Matty Healy Breaks Silence on 'Tortured Poets' ... I Haven't Heard It Yet!!!


Matty Healy's finally responding to Taylor Swift's diss track aimed at him -- but, fans aren't gonna get the drama they might've hoped for from him ... just the opposite, in fact.

The 1975 singer stepped out in Los Angeles Wednesday ... and, a photog asked him how he'd rank his diss track compared to the other 30 on Taylor's 11th studio album "The Tortured Poets Department."

Remember ... Taylor's new song "But Daddy I Love Him" seemingly mentions Healy and the criticism surrounding their whirlwind fling following her breakup with longtime partner Joe Alwyn last year. More of a diss track to her fans, really ... but Matty's central to all of it.

Sofía Vergara finalmente vende su casa Luego de bajarle considerablemente el precio

Sofía Vergara finalmente puede cerrar el libro de su matrimonio con Joe Manganiello para siempre, porque acaba de deshacerse del último vestigio de su pasado... la casa de lujo que compartían.

La propiedad de la actriz en Beverly Hills -que había estado tratando de vender desde hace un par de años- encontró un nuevo propietario esta semana según los registros en línea, a un precio final de $13.7 millones.

Eso es mucho menos de lo que costaba hace unos meses, cuando ella la puso de nuevo al mercado por $13.9 millones, y ya había sido rebajada en gran medida desde 2022.

Sofia Vergara Finally Unloads Bev Hills Estate ... After Massive Price Drop

Sofia Vergara can finally close the book on her marriage to Joe Manganiello for good -- because she just got rid of the last remnant of their past ... the fancy house they shared.

The actress's Beverly Hills estate -- which has been on the market for a couple years now -- found a new owner this week according to online records... with a sale of her former property officially closing on Tuesday, at a final price of $13.7 million.

That's down from what she'd relisted it for at the beginning of the year, when she put it back on the market for $13.9 mil -- which had already been slashed by quite a lot since 2022.

Amber Heard celebra su cumpleaños número 38 A ocho años de cagar en la cama de Johnny

Amber Heard cumplió 38 años esta semana, y para celebrar la ocasión, está bebiendo champán... todo esto 8 años después de que supuestamente se cagara en la cama de Johnny Depp.

La actriz publicó en IG el martes -un día después de su cumpleaños- luciendo hermosa y bebiendo un poco de burbujas. Su pie de foto era revelador, con Amber escribiendo: "Champagne tipo de cumpleaños".

También parece que Amber está en algún tipo de bodega de vino, porque está rodeada de botellas... es interesante teniendo en cuenta su historia con Depp.

Amber Heard Celebrates 38th Birthday ... On 8-Year JD Poop Anniversary

Amber Heard turned 38 this week -- and to ring in the momentous occasion, she's knocking back champagne ... this 8 years after she allegedly crapped in Johnny Depp's bed.

The actress posted on IG Tuesday -- a day after she hit the big 3-8 Monday -- and it was a simple shot of herself looking gorgeous and sipping on some bubbly. Her caption was telling as well, with AH simply writing ... "Champagne kind of birthday."

It also looks like Amber is in some kind of wine cellar here, 'cause she's surrounded by a ton of bottles on both sides -- which is also interesting considering her history with JD.

Jennifer López Le hizo pretender a mi novio que estaba soltero... ¡¡¡Para promocionar la película!!!

Jennifer Lopez hizo que su ex coprotagonista Ryan Guzman fingiera su estado sentimental para darle bombo a su película de hace casi 10 años, o al menos así lo afirma la ex novia del chico, que estaba con él por ese entonces.

Melanie Iglesias criticó a J Lo en el podcast "No Chaser" por la forma en que actuó durante la rueda de prensa de "The Boy Next Door" en 2015, alegando que se tomaba de la mano con Ryan en los after-parties y actuaba como si estuvieran juntos, pese a que sabía muy bien que tenía novia.

Robó a tu hombre...
No Chaser with Tim Chantarangsu

La modelo de Maxim dice que incluso conoció a Jennifer en una entrega de premios, mientras ella estaba saliendo con Ryan y alegó que le dio un apretón de manos torpemente firme e intimidante, que la decepcionó mucho porque veía a Jen como una heroína.


Jennifer Lopez had her former costar Ryan Guzman fake his relationship status to hype up their movie almost 10 years ago -- so claims the guy's ex-girlfriend, who was with him then.

Melanie Iglesias called out J Lo on the "No Chaser" podcast for how she claims Jen acted during the 2015 "The Boy Next Door" press run ... alleging she would hold hands with Ryan at after-parties and act like they were an item -- knowing fully well he had a GF.

No Chaser with Tim Chantarangsu

The Maxim model says she even met Jennifer at an awards show while she was dating Ryan ... claiming she gave her an awkwardly firm handshake, and an intimidating once-over -- something Melanie says she was disappointed over seeing how she viewed Jen as a hero.

Taylor Swift Le gusta un irónico post sobre su ex Joe Alwyn Canta sobre su depresión

Taylor Swift se deleitó con un meme que se reía un poco de su ex Joe Alwyn y que calza con las letras hacia él en su nuevo álbum, y sus fans están encantados.

Antes del lanzamiento del nuevo disco "The Tortured Poets Department" el viernes, la cantante publicó algunas letras insinuando que el nuevo trabajo sería sobre sus ex más recientes, especialmente Joe, con quien salió 6 años.

Como era de esperar, los Swifties abrazaron esta teoría y crearon un montón de memes antes de que saliera el álbum sobre cómo Joe sería expuesto y puesto en vergüenza con la nueva música (lo que resultó ser cierto).

Taylor Swift Likes Shady Instagram Post About Ex Joe Alwyn Sings About His Depression

Taylor Swift reveled in an internet meme ripping into her ex, Joe Alwyn ... which dovetails with the shots she took at him on her new album, and her fans are loving it.

Ahead of Friday's release of Taylor's new album, "The Tortured Poets Department," the singer released a few lyrics ... hinting the new work would be about her most recent exes, especially Joe -- whom she dated for a whopping 6 years.

Unsurprisingly, Swifties ran with this theory ... creating a ton of memes ahead of the album about how Joe would likely be put on blast in the new music (which turned out to be true).

Taylor Swift Slams 'Bitching & Moaning' Over Matty Healy ... Defends Brief Fling

Taylor Swift is defending her brief relationship with Matty Healy -- which came under a microscope by overly-concerned fans ... whom she's kinda ripping into on her new album.

The singer appears to slam her fan base on "The Tortured Poets Department" on one particular song that touches on the backlash she experienced for dating Matty last year ... the track's called "But Daddy I Love Him," and it eviscerates everyone who chimed in.

Her lyrics go something like this ... "I just learned these people only raise you / To cage you / Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best/ Clutchin' their pearls, sighing, "What a mess"/ I just learned these people try and save you/ 'Cause they hate you."


Suri Cruise is celebrating adulthood -- let that sink in -- as she rings in her 18th birthday in NYC by taking a rainy day stroll with a friend.

Despite the dreary weather, Suri didn't let a little rain wash out her big day ... she happily chatted away with her pal while under the shelter of her pink umbrella.

Suri had a gift bag in hand during her walk around town, suggesting the celebrations were already underway. It remains to be seen if there will be any larger festivities later -- she leads a pretty low-key lifestyle -- but ya gotta figure her mom Katie Holmes has something planned for such a big birthday.

Suri Cruise Celebra sus 18 años en Nueva York ... Tom en el set en Londres

Suri Cruise está celebrando su entrada a la vida adulta, incluso con un poco de lluvia, pues la chica celebró sus 18 años paseando por Nueva York con una amiga.

A pesar de lo lúgubre que estaba el tiempo, Suri no dejó que una llovizna arruinara su gran día. Se veía contenta conversando con su amiga mientras caminaban bajo su paraguas rosa.

Suri llevaba una bolsa de regalos en la mano mientras paseaba por la ciudad, lo que sugiere que las celebraciones ya estaban en marcha. Queda por ver si habrá alguna fiesta más grande más tarde. Ella lleva un estilo de vida bastante discreto, pero se tienen que imaginar que su madre Katie Holmes tiene algo planeado para un cumpleaños tan importante.

Cheryl Burke Being Breadwinner Hurt Marriage ... But Made Me Feel Great!!!

Amy and T.J. Podcast

Cheryl Burke's proving mo' money really does mean mo' problems -- at least from her POV ... which she says caused a lot of problems in her marriage to Matthew Lawrence.

The "Dancing with the Stars" alum talked about bringing in the big bucks on Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes' podcast this week ... and, while she says it made her feel good to be the breadwinner between her and Matt, she admits it didn't do their relationship any favors.

As CB explains it, she never tried to "buy" her ex-husband -- but she definitely says she supported the family financially, which she says stoked some tension between the pair.

Nuevo álbum de Taylor Swift Supuesta filtración... Los fans escuchan letras de Matty Healy

El nuevo álbum de Taylor Swift supuestamente se filtró antes de tiempo, y si esto es real, los fans están sorprendidos de escuchar algunas referencias a Matty Healy, cuando todo el mundo pensaba que se trataría enteramente de Joe Alwyn.

Esta es la cuestión, un enlace de Google Drive ha estado circulando por Internet en las últimas 24 horas que promete tener todas las canciones de "The Tortured Poets Department", su nuevo proyecto musical que saldrá el viernes.

No está claro si esto es verdad o no, pero mucha gente en X piensa que es una filtración legítima y, si es cierto, hay un montón de Swifties que están sorprendidos de escuchar un poco acerca de Matty.

Taylor Swift's New Album Purportedly Leaks Early ... Fans Hear Matty Healy Lyrics

Taylor Swift's new album supposedly leaked early -- and if it's real, fans are shocked to hear some Matty Healy references ... this when everyone thought it'd be all about Joe Alwyn.

Here's the deal ... a Google Drive link has been floating around the internet for the past 24 hours or so that purports to have all of Taylor's songs from "The Tortured Poets Department" -- her new project that's dropping Friday.

It's unclear if these are the real McCoy or not, but a lot of people on X think it's a legit leak -- and, if true, there's a lot of Swifties who are shocked to hear quite a bit about Matty.

Grimes Technical Issues at Coachella ... Angry Screams During Set

YouTube / @Coachella

Grimes' Coachella performance didn't go as planned ... plagued by constant stoppages she blamed on technical difficulties -- before she let off several frustrated shrieks.

The singer-songwriter took the stage on Saturday night out in Indio, CA, presumably ready to bring the house down ... though ultimately she couldn't keep the music up.

Check out the clip ... Grmies' show on the Sahara Stage is moving along just fine before an incorrectly timed transition throws the musician into a bit of a tailspin.