Las Vegas Un activista escala la Esfera... La policía responde

Trepando la esfera

La Esfera de Las Vegas tuvo un visitante inesperado el miércoles. Se trató de un activista y escalador que trepó por la imponente estructura de 367 pies de altura.

El video del individuo caminando por arriba del lugar de conciertos comenzó a circular en línea poco después de que comenzara, y el escalador, llamado Maison Des Champs, también lo posteó en Instagram confirmando que era quien había hecho la audaz escalada.

En la cima de la esfera
Instagram / @prolifespiderman

Maison explicó en el breve clip que estaba haciendo la escalada para recaudar dinero para una mujer sin hogar y su hijo que está por nacer, pidiendo a sus 273k seguidores que donaran a la causa mientras estaba de pie en la esfera.

Los reporteros hablaron con Tim Clement, director de divulgación de Survivors of The Abortion Holocaust, quien le dijo que Des Champs fue detenido luego de llegar a la cima de La Esfera.

Urban Climber Scales 60-Floor Tower In San Francisco In Death-Defying Stunt 5/3/22
Sin miedo
Instagram / @prolifespiderman

Por cierto, este suele ser el truco de Maison. Se subió a la Chase Tower en Phoenix durante la semana del Super Bowl el año pasado para protestar contra el aborto e hizo algo parecido el año anterior en San Francisco.

Según los informes, la policía ha cerrado el tráfico de las calles de la zona y al parecer han detenido a miembros del grupo activista de Des Champs también.

TMZ investiga
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Se supone que U2 va a actuar en The Sphere esta noche. No está claro si la jugada de Maison retrasará o pospondrá el espectáculo.

Taylor y Travis Vengan a casarse a nuestra capilla Este fin de semana...

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce estarán en Las Vegas este fin de semana, y con el amor en el aire y su romance viento en popa, un lugar está ofreciendo hacerlos marido y mujer, ¡gratis!

Con los visitantes acudiendo en masa a la Ciudad del Pecado para el Super Bowl este fin de semana, se podrán imaginar que no hay mejor momento para dar el "sí, quiero", y eso es exactamente lo que la capilla Little White Wedding Chapel tiene en mente y por eso ha decidido extenderle una invitación a Tay Tay y Travis Kelce.

El lugar de la boda le dice a TMZ que le están ofreciendo a Taylor y Travis un servicio matrimonial si tienen ganas de atar el nudo en algún momento este fin de semana, y sus puertas están abiertas para los negocios, a pesar de que cubrirán completamente el costo.

La capilla dice: "Taylor y Travis, ¡ya tienen suficiente, así que déjennos hacernos cargo! Taylor solo tiene que traer su afortunado y fabuloso vestido de los Grammy y nosotros nos encargamos del resto. Tenemos a nuestro florista a la espera para el ramo de tus sueños y nuestros ministros y Elvis están listos también. Lo que quieras, ¡¡nuestra capilla está preparada para atenderte!!".

Por cierto, su oferta no solo se extiende a T-Swift y Travis, en realidad se aplica a todos los jugadores de fútbol y parejas que se puedan encontrar en la ciudad en los próximos días.

Nos han dicho que Little White correrá con los gastos de cualquiera de los miembros de los equipos San Francisco 49ers y Kansas City Chiefs, incluidos los entrenadores: cualquiera de los afiliados tiene la oportunidad de casarse allí, ¡gratis!

Un cañón de confeti de cortesía se incorporará a la celebración para los miembros del equipo ganador. Hablando de anotar a lo grande dentro y fuera del campo. Ambos equipos del Super Bowl recibirían ramos de flores especialmente creados para la ocasión, lo que hará que sea un campo de juego parejo para todos.

La capilla también señala que aunque las bodas son tradicionalmente más protagónicas para la novia, quieren mostrar un poco de amor por los hombres del Super Bowl, porque el evento deportivo es una de las cosas más emocionantes e importantes que suceden en Las Vegas por estos días. Así que sí, ¡quieren mostrarles su amor!

También nos dicen que esperan que la oferta sirva como promoción añadida para el local y que los aficionados al fútbol también acudan a la capilla para casarse después del partido. Ahora, no esperen que les cubran la boda, eso es solo para las cabezas del Super Bowl.

TMZ investiga
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No es que la capilla realmente lo necesite, con los gustos de Ben Affleck y Jennifer López, Britney Spears y Jason Alexander y más celebridades intercambiando votos allí. ¡Incluso tienen a un imitador de Elvis como testigo, por supuesto!

Taylor & Travis Come Get Hitched at Our Chapel ... On the House This Weekend

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce will be in Vegas this weekend -- and with love in the air and their romance at an all-time high ... one venue's offering to make them man and wife for free!

With visitors flocking to Sin City for the Super Bowl this weekend, you'd figure there's no better time than Saturday/Sunday to say "I do" ... which is exactly what the Little White Wedding Chapel is thinking, and why they're extending an invite to Tay Tay and TK.

The wedding venue tells TMZ they're offering Taylor and Travis a comped marital service if they're feeling like tying the knot at some point this weekend ... and their doors are open for business, even though they'll completely cover the cost.

LWWC says, "Taylor and Travis – you two have enough on your plate so let us take care of you! Taylor just bring your lucky, and Fabulous Grammys gown and we can handle the rest! We have our florist on standby for the bouquet of your dreams, our ministers and Elvis are ready too. Whatever you want, our chapel is ready to take care of you!!

BTW, their offer here doesn't just extend to T-Swift and Travis -- it actually applies to all the football players and their significant others who might be in town in the next few days.

We're told Little White will cover the costs for any of the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs team members, including coaches -- anyone affiliated has the chance to get married there ... for free. From the aisle to the pitch ... that'll be one tight turnaround!

A complimentary confetti canon will be incorporated into the celebration for members of the winning team. Talk about scoring big on and off the field. Both SB teams will get specially created bouquets for the occasion, which will make it an even playing field for everyone.

LWWC also notes that while wedding days are traditionally all about the bride ... they wanna show some love to the SB men, 'cause the sporting event is one of the most exciting and important things happening in Vegas now. So yeah, they wanna show the dudes love!

They also tell us they hope the offer can serve as an added promo for the venue ... with football fans coming to the chapel to get married in a spur of the moment kinda deal after the game. Don't expect them to cover those weddings though -- just SB heads, y'all.

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Not that the chapel really needs it ... with the likes of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears and Jason Alexander, and more celebs exchanging vows there -- with an Elvis impersonator as a witness, of course.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms starting today!

Super Bowl LVIII Eat Like Kings For $2.5 Million!!! Wagyu Glizzy, Surf-&-Turf Buffet In Luxury Suite

X / @lukesawhook

Rich people are gonna feast like it at the Super Bowl this weekend ... 'cause the luxury suite that comes with a $2.5 MILLION price tag will be fully stocked with the finest grub!!

Some lucky media members got an inside look at the expensive box that'll house 20 wealthy football fans when the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs face off at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas on Super Sunday ... and they certainly won't have empty stomachs by the end of the night.

The spread consists of some bomb-lookin' items ... from a surf-and-turf buffet with wagyu beef and lobster to carne asada fries, seafood stuffed potatoes, bacon-wrapped hot dogs, cheesecakes and your classic souvenir popcorn, according to reporter Luke Sawhook.

There will be plenty to drink, too ... with a full-service bar complete with bartenders.

For those less financially blessed, StubHub says the get-in price is currently $5,300 -- a bargain from last week -- and the average ticket is going for $8,800.

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Unclear who'll be posted up in this suite when kickoff comes around ... but we take it the TV cameras will be sure to be on the lookout for Taylor Swift, who'll most likely be in one of the many boxes at the stadium to check out her boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

K.C. Chiefs Rashee Rice Adorable Send Off From Lil' Neighbors ... Before Heading To Super Bowl In Vegas


The Kansas City Chiefs arrived in Las Vegas last night ... but before the team jet touched down in Sin City, star WR Rashee Rice got the cutest send-off from a bunch of his little neighbors!

The 23-year-old pass catcher documented his ride to the airport on Sunday -- just a week before the Super Bowl -- where 20-plus people, mainly kids, lined the street holding handmade signs.

“Let’s go Rashee #4”, one of the signs read ... while another said, “Good Luck Rashee”

Rice obviously appreciated the love, captioning the video with heart emojis.

The rookie WR will likely play a big factor in whether the Chiefs win or lose against the Niners ... despite it being his rookie season, outside of Kelce, RR's been their best receiver this year, especially in the second half, catching 79 balls for 938 yards and 7 touchdowns this regular season.

The 2nd round pick has carried his prolific play into the playoffs ... he had 130 yards against the Dolphins, and he scored a touchdown. The rook only trails Kelce in post-season receiving yards, topping all other Chiefs.

Whether the Chiefs get the dub on Sunday, Rice has some awesome neighbors!

Travis Kelce Touches Down In Las Vegas For SB ... As Taylor Swift Cleans Up At Grammys

Travis Kelce couldn't attend the Grammys with Taylor Swift on Sunday night -- he was busy landing in Las Vegas to begin preparations for Super Bowl LVIII -- but he still managed to publicly support his girlfriend from hundreds of miles away.

The Chiefs star and his teammates touched down in Sin City at around 5 PM local time ... just as Swift was settling in her seat for the big music awards show in Los Angeles.

Kelce didn't appear to be sporting any overt homages to his GF as he left the plane to get ready for Super Bowl week -- he wore nothing more than a Nike sweatsuit, some shades and a Cincinnati Bearcats cap.

But, he did take to Instagram to show some love for his GF nonetheless.

The Kansas City tight end dropped a "like" on NPR's Grammys post -- which featured a pic of Swift on the red carpet.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Taylor, meanwhile, flew solo for her big night -- sitting with Lana Del Rey and Jack Antonoff ... before she took home multiple honors, including Album of the Year. She did not mention Kelce in either of her acceptance speeches.

It's unclear if she'll now join Kelce in Nevada later this week for his big moment -- she's performing in Tokyo before the game ... though most expect her to make it in time for kickoff.

TMZ Studios

As for Kelce's week, in addition to practicing for the 49ers, he's slated to meet with the media later Monday at Allegiant Stadium as part of Super Bowl Opening Night -- and you can bet there will be plenty of Swift questions directed his way there.

'Foodgod' Jonathan Cheban Fontainebleau Nachos Still Bad ... Hit Me Up, I'll Fix 'Em!!!


"Foodgod" Jonathan Cheban's not letting Fontainebleau Vegas off the hook -- even though the resort's updated its much-maligned nachos, he has a different plan for upping their appetizer game.

We got the reality TV personality/foodie out in NYC this week and asked him about Fontainebleau's viral nacho debacle. He was actually at the hotel's opening night, and while he complimented most of the menu options ... he went scorched earth on the nachos.

ICYMI, the meager nacho offering went viral after a pic of the plate, priced at $24, ended up on social media. The unappetizing dish caused a frenzy on X, and 'Bleau ultimately redid their nachos and posted an updated pic, trying to do some damage control.

JC's very clear on where the hotel went wrong ... saying the chef should've invited him into the kitchen to design a truly over-the-top nacho plate.

As for whether nachos should even be on a five-star menu, the "Foodgod" is unequivocal -- it all depends on what you put on those bad boys! He was generous enough to offer up a few ingredients to make high-class gourmet nachos. Pay attention, Fontainebleau!!!

And, if the ritzy Vegas spot hears something they like here, it better move quickly. Foodgod's a gun for hire, and is already chatting with other Strip hotels.

One more thing, lots of folks were pissed about the $24 price tag for the "nachos" -- but Cheban's cosigning on that ... pointing out nachos at regular places go for about $17, and Fontainebleau's far from regular!

TMZ Studios

Fontainebleau Vegas might wanna get Foodgod on the horn, stat!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Strip Club Offers $1 Million Couple's Package ... Party Here If You Win SB!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are being courted by a Las Vegas strip club ... not to work the poles, but to party their faces off if his team wins the Super Bowl across the street.

Larry Flynt's Hustler Club in Las Vegas is offering Taylor and Travis what the strip joint's calling a Topless Touchdown Celebratory Package ... and it's valued at $1 million.

So long as Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LVIII at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas -- which is being played across the street from the Hustler Club -- the package is theirs for the taking ... and it's on the house.

Here's what $1 million gets ya inside the strip joint ... unlimited access to the $10K per hour Mohney Suite, an Ace of Spades champagne bottle parade, and $50K for Taylor and Travis to make it rain.

Oh, and that's not all ... roundtrip limo transportation is included, plus Taylor and Travis get a VIP Platinum Lifetime Membership to HC ... which gets them free lap dances for life.

Frankly, this is a Hail Mary from the Hustler Club ... it's hard to envision Taylor and Travis taking them up on the offer ... but then again, Travis wore a Vegas strip club shirt after a regular season win over the Las Vegas Raiders.

TMZ Studios

Brittany Rose, the GM of the club, tells TMZ ... “We are used to catering to a-list celebrities and athletes alike so we can ensure their discretion will be met while partying inside our venue.”

Shooters shoot, right?!?

Even if Taylor and Travis turn 'em down, there's a good chance the Hustler Club is going to have a few Swifties in the house.

The gentlemen's club is currently auditioning Swifties for positions.

Viva Las Vegas!!!

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce Club de striptease les ofrece un paquete de $1M Si ganan el Super Bowl!!!

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce están siendo cortejados por un club de striptease de Las Vegas, no para trabajar en las mesas, sino que para la celebración sea en este espacio si su equipo gana el Super Bowl.

Hustler Club de Larry Flynt en Las Vegas le está ofreciendo a Taylor y Travis un paquete de celebración Topless Touchdown, que está valorado en $1 millón.

Siempre y cuando Travis y los Kansas City Chiefs venzan a los San Francisco 49ers en el Super Bowl LVIII en el Allegiant Stadium de Las Vegas, que se jugará al otro lado de la calle del Hustler Club, el paquete va por cuenta de la casa.

Esto es lo que te da un millón de dólares en el club de striptease: acceso ilimitado a la Mohney Suite, que cuesta 10.000 dólares por hora, un desfile de botellas de champán Ace of Spades y 50.000 dólares para que Taylor y Travis gasten.

Ah, y eso no es todo, el transporte ida y vuelta en limusina está incluido, además de que Taylor y Travis podrán obtener una membresía VIP Platinum de por vida a Hustler Club, que les consigue bailes gratis de por vida.

Francamente, esto es un Hail Mary por parte de Hustler Club, pero es difícil imaginar a Taylor y Travis tomando la oferta, pero de nuevo, Travis llevaba una camiseta de un club de striptease de Las Vegas después de una victoria en la temporada regular contra los Raiders.

TMZ investiga
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Brittany Rose, General Manager del club, le dice a TMZ: "Estamos acostumbrados a atender a una lista de celebridades y atletas por lo que podemos garantizar que su discreción se cumplirá mientras la fiesta esté dentro de nuestro lugar."

Los tiradores disparan, ¿verdad?

Incluso si Taylor y Travis rechazan la oferta, hay una buena probabilidad de que el Club Hustler reciba a algunos Swifties en la casa.

El club de caballeros está actualmente audicionando Swifties para algunos puestos.

¡¡¡Viva Las Vegas!!!

Taylor Swift Dominates Super Bowl Prop Bets ... How Many TV Shots?!

Taylor Swift could help put some money in your pockets this Super Bowl ... 'cause there are a ton of prop bets surrounding the pop superstar!!

The folks over at BetOnline revealed their list to TMZ Sports ahead of the big game between the 49ers and Chiefs at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas ... and naturally, Travis Kelce's girlfriend is at the center of attention.

Check out some of the most interesting -- and straight-up silly -- prop bets that fans can drop some dough on in hopes of cashing in:

Which will be higher?

  • Taylor Swift live shots   +150
  • Travis Kelce catches    -200

Where will Travis Kelce propose to Taylor Swift?

  • Vacation                   -200
  • Field (non-end zone)    +400
  • Podium                    +500
  • End Zone                  +600
  • After-party                 +800
  • Tunnel                     +2000
  • Locker Room             +2500

Who will be shirtless first?

  • Jason Kelce  -10000
  • Taylor Swift   +2000
  • Olivia Culpo   +2500

Some other bets will be on the color of Tay's 'fit, if she'll be sitting next to Patrick Mahomes' wife, Brittany ... and if one of her songs will be played during a broadcast break.

There's even post-Super Bowl bets ... like if Swift and Kelce will still be together by the 2024-25 season or if she'll be pregnant before the New Year.

Usher also got some love ... with over 10 options for special guests who could join the R&B sensation during his halftime show -- including Swift (but it may be best to stay away from that one, given TMZ's recent report stating she will not join him during the performance).

Even if the "Cruel Summer" crooner doesn't take the stage, peeps could be feelin' rich if Ursher gives her a shoutout!!

Of course, President Joe Biden will be watching the biggest sports event of the year ... and there are several bets to see if he'll mention Mahomes or Swift in his pre-game interview.

Take a look at all the prop bets and put some money down by Feb. 11!!

As the saying goes ... there's always money in the banana stand Super Bowl!!

Fontainebleau Las Vegas Nachos Upgraded After Online Jokes ... Competition Piles On


1:30 PM PT -- The Fountainbleau finally responded to all the backlash, and this is what they had to say ... "The Tavern menu was designed to be 'bar food favorites, all grown up.'"

They add, "We hope you’ll excuse our growing pains while the nachos went through their awkward phase. We’re thrilled to report they’ve matured into one stacked snack."

Fontainebleau Las Vegas found itself in a sticky situation ... drowning knee-deep in melted cheese after photos of some lackluster nachos went viral -- with people crapping on them.

Here's the deal ... an X user posted a pic of nachos he said he bought from The Tavern at the Vegas hotel Monday that the user said his party waited an hour to get -- and, quite frankly, they left quite a lot to be desired.

Check it out -- six total chips, crusted in melted cheese, with almost as many condiments as actual food to put them on ... and if you're wondering how much they cost, the outraged poster said he paid $24 for the food. That's quite the hunk of cheddar.

Of course, other people on the internet were outraged on the guy's behalf and started recommending other places to go if he wanted some premium nachos -- well, FLV must've got the memo 'cause they turned things around in a hurry.

Unfortunately for Fontainebleau, other hotels and casinos seemingly ordered their nachos with extra spice ... 'cause their social media accounts capitalized on the viral moment to post their pics of their own offering.

Circa Las Vegas, OYO Hotel and Binion's Gambling Hall are just a few of the locations that shared their own photos. They don't directly call out Fontaine, but the message from other hotels seems pretty clear -- come get our chips 'cause Fontainebleau is na-cho destination for great nachos. That's definitely the sentiment, anyway ... they're drizzling on extra shots.

FWIW, a local Vegas influencer went to the hotel later in the week and received a more respectable-looking plate of nachos -- certainly more than six chips at the very least -- so maybe people will consider bringing their fiestas back to Fontaine!

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Fontainebleau about all the viral attention ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:35 AM PT

Fontainebleau Las Vegas Mejora sus nachos tras las quejas online ¡¡La competencia se aprovecha!!

Fontainebleau Las Vegas se encontró en una vergonzosa situación después de que unas fotos de sus regulares nachos se hicieran virales y la gente los empezara a destrozar.

Esta es la cuestión, un usuario de X publicó una foto de los nachos que compró en el hotel de Las Vegas el lunes, particularmente en The Tavern. La persona cuenta que estos tardaron una hora en llegar y, francamente, dejaron mucho que desear.

Echa un vistazo, en total son seis nachos con costra de queso derretido, con casi tantos condimentos como alimentos reales y si usted se está preguntando cuánto cuestan, el indignado usuario dijo que pagó $24 por la comida. Vaya pedazo de queso cheddar.

Por supuesto, otras personas de Internet también estaban indignadas en nombre del chico y comenzaron a recomendarle otros lugares si quería comer nachos de calidad, y el hotel debe haber recibido el aviso, porque cambiaron las cosas a toda prisa.

Desafortunadamente para Fontainebleau, otros hoteles y casinos aparentemente vieron una oportunidad de marketing, porque rápidamente capitalizaron el momento en sus redes sociales para publicar fotos de su propia oferta.

Circa Las Vegas, OYO Hotel y Binion's Gambling Hall son solo algunos de los establecimientos que compartieron sus propias fotos. No critican directamente a Fontaine, pero el mensaje de los otros hoteles parece bastante claro: "Vengan por nuestros chips porque Fontainebleau na-cho el destino para los mejores nachos". Ese es definitivamente el sentimiento, de todos modos y le están sacando ventaja.

¡Lo que es importante, un influencer de Las Vegas fue al hotel más tarde en la semana y recibió un plato de nachos de aspecto más respetable! Sin duda más de seis nachos por lo menos, así que tal vez la gente considere irse de fiesta nuevamente a Fontaine.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Nos pusimos en contacto con Fontainebleau por la viral polémica, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Tiësto Actuará en el Super Bowl LVIII... ¡El primer DJ en un partido!

El Super Bowl LVIII se va a celebrar en Las Vegas, y la NFL va a ofrecer su mejor espectáculo en la Ciudad del Pecado, ¡con Tiësto como el primer DJ presente en el mayor evento deportivo del año!

El jueves, la NFL anunció que la superestrella internacional estará entreteniendo a los aficionados durante los calentamientos previos al partido y las pausas en el juego.

"Cada año, buscamos elevar la experiencia en el estadio para nuestros fans", dijo la NFL, "y con nuestro primer Super Bowl en Las Vegas, parece apropiado abrazar el legado de DJs icónicos en la ciudad trayendo el estilo característico de Tiësto a nuestro mayor evento."

Tiësto es considerado por muchos como el "padrino de la Música Electrónica Bailable (EDM)" y está entusiasmado con la oportunidad y dice estar preparado para ofrecer un show épico.

"Es aún más increíble que sea en mi lugar favorito: Las Vegas", dijo el artista de 55 años.

Por supuesto, Las Vegas es conocida por sus increíbles fiestas protagonizadas por algunos de los mayores artistas musicales del mundo, y ahora los afortunados fans tendrán la oportunidad de ver a Tiësto en el estadio Allegiant el 11 de febrero.

"Gracias a la NFL por contar conmigo", dijo el DJ. "¡No puedo esperar para festejar con todos ustedes en el gran partido!".

Tiësto, que ha generado más de 11.000 millones de streams en todo el mundo y ha vendido más de 36 millones de álbumes, será el quinto DJ que pinche durante los calentamientos de la Super Bowl, pero el primero que lo hará durante el partido.

¡Las Vegas, prepárense para la fiesta!

Tiësto Performing At Super Bowl LVIII ... First In-Game DJ!!!

Super Bowl LVIII's goin' down in Las Vegas, and the NFL's delivering the full Sin City experience ... tapping Tiësto to serve as the first-ever in-game DJ for the biggest sporting event of the year!

On Thursday the NFL announced the international superstar will be on the 1s and 2s, entertaining fans on Super Sunday ... during pre-game warm-ups and breaks in the game.

"Each year, we look to elevate the in-stadium experience for our fans," the NFL said, "and with our first Super Bowl in Las Vegas, it seems only fitting to embrace the legacy of iconic DJs in this city by having Tiësto bring his signature style to our biggest event."

Tiësto -- considered by many the "Godfather of EDM" -- is pumped for the opportunity, and says he's ready to give an epic performance.

"It's even more incredible that it's in my favorite place - Las Vegas," the 55-year-old said.

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Of course, Vegas is known for its amazing, over-the-top parties starring some of the biggest musical acts in the world ... and now fans lucky enough to be at Allegiant Stadium on February 11, get to see Tiësto.

"Thank you to the NFL for having me," Tiësto said, "I cannot wait to party with you all at the big game!"

Tiësto -- who has generated over 11 billion streams worldwide and sold more than 36 million albums -- will be the fifth DJ to play during Super Bowl warmups ... but the first to spin in-game.

Get ready to party, Vegas!

Michael Jackson Estate Beefing With Vegas Tribute Show


2:27 PM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... The Micheal Jackson estate hasn't tried to shutdown "MJ Live" during its run in Nevada due to state laws protecting impersonator shows. However, Michael's estate is now taking action because they view the show as low class and don't want it running in states like California, New York and others. Plus, the estate is already behind "MJ: The Musical" which is currently on Broadway.

A Michael Jackson tribute show in Las Vegas says the late singer's estate is trying to shut down their show ... and now they're duking it out in court.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the folks behind the "MJ Live" show at the Tropicana claim the Michael Jackson estate recently began sending cease and desist letters threatening them with legal action over the show, claiming it's using the estate's trademarks without permission.

Thing is ... "MJ Live" claims they've been doing their thing for well over a decade -- performing for over 2.5 million people -- and the estate has only recently started making legal threats. In other words, they're suggesting this came out of nowhere ... unjustly.

In the docs, "MJ Live" says the act is going on the road and Michael's estate is trying to shut down shows scheduled at venues in California, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, the tribute show points out the estate is starting up a tour of its new Broadway show, "MJ: The Musical" ... suggesting the timing of the legal beef may be related to the estate trying to cash in with their own MJ show.

They even go so far as to claim that the MJ estate is actually the one infringing on their own intellectual property with "MJ: the Musical" ... basically arguing, they were their first doing their own thing -- and that their brand as "MJ Live" has established its own reputation/brand.

Anyway, the "MJ Live" producers want a judge to declare that the art they use to promote their show doesn't infringe on the estate's trademarks because their artwork is distinct and causes no confusion to the public.

A rep for MJ's estate tells TMZ, "This lawsuit -- including the claim that this impersonator show somehow owns a ‘trademark’ in ‘MJ,’ a trademark owned by Michael Jackson’s Estate and long associated with Michael and his Estate -- is beyond frivolous. The Estate, as always, will vigorously defend all intellectual property rights of Michael Jackson."

Originally Published -- 1:27 PM PT

Judge Attacker Back In Court, Faces Same Robe at Bench Gets Hard Time Behind Bars

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The man who brazenly attacked a Las Vegas judge was back in court to finally be given his sentencing ... and it was handed down by the exact same judge he took down last week.

Deobra Redden faced Judge Mary Kay Holthus in Clark County District Court Monday, donning a face mask and covers over his hands ... as well as guards on either side of him. Probably for good reason considering what happened the last time around.

Safe to say they're making sure there's no repeat attack here -- as we reported, Redden shockingly dove over the raised bench to attack Judge Holthus last week while she was gearing up to sentence him for his attempted battery conviction.

Now, as for how Monday's appearance went -- it was thankfully much calmer.

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Judge Holthus kept her cool during sentencing, and didn't mention the prior outburst whatsoever ... but she did hit him with a sentence of 19-48 months behind bars, which is apparently what prosecutors were asking for. In other words, no real leniency.

Can't really blame her for throwing the book at him with everything that's gone on.

Remember, Redden was immediately put into isolation after attacking Judge Holthus, classified as a "2C" inmate, which is the most restrictive classification for inmates at the Clark County Jail. The video of him leaping up onto and past the bench to reach her was wild.

On top of all this, Redden's now facing 13 charges in connection with the attack on the judge and is due back in court for that on Tuesday.

Here's hoping the jump scares are kept at a minimum behind bars -- something tells us those wouldn't go over too well where he's going.

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