Kim Kardashian Son Saint Flips Off Paps Again ... Mom Plays Parental Defense


Kim Kardashian's oldest son is carving out his role in his famous family -- he's the one who's gonna let the paparazzi know they're number one in his book, and he's got just the finger to show 'em!!!

7-year-old Saint was caught yet again flipping the bird to photogs in WeHo ... this as his mom brought him and his buddies to a restaurant after a Friday basketball practice. As they're exiting their vehicle, Saint throws up a quick middle finger to someone across the way.

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Kim, of course, isn't too pleased about it ... and quickly swats his hand down, to Saint's amusement. Sounds like one of the paps who was snapping away also got a laugh out of it.

Remember, he did this last month ... and there, too, KK chastised him.

FWIW ... Saint's annoyance with the media is shared by his older sister, North, 'cause she's also been seen telling them to buzz off in emphatic terms.

You could say both kids got it from their daddy, who's had a knack for chewing out paps over the years. Kim, on the other hand, seems to know the attention comes with being rich and famous.

Perhaps the little ones will eventually adopt her approach. Or not!

Kim Kardashian Su hijo Saint se porta mal con los paparazzis ... Por segunda vez!!!

Vayánse al carajo, parte 2

¡¡¡El hijo mayor de Kim Kardashian está forjando su papel en su famosa familia!!! Él será quien le haga saber a los paparazzi que son el número uno en su lista de más odiados, y solo necesita un dedo para demostrarlo.

Saint, de 7 años, fue sorprendido una vez más siendo grosero en West Hollywood, mientras su mamá lo llevaba a un restaurante con sus amigos después de un entrenamiento de baloncesto el viernes. Mientras salen de su vehículo, Saint le muestra el dedo a alguien.

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Kim, por supuesto, no está muy contenta con ello y rápidamente le baja la mano, para diversión de Saint. Parece que a uno de los paparazzi también le hizo gracia.

Recuerden, Saint hizo lo mismo el mes pasado y Kim también lo reprendió.

Lo que es importante, la molestia del chico con los medios es compartida por su hermana mayor, North, quien ha sido vista diciéndoles que se larguen en términos muy enfáticos.

Se podría decir que ambos niños lo heredaron de su padre, quien ha tenido un don para ladrarle a los paparazzi a lo largo de los años. Kim, por su parte, parece saber que la atención y la prensa viene con ser rica y famosa.

Quizá los pequeños acaben adoptando su enfoque. O no.

Cam Newton Expecting Child With Jasmin Brown ... 'Baby Momma 3'

Cam Newton is adding to his roster of kids -- his comedian/actress girlfriend just announced she's pregnant with his eighth child ... calling herself "baby momma #3."

Jasmin "Watch Jazzy" Brown broke the news with a photo of her bump while announcing her newest tour on Friday ... which included a bunch of baby-related imagery like a pacifier and footprints.

"Third times a charm tour 😉," Brown said in the IG caption, "Coming to a comedy stage near you."

The tour name is a clear reference to the fact Jazz will be the third woman to have a child with the NFL quarterback.

Brown has made fun of her role as "stepmom" during her standup routine in the past ... but has also dealt with people who criticized her for dating a man who has kids with two other women.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Newton -- who last played with the Panthers in 2021 -- came to her defense recently by clapping back at an internet troll in Brown's comments.

"Welp that's why I ain't with you," Newton said. "LOL it's levels to this Queen and if someone is worth it, yo ass would do a lot of things you ONCE said you wouldn't do."

"I hope you find someone though, I would hate for anyone to go through life alone. I would hate it there lol."

It wasn't the first time Newton and Brown's love life was met with backlash -- Jasmin was also ripped for saying on the "Lovers & Friends with Shan Boodram" podcast that she's a submissive woman in her relationship.

Despite the hate, Brown's fans are flooding her comments with positivity ... and wish her and Newton the best.


Pete Davidson and John Mulaney Postpone Comedy Gigs In Maine ... 'Devastated' By Mass Shooting

Pete Davidson and John Mulaney are pushing back the dates for their upcoming shows in Maine as residents deal with the fallout from a mass shooting.

The comedians just announced they are postponing their scheduled weekend shows in Bangor and Portland, roughly 30 miles from where Wednesday's deadly shooting took place.

In a statement on social media, John and Pete say they are "devastated" by the incident and "We are thinking of you all."

As you know ... a gunman went on a shooting rampage Wednesday night at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston, Maine ... 18 people are dead and 13 more are injured.


The suspected shooter, Robert Card, is still on the loose ... and there's an ever-expanding manhunt.


Meanwhile, residents are being asked to shelter in place as law enforcement tries to find Card.

Folks are applauding Pete and John for postponing the shows ... and there's been no word on a rescheduled date.

Chrisean Rock To Summer Walker Industry Cold AF 🥶... You Support In Private, Yet Clown Me In Public???

Chrisean Rock thought she had a real friend in Summer Walker after her baby debacle in Walmart ... but is now second-guessing the "Girls Need Love" singer after being spoofed in a video.

On Thursday, Chrisean went live on IG and called out Summer for DMing her with sweet nothings of support last month ... but says her feelings are now hurt as of result of the video.


A video that made fun of the very same incident Summer reached out for!!! Ouch.

Summer Walker

Despite the hurt, the new mother said she wasn't surprised as she's grown used to dealing with cutthroat folks in a cold music industry.

Rock may have a point ... Summer seemed like she was auditioning for Hollywood the way she went all out with her impersonation of Chrisean ... down to the missing tooth and the baby doll with its head dangling!!!

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Many fans agreed with Chrisean, they found the skit to be in poor taste, forcing Summer to cite her comedic inspirations -- Dave Chappelle, Bernie Mac, Richard Pryor -- guys who pushed the envelope with their art as her inspiration.

But after seeing Chrisean's response, Summer got defensive and told her to lighten up!!! ... "Sensitive about a tik tok that was viral way before I did it but you aint have no sympathy when you be dragging bitches across the ground."

Yep, this beef is just getting started!!!


Pete Davidson y John Mulaney están posponiendo las fechas de sus próximos espectáculos en Maine, ya que los residentes se están ocupando de las secuelas de un tiroteo masivo.

Los comediantes acaban de anunciar que están posponiendo sus shows programados para el fin de semana en Bangor y Portland, aproximadamente a 30 millas de donde tuvo lugar el tiroteo mortal del miércoles.

En un comunicado en las redes sociales de John y Pete dicen que están "devastados" por el incidente y "Estamos pensando en todos ustedes".

Como ustedes ya saben; un hombre armado fue el infame autor de un tiroteo la noche del miércoles en local de bolos y un bar en Lewiston, Maine. 18 personas han muerto y 13 resultaron heridas.

si ven algo por favor háganlo saber

El presunto tirador, Robert Card, sigue suelto y hay una persecución cada vez mayor.

buscando donde esconderse

Mientras tanto, a los residentes se les pide que se refugien en el lugar mientras las fuerzas del orden tratan de encontrar a Card.

La gente está aplaudiendo a Pete y John por posponer los espectáculos y no ha habido ninguna palabra sobre una fecha reprogramada.


Chrisean Rock pensó que Summer Walker era una buena amiga después de su debacle con el bebé en Walmart, pero ahora está dudando de la cantante de "Girls Need Love" luego de ser ridiculizada en un video.

El jueves, Chrisean realizó un live de Instagram y llamó a Summer para agradecerle por el apoyo el mes pasado, sin embargo, ahora está herida luego de ver un video...

vaciar los borradores

¡Un video en el que se burló del mismo incidente! Ouch.

Summer Walker
ahora ex amigas

A pesar del daño, la nueva madre dijo que no estaba sorprendida, ya que está acostumbrada a tratar con gente despiadada en una industria musical fría.

Rock puede tener un punto, Summer parecía como si estuviera audicionando para Hollywood por la forma en que llevó a cabo su imitación, ¡se fijo incluso en el diente que le falta y el muñeco con la cabeza colgando!

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sin apoyo

Muchos fans estuvieron de acuerdo con Chrisean, encontraron el sketch de mal gusto, obligando a Summer a citar sus inspiraciones cómicas —Dave Chappelle, Bernie Mac, Richard Pryor— básicamente, chicos que empujaron los límites.

Pero después de ver la respuesta de Chrisean, Summer se puso a la defensiva y le dijo que se relajara: "Te pones sensible por un TikTok que fue viral mucho antes de que yo lo hiciera, pero no tienes simpatía cuando arrastras perras por el suelo".

Sip, ¡este conflicto recién comienza!


¿es lo que creo que es?
X / @CFBcampustour

Un aficionado al fútbol universitario lució un disfraz de pene gigante para el partido de fútbol en el estado de Sam Houston esta semana, ¡y fue muy gracioso!

El fan —claramente con el espíritu de Halloween— lució el disfraz en el estadio Elliott T. Bowers para el juego de los Bearkats contra los UTEP Miners en Huntsville Texas el miércoles.

Un espectador en las gradas capturó todo en video, y por supuesto, el paquete no estaría completo sin dos grandes bolas arrastrándose por el suelo.

Al parecer, a los responsables del colegio no les hizo ninguna gracia y enviaron a un guardia de seguridad para que sacara al pene de su asiento.

Afortunadamente el pene no sufrió grandes daños. Un portavoz de SHS nos informa que al chico se le dio la opción de quitarse el traje y permanecer en el juego o salir.

"Tenemos entendido que el personal del estadio trabajó con CSC, el servicio de seguridad contratado, para dar al individuo la opción de quitarse el disfraz o abandonar el estadio", dijo el portavoz.

"Los agentes universitarios no interactuaron con esta persona. No tenemos más información que dar en este momento".

College Football Fan Wears Penis Costume At Game ... Hilarious Video!!!

X / @CFBcampustour

Talk about a ballsy move ... a college football fan rocked a giant penis costume to the Sam Houston State football game this week, and it was hysterical!

The fan -- clearly in the Halloween spirit -- wore the get-up at Elliott T. Bowers Stadium for the Bearkats vs. UTEP Miners game in Huntsville Texas on Wednesday.

A spectator in the stands captured the person on video, huge pecker and all ... and of course, the package wouldn't be complete without two big balls dragging by the fan's feet.

School officials apparently didn't find the stunt funny ... they dispatched a security guard to lead the penis out of his seat. He probably doesn't get paid enough for this.

Thankfully, the penis didn't totally get the shaft ... we're told by an SHS spokesperson that the fan was given the choice to remove the costume and remain at the game or leave.

"It is our understanding that stadium staff worked with CSC, the contracted security service, to give the individual the option to take the costume off or leave the stadium," the spokesperson said.

"University officers did not interact with this person. We have no further information to provide at this time."

Taylor Swift Comedian Nikki Glaser Is A Mega-Swiftie ... Coughed Up $25K For 'Eras' Tour Tickets

Nikki Glaser is proving she's the ultra Taylor Swift fan, shelling out big bucks for the pop star's concert tickets.

The comedian appeared as a guest on "The Kelly Clarkson Show" Monday -- and admitted she anted up an eye-popping $25K for tickets to go see Taylor's super successful "Eras" tour last summer.


Chuckling, Glaser told Kelly, "I just want to say that it was a conscious decision because I went to nine "Eras" tour shows this year. "Like, when I'm not on tour, I go to her tour."

Glaser went on, "It just fills my life up with so much joy. I'm in my late 30s. I just feel like, I don't have kids, and I did the math and if I had kids, I'd be paying for dance camp and swim lessons."

For context, tickets for Taylor's shows go for between $49 to $499 a pop, depending on the seating section. Resale tickets can range from $500 to $7,000 each, but that's just chump change for die-hard Swifties like Glaser.

During her sit-down with Kelly, Glaser also joked that she saved all of her money to freeze her eggs, but then decided to spend the dough on Taylor's concerts, describing her actions as going "buck wild."

Taylor has also been going wild lately, turning the world upside down after she and Kansas City Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce, revealed they're now an item. She has recently attended Travis' NFL games, rubbing elbows with his parents in their suite at Arrowhead Stadium in K.C.

Everyone is now wondering are wedding bells in the future for the lovebirds.


Stay tuned, people.

Taylor Swfit La comediante Nikki Glaser es una mega swiftie... Pagó $25K por entradas a conciertos del Eras tour

Nikki Glaser está demostrando que es la mayor fan de Taylor Swift, pues desembolsó muchísimo dinero para conseguir entradas al concierto de la estrella del pop.

La comediante apareció como invitada en "The Kelly Clarkson Show" el lunes y admitió que pagó la impresionante cifra de $25K para ir a ver a Taylor a su exitosa gira "Eras".

25.000 en Taylor Swift

Riéndose, Glaser le dijo a Kelly: "Sólo quiero decir que fue una decisión consciente porque fui a nueve conciertos de la gira "Eras" este año. "Cuando no estoy de gira, voy a su gira".

Glaser prosiguió: "Me llena la vida de tanta alegría. Tengo treinta y tantos años. No tengo hijos, e hice las cuentas y si tuviera hijos, estaría pagando por el campamento de baile y las clases de natación".

Para contextualizar, las entradas para los conciertos de Taylor cuestan entre 49 y 499 dólares cada uno, dependiendo de la ubicación. Las entradas de reventa pueden oscilar entre los 500 y 7.000 dólares, pero eso no es nada para Swifties acérrimos como Glaser.

Durante su conversación con Kelly, Glaser también bromeó diciendo que ahorró todo su dinero para congelar sus óvulos, pero luego decidió gastar la pasta en los conciertos de Taylor, describiendo sus acciones como "descabelladas", en español.

Taylor también ha estado actuando de forma salvaje últimamente, poniendo el mundo al revés después de revelar que sí tiene algo con el jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce. La cantante ha estado en los últimos partidos de la NFL de Travis, codeándose con sus padres en su suite en el estadio Arrowhead en Kansas City.

Todo el mundo se pregunta si habrá boda en el futuro de los tortolitos.

Quédense muy atentos.


Los comentarios de Dave Chappelle sobre Israel/Palestina provocaron que algunos miembros del público se marcharan luego de decir que Israel está equivocado en este conflicto.

El comediante hizo los comentarios inflamatorios jueves durante un show en Boston (donde los teléfonos celulares fueron confiscados) y de acuerdo con el Wall Street Journal, se metió en el tema de Oriente Medio hacia el final de su set, donde parecía mayormente del lado de Palestina.

Según personas que estaban presentes, Dave empezó diciendo que los estudiantes que apoyan públicamente a Palestina no deberían perder sus ofertas de trabajo (algo que ha estado ocurriendo últimamente), lo que le llevó a abordar de lleno la lucha que está teniendo lugar en el extranjero.

Al parecer, condenó el ataque terrorista contra Israel que fue llevado a cabo por Hamás, pero luego dijo que la respuesta a los palestinos en Gaza ha sido desproporcionada, acusando a Israel de cometer crímenes de guerra con su campaña de bombardeos e incluso afirmando que los EE.UU. era responsable de ayudar e instigar "la matanza de civiles inocentes".

En medio de estos comentarios, alguien del público le dijo que se callara, lo que al parecer le molestó y le hizo responder, aunque no está claro lo que dijo exactamente.

Sin embargo, Lo que WSJ dice que se comunicó, fue que Dave estaba enojado por que Israel cortó el agua y la electricidad en Gaza al mismo tiempo que atacaba con explosivos.

Como resultado de esto, dividió a la audiencia, algunos aplaudieron "Free Palestine" y otros se opusieron con preguntas sobre Hamás. Al final, algunas personas se levantaron y se fueron. Dave, mientras tanto, supuestamente terminó diciendo que dos errores no hacen un acierto.

Vale la pena señalar que Dave es musulmán, lo que podría tener algo que ver con los comentarios. Y, por supuesto, esto está lejos de ser la primera vez que ha generado polémicas.

Dave Chappelle Walk-Outs in Boston Over Israel Comments

Dave Chappelle's comments on Israel-Palestine caused some attendees of a recent comedy show of his to walk out -- and it's because he said Israel is in the wrong in this conflict.

The comedian made the inflammatory remarks Thursday during a show in Boston -- where cell phones were confiscated -- and according to the Wall Street Journal ... he got into the Middle East topic toward the end of his set, where he seemed to mostly side with Palestine.

Per people who were apparently in attendance, DC launched in on this by first saying students who are publicly supporting Palestine shouldn't lose job offers -- which has been a thing lately -- which then led him to fully address the fighting going on overseas.

He reportedly condemned the terrorist attack on Israel that was carried out by Hamas, but then said the response/retaliation to Palestinians in Gaza has been disproportionate -- accusing Israel of committing war crimes with their bombing campaign ... and even claiming the U.S. was responsible for aiding and abetting "the slaughter of innocent civilians."

Amid these remarks, somebody in the audience told him to shut it ... which apparently ticked him off and caused him to lash out -- although what exactly he said isn't clear.

What WSJ says was communicated, generally, though was that Dave was angry about Israel cutting off water and electricity to Gaza ... while continuing to pound them with explosives.

As a result of this, it divided the audience ... some cheered "Free Palestine" and others pushed back with questions about Hamas. Eventually, some people straight up got up and left. Dave, meanwhile, supposedly ended by saying that two wrongs don't make a right.


Worth noting ... Dave's Muslim, which could be playing into this. And of course, this is far from the first time he's landed in controversy. His team's denying he was there ... but he was.

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson New Wax Figure Has Fans Confused ... What The Hell Is This?!

A new wax figure of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has fans questioning what the artist was thinking when they made it ... with many taking to social media to voice their concerns.

Here's the deal, Dwayne's been memorialized -- or, maybe not so much -- in a new wax figure that's going on display at the Grevin Museum in Paris ... but fans of the actor have been left pretty disappointed by the way it looks.

Some say the choice to put Dwayne in an outfit that screams "dad" was a bad call ... while many pointed out how the skin tone isn't accurate -- one simply wrote, "Bro is white."

Apart from Mr. Clean and Pitbull being a couple of names folks have compared it to, there's another person folks on X have said it resembles more -- Vin Diesel, his costar from the 'Fast & Furious' movies.

As we reported, the 2 have had on-set beef in the past, which even led to Dwayne leaving the series for a hot minute ... so some online have pointed out how pissed Dwayne's gonna be when he finds out it looks more like Dom Toretto than him.

Making wax figures ain't easy ... but this one seems to have missed the mark more than most.


Una nueva figura de cera de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson tiene a los fans preguntándose en qué diablos estaba pensando el artista cuando hizo el trabajo, y muchos están usando sus redes sociales para expresar sus preocupaciones.

Esta es la cuestión, Dwayne ha sido hornado -o, tal vez no tanto- en una nueva figura de cera para el Museo Grevin de París, pero los fans del actor se han quedado bastante decepcionados por la forma en que se ve.

Algunos dicen que la idea de poner a Dwayne en un traje que grita "papá" fue una mala decisión, mientras que muchos otros aseguran que el tono de piel no es exacto... uno simplemente escribió: "Bro, es blanco".

Aparte de Mr. Clean y Pitbull, dos rostros con los que ha sido comparada esta nueva figura, hay otra persona con la que sus seguidores en X dicen que se parece más: Vin Diesel, su coprotagonista en las películas de "Fast & Furious".

Como ya les contamos, los dos han tenido problemas en el set en el pasado, que incluso llevaron a Dwayne a dejar la serie, por lo que algunos están augurando lo enojado que estará cuando se entere de que se parece más a Dom Toretto que a él mismo.

Hacer figuras de cera no es fácil, pero esta parece haberse desviado más que la mayoría.

Lance Bass Trolls NFL & Swifties at Chargers Game ... It's Just Gonna Be Me

sorry, swifties ...

Lance Bass is not the Swifties' lord and savior -- something he made abundantly clear at Monday night's Chargers game ... in hilarious fashion, no less.

The *NSYNC star was among a handful of stars at SoFi stadium during MNF -- and as the broadcast was going and cutting to different people in the crowd ... they eventually landed on LB, who was sitting in a private suite with his crew.

It looks like he was ready for the close-up ... because he had a sign propped up when they eventually panned to him, and it read "NOT TAYLOR SWIFT." He was smiling and waving -- and everyone seemed to get a kick out of it ... including fellow patrons.

It's just the latest joke someone has cracked at the expense of the NFL ... and Taylor, too, if we're being honest. There's been wall-to-wall coverage of her relationship with Travis Kelce -- which has reached a fever pitch whenever she's shown up to one of his games in person.

Mind you ... she's attended 3 football games so far, and they've all been super high-profile.

There was Taylor's initial appearance in Kansas City, which was totally surreal -- but her 2nd outing in New Jersey (with a bunch of famous pals in tow) might've been just as crazy.

She ended up skipping Travis' third game -- when he and the Chiefs went to Minnesota to play the Vikings -- but she showed face yet again just last Thursday ... when she popped up in K.C. for his game against Russell Wilson and the Broncos.

For all of them, Taylor's been seen cheering and rooting ... and there's been a lot of camera time focused on her -- to the chagrin of a lot of football fans, as we've come to learn.

It seems Lance is in on the gag ... and didn't wanna get people's hopes up in L.A.