Tina Fey and Amy Poehler 's revived 'SNL' "Weekend Update" was one of the big treats at the Emmy Awards ... and proof positive competing networks can work together with great results.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ the Emmys producers over at Fox approached the "Saturday Night Live" peeps at NBC to discuss a legacy revival segment -- and both parties decided having Tina and Amy reunite in their old 'Weekend Update' roles would be awesome.


If ya missed it, they pulled it off while presenting the Emmy award for Live Variety Special. We're told both networks wanted Amy and Tina to do it -- not only because of their 'SNL' chops -- but, also because they've teamed up for so many live entertainment gigs over the years.

As for the possibility they have an official reunion on an episode of 'SNL' -- one source says there's no immediate plans.

However, we're told anything could happen in 2025, which happens to be the 50th anniversary of 'SNL' ... so chances are much higher for those sorts of reunions to go down.

Anthony Anderson dice que quiere presentar los Oscar y los famosos le alaban tras los Emmy

¡QUe EMPIECe el show!

Anthony Anderson quiere seguir siendo el anfitrión de los Emmys y dice que quiere ser el presentador de los Óscar.

Nos encontramos con el actor y comediante fuera del Teatro Peacock en Los Ángeles justo después de terminar de presentar edición número 75 de los Emmys y nos dijo que se sentía muy bien acerca de cómo le fue.

Anthony espera que la gente de los Óscar se sientan de la misma manera acerca de sus habilidades como anfitrión, y dijo que le encantaría tener una oportunidad de ser el anfitrión de su ceremonia.

gran aprobación

Una rápida encuesta entre algunos de los hombres más divertidos de Hollywood apunta a que Anthony se ganará una oportunidad para ser anfitrión de nuevo. Le preguntamos a Colin Jost, Stephen Colbert y Seth Meyers cómo le fue a Anthony en los Emmys y todos estuvieron de acuerdo en que estuvo bastante bien.

¡no es mi culpa!

Es exactamente lo contrario de lo que muchos comediantes sintieron sobre Jo Koy como anfitrión de los Globos de Oro.

Jimmy Kimmel será el anfitrión de los Premios de la Academia en marzo por segunda vez en otros tantos años y la cuarta vez en total... Así que si los Óscar quieren una cara fresca el próximo año, suena como que Anthony estaría a bordo.

Anthony Anderson I Want to Host Oscars Next ... Celebs Applaud Emmys Gig


Anthony Anderson wants to keep this hosting thing going -- fresh off his performance at the Emmys, he says he's got this eyes on the Academy Awards job.

We got the actor/comedian outside Peacock Theater in DTLA right after he finished hosting the 75th Primetime Emmys -- and he told us he felt really good about how it went.


Anthony's hoping the Oscars folks are feel the same way about his hosting skills, because he said he'd love to get a shot at hosting their ceremony.


A quick poll of some of Hollywood's funniest men points toward Anthony earning a shot to host again. We asked Colin Jost, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers how Anthony fared at the Emmys ... and they all agreed he was pretty good.


It's the exact opposite of how lots of comedians felt about Jo Koy hosting the Golden Globes.

Jimmy Kimmel is hosting the Academy Awards in March for the second time in as many years and the fourth time overall ... so if the Oscars want a fresh face next year, it sounds like Anthony would be on board.

Jennifer Coolidge Here's Where My Emmy's Going ... And Yeah, I Worry About Foot Fetish Folks!!!

Next Stop: Bedtime

Jennifer Coolidge has big plans for the Emmy she won Monday night ... she's already found a place for it which will allow her to navigate around traffic jams ... we will explain.

Jennifer was leaving the Peacock Theater in DTLA when our photog asked where she will put the award she won for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. Turns out the Emmy's gonna be riding shotgun with her. God help the cop who pulls her over for driving in the carpool lane!!!

Something else JC reveals ... she's not wearing shoes, but she's afraid doing a little show and tell will bring out the foot fetish folks.

Of course, we asked about returning to "White Lotus." Check out her answer, which just breaks our hearts.

Congrats, Jennifer!!!


Jennifer Coolidge Aquí voy a poner mi Emmy... Y sí, me preocupan los fetichistas de pies

Siguiente parada: Hora de dormir

Jennifer Coolidge tiene grandes planes para el Emmy que ganó el lunes por la noche. La actriz dice que ya ha encontrado un lugar para el trofeo, que le permitirá navegar por los atascos del tráfico ... Vamos a explicarles.

Jennifer se estaba yendo del Peacock Theater en el centro de Los Ángeles cuando nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó dónde iba a poner el premio que ganó como Mejor Actriz de Reparto en una Serie Dramática. Resulta que el Emmy va a ir de copiloto con ella. ¡¡¡Que Dios ayude al policía que la detenga por conducir en el carril compartido!!!

Algo más, Jennifer Coolidge reveló que no está usando zapatos, aunque tiene miedo de estar mostrando demasiado y atraer a los fetichistas de los pies.

Por supuesto, le preguntamos sobre la posibilidad de volver a "The White Lotus". Echa un vistazo a lo que nos dijo, simplemente nos rompe el corazón.

¡¡¡Felicidades, Jennifer!!!



Jo Koy is still taking it on the chin -- the comedian got another taste of his own medicine during Monday's Emmy Awards as Ken Jeong and Joel McHale jabbed at his bombing as host of the Golden Globes.

The "Community" costars mocked Jo for blaming his unamusing lines on his writers -- hitting him hard while they presented the award for Outstanding Reality Competition Program.

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Joel joked that former doctor Ken left his medical career not for acting ... but because he'd killed a patient and was still facing a lawsuit over it.

"The instruments that almost killed that dude were the ones the nurses left in, OK?" Ken quipped back ... adding: "The ones that saved his life are the ones I left in. And besides, I only had the gig for 10 days at that point."

Ken and Joel's joke stirred up plenty of laughs from the A-list crowd ... and comes hot on the heels of Jo explaining he didn't have enough time to prepare for the GGs ... and also blasting the audience as "marshmallows" who couldn't laugh at themselves.

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You'll recall ... the comedian clearly didn't get the response he was looking for when his cracks on Taylor Swift and the film "Barbie" fell flat.

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The CW

It was such a fail that even his ex-Chelsea Handler couldn't resist taking a similar swipe at him at the Critics Choice Awards Sunday.

Jo might not have had enough time to prepare for his hosting gig, but he's clearly given others some fresh material for the stage!


Ariana DeBose Hugs It Out with Bella Ramsey ... After Critics Choice Shot

Ariana DeBose seems to have buried the hatchet with Bella Ramsey -- who made a joke at her expense the night prior ... but all looks to be well now if this photo is any indication.

The two actresses were once again on hand Monday night for the Emmys -- this after attending the Critics Choice Awards the day prior ... and with ADB ending up as a punch line during the Best Song category, when she was labeled an actor who thinks they can sing.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Of course, it was Bella herself who delivered that brutal line -- reading off of a prompter in the distance -- and a lot of people felt Ariana had been done dirty ... herself included.

Fast-forward about 24 hours, and now you got this pic circulating online that shows Bella and Ariana hugging it out during the Emmys. There isn't too much context beyond what writer Evan Ross Katz -- who snapped this -- had to say about it in his lengthy caption.

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The CW

He wrote, "Incredible! Here’s Bella Ramsey and Academy Award-winner Ariana DeBose hugging at tonight’s Emmy Awards. It’s particularly poignant because of a joke that Ramsey was fed in their teleprompter at the Critic's Choice Awards yesterday which categorized DeBose among 'Actors Who Think They Are Singers.'"


Again, we're not sure what Bella might've said to Ariana -- but it definitely feels like an apology might've been issued ... 'cause the fact is, Ariana most certainly *can* sing.

One other interesting tidbit about this whole saga ... it looks like one Hannah Waddingham -- a big-time TV actress who's done some Broadway as well -- was consoling ADB on the carpet before the show got started. There's photos of the two having a heart-to-heart outside.

We know Ariana didn't appreciate the crack, and now ... it seems Bella's come around too.

Ariana DeBose Se abraza con Bella Ramsey... Después del chiste en los Critics Choice

Ariana DeBose parece haber enterrado el arma de guerra con Bella Ramsey, quien hizo una broma a costa de ella la noche anterior... Ahora todo parece estar bien entre ambas si nos guiamos por esta foto.

Las dos actrices se encontraron una vez más el lunes por la noche para los Emmys. Esto, después de haber asistido a los Critics Choice Awards el día anterior y de que Ariana DeBose haya terminado como un chiste mientras se presentaba la categoría de Mejor Canción, al ser catalogada por los presentadores como un actor que piensa que puede cantar.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Por supuesto, fue la propia Bella quien pronunció la brutal frase, leyendo de un apuntador a la distancia- y mucha gente sintió que Ariana había sido insultada... incluida ella misma.

Unas 24 horas después, circuló por Internet una foto en la que Bella y Ariana aparecían abrazándose en los Emmy. No hay mucho contexto más allá de lo que el escritor Evan Ross Katz -que tomó esta foto- dijo al respecto en su pie de foto.

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Demoledora mirada
The CW

Él escribió: "¡Increíble! Aquí está Bella Ramsey y la ganadora del Oscar Ariana DeBose abrazándose en los premios Emmy esta noche. Es particularmente conmovedor debido a una broma que le dieron a Ramsey en su teleprompter en los Critic's Choice Awards ayer que categorizaba a DeBose entre los 'actores que se creen cantantes'".

De nuevo, no estamos seguros de lo que Bella le habrá dicho a Ariana, pero definitivamente se siente como una disculpa porque Ariana ciertamente puede cantar.

Otro dato interesante de esta saga es que parece que Hannah Waddingham, una gran actriz de televisión y que ha hecho algo de Broadway también, estaba consolando a Ariana DeBose en la alfombra antes de que comenzara el espectáculo. Hay fotos de las dos teniendo un momento muy cariñoso juntas.

Sabemos que Ariana no apreció el chiste y ahora parece que Bella ha venido a repararlo.

Pedro Pascal Lanza divertida broma a Kieran Culkin en los Emmys 'Él me dio una paliza'


Pedro Pascal continuó su divertida disputa con Kieran Culkin este lunes en los Premios Emmy, acusando hilarantemente al actor de haberlo golpeado.

La estrella de "The Last of Us" se subió al escenario usando un cabestrillo en su brazo, en la 75ª edición del evento anual, para presentar el premio al mejor actor de reparto en una serie dramática, que recayó en la estrella de "Succession" Matthew Macfadyen. Lo que ocurrió a continuación quedó grabado en video.

De pie ante un micrófono, Pascal le dijo a la audiencia del Teatro Peacock de Los Ángeles: "Todo el mundo me ha estado preguntando por mi brazo, pero en realidad es mi hombro. Y creo que es hora de que todo el mundo sepa que Kieran Culkin me dio una paliza".

Todo el público estalló en carcajadas, excepto Culkin, que se quedó quieto con un semblante súper serio, mientras lanzaba una dura mirada a Pascal. Aunque Culkin no pudo mantener su seriedad durante mucho tiempo y pronto empezó a reírse entre dientes como el resto de la gente, mientras el video se corta.

A principios de este mes, los dos actores iniciaron su trifulca desenfadada en la entrega de los Globos de Oro en el Beverly Hilton de Beverly Hills.

Mientras aceptaba su premio al "Mejor Actor en una Serie Dramática" por Succession, de HBO, Culkin se burló juguetonamente de Pascal, diciéndole "chúpalo, Pedro". Pascal había sido nominado en la misma categoría por su papel en otra serie de HBO, "The Last of Us".

Por cierto, Pascal le dijo a Associated Press en los Globos de Oro que se lesionó el brazo durante una caída.

La pelota vuelve ahora al tejado de Culkin. A ver qué hace Kieran con ella.

Pedro Pascal Takes Hilarious Jab At Kieran Culkin At Emmy Awards ... He Beat The S@$t Out Of Me!!!


Pedro Pascal kept his funny feud going with Kieran Culkin at Monday's Emmy Awards, hilariously accusing the actor of beating "the s**t out of me."

"The Last of Us" star strolled out onstage with his arm in a sling at the 75th annual event to present the award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series to "Succession" star Matthew Macfadyen. What happened next was all caught on video.

Standing at a microphone, Pascal told the star-studded audience in L.A.'s Peacock Theater, "Everyone’s been asking about my arm, but it’s actually my shoulder. And I think it’s time to let everyone know that Kieran Culkin beat the s— out of me.”

The whole crowd burst out in laughter, except Culkin, who sat with a serious look, while shooting a hard stare at Pascal. But, Culkin couldn't keep a straight face for very long and soon began chuckling with the other people, as the video cuts off.

Earlier this month, the two actors launched their light-hearted squabble at the Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills.

While accepting the trophy for "Best Actor In A Drama Series" for HBO's Succession, Culkin took a playful jab at Pascal, telling him to "suck it." Pascal had been nominated in the same category for his role in another popular HBO series, "The Last of Us."

By the way, Pascal told the Associated Press at the Golden Globes that he injured his arm during a fall.


The ball's now back in Culkin's court. Let's see what Kieran does with it.

Fantasia Mocks Bagged Pizza Dinner at CCA ... Where's the Lamb Chops?!?

the hell is this?!?
Instagram / @oprahdaily

Fantasia is just one of several people calling out the grub at the Critics Choice Awards -- 'cause the bagged pizza they dished out just wasn't cutting it for hungry celebs.

Here's the deal ... the food that was handed out at Sunday night's show included slices that were bagged, and prepped to be served on an individual basis. When the pizza was handed out at Fantasia's table ... cameras caught her less-than-pleased reaction.

Check it out ... as the wait staff was handing out the pizza to her "Color Purple" costars, Fantasia looked right at the photog and asked ... "Where's the lamb chops???"

You can see Taraji P. Henson and some others start to chow down right away ... but Oprah herself holds off, saying she doesn't wanna ruin her lipstick. From the looks of it, an extra box of snacks was also handed out to those in the room ... with fruits and whatnot inside.

Now, while Fantasia and co. might've been poking fun at the menu ... others were a little more straightforward in their criticism of the food, including film producer Jen D'Angelo. She posted photos of the pizza, calling it "absolutely revolting" and "3D printed."

The CW

Even Paul Giamatti remarked about the food during his acceptance speech, saying ... "Serious guys, I need that endorsement. So let’s all just pray for me,” Giamatti continued. “Everybody get their pizza in a bag, by the way? I think that’d be a good endorsement. Paul Giamatti for pizza in a bag."

For the record, Baja Fresh and Cold Stone were the official food vendors for this thing -- but it appears their chow was served either before or after the show ... and not inside the venue itself. Baja and CS aren't known for pizza, so it's unclear who baked the pies.


In any case, it sounds like the response to it all was ... well, a mixed bag.

Ariana DeBose at CCA Actor Who *Thinks* She Can Sing ... 'I Didn't Find It Funny'

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The CW

Ariana DeBose got lumped in with actors who became songbirds in their movies this past year -- a joke cracked at the Critics Choice Awards ... which she didn't appreciate one bit.

The Oscar winner was on hand Sunday night at the latest award show in Santa Monica -- where she was up for a statuette in the Best Song category for her tune in Disney's "Wish" ... alongside others in films like "Barbie," "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" and "Rustin."

Before they announced the winners, presenters Bella Ramsey and Anthony Ramos made a crack about some of the stars in the group ... labeling them "actors who think that they're singers," name-dropping Ryan Gosling, Jack Black and, surprisingly, Ariana herself.

The camera cut to her face right at that moment, and she looked fairly confused/insulted.

Welp, as it turns out ... that's exactly how she felt inside -- 'cause she later took to IG to express the sentiment that we all saw on her face ... writing, "I Didn't Find It Funny Lol."

While you could argue the crack was in good fun, fans jumped to her defense to point out it was technically inaccurate -- 'cause ADB most certainly *can* sing ... and does so flawlessly. Not only has she received accolades for her musical performances on camera, but she's a star on Broadway as well -- so to compare to the likes of JB and Gosling does seem off.

Sounds like one of the CCA script writers just might not like her ... that's the vibe anyway.


Ariana DeBose responde a las críticas sobre si sabe cantar

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sintiendo las dagas
The CW

Ariana DeBose fue agrupada con los actores que se convirtieron en pájaros cantores en sus películas el año pasado... una broma en los Critics Choice Awards que ella no apreció ni un poco.

La ganadora del Oscar estuvo presente el domingo por la noche en la última entrega de premios en Santa Mónica, donde era candidata a una estatuilla en la categoría de Mejor Canción por su melodía en "Wish" de Disney, junto a otros en películas como "Barbie", "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" y "Rustin".

Antes de anunciar a los ganadores, los presentadores Bella Ramsey y Anthony Ramos hicieron un chiste sobre algunas de las estrellas del grupo, etiquetándolos como "actores que piensan que son cantantes", nombrando a Ryan Gosling, Jack Black y sorprendentemente a la propia Ariana.

La cámara se enfocó en su cara justo en ese momento y parecía bastante ofendida.

Bueno, resulta que eso es exactamente lo que sentía por dentro, porque más tarde acudió a Insta para expresar el sentimiento que todos vimos en su cara escribiendo: "No me pareció gracioso Lol".

Si bien se podría argumentar que el crack era en broma, los fans saltaron en su defensa para señalar que era técnicamente inexacta, porque Ariana sin duda puede cantar y lo hace de manera impecable. No solo ha recibido elogios por sus actuaciones musicales en cámara, además es una estrella en Broadway, así que las comparaciones con Black y Gosling parecen fuera de lugar.

Parece que no le gusta a uno de los guionistas de la CCA... al menos esa es la sensación que nos queda.

Chelsea Handler Takes A Dig At Ex-BF Jo Koy ... For Lackluster Golden Globes Performance

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The CW

Chelsea Handler couldn't resist taking a dig at her ex-boyfriend Jo Koy during Sunday's Critics Choice Awards in L.A. for his much-criticized Golden Globes performance.

Chelsea was hosting the CCA event onstage at the Santa Monica Airport's Barker Hangar last evening when she gave Jo a shot as she served up jokes during her opening monologue.

The comedian set it up like this ... "Unfortunately, Martin Scorsese isn’t here tonight, but that’s not going to stop me from letting everyone in this room know that I would toss him around like a little Italian meatball." The crowd chuckled.

Then Chelsea hit the punch line ... "Thank you for laughing at that. My writers wrote it."

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Ouch, Jo! That must have hurt, especially from an ex! Jo, as you know, got roasted in the press and on social media after his jokes fell flat as host of the Golden Globe Awards earlier this month.

Jo's wisecracks about the film, "Barbie," were met with groans and, when he poked fun at Taylor Swift, she shot him an icy look.

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Sensing he was going down in flames, Jo tried to blame his writers for his bad jokes, telling the GG audience, “Some [jokes] I wrote, some other people wrote. Yes, I got the gig 10 days ago! You want a perfect monologue? Yo, shut up. You’re kidding me, right?”

He added, “Slow down, I wrote some of these and they are the ones you are laughing at.”


Last week, Jo tried to clean up his remarks during an LA Times interview, admitting it was a "rookie move" to fault his writers.

Now we'll have to see if Jo responds to Chelsea's jab.

Stay tuned.

Jo Koy Calls Globes Crowd 'Marshamallows' ... In 1st Stand-Up Since Show

Jo Koy is still reflecting on his poorly-received Golden Globes hosting gig -- calling the star-studded crowd a bunch of softies ... this as he gets back to regular routine.

Variety sent one of their reporters to St. Louis Friday -- where Jo was scheduled to perform ... marking his first regular stand-up set since the big show. According to the outlet, he immediately dove into the topic after arriving late due to bad weather.

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He got a warm welcome from the crowd, and Jo reportedly said ... "Holy s***, right? This big hug that you gave me is all I need, swear to god. F***ing whirlwind, goddamn."

JK then went on to trash the Globes audience -- which, BTW, were nothing but a bunch of celebs/industry people -- by saying this ... "Lot a marshmallows, man. They’re delicious, but goddamn, they’re soft. I just come from a different time. I see the changes that are happening. I get it, but goddamn, can we f***ing laugh at ourselves?"

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Variety says the crowd on hand for Jo last night ate all this up ... cheering him on and one person even apparently yelling "F*** 'em!" in support of Jo.

Jo then reportedly said this about the GG broadcast ... "Koy said, 'I got a feeling none of you motherf***ers watched it, and I’m kinda happy. Oh my god. It feels good to live in this country. We get to say what we want to say. Don’t be apologetic about it at all. Be able to…speak your mind.'"

Like we mentioned ... Jo's opening monologue got torn to shreds on a number of different fronts -- with many accusing him of sexism/misogyny ... and just terrible material generally.

He's been apologizing/trying to clarify why it was so bad .. now, he's blaming oversensitivity.

Jo Koy Califica de 'marshmallows' al público de los Golden Globes

Jo Koy sigue reflexionando sobre su mal recibida presentación en los Golden Globes, ahora llamando a la multitud de esa noche como un montón de blandengues, mientras regresa a sus rutinas habituales.

Variety envió a uno de sus reporteros a St. Louis el viernes, donde Jo tenía programada una actuación, la primera desde el gran espectáculo. De acuerdo con el medio, el comediante de inmediato se sumergió en el tema después de llegar tarde debido al mal tiempo.

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Denme un respiro

Recibió una cálida bienvenida de la multitud, y según los informes, dijo: "Holy s***, ¿verdad? Este gran abrazo que me dieron es todo lo que necesito, lo juro por Dios".

Luego Jo Koy criticó a la audiencia de los Globos de Oro, que, por cierto, no eran más que un montón de celebridades y gente de la industria, diciendo esto: "Muchos marshmallows", hombre. Son deliciosos, pero maldita sea, son blandos. Vengo de una época diferente. Veo los cambios que están sucediendo. Lo entiendo, pero maldita sea, ¿podemos reírnos de nosotros mismos?".

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Si las miradas pudieran matar

Variety dice que la multitud presente se bancó todo su discurso, lo animaron y una persona incluso le habría gritado "F*** 'em!" (que se jodan) en apoyo a Jo.

Jo dijo lo siguiente sobre la emisión de los Globos de Oro: "Tengo la sensación de que ninguno de ustedes los vio y estoy un poco feliz. Dios mío. Me siento bien viviendo en este país. Podemos decir lo que queremos decir. No hay que disculparse por ello. Tenemos que ser capaces de... decir lo que piensas'".

Como hemos mencionado, el monólogo de apertura de Jo se hizo pedazos en diferentes frentes y muchos lo acusaron de sexismo, misoginia y un material terrible en general.

El comediante se ha estado disculpando e intentando aclarar por qué fue tan desastroso... ahora está culpando la hipersensibilidad.