Matt Rife aún no se ha disculpado por discutir con su hijo de 6 años

Matt Rife se metió en línea con un niño de 6 años de edad que lo criticó por su reciente especial de Netflix, algo por lo que todavía tiene que hacer las paces, al menos así lo dice la madre del niño.

Así es la cosa, el comediante todavía se enfrenta a reacciones en contra de su especial del mes pasado, que incluía bromas sobre la violencia doméstica, además de bastantes bromas a expensas de las mujeres. Todo esto a pesar de que la mayoría de su público es femenino.

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Rife se encargó de llamar la atención con sus polémicos chistes durante mucho tiempo, y la semana pasada, el hijo pequeño de la TikToker Bunny Hedaya dio su opinión al respecto.

Ella publicó una de las bromas de Rife del especial en la que se burla de las mujeres por confiar en la astrología y conseguir "anillos" que combinen con los planetas. Fue cuando su hijo apareció para corregir al humorista sobre qué planeta en realidad cuenta con anillos... Saturno.

El chico también dijo que Rife era "malo con las chicas". Sabemos que no es una afirmación nada agresiva, pero Rife aparentemente sintió la necesidad de responder... y escribió un comentario que ya ha sido borrado: "Júpiter también tiene un anillo. Y Papá Noel no es real. Tu madre te compra los regalos con el dinero que gana en OnlyFans. Buena suerte". Sí, no es genial, y peor aún, Bunny dice que no ha dicho lo siento.

Ella le dice a TMZ que Rife aún no se ha disculpado. Agrega que solo aceptaría una disculpa a través de un cambio de comportamiento, es decir, un cambio en el tono con el que se refiere a las mujeres. Sin embargo, ella dice que basándose en su comportamiento, no tiene muchas esperanzas.

Bunny dice que Rife no parece el tipo de persona que se responsabiliza de sus actos —véase su respuesta a toda la controversia sobre el "casco para necesidades especiales"— y añade que cree que necesita mirar en su interior para averiguar por qué siente tanta agresividad hacia las mujeres y los niños, y tratar de curarse a sí mismo una vez que descubra la causa.

Para su información, Bunny nos dice que no hizo partícipe a su hijo del insulto de Matt hacia él/ella... diciéndonos que tiene cuidado con exponer a su hijo demasiado en redes sociales debido a su corta edad. Hay cosas que es mejor ignorar.

Matt Rife Hasn't Apologized for Beefing w/ 6-Y-O Says Mother Bunny Hedaya

Matt Rife got into it online with a 6-year-old kid who criticized him over his recent Netflix special -- something for which he has yet to make amends ... according to the boy's mom.

Here's the deal ... the comedian is still facing backlash over his special from last month, which included cracks about domestic violence, and which made women, in general, the butt of a lot of his jokes -- this despite the fact that the vast majority of his fans are women.

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Rife was getting crapped on left and right for a good long while -- something he relished -- and the other week, TikToker Bunny Hedaya's young son got in on the action as well.

She posted a stitch to one of Rife's jokes from the special -- during which he's making fun of women for relying on astrology and getting a "rings" punchline in there with the planets -- and it featured her boy who corrected MR on which planet actually featured rings ... Saturn.

The kid also said Rife was "mean to girls" ... so not a huge burn, but one to which Rife apparently felt the need to respond. He wrote in a since-deleted comment, "Jupiter also has (a) ring. OH!... and Santa isn't real. Your mom buys you presents with the money she makes on OnlyFans. Good luck." Yeah, it ain't great ... and worse yet, Bunny says he hasn't said sorry.

She tells TMZ ... while Rife has yet to apologize, she says she would only accept one through changed behavior -- namely, switching up his tune on how he talks to/about women. However, she says based on what she's seen about him ... she ain't holding her breath.

Bunny says Rife doesn't seem like the type of guy to take accountability -- see his response to the special needs helmet joke controversy -- and she believes he needs to look deep inside himself to figure out why he feels so much aggression toward women and children, and to attempt to heal himself once he figures out the root cause.

FWIW, Bunny tells us she didn't make her son privy to Matt's insult to him/her ... telling us she's careful with exposing him to too much social media at this age. Ignorance is bliss.

NHL Star Andrei Vasilevskiy Loud Fart Derails Interview 'What Was The Question?!?'


Someone must've had beans before the Tampa Bay Lightning's shutout win over the Dallas Stars on Monday ... 'cause star goalie Andrei Vasilevskiy's postgame interview was interrupted by a big fart!!

The hilarious sequence was captured on video ... when the 29-year-old Russian athlete was asked in the locker room about bouncing back from an 8-1 loss to the same team just two days prior.

Vasilevskiy started to give his earnest response to the inquiry ... but as he paused to collect his thoughts, one of his teammates (we're assuming) squeaked out a toot.

Naturally, Vasilevskiy couldn't help but giggle over the whole thing ... and all the reporters joined in on the laugh.

"Uhh ... what was the question??" Vasilevskiy said with a smirk before trying to get back on track.


Eventually, the keeper returned to the topic at hand ... breaking down his stellar night with 25 saves on 25 shots on goal.


It hasn't been too stinky of a season for the Lightning -- they're currently 11-10-5 on the campaign.

Here's hoping whoever let it rip had a change of undies.

Theo Von Baffles Lee Corso with Picks ... On 'College GameDay'


Theo Von has entered the college football chat — and he confused the hell out of some OGs on the air … which was absolutely hilarious to watch.

ESPN tapped into the TikTok zeitgeist and hired Theo Von as their celebrity guest panelist for “College GameDay” Saturday … where he, Pat McAfee and the rest of the professional analysts sat around making picks ahead of a packed schedule.

The only difference this time around was Theo’s very unpredictable nature and rants — which certainly shone through during the telecast, especially when he was talking about the matchup between Louisville and Florida State.

Apparently, TV thought it was 2013 again … ‘cause he invoked Jameis Winston’s name to talk about the Seminoles’ chances. Only problem … Winston has long left the university, something Pat reminded Theo of … forcing him to pivot and come up with a new rationale.

It was pretty typical Theo, but Lee Corso couldn’t believe (or comprehend) what he was hearing … making for a funny-ass exchange live on TV.

If you’re unfamiliar with Theo and his brand of humor, this was a great introduction … dude’s finally breaking through into the mainstream. Gang, baby!

Michael Blackson Bey Went Blonde For Jay ... It's New Eye Candy, Not Whiteness!!!


Michael Blackson knows exactly what's really behind Beyoncé's recent lightened appearance, and apologies to Tina Knowles, but he says it's really about a bedroom "Renaissance" for Jay-Z!!!

Mike dropped his juicy theory on us when we got him at LAX, and asked what he makes of all the fan remarks about Bey's appearance during the L.A. premiere of her 'Renaissance' film.

Unlike Mama Knowles, who said the silvery/platinum look was simply about sticking to the theme of Bey's tour -- Michael thinks it's really about the Carters mixing things up in the bedroom. As he sees it, Beyoncé's just giving her man "another woman."

Jokes aside, MB did totally dismiss the haters who claimed B was bleaching her skin ... and he explained why he's filing that under utterly ridiculous.

As we reported, Tina also went to bat for her daughter ... lashing out at anyone spreading the notion Beyonce is anything other than a proud Black woman.

We're not sure Tina would be any more down with Michael's "theory," though.😂


BTW, Beyoncé was still rocking the blonde locks Thursday night for the London premiere of "Renaissance" -- with daughter/backup dancer Blue Ivy by her side -- so, she's clearly not changing a damn thing for the haters.


Or maybe Michael's right, and the new look is intended for Jay's eyes ... and the rest of us are incidental.

Nothing wrong with a little marriage makeover to keep the fires burning!

MICHAEL BLACKSON "Beyoncé se hizo rubia platino para darle variedad a Jay-Z en la cama"


¡Michael Blackson tiene una explicación para la reciente apariencia de Beyoncé!, y básicamente tendría que ver con Jay-Z.

De acuerdo con la perspectiva de Mike, Jay quería ver algo diferente en la cama luego de tanto tiempo de matrimonio por lo que se cambió al rubio platinado. Estilo que mostró hace poco en el estreno de Renaissance, el cual estuvo lleno de estrellas a principios de esta semana.

Es solo una teoría, pero Michael tiene algo de razón, engañar a Bey es imposible, ¡así que un poco de juego de roles para animar las cosas es lo mejor!

El nuevo look de Beyoncé provocó comparaciones con Kim Kardashian e incluso acusaciones de blanqueamiento de la piel, pero Mike está archivando eso bajo una de las cosas más ridículas que ha oído jamás.

Tina Knowles también lo hizo y salió en defensa de su hija arremetiendo verbalmente contra cualquiera que mantuviera la narrativa del "blanqueamiento".

Bromas aparte, Michael señala cómo la marca de la diva siempre ha estado "orgullosa de ser negra", después de todo, ¡esta es la misma mujer que pisoteó coches de policía para Black Lives Matter y rindió homenaje a las Panteras Negras durante su actuación en la Super Bowl 2016!

Beyonce: Homage to Black Panthers During Super Bowl Performance 2016

No hay nada malo en un pequeño cambio de imagen, especialmente si se trata de mantener viva la magia.

Rep. LAUREN BOEBERT Scores Selfie with DAVE CHAPPELLE ... No Hands-On Experience!!!

Dave Chappelle has a couple of U.S. Congresswomen full-on fangirling -- and since one of 'em is Rep. Lauren Boebert, ya couldn't blame Dave if he asked her to keep her hands in clear view!

Boebert and Rep. Anna Paulina Luna snapped a selfie alongside the comedian Thursday in the Capitol -- and the Colorado congresswoman turned the moment into a platform for her anti-LGBTQ views. She captioned her IG post, "Just three people who understand that there are only two genders 😄."

A source with direct knowledge tells TMZ Dave had no intent on getting political with the photo op, and it was a spontaneous moment. He's in D.C. for an "Art is Activism" event at Duke Ellington School of the Arts ... which is, famously, Dave's high school alma mater.


We're told he went to meet some friends -- not politicians -- who work on Capitol Hill, and ended up running into several members of Congress, including Lauren and Anna, who scrambled for pics.

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Ya gotta imagine Dave had a bunch of jokes bouncing around his head upon seeing Rep. Boebert -- considering all the buzz earlier this year when she was getting super handsy in the dark with her date at a Denver theatre. While watching "Beetlejuice," no less!

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While she took some responsibility for fooling around -- chalking it up to having some good ol' me time -- she said she's since kicked the guy to the curb, because he's a Democrat.


Tiffany Haddish está tomando en serio su arresto por Conducir Bajo Influencia de Sustancias (DUI, por sus siglas en inglés) la madrugada del viernes, un cambio importante en su tono después de responder de manera cómica durante un espectáculo de comedia menos de un día después.

En una nueva entrevista, la actriz admite que necesita "buscar ayuda" para "encontrar el equilibrio y límites" después de su segundo DUI, siendo el primero en enero de 2022, prometiendo que "esto nunca volverá a suceder".

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La estrella de "Girls Trip" le contó a Kevin Frazier de ET sobre los eventos que llevaron a su arresto, mencionando que se quedó dormida en su Tesla después de un largo día de Acción de Gracias, alimentando a personas desfavorecidas y actuando en el Laugh Factory de Los Ángeles, sin darse cuenta de que su vehículo había bloqueado parte de la calle después de estacionarse automáticamente.

TMZ dio a conocer la historia mientras parte del arresto de Tiffany se desarrollaba en cámara, con la policía esposándola y llevándola a la parte trasera de una patrulla policial en Beverly Hills, fichándola bajo sospecha de DUI.

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Pero, menos de 24 horas después de su tiempo en la celda, la estrella cumplió con una presentación programada en Long Beach, refrescando su rutina al incorporar una broma inspirada en su arresto.

A pesar de recurrir a la comedia para abordar el tema del arresto, Tiffany evitó más problemas a futuro, optando por el asiento del pasajero en lugar de conducir a casa después de la actuación.


Tiffany Haddish is getting serious about her early morning DUI arrest on Friday -- a major shift in tone after briefly responding comically during a stand-up set less than a day later.

In a new interview, the actress admits she needs to "get help" to "learn balance and boundaries" in the aftermath of her second DUI -- the first coming in January 2022 -- vowing "this will never happen again."

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The "Girls Trip" star told ET's Kevin Frazier about the events leading up to her arrest ... saying she dozed off in her Tesla after a long Thanksgiving day of feeding underprivileged people and performing at L.A.'s Laugh Factory -- not realizing her vehicle had blocked off a portion of the street after parking itself.

TMZ broke the story as part of Tiffany's arrest unfolded on camera ... with cops throwing her in handcuffs and escorting her to the back of a police car in Beverly Hills ... booking her on suspicion of DUI.

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But, less than 24 hours after her stint in a jail cell, the star honored a scheduled gig in Long Beach ... freshening up her set by weaving in a joke inspired by her arrest.

But, despite leaning into comedy to address the bust, afterward, Tiffany steered clear of any more dramas ... opting for the passenger seat instead of driving home after the set.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Tiffany Haddish Addresses New DUI in Stand-Up Set With 'Answered Prayers' Joke

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Tiffany Haddish got up in front of a crowd to crack jokes less than a day after getting arrested for DUI -- and when she was asked about it point blank, she leaned on comedy.

As we reported ... TH was scheduled to perform at the Laugh Factory in Long Beach Friday -- this after a set she'd done the previous night in L.A., before getting busted by Beverly Hills cops the following morning -- and TMZ obtained audio from part of that Long Beach show.

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earlier in the set ...

Take a listen to how Tiffany responded when an audience member asked about what happened "last night" ... obviously referring to her getting led away in handcuffs Friday AM.

Tiffany doesn't really cop to anything -- including the alleged DUI -- but she does say her prayers for a man in uniform were certainly answered ... something the crowd ate up. In other words, she rolled with it and made the whole thing into a well-delivered punchline.

Like we told you ... Tiffany left her Long Beach gig in the backseat of an SUV Friday evening, and it looks like she had some friendly company with her. What's interesting is that earlier in the day, she was in jail after getting taken in and booked earlier that same morning.

Tiffany is alleged to have been found asleep at the wheel in Bev Hills -- and cops say they found probable cause to take her in on suspicion of DUI ... and her arrest is on video.

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Outside of this set, Tiffany hasn't talked about the DUI arrest publicly.

By the way, if it seems like she came up with that "man in uniform" line pretty quickly, that's because she deployed the same line shortly after her 2022 Georgia DUI ... when she was a guest on the 'Tonight Show.'

Tiffany Haddish Aborda su detención en rutina de stand-up Se ríe con un chiste!!!

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Sobre lo que pasó anoche...

Tiffany Haddish se paró frente a una multitud apenas unas horas después de ser arrestada por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol (DUI), y cuando se le preguntó directamente por eso se apoyó en la comedia.

Como informamos, estaba programado que Tiffany Haddish actuara en Laugh Factory en Long Beach el viernes, esto es al día siguiente del show que había hecho la noche anterior en Los Ángeles y, apenas unas horas antes de ser arrestada por la policía de Beverly Hills. Y TMZ obtuvo el audio de parte de su rutina.

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El show debe continuar

Escucha cómo Tiffany responde cuando el público le pregunta por lo que sucedió "anoche", obviamente refiriéndose al incidente que la llevó a ser esposada el viernes por la mañana.

Tiffany realmente no dice nada, incluyendo el supuesto cargo por DUI, pero sí dice que sus oraciones por un hombre de uniforme fueron ciertamente respondidas, algo que a la multitud le gustó. En otras palabras, hizo de todo el asunto un chiste bien entregado.

Como les contamos, Tiffany se fue de su concierto en Long Beach en el asiento trasero de un SUV y parece que estaba en compañía de un amigo. Lo que es interesante es que apenas unas horas antes en el día, estuvo tras las rejas después de haber sido detenida.

Supuestamente, Tiffany se encontraba dormida sobre el volante cuando la encontraron en Beverly Hills, y los policías dicen que estimaron como causa probable la conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol. Pueden ver su detención en este video.

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Tiffany es esposada

Fuera del set, Tiffany no ha hablado públicamente del arresto. Nos pusimos en contacto con su equipo para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Tiffany Haddish Hits Laugh Factory Again After DUI ... Gets Ride Home This Time!!!

Tiffany Haddish had a busy Friday -- she was in a jail cell in the AM, and was back to joking in front of a crowd about 12 hours later ... but there was a big difference for night #2.

Check out these pics of TH leaving the Laugh Factory in Long Beach, CA late Friday night ... where she was scheduled to perform just a day after hitting the Los Angeles location and getting busted for DUI the following morning.

Doesn't look like she let a little thing like an arrest deter her from hitting the stage ... 'cause this is her leaving the venue after her set, and she was riding in the backseat with a pal.

We have no idea who this fella is ... but he and Tiff seemed to having a ball back there.

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In any case, it's good to see she learned her lesson from earlier in the day -- when cops threw her in handcuffs and into the back of a police cruiser in Beverly Hills ... booking her on suspicion of DUI, this after they apparently found her asleep at the wheel while parked.

It marks Tiffany's second DUI in about a year -- remember, she'd been arrested for another DUI out in Georgia back in 2022 and is supposed to be going to trial soon to fight it.

Now, as for how this 2nd night at the Laugh Factory went in terms of laughs/crowd reception ... no word on that yet. We haven't been able to find any reviews of how good her set was, but considering LB is L.A.-adjacent -- ya gotta imagine she touched on the new DUI.

Like we said, the fact she was brave enough to get back up there after a legal setback like that is telling -- Tiff seems to see her gigs through and through, regardless of circumstance.

TH hasn't addressed the arrest publicly, but she might've vented to the audience last night. Time will tell if this latest DUI bust sticks or not ... CA's pretty strict on that kind of stuff.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

TIFFANY HADDISH Vuelve a Laugh Factory después de ser detenida Esta vez la llevan a casa!!!

Tiffany Haddish tuvo un viernes ocupado. Estuvo en una celda por la mañana y alrededor de 12 horas después volvió a los escenarios para hacer bromas delante de una multitud de personas, pero con una gran diferencia respecto a la noche anterior.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos de Tiffany dejando Laugh Factory en Long Beach, California, la noche del viernes. Estaba programado que la comediante también actuara al día siguiente de ser arrestada por conducir en estado de ebriedad.

No parece que Tiffanny dejara que una cosa tan pequeña como un arresto la disuadiera de estar sobre el escenario, porque en estas fotos se la ve saliendo del set y en el asiento trasero con un amigo.

No tenemos ni idea de quién es el tipo, pero parece que ambos lo están pasando muy bien.

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Tiffany esposada

En cualquier caso, es bueno ver que aprendió la lección de la mañana, cuando los policías le pusieron las esposas en la parte trasera de un coche patrulla en Beverly Hills. Tiffany fue detenida como sospechosa por conducir en estado de ebriedad (DUI), después de que aparentemente la encontraron dormida al volante mientras estaba estacionada.

Este es el segundo DUI que enfrenta Tiffany en aproximadamente un año. Recuerden, también fue detenida por un cargo similar en Georgia en 2022 y se supone que va a ir a juicio pronto por eso.

Ahora, en cuanto a cómo estuvo esta segunda noche en Laugh Factory, en términos de risas y recepción de la multitud, no tenemos información sobre eso todavía. No hemos sido capaces de encontrar ninguna crítica de su show, pero teniendo en cuenta que el club está cerca de Los Ángeles, podemos imaginar que abordó su nueva detención.

Como hemos dicho, el hecho de que fuera lo suficientemente valiente como para volver allí después de un contratiempo legal como ese es revelador. Tiff parece sacar sus funciones adelante y adelante, independientemente de las circunstancias.

La comediante no se ha referido a la detención públicamente, pero podría haberse desahogado con el público anoche. El tiempo dirá lo que sucede con este último cargo, California es bastante estricto en ese tipo de cosas.

Deion Sanders Mount Rushmore Isn't In L.A.?!?

Deion Sanders just made a shocking -- and hilarious -- admission ... revealing Tuesday he had absolutely no clue where Mount Rushmore was located.

Prime acknowledged his geography deficiency as he was reflecting on his Colorado team's performance this year with a gaggle of media members.

While trying to explain how he felt about his 4-7 Buffaloes squad ... he said he has sky-high expectations -- similar to the height of a famous mountain that he thought was situated in SoCal.

"What's those little four heads that's in California?" he asked reporters. "What they call those? The people's faces engraved?"

When the room filled Sanders in that it was Mt. Rushmore -- and that it was, in fact, located in South Dakota, Coach Prime couldn't help but laugh.

"It's in where?" he said. "I thought it was in L.A. all this time! Wow, my geography."

To his credit, after chuckling for a few moments, Sanders thanked the crowd for "educating me."

Being a tour guide clearly might not be in Deion's future ... but, fortunately for him, he doesn't have to worry much about it -- 'cause he's a helluva coach!!

Presidente Biden Ardiente torta de cumpleaños Suscita memes y bromas!!!

El pastel de cumpleaños del presidente Joe Biden pareció estar en llamas esta semana mientras celebraba su cumpleaños número 81, lo que provocó una tonelada de bromas.

Joe estaba celebrando su cumpleaños el lunes y parece que su equipo decidió encender la fiesta con una tonelada de velas en un pastel bastante pequeño para el presidente de la nación, algo que el Comandante en Jefe pareció apreciar.

Como pueden ver, pareciera que el pastel está ardiendo y la gente no se pudo aguantar las ganas de esparcir memes por todo Internet, bromeando desde que la Casa Blanca está en riesgo de ser quemada hasta que ese es el estado del país bajo la mirada de Joe.

Por muy graciosas que fueran algunas de estas comparaciones varias de las cuales estaban inspiradas en famosos, de hecho, el propio Joe hizo una broma para rematar la situación, escribiendo: "Gracias a todos por los buenos deseos de cumpleaños. Resulta que en tu cumpleaños 146, ¡te quedas sin espacio para las velas!".

Es una forma interesante de aceptar su edad, es decir, con humor irónico, ya que el hecho de que el presidente sea una persona mayor ha sido objeto de un intenso escrutinio, especialmente a medida que se acerca 2024.

Por ejemplo, el otro día confundió a Taylor Swift con Britney Spears. Obviamente, no es un gran problema, ¡¡¡pero vamos, hombre!!!

Y, sin embargo, está tomando sus 81 años con calma, jugando con las bromas y críticas. El tiempo dirá si es una estrategia eficaz de cara a las próximas elecciones presidenciales. En este momento, sus números en las encuestas no andan bien.

En cualquier caso, feliz cumpleaños, presidente Biden. Que sigan llegando contenidos hilarantes, intencionados o no.

President Biden Fiery 81st Birthday Cake Spurs Memes and Jokes Galore!!!

President Joe Biden's birthday cake appeared to be on fire this week to ring his 81st birthday -- sparking a ton of jokes.

Joe was celebrating his born day Monday, and it looks like his staff lit up the festivities with a crap ton of candles on a meager-sized pastry for POTUS -- something the Commander in Chief appeared to appreciate.

As you can see, the cake looks to be set completely ablaze ... and people didn't hold back in making cracks and memes on the Internet ... joking about everything from the White House at risk of getting burned down, to comparing it to the state of the country under Joe's watch.

As funny as some of these comparisons were -- several of which were celeb-inspired, in fact -- Joe himself had a joke to top it off, writing ... "Thanks for the birthday well-wishes today, everyone. Turns out on your 146th birthday, you run out of space for candles!"


It's an interesting way to embrace his age -- namely, tongue-in-cheek humor -- as the Prez being a super senior has fallen under intense scrutiny ... especially as 2024 approaches.


For instance, just the other day, he mixed up Taylor Swift and Britney Spears. Obviously, not a huge problem ... but c'mon, man!!!

And yet, he's taking 81 in stride -- rolling with the punches and jabs. Time will tell if it's an effective strategy ahead of the next presidential election ... right now, his poll numbers stink.

Anyhoo ... happy birthday, President Biden. Keep the hilarious content -- whether intentional or not -- coming!!!