MODELO de instagram "NO ME ECHARON DEL VUELO" ¡Se vuelve viral!

contando la verdad

La mujer que se jactó de su fama de Instagram en un avión —como se ve en el clip viral— dice que no fue expulsada del vuelo, por el contrario, fue ella quien se quiso ir.

La modelo de IG Morgan Osman estaba en pleno viaje a Miami el miércoles cuando habló con un fotógrafo sobre lo que la llevó a actuar de esa manera en el vuelo de American Airlines, una compañía que por cierto, dice que nunca le ha gustado.

Ella dice que todo el asunto fue por una mujer que afirmó que Morgan estaba en su asiento. Ella trató de ser la persona más madura y ceder el asiento y es cuando la gente comenzó a filmar su gran salida.

¡soy famosa de instagram!

Se creía que a Morgan le dijeron que bajara del avión, con el video sólo mostrándola llamar al resto de los pasajeros "vagos de mier...".

Como informamos, Morgan recibió una oferta del sitio de streaming para adultos CamSoda para poner en un espectáculo a través de su plataforma después de que su video despegó. La compañía le ofreció $25k por sólo una hora de su tiempo.

Para tu información, Morgan dice que su cuenta fue desactivada por romper las directrices de la comunidad, pero ella no está segura de merecer ese trato. Parece que tendrá que buscar otra aplicación para insultar en su próximo vuelo.

'IG Famous' Model On Plane I Wasn't Kicked off My Flight ... Breaks Down Viral Moment


The woman who boasted about her Instagram fame on a plane, as seen in the viral clip, says she wasn't booted from the flight ... but that she bounced on her own terms.

IG model Morgan Osman was riding in her turquoise ride in Miami on Wednesday when she talked with a photog about what caused her to act out on her American Airlines flight -- a company she says she's never liked, BTW.

She says the whole thing was over a woman who claimed Morgan was in her seat ... and she tried to be the bigger person and leave the flight, which is when folks started filming her grand exit.


It was widely believed that Morgan was told to deboard the plane, with the quick clip only showing her call fellow passengers "f***ing bums" ... but she's certainly calling that part total BS.

As we reported, Morgan got an offer from adult streaming site CamSoda to put on a show through their platform after her video took off ... and the company was offering her $25k for just an hour of her time.

FYI, Morgan says her account was deactivated for breaking community guidelines, but she isn't sure exactly what she did to cause it to be banned. Looks like she'll have to find a different app to name-drop on her next flight.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

ANGELYNE ICONO DE L.A. VENDE SU FAMOSO 'VETTE' ROSA $$$ para terminar su película

Angelyne está haciendo algo que sorprenderá a la mayoría de los nativos de Los Ángeles - la personalidad de los medios de comunicación está vendiendo uno de sus icónicos Corvettes rosa en un último esfuerzo para completar su película biográfica de producción propia.

Angelyne le dice a TMZ ... que está descargando uno de sus famosos paseos por la friolera de $ 200k, o la mejor oferta que pueda conseguir, con el dinero en efectivo va a ayudar a terminar la película que está haciendo sobre sí misma.

Dice que es la dueña de la brillante moto desde 2008, pero que casi ha terminado la película, aparte de la música, los colores y los retoques de sonido, por lo que es esencial que consiga los fondos. Angelyne nos cuenta que los fondos de la venta del coche le permitirán mantener el control creativo de la película, lo que es importante para ella.

Angelyne dice que ha recibido algunas ofertas a la baja en los últimos días, pero que está esperando a que lleguen los 200.000 dólares... y no os preocupéis, angelinos, aún le quedan otros 3 'Vettes rosas... así que seguirá siendo reconocible por la ciudad.

Para los que no lo sepan, Angelyne ha sido un icono de la Costa Oeste desde la década de 1980, a menudo vista conduciendo por la ciudad en uno de los 11 Corvettes rosas que ha tenido a lo largo de su vida. También llamó mucho la atención cuando apareció en una serie de vallas publicitarias que simplemente llevaban su nombre y una foto suya subidita de tono.

Aparte de su fama local, apareció con el Corvette que pronto se venderá en la película de 2017 "The Disaster Artist", con James Franco y Seth Rogen.

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nadie es como yo

El año pasado nos habló de por qué no era fan de la interpretación que hizo de ella Emmy Rossum en la serie de Peacock sobre ella... que fue cuando reveló que estaba trabajando en su propia película.

Angelyne L.A. Icon Sells Famed Pink 'Vette ... $$$ to Finish Her Movie

Angelyne is doin' something that will shock most L.A. natives -- the media personality is selling one of her iconic pink Corvettes in a last-ditch effort to complete her self-produced biopic.

Angelyne tells TMZ ... she's unloading one of her famous rides for a whopping $200k, or the best offer she can get, with the cash going to help wrap up the movie she's making about herself.

She says she's owned the bright ride since 2008, but is almost done with the flick apart from music, coloring, and sound tweaks, so it's essential she come up with the funds. Angelyne tells us the finances from the sale of the car will allow her to maintain creative control of the film, which is important to her.

Angelyne says she's gotten some lowball offers in the past few days but is holding out for the $200k to come rolling in -- and not to worry, Angelenos, she still has 3 other pink 'Vettes left ... so she'll still be recognizable around town.

For those unaware, Angelyne has been a West Coast icon since the 1980s, often spotted driving around the city in one of the 11 pink Corvettes she's owned in her lifetime. She also gained a lot of attention when she appeared on a series of billboards that simply had her name on it and a raunchy pic of her.

Apart from her local fame, she appeared with the soon-to-be-sold Corvette in the 2017 film, "The Disaster Artist," with James Franco and Seth Rogen.

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She talked to us last year about why she wasn't a fan of Emmy Rossum's portrayal of her in the Peacock series about her ... which is when she revealed she was working on her own movie.

Jake Paul TikTok Dancin' with Vivek Ramaswamy ... Endorses Him, Drags Other Candidates


Jake Paul is showin' his support for Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on the platform that just might decide the 2024 election -- yep, one little TikTok dance can go a long way.

The boxer shared their collab Wednesday, taking a stab at a viral dance made popular by Houston Rockets' Dillon Brooks ... something that's kinda blown up online.

Jake drags politicians for not reaching out to the youth through social media, saying those trying to garner the attention of young voters are missing out on a practically untapped market. He says Vivek is all about these types of connections, however.

BTW, Vivek also spoke about the lack of social media interaction from his fellow candidates, claiming they're all just scared because of the unscripted factor.

Jake and Vivek's video has gained a lot of attention online, but not everyone's as supportive of Jake's endorsement -- one commenter called the video "a terrible idea," while a handful of others claimed Vivek lost their vote just because he worked with Jake.

Haters. Just part and parcel of the social media landscape.

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Vivek and Jake's criticism of the other candidates doesn't apply to at least one Democratic hopeful -- Marianne Williamson recently told us why moving to TikTok is helping her overcome what she sees as a blatant bias on TV.

She claims the cable media outlets won't give her airtime because she's running against President Biden.

As for Vivek, it'll be interesting to see if an endorsement from Jake will really make a difference in the polls -- don't forget, he got a stamp of disapproval from Eminem last month, who blocked Vivek from using his songs at his campaign events.

This came after Vivek was rapped along to "Lose Yourself" at the Iowa State Fair. His flow got a mixed reaction online, and it looks like his TikTok dance moves are getting much of the same for now.

Dr. Mike Aaron Rodgers Can Come Back, But ... Details Recovery Process


It's going to be a long road to recovery for Aaron Rodgers, according to physician and YouTube star, Dr. Mike ... who detailed the superstar quarterback's path back to the gridiron after the devastating injury he sustained Monday night.

Achilles tears are always serious, but they get even harder to rehab as an athlete gets older, according to Mike ... and Rodgers will soon celebrate his 40th birthday (December).

"To have it at the age of 39 is really rough because it makes the road to recovery that much more difficult," Dr. Mike told TMZ Sports' Mojo Muhtadi.

Mike says the average recovery time is 10-12 months ... but there are instances where recovery has been much quicker (up to 6 months -- this is very uncommon), as well as longer.

It's not a rare injury ... in fact, Mike says around 1 in 4 athletes sustain an injury to their Achilles, and it's not something that only affects football players.

"We even saw this injury with a late Kobe Bryant when he had this injury and also in his mid-30s. And he came back from it, but he was never quite the same. He didn't have that explosiveness," Mike explained.

Assuming Rodgers wants to continue playing, there's some question about how effective he could be as a player.

"I think it's safe to say his mobility will be limited even if he does come back. But the explosiveness is what suffers because it's hard to regain that strength. Although this day and age, we have some pretty cool technologies to help athletes heal faster and better than we did even 10 years ago."

And, Mike is pumped to see what the most modern medical tech can do for Rodgers.

"I'm excited to see the protocol that Aaron Rodgers goes through on this because I think it's going to be not only exciting as a sports fan but also as a doctor to see how the technology helps someone of his stature come back."

Bottom line -- Rodgers is one of the most talented and determined athletes to ever put on a helmet, and if he's intent on returning, Dr. Mike isn't going to count him out.

"At age 39, it's going to be very difficult, not impossible. I'm excited to see what the future holds for the great Aaron Rodgers."

Demandan a los nelk boys por broma fallida de youtube Sobre laboratorio de metanfetamina falso

Los Nelk Boys están siendo arrastrados a los tribunales por una broma de YouTube que salió mal. El conductor de entrega de marihuana que trataron de engañar los sorprendió con una demanda muy real.

Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, un hombre llamado Nicholas Aliff afirma que él es el repartidor de hierba en la broma del falso laboratorio de metanfetamina de los youtubers. En el vídeo no estaba contento con la broma y amenazó con demandar, y ahora parece que va a seguir adelante.

Aliff afirma que los Nelk Boys pidieron hierba y él acabó entregando la mercancía en un almacén cerca de Los Ángeles, donde los bromistas de YouTube habían montado un falso laboratorio de metanfetamina y contratado a un actor para que interpretara a un policía que empieza a hacer una redada antidroga antes de aceptar un soborno.

El hombre dice que pensó que el actor era un policía de verdad y que no sabía que le estaban gastando una broma hasta que los Nelk Boys le dijeron que era una broma. Dice que razonablemente se enfureció por la broma y empezó a gritar a los chicos, cuando su seguridad lo agarró por detrás y lo estranguló, causándole lo que afirma son graves lesiones físicas y emocionales.

Aliff afirma que los Nelk Boys lo atrajeron como a un cordero al matadero hacia su falso laboratorio de metanfetamina con la intención de asustarle y captar su reacción de sorpresa ante la cámara. Dice que le pareció tan real que pensó que el falso policía podría dispararle.

Ha interpuesto una demanda por agresión con lesiones, detención ilegal e imposición de angustia emocional, y va a por los Nelk Boys por daños y perjuicios.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los Nelk Boys, hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

YouTube's Nelk Boys Sued For Assault and Battery ... Over Fake Meth Lab Prank


5:58 PM PT -- 9/13 -- The prank video at the heart of the lawsuit drew a police response ... and a police report was filed with investigators, but everyone involved declined to pursue criminal charges and the case was ultimately dropped ... law enforcement tells TMZ.

The Nelk Boys are being dragged to court over a YouTube prank video gone wrong -- the marijuana delivery driver they tried to trick is flipping the script on them with a very real lawsuit.

According to docs obtained by TMZ, a man named Nicholas Aliff claims he's the weed delivery guy in the YouTube stars' fake meth lab prank. In the video, he wasn't happy about being pranked and threatened to sue ... and now it looks like he's following through.

Aliff claims the Nelk Boys ordered weed and he ended up delivering the goods to a warehouse near Los Angeles, where the YouTube pranksters had set up a fake meth lab and hired an actor to play a cop who starts to make a drug bust before ultimately accepting a bribe.

The guy says he thought the actor was a real police officer, and he had no idea he was being pranked until after the fact, when the Nelk Boys told him it was all a joke. He says he reasonably became irate over the prank and started yelling at the guys, when their security grabbed him from behind and put him in a chokehold ... causing what he claims are severe physical and emotional injuries.

Aliff says the Nelk Boys lured him -- like a lamb to slaughter -- into their fake meth lab with the intention of frightening him and capturing his shocked reaction on camera. He says it felt so real, he thought he might get shot by the fake cop.

He's suing for assault and battery, false imprisonment, and infliction of emotional distress ... and going after the Nelk Boys for damages.

We reached out to the Nelk Boys ... so far no word back.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 9/12 1:20 PM PT

Jake Paul I'm A Wax Man!!! Grabs Fake Jutta's 🍑


Jake Paul took matters into his own hands to make sure his girlfriend's wax figure is just like the real thing ... cupping its ass and comparing it to the human Jutta Leerdam right on the spot!!

The Problem Child just posted footage of his visit at Madame Tussauds in the Netherlands this week ... where he got a truly up-close look -- and feel -- of his superstar athlete GF's recently opened exhibit.

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Jake walked right up to the figure, squeezed its behind and then turned to the real Jutta ... and proceeded to grab her tush as well.

The Olympian laughed and pulled his hand away ... but you can tell she appreciated his dedication to the cause.

If the video wasn't enough indication that Paul's a big fan of the completed project, he even rapped about it on his newest song, "Witness" ... saying, "Madame Tussaud’s wax figure of my girl do that mean I got 2 oooo?"

Paul and Leerdam have been enjoying their time together in her home country following his big win over Nate Diaz ... and the boxer's even been hitting up her recent training sessions.

Whether it's the real Jutta or the wax version, it's safe to say Jake is in love!!

Floyd Mayweather, Alix Earle VIP Treatment At Lionel Messi Game

Lionel Messi was back on the pitch in Florida for the first time in nearly a month Wednesday night ... and, as has become tradition, celebs flocked to see him -- including Floyd Mayweather and Alix Earle, who got VIP treatment at the game.

The new MLS superstar had maybe his quietest night since joining Inter Miami -- scoring zero goals in a 0-0 tie against Nashville SC -- but A-listers were spotted throughout DRV PNK Stadium in Fort Lauderdale enjoying the GOAT in action nonetheless.

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Mayweather and Earle, flanked by NFL superstar Jaylen Waddle, got prime seats and field access as guests of Miami mogul David Grutman.

Ken Griffey Jr. even showed up too ... though he chose to grab a media credential instead of suite seats -- opting to shoot the game with his camera instead of rubbin' elbows in the stands with the stars.

At one point, however, the MLB legend was able to link up with Mayweather -- who was also with friend Lionel Khoury -- sharing an embrace with the boxer and getting in a pic.

Unclear how much facetime all of the celebrities got with Messi -- the soccer player was, after all, busy trying to scrape out another win for his squad -- but everyone was grinning ear-to-ear throughout the night nonetheless.


They'll all have to wait a bit to do it again -- Messi's not set to play in Ft. Lauderdale 'til Sept. 9 now -- unless, of course, they want to fly out to Los Angeles this weekend to see him vs. LAFC.

Vic Mensa On Pinkydoll Euro Beauty Rules Have Us Poisoned ... Must Break the Cycle!!!


Popular TikToker Pinkydoll is brushing off accusations she's lightening her skin online, but Vic Mensa thinks the issue is much bigger than just a simple camera filter.

TMZ Hip Hop got the Chicago rapper Tuesday outside Dash Radio, and he shared his insight on the subject -- as it turns out, his new song tackles the very same topic!!!

On "Blue Eyes," Vic lyrically details the internal struggle he had as a kid yearning to be a lighter complexion ... even admitting he yearned to be white, at one point.


Vic doesn't know Pinkydoll, but says he knows her scenario all too well, telling us the dark vs. light skin debate precedes everyone's lifetime ... and Pinkydoll was programmed to follow European beauty standards since birth, whether she's aware of it or not.

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Pinkydoll's explanations for her skin color looking so different on TikToK vs. real life have been an all over the place. She blamed it on being in and out of the sun when we spoke to her at LAX -- but on Wednesday's "TMZ Live," she said it was lighting and a filter to make her "look more Japanese."

Vic says he won't cast judgment on Pinkydoll or anyone like her, but thinks it's best for everyone's mental health to learn to love themselves as they are.

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He'll have more words of wisdom to share when he releases his new album "Victor" on September 15.

TikTok's Pinkydoll Pushes Back on NPC Light Skin Critique ... I'm Proud to be Black!!!


The famous TikTok lady you see acting like computer game characters on "LIVE" says she isn't trying to trick anyone into thinking she isn't Black ... despite claims of critics and some visual evidence.

We got internet sensation Pinkydoll at LAX Tuesday, where we asked what she made of people being demonstrably shocked over her recent appearance onstage at the 2023 Streamy Awards ... where she did her whole "NPC" shtick while presenting an award.

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If you're unfamiliar ... it's a big fad on TikTok, and other live-streaming apps, where hosts repeat silly catchphrases and mimic a non-player character from video games -- something gamers apparently LOVE watching, so much so, they send her digital gifts and money!

Pinkydoll is easily the most recognizable face in that world lately ... but, as you can see here on camera, she's a dark-skinned African-American woman -- and looks quite different from how she usually does on her NPC livestreams, where her skin's much lighter.


Twitter was perplexed to see Pinkydoll is actually darker in the flesh ... and some accused her of trying to purposely bait people into thinking she's some race other than Black.

She's strongly denying that, though, telling our camera guy she's proud of her melanin -- and she offers an explanation for the obvious skin tone difference. Now, whether you buy it ... that's up to you.

One thing that isn't debatable is Pinkydoll's NPC personality is bleeding over into real life ... watch the video, 'cause it feels like we were talking to a bit of a robot in person.

With that said, she makes clear this profession is paying the bills and then some -- and she's gonna keep doing her thing, even though a ton of wannabes are hopping on her bandwagon.

Mmmm, ice cream ... thanks for the roses! 😋

For more influencer news, tune in to the TMZ Verified podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Bryce Hall I Want To Avenge McBroom Loss ... After Shocking BKFC Win

TMZ Verified

Bryce Hall is riding high after his huge Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship victory earlier this month ... but there's one thing that's still leaving a bad taste in his mouth -- his loss to Austin McBroom.

The internet superstar joined Wyld and Stephanie on the "TMZ Verified" podcast this week ... and while he made it clear he wants to relax for a bit before getting back into fight talks, he said he has an idea of what he wants to do next.

"Austin McBroom again," Hall said. "Even though he doesn't have the draw. I would just say that for my own personal ... like, I know what I can do now."

Of course, Hall fell to McBroom via TKO at Social Gloves' YouTubers vs. TikTokers event back in 2021 ... with the former admitting after the bout that he wasn't much of a fighter.

Things are drastically different now -- Hall is fresh off beating Gee Perez via second-round TKO at BKFC 48 ... and it's safe to say he feels a rematch with McBroom would go in his favor a second time around.

"I can take Austin McBroom again."

There's more -- Hall also revealed some big names hit him up in the DMs after his win over Perez ... including Jake Paul's most recent foe, Nate Diaz, who gave him props for beating a then-undefeated fighter.

Hall also said fellow internet star Deji has been in his DMs ... which is no surprise, 'cause he hasn't shied away from making his intentions known on social media.

But, don't expect his next event to get announced anytime soon -- Hall said he'd love to have a month to soak in his victory before entertaining the growing list of public callouts.

TikToker VonViddy Dead By Suicide ... Final Video Talked Achievements & Struggles

TikToker VonViddy has taken his own life ... and his final video to fans is haunting, all about the ups and downs of his life -- talking about how he hopes to be remembered.

Von, whose real name is Joe Muchlinski, died Monday after "losing his long battle to mental illness" ... according to his sister, Martha.

Tik Tok/@vonviddy

In his final video, posted Sunday, Joe talks about the type of guy he wants to be remembered as, citing his music and comedy as a couple of strong points in his life. He also highlights some of his struggles -- saying he doesn't want folks to remember him "as an addict and an alcoholic who put his family through hell."

He ends his final TikTok by saying how thankful he is for the opportunities he's had over the years ... noting he has an abundance of peace and love for his fans.

Folks in both Joe and Martha's comment sections are sharing their grief for the loss of Joe after Martha's sad news -- one wrote, "Von Viddy we love you. Thank you for all of the laughs. Truly heartbreaking 💔."

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Joe garnered over 170k followers and 8.7 million likes on TikTok, sharing his original music and comedy bits since 2020.

He was 32.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

YouTuber Fousey Brought To Hospital By Cops ... Mental Health Check After Live Stream Rant


YouTuber Fousey had a frightening interaction with cops while live streaming ... cussing out officers and being taken in for a mental health evaluation.

Fousey was streaming on Kick Tuesday night at the InterContinental Miami hotel -- you can hear him screaming at a police dispatcher on the phone as someone from his team tries to get him to calm down.

Fousey tells the dispatcher someone's been harassing him, or possibly even threatening to kill him ... and in an attempt to get cops to hurry to his hotel room, he tells them he has a gun pointed at his head and is begging officers to speed over there.

Cops eventually arrive and end up cuffing Fousey after all the ruckus -- and as he calls them "dumb as f***."

Miami PD tells TMZ ... cops did not arrest Fousey, but determined he needed to be brought to the hospital for a mental health evaluation. Sources close to the situation tell us he's been the victim of constant harassment, threats, and swatting -- and it's taken its toll.

The claim of constant harassment seems to be supported, as at least one other streamer was live around the same time and calling the cops on Fousey -- telling dispatch he's armed.

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For those unaware, Fousey's fans have been concerned about his mental health lately ... after freaking out when he said the n-word on a live stream marathon earlier this month while rapping along to J. Cole's "Love Yourz."


He claimed it was an accident, and sat down with us on the "TMZ Verified" Podcast, telling us all the reasons why he deeply regretted saying the racial slur.

He also told his followers earlier this month he was going to go to the doctor after his close friends and family wanted him to get a mental health evaluation.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

IShowSpeed Returns To YouTube Streaming ... Addresses Penis Incident

YouTube / IShowSpeed

IShowSpeed made his return to YouTube on Friday ... and the popular streamer got real about his infamous wardrobe malfunction -- begging his viewers to stop trolling him over the incident.

Speed was emotional as he got back in front of the camera -- initially going berserk on those incessantly calling him "IShowMeat" ... before calming down and speaking from the heart.

"This is truly an embarrassing f***ing moment for me," said Speed -- who has more than 19 million followers on the platform. "Lately these past days and hours, I've been suffering very mentally, bro. Genuinely, bro."

"At the end of the day, I'm still a human being, bro, and one of my worst fears that I never even wanted to happen."

"This depressing, bro," he added. "You guys don't know the feeling, bro, what I'm feeling right now."

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Speed says his viewers can keep mocking him all they want ... but they're missing the bigger picture, as he has younger siblings who found out about the incident.

"Sometimes I ask why this s*** happen."

Despite Speed's pleas, his chat was flooded with steak emojis and other comments throughout his stream ... and at one point, he left the camera to compose himself.

As he tried to go about his gaming, Speed was bombarded with even more trolls as he got on Roblox ... and while some people had encouraging words, he explained there's no one who has been through the same thing.

TMZ Sports broke the story -- Speed was NOT banned from YouTube following the incident ... as the platform told us he would be able to return to streaming despite it all.

As for how his penis got exposed to begin with, Speed explained he didn't have any clean underwear ... so there's that.

For more influencer news, tune in to TMZ Verified the podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.