Trump Supporter Xenophobic Attack Blunted by Loose Dentures


8:55 AM PT -- The woman apparently has a pattern of being fired up and getting in people's faces at these kinds of rallies.


Over the weekend, Carla went to a rally in Bev Hills and was in the thick of an argument over defunding the police. Only this time, she was behind the camera calling another women a "Karen" and didn't have any denture issues.

A woman decked out in Trump 2020 gear unleashed a hateful, xenophobic attack at a counter-protester, but her efforts were blunted by some loose dentures.

It seems this all went down at some sort of Trump rally. The woman who says her name is Carla ... tells an Asian woman to go back to where her ancestors came from.

Problem is ... Carla's dentures keep falling out. She struggles in her verbal attack ... it's hard to keep a stiff upper lip when your chompers aren't secure.

Boy ... this tirade was so bad even her dentures wanted a quick escape.

Originally published -- 7:26 AM PT

California Wildfires Driver Perilously Tries to Escape Flames

California is on fire ... and these images show the panic, desperation and sheer scope of the tragedy.

Check out this dash cam footage from the Hennessy fire in Northern California's Napa County, which has burned around 200,000 acres and is only 7% contained.

The car is barreling down the road, flanked by flames that are almost licking the vehicle as the driver tries to escape.  Among the dangers ... trees toppling to the ground after being engulfed in flames.

There are around 560 flames burning in the state ... many started by some of the nearly 12,000 lightning strikes.  There are thunderstorms all around Northern Cal and sweltering temps, making firefighting next to impossible.

The scope of the fires is unprecedented, and, as Governor Newsom said during the DNC ... it underscores the climate crisis.

And in the Gulf of Mexico ... there are 2 tropical storms converging on the Gulf at the same time ... something that has never been seen before in the area.

Wendy's Here's the Beef!!! Drive-Thru Window Rage

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office

Here's something Wendy's workers don't see everyday -- a customer going so HAM at the drive-thru, he climbed right through the window ... and now he's a wanted man.

The bizarre incident went down earlier this month at a Wendy's in Tampa and surveillance footage shows a man forcing his way through the drive-thru window and wreaking havoc.

As you can see, the guy leaned halfway through the window and started tossing cups and hurling trays. He even briefly had a hold of the cash drawer, but it slipped through his fingers as the Wendy's cavalry arrived to force him back outside.

The guy was still pissed, though, and continued pounding on the glass as friends tried to calm him down before he drove away ... pretty damn hangry, we're willing to bet.

The Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office says a Wendy's employee told deputies the man and his passengers became belligerent while placing their order. They've already figured out he was in a rental car, and cops say the rental company's filed a failure-to-return complaint.

As Joe Pesci would put it ... this guy definitely f***ed himself at the drive-thru! The Sheriff says he's facing potential burglary, criminal mischief and petty theft charges.

Australian Cop Flung Trying to Cling to Car Door ... During Crazy Getaway

One Australian cop can now say he does his own stunts -- because that's exactly what it looked like as he went flying through the air trying to stop a guy who allegedly jacked a car.

One Australian cop can now say he does his own stunts -- because that's exactly what it looked like as he went flying through the air trying to stop a guy who allegedly jacked a car.

A Victoria police officer got roped into an action movie scene late last week in Melbourne, while attempting to detain a man who cops say was making an escape in a stolen car -- allegedly, because he was breaking the country's stage four lockdown restrictions.

The man didn't wanna talk though, and according to authorities ... hopped into this whip and tried driving off. This one cop wasn't about to let him off easy, as he tried yanking the dude out through the driver side, but things went left when they started going in reverse.

Because of his position on the door, the officer was flung back when the car hit another one behind it on impact. His body was thrown at least 10 feet or so, and he hits a parked car incredibly hard before springing back up and continuing to give chase to the getaway driver.

We gotta say, the cop here is pretty tough all things considered. He's said to have only suffered minor injuries from the scary encounter. As for the suspect, he was reportedly apprehended and booked on several charges. Also ... they say he contracted COVID-19.

Black Lives Matter Protester Arrested By Armed, Plainclothes Cops ... In Unmarked Van

Pittsburgh Protest
@samm_bones / Twitter

This is scary ... a Black Lives Matter protester in Pittsburgh was grabbed by armed men in civilian clothes and yanked into an unmarked van ... and turns out they were cops.

Matthew Cartier was allegedly blocking traffic during the protest and refused commands by officers to clear a path for cars. They say he left but came back and did it again.

Police say the 25-year-old protester was scaring drivers, and that's why they moved in.

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto said they're reviewing all the video and will have a statement Sunday.

Cartier has been charged with disorderly conduct, failure to disperse and obstructing traffic.

As for armed officers who are not wearing uniforms jumping out of unmarked vans and taking people into custody, the justification appears to be that they don't want to become an obvious flashpoint, but the idea someone can be yanked in a van this way ... well, it's pretty frightening.

And, how does someone know if they're being arrested or kidnapped?

Wild Video Bison Drags Woman ... Rips Off Her Pants!!!

Jo Reed

That home where the buffalo roam ain't as tranquil as it sounds in the song ... just ask this woman who got dragged around like a rodeo clown!!!

The wild incident went down Wednesday at Custer State Park in South Dakota and you see the bison flinging this poor woman around like a rag doll ... with her belt hooked around one of the animal's horns.

The Custer County Sheriff says the victim, a 54-year-old woman from Iowa, was airlifted to a hospital ... but when it was all said and done, she avoided any serious, long term injuries.

Witnesses say the woman had gotten off her motorcycle and approached a bison calf when an adult bison came charging, catching her belt and jeans on its horn.

Authorities say the woman was apparently saved because her pants came off. She fell to the ground unconscious, and the bison ran off with the rest of the herd.

The Sheriff is emphasizing what most people should already know ... stay in your vehicles and keep a safe distance from all bison.

Heroic Cop Can't Train for This ... Saves Man from Speeding Locomotive!!!

Cop Saves Man In Wheelchair, Train Tracks

A veteran police officer took quick action and risked her own life to save a man in a wheelchair from being run over by a train ... just in the nick of time.

The incredible rescue in Northern California was caught on the body cam of Lodi PD Officer Erika Urrea, who was patrolling the area Wednesday morning when she noticed the 66-year-old man was still on the railroad tracks as the crossing arms were coming down.

Urrea hopped out of her cruiser and ran to the man to move him away, but upon realizing his wheelchair was wedged in the tracks -- with a locomotive charging toward them -- she pulled the guy off and they both fell to the ground ... just as the train sped by and struck the wheelchair.

It all went down in a matter of seconds, and Urrea radioed for help after the save as the man suffered a leg injury. Police say he was transported to the hospital for treatment and is expected to survive.

Pretty clear from this video ... Urrea's selfless actions prevented a total tragedy, and Lodi PD brass say they're proud of her heroism.

Powerlifting Champ Fractures Both Knees, Snaps Quads ... In Horrifying 800-Lb Squat Attempt

A Russian powerlifting champ fractured both his knees and snapped both his quads in an 800-plus-pound squat attempt gone horrifically wrong ... and the video is TERRIFYING.

The awful scene all went down when decorated weightlifter Alexander Sedykh stepped up to the bar at a World Raw Powerlifting Federation event near Moscow this past weekend.

Sedykh -- the event's champ just a year ago -- loaded up 400 KG (roughly 880 pounds) on the bar ... and when he went to squat it, things took an awful turn.


In the video, you can see Sedykh's legs wobble ... before they eventually give out with a loud cracking sound.

Immediately, Sedykh is in serious pain ... and after he was rushed to the hospital, he reportedly required hours of surgery to fix his broken legs and quadriceps muscles.

"The main thing is that I must lie motionless in bed for two months,” Sedykh reportedly said of the injuries. “Then I'll be taught how to walk again."

He added, "It’ll take time to recuperate" and "I've had my quadriceps re-sewn and my knees put back together.”

Pacman Jones Sets Joe Haden Jerseys On Fire ... 'P*ssy Ass'

Adam Jones

A bunch of autographed Joe Haden Steelers jerseys were shipped to Adam 'Pacman' Jones' house on Wednesday ... and the ex-NFLer reacted by lighting the whole batch ON FIRE.

Yeah, this is wild.

The 36-year-old documented the whole thing in a bizarre Instagram video on Wednesday ... saying, "I'ma show you how gangsta I am, whoever sent these punk ass Haden Pittsburgh jerseys, all these bitches about to get fired up."

For the record, we don't know if there's a beef between Pacman and Joe Haden ... but it sure seems like Pacman isn't a fan.

Joe Haden just posted a response video -- informing Pacman he had nothing to do with the jersey shipment!

Joe Haden

Haden says he’s always had respect for Pacman and seems to be just as confused as the rest of us!

It's unclear who sent the jerseys, but Joe Haden's wife, Sarah, made it clear her husband had nothing to do with it.

"Real Classy," Sarah commented to Pacman ... "You obviously don’t know his character. He would NEVER send this."

Regardless, Pacman proved he was a man of his word ... pouring gasoline on the Haden threads and setting the batch on fire -- one by one.

"I don't know who had the nerve to do some s**t like this, but they all finna get burnt," Jones said in the video.

"F**k you too, Joe Haden and whatever you stand for, bitch as n***a."

We're reaching out to Pacman and his people to find out where the animosity is coming from ... but until then, just enjoy the video?!

Close Encounters Family Feeds Wild Black Bear ... PB&J Coming Right Up!!!

Caters News

It's peanut butter jelly time for this brave/reckless family, that decided it would be a good idea to start feeding a wild black bear peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!!!

Ya gotta see this video ... a huge black bear approaches a family on a picnic bench in the woods, and they start snapping selfies with the animal before whipping up some PB&Js for the hungry beast.

The bear has some pretty good manners, calmly waiting while an incredibly dumb human spreads a thick glob of peanut butter all over a piece of bread and lets the bear eat it right outta his hand.

Another guy thinks it's a bright idea and feeds the bear another sando.

The woman filming the feeding from afar is getting a kick out of it, and everyone seems to be having a great time, despite the fact they're tempting fate. Naturally, there's a 30 rack of cold beers on the picnic table too.

Choosy den mothers choose Jif.

Wild Black Bear Balls Chopped Off After Sniffing Woman's Hair

@BBCabinda / Twitter

The wild black bear caught on camera taking a big ol' up-close whiff of a woman in a nature park has paid a dear price -- he's been captured and castrated.

The juvenile animal underwent the painful procedure after authorities deemed him a threat to visitors at the Chipinque Ecological Park in Mexico, where the bear was known for his close encounters with humans.

As we reported ... video last month showed the curious bear getting on its hind legs to sniff a woman's hair as she calmly took a selfie. The bear also put a paw on her and seemed to nuzzle her.

Folks who live near the park reportedly call the animal "the friendly bear" ... and officials are coming under fire for their decision to capture and castrate the young bear, which weighs 212 pounds.

The black bear was captured by officials from Mexico's federal environmental protection agency while sleeping in someone's backyard. Not the best way to wake up from a nap.

The bear is being relocated from Nuevo León to a mountain range in Chihuahua ... but his family jewels won't be going with him.

Lightning Strike Demolishes Tree!!! Woman Dodges Dangerous Projectiles


A Louisiana woman's lucky to be alive after a frightening encounter with mother nature when a lightning strike obliterated a tree, sending thousands of pieces flying ... and it was all caught on video.

The incident went down in the small town of Morgan City, Louisiana -- about 86 miles west of New Orleans -- where home security footage captured the moment Sarah Ribardi came incredibly close to being struck by wood shrapnel that came flying in her direction after the tree near her home was reduced to rubble in less than a second.

Watch the video ... it's incredible the woman was able to immediately run back inside after the huge tree splintered. The video, shot Friday, shows a nanosecond of a bright flash ... and then a deafening crack.

Scary stuff.

BLM Protesters Beaten By Pro-Cop Group in Ugly Brawl Cops Make Arrests, Both Sides


2:38 PM PT -- Fort Collins Police Services has shed a bit more light on who they arrested and why -- saying they took action against members of both parties ... while apparently chastising the pro-cop group's methods.


The agency says it arrested four different people in connection to Saturday's brouhaha -- booking them on charges from criminal tampering and resisting arrest to disorderly conduct and possession of an illegal weapon. They didn't specify which suspects were affiliated with which groups -- but did note they made arrests on both sides of the fight and are looking for other troublemakers that got away.


The FCPS also says ... "We respect everyone's right to peacefully assemble. Our officers have consistently supported these rights in recent months as people have gathered to make their voices heard. For the safety of our community, acts of violence and other unlawful behavior have not and will not be tolerated from anyone."


Then comes the telling line ... "Truly supporting a cause means representing its values. Committing crimes in our community is not a way to support police. We stand for safety, period. We want all of our community members to feel safe here in Fort Collins and we reject any form of hate." That seems to be a shot at the pro-police group, many of whom were seen on video throwing down, arguably more so than the BLM crowd was.

A pro-police group beat a group of Black Lives Matter counter-protesters ... and you actually hear someone from the pro-police group say don't use weapons but punching is encouraged.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The group -- Back the Blue -- was holding a rally in Fort Collins, Colorado Saturday when some Black Lives Matter protesters showed up.

It appears the Back the Blue crowd went after the BLM protesters, and you hear someone shout, "Everybody keep their hands off their weapons. Keep punching each other in the face. Don't shoot anybody."

Someone from the BLM group said, even though they were not the aggressors, they were detained by cops but were never told why.

Originally Published -- 10:05 AM PT

Parachuting Buffoon Glides into Cleveland Apt. Building ... How Ya Doing, Neighbor?!?

Cleveland was more See-Where-You-Land Saturday night -- 'cause a guy parachuted into the downtown night scene ... and smacked himself against a building only to be left dangling.

Check out this crazy video that was taken right in the heart of downtown Cleveland, where some bozo glided down from the night sky and ran right into an apartment complex, which luckily snagged his 'chute toward the top and kept him from plunging two stories down.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Post.

Like we said, the guy kinda splats into the wall here -- but, surprisingly, he seems to be okay(ish) ... except the fact he's got no way to get down potentially falling. As he squirms around to free himself, the videographer notes that he and his friend should probably help.

Of course, they seem to take their sweet time as they watch the funny scene unfold and a crowd begins to gather below. This could've turned out a lot worse, but considering the man appears to be fine up there (for the most part), ya can't knock 'em for soaking it in.

BTW, the guy eventually got rescued by firefighters -- and later, he told cops he and a few friends jumped from a plane, although it's unclear from where originally. The others reportedly landed safely in a nearby park, but this joker ended up breaking his leg in the whole ordeal.

The question we have ... how'd the person whose window is facing out from that level feel to have this guy's crotch and ass plastered all over your view? Anything goes in the Land!

Coronavirus Anti-Masker Hurls Insults, Threats ... Against Supermarket Employee

You wanna see someone disgusting ... check out this anti-masker who castigates a supermarket employee ... essentially calling her a loser because of her job.

It went down in Long Island, New York when an employee at a King Kullen market apparently told this shopper to wear a mask. Well, that set her off, threatening to "beat the f***ing s***" out of the employee, warning, "Don't pull your communist bull**** on me."

She then gets personal and insulting ... remember, the employee is an essential worker who, aside from enforcing the rules in the store, presumably is trying to keep her family and herself safe. That didn't stop the anti-masker from some loathsome insults.

And, check this out ... this video was shot at a restaurant in North Carolina where an employee got into it with a Grubhub driver. The employee claims the guy came up to the window without a mask and was chowing down on a Burger King sandwich. She says when she asked why he wasn't wearing a mask, he started screaming and spitting with food in his mouth.

As for these anti-maskers ... we'll assume extreme ignorance, so a little lesson. They can kick your ass out of the store for not wearing a mask. You're right, it's America, and they have a right to keep you out of the store. And, to the Grubhub driver ... sorry, sir, you don't have a Constitutional right not to wear a mask, and citing the 4th Amendment -- prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures -- well, it just shows what you don't know.

Wedding Proposal Disaster The Ring's Swimmin' with the Fishes!!!

This is hysterical ... a wedding proposal on a boat goes horribly wrong because the would-be fiance's wingman has a TERRIBLE throwing arm!!!

We don't know their names or exactly where they were, but it doesn't matter. The ring, inside the ring box, goes in the drink and a guy -- presumably the thrower -- jumps in to retrieve it.

We don't know if he got the ring back, but you gotta say ... it's a memorable proposal. We're assuming she said yes, even sans bling.

And, this is funny ... an NFL meme page posted the video with the caption, "When you ask Mitch Trubisky to help you with your proposal ..."

We're guessing when they get married, the wingman won't be the ringman.