Fatal Vegas Hit-And-Run Cops Arrest Passenger ... Who Filmed & Laughed During Attack

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The passenger who was filming and cackling while his buddy struck and killed a man riding his bike has been arrested.

The unnamed suspect was taken into custody Tuesday in Clark County -- this according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, which says they have their man. His identity has yet to be revealed ... he's also a minor -- just like his alleged accomplice.

The DAs said on Tuesday the 2 males are expected to be tried as adults, however. It was also revealed a student at a local school showed the shocking video to an officer on campus, which was how the department first learned of it.

Andreas Probst's daughter, Taylor, spoke about the loss of her father at the press conference ... saying her family is "devastated by the senseless murder" that took place last month, saying the death is a direct result of "society's decayed family values" and the effects of social media.

Remember, these two are who cops say is featured in a now notorious video that circulated online ... graphically depicting the murder of 64-year-old Probst, who was simply riding his bicycle down the street when the two guys in the stolen car opted to hit him.

You can hear them talking about it right before they hit the accelerator -- the guy driving asks his passenger if he should go for it ... and the passenger encourages him to do it.

Probst went flying into the air and was left for dead on the road. The two teenagers in the car can be heard laughing it up as they drive away.

Mind you ... right before they ran over Probst, the two had gotten into a separate road rage incident -- where they slammed into another car -- literally just moments beforehand.

However, authorities now say there was a third incident that went down roughly 30 minutes before all of this ... where the 2 teens hit another person on a bike, claiming the passenger was the one behind the wheel this time.

They say the other cyclist and the alleged road rage victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

The video has drawn widespread outrage and condemnation ... and Vegas PD has since publicly pleaded for help in ID'ing the other dude. Now, police say they have them both.

It remains to be seen if the passenger will face similar charges as the driver -- who's being prosecuted for hit-and-run as well as murder.


La mujer que se declaró "famosa en Instagram" mientras la echaban de un avión está a punto de conseguir aún más fama (si lo desea). Resulta que el porno entró a la escuación.

Morgan Osman  —la una vez miembro del elenco de "Bad Girls Club"— ahora tiene una oferta bastante lucrativa sobre la mesa del sitio XXX CamSoda, que tiende a centrarse en la transmisión de POV de modelos desnudas.

¡Soy famosa de instagram!

En una carta enviada a Morgan y obtenida por TMZ, CamSoda le dice a la modelo de Instagram que hizo una salida épica de su vuelo y que es un complemento perfecto para su marca, y es por eso que están dispuestos a darle 5 cifras para desnudarse en vivo en la cámara.

Un representante de la compañía escribe: "Dado tu interés en ser filmada, aquí en CamSoda nos encantaría que te transmitieras en nuestra plataforma XXX. Me gustaría ofrecerte formalmente hasta 25.000 dólares por realizar un show cam de una hora de duración en nuestro sitio."

El sitio le dice Morgan que puede mostrar su cuerpo de la manera que quiera, ya sea ropa interior, trajes de baño, un strip tease o simplemente traje completo. El punto es que tendría que mostrar algo de piel.

No se sabe si Morgan ha visto la oferta todavía. Tampoco ha respondido.

Ser expulsado de los vuelos comerciales parece dar buen dinero estos días, ya sea económicamente o simplemente obteniendo una fama fugaz. Aún así no te lo recomendamos, es más probable que acabes tratando con las autoridades.

'I'm IG Famous' Model Offered $25k Porn Deal After Airplane Freak-Out

The woman who declared herself "Instagram famous" while getting booted from a plane ... is about to get even more fame -- if she wants it, porn can be part of the equation too.

Morgan Osman -- the one-time "Bad Girls Club" cast member -- now has a somewhat lucrative offer on the table from XXX site CamSoda, which tends to focus on streaming POV of nude models.


In a letter sent to Morgan, and obtained by TMZ, CamSoda tells the IG model -- who made an epic exit from her flight -- she's a perfect fit for their brand, and they're willing to give her 5 figures to strip, live on cam.

A rep for the company writes, "Given your interest in being filmed, we here at CamSoda would love to have you broadcast yourself on our XXX platform. I’d like to formally offer you up to $25,000 to perform a one-hour-long cam show on our site."

CS says Morgan can show off her hot bod in whatever way she likes -- whether it's lingerie, bathing suits, a strip tease or just full birthday suit. Point is ... she'd have to show some skin.

No word on whether Morgan's seen the offer yet -- she hasn't responded.

Getting booted from commercial flights seems to pay these days ... whether it be financially or just fleeting fame. Still, we wouldn't recommend it, you're more likely to end up dealing with the FBI.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Michoacán, México Dos personas mueren tras impacto de un rayo Espeluznante video

Horrible incidente

Dos personas han fallecido tras ser alcanzadas por un rayo en una playa de México, y el espeluznante incidente fue grabado en video.

El terrible suceso ocurrió en Michoacán este lunes, ubicado en la costa del Pacífico, cuando el clima se puso muy complicado. En el video se puede ver a alguien recogiendo un quitasol, justo antes de que caiga el rayo.

Después de que la primera persona es golpeada, se puede ver cómo el rayo parece viajar por la arena hasta alcanzar a la segundo. Ambos colapsaron tras recibir el impacto, causando gritos de horror en las personas que estaban en el lugar.

Según el medio español MARCA, las víctimas eran un hombre y una mujer. Uno vendedor de hamacas y el otro turista. La mujer murió en el acto, mientras que el hombre falleció en el hospital mientras recibía tratamiento.

Las probabilidades de que una persona sea alcanzada por un rayo son escasas, aproximadamente de 1 entre 15.300.

Una media de 2.000 personas son golpeadas por un rayo cada año en todo el mundo, y aunque el 10% de ellos mueren, el 90% restante puede quedar con secuelas a largo plazo, como pérdida de memoria y convulsiones.

Mexico Beach 2 Killed by Lightning Strike ... Terrifying Clip


2 people are reportedly dead after being hit by a bolt of lightning on a beach in Mexico ... and the horrifying incident was caught on video.

The ordeal went down in Michoacán Monday, along the country's Pacific coast -- as the weather got super nasty. You can see someone packing up an umbrella, just before the strike.

After the first person is hit, you can see the lightning appear to travel along the sand to the other person ... both of them collapse, causing nearby folks to scream in horror.

According to Spanish outlet MARCA, the victims were a man and a woman -- one was a tourist, and the other sold hammocks. The outlet says the woman was killed instantly at the scene, and the man later died at the hospital while receiving treatment.

Odds for a person to get hit by lightning are rare, at about 1 in 15,300.

An average of 2,000 people are struck worldwide every year, and while 10% of those who get hit are killed, the other 90% could be left with long-term effects like memory loss and seizures.

NFL Star Nick Chubb Suffers Gruesome Knee Injury ... Out For Season

Courtesy of NFL

Cleveland Browns running back Nick Chubb suffered a horrific knee injury Monday night ... one that was so bad, ABC chose not to air close-up replays of it.

The NFL star and his team were going toe to toe against the Steelers during a primetime game in Pittsburgh ... when Chubb got knocked out of the contest in the second quarter.

During one of the plays ... Deshaun Watson handed the ball to the 27-year-old tailback, who sprang forward into a crush of helmets, getting tackled by Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick.

Moments later, Chubb was unable to get to his feet even with the help of his teammate. He grimaced and writhed in pain as he gripped his left knee -- which he also severely injured in 2015 while playing college football.

A far-away replay showed Chubb's leg had bent in a way it shouldn't have ... and both Joe Buck and Troy Aikman -- the game's broadcasters -- told the audience they would not be showing the other angle of the hit due to its gruesomeness.

Chubb was then carted off the field to cheers from the opposing crowd at Acrisure Stadium.

Cleveland Browns

After the game, Browns head coach Kevin Stefanski told reporters Chubb suffered a "significant knee injury" -- one that will almost certainly sideline the running back for the rest of the season.

Making matters worse for Cleveland, the Steelers went on to win the game, 26-22. Not a good night for the Browns.

Estrella de la NFLA Nick Chubb Sufre una horrible lesión de rodilla Fuera por la temporada

La fuerte lesión
Courtesy of NFL

El corredor de los Cleveland Browns, Nick Chubb, sufrió una terrible lesión de rodilla el lunes por la noche, tan mala, que ABC optó por no transmitir repeticiones en primer plano de ella.

La estrella de la NFL y su equipo se enfrentaban a los Steelers en un partido en horario prime en Pittsburgh, cuando Chubb quedó fuera de combate en el segundo cuarto.

Durante una de las jugadas, Deshaun Watson le entregó el balón al jugador de 27 años, quien saltó hacia adelante, y fue aplacado por Fitzpatrick.de los Steelers Minkah Fitzpatrick.

Momentos después, Chubb fue incapaz de ponerse en pie incluso con la ayuda de su compañero de equipo. Hizo una mueca y se retorció de dolor mientras se agarraba la rodilla izquierda, que también se lesionó gravemente en 2015 mientras jugaba en la universidad.

Una repetición lejana muestra que la pierna de Chubb se dobló de una manera que no es la debida, y tanto Joe Buck como Troy Aikman, los locutores del juego, le dijeron a la audiencia que no iban a mostrar el otro ángulo del golpe, por lo fuerte que era.

Chubb fue sacado del campo entre los vítores de la multitud en el Estadio Acrisure.

No se ve bien
Cleveland Browns

Después del partido, el entrenador de los Browns, Kevin Stefanski, dijo a los periodistas que Chubb sufrió una "lesión significativa en la rodilla", una que casi con toda seguridad lo dejará fuera por el resto de la temporada.

Para empeorar las cosas para los Cleveland, los Steelers ganaron el partido por 26-22. Definitivamente no fue una buena noche para los Browns.


Los policías de Las Vegas están presionando duro para obtener información en torno a la fatal atropello y fuga que mató a un ciclista, rogando a cualquier persona con pistas sobre el terrible incidente a presentarse.

El departamento de policía de la ciudad solicitó la ayuda del público a finales de agosto, un par de semanas después de que el jefe de policía jubilado Andreas Probst fuera atropellado y muriera mientras montaba en bicicleta.

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el horrible momento

Laas autoridades dijeron que los oficiales encontraron y detuvieron al conductor de 17 años y lo acusaron del atropello y fuga, pero las cosas cambiaron una vez que descubrieron el video, añadiendo asesinato abierto a sus cargos después de determinar que el golpe fue intencional.

La policía no ha dicho si el pasajero —que filmó el brutal accidente— ha sido arrestado pero la policía de Las Vegas está pidiendo a cualquiera que tenga información que se presente y ofrezca lo que sabe.

El departamento tampoco ha revelado información sobre el conductor de 17 años debido a su edad.

Como informamos, los 2 adolescentes se reían en el vídeo perturbador mientras conspiraban para golpear Probst en una calle de Las Vegas el mes pasado chocando contra él y enviándolo volando por su parabrisas y sobre el hormigón detrás de ellos.

Probst fue trasladado a un hospital donde más tarde fue declarado muerto.

Cyclist Hit-And-Run Las Vegas Police Pleading For Info Surrounding Fatal Video

Las Vegas cops are pushing hard for information surrounding the fatal hit-and-run that killed a cyclist ... pleading for anyone with tips about the horrific incident to come forward.

The city's police department asked for the public's help at the end of August -- a couple of weeks after retired police chief Andreas Probst was struck and killed while riding his bicycle.

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The LVMPD said officers found and arrested the 17-year-old driver, and charged him related to the hit-and-run ... but things changed once they discovered the video -- adding open murder to his charges after determining the hit was intentional.

Cops haven't said if the passenger, who filmed the brutal crash, has been arrested ... but Las Vegas PD is asking for anyone with info to come forward and offer up what they know.

The department also hasn't released information about the 17-year-old driver due to his age.

As we reported, the 2 teens were laughing in the disturbing video while plotting to hit Probst on a Las Vegas street last month ... crashing into him and sending him flying up their windshield and onto the concrete behind them.

Probst was rushed to a hospital where he was later pronounced dead.


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horrible ataque y fuga

En un vídeo se escucha a dos adolescentes riendo mientras arrollan deliberadamente con su carro a un ciclista en Nevada, matándolo.

El conductor de 17 años y su acompañante circulaban por una calle de Las Vegas el 14 de agosto y se acercaron por detrás de Andreas Probst, que circulaba en bicicleta por el carril de ciclistas.

El pasajero, que estaba grabando con su teléfono móvil, empezó a reírse con el conductor mientras planeaban atropellar a Probst, un jefe de policía jubilado de California, se les puede oír decir: "¿Preparado?" y "Sí, pégale en el culo".

Momentos después, el conductor chocó contra Probst, haciéndole salir volando hacia el parabrisas antes de caer al suelo.

Probst fue trasladado a un hospital local donde fue declarado muerto.

Los adolescentes huyeron del lugar pero el conductor fue detenido poco después por el atropello y fuga. Los cargos se elevaron posteriormente a homicidio cuando el vídeo apareció recientemente en Internet mostrando que el crimen fue intencionado.

No está claro si el pasajero fue acusado.

Disturbing Video Teens Chuckle, Fatally Mow Down Bicyclist ... Caught On Video

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Two teens were heard laughing on a video as they deliberately plowed their car into a bicyclist in Nevada, killing the man -- a retired police chief.

The 17-year-old driver and his passenger were cruising down a street in Las Vegas on August 14, coming up behind Andreas Probst as he rode his cycle in the bike lane.
Filming with his cell phone, the passenger was chuckling with the driver as they plotted to run over Probst. You can hear them say, "Ready?" and "Yeah, hit his ass."

Moments later, the driver crashed into Probst, causing him to fly up onto the windshield before tumbling to the ground.

Probst was rushed to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead. He reportedly moved to Vegas after retiring as chief from California's Bell Police Department in 2009.
The teens fled, but the driver was soon arrested for the hit-and-run. The charges were later upgraded to include murder when the video recently surfaced online, showing the crime was intentional.

It wasn't clear if the passenger was charged.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Nearly Accosted By Bogus Cop ... During L.A. Campaign Stop

Tik Tok/@teamkennedy2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had a close call with a member of "law enforcement," but the heavily armed "officer" turned out to be fake and got arrested.

The 2024 Democratic presidential hopeful was campaigning at a Hispanic Heritage Month event in L.A. Friday when the suspect -- posing as a U.S. Marshal -- tried to approach him.

The phony fed was carrying two loaded pistols in shoulder holsters and a bunch of ammo, as well as a bogus U.S. Marshals ID badge.

But the guy made a HUGE mistake, identifying himself as a member of Kennedy's security detail. Of course, Kennedy's real bodyguards didn't recognize him and promptly detained him and called police.

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Check out video posted on TikTok, which shows LAPD officers putting the man in handcuffs and searching his pockets. Criminal charges have yet to be filed.

Interestingly, Kennedy's campaign event was held at the Wilshire Ebell Theater, which is about two miles from the now-demolished Ambassador Hotel, where his father, U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, was assassinated on June 5, 1968.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Casi es abordado por un falso policía Durante campaña en LA

arrestan al impostor
Tik Tok/@teamkennedy2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. estuvo a punto de enfrentarse a un agente de las "fuerzas del orden", completamente armado, que resultó ser falso y fue detenido.

El candidato demócrata a la presidencia en 2024 estaba haciendo campaña en un acto celebrado el viernes en Los Ángeles cuando el impostor, que supuestamente se hacía pasar por un U.S. Marshal, intentó acercarse a él.

El falso federal llevaba dos pistolas cargadas en fundas de hombro y un montón de munición, así como una placa de identificación falsa de los U.S. Marshals.

Pero cometió un GRAN error, cuando se identificó a sí mismo como miembro del equipo de seguridad de Kennedy. Por supuesto, los verdaderos guardaespaldas de Kennedy no le reconocieron, lo detuvieron y llamaron a la policía.

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Agotadoras circunstancias

Echa un vistazo al video publicado en "X", antes Twitter, en donde se ve a agentes de la policía de Los Ángeles esposando al hombre y vaciándole los bolsillos.

Curiosamente, el acto de campaña de Kennedy se celebró en el Wilshire Ebell Theater, que está a unos tres kilómetros del ahora demolido Hotel Ambassador, donde su padre, el senador estadounidense Robert F. Kennedy, fue asesinado el 5 de junio de 1968.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Returns To WWE After 4 Years ... Annihilates Ex-Champ Austin Theory

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson knows how to make an entrance and he proved it in a big way with his surprise return to the WWE after nearly 4 years.

The Rock stunned the packed crowd watching WWE Smackdown at Ball Arena in Denver, Colorado Friday night, when he stepped out from behind a backdrop to his signature song, "Electrifying," playing loudly over the sound system.

Everyone went berserk, cheering like crazy and shooting cell phone video to capture the epic moment. You may recall, the last time the WWE legend had suited up for a wrestling match was in October 2019.

After the initial shock, The Rock made his way to the ring, where former WWE U.S. Champion Austin Theory and ex-NFL punter Pat McAfee were giving each other some lip.

The Rock got in on the action, trading insults with Theory as the tension grew.

Finally, The Rock sent Theory over the edge after calling him an "a**hole" -- and even getting the audience to chant, "You are an a**hole."

Theory threw a flurry of punches that hit their mark, but The Rock quickly turned the tables and gave his opponent a spinebuster.

With Theory laid out on the canvas, The Rock delivered his famous “people’s elbow."

It was all over after that. Theory was down for the count.

The Rock is back!!!!

Rep. Lauren Boebert Reaches Across the Aisle ... For Two Handfuls of Date's Crotch

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5:06 PM PT -- Rep. Lauren Boebert is breaking her silence on the theater incident, saying ... "The past few days have been difficult and humbling, and I'm truly sorry for the unwanted attention my Sunday evening in Denver has brought to the community. While none of my actions or words as a private citizen that night were intended to be malicious or meant to cause harm, the reality is they did and I regret that."


In a statement Friday, Boebert cites her ongoing divorce as a factor, saying she's tried to handle it with "strength and grace" only to "fall short of my values" at the theater.


She's also explaining why she initially said she wasn't vaping, despite video evidence to the contrary, saying ... "Whether it was the excitement of seeing a much-anticipated production or the natural anxiety of being in a new environment, I genuinely did not recall vaping that evening when I discussed the night's events with my campaign team while confirming my enthusiasm for the musical."


Now, Boebert says she was vaping and it was never her intention to mislead the public, adding ... "We do understand the nature of how this looks."


She says she has work to do to earn back trust and she's vowing to do better moving forward.

Rep. Lauren Boebert's night inside a Denver theater was way more handsy than it initially appeared -- new video shows her groping her date's crotch as he aggressively paws at her breast.

In the new surveillance video clip -- recorded Sunday night during a performance of "Beetlejuice" -- Boebert's date first reaches over to fondle her right breast, and almost immediately she puts a hand in between his legs.

The groping of her chest continues throughout the clip, and eventually the U.S. Congresswoman puts her other hand in his crotch as well.

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As we previously reported, other clips revealed Boebert was also illegally vaping inside the theater -- something she had denied -- and that eventually got her and her date kicked out of the performance. For good measure, she flipped off a theater employee on the way out.

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Boebert is, of course, a staunch and vocal Trump Republican -- but her date is reportedly an Aspen bar owner ... and a Democrat. If only we could get this kind of bipartisan cooperation in Washington.

Pick your controversy here folks, but the biggest takeaway we see is: Who knew "Beetlejuice" was such a turn-on??? This should do wonders for future ticket sales.

Originally Published -- 4:37 PM PT

Dwayne "la Roca" Johnson Regresa a la WWE después de 4 años Aniquila al ex campeón de EE.UU. Austin Theory

Dwayne "la Roca" Johnson sabe cómo hacer una entrada y lo demostró a lo grande con su sorpresivo regreso a la WWE después de casi 4 años.

La Roca sorprendió a la multitud que presenciaba la WWE Smackdown en el Ball Arena de Denver, Colorado, el viernes por la noche, cuando salió de detrás de un telón de fondo con su canción favorita, "Electrifying", sonando a todo volumen por el sistema de sonido.

Todo el mundo enloqueció, vitoreando como locos y grabando con el móvil para capturar el épico momento. Como recordarán, la última vez que la leyenda de la WWE se había vestido para un combate de lucha libre fue en octubre de 2019.

Después de la conmoción inicial, la Roca se dirigió al ring, en donde el hasta hace poco campeón de Estados Unidos de la WWE, Austin Theory, y el ex puntero de la NFL, Pat McAfee, se estaban dando duro.

La Roca entró en acción, intercambiando insultos con el actual campeón a medida que crecía la tensión.

Al final, lo llevó al límite cuando lo llamó "idiota", e incluso consiguió que el público coreara: "Eres un idiota" ("You are an a**hole.")

Theory lanzó una ráfaga de puñetazos que dieron en el blanco, pero la Roca cambió rápidamente las tornas y propinó a su oponente un spinebuster.

Con Theory tendido en la lona, la Roca asestó su famoso "codazo popular".

Todo terminó después de eso, con el actual campeón boca abajo para la cuenta.

¡¡¡¡La Roca está de vuelta!!!!