Travis Kelce Reportedly Lands Back in Las Vegas ... After Quick Australia Trip

Travis Kelce appears to be back stateside ... landing in Las Vegas early Saturday morning -- after a whirlwind weekend down under.

The Super Bowl champ reportedly touched down in Sin City around 8:30 AM Saturday according to People and seemingly confirmed by online flight records -- marking the end of one of the fastest lovers' liaisons in recent memory.

We broke the story ... sources told us Travis took off from Sydney on Saturday afternoon but he landed Saturday morning -- Vegas local time, 'cause of the time change.

It's all pretty confusing but basically, TK was in Syndey for about two days, landing Wednesday before hopping right back on a jet and taking off for Vegas to hang out with his Chiefs teammates.

His reason for jetting back ... he wants to celebrate with his K.C. teammates in the aftermath of their third Super Bowl win in 5 years, and he's heading back to the site of their most recent conquest to live it up.

Kelce's guys have already started the party BTW ... with Patrick Mahomes and some of his teammates partying at Zouk Nightclub Friday night.

Kelce packed a ton of activities into his two days with Taylor ... with the pair hitting the zoo down in Sydney before Travis watched his lady live in concert -- where the two engaged in some passionate PDA.

T-Swift also showed her man some love during the show when she changed up the lyrics of "Karma" again to include a reference to him. Not the first time she's done it during her tour either ... talk about couple goals.

Bottom line, despite spending some time apart ... Traylor seems stronger than ever which falls in line with what we heard while researching our new documentary on their love story.

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"TMZ Investigates: Taylor & Travis: Ultimate Love Story" premieres this Monday, February 26 at 9/8 central on FOX and will stream the next day on Hulu.

Patrick Mahomes Partying In Vegas ... Travis Kelce Flying Back

Patrick Mahomes was out celebrating Friday night in Las Vegas as Travis Kelce was flying back to Sin City after his rendezvous with girlfriend Taylor Swift.

The Kansas City Chiefs quarterback showed up at Zouk Night Club in Resorts World Las Vegas for his best friend's bachelor's party -- and he played it real cool all night, sporting his black shades.


Check out this video obtained by TMZ ... Mahomes is grooving to the loud music and hanging out with his homies, including the groom-to-be, Brennan McDaniel, who is the QB's childhood buddy and fellow Texas Tech alum.

At one point, Mahomes took in a little performance, watching a line of scantily clad women dancing and waving around sparklers.

Mahomes was also a magnet for lots of lovely ladies, tons of whom kept coming up to talk to him. Of course, PM's only got eyes for one woman, his wife Brittany ... but shooters gonna shoot, we suppose.

Mr. Kelce was also absent from the festivities ... but as you know, that's because Travis is flying back to Vegas to be with his teammates. We'll keep you updated on when he lands and starts partying with his boys like there's no tomorrow.

As we reported, Travis just spent two days with Taylor in Sydney, Australia, attending her Friday night concert and getting quality time with her at the zoo.

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Needless to say, the Chiefs tight end and the pop superstar seem head over heels in love.

By the way, this will be Travis' third trip to Vegas in the last two weeks. Of course, he went there with the Chiefs to beat the San Francisco 49ers at the 2024 Super Bowl. He left, but soon returned to play some golf and dine with pals.

Patrick Mahomes Se va de fiesta en Las Vegas Travis Kelce vuela de vuelta

Patrick Mahomes estuvo de fiesta el viernes por la noche en Las Vegas mientras Travis Kelce volaba de regreso a Sin City tras su cita con su novia Taylor Swift.

El jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs apareció en Zouk Night Club en Resorts World Las Vegas para la despedida de soltero de su mejor amigo, y se le vio muy fresco toda la noche, luciendo sus lentes de sol negras.

De fiesta

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ, Mahomes es bailando al ritmo de la música y pasando el rato con sus amigos, incluyendo el novio Brennan McDaniel, que es amigo de la infancia de Patrick y ex compañero en Texas Tech.

En un momento dado, Mahomes también se sumó al espectáculo, junto a un grupo de mujeres que estaba bailando con poca ropa y agitando unas bengalas.

Mahomes también fue un imán para un montón de otras encantadoras damas que se acercaron a hablar con él. Por supuesto, Patrick solo tiene ojos para una mujer, su esposa Brittany, pero las chicas van a jugar sus tiros, suponemos.

El Sr. Kelce también estuvo ausente de las festividades, pero como bien saben, es porque Travis está volando de regreso a Las Vegas para estar con sus compañeros de equipo. Los mantendremos informados de cuando aterrice y empiece a festejar con sus chicos.

Como informamos, Travis acaba de pasar dos días con Taylor en Sydney, Australia. Estuvo en su concierto el viernes por la noche y también de paseo en el zoológico.

TMZ investiga
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No hace falta decir que el jugador ofensivo de los Chiefs y la superestrella del pop parecen perdidamente enamorados.

Por cierto, este será el tercer viaje de Travis a Las Vegas en las últimas dos semanas. Por supuesto, estuvo allí con los Chiefs para vencer a los San Francisco 49ers en el Super Bowl de 2024. Luego se marchó, pero pronto regresó para jugar al golf y cenar con sus amigos.

Zak Bagans Cursed Jewelry Box Going on Display ... From Dead Model's Home

Zak Bagans has a new cursed item going on display at his museum, one with a connection to recently deceased Playboy model Masuimi Max ... TMZ has learned.

The paranormal investigator tells us ... Charles Max, Masuimi's brother, met him at his museum in Las Vegas and was totally rattled by an innocuous-looking jewelry box he said once belonged to MM's mom.

After their mother died, Charles told Zak their father kept the jewelry box ... an odd move, because Charles says Korean people generally burn a loved one's possessions after they die.

Charles ended up taking the box, and quickly wished he hadn't -- he told Zak the box gives people amnesia, and detailed several other terrifying experiences with the creepy artifact.

For example ... Zak says Charles told him several mirrors in his house cracked when he put the box next to them, cold spots cropped up in different places in the home where Charles said he could see his own breath.

He even claims he would feel paralyzed at times, describing it as being grabbed by an unseen force.

Ultimately, Charles told Zak he gave the box to one of his sisters -- NOT Masuimi -- who swears she never gave it to Masuimi.

While the paranormal experiences stopped haunting Charles, the whole family has no explanation for how the box ended up in Masuimi's possession.

We broke the story ... Masuimi died last month at her Las Vegas-area home. Cops said no foul play was suspected at the time though her cause of death is still unclear. She was only 45.

On the same day she passed, Charles and his other sister went to her house, and found the jewelry box on the floor near the door -- again, shocking 'cause this other sister says she didn't give it to Masuimi.

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Charles swears Masuimi would never have wanted the box -- she didn't have a good relationship with their mother, so there's no reason she'd covet it.

One more creepy fact/coincidence ... Masuimi died on the same date as her mother.

Zak says the only thing in the jewelry box is a broken necklace. You can check it out for yourself at the Zak Bagans' Haunted Museum in Las Vegas ... if you're brave enough to get that close.

Austin North es detenido y presuntamente agredido Por el personal de urgencias

Austin North se volvió loco en un hospital en Las Vegas esta semana, atacando a varios empleados de urgencias y hubo que calmarlo... al menos eso dijo la policía.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía, obtenido por TMZ, los oficiales fueron enviados al Hospital el martes por la noche debido a los informes de agresión que se habían producido en la sala de emergencias, y cuando llegaron, los policías dicen que entrevistaron a las presuntas víctimas.

Según un par de enfermeras y un enfermero, afirman haber sido golpeados por Austin de la nada. El actor estaba lanzando puños y empujando a los tres sin razón aparente.

Se alega que golpeó a una enfermera en la cabeza, empujó la cara de otra enfermera y empujó al enfermero contra una mesa, solo que esta última presunta víctima utilizó una bandeja cercana para golpearlo en la cabeza en defensa propia.

En este punto, los policías dicen que Austin fue contenido por los agentes de seguridad, pero se alega que atacó a una última persona, aunque no está claro en el informe cuál era su trabajo.

En cualquier caso, finalmente lo esposaron a una camilla. Los policías que llegaron para encargarse de esto dicen que le leyeron a Austin sus derechos cuando le dijeron que lo estaban arrestando por agresión y cuando le preguntaron si lo había entendido... afirman que dijo "sí".

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Fue llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por delito grave de agresión y posó para esta foto. Desde entonces, Austin está en libertad bajo fianza. La única cosa que no se aborda en toda esta narrativa es, ¿qué diablos estaba haciendo en la sala de emergencias en primer lugar?

Eso está por verse, pero es un agujero muy extraño en la historia. Curiosamente, Austin estaba un poco documentando su fin de semana en Las Vegas - el tipo tiene toda una compilación en sus redes sociales que muestra todo lo que estaba haciendo, y parece que mucho.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con su equipo para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

'Outer Banks' Star Austin North Arrested in Vegas ... Allegedly Attacked ER Hospital Staff


6:26 PM PT -- Austin North just addressed the situation online, and he says he was having a very severe panic attack where he thought he might die ... adding he doesn't remember much of the incident at all.

AN posted a lengthy description of what he says happened that day -- noting he's been dealing with this condition for a long time, and that the attack he endured Tuesday was by far the worst he's ever experienced. He apologizes to the hospital staff, and says he hopes to shed more light on his condition as time goes on.

Austin North went haywire at a hospital in Vegas this week -- attacking several emergency room staffers and needing to be restrained ... so claim cops, anyway.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, officers were dispatched to UMC Hospital Tuesday night for reports of an assault and battery that had occurred in the ER ... and when they arrived, cops say they interviewed the alleged victims.

According to a couple nurses and a phlebotomist -- who claim to have been struck by Austin in a bum-rush they say came out of nowhere -- the actor was throwing fists and shoving all three of them in succession ... for no apparent reason whatsoever.

He's alleged to have punched a nurse in the head, shoved the face of another nurse and pushed the phlebotomist into a table -- only for the latter alleged victim to use a tray nearby to smack him in the head in self-defense.

At this point, cops say Austin was restrained by security officers ... but he's alleged to have attacked one last person -- although it's not clear from the report what her job was.

In any case, they finally cuffed him to a gurney there in the hospital. The cops who arrived to deal with this say they read Austin his Miranda rights when they told him they were arresting him for battery, and when asked if he understood ... they claim he said "yes."

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He was hauled off to jail, where he was booked for gross misdemeanor battery ... and posed for this mug shot. Austin has since bonded out. The one thing that isn't addressed in this whole narrative is ... what the hell was he doing in the ER in the first place???

That remains to be seen ... but it's a very bizarre hole in the story. Interestingly enough, Austin was kinda documenting his weekend in Vegas -- the dude has a whole compilation up on his social media page that shows off everything he was up to ... and it looks like a lot.

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We've reached out to his team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:40 PM PT

Super Bowl LVIII Streaker Breaks Silence ... Here's Why I Ran On The Field Half Naked!


The Super Bowl streaker is breaking his silence, explaining why he dropped $42k on front-row tix, only to be tackled on the field half-naked and thrown in the pokey ... revealing it all started with a bet!

TMZ Sports talked to SB streaker Alex Gonzalez on Monday ... just hours after he was released from the local jail.

The question ... why?!

Alex says the plan was to originally place a prop bet at a Vegas sportsbook ... plunking down cash on a fan running on the field during the Chiefs vs. Niners game.


Gonzalez says he was at a UFC event the day before Super Sunday, and he told everyone who would listen, including Dr. Phil and the Nelk Boys, that he was going on the field. So, place your bets.

The only issue? When Gonzalez tried to place the wager, it no longer existed. But, at that point, he says he was already committed ... so despite spending over 40 grand on tickets, Alex decided to go forward with the plan knowing he'd never get to finish watching the game.

"I'm like, 'Damn. I am in too deep at this point where I can't back out anymore.'"

Gonzalez and some buddies headed to a local sporting goods store to buy cleats (we know those Super Bowl fields) and other supplies, and they headed for Allegiant Stadium.

Premeditated Streaking
Instagram / @fxalexg

Then, when the third quarter rolled around (gotta watch at least some of the game), Alex and his friend made their move.

Gonzalez ultimately ran around for several seconds before giving himself up to security officers who were closing in, before leading him to a holding cell in the back of the new stadium.

Alex says he was then taken to jail where he spent Sunday night behind bars.

But, if you think he's regretting it all now ... watch the clip -- he certainly doesn't seem to be sweatin' the situation -- even if he is facing at least one misdemeanor charge.

Helluva story!!!!

Usher se casó con Jennifer Goicoechea El domingo del Super Bowl


3:33 PM PT -- Usher no fue a la capilla Little White Wedding en Las Vegas para casarse como tantas celebridades antes que él lo han hecho, pero lo hizo en otro lugar, y su madre estuvo ahí para ver que todo salga bien.

TMZ ha obtenido el certificado de matrimonio completo, y muestra al Sr. Raymond casado con Jenn en Vegas, que es, literalmente, justo al final de la calle y un poco menos conocido.

Se confirma que se casó el domingo, y su madre -Jonnetta Patton- fue su testigo. La ceremonia fue oficiada por el reverendo Ronald Joseph Pokrywka. Otro dato interesante... Usher parece estar reclamando Usher como su hogar permanente por ahora, mientras que Jenn sigue reclamando Atlanta. El certificado enumera a Usher como... Usher Raymond IV de Las Vegas Nevada.

Melody Willis-Williams, presidenta de Vegas Weddings, le dice a TMZ: "¡Felicidades a los recién casados! ¡Qué gran partido y la actuación de Usher fue fenomenal! Estábamos más que encantados de acoger en este día épico a Usher y a su nueva esposa. ¡Siempre seremos fans de Usher!"

Usher y su novia desde hace mucho tiempo -Jennifer Goicoechea- se casaron este fin de semana y lo hicieron el mismo día que actuó para el espectáculo de medio tiempo del Super Bowl.

El cantante dijo "Sí, quiero" el domingo, de acuerdo con el certificado de matrimonio de Usher, obtenido por TMZ. La fecha de la boda aparece como 11 de febrero 2024 y por ahora no hay más detalles disponibles.

No hay detalles de la hora en la que se casaron, presumiblemente fue después del espectáculo.

Recordemos que Usher había obtenido una licencia de matrimonio con Jenn el 8 de febrero -solo unos días antes del Super Bowl- y mientras que técnicamente tenía un año para hacerlo desde entonces, ahora está claro que sus corazones estaban en la misma sintonía.

después del super bowl

Usher y Jenn han sido pareja desde el 2019 y le han dado la bienvenida a dos niños juntos.

Los recién casados estaban recibiendo un montón de elogios y felicitaciones en el Super Bowl después de la fiesta y como resultado, terminaron como marido y mujer.

Al principio, era difícil ver si estaban luciendo sus anillos de boda, pero finalmente se pudieron ver brillando en sus dedos anulares durante la noche.

Este es el tercer matrimonio de Usher, él ha estado casado dos veces antes, con Tameka Foster y Grace Harry, respectivamente y comparte hijos con la primera.

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Nada más que decir aquí que, ¡felicidades!

Usher Got Hitched on SB Sunday ... Mom Was His Witness!!!


3:33 PM PT -- Usher didn't go to the Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas to get hitched -- as so many celebs before him have done -- but he did another quick-wedding spot nearby ... and his mother on hand to watch it all go down.

TMZ has obtained the full marriage certificate ... and it shows Mr. Raymond married Jenn at Vegas Weddings, which is literally right down the street, and only slightly lesser known.

It confirms he got hitched Sunday ... and his mom, Jonnetta Patton, served as his witness. The ceremony was officiated by Rev. Ronald Joseph Pokrywka. One other interesting tidbit -- Usher seems to be claiming Sin City as his permanent home for right now ... whereas Jenn is still claiming Atlanta. The cert lists Usher as ... Usher Raymond IV of Las Vegas, NV.

Melody Willis-Williams, president of Vegas Weddings, tells TMZ … "Congratulations to the Newlyweds! What a great game and Usher’s performance was phenomenal! We were beyond thrilled to host in this epic day for Usher and his new wife. As much as we love, love, this is the couple’s news to share any further details on. We’ll always be fans of Usher! Yeah!"

Usher and his longtime girlfriend, Jennifer Goicoechea, did in fact get married this weekend -- and did so on the same day he performed for the Super Bowl halftime show.

The singer said "I do" Sunday in Sin City ... according to Usher's marriage records, obtained by TMZ. The wedding date is listed as Feb. 11, 2024 -- and for now, no other details were immediately available.

No word on when exactly Sunday they got hitched ... presumably, it was after the show.

Remember, Usher had actually obtained a marriage license with Jenn on Feb. 8 -- just a few days before the Super Bowl -- and while they technically had a year to get it done from then ... it's now clear their hearts were set on walking down the aisle sooner than later.

Post Super Bowl Stroll

Usher and Jenn have been an item since 2019 ... and they've welcomed 2 kids together.

The newlyweds were getting a lot of praise and congratulations at his Super Bowl after-party -- and as it turns out, they hit up the shindig as a newly-minted bride and groom.

At first, it was hard to see whether they were rocking their wedding bands then and there, but he eventually flashed some fresh hardware on his left ring finger later on in the evening while posing next to his bride, and there it was front and center -- all gold, too.


This marks Usher's third marriage ... he's been hitched twice before, to Tameka Foster and Grace Harry, respectively ... and he shares children with the former.

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Nothing left to say here other than ... congratulations!!!

Originally Published -- 2:38 PM PT

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce Honeymoon Phase at SB After-Parties ... First-Hand Account

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce look like a high school couple who have fallen in love for the first time ... at least that's the vibe they put out at Super Bowl after-parties in Las Vegas.


Nitish Kannan, a film producer who partied with Taylor and Travis in Sin City, joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday and painted a picture of what it was like celebrating the Kansas City Chief's big win alongside Hollywood's "it" couple.

Taylor and Travis started the postgame festivities with a private party at Zouk inside Resorts World Las Vegas before moving over to XS at the Wynn ... and when they weren't singing her hit songs to each other, they were making out.

Baby Just Say Yes
Instagram / @xslasvegas

Nitish tells us Tay Tay and TK seemed to be having the times of their lives ... and looking like they're in the honeymoon phase of their relationship.

While the singer and football player commanded the spotlight all night, Nitish says Taylor and Travis wanted to just have a normal night out in public with friends, family and teammates.


It's kinda the exact opposite of Taylor's last relationship -- looking at you, Joe Alwyn -- and that might be one reason why this is all working so well.

Travis, Nitish noticed, isn't very clingy or needy ... and Taylor's very into him. The whole night TK would be hanging with Taylor, then suddenly with his teammates ... and was just generally nice to everyone. That's what Nitish here is saying.

Shaking It Off

After spending the night in Taylor and Travis' orbit, we asked Nitish how long this relationship is gonna last ... and his answer is pretty interesting.

Seis detenidos en el Super Bowl LVIII Entre ellos dos invasores de campo

Parece que la mayoría de los aficionados en el Super Bowl LVIII estaban mostrando un buen comportamiento el domingo, porque TMZ Sports ha comprobado que solo seis personas fueron detenidas en el gran juego en la Ciudad del Pecado.

La policía nos dice que un fan fue arrojado tras las rejas por hurto mayor. Otro fue fichado por agresión a un oficial. Otros dos, dice la policía, fueron detenidos por obstrucción.

Por supuesto, los dos últimos arrestados fueron el dúo de hombres que se despojaron de sus camisetas y corrieron al campo durante una jugada en el tercer cuarto.

Ambos chicos fueron puestos bajo custodia por cargos de actos prohibidos durante un evento deportivo antes de ser liberados.

También hubo varias emergencias médicas durante el juego, policías nos dicen que recibieron 56 llamadas relacionadas con sustos de salud, añadiendo que nueve personas en total tuvieron que ser transportadas al hospital para su posterior evaluación.

Fuera de eso, el juego se desarrolló sin problemas y los Jefes ganaron en el tiempo extra 25-22 de manera muy emocionante.

Super Bowl LVIII 6 Arrested At Game ... Including 2 Field Invaders

Seems most fans at Super Bowl LVIII were on their best behavior Sunday ... because TMZ Sports has learned only six people were arrested at the big game in Sin City.

Cops tell us ... one fan at Allegiant Stadium during the Chiefs vs. Niners tilt was thrown behind bars for grand larceny. Another was booked for battery on an officer. Two others, police say, were arrested for obstruction.

Of course, the final two arrestees were the duo of men who stripped off their shirts and ran onto the field during a play in the third quarter.

Both guys, we're told, were put into custody on charges of prohibited acts during a sporting event -- before they were released.

There were also several medical emergencies during the game ... cops tell us they received 56 calls regarding health scares -- adding that nine total people needed to be transported to the hospital for further evaluation.

Outside of that ... the game went off without a hitch -- as the Chiefs won a thriller in overtime, 25-22.

Kim K & Odell Beckham Jr. Hug in Vegas at Fanatics Party ... Still Trying to Lay Low?!?

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Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr. made contact this weekend in public -- although, it does seem they're still trying to maintain somewhat of a low profile as a new item.

The rumored couple was spotted in the same vicinity Saturday night at the Fanatics Party at the Marquee Dayclub in the Cosmopolitan -- and TMZ obtained new video that shows them briefly going in for a hug ... albeit, one from which Kim seemed to quickly pull away.

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Check out the clip ... you see them go in for a quick, friendly hello -- and Kim almost wraps her right arm around Odell's neck, but quickly yanks it down and away before she can fully wrap her arms around him.


What's interesting about that is ... that same evening Khloe was trying to block cameras from recording KK and OBJ as they all boarded an elevator -- as seen in other footage we also got. So, it feels like they're trying to keep things on the DL.


The weird thing about this is ... if they're really trying to hide their relationship, why even show up in Vegas together at all??? Everyone saw them this weekend, and they were kinda trailing each other all over the place Saturday night, very conspicuously.

If Kim and Odell are, in fact, trying to throw people off the scent of them being together, they're not doing a very good job. Rumors of them dating have been swirling for months.

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Where there's smoke, there's often fire -- at some point, ya gotta figure they'll go fully public.

Travis Kelce Didn't Host Vegas 'House Party' ... Despite Name on Invite

Travis Kelce did NOT host a big shindig in Sin City a couple nights before the Super Bowl, despite his name being on the invitation for a house party ... TMZ has learned.

There was an invite going around social media Thursday promoting "The Kelce House Party" later that night in Las Vegas ... with Travis' name prominently displayed above the RSVP. Of course, many quickly wondered ... is TK partying his off just a few nights before the game???

Understandable -- on its face, the invite made it seem like Travis was hosting the party with his brother, Jason, which was billed as an event for their 'New Heights' podcast ... and there were even some reports going around claiming Travis was hosting this thing.

However, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … Travis didn't host any parties in Vegas last night, and more importantly ... he isn't hosting any ahead of Super Bowl LVIII, period.

For the non-sports fans out there thinking the players on the Super Bowl teams will be having fun in and around The Strip before Sunday's Big Game, our sources say that's just not the case ... and players are basically having zero fun in Sin City before the SB.

Thing is ... we're told Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs players have some pretty loaded schedules, plus a curfew. They start their days early and the day is filled with meetings, practices and training.

They have a strict curfew at midnight every night ... and our sources say if Travis or any of the players get caught anywhere near The Strip, they aren't going to be playing in the Super Bowl.

By the way, the Chiefs are staying far away from the glitz and glamour ... the team hotel is The Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa, about a 40-minute drive from The Strip.

Sounds like Travis missed out on a fun party with his brother ... the invite says, "You're invited to come through the Kelce House, grab a beer (or 20, alright nah), kick back in the living room, take in an electric set from Cleveland's own DJ MEEL, play some pong on the deck, and all that. Be cool, have a good time, and above all - DON'T tell mom!"

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Now, on the question of whether this 'Kelce House Party' is legit -- our sources tell us it is ... but that Travis himself was never explicitly tied to it. It was basically a bash put together by people who help run his podcast ... and we're told upwards of 400 individuals got an invite.

Unclear if Jason showed up or not -- he's a cohost of 'New Heights,' after all -- but we know for a fact ... Trav was nowhere near this thing on Thursday.

Our sources stressed Travis and all the other players are in Vegas for a job, not fun ... and as we've told you, he and Taylor Swift have plenty of options for postgame festivities.

El Super Bowl rendirá homenaje a Las Vegas Con la emisión de "My Way" de Sinatra

El primer Super Bowl en Las Vegas va a rendirle homenaje a la ciudad de una manera que realmente grita "Las Vegas"... o canta, más bien, porque habrá un homenaje al gran Frank Sinatra.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que habrá varios homenajes destacados durante todo el Super Bowl LVIII, con la famosa interpretación de Sinatra de la melodía escrita por Paul Anka siendo el número principal del evento de apertura.

Según nos han dicho, se trata de un momento de alegría para Las Vegas, y qué mejor manera de rendir homenaje a esta ciudad que con una canción que la define a la perfección. Y sí, la versión de Frank de "My Way" es la más conocida, así que empezarán con ella.

De todos modos, nos dicen que la transmisión del Super Bowl y CBS mostrarán tomas de los jugadores como Travis Kelce, Patrick Mahomes y Christian McCaffrey.

A partir de ahí, nuestras fuentes dicen que CBS hará la transición a las entrevistas con las familias de los jugadores, hablando de sus padres, hijos, esposos y hermanos... todo subrayado por una nueva mezcla de "My Way".

Sabemos lo que la nueva mezcla de "My Way" implica que va a haber una orquesta en vivo, con Sinatra cantando en las grandes pantallas dentro y fuera de The Sphere, el nuevo lugar de conciertos del The Strip.

Por cierto, el mismísimo Usher también cantará "My Way" durante su actuación en el medio tiempo y nos han dicho que será impactante. Así que sí, parece que el tema "My Way" estará presente durante todo el partido, de principio a fin.

En pocas palabras, es una punta del sombrero a Fabulous Las Vegas, y CBS / la NFL se inclinan todo el camino en él.

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Mientras que lo que pasa en Las Vegas por lo general se queda en Las Vegas, todo el mundo va a oír hablar de este.

Super Bowl LVIII Broadcast to Open W/ Vegas Tribute ... Frank Singing 'My Way'!!!

The first-ever Super Bowl in Las Vegas is going to pay tribute to the city in a way that truly screams Sin City -- or sings, rather ... 'cause it's gonna include the late, great Frank Sinatra.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... there will be several "My Way" tributes prominently featured throughout the Super Bowl LVIII broadcast, with Sinatra's famous rendition of the tune -- written by Paul Anka -- being the one to lead the opening segment.

What this is, we're told, is a cheers moment for Vegas itself -- and what better way to pay honor the storied desert town than with a song that kinda encapsulates it. And yes, Frank's version of "My Way" is the most well-known ... so they're kicking it off with that one.

Anyway, we're told the Super Bowl broadcast on CBS will show action shots of the players ... like Travis Kelce, Patrick Mahomes and Christian McCaffrey.

From there, our sources say CBS will transition to interviews with players' families ... talking about their dads, sons, husbands and brothers ... all underscored by a new mix of "My Way."

We know what the new "My Way" mix entails too ... our sources tell us there's going to be a live orchestra, with Sinatra singing on the big screens inside and outside The Sphere, the newest concert venue on The Strip.

BTW, Usher himself will also give a "My Way" shout-out during his Halftime performance ...  and we're told it'll be one for the books and incredibly powerful. So, yeah ... the 'MW' theme will be running throughout the course of the game, it seems -- start to finish.


Bottom line ... it's a tip of the hat to Fabulous Las Vegas, and CBS/the NFL are leaning all the way into it.

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While what happens in Vegas usually stays in Vegas ... everyone's gonna hear about this one.

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