"Jersey Shore" Grandes anuncios de compromiso... El de Sammi es real, el de Vinny no

Los anuncios de compromiso de las estrellas de "Jersey Shore" Sammi Giancola y Vinny Guadagnino no fueron parte de las bromas del April Fool... Bueno, no del todo.

El compromiso de Sammi Sweetheart con su novio Justin May, de hecho, sucedió. La personalidad de MTV le aseguró a sus seguidores que su relación no era una broma del Día de los Inocentes, sino que Justin le hizo la pregunta el 16 de marzo, pero tomaron la arriesgada decisión de compartir la noticia y las primeras fotos del anillo, el 1 de abril.

Sus compañeros de reparto compartieron unas sinceras reacciones en el post. Jenni "JWoww" Farley, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Angelina Pivarnick y Pauly "DJ Pauly D" DelVecchio dejaron sus felicitaciones en la sección de comentarios.

'Jersey Shore' Big Engagement News ... Sammi's Real Deal, Vinny's a 'Fool'

"Jersey Shore" stars Sammi Giancola and Vinny Guadagnino's dueling engagement announcements on April 1 were not a part of a prank war ... well, not entirely.

Sammi Sweetheart's engagement to boyfriend Justin May did, in fact, happen ... as the MTV personality assured her followers her relationship update was not an April Fools' Day joke. She says Justin popped the question on March 16, but they made the risky decision to share the news -- and first photos of the diamond ring -- on April 1.

Her costars offered up some sincere reactions ... as Jenni "JWoww" Farley, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Angelina Pivarnick and Pauly "DJ Pauly D" DelVecchio all shared their congratulations in the comments section.

Ludacris Katt Williams Didn't Get Under My Skin... He's a Comedian!!!

Ludacris isn't salty over Katt Williams suggesting he's a puppet for the elite -- 'cause he's taking the remarks with a grain of salt ... noting comedians are supposed to make jokes!!!

The rapper checked in with "The Breakfast Club" on Monday ahead of his iHeartRadio Awards appearance, and he tackled Katt's "Club Shay Shay" digs head-on.

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Club Shay Shay

Remember, Katt took aim at Luda and his wife Eudoxie -- and in the moment, it wasn't clear if he was joking or not ... but Luda says he isn't trippin' either way.

MILB Team Keeping 'Ozempig' Mascot Name ... Amid Backlash

The Minnesota Twins' AAA affiliate is standing firm on its decision to name its live pig mascot "OzemPig" ... this after a number of fans squealed in opposition.

The St. Paul Saints -- known for their tomfoolery on gamedays -- traditionally employ young pigs to help out with delivering game balls to umpires ... and host an annual contest to come up with a silly moniker for each animal (past winners include Ham Solo, Notorious P.I.G., etc.).

This year's winner beat out candidates like Porky Blinders and Sloppenheimer ... but once the name was announced, some folks felt it flirted with fat-shaming, considering it's a nod to the popular weight loss drug.


"necesitamos algo de paciencia"

Drew Barrymore se está refiriendo a la gente que está pidiendo disculpas por bromear sobre Kate Middleton antes de que supieran que tenía cáncer, incluyendo a Stephen Colbert.

La actriz y presentadora del talk show habló sobre el fenómeno que se ha desarrollado la última semana, respecto a que la gente está criticando a los que bromearon antes de saber sobre su diagnóstico de cáncer.

no me alegran las tragedias

Ha habido un montón de gente que ha tenido que comerse las críticas, y eso va para Colbert también, quien dedicó un poco de tiempo en su programa el lunes para expresar arrepentimiento por su reciente broma.

Drew Barrymore on Colbert Calls for Patience ... On Those Who Made Kate Jokes

We All Need Patience

Drew Barrymore is weighing in on folks who are now backtracking/apologizing for joking about Kate Middleton before they knew she had cancer ... including Stephen Colbert.

The actress/talk show host spoke on the phenomenon that's been unfolding over the past week or so -- namely, the fact that people are getting dragged for having made light of Kate's mysterious situation ahead of her cancer diagnosis announcement.

I Don't Make Light Of Tragedy

There've been a lot of people who've had to eat crow over this -- and that goes for Colbert too, who dedicated a little time on his show Monday to express regret for his recent bit.

Diddy Neighbor Who Went Viral ... Just Trolling w/ Outlandish Claims, Mom Says

A guy went viral after rolling up to the Diddy raid in L.A. claiming to be his next-door neighbor, while also alleging to have witnessed unseemly things  -- but his mom is clarifying ... saying her son was just running his mouth.

On Monday, a car rolled up to Diddy's home in the middle of the raid and made a scene -- with two young guys rolling down their windows and talking to reporters ... while also amplifying salacious allegations mentioned in recent lawsuits against Diddy.

Neighbor sees all
Traffic News Los Angeles

The guys claimed to live right next to Diddy, and alleged they'd seen all sorts of wild stuff at night. At first, people didn't know what to believe ... but some members of the media took their words as gospel, and they got duped.

Joe Biden Trolls Trump Over Golf Awards ... 'Quite The Accomplishment'

Joe Biden took time out of his Sunday night to throw a jab at Donald Trump ... trolling the former president for receiving golf awards at his own course.

No. 45 got the honors at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida ... earning the titles of Club Champion and Senior Club Champion -- and afterward, he gloated about it on Truth Social.

In his post, Trump said he got the trophies over a talented field ... writing, "The qualifying and match play was amazing."

Draymond Green 'Upset' LeBron & JJ Start Podcast ... What About Me?!?

Come On, Lebron!
The Draymond Green Show

LeBron James and JJ Redick started a basketball podcast together ... and Draymond Green doesn't like it!!!

He's joking, of course (probably 😅).

"I must say I'm a little upset LeBron is like going on a podcast and still hasn't been on the Draymond Green Show," the 34-year-old said, "but when it's your own thing you kinda can't say anything."

The Golden State Warriors star has obviously heard about King James' new pod with Redick, titled "Mind The Game," which will focus on the X's and O's of basketball ... and he ain't happy!

Green -- who is good friends with LBJ -- has his own show, "The Draymond Green Show," on IHeartPodcast and The Volume ... and he's none too pleased that James hasn't appeared on his show, which launched in 2021.

But, Draymond's willing to overlook it for the time being.

"I'll live with it for now. Pick the bone with him that I gotta pick with him later!"

Perhaps until April 9 when the Warriors go to the Crypto for a tilt with the Lakers, their final meeting of the season.

All jokes aside, Green is excited to watch the show!

"I love a great basketball conversation and you don't get to have those often with many people and you definitely don't get to watch them often," Green said.

In their debut episode, James and Redick debated the qualities of a great basketball player, and a bunch more. The ep generated over 1.3 million views, and counting.

Maybe Draymond goes on their show as a guest ...

NBA's Gradey Dick Explains Viral Jersey Swap ... Anthony Black's My Guy!!!

Swappin' With My Boys
Toronto Raptors

Gradey Dick is denying any tomfoolery was involved in his jersey exchange with Anthony Black ... telling reporters he simply wanted to show love to his buddy.

The Toronto Raptors and Orlando Magic rookies went stupid viral with their postgame trade over the weekend ... with many pointing out the suggestive phrase their last names spelled out when they posed for a pic (hint: Black's surname came first).

Dick was asked about all the hoopla on Tuesday ... and he swore up and down it was nothing more than two longtime friends reconnecting.

"That's my guy," Dick said at practice. "I've been playing against or with him around since middle school days. So, that's been my guy for a long time."

Dick defended the move ... adding, "Guys jersey swap with their boys. That's my friend."

When asked if he has any other jersey swaps lined up, Dick said he only has one criteria.

"If I played with them growing up and they're my guys, then I'll jersey swap with them. Nothing more to it."

While Dick's reasoning behind choosing Black for the popular tradition checks out, it's pretty clear the guys purposely positioned themselves to have a bit of fun ... especially considering it appeared they orchestrated the whole thing before smiling for the cameras.

Either way, it certainly left quite the impression on the league.


Drake Bell está atacando a otras estrellas infantiles de Nickelodeon por sacar a la luz su abuso. Resulta que el equipo de "Ned's Declassified" parece encontrar algo de comedia en todo esto.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw y otros que solían trabajar en su antiguo programa de Nick, estaban grabando un TikTok Live el lunes -esto mientras la segunda mitad de "Quiet on Set" salía al aire en ID- y parecían estar haciendo bromas a expensas de Drake y otros.


Devon y compañía discutieron el documental y personificaron a un tirano, presumiblemente Dan Schneider, diciendo "dame tus agujeros".

Devon reconoce justo después de que no deberían bromear al respecto y Drake ciertamente está de acuerdo. Drake tuiteó el video añadiendo: "Ned's Declassless... esto es salvaje... ríanse chicos... ríanse... Dame tus agujeros" ¡¿En serio?!"

Devon intenta ser serio por un momento en su IG Live, señalando que lo que le pasó a Drake es terrible y agregando que es una locura que lo haya tenido en secreto durante tanto tiempo.

También dice que equipo de '"ND" no era como se describe en el documental de los niños bajo la mirada de Schneider. Aun así, siguió riéndose con sus antiguos compañeros de reparto, lo que no le sentó bien a Drake, y definitivamente a la gente en línea.

Es comprensible que el equipo de "Ned" esté siendo destrozado en este momento, francamente, lo que Drake y compañía revelaron es extremadamente grave, por no decir inquietante.

Además de los abusos de Drake a manos de Brian Peck, varias otras ex estrellas infantiles afirmaron que fueron maltratadas mientras trabajaban en Nick, y otros sugirieron que los showrunners y los escritores a menudo intentaban sexualizar a muchos de los niños de maneras no tan sutiles.

Hay un montón de sketches y disfraces, por no hablar de los gags de baba -lo cuales están volviendo demostrando ser terriblemente inapropiados- a pesar de que Dan Shneider ha negado haber acutado mal.

Nickelodeon comentó: "Aunque no podemos corroborar o negar las acusaciones de comportamientos de producciones de hace décadas, Nickelodeon como una cuestión de política, investiga todas las quejas formales como parte de nuestro compromiso de fomentar un ambiente de trabajo seguro y profesional libre de acoso u otros tipos de conducta inapropiada".

Y añaden: "Nuestras máximas prioridades son el bienestar y los mejores intereses. No solo de nuestros empleados, elencos y equipo, sino de todos los niños, y hemos adoptado diferentes métodos a lo largo de los años para ayudar a garantizar que estamos a la altura de nuestros propios altos estándares y las expectativas de nuestra audiencia".

Devon apareció en un reciente episodio de The TMZ Verified Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Drake Bell Slams 'Ned's Declassified' Crew Over 'Quiet on Set' Jokes

Drake Bell is blasting other Nickelodeon child stars for making light of his abuse -- specifically, going after the 'Ned's Declassified' crew ... who seem to find some humor in it.

Devon Werkheiser, Lindsey Shaw and others who used to work on their old Nick show were recording a TikTok Live Monday -- this as the second half of the 'Quiet on Set' doc aired on ID -- and they appeared to be cracking jokes at Drake and others' expense.

Dan's Declassified

One of the jabs Devon and co. dropped while discussing the 'QOS' doc included him impersonating a tyrant, presumably Dan Schneider, saying "give me your holes."

Devon acknowledges right after that they shouldn't joke about the topic -- and DB himself certainly agreed ... taking to X to call him out. Drake quote-tweeted the vid, adding ... "Ned’s Declassless…this is wild…laugh it up guys…laugh it up…”Give me your h*les?!!” Really?!"

Devon does attempt to be serious at one point in his IG Live ... noting that what happened to Drake is terrible -- acknowledging it's crazy it stayed under wraps for as long as it did.

He also says that their set from 'ND' was not in any way like what was described in the doc from child actors who worked under Schneider's reign. Still, he continued to giggle with his old costars ... which didn't sit well with Drake, and definitely not with others online.

It's understandable that the 'Ned's' camp is getting trashed right now ... frankly, what Drake and co. revealed on the doc is extremely serious -- not to mention downright disturbing.

In addition to Drake's abuse at the hands of Brian Peck -- several other former child stars claimed they were mistreated while working at Nick ... and others suggested the showrunners and writers were often attempting to sexualize a lot of the kids in not-so-subtle ways.

There are a lot of sketches and costumes -- not to mention slime gags -- that are resurfacing now that come across as wildly inappropriate ... even though DS has denied wrongdoing.

Nickelodeon commented, saying ... "Though we cannot corroborate or negate allegations of behaviors from productions decades ago, Nickelodeon as a matter of policy investigates all formal complaints as part of our commitment to fostering a safe and professional workplace environment free of harassment or other kinds of inappropriate conduct."

They add, "Our highest priorities are the well-being and best interests not just of our employees, casts and crew, but of all children, and we have adopted numerous safeguards over the years to help ensure we are living up to our own high standards and the expectations of our audience."

Devon appeared on a recent episode of The TMZ Verified Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Tucker Carlson Pranked By Popular Influencer ... Fake Princess Kate Editor!!!

Tucker Carlson interviewed someone claiming to be Kate Middleton's photo editor -- but who was actually just a prankster, something TC and co. caught onto, but not before talking to this bloke on camera.

Here's the deal ... Joshua Pieters -- a very popular prankster on social media -- sent an email to Tucker's team claiming to be the person who edited the photo of Kate Middleton and her three kids that went viral earlier this week.

GOT YA !!!
X/ @joshua_pieters

Tucker's team replied, and Pieters got his partner-in-crime Archie Manners to stand in as the alleged photo editor who they named "George." Archie was asked for proof of employment and the original photo he said he edited.

Pieters used some quick Photoshop tricks to create the necessary documentation ... although, not before adding in a couple ridiculous additions to the employment contract -- like one clause about losing a limb for a failed probationary period -- to see how closely Tucker's team was checking the provided docs.

X/ @joshua_pieters

Ultimately, the duo was able to con their way into an interview with Tucker himself ... one they secretly recorded. Watch ... it seems like Tucker and Archie the imposter had a wide-ranging conversation about the photo -- a chat that clearly got TC super excited.

Tucker's people apparently told Pieters and his compatriot the interview would air next week ... though it seems the Goon Squad let them off the hook 'cause they posted the video clearing the air Thursday.

FWIW ... sources with direct knowledge tell us Tucker's team wasn't totally convinced the story was real to begin with, but decided to tape the interview anyway while continuing to look into the story.

We're told within an hour of finishing shooting, someone recognized Archie as a famous prankster, and they knew they weren't going to run the interview. It's a lesson in journalism -- but big picture, ya can't knock the team for at least talking to someone making this claim.

Still, it seems they might have had the wool pulled over his eyes, if only for a little bit ... and, frankly ... it could've happened to anyone in the biz. Good catch ... (almost) good prank.

'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Susie Billboard Defaced ... Hit w/ Penises, Just Like in Show!!!

This is the definition of life imitating art, only here ... it's from Larry David's world.

Check out this defacement job that happened on a billboard on the corner of Centinela Ave. and Santa Monica Blvd. here in Los Angeles -- where an advertisement for Susie Essman's Caftan from "Curb Your Enthusiasm" went up sometime this past week in an homage to the show.

If you're unfamiliar, her Susie character from 'Curb' started her own business and threw up a billboard to advertise it -- which got vandalized on TV with people drawing penises around her face ... something that delighted LD.

As it turns out ... HBO commissioned an exact replica of this fake TV billboard to go up in real life as well, and to nobody's surprise -- it was also defaced, just like on 'CYE.'

Greene Graffitied

If you're wondering who's responsible for the tag job ... we have an answer. There's an activist art collective called INDECLINE -- and they say they're the ones who pulled this off. We're told this went down early Friday morning ... and they even filmed themselves doing it.

The reason ... they say they were just fulfilling a wish from none other than 'Curb' star Jeff Garlin himself ... who responded to someone this week after the billboard went up and wrote, "Someone should put a d*** up there. Maybe two." Welp, that's exactly what INDECLINE did.

The collective tells TMZ, they give Larry a lot of credit for forming their sense of humor and sensibility ... so they feel they were paying homage to him by carrying out this stunt.

They add, "A few nights ago, we watched in awe as one of our favorite pastimes, 'billboard liberation, was incorporated into the latest episode. We received a flood of texts and DMs about the existence of the billboard in Los Angeles and even saw that Jeff Garland was on Instagram calling for it to be altered."

INDECLINE goes on ... "So, as a thank you to Larry David, for his contribution to the field of art imitating life, we give you our contribution to the practice of life imitating art."

The obvious question is ... are cops gonna look into this? We're told by law enforcement sources that, at this point, nobody has called in just yet to report a crime -- so as far as they're concerned ... there's not much to do about this for now.

BTW, these are the same guys that did the naked Trump statue years ago ... so there you go. They're known for stuff like this -- and they didn't disappoint here either.

Cue 'Frolic'!

Glen 'Big Baby' Davis Apologizes For Resurfaced Sexual Assault Joke

I'm Sorry

Glen "Big Baby" Davis just issued an apology to sexual assault victims ... this after a video of him making a joke about nonconsensual sex resurfaced on Tuesday morning.

The clip was offensive to say the least ... it showed the former NBA star walking out of an elevator and insisting a woman smelled so good, it "almost made me r*** you, girl."

It's unclear when the video was shot ... but in a mea culpa released on his Instagram page on Tuesday afternoon, Davis seemed to imply it was quite some time ago.

In Poor Taste

"First of all, I want to say I'm sorry to all r*** victims -- anybody that felt any type of way about what I said," the 38-year-old said of the clip. "I am a stand-up comedian, I do comedy and sometimes I might say stuff a little bit wrong."

"And I did."

Davis went on to say he hoped no one would be offended by his words ... before he chastised those on social media for bringing the old vid back to light.

"I took that down a long time ago off my page," he said. "Y'all kept that and just decided to use it today. That's ridiculous."

"But I didn't mean no harm," he continued. "I am so sorry if I offended anybody."

Steve-O Defends Jimmy Kimmel's RDJ Addiction Joke ... No Apology Needed!!!


Steve-O is siding with Jimmy Kimmel after the late-night host poked fun at Robert Downey Jr.'s past substance abuse issues during his Oscars 2024 monologue.

Check out our chat with him above ... where he stood by his fellow comedian, arguing people take jokes way too seriously these days. He told TMZ ... "Let comedians tell jokes!"

Despite overcoming addiction issues himself -- the "Jackass" star felt it was totally within JK's rights to call out RDJ on his troubled past.


Not only did the 49-year-old call hosting a "thankless job" ... he also reminded us that people who are sober regularly discuss their sobriety journeys, like at AA and NA meetings -- so why does it matter if Jimmy chimes in?

So ... it wasn't surprising when Steve-O declared Jimmy does not owe Robert an apology. Though, he made it clear he won't be following in Jimmy's footsteps, explaining he likes to make himself the butt of a joke.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Steve-O's stance comes a day after Jimmy sparked awkward laughter at the Academy Awards after calling "Oppenheimer" one of the highest points in Robert's career ... alluding to his previous court-ordered rehab stay in the early '00s.

Robert -- who has been sober since 2003 -- was a good sport about the dig ... making an "on the nose gesture" when the cameras panned to him. He also called out his struggles in his Oscars acceptance speech -- thanking his entertainment lawyer Tom Hansen for "trying to get [him] insured and bailing [him] out of the hoosegow" over the years.

It's clear that RDJ is unbothered ... so why should we be upset???