegas Raiders Fan Socked In Face In Violent Fistfight ... At Chargers Game

A Las Vegas Raiders fan had a really rough Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles ... his team not only lost to the Chargers -- he was socked in the face by a huge haymaker while attending the game.

The Howie Long supporter was decked after he got into a spat with a Justin Herbert fan during the Raiders vs. Bolts tilt at SoFi Stadium ... and the wild fight was all captured on video.

You can see the fracas appeared to start when the Long supporter got into the face of the man in the powder blue jersey.

Apparently not liking the guy in his grill, the Herbert supporter got up and seemed to headbutt the Long fan ... before uncorking a massive right hand that caught the guy flush in the face.

The blow sent the Raiders fan straight to the ground ... but when he got up, he was hit by another couple punches. Eventually, the Herbert fan pushed the guy down several rows of stairs.

Thankfully, a man in a black Charles Woodson jersey stepped in to break up the fight before things escalated further.

It's unclear if either combatant was kicked out of the game over the melee.

As for the on-the-field action, the Chargers ended up holding on to win the contest, 24-17.

ladrón prende fuego a un trabajador durante una violenta pelea

el terrible momento

Un trabajador de una tienda de California intentó detener a un presunto ladrón, pero acabó en urgencias con quemaduras en todo el cuerpo después de que el sospechoso le prendiera fuego.

El empleado, Suraj, estaba trabajando con su compañero en Appian Food and Liquor, en El Sobrante el 22 de septiembre cuando Kendall Burton entró y presuntamente robó líquido para encendedores por tercera vez ese día.

El compañero de trabajo vio el robo y notificó Suraj, que fue a confrontar Burton y fue cuando comenzaron los problemas.

El vídeo de vigilancia muestra a Suraj luchando violentamente con Burton, mientras que su compañero de trabajo agarra un bate de béisbol que tenía dentro de la tienda.

Durante el forcejeo, Burton vierte el líquido sobre la cabeza de Suraj y le prende fuego.

Antes de que se corte el vídeo, se ve a Suraj corriendo frenéticamente al baño para apagar las llamas rociándose con agua.

Suraj fue trasladado a un hospital local y tratado por quemaduras graves en la cara, el cuello, el pecho y el hombro.

Desde la cama del hospital, Suraj declaró a CBS Bay Area que nadie debería estar sometido a tales peligros y pidió más seguridad en el lugar de trabajo. También dijo que le queda un largo camino de recuperación y que necesita varias operaciones para reparar los cuantiosos daños.

Su esposa ha creado una página en GoFundMe para ayudar a sufragar sus crecientes gastos médicos.

En cuanto a Burton, fue detenido y acusado de asalto con arma mortal, agresión, incendio provocado y robo. Actualmente está detenido sin fianza.

Flaming Horror Serial Shoplifter Sets Clerk On Fire ... Caught On Surveillance Video


A California store clerk tried to stop an alleged shoplifter, but ended up in the emergency room with burns covering his body after he was set ablaze by the suspected thief.

The clerk, Suraj, was working with his coworker in Appian Food and Liquor in El Sobrante September 22, when Kendall Burton came in and allegedly stole lighter fluid for the third time that day.

The coworker saw the theft and notified Suraj, who went to confront Burton ... and all hell broke loss.

Newly released surveillance video shows Suraj violently struggling with Burton, while his coworker retrieves a baseball bat from somewhere inside the store.

During the tussle, Burton pours the accelerant over Suraj's head and lights him on fire.

Before the video cuts off, Suraj is seen frantically running to the bathroom to extinguish the flames by dousing himself with water.

Suraj was rushed to a local hospital and treated for serious burns over his face, neck, chest and shoulder.

From his hospital bed, Suraj told CBS Bay Area that no one should be subject to such dangers and called for more security in the workplace. He also said he has a long road to recovery and needs several surgeries to repair the extensive damage.

His wife has set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for his rising medical costs.

As for Burton, he was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon, battery, arson and robbery. He's currently being held without bail.

U2 Da inicio a su residencia en Las Vegas Con show fuera de este mundo

¡U2 se abalanzó sobre Las Vegas para el primer show de su residencia de tres meses, y la experiencia no solo fue electrizante, fue, literalmente, fuera de este mundo!

Escenarios impresionantes

La icónica banda de rock irlandesa comenzó su concierto el viernes por la noche para su "U2: UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere", dentro de una monstruosa estructura similar a un planeta de 516 pies de ancho y 366 pies de alto, y con una extensión de casi dos manzanas de la ciudad.

Aún más llamativo fue el impresionante espectáculo de láser, que combinaba luces de neón blancas y azules rodeadas de torres de pantallas de televisión que proyectaban imágenes del grupo sobre el escenario. En un momento, se proyectó un video de Elvis Presley, con antiguas imágenes de Las Vegas y los miembros de U2 envueltos en burbujas.

Por supuesto, el recinto estaba abarrotado con más de 17.000 fans. Todos disfrutaron de los éxitos del legendario vocalista, Bono, el guitarrista The Edge, junto con el bajista Adam Clayton y el batería Bram van den Berg, quien sustituyó al enfermo Larry Mullen.

El cuarteto interpretó algunos de sus temas más conocidos, como "The Fly", "Angel of Harlem", "Desire", "One", "Mysterious Ways" y "Atomic Punk". Ataviado con sus características gafas de sol, Bono se mostró de una forma inusual, dando vueltas alrededor de su micrófono mientras entonaba las letras.

Como colofón, un grupo de famosos acudió a celebrar la primera actuación de U2 en cuatro años. Entre las estrellas estaban Sir Paul McCartney, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Jon Hamm y Bryan Cranston.

U2 Kicks Off Vegas Residency ... With Otherworldly Show

U2 swooped down into Las Vegas for the first show of their three-month residency ... and the experience was not only electrifying, but it was literally out of this world!!!

The iconic Irish rock band kicked off Friday night's concert for their "U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere" performance inside a monstrous planet-like structure that is 516 feet wide and 366 feet tall -- and consumes nearly two city blocks.


Even more eye-popping was the stunning laser show, combining streams of white and blue neon lights surrounded by walls of flat screen TVs flashing images of the group onstage. At one point, a video of Elvis Presley was streamed with vintage snapshots of Las Vegas and the U2 members ensconced in bubbles.

Of course, the venue was packed with 17,000-plus fans. They were all treated to a slew of hits compliments of U2's legendary singer, Bono, and guitarist, The Edge, along with bassist Adam Clayton and drummer Bram van den Berg, who took over for the ailing Larry Mullen.

The foursome cranked out some of their most recognizable tunes including "The Fly," "Angel of Harlem," "Desire," "One," "Mysterious Ways" and "Atomic Punk." Wearing his signature sunglasses, Bono was in rare form, dipping and twirling around his microphone stand while belting out his lyrics.

The starry guest list was extensive too, BTW -- big names like Paul McCartney, Adam Scott, Snoop Dogg, Ava DuVernay, Matt Damon, Bryan Cranston, Chelsea Clinton, Chris Blackwell, Mario Lopez, Dakota Fanning, Darren Aronofsky, Diplo, Dr. Dre, Elizabeth Banks, Flava Flav, Gayle King, Guy Oseary, Neil Patrick Harris, Jane Buffet, Jane Seymour, Jason Bateman, Jeff Bezos, Jimmy Iovine, Jimmy Kimmel, Jon Hamm, Josh Duhamel, Katy Perry, Lebron James, Luke Wilson, Oprah, Orlando Bloom and Oscar De La Hoya, just to name a few.

Indeed, it was a who's-who of Hollywood ... safe to say, the Sphere is a hit and then some.

Disturbing School Video Teacher Knocked Out Cold ... After Student Throws Metal Chair At Her


A Michigan teacher had a harrowing experience in school this week ... she was knocked unconscious by a metal chair throwing student.

The terrifying incident was captured on video Thursday afternoon in a classroom at Southwestern Classical Academy in Flint.

Check out the clip ... the instructor is standing in front of her class as one of the students yells at her from the side of the room.

It's not clear what the beef is about ... but, at some point, the student picks up the chair and throws it at the teacher, who gets clobbered in the head with it and drops like a sack of potatoes to the floor.

What's worse ... another student is heard cheering as the teacher lays unconscious.

The woman was eventually rushed to a hospital, where she was treated for non-life-threatening injuries and released.

Southwestern Academy Superintendent Kevelin Jones wrote a letter to parents informing them about the attack, which was described as a "physical altercation between two scholars" that led to the teacher getting hurt.

In the letter, Jones did not indicate whether the unruly student was arrested by police and/or punished by the school.

We've reached out to Jones and the Flint Police Department for comment ... so far no word back.

Central Park León marino escapa del zoológico Después de las inundaciones en Nueva York


Un león marino en el zoológico del Central Park hizo un gran escape en medio de las inundaciones en Nueva York, nadando fuera de su recinto gracias a la subida de las aguas.

El video muestra al león marino al otro lado del recinto, nadando en aguas marrones, lo suficientemente altas como para que pudiera salir de la piscina.

Hay otros dos leones marinos nadando alegremente alrededor del recinto, pero uno fue capaz de llegar por encima de la valla. En el video lo vemos relajándose en un lugar normalmente reservado para los seres humanos, al menos cuando no está todo inundado.

Como referencia, así es como se ve normalmente la exhibición de leones marinos. La piscina no es tan grande y el mamífero que se escapó está bastante cerca de una carpa que conduce a otra área del zoológico.

El león marino no se escapó completamente, pero sí se salió de su hábitat y presumiblemente tuvo mucha curiosidad sobre lo que hay más allá de su pequeña piscina.

Como saben, fuertes lluvias están golpeando la Gran Manzana, con inundaciones extremas en toda la ciudad.

Nueva York bajo el agua

El zoológico del Central Park estuvo cerrado al público el viernes debido a las severas condiciones climáticas y los leones marinos parecen estar disfrutando al máximo el día.

Esto no es, sin embargo, "Liberen a Willy", el zoológico dice que las aguas inundadas ya está bajando y que los leones marinos están de vuelta en su recinto.

Central Park Zoo Sea Lion Escapes Zoo Exhibit ... After NYC Flooding


A sea lion at the Central Park Zoo made a great escape amid all the flooding in New York City ... swimming out of its enclosure thanks to rising waters.

Video shows the sea lion on the other side of the exhibit, swimming around in brown water ... which was high enough for the animal to get out of the pool.

There are two other sea lions happily swimming around the enclosure, but one was able to make it over the fence ... with the marine mammal is chilling in a spot normally reserved for humans, at least when it's not underwater.

For reference, here's how the sea lion exhibit usually looks ... as you can see, the pool isn't that big, and the escaped sea lion is pretty close to a tent that leads to another area of the zoo.

The sea lion didn't escape the zoo completely ... but she did get out of their habitat, and she's obviously pretty curious about what lies beyond her little pool.

As you know ... heavy rain is pounding the Big Apple and there's extreme flooding throughout the city.


The Central Park Zoo was closed to the public Friday as a result of the severe weather conditions, and the sea lions seem to be making the most of a rainy day.

This ain't "Free Willy" though ... the zoo says flood waters are going down and the sea lions are back in their enclosure.

Infowars' Alex Jones Choked Unconscious By Jiu-Jitsu Champ ... Snores On Podcast 💤


Strange time for a nap ... Alex Jones literally went to sleep while appearing as a guest on Craig Jones' (no relation!) show on Thursday after the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu champ sent the controversial host to La La Land with a super tight rear-naked choke! 😴

49-year-old Jones' was appearing on Craig's "El Segundo Podcast" when the IBJJF world champ got to live out the real-life fantasy of many of Alex's opponents, literally putting the Infowars host to sleep square in his chair on set.

It's unclear what led up to the submission (Alex was clearly down with it) ... and given Craig's one of the best in the world when it comes to strangling people (he coaches Alex Volkanovski and Israel Adesanya), it didn't take him long.

Craig posted video of the incident ... and had some fun with the caption, writing, "The CIA sent me but I couldn’t do my dad like that"

Again, no father-son relation here.

The clip starts with the choke already in deep. After about 8 seconds of pressure, Jones' eyes rolled back, and he was out cold.

Almost 10 seconds later, Alex finally wakes up ... but clearly had no idea what the hell just happened -- common among people who have been choked out.


"What? What'd I just do?" Alex asked, looking around.

Presumably, Craig will drop more videos with Alex when the pod episode debuts.

Of course, if you're a fight fan, you've undoubtedly seen a ton of them done during MMA fights. The choke, which restricts blood to the carotid artery, is one of the very first moves taught in Jiu-Jitsu.


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sin supervisar

Una niña de 3 años se disparó con una pistola en una casa en Florida. El horrible incidente fue grabado en vídeo.

La niña, llamada Serenity, estaba jugando en el salón de la casa de su abuela en Miami el pasado sábado cuando saltó al sofá cerca del arma de fuego cargada.

Échale un vistazo a este material recién publicado que muestra Serenity agarrando la pistola con la mano y mirando a un pariente, Orlando Young, que está preocupado viendo un partido de fútbol.

De repente, el arma se dispara y Serenity recibe un impacto en el brazo, gritando de dolor.

Young levanta la vista, totalmente aturdido y corre hacia Serenity para comprobar su herida y prestarle ayuda. Otras personas entran en la habitación mientras se desata el caos.

Young indica a otra persona que traiga un cinturón para envolver la herida de bala y detener la hemorragia. A continuación, escolta a Serenity fuera de la sala de estar, pero pronto regresa para recuperar su arma del sofá antes de que el vídeo se corte.

Serenity fue finalmente trasladada a un hospital donde fue operada. Fue dada de alta el martes y ahora se recupera en casa.

En cuanto a Young, fue detenido por dejar su arma de fuego sin vigilancia en la casa. La fiscalía le acusó de un delito de negligencia infantil con lesiones graves.

Insane Video 3-Year-Old Girl Shoots Herself ... Unattended Gun in FL Home

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A 3-year-old girl shot herself with an unattended gun in a Florida home, and the horrific incident was caught on video.

The young girl, named Serenity, was playing in the living room at her grandma's Miami-Dade abode last Saturday when she jumped onto the couch near the loaded firearm sitting in plain view.

Check out this newly released footage ... which shows Serenity grabbing the pistol with her hand and peering over at a relative, Orlando Young, who is preoccupied watching a football game on his laptop.

Suddenly, the gun discharges and Serenity is hit in her arm, crying out in pain.

Young looks up, totally stunned, and rushes over to Serenity to check out her injury and give her assistance. Other people dash into the room as total chaos ensues.

Young directs another person to get a belt to wrap around the bullet wound to stop the bleeding. He then escorts Serenity out of the living room, but soon returns to retrieve his gun from the couch before the video cuts off.

Serenity was eventually taken to a hospital, where she underwent surgery. She was released Tuesday and is now recovering at home.

As for Young, he was arrested for leaving his firearm unattended in the house. Prosecutors charged him with felony child neglect with great bodily harm.

Charlie Puth Encourages Street Performer After Piano Smash ... Invites Him to Concert

Charlie Puth is picking up the street performer who was left to pick up his piano when a woman smashed it to the ground ... offering words of encouragement and a special invite.

The "We Don't Talk Anymore" singer reached out to Andrew Hsu, the Georgia street performer from a recent viral video, messaging him over the incident.

TMZ obtained the DMs Charlie and Andrew exchanged ... with Charlie telling Andrew, "I'm sorry that bull s*** happened to you ... Don't let it ever discourage you from performing, I know it won't ... But that video just upset me so much. You're a wonderful player and I wish you nothing but success and constant musical inspiration."

Andrew thanks Charlie for the kind words, tells him he's not going to give up performing, shares how he went to Charlie's show in Georgia and says he hopes to meet him and Billy Joel.


As we reported ... video shows Andrew playing Billy's anthem, "Piano Man," in Athens, GA when a rude woman comes up and smashes his piano to the ground. Andrew also accused her of stealing from his tip jar, and she eventually apologized after tons of backlash.

Charlie says he can't really set Andrew up with Billy, who apparently doesn't have a cell phone, but he says he would love for Andrew to come to one of his future shows.

Andrew tells TMZ ... since the video went viral, tons of folks requested to donate to a new piano ... and he put his Venmo on social media and got $2,000 in just two days, earmarking the money for a new keyboard and keyboard stand.


So, it seems like this story has a happy ending for Athens' piano man.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Charlie Puth Anima al artista callejero al que destrozaron su teclado... Lo invita a un concierto

Charlie Puth está apoyando al artista callejero que tuvo que recoger su piano cuando una mujer lo lanzó contra el suelo, ofreciéndole palabras de aliento y una invitación especial.

El cantante de "We Don't Talk Anymore" se acercó a Andrew Hsu, el artista callejero de Georgia protagonista de un reciente video viral y le envió un mensaje sobre el incidente.

TMZ obtuvo el DMs entre Charlie y Andrew, en donde Charlie le dice: "Siento mucho que esa m*** te pasara. No dejes que nada te desanime a actuar, sé que no pasará, pero el video me disgustó mucho. Eres un músico maravilloso y solo te deseo éxito e inspiración musical constante".

Andrew agradeció a Charlie por sus amables palabras y le dijo que no iba a renunciar a sus actuaciones en la calle. También le contó de cuando fue a uno de sus shows en Georgia y le dijo que espera reunirse con él y Billy Joel.

aplastando el piano

Como informamos, el video muestra a Andrew tocando una canción de Billy Joel en la calle en Atenas, Georgia, cuando una mujer grosera se acerca y bota su piano al suelo. Andrew también la acusó de robarse su tarro de propinas, y eventualmente ella se disculpó después de recibir toneladas de reacciones en su contra.

Charlie dice que realmente no puede organizar un encuentro entre Andrew y Billy, quien aparentemente no tiene teléfono celular, pero dice que le encantaría que Andrew viniera a uno de sus shows la próxima vez que esté en EE.UU..

Andrew le dice a TMZ que desde que el video se hizo viral, toneladas de personas se ofrecieron a donar dinero para un nuevo piano. Él puso su Venmo en las redes sociales y consiguió $2,000 en solo dos días, suma que destinará para un nuevo teclado y soporte.

Así que parece que esta historia sí tiene un final feliz para el hombre del piano.

Dramatic Police Video Two Teens Steal SUV ... Arrested After High-Speed Chase


Two teens stole an SUV and went for a joyride in Florida, but they got into a wild, high-speed police chase and ended up under arrest.

Sunday's dramatic pursuit was captured on aerial footage from a police helicopter as marked vehicles followed the juveniles in a red Toyota along the Tampa freeways, going at dangerous speeds. Earlier that day, the suspects had stolen the vehicle, which was left unlocked with the engine running in a driveway.

In the footage, the helicopter cop talks over the radio with another officer, confirming the color of the SUV and that it's traveling in the left lane.

The video then jumps to another highway, where police cruisers surround the Toyota and try to corral it.

But, the SUV drives off the road and onto a grassy embankment, managing to escape, though it's only for the moment.

While continuing its pursuit, one cop car performs an approved police maneuver called PIT, plowing into the Toyota, which spins around and comes to a stop on the thoroughfare.  (PIT stands for precision immobilization technique, which is used as a tool to end police chases.)

Deputies exit their vehicles and point their guns at the teens, ordering them out of the SUV.

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said they arrested the 15-year-old driver who was charged with aggravated battery on law enforcement deadly weapon, grand theft motor vehicle and fleeing to elude high speed. The 14-year-old passenger was charged with grand theft auto.

No one was injured.