"SKI CRASH TRIAL" ¡EL MUSICAL! llega a los escenarios londinenses

Si estás buscando algo fuera de lo común, especialmente para los amantes del teatro, Gwyneth Paltrow te tiene cubierto, ¡su demanda y juicio por accidente de esquí se está convirtiendo en un musical!

"Gwyneth Goes Skiing" hará su gran debut en el famoso West End de Londres este diciembre y, sí, se centra en el infame caso judicial de 8 días que tuvo lugar a principios de este año.

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El actor de teatro Linus Karp se transformará en el fundador de Goop, mientras que Joseph Martin asumirá el papel del Dr. Terry Sanderson, optometrista jubilado de 76 años.

Recordemos que Sanderson sorprendió a Gwyneth con la demanda en 2019, alegando que ella chocó con él mientras esquiaba en Deer Valley Resort en 2016,dejándolo con daño cerebral y costillas rotas.

Gwyneth tomó represalias en la corte, alegando que inicialmente pensó que era víctima de agresión sexual durante el desastre cuesta abajo, insistiendo en que él se acercó por detrás y sus esquís se metieron entre sus piernas.

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fue un asalto sexual

Con las redes sociales pendientes de cada palabra del oponente, las cosas tomaron un giro hilarantemente fuera de lugar cuando Gwyneth lamentó perder medio día de esquí en lugar de haber ido por un masaje. Es una vida dura.

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En otros relatos virales, ambas partes pintaron imágenes contrastantes de cómo el accidente impactó en sus vidas. Antes de que la estrella de "Sliding Doors" saliera victoriosa y se le concediera el millón de dólares que pedía en su contrademanda.

Salió tranquilamente de la sala, no sin antes susurrarle a Sanderson: "Te deseo lo mejor". ¡Eso se verá bien en el escenario!

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El caso atrajo el interés público en su momento y es lógico que se le haya dado una oportunidad en forma de musical.

La sinopsis dice así: "Ella es una superestrella de Hollywood que funda Goop, se desliza por las puertas, ama a Shakespeare y se desvincula conscientemente. Él es un optometrista jubilado de Utah. En 2016, se fueron a esquiar. En las pistas de Deer Valley, sus mundos chocaron, y ellos también... literalmente. Ouch. Siete años después, en 2023, fueron a juicio. Doble ouch. Esta es su historia. Bueno, más o menos. En realidad no. Pero es en Navidad".

El espectáculo tendrá lugar del 13 al 23 de diciembre en el Pleasance London Main House Cabaret, con la producción dada un cambio de imagen de campamento con música original de Leland, el cantante detrás de "RuPaul's Drag Race" y "Cher's Christmas".

Le aseguramos que no querrá perderse este viaje de esquí.

GWYNETH PALTROW SKI CRASH Trial, the MUSICAL!!! Slides Onto London Stage

If you're looking for something a bit off-piste -- especially for theater lovers -- Gwyneth Paltrow's got ya covered ... her ski crash lawsuit and trial is getting the musical treatment!

Hold on to your knitted hats, because "Gwyneth Goes Skiing" is making its grand debut on London's famed West End this December, and, yes, it centers on the infamous 8-day court case that took place earlier this year.

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Theater actor Linus Karp will transform into the Goop founder while Joseph Martin will take on the role of 76-year-old retired optometrist Dr. Terry Sanderson.

Remember, Sanderson slapped Gwyneth with the lawsuit in 2019 ... claiming she collided with him while skiing at Deer Valley Resort in 2016, and leaving him with a concussion, broken ribs and brain damage.

Gwyneth retaliated in court, claiming she initially thought she was the victim of sexual assault during the downhill disaster, insisting he came up from behind and his skis went in between her legs.

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With social media hanging on to the opponent's every word, things took a hilariously out-of-touch turn as Gwyneth lamented losing half a day of skiing during the expensive getaway ... instead opting to go for a massage later that day. It's a tough life.

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In further viral accounts, both parties painted contrasting pictures of how the accident impacted their lives ... before the "Sliding Doors" star emerged victorious and was awarded what she sought in her countersuit -- $1.

She then calmly walked out of the courtroom ... but not before icily whispering to Sanderson ... "I wish you well." That's gonna play well on stage!

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With the case drawing massive interest at the time, it's only fitting that it's been given a fresh lease on life in musical form.

The synopsis reads: "She's the Goop-founding, Door-Sliding, Shakespeare-In-Loving, consciously-uncoupling Hollywood superstar. He's a retired Optometrist from Utah. In 2016, they went skiing. On the slopes of Deer Valley, their worlds collided, and so did they – literally. Ouch. Seven years later in 2023, they went to court. Double ouch. This is their story. Kind of. Not really. But also, it's at Christmas."

The show will run from December 13 to 23 at Pleasance London Main House Cabaret -- with the production given a camp makeover with original music from Leland -- the singer behind "RuPaul's Drag Race" and "Cher's Christmas".


Rest assured, this is one ski trip you don't want to miss out on.

RFK JR. 'Inexcusable' to Be Barefoot On Plane ... I Won't Do That Again 😆


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is in the middle of a heated debate around the viral photo of him walking barefoot on an airplane, and his response proves he's keeping 10 toes down on his stance on this issue.

The presidential candidate sent a video response to TMZ -- after seeing the controversy bubble up in our newsroom -- and he tells us it's "inexcusable" for politicians to go barefoot on an airplane and promises to never repeat the same foot faux pas.

Ya gotta see RFK Jr.'s video ... once he finishes his "apology" the camera pans away to show the naked truth -- and while he's not midflight in the video, he is sitting in an airport terminal. 😂

As you know ... the photo going around the internet shows RFK Jr. walking barefoot down a messy airplane aisle. The image was snapped earlier this month on an American Airlines flight from Portland to Dallas when RFK Jr. was sitting in first class.

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In The Tank

Conservative commentator Justin Haskins took the now-viral photo, and on his "In The Tank" podcast Haskins claimed there was a bunch of food and debris on the floor as RFK Jr. walked barefoot to the airplane bathroom.


We gotta say, the terminal floor looks considerably cleaner here ... and RFK Jr.'s clearly leaning into the "controversy," and getting a good laugh out of it.


aprendiendo mi lección

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. está en medio de un acalorado debate en torno a la foto viral de él caminando descalzo en un avión, y su respuesta demuestra que mantiene 10 dedos de los pies hacia abajo en su postura sobre este tema.

El candidato presidencial envió un video de respuesta a TMZ luego de ver la controversial conversación en nuestra sala de redacción y nos dice que es "inexcusable" para los políticos a ir descalzo en un avión y promete no repetir nunca el mismo paso en falso.

Tienes que ver el video de RFK Jr. Una vez que termina su "disculpa", la cámara se aleja para mostrar la verdad. No está realmente volando en ese momento, solo está sentado en una terminal del aeropuerto. 😂

Como ustedes saben, la foto dando vueltas por Internet muestra RFK Jr. caminando descalzo por un pasillo de avión desordenado. La imagen fue tomada a principios de este mes en un vuelo de American Airlines de Portland a Dallas cuando RFK Jr. estaba sentado en primera clase.

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comprendiendo las cosas
In The Tank

El comentarista conservador —Justin Haskins— tomó la foto ahora viral, y en su podcast "In The Tank" Haskins afirmó que había un montón de comida y escombros en el suelo mientras RFK Jr. caminaba descalzo hacia el baño del avión.


Tenemos que decir que el suelo de la terminal parece considerablemente más limpio aquí y RFK Jr. está claramente inclinándose hacia la "controversia" y sacando una buena carcajada de ello.

Tom Brady Jokingly Makes Wager With C.J. Stroud ... I Bet My SB Ring That UM Beats OSU!!!

Let’s Go! with Tom Brady, Larry Fitzgerald and Jim Gray

Tom Brady is so confident Michigan will roll over Ohio State in the next couple weeks ... he's betting a Super Bowl ring on it!!!

Well ... kind of.

The seven-time champ and UM alum made the wager with former Buckeyes star C.J. Stroud earlier this week on his "Let's Go!" podcast ... before quickly revealing he was just playing around.

"So," Brady said to the Texans QB on the show as the two signal-callers were bantering about their alma maters, "if Ohio State wins ... how about this, you get one of my Super Bowl rings."

Brady, however, then quickly made it clear he was kidding ... adding, "And if Michigan beats Ohio State, then you got to give me all your youth, your agility, your time in the 40 and all your future years in the NFL."

Stroud played along for a minute, telling the G.O.A.T., "All right, that's a bet. That's a bet," before he said, "I'm not going to take your Super Bowl rings, Tom! I'm not going to lie. That's yours, bro, I want to get my own."

Unclear if the two will ultimately make some sort of wager on this year's rivalry game ... given how confident both guys were when talking about their former squads on the pod.

Gameday, meanwhile, is slated to go down on Nov. 25 -- and while both teams have one contest remaining before then -- the matchup could very well be No. 1 in the country vs. No. 2 by kickoff.

YG Pleeease Take Down That Stripper Pic ... Man Hilariously Claims She's His Baby Momma


YG's getting flooded with comments about a photo of what looks like a fun night at an in-house stripper party ... because some dude claims the dancer in the pic is his baby's mother!!!

The viral fuss is coming from a man named Andre Lowe, who's been campaigning for days to get YG to remove the post ... but hasn't had any luck yet.

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YG was snapped making it rain dollar bills during the Halloween bash as the dancer flaunted her flexibility ... and a strong game of G-string peek-a-boo!!! The photo IS a lot, but we don't think Andre's actually losing any sleep over it.

The guy labels himself a rapper/social media entertainer who jokes all day long, so there's a good chance this whole thing is just a skit, or a bit of trolling -- either way, it's prompting some hilarious comments from people.


Andre says he's getting teased online by a bunch of hypocrites -- guys who have the same kinda girl problems as him, acting like he's a chump.

He barked back at the haters in a new video, scoffing at all the newfound "Suga Free" pimp experts.

Some people are imploring YG to cut Andre a break and delete the post -- but even more see it for what it most likely is ... a funny skit from a dude looking to exploit IG's algorithm.

Either way, yesterday was his birthday, and it didn't seem like he was having a great time. Bro's sticking to the script!

YG Por favor borra la foto de esa stripper... ¡Es la madre de mi bebé!

Un mensaje a YG

YG está recibiendo una avalancha de comentarios por una foto de lo que parece ser una noche de diversión en una fiesta de striptease. Todo ello, porque un tipo afirma que la bailarina que aparece en la foto es la madre de su bebé.

El alboroto viene de un hombre llamado Andre Lowe, que ha estado haciendo campaña durante días para conseguir que YG elimine el post, pero aún no ha tenido suerte.

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YG fue fotografiado haciendo llover billetes durante una fiesta de Halloween, mientras la bailarina hacía alarde de su flexibilidad. La foto ES muy elocuente, pero no creemos que le esté quitando el sueño a Andre.

El chico se etiqueta a sí mismo como un rapero e influencer de redes sociales, que bromea todo el día, así que hay una buena probabilidad de que todo esto sea solo una parodia, o un troleo. De cualquier forma, está provocando algunos comentarios hilarantes de la gente.

Practica lo que predicas

Andre dice que está siendo objeto de burlas por un montón de hipócritas, chicos que tienen los mismos problemas que él con las chicas, pero están actuando como si él fuera un tonto.

Andre ha respondido a los haters en un nuevo video, burlándose de todos los expertos en "Suga Free".

Algunas personas están implorando a YG que le dé un descanso a Andre y borre el post, pero muchos más lo ven como lo que probablemente es... un sketch divertido de un tipo que busca explotar el algoritmo de Instagram.

En cualquier caso, ayer fue su cumpleaños, y no parecía que lo estaba pasando muy bien. ¡El hombre se está ciñendo al guion!

Birdman 'Pulls Up' on Druski ... Menacing Surveillance Video

coulda been, shoulda been ...

Druski's constant Birdman trolling seems to have finally caught up with him -- that is, if you buy this surveillance footage ... which shows the record exec "pulling up" on the homie.

TMZ Hip Hop has obtained some pretty shocking footage ... which we're told shows the Cash Money honcho and some goons literally dropping in and violently confronting Druski and co. at a studio session that the viral star was in late Friday night here in L.A.

Check it out ... you can see Birdman and his two friends facing off with Druski in a stairwell, and things get heated quickly -- with Baby apparently even attempting to put hands on Dru.

A minor scuffle ensues, and Druski and his pals go tumbling down the stairs as they try to escape ... making a run for it and beelining it through the halls of the studio -- with Birdman in close pursuit. We're told Dru had just finished filming for his reality show, "Coulda Been House," when this happened ... and from the looks of it, Birdman caught wind of it.

It would also appear that Birdman took something with him from all this ... namely, Druski's chain -- which he proudly flashed on social media afterward, writing ... "Surprise Party B*tch Slippin In Studio Richgang." Druski hasn't addressed the incident on any of his platforms.

Of course, the question here is ... is this real or fake??? Frankly, we're not even sure -- because this "beef" between Druski and Birdman has been walking the line of fact and fiction for a while, and Birdman himself certainly seems to think they have actual problems.

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It all stems from this "Coulda Been Records" venture ... which has echoes of Birdman's Cash Money Records, right down to style and design of the logo. From the jump, Baby has made clear he does not approve -- this even though Druski has explained it's all for laughs.

That apparently doesn't matter to Birdman, who has repeatedly faced off with Druski (virtually) telling him to back down ... oftentimes in a pretty threatening way ... which seems legit.

We'll say this ... if this is all BS, kudos to both of them for being committed to the bit, 'cause this level of a skit -- assuming it is one -- is damn impressive. If it isn't ... good luck, Dru. 😬

Birdman "Se va encima" de Druski... Amenazante video de vigilancia

Abalanzándose sobre Druski

El constante troleo de Druski a Birdman parece que finalmente le está pasando la cuenta, o al menos eso parece al ver este material de vigilancia que muestra al ejecutivo "tirándose encima" de su compañero.

TMZ Hip Hop obtuvo algunas imágenes bastante impactantes que, según nos dicen, muestran al líder de Cash Money y algunos matones, literalmente, cayendo sobre y enfrentándose violentamente con Druski y compañía en una sesión de estudio en la que estuvo la estrella viral la noche del viernes en Los Ángeles.

Echa un vistazo al video, en él se puede ver a Birdman y a sus dos amigos frente a frente con Druski en una escalera, y las cosas se calientan rápidamente, con Baby aparentemente incluso tratando de poner las manos sobre Dru.

Una pelea menor sobreviene, y Druski y sus amigos se caen por las escaleras a medida que tratan de escapar. Luego hacen una carrera por los pasillos del estudio, mientras Birdman los persigue de cerca. Nos dicen que Dru acababa de terminar el rodaje de su reality show, "Coulda Been House", cuando esto sucedió y por lo que parece, Birdman se enteró.

También parece que Birdman se salió con la suya hasta cierto punto, pues se quedó con la cadena de Druski que mostró con orgullo en las redes sociales después, escribiendo: "Surprise Party B*tch Slippin In Studio Richgang". Druski no se ha referido al incidente en ninguna de sus plataformas.

Por supuesto, la pregunta es, ¿es esto real o falso? Francamente, ni siquiera estamos seguros porque esta "bronca" entre Druski y Birdman ha estado rozando la línea de la realidad y la ficción por un tiempo, aunque parece que Birdman ciertamente piensa que sus problemas son reales.

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Todo se deriva de la empresa "Coulda Been Records", que tiene ciertos ecos de Cash Money Records de Birdman, hasta el estilo y el diseño del logotipo. Desde su estrellato, Baby ha dejado claro que no lo aprueba, a pesar de que Druski ha explicado que todo es para reírse.

Al parecer eso no le importa a Birdman, quien se ha enfrentado en repetidas ocasiones con Druski (virtualmente) diciéndole que no siga adelante, a menudo de una manera bastante amenazante, lo que parece legítimo.

Vamos a decir esto, si todo esto es mentira, felicitaciones a los dos por estar comprometidos con el bit, porque este nivel de sketch -suponiendo que lo es- es condenadamente impresionante. Si no lo es, buena suerte, Dru. 😬

TISHA CAMPBELL Stumbles Across Late Dad's Porn Stash ... 'You Nasty A**!!!'


Tisha Campbell made a pretty hilarious discovery in cleaning out her late father's home following his death ... coming across a seemingly endless collection of porn DVDs.

Tisha's dad, Clifton Campbell, died Nov. 1, but the actress and her family were able to enjoy some comedic relief as they found the X-rated stash going through his belongings.

The "Martin" star joked she could open up her own porn store as she sifted through titles like "Gaping Black Buttholes," "White Ho's With Bros," and "Black Cobra." Of course, each DVD came complete with sexually explicit graphics on top.

Funny enough, Tisha also tells a story of how she recently told her 76-year-old dad he needed to get rid of his outdated DVD player ... and how it's now clear why he fought her to keep it. "Now we know why, you nasty a**!" she quipped.

Chuckling away with her family, it was clear Tisha was more entertained than embarrassed by the NSFW findings ... even writing in her IG caption that while mourning was difficult, it was nice to find "levity and laughter with the family" -- and was adamant her dad would've loved their reaction to finding his erotic entertainment catalog.

Her cringing fans, however, joked her dad would be haunting them in their sleep for exposing him like that ... to be determined!!!

TISHA CAMPBELL Tropieza con el escondite porno de su difunto padre ... "Asqueroso hijo de p**!!!"

Esto no estaba en el testamento

Tisha Campbell hizo un descubrimiento bastante hilarante cuando estaba limpiando la casa de su difunto padre después de su muerte. Se encontró con nada más ni nada menos que con una colección aparentemente interminable de DVDs porno.

El padre de Tisha, Clifton Campell, murió el 1 de noviembre, pero la actriz y su familia fueron capaces de reírse un momento y encontrar algo de alivio al revisar sus pertenencias.

La estrella de "Martin" bromeó con que podría abrir su propia tienda porno mientras rebuscaba entre títulos como "Gaping Black Buttholes", "White Ho's With Bros" y "Black Cobra". Por supuesto, cada DVD venía con gráficos sexualmente explícitos en la parte superior.

Curiosamente, Tisha también contó que hace poco le dijo a su padre de 76 años que tenía que deshacerse de su anticuado reproductor de DVD, y ahora está claro por qué este luchó por quedarse con él. "¡Ahora sabemos por qué, asqueroso!", bromeó Tisha.

Riéndose con su familia, está claro que Tisha estaba más entretenida que avergonzada de los hallazgos de su padre. Incluso escribió en el pie de foto de su IG que aunque el luto es difícil, es agradable encontrar "ligereza y risas con la familia", y fue firme en que a su padre le habría encantado su reacción al encontrar su catálogo de entretenimiento erótico.

Sus fans, sin embargo, bromearon con que su padre los va a perseguir en sueños por exponerlo de esa manera... ¡¡está por verse!!!

Logan Paul Shower Time With WWE U.S. Champ Belt ... Check Out My Hardware

Logan Paul turned his U.S. Championship belt into a censor bar this week -- the WWE Superstar posted a completely naked shower snap on social media ... with only his new, shiny addition covering his junk!!

The Maverick -- who won his first wrestling title over the weekend after beating Rey Mysterio at Crown Jewel -- shared a few snaps of his life as the champ on Thursday ... and let's just say he's been getting some quality time with the hardware.

The 28-year-old clearly wouldn't let his new belt leave his side as he went about his daily routine -- spooning in bed with his fiancée, Nina Agdal, enjoying a rooftop stogie, working out ... and even when he was rinsing off!!

A lot of Logan's followers cracked jokes in the comments ... with one person saying, "Nahhh no one is wearing that belt after the last pic 😂" and another going a bit more blunt by adding, "Bro got his meat all up on da belt."

It's been an insane start for Logan's wrestling career -- the dude has fought big names like Roman Reigns, Seth Freakin' Rollins, Ricochet and The Miz over the past year and a half ... and now, he can finally call himself a champion.

WWE might need some disinfectant wipes on deck ... just in case he ever loses the belt.

Taylor Swift Jar Husband Charges Wife a Quarter Whenever She Talks Taylor, Travis!!!

Instagram/@ Dana.Rice.Realtor

A husband's going viral for putting a Taylor Swift tip jar in his house, and making his wife pay up for every mention of the pop star OR her boyfriend, Travis Kelce!

Maryland resident Dana Rice shared the clip of her hubby's new "invention," showing him clearly fed up with the Taylor/Travis chatter going on around their home these days ... prompting him to tape a sign with the new house rules on a tall glass.

It says, "Any mention of T. Swift and you owe $0.25" ... adding, "I can't take it anymore." And yes, there's a footnote reminding Dana the Kansas City Chiefs star is included in the deal.

Dana says she became a Swiftie when Taylor launched her "Eras" tour back in March ... and now fellow fans are coming to her defense in the comments -- one jokingly wrote, "25 cents is a small price to pay to spread the gospel."

Dana slips up pretty early, BTW ... saying they both were recently on 'SNL' -- referring to their brief cameos last month on the show's season premiere. As you know, that's when the entire country was goin' nuts over their relationship.

As we reported, the duo was spotted holding hands in NYC before their brief appearances on 'SNL' ... and they also hit up the show's after-party together.

It's clear Dana's husband started his Tay-Tay tip system almost a month ago, so they're probably on to a second jar by now!

Marido cansado Le cobra 25 centavos a su mujer... Cada vez que habla de Taylor Swift y Travis!!!

Cansado de escuchar sobre Taylor Swift
Instagram/@ Dana.Rice.Realtor

Un marido se está volviendo viral por poner un tarro de propinas de Taylor Swift en su casa, ¡y hacer que su mujer pague cada vez que menciona a la estrella del pop o a su novio, Travis Kelce!

Dana Rice, residente de Maryland, compartió el clip de la nueva "invención" de su marido, donde se lo ve claramente harto de escuchar sobre Taylor y Travis en su casa por estos días, lo que lo llevó a establecer este curioso sistema.

En el video dice: "Cualquier mención de Taylor Swift y me tienes que pagar 0,25 dólares" y añade: "No puedo soportarlo más". En las instrucciones hay una nota al pie que le recuerda a Dana que la estrella de los Kansas City Chiefs también está incluido en el trato.

Dana dice que se convirtió en una Swiftie cuando Taylor lanzó su gira "Eras" en marzo. Ahora sus compañeros fans están saliendo en su defensa, diciendo en broma, "25 centavos es un pequeño precio a pagar para difundir el evangelio".

Dana comete un error muy rápidamente, por cierto, cuando cuenta que ambos estuvieron en Saturday Night Live recientemente para el estreno de la temporada del programa. Como ustedes saben, ahí fue cuando todo el país se volvió loco por su relación.

Como les contamos, el dúo fue visto de la mano en Nueva York antes de sus breves apariciones en SNL, y también llegaron juntos a la fiesta posterior del show.

Lo que está claro es que el marido de Dana comenzó su sistema de propinas Tay-Tay hace casi un mes, así que probablemente ya tiene un segundo tarro.

Peyton Manning, Luke Bryan Clown NY Jets With Taylor Swift Joke ... Hilarious CMAs Open


It took just seconds for Peyton Manning and Luke Bryan to talk about Taylor Swift during the CMAs on Wednesday ... and, unfortunately for New York fans, the reference led to a hilarious crack about how terrible the Jets have been this year.

The NFL Hall of Famer and the country music star hosted the annual awards show ... and as part of their roles as anchors, the two gave an opener full of jokes.

Of course, that meant there was definitely a mention of Swift and her new relationship with Travis Kelce ... which then turned into a jab at the 4-4 Jets.

"Luke," Manning said into the mic onstage, "you know the difference between Taylor Swift and the New York Jets?"

"Uh, Taylor can sell out a stadium?" Bryan responded ... before Manning cracked, "You nailed it!"

The barb was met with a mix of laughs and groans -- before Manning chuckled, "I had you do that punchline, Luke, so I wouldn't get in trouble."

The duo's opener also included Peyton singing some country music classics ... as well as a quip about Eli Manning getting a face tattoo in honor of Jelly Roll.

Hilarious stuff ... well, maybe for everyone except Zach Wilson and Robert Saleh.

Tom Brady Links Up W/ 7'4" Victor Wembanyama ... Fans Roast Height Difference

How do you make 6'4" Tom Brady look short? Stand him next to rookie phenom Victor Wembanyama ... who happens to be a full foot taller than the football G.O.A.T.!

The 7x Super Bowl champ shared photos of his meeting with the San Antonio Spurs rookie on Tuesday, alongside billionaire friend Michael Rubin.

Even though Wemby's height is no secret (he's around 7'4"), it's still mind-boggling to see him towering over someone as tall as Brady ... and fans got a kick out of the pics!

Brady had some fun with the caption, and even worked in a shot at former teammate Julian Edelman.

"Usually I’d make some joke here about how I think I could get 10 and 10 against you, but let’s be real… you’d send my jumper into the club level 😂😂😂," Brady wrote on IG.

"PS: @edelman11 This is how you felt all those years???"

Of course, Edelman is 5'10" ... so he's giving up about 6 inches to his quarterback.

Brady's son also got to meet the No. 1 overall pick of the 2023 NBA Draft ... and Tom challenged anyone to see the trio in a pickup game.

"3 on 3, who's got next?!" Brady said in his IG story.

Clearly feeling the wrath of the internet, Brady put his photoshop skills to use ... and we introduce you to 7-foot Tom Brady!