EL YOUTUBER JACK DOHERTY es DEMANDADO POR ASALTO y AGRESIÓN Por el puñetazo de un guardaespaldas

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X / @dohertyjackk

Jack Doherty ha sido demandado por agresión y lesiones por un hombre que afirma que Doherty y otro hombre le dieron una paliza en una fiesta unos días antes de Halloween.

Según nuevos documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, un hombre llamado Chase Gardella está demandando al YouTuber y guardaespaldas Kane Kongg -nombre real Justin Goslee- por un incidente que aparentemente fue capturado en un video que muestra a Kane golpeando a una persona directamente en la cara.

Recordemos que en octubre, Jack publicó un clip de una fiesta de Halloween en Los Ángeles, donde parecía que estaba involucrado en un altercado con varios invitados. En el clip, se puede ver a Kane golpear a alguien de pie junto al YouTuber Corinna Kopf, que luego cae en el camino de ladrillo debajo de él con fuerza.

Gardella afirma que estaba en esta fiesta de Halloween el 29 de octubre y estaba hablando con Jack y Kane alrededor de las 12:30 AM. Según los documentos, Jack dijo "Vamos a pelear. Nosotros dos contra ustedes dos, muy bien" -cosa que se alinea con el clip de YouTube- y momentos más tarde, Chase dice que Kongg le dio un puñetazo.

Chase dicie que no consintió en ser golpeado y sufrió lesiones en la cabeza, el cuello y la cara cuando cayó. Gardella afirma que Jack ha publicado varios videos en su cuenta de YouTube en los que sus guardaespaldas intimidan a las personas que reaccionan mal a sus bromas.

También afirma que Goslee ha tenido problemas legales por agresiones en el pasado - como recordarás, informamos de un supuesto incidente anterior en el que fue acusado de noquear a una mujer mientras trabajaba como seguridad para DaBaby.

El abogado de Chase -Greyson Goody- le dice a TMZ: "Esta fue una agresión repugnante y no provocada contra un hombre joven por un boxeador profesional en la dirección de su empleador influenciador de medios sociales. Chase se ocupaba de sus asuntos, disfrutando de una divertida fiesta de Halloween con amigos cuando fue brutalmente atacado por un hombre varias veces más grande que él. Este tipo de comportamiento por parte de Jack Doherty y sus compinches tiene que terminar. Chase sufrió lesiones graves que podrían arruinar su vida y su carrera".

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Doherty está siendo demandado por asalto, agresión, negligencia y angustia emocional. Gardella está buscando daños y perjuicios no especificados.

Youtuber Jack Doherty Sued For Assault, Battery ... Over Bodyguard Punch

102823-jack-doherty-security-kal OCTOBER 2023
X / @dohertyjackk

Jack Doherty is being sued for assault and battery by a man who claims Doherty and another man beat him up at a party a few days before Halloween.

According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, a man named Chase Gardella is suing YouTuber and bodyguard Kane Kongg -- real name Justin Goslee -- for an incident that was apparently caught on video showing Kane punching a person squarely in the face.

Remember ... back in October, Jack posted a clip from David Dobrik's Halloween party in L.A. where it looked like he was involved in an altercation with several partygoers. In the clip, you see Kane punch someone standing by YouTuber Corinna Kopf, who then falls on the brick path underneath him hard.

Gardella claims he was at this Halloween party on October 29 and was talking to Jack and Kane at around 12:30 AM. According to the docs, Jack said "We’re gonna fight. Us two versus you two, alright go" -- which lines up with the YouTube clip — and moments later Chase says Kongg punched him.

Chase is saying he did not consent to being punched and suffered injuries to his head, neck and face when he fell. Gardella claims Jack has posted a number of vids to his YouTube account where his bodyguards intimidate people who react poorly to his pranks.

He also claims Goslee has been in legal trouble for assaults in the past -- you’ll recall, we reported an earlier alleged incident where he was accused of knocking out a woman while working security for DaBaby.

Chase's attorney Greyson Goody tells TMZ... “This was a disgusting, unprovoked assault on a young man by a professional boxer at the direction of his social media influencer employer. Chase was minding his own business, enjoying a fun Halloween Party with friends when he was brutally attacked by a man several times larger than him. This sort of behavior by Jack Doherty and his cronies needs to end. Chase suffered serious injuries that could de-rail his life and career.”

TMZ Studios

Doherty is being sued for assault, battery, negligence and emotional distress. Gardella is seeking unspecified damages.

Bobbi Althoff Deepfake Masturbation Video Ain't Me, It's Freakin' AI!!!

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Bobbi Althoff has been trending all week for all the wrong reasons -- a video purporting to depict her in a sexual manner has been circulating ... but she's calling it out as fake as hell.

Here's the deal ... this clip has been floating around online for the past few days -- and anyone who's anyone can tell it's a straight-up deepfake ... superimposing what looks to be Bobbi's face onto a woman who's masturbating on a bed, all in front of a camera.

Some idiots on X have been feeding into and recirculating it as real -- claiming it was "Bobbi's nudes" -- but the influencer herself is pouring cold water on all that by speaking out.

She posted a screengrab of her name trending on X/Twitter -- which was apparently popping off in the "Rap" category -- and noted that what people had been losing their minds over was not, in fact, her ... but rather, just a computer image trying to pass as her.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Bobbi wrote, "Hate to disappoint you all, but the reason I'm trending is 100% not me & is definitely AI-generated." She also posted a video addressing it ... and stamped it down there too.

So, there you go ... Bobbi's saying it ain't her -- and if you're familiar with her brand ... you'd know she would NEVER record herself doing something like that. BA is a bit of a prude -- and she's also a mom ... so definitely not the type to be raunchy just 'cause.

Granted, she is single these days -- her husband recently filed for divorce -- but still ... this ain't the sort of thing Bobbi would post. It had "fake" written all over from the jump.

Funny enough ... Bobbi was probably hoping to be trending over her latest cringe-y interview -- this time, she talked to Wiz Khalifa ... and it's just as good as all her others. Unfortunately, pervs had her name going around for something super gross ... what else is new?

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Welcome to the new world of the Internet, y'all ... none of us are safe with this tech. 😬

Bobbi Althoff El video sexual es un deepfake No soy yo, es la maldita IA!!

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Acallando los rumores

Bobbi Althoff ha sido tendencia toda la semana y no por las razones correctas. Ha estado circulando por estos días un video que pretende mostrarla de una manera sexual, pero ella está diciendo que eso es falso como el infierno.

Esta es la cuestión, el clip ha estado apareciendo en línea los últimos días, y cualquiera podría darse cuenta de que es un deepfake, esto es, la superposición de lo que parece ser la cara de Bobbi con una mujer que se masturba en una cama, todo delante de una cámara.

Algunos idiotas en X lo han hecho circular de nuevo como real, afirmando que son "desnudos de Bobbi", pero la propia influencer está echando agua fría sobre todo.

Ella publicó una captura de pantalla de su nombre en las tendencias de X / Twitter, al parecer en la categoría "Rap", y señaló que las personas que han estado perdiendo la cabeza, lo han hecho por las razones incorrectas, pues no es ella, sino más bien, solo una imagen computacional tratando de pasar por ella.

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Bobbi escribió: "Odio decepcionarlos a todos, pero la razón por la que soy tendencia, en un 100% no soy yo, y está definitivamente generada por IA". Ella también publicó un video abordando todo el asunto, que compartió también.

Así que ahí lo tienen, Bobbi está diciendo que no es ella y si estás familiarizado con su marca sabrías que NUNCA se grabaría a sí misma haciendo algo así. Bobbi es un poco mojigata y también madre, así que definitivamente no del tipo obscena porque sí.

Por supuesto, ella está soltera por estos días. Su marido recientemente le pidió el divorcio, pero aun así, este no es el tipo de cosa que Bobbi publicaría. Todo en el video grita "falso".

Bastante divertido. Probablemente, Bobbi esperaba ser tendencia por su última entrevista. Esta vez, habló con Wiz Khalifa y es tan buena como todas las anteriores. Por desgracia, los pervertidos tenían su nombre dando vueltas por algo super bruto.

TMZ investiga
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Bienvenidos al nuevo mundo de Internet, ninguno de nosotros está a salvo con esta tecnología. 😬

El bromista de los BAFTA se cuela en la victoria de "Oppenheimer" Y se sube al escenario

Un tipo cualquiera se coló en el escenario de los BAFTA, donde Christopher Nolan y otros responsables de "Oppenheimer" se encontraban tras una importante victoria, y los directores del evento están cabreados.

Este incómodo momento se produjo el domingo durante la gran gala de premios británica -básicamente los Oscar para el Reino Unido- cuando "Oppenheimer" ganó el premio a la Mejor Película y un grupo de miembros del reparto y el equipo subieron a aceptarlo.

Obviamente, Nolan subió al escenario, al igual que Cillian Murphy y otros productores de la película, pero hubo un rezagado que subió al escenario y definitivamente no era su sitio.

El tipo sobresalía simplemente de pie en silencio en la parte posterior del grupo y sin pestañear, manteniendo su compostura y manteniendo la fachada. Nadie dijo nada acerca de su presencia, incluyendo Cillian, que estaba justo a su lado.

El discurso de aceptación llegó y se fue, y este bromista en realidad no causó mucha escena en absoluto, pero eso no quiere decir que la gente BAFTAs no estaban enojados, porque estaban.

Un representante de la organización dijo: "Un bromista de los medios sociales fue retirado por la seguridad anoche después de unirse a los ganadores del premio final en el escenario - estamos tomando esto muy en serio, y no desean concederle ninguna publicidad al comentar más ".

No lo nombran, pero es bastante fácil de encontrar en línea - el tipo va por el nombre de Lizwani ... y él hace esta mierda con bastante frecuencia. Se ha colado en varias galas de premios en Gran Bretaña a lo largo de los años... y a menudo lo documenta en sus canales sociales.

No hay daño, no hay falta... bueno, los BAFTA claramente piensan muy diferente. 😅

BAFTAs Prankster Crashes 'Oppenheimer' Win ... Stands Onstage w/ Crew

A random dude crashed the stage at the BAFTAs -- where Christopher Nolan and other 'Oppenheimer' heads were after a major win -- and now ... the showrunners are pissed.

This awkward moment went down Sunday during the big British award show -- the Oscars, basically, for the UK -- and it happened right at the end of the show when 'Oppenheimer' won Best Film and a bunch of cast and crew members went up to accept.

CN obviously went up, as did Cillian Murphy and other producers for the film ... but there was one straggler who ran up onstage well after them -- and he definitely didn't belong.

The guy stood out like a sore thumb, just quietly standing in the back of the group and not batting an eyelash -- maintaining his composure and keeping up with the façade. Nobody said anything about him being there either ... including Cillian, who was right next to him.

The acceptance speech came and went, and this prankster didn't really cause much of a scene at all ... but that's not to say the BAFTAs people weren't angry, 'cause they were.

A rep for the org says ... "A social media prankster was removed by security last night after joining the winners of the final award on stage -- we are taking this very seriously, and don’t wish to grant him any publicity by commenting further."

They don't name him, but he's pretty easy to find online -- dude goes by the name of Lizwani ... and he does this crap pretty often. He's slinked his way into a number of award shows in Britain over the years ... and often documents it on his social channels.

No harm, no foul ... well, actually -- the BAFTAs clearly feel very differently about that. 😅

'Angry Reactions' Oneya Johnson Arrested For Alleged Domestic Violence

Oneya Johnson -- better known as the influencer behind the "Angry Reactions" social media account -- has been arrested for an alleged domestic violence incident ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the 25-year-old viral star -- famous for his "angry reactions" -- was arrested on the evening of Monday, February 12 in Burbank, California after a woman called from a hotel to report an altercation.

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Cops say Johnson and the woman got into a verbal argument that turned physical at one point. It's unclear exactly what may have happened between them -- but it was enough to land him in jail.

We're told the woman did not need medical attention, but Oneya was still booked on a felony domestic violence charge. He posted $50,000 bail and was released.

Oneya's risen to fame on social media in the past few years because of clips where he reacts angrily to other videos.

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For example, Johnson will film himself watching people cook or perform other weird trends on social media -- for instance, in one clip a man eats a whole corn cob -- and he'll launch into intense rants or simply stare ahead with an angry expression.

It's all in good fun -- in these videos anyway -- and he's incredibly popular ... with Johnson having amassed more than 27 million followers on TikTok since first posting back in 2020.

TMZ Studios

Johnson's next court date is set for March 5.

Jake Paul Fighting Ex-Golden Gloves Champ ... Donating Purse To Charity

Jake Paul will face off against another legit boxer in his next fight -- this time, he's going to duke it out with former Golden Gloves champion Ryan Bourland, his team announced Tuesday.

Jake (8-1) has been teasing his next opponent ever since he handled Andre August with a first-round knockout in December ... and has made it clear his goal is to become a world champion.

The Problem Child said in a statement the decision to go up against the 35-year-old Bourland (17-2) keeps him on the right path toward legitimacy -- and he's been training non-stop for his next opportunity.

"I've always said my goal is to become a world champion," Paul said of the fight. "I beat a pro boxer in December in the first round, someone who's been boxing their entire life, and what did I do next? I went straight back to camp to get ready to face my next opponent, a professional boxer who has twice as many professional fights under his belt than I do."

"It's a new year, it's an even better me, and I'm facing an even more experienced, seasoned boxer on Saturday, March 2 as co-main to the Puerto Rican GOAT, Amanda Serrano."

Bourland is on a three-fight winning streak ... but has not seen any action since 2022.

Jake added he's doing all this for the love of the sport -- NOT the fat paycheck that would come with it -- as he's going to donate his purse to his Boxing Bullies charity, which will help renovate gyms in Puerto Rico.

It may not be a big name like Tommy Fury, Anderson Silva or Nate Diaz ... but it's clear Jake's only focus is being a better boxer.

Logan Paul System Failed My Late Stalker ... After Apparent Suicide

TMZ Studios

Logan Paul was once in the crosshairs of a man who seemed obsessed with him -- and who even broke into his home -- but he didn't realize the man took his own life ... until now.

We sat with the YouTuber-turned-boxer for a conversation about this dark chapter in his life -- namely, back in 2018 when a guy named Tahj Deondre Speight allegedly trespassed by making his way into Logan's house without authorization, which led to a confrontation.

LP ended up detaining Speight -- and he was ultimately arrested, charged, prosecuted and eventually jailed ... but at some point, he died -- and it appears it was via suicide.

Harvey actually broke this news to Logan in our interview ... and it's clear he was not aware of this development -- with the update hitting him hard on the spot. We ask the question ... did the system fail Speight by not getting him the help or resources he needed?

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Logan gives an honest answer, and somewhat surprisingly ... he says he has empathy for the man he once wrestled to the ground. It's an emotional response, and a heartfelt one too.

His full chat is part of a new show called 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Logan Paul El sistema le falló a mi acosador... Después de un aparente suicidio

Les falló el sistema
TMZ Studios

Logan Paul estuvo alguna vez en la mira de un hombre que parecía estar obsesionado con él, y que incluso irrumpió en su casa, pero no sabía que el hombre se había quitado la vida.... hasta ahora.

Nos sentamos con el YouTuber convertido en boxeador para conversar sobre este capítulo oscuro de su vida. Esto es, cuando por allá por 2018, un tipo llamado Tahj Deondre Speight supuestamente entró sin autorización a su casa, lo que llevó a un enfrentamiento.

Logan Paul terminó deteniendo a Speight, quien finalmente fue arrestado, acusado, procesado y finalmente encarcelado, pero en algún momento murió y parece que fue a través del suicidio.

Harvey le dio la noticia a Logan en nuestra entrevista y está claro que él no estaba al tanto del suceso y la noticia le golpeó fuertemente. Nos preguntamos... ¿le fallo el sistema al no proporcionarle la ayuda o los recursos que necesitaba?

TMZ Studios

Logan da una respuesta honesta, y algo sorprendente, dice que tiene empatía por el hombre con quien alguna vez luchó. Es una respuesta emotiva y sincera.

Su charla completa forma parte de un nuevo programa llamado "TMZ Investiga: TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", el comienzo de una serie semanal que se emitirá en FOX el lunes.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con 988lifeline.org.

Lori Loughlin Daughter Olivia Jade Dredges Up "P" Word

Lori Loughlin's daughter Olivia Jade may want to redub her "prison" comment in a YouTube video she created showing off her amazing kitchen.


Olivia gave everyone a tour of her luxurious Los Angeles home in the 17-plus minute video she shot and uploaded to her YT vlog. But things got weird once she stepped into the kitchen and alluded to Lori's imprisonment for her mom's role in the infamous college admissions scandal.

Check it out ... Talking directly into the camera, Olivia tells her audience she just ordered wallpaper, so the kitchen won't feel so sterile.

She repeats the phrase, "It's not gonna feel like," before she stops and thinks for a moment. Then she delivers the punchline -- "a prison."

Realizing what she just said, Olivia warns her viewers to “Save the jokes. I don’t want to hear it. I set you up and I don’t want you to tee off. OK?”


Of course, the 24-year-old influencer was referring to her mother Lori and father Mossimo Giannulli's federal convictions in the 2021 college admissions case.

Lori and Mossimo pled guilty to paying a fixer half a million dollars to get Olivia and her sister, Isabella Rose, accepted into the University of Southern California under the false pretense they were rowing recruits.

The couple was convicted of federal fraud charges, and both served short prison sentences and paid $400,000 in fines -- but, hey, at the end of the day ... Olivia's got a sweet kitchen.

IShowSpeed Mistakenly Calls Stray Kids' Bang Chan 'BTS' ... During Stream

It appears IShowSpeed needs to brush up on his K-pop knowledge ... 'cause the popular gamer and YouTuber recently referred to Stray Kids member Bang Chan as "BTS" -- and the whole awkward moment played out in front of thousands of viewers.

18-year-old Speed -- who has tens of millions of followers across all platforms -- was scrolling through videos on his phone as his loyal fanbase tuned in to the stream earlier this week ... when he stumbled upon a clip of the popular group's leader discussing his admiration for the internet superstar.


"Speed is so funny," Chan said in the vid ... adding he has "mad respect for him."

"I feel like the effort he puts out to what he does is just phenomenal. I think it's just really, really cool."

Chan even revealed he watches Speed's vids with fellow groupmate Felix "all the time."

Speed was understandably pumped about the shoutout ... and asked those watching if Chan was a member of BTS before tracking down his Instagram page.

Speed then slid into the DMs ... leaving him a personal video as a "thank you" for the kind words.

"Yo brother Bang Chan, BTS, bro. I just seen the video that said you was a big fan of me, bro," Speed said ... also including some words of encouragement to "keep grinding."

Despite several people in the chat trying to correct Speed on his flub -- and the fact Chan clearly lists "Stray Kids" in his bio -- it was too late ... and he hit "send" on the video message.

STAY (the group's fanbase) quickly got wind of the mistake ... making jokes about Speed's confusion and how Chan would react to it.

Others didn't take it lightly ... pointing out the fact Speed assumed Chan was a member of BTS could be considered racist.

While BTS is undoubtedly the most famous male K-pop group to crack into massive mainstream success in the States, Stray Kids has gained momentum in their own right ... even performing at the Billboard Music Awards in November.

In other words, if Speed didn't already learn the difference ... he'll know sooner than later.


Vivek Ramaswamy espera que Jake Paul pueda darle un golpe decisivo en la campaña electoral, por eso se están uniendo para una etapa crucial en su búsqueda de la nominación del GOP.

La temporada de primarias presidenciales comienza el próximo lunes en Iowa… y Jake y Vivek estarán lado a lado el domingo mientras recorren el estado, instando a los jóvenes de la generación Z a salir y votar.

Sintoniza con Vivek

La portavoz de Vivek, Tricia McLaughlin, le cuenta a TMZ… “Estamos muy emocionados de que Jake se una a la campaña y esperamos que pueda motivar a los jóvenes”.

Continúa diciendo que, aunque Vivek está viendo mucho entusiasmo entre los jóvenes votantes, la popularidad de Jake y su capacidad para atraer a una multitud será un gran activo en la víspera de las asambleas de Iowa.

Nos comentan que el dúo viajará en el avión privado de Vivek a eventos en 4 de las universidades más grandes de Iowa, todo como parte del “Compromiso con la concentración.”

Tricia dice que Vivek habló con Jake sobre unirse a la campaña hace algunas semanas, cuando asistió a la pelea de Jake contra Andre August en Florida. Como informamos, Jake consiguió asientos de primera fila para Vivek.

No hay duda, Ramaswamy necesita un impulso importante. Las encuestas recientes muestran que está muy por debajo del 10 por ciento de los posibles votantes de las asambleas del GOP en Iowa… pero la campaña de Vivek insiste en que están llegando a un grupo de votantes que no se tiene en cuenta en esas encuestas.

Ya sea en redes sociales o en el boxeo, Jake ha demostrado que sabe cómo atraer a una multitud, pero ahora veremos si puede hacer que la gente vote por Ramaswamy.


Vivek Ramaswamy is hoping Jake Paul can deliver a knockout punch for him on the campaign trail ... which is why they're teaming up for a critical stretch in his bid for the GOP nomination.

The presidential primary season starts next Monday in Iowa ... and we're told Jake and Vivek will be side-by-side on Sunday as they travel around the state urging Gen-Zers to come out and vote.


Vivek's spokesperson, Tricia McLaughlin, tells TMZ ... "We're very excited Jake's joining on the campaign trail and we're hoping it can really drive out younger people."

She goes on to say that while Vivek is seeing a lot of enthusiasm from young voters, Jake's star power and ability to command a crowd is going to be a major asset on the eve of the Iowa caucus.

We're told the duo will travel in Vivek's private plane to events at 4 of the biggest universities in Iowa ... all as part of the "Commit to Caucus Rally."

Tricia says Vivek talked to Jake about joining the campaign trail a few weeks ago ... when he attended Jake's fight against Andre August in Florida. As we reported, Jake hooked up Vivek with ringside seats.

Make no mistake, Ramaswamy needs a big spark. Recent polls show he's well under 10 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus voters ... but Vivek's campaign is adamant they're tapping into a group of voters that isn't accounted for in those polls.

Whether it be social media or boxing Jake has proven he knows how to draw a crowd -- but now we'll see if he can draw folks to cast a vote for Ramaswamy.

Logan Paul compra los NFT de CryptoZoo por 2.3 millones de dólares

Logan Paul dice que está comprometiendo más de 2.3 millones de dólares para corregir los errores de su fracasado CryptoZoo y también está presentando una demanda contra la gente que afirma que descarriló su juego.

Logan está cumpliendo su promesa de volver a comprar Base Egg y Base Animal tokens no fungibles de CryptoZoo, por su precio de compra original a través de un sitio web donde los inversores pueden presentar reclamaciones.

Recordemos que Logan anunció el juego CryptoZoo en 2021, facturando el proyecto animado NFT como "un juego muy divertido que hace dinero." Según se informa, el juego se inspiró en Pokémon y a las personas que pagaron $1.100 se les dijo que podían incubar, criar, coleccionar y comercializar híbridos de animales exóticos en la blockchain. La primera tanda de 11.000 NFT se agotó rápidamente, pero CryptoZoo nunca llegó a comercializarse.

Logan dice que tenía "las mejores intenciones" para CryptoZoo y "nunca ganó un solo centavo con el proyecto". Dice que gastó $400K desarrollando el juego y dice que se completó a principios de 2023, pero no fue lanzado debido a "obstáculos con la regulación que no comprendía realmente en un principio".

Logan añade: "Al igual que usted, yo estaba muy decepcionado porque el juego no fue entregado".

Logan dice que su programa de recompra de 2.3 millones de dólares "no está destinado a compensar a aquellos que apostaron en el mercado de criptomonedas y perdieron".

Además de la recompra de NFT, Logan también está tomando medidas legales, alegando en una nueva demanda que el desarrollador principal de CryptoZoo —Eduardo Ibáñez— y el "Crypto King" Jake Greenbaum son los culpables del fracaso del juego y no él.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, una de las primeras banderas rojas en el proyecto ocurrió justo después del día de lanzamiento, con la actividad comercial sospechosa sucediendo, donde parecía docenas de personas ajenas al proyecto que de alguna manera obtuvieron información de la existencia del nuevo mercado de ZOO Tokens.

La demanda afirma que la actividad comercial poco clara hizo que la capitalización de mercado de ZOO Tokens cayera de unos 130 millones de dólares a 26 millones de dólares.

En cuanto al CryptoZoo, Logan dice que el juego no se lanzará, pero todavía podría haber una oportunidad para que él consiga un poco de justicia en los tribunales.

Logan Paul Buying Back $2.3M In CryptoZoo NFTs Suing Over Derailed Game

Logan Paul says he's committing more than $2.3 million to right the wrongs of his failed CryptoZoo ... and he's also filing a lawsuit against the folks he claims derailed his game.

Logan's delivering on his promise to buy back Base Egg and Base Animal non-fungible tokens from CryptoZoo for their original purchase price ... via a website where investors can submit claims.

Remember ... Logan announced the CryptoZoo game back in 2021, billing the animated NFT project as "a really fun game that makes you money." The game reportedly drew inspiration from Pokémon and folks who paid .1 Ethereum were told they could hatch, breed, collect and trade  exotic animal hybrids on the blockchain. The first wave of 11,000 NFTs quickly sold out but CryptoZoo was never released.

Logan says he had "only the best possible intentions" for CryptoZoo and "never made a single penny from the project." He says he spent $400K developing the game and says it was completed in early 2023 but wasn't released due to "regulatory hurdles that would need to be cleared that I did not originally understand."

LP adds ... "Like you, I was highly disappointed the game was not delivered."

Logan says his $2.3 million buyback program "is a way for me to make whole those who intended to play CryptoZoo. The buyback is not intended to compensate those who gambled on the crypto market and lost."

In addition to the NFT buyback, Logan is also taking legal action ... claiming in a new lawsuit that CryptoZoo lead developer Eduardo Ibanez and "Crypto King" Jake Greenbaum are to blame for the game's failure and not him.

In the docs -- obtained by TMZ -- one of the first red flags in the project happened just after launch day, with suspicious trading activity happening ... where it appeared dozens of project outsiders somehow got info of the existence of the new market for ZOO Tokens.

The lawsuit claims the sketchy trading activity caused the market capitalization of ZOO Tokens to drop from about $130 million to $26 million.

As for CryptoZoo, Logan says the game will not be released ... but there still might be a chance for him to get some justice in court.