La nueva comedia romántica de Anne Hathaway tiene muchos elementos en común con la relación de Olivia Wilde y Harry Styles, pero aclara que no hay ninguna conexión.

La última película de la actriz, "The Idea of You", trata de una madre soltera de 40 años -interpretada por Anne- que se mete en un tórrido romance con un cantante de 24 años, interpretado por Nicholas Galitzine, y la gente ya ha interpretado esto como una inspiración.

Como ustedes saben, Olivia también era una madre soltera cuando se enganchó con Harry un par de años atrás y es por eso que la gente cree que Anne y compañía llevaron su historia a Amazon Prime.

Por desgracia para todos los que esperaban que esto fuera cierto, Anne hizo una aclaración en una reciente entrevista con Extra esta semana mientras promocionaba la película.

Cuando le preguntaron explícitamente sobre la teoría de Olivia y Harry, respondió. "No, simplemente no". En su lugar, Anne dice que la película trata de su personaje haciendo todo lo posible para recuperarse del desamor después de que su ex marido la dejara hecha pedazos... bastante genérico la verdad.

Puede haber algunos paralelismos, pero la verdad es que no pasa de una coincidencia.

Volviendo a Anne, ella dice que su nuevo papel es perfecto en este punto de su carrera, a pesar de que algunos han sugerido que ella es demasiado para el papel. Anne aclara que solo quería divertirse, y parece que lo está haciendo.


Anne Hathaway's new rom-com has a lot of the same elements as Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles' one-time real relationship -- but AH says there's no connection there whatsoever.

The actress' latest movie, "The Idea of You," is all about a 40-year-old single mom -- played by Anne -- who gets into a steamy romance with a super young 24-year-old boy band singer, played by Nicholas Galitzine ... which is why folks think OW and HS are the inspiration.

As you know ... Olivia was also a single mom when she hooked up with Harry a couple years back -- and that's why people believe Anne and co. took their story to Amazon Prime.

Unfortunately for everyone who was hoping for this to be true ... Anne shut it down explicitly in a recent interview with Extra this week while promoting the film.

When asked explicitly about the Olivia and Harry theory, AH replied. "No, just no." Instead, Anne says the movie's all about her character pulling out all the stops to bounce back from heartbreak after her ex-husband leaves her in pieces ... so, more generic than anything.

There might be some parallels ... but it's not anything Anne and co. looked to for reference, despite what some might think.

But back to Anne ... she's saying her new role was perfect for her to sink into at this point in her career -- even though some have suggested she's, perhaps, above it. Anne says she just wanted to have some fun, and it looks like she's doing that for this movie.

Jonathan Majors Demandado por su ex novia Grace Jabbari... Por agresión y difamación


12:21 PM PT -- El abogado de Jonathan Majors Priya Chaudhry le dice a TMZ: "Esto no es una sorpresa. El Sr. Majors está preparando contrademandas contra la Sra. Jabbari".

Jonathan Majors está siendo llevado nuevamente a los tribunales por su ex novia Grace Jabbari, quien lo está demandando por un caso de agresión en esta oportunidad y otras cuestiones que dice que ocurrieron en el pasado.

Jabbari acaba de presentar una demanda contra Majors y en los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, está entrando en muchos más detalles sobre estos otros casos, los que habrían ocurrido antes de marzo de 2023, cuando sucedió el incidente que lo llevó a la corte criminal y finalmente terminó con una condena en su contra.

En la demanda de Grace Jabbari, ella afirma que el supuesto abuso que sufrió a manos de Majors ocurrió poco tiempo después de que empezaran a salir en 2021, particularmente a fines de ese año, cuando tuvo miedo por primera vez de su temperamento, luego que mencionara una relación anterior que lo hizo enojarse y atacarla verbalmente.

Ella cita otros supuestos casos de abuso, incluyendo una acusación de que Majors la arrojó contra una pared en la ducha después de que se molestara con ella, y supuestamente le lanzara objetos como velas y otros artículos diversos.

Ella continúa afirmando que Majors la agredió en Londres en varias ocasiones mientras estaba filmando "Loki". Jabbari también afirma que cosas tan simples como tener compañía o reírse por teléfono con su madre le enfadaban y le hacían perder los estribos y alega que le rompía los auriculares o a veces incluso su cabeza.

Jabbari cita un supuesto caso en que Majors se enfadó tanto con ella que le golpeó la cabeza contra un suelo de mármol e incluso la habría estrangulado.

Afirma que fue por esas fechas que dio su diatriba sobre Coretta Scott King en Londres.

¡¡¡Sigue su ejemplo!!!

Finalmente, Jabbari menciona el incidente de marzo de 2023, en donde repite las acusaciones de que este la habría golpeado en el carro luego que ella intentara mirar un mensaje de texto en su teléfono que le habría enviado otra mujer.

Continúa afirmando que le torció los dedos en el carro y que cuando salió y ella lo siguió, él la empujó "como una pelota de fútbol".

Todo esto se discutió largamente durante el juicio, y al final el jurado condenó a Majors por las pruebas que vio el jurado fuera del vehículo. Aquí, sin embargo, ella está insistiendo con que hubo una agresión dentro del coche y que fue el punto de ebullición de lo que ella describe como una larga relación llena de abusos.

Como hemos informado, Majors fue declarado culpable de delito menor de agresión y acoso en diciembre, y actualmente está a la espera de su sentencia, a pesar de que su equipo ha presentado una solicitud para revocar la condena.

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Soy responsable por haber estado ahí
ABC News

Jabbari también está demandando a Majors por difamación, pues ella alega que el actor ha empañado su reputación al afirmar que mintió sobre el abuso físico durante las entrevistas que hizo antes y después del juicio.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Majors para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 11:58 AM PT

Jonathan Majors Sued by Ex-GF Grace Jabbari ... Claims Assault, Defamation


12:21 PM PT -- Jonathan Majors' lawyer Priya Chaudhry tells TMZ ... "This is no surprise. Mr. Majors is preparing counterclaims against Ms. Jabbari."

Jonathan Majors is being taken back to court by his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari -- who's now suing him over the assault case ... and some other stuff she claims went down beforehand.

Jabbari just filed suit against Majors ... and in the docs, obtained by TMZ, she's getting into a lot more detail about other alleged instances that she claims occurred before the March 2023 incident that landed him in criminal court, and which ultimately ended with a conviction.

In GJ's lawsuit, she claims the alleged abuse she endured at the hands of Majors started as early as 2021 after they'd started dating -- specifically pointing out a time at the end of that year which she says became the first she started to fear him and his temper ... this after she mentioned a previous relationship, which she says pissed him off and led to a verbal attack.

There are other alleged instances of abuse that she cites -- including a claim that Majors threw her into a shower wall after he got angry with her, while allegedly proceeding to throw objects, like candles and other miscellaneous items.

She goes on to claim Majors assaulted her in London on a number of occasions while he was in town filming "Loki." Jabbari also claims simple things like having company over or laughing on the phone with her mother would anger him and cause him to fly off the handle ... with her alleging he'd smash her headphones, or at times even her head.

Jabbari cites one alleged instance in which she claims that Majors got so angry with her that he slammed her head against a marble floor and even allegedly strangled her.

She claims it was during this time in London that he gave his Coretta Scott King diatribe.


Eventually, Jabbari brings up the incident from March 2023 ... again repeating her claims that he hit her in the car when she tried to look at his phone over a text from another woman.

She goes on to claim that he twisted her fingers in the car, and that when he got out and she followed ... he threw her back in "like a football."

All of this was discussed at length during the trial, and in the end ... the jury convicted Majors over what the jury saw from the evidence outside of the vehicle. Here, however, she's doubling down again in a lawsuit -- insisting he assaulted her in the car and claiming it was the boiling point of what she alleges was a lengthy relationship littered with abuse.

As we reported ... Majors was convicted of misdemeanor assault and harassment in December, and he's currently awaiting sentencing -- even though his team has filed to have the conviction tossed.

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ABC News

Another thing Jabbari is suing Majors for is defamation -- alleging he tarnished her reputation by claiming she lied about the physical abuse during interviews he did pre- and post-trial.

We've reached out to Majors' camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 11:58 AM PT

Taylor & Travis Sleuths Suspect Bahamas Getaway ... Same Island as Joe?!?

Sleuths covering Taylor Swift's every move think she and Travis Kelce are on a getaway together -- and if they're at this specific spot ... she may be a couple's vacay repeater.

Here's the deal ... despite her best efforts, people are still tracking Taylor's private jets -- or trying to anyway -- and one particular group thinks they've got her latest flight pinned down ... specifically, for a trip down to the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

This group of people who track jets suggest she may have been on a flight Sunday from L.A. to North Eleuthera -- and the reason they might be on to something  ... some purported pics of T-Swift and TK surfaced online Monday, and it appears to show them in a tropical setting.

More accurately, the photos published by Deuxmoi appear to show Taylor and Travis walking along a dock -- although the publication doesn't offer any details on where this might be.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Luckily for us, we've done some digging -- and we think we got it figured out ... 'cause the dock they're on looks awfully similar to one that's just a hop and skip away from the main Eleuthera island ... namely, one featured at the Valentines Resort & Marina at Harbour Island.

Take a close look for yourself -- it's hard to say for certain ... but on its face, some of the characteristics seem to line up in appearance. So yeah, it's possible this is where they're at.

If true -- and we're not 100% sure it is at this point, although there are signs it might be -- then this is really interesting ... 'cause Taylor vacationed with her ex, Joe Alwyn, in Eleuthera as well once upon a time. In fact, it looks like she may be doing some of the same stuff.

Remember, in 2022 ... Taylor and Joe also jetted down to the Bahamas -- and they were staying in Eleuthera as well back then ... in none other than an airstream trailer owned by Lenny Kravitz. No word on whether she's shacking up there again with Trav ... hopefully not.

What's interesting about this too ... the fact Joe was just in L.A. the other day, this while Travis and Taylor were in town. Seems to be a lot of flashbacks going on with her ex-BF.


One last thing that pretty much confirms these two are enjoying a little R&R -- this on the heels of his NFL season being over, and Taylor enjoying a break from her international tour.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Taylor and Travis have had a vacation planned for a while -- although we didn't hear exactly where they were going. However, our sources say that after they went on this vacay -- which, for now, sure seems like it's happening right now -- they were due to come back to Los Angeles and continue hanging out/playing house.

Taylor and Travis have been shacking up together at her Bev Hills crib for the past couple weeks -- and while Taylor hasn't been spotted out ... Trav's been hitting the town a lot solo.

The guy's been cruising around with his buddies, and he even went to the Justin Timberlake show last week ahead of the debut of his new album ... where he got an *NSYNC reunion.

Anyhoo ... assuming these two are on the getaway we think they're on -- this would mark their first real trip together where it's completely non-work-related ... another step in their relationship ... and just more evidence that they're truly getting serious.

As for the Joe shadow hovering over the Bahamas ... hey, shake it off. New man, new memories! We've reached out to Taylor and Travis' camp ... so far, no word back.

Sophie Turner Reactivates Divorce with Joe ... Still Amicably Talking


7:16 AM PT -- Joe's rep tells TMZ, "The filing was a legal formality, and the couple continues to negotiate an amicable resolution."

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas have failed to hash out a settlement in their divorce, so now she's filed legal docs asking the judge to lay down the law and end the marriage.

Sophie's docs, obtained by TMZ, ask to "reactivate" the divorce proceedings, which were put on hold as the former couple went to mediation to work out a property and child custody settlement.

Apparently, those discussions broke down, so she's asking the judge to hear the case and impose a court-ordered settlement.

They went to mediation in part to keep their disputes private ... but that won't be the case now that she's asked to have a judge take it on ... all the filings -- outlining their disputes -- will now be public.

As we reported, Joe and Sophie had significant disagreements on where the children would live full-time ... she wanted to take them to the UK -- Joe wanted to keep them in the U.S. It got so bad, Sophie filed legal docs involving a child abduction law, but she dropped it.

It seems they're still at loggerheads over custody. They had a prenup, so property is probably not a big issue.

Joe and Sophie reached a temporary child custody arrangement, but it seems they've been unable to hash out a permanent one.

Both Joe and Sophie have moved on romantically ... he's with Stormi Bree, she's with Perry Pearson.

So it's game on ... again.

Originally Published -- 4:39 PM PT

Chris Appleton Está saliendo con un graduado de Harvard Luego del divorcio...

Chris Appleton ha dado vuelta la página de su ex marido Lukas Gage, y ahora está saliendo con un nuevo novio que no tiene vínculos con Hollywood.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que el peluquero de celebridades, conocido por ser uno de los mejores amigos de Kim Kardashian, ahora está saliendo casualmente con un tipo normal, que resulta ser un bombón llamado Frederico.

Los dos fueron fotografiados por primera vez en público durante el fin de semana de los Oscar en el famoso Chateau Marmont de Los Ángeles.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la pareja se llevó bien después de cruzar caminos a través de amigos en común hace aproximadamente un mes, y ahora están manteniendo las cosas relajadas y viendo hacia dónde los lleva, más o menos como todo el mundo cuando está saliendo con alguien nuevo.

Nos dice que después de la separación de Lukas, Chris estaba abierto a probar algo completamente diferente y es un cambio bienvenido que no esté saliendo con alguien de Hollywood.

Aunque no está claro en qué campo trabaja Frederico, es un sabelotodo, pues nos dicen que es un graduado de Harvard, así que pueden asumir que tiene una carrera bastante sólida por delante.

¡Chris definitivamente se siente bien en esta nueva etapa y parece que Frederico está encajando bien con su círculo! Nos dicen que incluso se reunió con algunos de los amigos de Chris, que le están dando su pulgar de aprobación.

Como ya informamos, Chris puso fin a su relación con Lukas en noviembre, solo 6 meses después de su rápida boda en Las Vegas en la Little White Chapel oficiada por Kim K. Chris alegó "diferencias irreconciliables" como motivo de la ruptura. La pareja tenía un acuerdo prenupcial.

Disfrutando mi soltería!!!

Chris y Lukas están siguiendo con sus vidas después de la separación. Lukas se metió de lleno en Hinge en enero para encontrar un nuevo amor, aunque ahora dice que está muy bien disfrutando de sí mismo.

Todo es cuestión de amor propio, ¿verdad?


Chris Appleton has moved on from his ex-hubby Lukas Gage ... and is now dating a new guy who has no ties to Hollywood.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the celeb hairdresser, known famously for having Kim Kardashian as his client/BFF, is now casually dating a regular dude -- who happens to be a bona fide hottie -- named Federico.

The two were first photographed in public together during Oscars weekend at L.A.'s famous Chateau Marmont.

Our sources tell us the pair hit it off after crossing paths through mutual friends about a month ago, and right now they're keeping things laid-back and just seeing where it takes them -- pretty much how everyone rolls when they're vibing with someone new.

We're told after Chris' split from Lukas, he was open to something completely different and this is a welcomed change he’s not dating someone in the Hollywood scene.

While it's unclear exactly what field Federico works in, he's a smarty pants as we're told he's a graduate of Harvard ... so one can assume he has a pretty solid gig career-wise.

Chris is definitely feeling good about moving forward, and it sounds like Federico's fitting right in with his crew -- we're told he's even met some of Chris' pals, who are giving him a thumbs up!

As we reported ... Chris called it quits with Lukas in November, just 6 months after their quickie Vegas wedding at the Little White Chapel officiated by Kim K. Chris listed "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split. The couple did have a prenup.


Chris and Lukas are making moves post-split ... Lukas went all-in and hopped on Hinge in January to find new love -- but now he says he's all about dating himself.

It's all about self-love, right?

Paris Hilton's Ex-BF Chris Zylka 2nd Engagement Goes Boom!!! Hailee Lautenbach Ends It

Paris Hilton's ex-boyfriend Chris Zylka is no longer engaged to actress Hailee Lautenbach ... TMZ has learned.

Hailee tells TMZ ... "Ending the engagement was the best decision I've ever made in my life." And, if that response sounds familiar to anyone -- it was nearly identical to a statement Paris dropped to Cosmo UK after she and Chris called off their own engagement in 2018.

As for when the split occurred? Sources say Hailee and Chris ended things back in January ... shortly after the duo moved to L.A. together from Portland, OR.

We're told the exes are no longer living together, which is not a given these days -- yes, we're looking at you Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix.

Their split comes almost a year and a half after Chris popped the question -- infamously without a ring -- before the Seattle marathon in 2022.

They struck up a romantic relationship after first meeting on the set for the movie "Model House" ... which awkwardly enough, is coming out on April 5. Something tells us you won't see them sitting side-by-side to promote it.

This is Chris' second attempt at heading to the altar. Remember, in January 2018, he proposed marriage to the Hilton heiress -- of course, that time he did have a ring ... a 20-carat sparkler to be exact.

The engagement was short-lived, however, as Chris and Paris called things off by November of that same year.

Paris went on to marry Carter Reum in 2021, and they've had 2 kids together.

Meanwhile, Chris is back on the market.

Ex de Paris Hilton, Chris Zylka ¡¡Hailee Lautenbach rompe su compromiso!!

El ex novio de Paris Hilton, Chris Zylka, ya no está comprometido con la actriz Hailee Lautenbach, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Hailee le dice a TMZ: "Poner fin al compromiso fue la mejor decisión que he tomado en mi vida". Y si esa respuesta les suena familiar, es casi idéntica a una declaración que dio Paris Hilton a Cosmo UK después de que ella y Chris cancelaran su compromiso en 2018.

En cuanto a cuándo ocurrió la separación, las fuentes dicen que Hailee y Chris terminaron las cosas en enero, poco después de que el dúo se mudara a Los Ángeles desde Portland.

Nos dicen que los ex ya no viven juntos, que no es un hecho en estos días, sí, los estamos mirando a ustedes Tom Sandoval y Ariana Madix.

Su ruptura se produce casi un año y medio después de que Chris le hiciera la pregunta antes de la maratón de Seattle en 2022, ¡y sin un anillo!

La pareja empezó su relación después de conocerse en el set de la película "Model House", que curiosamente se estrenará el 5 de abril. Algo nos dice que no los veremos sentados uno al lado del otro para promocionar el filme.

Esta es la segunda vez que Chris cancela un compromiso. Recordemos que en enero de 2018 le propuso matrimonio a la heredera de los Hilton, claro que esa vez sí tenía un anillo, una bengala de 20 quilates para ser exactos.

El compromiso fue de corta duración, sin embargo, Chris y Paris cancelaron su compromiso en noviembre de ese mismo año.

Paris se casó con Carter Reum en 2021, y tienen 2 hijos juntos.

Mientras tanto, Chris ha vuelto al mercado.


Los fans de Shakira han estado esperando casi una década para un nuevo álbum, y su ex -Gerard Piqué- puede tener la culpa, al menos según la propia Shakira.

La cantante y compositora apareció en el Sunday Times para dar una entrevista que se publicó el sábado, donde reveló que pausó su carrera para apoyar a Gerard en sus días como jugador en Barcelona.

Shakira explicó que hizo un montón de sacrificios en nombre del amor -cosa que sabemos que no duró- decidiendo cuidar de los niños en lugar de centrarse en su música.

Por supuesto, Gerard y Shakira rompieron durante el verano de 2022, con rumores de infidelidad arremolinándose cuando la pareja tomó caminos separados.

X / @HelianHdz

El camino de Shakira la ha llevado fuera de España y hasta Miami, donde se ha hecho amiga de David Beckham, a quien dijo que conocía antes de empezar a salir con Gerard, cuando David jugaba para el rival del Barcelona, el Real Madrid.

La estrella colombiana dijo que está en contacto constante con Victoria Beckham, y espera llevar a su hijo Milan a un partido de fútbol en Miami, dejando al querido papá totalmente fuera de la ecuación.

Shakira se mantuvo por encima de todo conflicto con Piqué durante la entrevista, aunque admitió que parecía justicia divina que uno de sus viejos rivales de fútbol, Sergio Ramos, la presentara para el Grammy Latino.

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shakira en la corte

Shakira también habló de su caso de fraude fiscal, aunque no dijo nada acerca de su falta de material musical. Después de todo es cantante y lo único que ha lanzado los últimos años es "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran", clara referencia a su terminada relación.

En cualquier caso, parece que Shakira finalmente se ha centrado en sí misma de nuevo y Gerard mejor que esté atento a los fans que podrían haber querido un álbum un poco antes.

Shakira Gerard's Career Came First ... Sacrificed For Love

Shakira fans have been waiting almost a decade for a new album ... and her ex Gerard Piqué may be to blame -- at least, according to Shakira herself that is.

The singer-songwriter sat down with the Sunday Times for an interview published Saturday ... where she revealed she actually put her career on pause to support Gerard turning his playing days in Barcelona.

Shakira explained she made a lot of sacrifices in the name of love -- one we know didn't last -- deciding to take care of the kids rather than focusing on her music.

Of course, Gerard and Shakira broke up during the summer of 2022, with rumors of infidelity swirling as the pair went their separate ways.

X / @HelianHdz

Shakira's path has taken her out of Spain and down to Miami where she's made fast friends with David Beckham -- who she said she knew back before she started dating Gerard, when DB played for Barcelona's rival, Real Madrid.

The Colombian star said she's in constant contact with Victoria Beckham ... and she's hoping to take her son Milan to a soccer match down in Miami -- leaving dear old dad totally out of the equation.

Shakira stayed above the whole Piqué fray during the interview BTW -- though she did admit it seemed like cosmic justice that one of his old soccer rivals Sergio Ramos presented her with a Latin Grammy.

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She also skipped over talking about her tax fraud case -- instead choosing to focus on her first studio album in seven years, "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran" which translates to "Women No Longer Cry" ... bit of a wink and a nudge to a certain ex?

In any case, seems Shakira's finally focused on herself again ... and Gerard better be on the lookout for bitter fans who might've wanted an album a bit sooner.

Joe Alwyn Surfaces in L.A. ... While Taylor & Travis Are in Town

Joe Alwyn is in L.A. while his ex, Taylor Swift, and her current boyfriend, Travis Kelce are in town ... and it seems there's a common connection in one Emma Stone.

The British actor surfaced Friday near a coffee shop in Studio City, where he appeared to be on his own and minding his business -- but by the same token, he wasn't really going incognito ... while JA was rocking a ball cap and shades, he removed both.

What this seems to mean ... Joe wasn't shy about having his mug out there, and he didn't appear to mind being photographed either. The dude's just out there doing his thing.

This is interesting for a few different reasons -- one, he's technically on Taylor's turf here, and not just that ... but she's out here in L.A. right now with none other than TK -- who's been a man about town as well. Of course, if these 2 were to run into each other ... awk.

Taylor and Joe were together for 6 years before they split up in 2023 -- and in the aftermath of her getting with Travis ... she's got a new album coming out that seems primed to take JA to task, at least that's what the Swifties seem to think anyway.

In any case ... Joe doesn't seem to care if he crosses paths with T-Swift and Travis -- 'cause, frankly, he actually has a reason to be in town, and it's work-related.

If you didn't hear, Emma Stone is gonna be in this new movie with the same director who just helped win her an Oscar ... and Joe's gonna be in it too. In fact, this will mark the second time that Joe has worked with ES on a Yorgos Lanthimos movie ... they already did "The Favourite" together a few years back, and YL is reteaming with these two again for his latest.

Interestingly enough ... Taylor and Emma have a good friendship as it is, and now -- Emma's slated to work with her ex, who's now cruising around L.A. as Tay Tay is on a lil' break.

Here's hoping there are no weird run-ins ... this town is a lot smaller than you think!

Joe Alwyn Aparece en L.A. ... Mientras Taylor y Travis están en la ciudad

Joe Alwyn está en Los Ángeles, al mismo tiempo que su ex Taylor Swift y su actual novio Travis Kelce y parece que hay una conexión común con Emma Stone.

El actor británico apareció el viernes cerca de una cafetería en Studio City, donde parecía andar solo y ocupado de sus propios asuntos, y por la misma razón, no iba exactamente de incógnito, así que se sacó la gorra de béisbol y las gafas que llevaba puestas.

Lo que esto parece significar es que Joe no estaba siendo tímido con pasear por ahí y tampoco pareció importarle ser fotografiado. El tipo estaba por ahí haciendo de las suyas.

Esto es interesante por varias razones, una, que está técnicamente en el territorio de Taylor y no solo eso, que ella también está en Los Ángeles en este momento con nada menos que Travis Kelce, que ha sido el hombre del momento en la ciudad. Por supuesto, si estos dos se encontraran ... sería incómodo.

Taylor y Joe estuvieron juntos 6 años antes de que se separaran en 2023 y ella se emparejara con Travis. La cantante tiene un nuevo álbum que parece incluir algunas críticas a Joe, o al menos eso es lo que los Swifties parecen pensar.

En cualquier caso, a Joe no parece importarle si se cruza con T-Swift y Travis, porque francamente tiene una razón para estar en la ciudad y se relaciona con el trabajo.

Por si no se han enterado, Emma Stone va a estar en una nueva película con el mismo director que la acaba de ayudar a ganar un Oscar, y Joe va a estar en ella también. De hecho, esta sería la segunda vez que Joe trabaja con Emma Stone en una película de Yorgos Lanthimos. Ambos ya hicieron "The Favourite" juntos hace unos años y Yorgos Lanthimos está reclutando a estos dos de nuevo para su nuevo proyecto.

Curiosamente, Taylor y Emma tienen una buena amistad y ahora Emma estará trabajando con su ex, que está paseando por todo Los Ángeles mientras TayTay está en un descanso.

Esperemos que no haya roces extraños, ¡esta ciudad es mucho más pequeña de lo que crees!

Kim y Bianca Juntas en la fiesta de escucha del disco de Kanye

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Instagram / @djpharris

Apuesto a que nunca pensaste que verías a Kim Kardashian y Bianca Censori juntas.

Bueno, piénsalo dos veces, porque la ex-esposa de Kanye West y su actual esposa estuvieron juntas en la fiesta de Ye el martes por la noche, ¡¡¡y todo fue grabado en video!!!

Echa un vistazo, Kim estaba de pie junto a Bianca detrás de una barrera policial, murmurando la letra de una canción del nuevo álbum de estudio de Kanye "Vultures 2".

Sorprendentemente, parecían relajadas y cómodas la una en presencia de la otra en el Chase Center de San Francisco. Pero una cosa era obvia: no eran las mejores amigas ni hablaron entre sí, al menos en las imágenes publicadas en las redes sociales.

Aun así, esto fue totalmente inesperado. Incluso sus fans se quedaron atónitos y empezaron a cotillear sobre ello en "X" después de que las imágenes se esparcieran como la pólvora.

Estos son solo algunos de los comentarios publicados en la aplicación: "No me lo esperaba", "¿De qué demonios estarán hablando?" ''No lo sé, pero esto es una locura", "Yo WTF".

Como saben, Kim estuvo casada casi siete años con Kanye antes de divorciarse en 2021. La pareja comparte cuatro hijos: North, Saint, Chicago y Psalm.

Luego, Bianca Censori entró en escena, una antigua empleada de la empresa de Kanye, Yeezy. Los dos fueron vistos juntos por primera vez a principios de 2023 antes de casarse en una ceremonia privada.

Desde entonces, han estado galanteando por todo el mundo. Bianca se ha pavoneado en público medio desnuda y a veces incluso ha mostrado más de la mitad.

Aunque Kim y Bianca han tenido aparentemente una relación amistosa, se ha informado que Kim no está muy contenta con que Bianca use sus reveladores atuendos mientras está alrededor de los niños.

Pero ahora todo está bien y están estrechando lazos en un evento de Kanye. ¿O se trata de una jugada de Kim para calmar a su ex?

Quédense atentos.

Kim And Bianca Hangin' Together At Kanye's Album Listening Party

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Instagram / @djpharris

Betcha never thought you'd ever see Kim Kardashian and Bianca Censori together.

Well, think again, 'cause Kanye West's ex-wife and current wife were hanging out at Ye's listening party Tuesday night – and it was all caught on video!!!

Check it out ... Kim was standing with Bianca behind a police barrier, grooving and mouthing the words to a song from Kanye's newest studio album "Vultures 2."

Amazingly, they seemed chill and comfortable in each other's presence at the Chase Center in San Francisco. But one thing was obvious -- the women were not best buds or getting chatty with one another, at least in the footage posted on social media.

Still, this was totally outta left field. Even their fans were stunned and started gossiping about it on "X" after the footage spread like wildfire.

These were just some of the comments posted on the app: 'Didn't expect that'... 'What on earth would they be taking about?'... ''I don't know but this is crazy'... 'Yo WTF.'

As you know, Kim was hitched to Kanye for nearly seven years before their divorce in 2021, settling it a year later. The couple shares four children: North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm.

Enter Bianca Censori, a former employee of Kanye's company, Yeezy. The two were first seen out together in early 2023 before tying the knot in a private wedding ceremony.

Since then, they've been gallivanting around the world ... as Bianca prances around in public half naked and sometimes even more than half, wearing sheer tights.

While Kim and Bianca have seemingly had an amicable relationship, it's been reported Kim wasn't too happy about Bianca dressing in revealing outfits while around the kids.

But now all's cool and they're bonding at a Kanye event. Or is this Kim's play to calm her ex?


Stay tuned ...

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